Coal Port

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Rotterdam is the center for European coal transhipment. by the Port of Rotterdam Authority and the facilities are located
No other port handles more steam coal for power at Maasvlakte 2, Calandkanaal, Botlek and Waalhaven. Floating
plants and coking coal for the steel industry. Access equipment and transhipment services are provided by a number
to the port by sea is unrivalled and the same applies of private companies. The available water depth at the buoys
to transport via rivers, rail and shortsea. The Port of and dolphins varies from about 9.65 m up to 23.65 m.
Rotterdam Authority and the port business community
are also gearing up for further growth. The added Unrestricted access to the European market
challenge is to achieve this in a sustainable way. For a bulk product like coal, Rotterdam is the ideal entrance
to the European market:
Strategic location • Rotterdam is situated at the mouth of the rivers Rhine
Bulk carriers up to 380,000 tonnes dwt can enter the port in all and Maas. Inland shipping is therefore an ideal mode
conditions, 24 hours a day. The draft in the port is up to 75 feet. of transport for the reliable and cost-effective movement
of large volumes to countries like Germany, France,
Wide choice of facilities Belgium and the Netherlands itself.
In the port of Rotterdam, there is a wide choice of coal terminals • For rail, the port is the start and end of the Betuweroute,
for transhipment and storage: the 160-kilometre dedicated freight railway between
• The largest coal terminal is EMO, situated on the Maasvlakte. Rotterdam and Germany, with a direct connection to the
The 1365-metre long quay can accommodate four capesize extensive European railway network. In order to load
bulk carriers. For unloading, five gigantic quay cranes are used, trains efficiently in the port, EMO has invested in new,
with floating facilities to provide flexible back-up. In one day, high-capacity loading equipment for coal trains.
EMO can unload 200,000 tonnes of coal. Even the largest • Rotterdam is also perfectly situated for transhipment.
vessels are ready to leave again within two days. The open connection with the North Sea forms the basis
• Another important terminal operator is EBS. At its terminal for short turnaround times and efficient short-sea transport
in the Botlek area, the company can unload bulk carriers to the UK and other destinations.
up to 70,000 tonnes dwt efficiently round the clock. At the
Laurenshaven terminal EBS has installed state-of-the-art Commitment to sustainable developments
magnetic decontamination units specifically for Russian coal. Rotterdam is Europe’s number one energy port. Coal forms
EBS also has facilities in the Europoort for ship-to-ship transfers an indispensable element of this, both now and in the future.
between capesize vessels and inland barges or coasters. At the same time, Rotterdam attaches great importance to the
• EECV: This dedicated terminal supplies its owners TKS and sustainable development of the port and city. For this reason
HKM with the iron ore and coal they need. The coal terminal port of Rotterdam is part of the Rotterdam Climate Initiative
has a stockyard of 53 ha. (www.rotterdamclimateinitiative). Together with companies
• For the handling of smaller consignments of coal in the in the port area we develop projects, that contribute to the
port – with maximum service – there are several flexible and sustainability of the industrial complex, which have an important
attractive partners like Rotterdam Bulk Terminal, BSR van link to Rotterdam Coalport:
Uden Stevedoring and ZHD Stevedores. • The use of biomass for power-and heatgeneration.
• The development of a CO2 hub: capture, transport, storage
Linked directly with the handling operations, EMO in particular and re-use of greenhouse gases.
is a specialist in screening, crushing, blending and washing • Usage of waste heat from- and by powerplants and industry.
coal. In addition, there are a large number of surveyors, freight • Providing space for various wind-farm and solar projects.
forwarders and other logistics service providers active in
the port, fully dedicated to coal. Port of Rotterdam Authority: a strategic choice
The Port of Rotterdam Authority is the proactive manager of the
Ship-to-ship transfers facilities port complex. Together with our clients, our ambition is to create
Besides land based terminals, the port of Rotterdam has several the best possible conditions for a sustainable and successful
buoys and dolphins available for the ship-to-ship transfers of coal cluster. We invite you to contact our Business desk Dry Bulk
dry bulk cargo. The utilisation of these public facilities is managed & Energy with all your questions about coal business in the port.

Port of Rotterdam Authority

The objective of the Port of Rotterdam Authority is to enhance the port’s competitive position as a logistics hub and world-class industrial
complex. Not only in terms of size, but also with regard to quality. The core tasks of the Port Authority are to develop, manage and exploit
the port in a sustainable way and to render speedy and safe services for shipping.

More information
Port of Rotterdam Authority • P.O. Box 6622 • 3002 AP Rotterdam • The Netherlands • +31(0)10 252 1230 • [email protected]

© Havenbedrijf Rotterdam N.V. • Industry & Bulk Cargo (0815/EN) 201508ID-FS013

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