Oracle® Identity Manager: Installation and Configuration Guide For Ibm Websphere Application Server Release 9.1.0

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Oracle® Identity Manager

Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere

Application Server
Release 9.1.0

December 2009
Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server,
Release 9.1.0

Copyright © 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Primary Author: Debapriya Datta

Contributing Author: Lyju Vadassery

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Preface ................................................................................................................................................................. ix
Audience....................................................................................................................................................... ix
Documentation Accessibility ..................................................................................................................... ix
Related Documents ..................................................................................................................................... x
Documentation Updates ............................................................................................................................ x
Conventions ................................................................................................................................................. x

1 Overview of the Installation Procedure

2 Planning the Installation

2.1 Host Requirements for Oracle Identity Manager Components ........................................... 2-1
2.1.1 Oracle Identity Manager Server (Host) Requirements................................................... 2-2
2.1.2 Database Server Host Requirements ................................................................................ 2-2
2.1.3 Design Console Host Requirements ................................................................................. 2-3
2.1.4 Remote Manager Host Requirements............................................................................... 2-3
2.2 Planning for Non-English Oracle Identity Manager Environments ................................... 2-4
2.3 Installation Worksheet ............................................................................................................... 2-4
2.4 Using the Diagnostic Dashboard .............................................................................................. 2-5
2.4.1 Installing the Diagnostic Dashboard................................................................................. 2-5
2.4.2 Verifying Your Preinstallation Environment................................................................... 2-5

3 Installing and Configuring Nonclustered IBM WebSphere Application Server

for Oracle Identity Manager
3.1 Overview of WebSphere Installation and Configuration ..................................................... 3-1
3.2 Installing the WebSphere Application Server ........................................................................ 3-2
3.3 Installing the WebSphere Application Client ......................................................................... 3-2
3.4 Enabling SOAP Communication with WebSphere................................................................ 3-2
3.5 Obtaining the Bootstrap Port .................................................................................................... 3-3
3.6 Upgrading the WebSphere Server and Client ........................................................................ 3-3
3.7 Setting Environment Variables ................................................................................................. 3-4
3.8 Setting JVM Memory and Arguments ..................................................................................... 3-4
3.9 Obtaining the WebSphere Cell and Node Name ................................................................... 3-5
3.10 Preparing to Install Oracle Identity Manager as a Non-Root User on UNIX or Linux .... 3-5
3.11 Starting WebSphere Before Installing Oracle Identity Manager ......................................... 3-6

4 Installing and Configuring a Database for Oracle Identity Manager
4.1 Using an Oracle Database for Oracle Identity Manager ....................................................... 4-1
4.1.1 Installing Oracle Database.................................................................................................. 4-1
4.1.2 Creating an Oracle Database.............................................................................................. 4-1 Configuring the Database for Globalization Support ............................................. 4-2
4.1.3 Preparing the Oracle Database .......................................................................................... 4-2 Preparing on UNIX or Linux ...................................................................................... 4-3 Preparing on Microsoft Windows.............................................................................. 4-3 Interpreting the Script Results .................................................................................... 4-4
4.1.4 Removing Oracle Identity Manager Entries from an Oracle Database ....................... 4-5
4.2 Using Oracle RAC Databases for Oracle Identity Manager ................................................. 4-5
4.2.1 Installing Oracle Identity Manager for Oracle RAC....................................................... 4-5
4.2.2 Oracle RAC Net Services .................................................................................................... 4-5
4.2.3 JDBC and Oracle RAC......................................................................................................... 4-6
4.2.4 Configuring IBM WebSphere Application Server for Oracle RAC .............................. 4-6
4.3 Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database for Oracle Identity Manager ............................... 4-7
4.3.1 Installing and Configuring Microsoft SQL Server .......................................................... 4-8
4.3.2 Registering Microsoft SQL Server ..................................................................................... 4-9
4.3.3 Creating a Microsoft SQL Server Database...................................................................... 4-9
4.3.4 Creating a Microsoft SQL Server Database Account................................................... 4-11
4.3.5 Removing Oracle Identity Manager Entries from a SQL Server Database .............. 4-12

5 Installing Oracle Identity Manager on Microsoft Windows

5.1 Installing the Database Schema ................................................................................................ 5-1
5.2 Installing Documentation .......................................................................................................... 5-2
5.3 Installing Oracle Identity Manager on Microsoft Windows................................................. 5-2
5.4 Removing Oracle Identity Manager......................................................................................... 5-5

6 Installing Oracle Identity Manager on UNIX or Linux

6.1 Installation Prerequisites and Notes ........................................................................................ 6-1
6.2 Installing the Database Schema ................................................................................................ 6-2
6.3 Installing Documentation .......................................................................................................... 6-2
6.4 Installing Oracle Identity Manager on UNIX or Linux ......................................................... 6-3
6.5 Removing Oracle Identity Manager......................................................................................... 6-6

