Annual Gender and Development (Gad) Plan and Budget Accomplishment Report

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FY 2017

Region: III Total Budget of LGU: Php 77,264,466.00

Province: TARLAC Total GAD Budget: Php 3,864,000.00
City/Municipality: PURA

a. Organization Focused
Actual Results Total Agency Actual Cost
Gender Issue/GAD Relevant LGU Performance
Cause o fthe Gender Issue GAD Objective GAD Activity (Outputs/ Approved Expenditure Variance/ Remarks
Mandate PPA Indicator Outcomes) Budget (In Thousands)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Conducted during the

Increase awareness
Empower VAW C Desk officers celebration of the 18-
Strengthening of the VAW-C ›Reactivation/ Reorientation of of Barangay VAW C Brgy. VAW Desk Officers
Increasing number of VAW C cases and effectively address VAW-C 50 25.19 day campaign to end
Desk in the LGU Barangay VAW C Desk Officers Desk Officer on reoriented
cases in the municipality VAW in Decemeber
VAW C cases

Crisis center
* Preparation of perspective Established crisis
No crisis center: failure to Absence of Crisis /intervention Prioritization of the Establishment established by end Crisis center
*Renovation of the proposed 70 55.36 center at the MSWD
accommodate VAWC cases center of CRISIS Intervention Center of ist quarter CY established.
crisis center building
Responsive Local › Conduct reorientation of RA Conducted during the
Increase awareness Barangay councils re-
Governance 9262 to all barangay councils celebration of the 18-
of Barangay oriented on RA 9262
particulary on issuances of 20 15.80 day campaign to end
councils on the law during barangay
barangay protection order for VAW in Decemeber
for VAW C victims visitation.
VAW C victims 2017

Capacity Development on
LGU PPA's are
› Gender mainstreaming Lack of expertise in the application To develop expertise in the Training/orientation/workshop LGU conducted training-
gender responsive Updated all sectoral
› Gender-responsive planning of GAD related concepts to local application of GAD related /writeshop of LGU key workshop on sectoral 150 40.32
and gender plans.
› Gender analysis and governance concepts in crafting LGU PPA's personnel development planning .
Gender Sensitivity

Strengthening of the GFPS

through conduct of regular
Nessecity to strengthen the LGU meetings and attendance to Snacks and
Strengthening of the GAD To fully operationalize GAD Efficient and GAD plan submitted and
GAD mechanism to make it fully seminars and workshops for 50 1.15 consumables care of
mechanism in the LGU mechanism in the LGU effective GFPS implemented.
functional effective planning and budgeting the MPDO MOOE.
formulation, implementation
and monitoring.
Responsive Local Procured 1-unit
Absence of data requirements for To provide baseline data on the Governance Evidence-based
Operationalization of the GAD Photo-copying
evidence-based planning and policy status of men and women in the GAD Database management planning and policy Set-out GAD Database 50 48.60
Data Base machine for GAD
making. LGU. making.
Responsive Local

Continue the contract of the Job Order employee

Implementation of
Inefficient implementation of GAD To have an efficient hired GAD employee who shall hired to assist the GAD
GAD PPA's in full 87 84.42
PPA's implementation of the GAD PPA's assist in the implementation of program
GAD PPA's in the LGU implementation.

b. Client Focused
Low number of women and children Increase the
Increase the number of women
accessing social protection number of women Categorically updated
and children accessing social 1. Databanking on sex dis-
programs and services on health and children with the databank lodged at
protecion programs and services aggregated data
Disparities in access of health (specifically those who are access to the LGU the RHU and MDSWD
on health
services unmarried and the LGBT's) health programs

2. Provision of women's health

and social services Programs:
Accessibility of
Health Programs a. Conduct cancer awareness Conducted 5 0.77
and Services seminar to women sector simoultaneously during Printed IEC campaign
b. Conduct orientation on the Women's month materials (tarpaulin)
celebration. 5 0.00
Responsible parenthood
No. of Philhealth
c. Expansion of Philhealth beneficiaries with
All identified
coverage to cover unmarried coverage and 212 beneficiaries
50 31.20 beneficiaries assisted
couples, women with disablities benefits initiated assisted in the program
and enrolled
and LGBT's. and financed by the
Untapped potential of women Increase of women
Less opportunities for women to People organizational meeting Organized women's
as partners in local 1. Organize women sector participating in 5 0.00
participate in local development Empowerment prior to the conduct of groups
development local development
Women's Month.

