Ed Tech 2 Syllabus Formatted
Ed Tech 2 Syllabus Formatted
Ed Tech 2 Syllabus Formatted
After graduation, the graduates should have:
1. articulated and discussed the latest developments in the specific field of practice (PQF level 6 descriptors).
2. demonstrated understanding and mastery of the fundamental knowledge and skills required for effective professional practice in the field of specialization.
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3. effectively communicated orally and in writing using both english and filipino.
4. worked effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
5. acted in recognition or professional, social, ethical responsibility.
6. preserved and promoted “filipino historical and cultural heritage”. (based on ra 7722)
7. exercised critical and creative thinking in providing solutions to discipline-related problems.
8. contributed to nation-building and national development through application of new technology.
1. demonstrated in-depth understanding of the development of elementary learners.
2. exhibited comprehensive knowledge of various learning areas in the elementary curriculum.
3. created and utilize materials appropriate to the elementary level to enhance teaching and learning.
4. designed and implement assessment tools and procedures to measure elementary learning outcomes.
1. demonstrated in-depth understanding of the development of adolescent learner.
2. exhibit comprehensive knowledge of various learning areas in the secondary curriculum.
3. created and utilized materials appropriate to the secondary level to enhance teaching and learning.
4. designed and implemented assessment tools and procedures to measure secondary learning outcomes.
A. Prelim Grade:
PG = (CS Grade (2) + Exam Grade)/3
B. Midterm Grade
TMG = (CS Grade(2) + Exam Grade)/3
MG = (TMG (2) + PG)/3
B. Final Grade
Tentative FG = (CS Grade + Exam Grade (2))/3
Final FG = ( TFG x 2 + MG Grade)/3
Desired Learning Outcomes Course Content Contact Teaching and Assessment References/Sugges Remarks
Hours Learning Tasks (ATs) ted Readings
Activities (TLAs)
Unit I – Orientation
At the end of the topic, students must VMGO of the College 1 Buzz session Oral recitation on Brochure
have: Universityhood Goal how students can Syllabus (hard copy)
1. articulated the relationship of the Program Outcomes help the vision of
Course Outcomes the College
VMGO of the college and the
Leveling of Expectations
program and course outcomes
when asked
2. stated their expectations from the
class given the course syllabus
and program outcomes
Unit II – Integration of Technology in Instruction
At the end of the chapter, the students Chapter 1. Teachers and Interactive lecturing Through an Basic Reading
must have Students in the Digital Age 3 Collaborative learning interview, gather Buendia, M. &
a. differentiated the significant roles 1. Teachers of the Early Situational Analysis the differences of Vindollo, S. (2016).
of teachers and students in the Generation vs Teachers of teaching and Educational
earlier years and in the 21st the 21st century learning in the Technology 2.
century of instruction with 2. Students of the Early early generation
consideration of the current Generation vs Students of from the teaching Lucido, P. I. (2012).
context the 21st century and learning in the Educational
b. evaluated their respondents’ ideas 3. Instructions in the Early 21st century. The Technology 2 Second
on the significant differences of Generation vs Instructions results of the Edition.
roles of students and teachers in in the 21st century interview shall be
the older and newer generations 4. The 21st century skills submitted and
c. professed appreciation on the graded using a
changes in the roles of teachers rubrics prepared
and students in the digital age by for that activity
writing an essay
At the end of the chapter, the students Chapter 2. Technology in 6 Interactive lecturing Make a lesson plan Basic Reading
must have: Teaching and Learning Collaborative learning integrating Buendia, M. &
a. given examples of how the 1. International Society for Situational Analysis technology in the Vindollo, S. (2016).
different approaches in integrating Technology in Education
At the end of the chapter, the students Chapter 4. The ICT and the 3 Interactive lecturing Written synopsis of Basic Reading
must have: Computer: Its Roles and Collaborative learning the impact of ICT Buendia, M. &
a. chronicled the significant impact History Situational Analysis and computers to Vindollo, S. (2016).
of ICT and computers to education 1. Roles of ICT in Education Oral Reporting education Educational
which are evident in today’s 2. Evolution of ICT in Technology 2.
classroom Education Prepare a visual aid
Roles and Functions of showing the time Yango, D.M. et.al.
Computers line of the evolution (2011). Educational
of the use of ICT in Technology 2 Course
education Book
At the end of the chapter, the students Chapter 5. Software for 3 Interactive lecturing Objective quiz on Basic Reading
must have: Educators and Students Collaborative learning the different Buendia, M. &
a. demonstrated practical skills in 1. System Software Situational Analysis software for Vindollo, S. (2016).
rating software for teaching and 1.1. The Different Oral Reporting educators and Educational
learning use with 80% accuracy Operating Systems students Technology 2
b. exemplified objective skills in 1.2. Application Software List down the various
rating software which can be used 2. Types of Software software available in Using a prepared Lucido, P. I. (2012).
in the teaching learning process Applications in Schools schools and software rubrics, the Educational
2.1. Instructional Software students shall Technology 2 Second
being used by teachers
2.2. Productivity Software Edition
choose a software
Administrative Software
and rate it.
At the end of the chapter, the students Chapter 6. Instructional 6 Interactive lecturing Critique on a Basic Reading
must have: Software for Classroom Use Collaborative learning selected Buendia, M. &
a. created an effective instructional 1. A Closer Look at Situational Analysis instructional Vindollo, S. (2016).
software which can be used in Instructional Software Oral Reporting software
MPSPC-HED-F-007/00/April 22, 2019
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teaching and learning a particular 1.1. Drill-and-Practice Educational
topic in the student’s field of Software Assess the features of Design a Technology 2
specialization 1.2. Tutorial Software instructional software courseware
b. justified the use of an effective 1.3. Simulation Software integrating the Lucido, P. I. (2012).
instructional software inside the 1.4. Instructional Games Prepare a storyboard Educational
features of a
classroom 1.5. Problem-solving for the intended Technology 2 Second
software courseware tutorial software Edition
2. Software Support Tools using Powerpoint
2.1. Materials Generators
2.2. Data Collection and
Analysis Tools
2.3. Graphic Tools
2.4. Planning and
Organizing Tools
2.5. Research and
reference tools
Content-area tools
At the end of the chapter, the students Chapter 7. Evaluating 6 Interactive lecturing Develop an Basic Reading
must have: Educational Technology Collaborative learning evaluation tool in Buendia, M. &
a. developed an appropriate tool in 1. Educational Technology: Situational Analysis using and Vindollo, S. (2016).
evaluating the effectiveness of Evaluating its Oral Reporting evaluating Educational
educational software which can be Effectiveness in Classroom educational Technology 2
used in the classroom use use Determine the software
b. supported the need to develop an 1.1. Evaluating before relevance and
appropriate tool in evaluating instruction significance in Design an
effective educational software 1.2. Evaluating during evaluating educational appropriate rubric
instruction technology for evaluating an
1.3. Evaluating after instructional
instruction material where ICT
2. Evaluating software is integrated in MS
programs Excel
3. Educational Technology
Integration: Evaluating Its
3.1. Traditional
3.2. Alternative
Hetder (2015). Shifting the Role of the Teacher. Retrieved from https://thedigitallydynamicclassroom.wordpress.com/2015/11/13/shifting-the-role-of-the-
Lanier, J. (1997). Redefining the role of the teacher: It’s a multifaceted profession. Retrieved from http://www.edutopia.org/redefining-role-teacher
Prepared: Reviewed: