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B. A.

(Hons) English Semester-I

DSC AECC Generic Elective
1. Delhi Through the Ages: The
1. Indian Classical Literature Making of the Early Modern
2. European Classical Literature History (History)
2. Nationalism in India (Political

Environmental Science 3. Hindi Cinema Aur Uska

Adhyayan (Hindi)

Compulsory Choose any one

Compulsory Note: Students opting for
option 3 will not be
provided with study
material and other support.
Scheme of Examination and
Courses of Reading for B.A. (Hons.) English



University of Delhi

Syllabus Applicable for the students seeking admission to

B.A. (Hons.) English Course in 2019
1. Indian Classical Literature
2. European Classical Literature
Environmental Science
1. History: Delhi through the Ages: The Making of the Early Modern History
2. Political Science: Nationalism in India
3. Hindi: Hindi Cinema Aur Uska Adhyayan
Choose any One
Note: Students opting for option 3 will not be provided with study material and other support.

1- Hkkjrh; ikjEifjd lkfgR;

2- ;wjksfi;u ikjEifjd lkfgR;
¼vfuok;Z iz'ui=½

i;kZoj.kh; foKku
¼vfuok;Z iz'ui=½

1- bfrgkl % fofHkUu dky[k.Mksa esa fnYyh % izkjafHkd vk/kqfud bfrgkl dk fuekZ.k

2- jktuhfr foKku % Hkkjr esa jk"Vªokn
3- fgUnh % fgUnh flusek vkSj mldk v/;;u
¼fdlh ,d fodYi dk p;u djsa½


Semester 1

Course Statement

The paper introduces students to a rich and diverse literature from two classical languages of
India, Sanskrit and Tamil. A key feature is the study of the poetics in the epics of both
languages, including their literary traditions and their representations of a pluralist society in
terms of linguistic, religious, and generic diversity. The paper lays a foundation in Indian
poetics, theories of representation, aesthetics, aspects of Indian theatre, and traditions of
story-telling and narrative structures. Optional papers on Indian literature in subsequent
semesters will reinforce the centrality of this paper in providing an understanding of key
concepts related to the form and content of Indian literatures.

Course Objectives

The course aims to

• study significant sections of Vyasa's Mahabharata in order to determine
conceptualisation and representation of class, caste, gender, and disability in the
context of the epic battle over rights and righteousness;
• examine selections from Ilango's Cilapattikaram to understand the interplay of Tamil
poetics and the lifestyle of communities, negotiating ideas related to love, justice,
war, governance, and conduct in private and public domains;
• study Sanskrit drama, a Nataka, and a Prakarna, to appreciate its debts to
Natyashastra in their formal aspects;
• explore the central concerns of Sanskrit drama in relation to notions of the ideal ruler,
lover, friend, and spouse; the presence of Buddhist edicts, the voices of the poor and
the marginalised, the position of women in different social strata, the subversive use
of humour, and the performative aspects of Sanskrit theatre;
• introduce students to selections elucidating Tamil and Sanskrit poetics (Unit 5); a
critical overview of the theorisation of Akam, Puram, and Thinai in Tolkappiyam,
juxtaposed to lyrics from Sangam poetry; the Rasa theory from Natyashastra, to help
students appreciate the inter-connections between theory and practice in theatre; a
representation of disability in theatre, examined through the portrayal of Vidushaka

Facilitating the Achievement of Course Learning Outcomes

Unit Course Learning Outcomes Teaching and Assessment Tasks

No. Learning Activity

1. Understanding concepts Interactive Reading material together in

discussions in small groups, initiating
small groups in discussion topics, participation
Tutorial classes in discussions

2. Expressing concepts How to think Writing essay length

through writing critically and write assignments
with clarity

3. Demonstrating conceptual Discussing exam Class tests

and textual understanding questions and
in tests and exams answering

Course Contents

Unit 1

Vyasa, selections from The Mahabharata, from The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana

Vyasa, trans. K. M. Ganguli (Delhi: MunshiramManoharlal Publishers, 2012).
a) ‘The Dicing’ and ‘Sequel to Dicing’, Book 2, Sabha Parva Section XLVI-LXXII
b) ‘The Temptation of Karna’, Book 5, Udyog Parva, Section CXL-CXLVI.
c) ‘Dhritrashtra and Gandhari’s Wrath’, Book 11, Section XI-XV.

Unit 2

Kalidasa, Abhijnanasakuntalam, trans. Chandra Rajan, in Kalidasa: The Loom of Time,

(Penguin Classics, 1989, reprint 2000)

Unit 3

Sudraka, The Mrichchhakatika of Sudraka, trans. M. R. Kale (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas

Publishers, 1924, reprint 2013).

Unit 4

IlangoAtikal, The Cilappatikaram, Cantos 1, 2, 7, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 30,
trans. R. Parthasarathy (Columbia University Press, 1993; Penguin Books India, 2004).

Unit 5

• Selections from Natyasastra, (i) Chapter 6, ‘The Sentiments’; (ii) Chapter 20, ‘Ten
Kinds of Play’; (iii) Chapter 35, ‘Characteristics of the Jester’, trans. Manomohan
Ghosh (Calcutta: Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1951) pp.105-17; 355-74; 548-50.
• IravatiKarve, ‘Draupadi’, in Yuganta: The End of an Epoch (Hyderabad: Disha, 1991)
pp. 79–105.
• R. Venkatachalapathy, ‘Introduction’, in Love Stands Alone: Selections from Tamil
Sangam Poetry (Delhi: Penguin Classics, 2013) pp. XIII-XLI, 25, 45, 70, 186.
• Edwin Gerow et al, ‘Indian Poetics’ in The Literatures of India: An Introduction, ed.
Edward. C. Dimock et al, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974. Pp 115-143

Essential reading

Note: This is a literature-based course, and therefore, all these texts are to be considered
essential reading.

Teaching Plan
Paper 1: Indian Classical Literature

Week1 – Introduction to Indian Classical Literature

Week 2 – Unit 1 – The Mahabharata: The Dicing
Week 3 – The Mahabharata (contd): The Temptation of Karna; Dhritrashtra and
Gandhari's wrath
Week 4 – Unit 5 --Natyashastra, prescribed sections
Week 5 – Unit 2 -- Kalidasa, Abhijnasakuntalam
Week 6 – Kalidasa (contd)
Week7 – Unit 3 -- Sudraka, Mrichchakatika
Week 8 – Sudraka (contd)
Week 9 – Unit 5 -- Venkatachalapathy, ‘Introduction’, in Love Stands Alone:
Selections from Tamil Sangam Poetry
Week 10 – Unit 4 -- Introduction to Atikal, Cilappatikaram, Cantos1, 2, 7, 18, 19
Week11 – Atikal (contd), Cantos 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 30
Week12 – Unit 5 – Gerow, ‘Indian Poetics’ IrawatiKarve, ‘Draupadi’
Week 13 – Sanskrit plays revisited; critical discussion on the prescribed plays
Week 14 – Indian epics revisited; critical discussion on Mahabharata and

Indian Epics
Akam Puram

Semester 1

Course Statement

This course provides a humanist foundation to English studies, to be considered essential

reading. It enables an exploration of classical Greek, Roman, and Hebrew literature in
English translation, tracing its impact and influence on English literature from the period of
the Renaissance to the Modern. The paper offers a wide-ranging perspective on the aesthetic,
philosophical, and social concerns of classical literature. It introduces students to multiple
genres and forms, including the epic, tragedy, comedy, the lyric, and the dialogue. Selections
from the Old and New Testament of The Bible provide the context to literary styles and ideas
governing Western literature’s interface with the community and its spiritual needs.

Course Objectives

This course aims to

• explore the historical, cultural, and philosophical origins of tragedy and
• engage with both genres in their distinctive form, style, and characterization,
including their representation of human aspirations, foibles, grandeur, and
• examine representations of disability in mythology through the reading of
selections from Ovid
• examine the Book of Job from the Old Testament of The Bible for its literary
style, including its debate over tragic fate and human suffering, and to locate
its enduring influence over subsequent humanist writings;
• juxtapose the Old Testament to ideas of compassion and surrender to God's
will as outlined in the selection from the New Testament;
• study the history of ideas pertaining to the human-social-divine interface in
theorisations on form, narrative, social organization, and aesthetics in the
writings of Plato, Aristotle, and Horace; and
• study gendered explorations of human relations in classical literature in
multiple genres, and to examine a woman writer's standpoint on love, war and
the primacy of the gendered self.