Increase awareness
of officers and
2. Conduct leadership training Funded out of the
members on their 5 0.00
and capability building DSWD MOOE
roles and

Women's Month
3. Women's month Celebration conducted on March 50 45.02
4. Information campaign and employment level Jobs Fair conducted by
Other employment
dissemination on all and access to PESO during the
facilitation funded by
employment facilicitation of employment PANAGYAMAN 50 19.43
the DOLE and PGT-
DOLE, TESDA and other opportunities FESTIVAL on March
agencies. especially amog 2017.
Provide opportunities for
Availability of solo
Low income and absence of financial wholesome socialization, 1. Update the databank of solo
Vulnerabilty of Solo parents parents inventory at the
support organization and opportunities for parents
gainful employment

2. Information dissemination of Increase awareness

RA 8972 discussd to all
People the services available for solo of solo parents on Conducted by the
Barangays during 5 0.00
Empowerment parents and re-orientation on their rights and PNP-WCPD
barangay visitation.
RA 8972 Solo Parent Act priveleges
All solo parents
3. Assistance in securing the ID's provided care of
registered provided 5 0.00
Solo Parent ID MSWD MOOE
with ID.
Unemployed solo
All identified
parents included in the
4.Provision of Philhealth Cards 50 50.00 beneficiaries assisted
212 Philhealth
and enrolled

Conducted 1 general Snacks during the

5.Conduct of General Assembly
assembly for Solo 5 0.00 meeting care of
of Solo Parents
Praents. MSWD MOOE

Vulnerability of VAW C Inventory of VAWC

Provide assistance to VAW C 1. Update the databank of VAW Increase awareness
(Violation Against Women and Increasing number of VAW C cases cases kept at the PNP
victims C victims on VAW C Law
their children) victims Awareness on the WCPD and MSWDO.
Strengthening of the WCPD 2. Provision of IT equipment to
Nessecity to strengthen WCPD Efficient and 1 set IT equipment
Section in the Pura Police To fully activate the WCPD section fully activate the operation of 40 40.00
Section in the Pura Police Station effective WCPD procured
Station the WCPD
Decrease or
3. Reproduction and Distribution Availability of VAWC Reproduction c/o
eliminate VAW C 2 0.00
of information materials Leaflets and Flyers. MPDO MOOE

4.Provision of financial/ medical

Assistance thru LGU-
assistance for VAW C victims 1 VAC Victim assisted. 30 0.00
thru AICS

5. Provision of counseling and

Assistance thru LGU-
psycho-social services for VAW 1 VAC Victim assisted. 10 0.00
C victims
6. Provision of recovery and
Assistance thru LGU-
rehabilatation program for VAW 1 VAC Victim assisted. 20 0.00
C victims
Increase the
Orientation conducted
7. Conduct Orientation of RA awareness of men Conducted by the
simoultaneously with 10 0.00
9262 and RA 9710 to men sector sector on the rights PNP-WCPD
Barangay Ugnayan.
of women

Involvement of minors in To eliminate the involvement of

1. Continued existence of out of Empowering the 1. Databanking of the out of Increase family Updated Youth databank
crimes, child laboring and early minors in crimes, child laboring
school youth Youth school youth income at the MSWDO.
pregnancy and early pregnancy

2. Insufficient family income

Decrease or
Assisted 62 LGU Other identified
2. Provision of scholarship eliminate the
Scholars and 36 CHED 300 134.00 scholars were
program for OSY's number of school
Scholars assisted by the CHED

Continue issuance of ID & 100% senior citizen's

Assist program/Activities to be medical purchase booklet& Enjoyment of Senior members provided with All Senior citizen
Less access of the elderly populace Assistance to
Vulnerability of the elderly implemented,as stated of Republic basic commodities,Assist Citizens on all LGU ID and purchase 50 19.00 with ID and purchase
on social services Senior Citizens
Act. 7876 death aid,Annual Celebration& social services booklets booklet
other operation activity.

