First Aid in Nose Bleed
First Aid in Nose Bleed
First Aid in Nose Bleed
Avoid solid foods until vomiting ends. Then eat light, bland foods, such as
saltine crackers, bananas, rice, or bread.
2. Prevent Dehydration
Drink clear fluids, starting with small sips and gradually drinking more.
If vomiting and diarrhea last more than 24 hours, drink an oral rehydration
1. Control bleeding
Use a clean towel to apply light pressure to the area until bleeding stops (this may take a
few minutes). Be aware that some medicines (e.g. aspirin and warfarin) will affect bleeding,
and may need pressure to be applied for a longer period of time.
Prior to cleaning or dressing the wound, ensure your hands are washed to prevent
contamination and infection of the wound.
3. Rinse the wound
Gently rinse the wound with clean, lukewarm water to cleanse and remove any fragments of
dirt, e.g. gravel, as this will reduce the risk of infection.
Gently pat dry the surrounding skin with a clean pad or towel.
If there is a skin flap and it is still attached, gently reposition the skin flap back over the
wound as much as possible using a moist cotton bud or pad.
Use a non-stick or gentle dressing and lightly bandage in place; try to avoid using tape on
fragile skin to prevent further trauma on dressing removal.
7. Seek help
Contact your GP, nurse or pharmacist as soon as possible for further treatment and advice to
ensure the wound heals quickly.
8. Manage pain
Wounds can be painful, so consider pain relief while the wound heals. Talk to your GP about
options for pain relief.