Facilitating the Achievement of Course Learning Outcomes

Unit Course Learning Outcomes Teaching and Assessment Tasks

No. Learning Activity

1. Understanding concepts Interactive Reading material together in

discussions in small groups, initiating
small groups in discussion topics, participation
Tutorial classes in discussions

2. Expressing concepts How to think Writing essay length

through writing critically and write assignments
with clarity

3. Demonstrating conceptual Discussing exam Class tests

and textual understanding questions and
in tests and exams answering

Course Contents

Unit 1

Homer, The Iliad, tr. E.V. Rieu (Harmondsworth: Penguin,1985).

Unit 2

Sophocles, ‘OedipusRex’, trans. Robert Fagles, in The Three Theban Plays, revised
reprint (Penguin Classics, 1984).

Unit 3

a) Plautus, The Brothers Menaechmus, trans. E. R. Walting (Penguin Classics, 1965).

b) Ovid Selections from Metamorphoses ‘Bacchus’, (Book III), ‘Tieresias’ (Book III)
‘Philomela’ (Book VI), tr. Mary M. Innes (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975).

Unit 4

a) ‘The Book of Job’, The Holy Bible, The New International Version (Zondervan, 2011).
b) Selection from ‘The Gospel According to St. Matthew’, Chapter 5,Verses 1-48

Unit 5

• Plato, (ii) ‘Theory of Art’; both in Republic, Book 10 (Penguin Classics, 2007) pp.
240-48; 335-53.

• Aristotle, Aristotle, Poetics, translated with an introduction and notes by Malcolm
Heath, (London: Penguin, 1996) chaps. 6–17, 23, 24, and 26.
• Sappho, (i) ‘On the Throne of Many Hues, Immortal Aphrodite’; (ii) ‘Some Say an
Army of Horsemen’, from Lyrics 1, trans. Diane J. Rayor and Andre Lardinois, in A
New Translation of Complete Works, (2014).
• Horace ‘Ars Poetica’, trans. H. Rushton Fairclough (Harvard University Press,
1929). Pp 451-73

Essential reading

Note: This is a literature-based course, and therefore, all these texts are to be considered
essential reading.

Teaching Plan
Paper 2: European Classical Literature

Week 1 – Introduction to European Classical Literature; Unit 1 -- Homer, The Iliad

Week 2 – Homer (contd)
Week 3 – Unit 2 -- Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
Week 4 – Sophocles (contd)
Week 5 – Unit 3 -- Discussions: Old Comedy, Roman Comedy; Plautus, Brothers
Week 6 – Plautus (contd)
Week 7 – Unit 3 -- Ovid, prescribed selections
Week 8 – Unit 5 -- Horace, ‘Ars Poetica’
Week 9 – Unit 5 -- Sappho, prescribed selections
Week 10 – Unit 5 -- Plato, prescribed selections
Week 11 – Unit 4 -- The Bible, Book of Job
Week 12 – Book of Job (contd)
Week 13 – Unit 4 -- The Bible, The Gospel according to Matthew, prescribed sections
Week 14 – Critical discussion of texts, discussion of question paper, examination
related queries from students, revision.



Environmental Studies

Compulsory course on Environmental Studies at UG level (AECC I)

Course Learning Outcomes

The course will empower the undergraduate students by helping them to:
i. Gain in-depth knowledge on natural processes and resources that sustain life and govern
ii. Understand the consequences of human actions on the web of life, global economy, and
quality of human life.
iii. Develop critical thinking for shaping strategies (scientific, social, economic,
administrative, and legal) for environmental protection, conservation of biodiversity,
environmental equity, and sustainable development.
iv. Acquire values and attitudes towards understanding complex environmental- economic-
social challenges, and active participation in solving current environmental problems and
preventing the future ones.
v. Adopt sustainability as a practice in life, society, and industry.

Unit 1
Introduction to Environmental Studies (2 lectures)
• Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies; components of environment:
atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere
• Scope and importance; Concept of sustainability and sustainable development; Brief
history of environmentalism

Suggested Readings
1. Raven, P.H, Hassenzahl, D.M., Hager, M.C, Gift, N.Y., and Berg, L.R. (2015). Environment, 8th
Edition. Wiley Publishing, USA. Chapter 1 (Pages: 1-17); Chapter 2 (Pages: 22-23); Chapter
3 (Pages: 40, 41); Chapter 4 (Pages: 64, 66).
2. Singh, J.S., Singh, S.P., and Gupta, S.R. (2017). Ecology, Environmental Science and
Conservation. S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi. Chapter 1 (Page: 3-28).

Unit 2
Ecosystems (6 lectures)
• Definition and concept of Ecosystem
• Structure of ecosystem (biotic and abiotic components); Functions of Ecosystem:
Physical (energy flow), Biological (food chains, food web, ecological succession), and
Biogeochemical (nutrient cycling) processes. Concepts of productivity, ecological
pyramids and homeostasis
• Types of Ecosystems: Tundra, Forest, Grassland, Desert, Aquatic (ponds, streams,
lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries); importance and threats with relevant examples from
• Ecosystem services (Provisioning, Regulating, Cultural, and Supporting); Ecosystem
preservation and conservation strategies; Basics of Ecosystem restoration
Suggested Readings
1. Odum, E.P., Odum, H.T., and Andrews, J. (1971). Fundamentals of Ecology. Saunders,
Philadelphia, USA. Chapter 1 (Pages: 1-16); Chapter 2 (Pages: 18-76); Chapter 10 (Pages:
2. Raven, P.H, Hassenzahl, D.M., Hager, M.C, Gift, N.Y., and Berg, L.R. (2015). Environment, 9th
Edition. Wiley Publishing, USA. Chapter 3 (Pages: 38-52); Chapter 4 (Pages: 53-62); Chapter
5 (Pages: 100-103); Chapter 6 (Pages: 106-128).
3. Singh, J.S., Singh, S.P., and Gupta, S.R. (2017). Ecology, Environmental Science and
Conservation. S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi. Chapter 13 (Pages: 307-323); Chapter 18
(Pages: 420-442); Chapter 28 (Pages: 747-769).

Unit 3
Natural Resources (8 lectures)
• Land resources: Minerals, soil, agricultural crops, natural forest products, medicinal
plants, and forest-based industries and livelihoods; Land cover, land use change, land
degradation, soil erosion, and desertification; Causes of deforestation; Impacts of
mining and dam building on environment, forests, biodiversity, and tribal communities
• Water resources: Natural and man-made sources; Uses of water; Over exploitation
of surface and ground water resources; Floods, droughts, and international &inter-
state conflicts over water
• Energy resources: Renewable and non-renewable energy sources; Use of alternate
energy sources; Growing energy needs; Energy contents of coal, petroleum, natural
gas and bio gas; Agro-residues as a biomass energy source
• Case studies: Contemporary Indian issues related to mining, dams, forests, energy,
etc (e.g., National Solar Mission, Cauvery river water conflict, Sardar Sarovar dam,
Chipko movement, Appiko movement, Tarun Bharat Sangh, etc)

Suggested Readings
1. Gadgil, M. and Guha, R. (1993). This Fissured Land: An Ecological History of India. University
of California Press, Berkeley, USA. (pp. 1-245).
2. McCully, P. (1996). Rivers no more: the environmental effects of dams, In: Silenced Rivers: The
Ecology and Politics of Large Dams, Zed Books, New York, USA. Page. 29-64.
3. Raven, P.H, Hassenzahl, D.M., Hager, M.C, Gift, N.Y. and Berg, L.R. (2015). Environment, 9th
Edition. Wiley Publishing, USA. Chapters 10, 11, 12, 13 (Pages: 180-263); Chapter 14 (Pages:
272-275); Chapter 15 (Pages: 286-289).
4. Singh, J.S., Singh, S.P. and Gupta, S.R. (2017). Ecology, Environmental Science and
Conservation. S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi. Chapter 25 (Pages: 623-663).

Unit 4
Biodiversity and Conservation (8 lectures)
• Definition of Biodiversity; Levels of biological diversity: genetic, species and
ecosystem diversity
• India as a mega-biodiversity nation; Biogeographic zones of India; Biodiversity
hotspots; Endemic and endangered species of India; IUCN Red list criteria and
• Value of biodiversity: Ecological, economic, social, ethical, aesthetic, and
informational values of biodiversity with examples; sacred groves and their
importance with examples
• Threats to biodiversity: Habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation; Poaching of
wildlife; Man-wildlife conflicts; Biological invasion with emphasis on Indian
biodiversity; Current mass extinction crisis
• Biodiversity conservation strategies: in-situ and ex-situ methods of conservation;
National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, and Biosphere reserves; Keystone, Flagship,
Umbrella, and Indicator species; Species reintroduction and translocation
• Case studies: Contemporary Indian wildlife and biodiversity issues, movements, and
projects (e.g., Project Tiger, Project Elephant, Vulture breeding program, Project Great
Indian Bustard, Crocodile conservation project, Silent Valley movement, Save Western
Ghats movement, etc)