1. Conduct of Livelihood
Vulnerability of Persons with Less employment and training To provide access to employment Assistance to Streamlime PWD's 20 PWD provided with
trainings specifically design for 50 36.50 Native pig dispersal
Disability (PW)Ds opportunites for PWDs and training opportunities PWD's in the labor force livelihood program
All identfied
All marginalized PWD
marginalized PWD
2. Provision of Philhealth Cards included in the 212 70 51.20
included in the
Philhealth Beneficiaries

Increase awareness
Provide adequate pre-natal and Master listing of all pregnant
MATERNAL/CHILD CARE Vulnerability of Pregnant Women on early and
post natal care women
regular check-up
-IEC Materials
711 pregnant women 20 20.00
Reproduction and distribution of
reproduced and
High prevalence of malnutrition and To ensure that all deliveries are
IEC Materials on safe pregnancy
iron-deficiency anemia among facility based and attendad by
(Mother and Child Booklet, Birth
-Pregnant and
pregnant women and girls trained health personnel
Plan) lactating mothers
Maternal and given iron
Child Care Increase
All clients who sought
Programs Purchase of Family Planning Contraceptive Commodities were
Responsible Parenthood Provide Family Planning Services family planning 60 0.00
Commodities Prevalence Rate provided by the DOH
commodities assisted
Availability of
To provide medicines for sick Provision of medicines for sick
medicines for sick
children children
Sick Children (Anemia, Diarrhea, children
700 children assisted 120 120.00
Pneumonia) aged 0-5 y/o Availability of
To provide micronutrient Provision of micronutrient
vitamins for
supplementation supplementation

Construction of Barangay
Presence of healthy
To provide a conducive learnng Buenavista Day Care Center 2 One (1) Day care Center
Conducive Learning Environment and standard early Savings due to open
environment for the Day Care and Minor Repair of Brgy. Linao, constructed and 4 DCC 1,000 713.37
for the Day Care Children childhood bidding
Children Cadanglaan, Maasin and Pob. 1 repaired within the year
education facility.

IEC Material Campaign materials

Increasing prevalence of To lessen morbidity and moratlity Reproduction and distribution of
LIFESTYLE DISEASES reproduced and 1300HPN 5 0.00 reproduced at the
Hypertension and Diabetes cases due to lifestayle diseases IEC Materials
Accessibility of distributed MPDO
Health Programs Patients consulted
Provide outpatient consultations and Services and provded with
PRIMARY HEALTH CARE Provide medical care Provision of medicines 600 600.00
and treatment medicines they
Provided year-round
complete health services
Provided year-round
complete health services
Availability of
Provide laboratory services Purchase of laboratory supplies 50 50.00
laboratory supplies
Provide Philheath cards to
Provide Philhealth cards to Provided Philhealth
indigents in need of medical 500 500.00
identified beneficiaries cards
Purchase of dental supplies and Basic oral health
DENTAL CARE Basic Oral Health Care Provide dental care 60 60.00
medicines care provided

All food establishments

Compliance of all establishments To ensure that all establishments Regular monitring of SI - Sanitary permits Health cards
ENVIRONMENTAL Environmental and other businessess
with the existing sanitation comply with the existing Provision of sanitary permits and health cards 5 0.00 provided thru the
SANITATION Friendly LGU provided with sanitary
requirement sanitation requirements and health cards issued RHU-MOOE

Implementation of * 70 % of dogs based on

*Continuous IEC on Responsible
*Presence of irresponsible dog *Eliminate risk due to rabies Municipal Rabies Dogs vaccinated the 2015 population Vaccines and supplies
Pet Ownership
Exposure to risk due to rabies owners *Presence of stray dogs in *Enhance awareness on Prevention and and stray dogs vaccinated 50 0.00 provided by the DA
*Conduct massive vaccination
public places responsible pet ownership Eradication eliminated * 80% of stray dogs Region III
and eradication
Program eliminated

GENERAL TOTAL 3,864 2,844.98

Prepared by: Approved by:


MPDC/GFPS-TWG Chairperson Municipal Mayor


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