Suggested Readings
1. Primack, R.B. (2014). Essentials of Conservation Biology, Oxford University Press, USA. Page.
2. Raven, P.H, Hassenzahl, D.M., Hager, M.C, Gift, N.Y. and Berg, L.R. (2015). Environment, 9th
Edition. Wiley Publishing, USA. Chapter 5 (Pages: 97-99); Chapter 16 (Pages: 299-318).
3. Singh, J.S., Singh, S.P. and Gupta, S.R. (2017). Ecology, Environmental Science and
Conservation. S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi. Chapters 24 (Pages: 599-690); Chapter 26
(Pages: 664-714).

Unit 5
Environmental Pollution (8 lectures)
• Environmental pollution (Air, water, soil, thermal, and noise): causes, effects, and
controls; Primary and secondary air pollutants; Air and water quality standards
• Nuclear hazards and human health risks
• Solid waste management: Control measures for various types of urban, industrial
waste, Hazardous waste, E-waste, etc; Waste segregation and disposal
• Pollution case studies: Ganga Action plan (GAP), Delhi air pollution and public health
issues, Plastic waste management rules, Bhopal gas tragedy, etc

Suggested Readings
1. Brusseau, M.L., Pepper, I.L. and Gerba, C.P. (2019). Environmental and Pollution Science, 3rd
Edition. Academic Press, USA. Chapter 16 (Pages: 243-255); Chapter 18 (Pages: 280-305);
Chapter 21 (Pages: 352-358); Chapter 22 (Pages: 365-374); Chapter 23 (Pages: 378-388);
Chapter 25 (Pages: 416-426).
2. Carson, R. (2002). Silent Spring. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, USA. Pp. 1-264.
3. Raven, P.H, Hassenzahl, D.M., Hager, M.C, Gift, N.Y. and Berg, L.R. (2015). Environment, 9th
Edition. Wiley Publishing, USA. Chapter 19 (Pages: 359-381); Chapter 21 (Pages: 401-421);
Chapter 23 (Pages: 440-453).
4. Singh, J.S., Singh, S.P. and Gupta, S.R. (2017). Ecology, Environmental Science and
Conservation. S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi. Chapters 19, 20, 12 (Pages: 445-535).

Unit 6
Global Environmental Issues and Policies (7 lectures)
• Causes of Climate change, Global warming, Ozone layer depletion, and Acid rain;
Impacts on human communities, biodiversity, global economy, and agriculture
• International agreements and programmes: Earth Summit, UNFCCC, Montreal and
Kyoto protocols, Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD), Ramsar convention, The
Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), UNEP, CITES, etc
• Sustainable Development Goals: India’s National Action Plan on Climate Change and
its major missions

• Environment legislation in India: Wildlife Protection Act, 1972; Water (Prevention and
Control of Pollution) Act, 1974; Forest (Conservation) Act 1980; Air (Prevention &
Control of Pollution) Act, 1981; Environment Protection Act, 1986; Scheduled Tribes
and other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006

Suggested Readings
1. Divan, S. and Rosencranz, A. (2002). Environmental Law and Policy in India: Cases, Material &
Statutes, 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press, India. Chapter 2 (Pages: 23-39); Chapter 3
(Pages: 41-86).
2. Raven, P.H, Hassenzahl, D.M., Hager, M.C, Gift, N.Y. and Berg, L.R. (2015). Environment, 9th
Edition. Wiley Publishing, USA. Chapter 19 (Pages: 370-376); Chapter 20 (Pages: 385-399).
3. Singh, J.S., Singh, S.P. and Gupta, S.R. (2017). Ecology, Environmental Science and
Conservation. S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi. Chapter 23 (Pages: 555-598); Chapter 30
(Pages: 801-807).

Unit 7
Human Communities and the Environment (6 lectures)
• Human population growth: Impacts on environment, human health, and welfare;
Carbon foot-print
• Resettlement and rehabilitation of developmental project affected persons and
communities; relevant case studies
• Environmental movements: Chipko movement, Appiko movement, Silent valley
movement, Bishnois of Rajasthan, Narmada Bachao Andolan, etc
• Environmental justice: National Green Tribunal and its importance
• Environmental philosophy: Environmental ethics; Role of various religions and
cultural practices in environmental conservation
• Environmental communication and public awareness: case studies (e.g., CNG
vehicles in Delhi, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, National Environment Awareness
Campaign (NEAC), National Green Corps (NGC) “Eco-club” programme, etc)
Suggested Readings
1. Divan, S. and Rosencranz, A. (2002). Environmental Law and Policy in India: Cases, Material
& Statutes, 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press, India. Chapter 10 (Pages: 416-473).
2. Raven, P.H, Hassenzahl, D.M., Hager, M.C, Gift, N.Y. and Berg, L.R. (2015). Environment, 9th
Edition. Wiley Publishing, USA. Chapter 2 (Pages: 33-36); Chapter 8 (Pages: 148-162).
3. Singh, J.S., Singh, S.P. and Gupta, S.R. (2017). Ecology, Environmental Science and
Conservation. S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi. Chapter 1 (Pages: 23-26); Chapter 31 (Pages:

Field work/ Practicals

(Equal to 5 lectures, including two mandatory field visits)
• Field visit to any of the ecosystems found in Delhi like Delhi Ridge/ Sanjay lake/
Yamuna river and its floodplains etc., or any nearby lake or pond, explaining the
theoretical aspects taught in the class room
• Visit to any biodiversity park/ reserve forest/ protected area/ zoo/ nursery/ natural
history museum in and around Delhi, such as Okhla bird sanctuary/ Asola Bhatti
Wildlife Sanctuary/ Yamuna Biodiversity Park/ Sultanpur National Park, explaining the
theoretical aspects taught in the classroom
• Visit to a local polluted site (urban/rural/industrial/agricultural), wastewater treatment
plants, or landfill sites, etc
• Study of common plants and animals; basic principles of identification
• Organize a seminar/ conference/ workshop/ panel discussion on relevant topics for
enhancing awareness, capacity building, and critical reasoning among students

Essential Readings
1. Brusseau, M.L., Pepper, I.L., and Gerba, C.P. (2019). Environmental and Pollution
Science, 3rd Edition. Academic Press, USA. (pp. 1-520).
2. Divan, S. and Rosencranz, A. (2002). Environmental Law and Policy in India: Cases,
Material & Statutes, 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press, India. (pp. 1-837).
3. Gadgil, M., and Guha, R. (1993). This Fissured Land: An Ecological History of India.
University of California Press, Berkeley, USA. (pp. 1-245).
4. Raven, P.H, Hassenzahl, D.M., Hager, M.C, Gift, N.Y., and Berg, L.R. (2015).
Environment, 8th Edition. Wiley Publishing, USA. (pp. 1-472).
5. Singh, J.S., Singh, S.P., and Gupta, S.R. (2017). Ecology, Environmental Science and
Conservation. S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi. (pp.1-842).

Weekly Lesson Plan

Week 1
Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies; components of environment: atmosphere,
hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere
Scope and importance; Concept of sustainability and sustainable development; Brief history of

Week 2
Definition and concept of Ecosystem: Structure of ecosystem (biotic and abiotic components); Functions
of Ecosystem: Physical (energy flow), Biological (food chains, food web, ecological succession), and
Biogeochemical (nutrient cycling) processes. Concepts of productivity, ecological pyramids and

Week 3
Types of Ecosystems: Tundra, Forest, Grassland, Desert, Aquatic (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers,
oceans, estuaries); importance and threats with relevant examples from India
Ecosystem services (Provisioning, Regulating, Cultural, and Supporting); Ecosystem preservation
and conservation strategies; Basics of Ecosystem restoration

Week 4
Land cover, land use change, land degradation, soil erosion, and desertification; Causes of
deforestation; Impacts of mining and dam building on environment, forests, biodiversity, and tribal
Natural and man-made sources of water; Uses of water; Over exploitation of surface and ground
water resources; Floods, droughts, and international & inter-state conflicts over water
Week 5
Renewable and non-renewable energy sources; Use of alternate energy sources; Growing energy
needs; Energy contents of coal, petroleum, natural gas and bio gas; Agro-residues as a biomass
energy source
Case studies: Contemporary Indian issues related to mining, dams, forests, energy, etc (e.g., National
Solar Mission, Cauvery river water conflict, Sardar Sarovar dam, Chipko movement, Appiko
movement, Tarun Bharat Sangh, etc).

Week 6
Definition of Biodiversity; Levels of biological diversity; India as a mega-biodiversity nation;
Biogeographic zones of India; Biodiversity hotspots; Endemic and endangered species of India; IUCN
Red list criteria and categories
Value of biodiversity: Ecological, economic, social, ethical, aesthetic, and informational values of
biodiversity with examples; sacred groves and their importance with examples

Week 7-8
Threats to biodiversity: Habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation; Poaching of wildlife; Man-wildlife
conflicts; Biological invasion with emphasis on Indian biodiversity; Current mass extinction crisis;
Biodiversity conservation strategies: in-situ and ex-situ methods of conservation; National Parks,
Wildlife Sanctuaries, and Biosphere reserves; Keystone, Flagship, Umbrella, and Indicator species;
Species reintroduction and translocation

Case studies: Contemporary Indian wildlife and biodiversity issues, movements, and projects (e.g.,
Project Tiger, Project Elephant, Vulture breeding program, Project Great Indian Bustard, Crocodile
conservation project, Silent Valley movement, Save Western Ghats movement, etc)

Week 9
Environmental pollution (Air, water, soil, thermal, and noise): causes, effects, and controls; Primary
and secondary air pollutants; Air and water quality standards
Related case studies

Week 10
Nuclear hazards and human health risks; Control measures for various types of urban, industrial
waste, Hazardous waste, E-waste, etc; Waste segregation and disposal
Related case studies

Week 11
Causes of Climate change, Global warming, Ozone layer depletion, and Acid rain; Impacts on human
communities, biodiversity, global economy, and agriculture
International agreements and programmes: Earth Summit, UNFCCC, Montreal and Kyoto protocols,
Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD), Ramsar convention, The Chemical Weapons Convention

Week 12
Sustainable Development Goals: India’s National Action Plan on Climate Change and its major
Wildlife Protection Act, 1972; Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974; Forest
(Conservation) Act 1980; Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981; Environment Protection
Act, 1986; Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act,

Week 13
Human population growth: Impacts on environment, human health, and welfare; Carbon foot-print;
Resettlement and rehabilitation of developmental project affected persons and communities; relevant
case studies; Environmental movements: Chipko movement, Appiko movement, Silent valley
movement, Bishnois of Rajasthan, Narmada Bachao Andolan, etc; Environmental justice: National
Green Tribunal and its importance
Week 14
Environmental philosophy: Environmental ethics; Role of various religions and cultural practices in
environmental conservation
Environmental communication and public awareness: case studies (e.g., CNG vehicles in Delhi,
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, National Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC), National Green Corps
(NGC) “Eco-club” programme, etc)

Week 15-16
• Field visit to any of the ecosystems found in Delhi like Delhi Ridge/ Sanjay lake/ Yamuna river
and its floodplains etc., or any nearby lake or pond, explaining the theoretical aspects taught in
the class room

• Visit to any biodiversity park/ reserve forest/ protected area/ zoo/ nursery/ natural history
museum in and around Delhi, such as Okhla bird sanctuary/ Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary/
Yamuna Biodiversity Park/ Sultanpur National Park, explaining the theoretical aspects taught
in the classroom

• Visit to a local polluted site (urban/rural/industrial/agricultural), wastewater treatment plants,

or landfill sites, etc

• Organize a seminar/ conference/ workshop/ panel discussion on relevant topics for enhancing
awareness, capacity building, and critical reasoning among students

• Basic exercise to Calculate and Assess carbon footprint/ Solid waste generation/ water
consumption for a specific duration at individual/ family/ college/ locality level.

Teaching Learning process

The teaching–learning methodologies are designed to provide the undergraduate students a
comprehensive understanding of the subject in a simplistic manner as well as evoke critical
reasoning and analytical thinking among them. The various approaches to teaching–learning
process include classroom lectures, video presentations, and ICT enabled teaching tools. For
enhancing practical understanding, field visits are encouraged to relevant places in Delhi like
Biodiversity parks, Protected areas, Wetlands, Sewage treatment plants, etc.
Assessment methods
1. Written examinations (Semester exams, Internal assessment)
2. Project work and reports related to field visits and practical learning
3. Assignment/presentations on any contemporary environmental issue

Environment, Ecosystem, Biodiversity, Conservation, Pollution, Natural Resources,
Environmental Degradation, Protection, Sustainable Development, Climate Change,
Environmental Justice, Environmental Ethics, Environmental Communication
Generic Elective
1. History: Delhi through the Ages: The Making of the Early Modern History
2. Political Science: Nationalism in India
3. Hindi: Hindi Cinema Aur Uska Adhyayan

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