7 Postinstallation Configuration for Oracle Identity Manager and IBM

WebSphere Application Server
7.1 Default JMS Queue Details ........................................................................................................ 7-1
7.2 Increasing the JMS Message Threshold ................................................................................... 7-2
7.3 Configuring WebSphere on Nondefault Ports ....................................................................... 7-2
7.3.1 Configuring WebSphere on Nondefault HTTP Port ...................................................... 7-2
7.3.2 Configuring WebSphere on Nondefault Naming Service Port .................................... 7-2
7.4 Configuring the ORB Service .................................................................................................... 7-3
7.5 Changing Keystore Passwords ................................................................................................. 7-3
7.6 Setting Log Levels ....................................................................................................................... 7-5
7.7 Enabling Single Sign-On (SSO) for Oracle Identity Manager............................................... 7-6

7.8 Configuring Custom Authentication ....................................................................................... 7-7
7.8.1 Protecting the JNDI Namespace........................................................................................ 7-8
7.9 Increasing the Transaction Timeout......................................................................................... 7-9
7.10 Increasing the Authentication Expiration ............................................................................... 7-9
7.11 Selecting the Oracle 10g Data Store Helper Class .................................................................. 7-9
7.12 Setting the Compiler Path for Adapter Compilation.......................................................... 7-10
7.13 Deploying the SPML Web Service......................................................................................... 7-10
7.14 Tuning JDBC Connection Pools............................................................................................. 7-10

8 Starting and Stopping Oracle Identity Manager

8.1 Removing Backup xlconfig.xml Files After Starting or Restarting...................................... 8-1
8.2 Starting Oracle Identity Manager ............................................................................................. 8-1
8.3 Stopping Oracle Identity Manager ........................................................................................... 8-2
8.4 Accessing the Administrative and User Console................................................................... 8-2
8.5 Using Diagnostic Dashboard to Verify Installation............................................................... 8-2

9 Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered WebSphere Configuration

9.1 About Clustered WebSphere Configurations......................................................................... 9-2
9.2 Overview of Setting Up a WebSphere Oracle Identity Manager Cluster .......................... 9-2
9.2.1 WebSphere Software Host Requirements ........................................................................ 9-4
9.3 Backing Up the Configurations................................................................................................. 9-4
9.4 Installing WebSphere Application Server for a Cluster ........................................................ 9-5
9.4.1 Installing WebSphere Application Server........................................................................ 9-6
9.4.2 Upgrading the WebSphere Server..................................................................................... 9-6
9.4.3 Setting Environment Variables .......................................................................................... 9-7
9.4.4 Creating WebSphere Profiles ............................................................................................. 9-7
9.4.5 Setting JVM Memory and Arguments........................................................................... 9-10
9.4.6 Enabling SOAP Communication to WebSphere .......................................................... 9-11
9.4.7 Verifying Installation ....................................................................................................... 9-11
9.4.8 Creating Backups .............................................................................................................. 9-12
9.5 Adding the Model Node to the Network Deployment Manager ..................................... 9-12
9.6 Creating the Model Server...................................................................................................... 9-13
9.7 Creating the XL_CLUSTER .................................................................................................... 9-14
9.8 Creating the JMS CLUSTER ................................................................................................... 9-14
9.9 Backing Up the Nodes............................................................................................................. 9-15
9.10 Installing and Configuring a Database for Oracle Identity Manager .............................. 9-15
9.11 Installing Oracle Identity Manager on the Network Deployment Manager .................. 9-15
9.11.1 Verifying the Installation ................................................................................................. 9-19
9.12 Backing up Configuration Settings ....................................................................................... 9-20
9.13 Adding Nodes to WebSphere Cell ........................................................................................ 9-21
9.13.1 Creating Servers for XL_CLUSTER................................................................................ 9-22
9.14 Creating Servers for XL_JMS_CLUSTER.............................................................................. 9-23
9.14.1 Enabling SIB Services for XL_JMS_CLUSTER Servers................................................ 9-24
9.15 Setting up the Server Virtual Host Information .................................................................. 9-24
9.16 Updating the JNDI References............................................................................................... 9-25
9.17 Setting Up IIS as Web server .................................................................................................. 9-27

9.17.1 Installing IIS....................................................................................................................... 9-27
9.17.2 Installing the WebSphere Plug-in for IIS....................................................................... 9-27
9.17.3 Configuring the IIS Plug-in ............................................................................................. 9-29
9.18 Installing Oracle Identity Manager Cluster By Using a Shared Directory ...................... 9-30
9.19 Partitioned Installation on WebSphere................................................................................. 9-31
9.19.1 Important Points to Consider.......................................................................................... 9-31
9.20 Independent Clustered Installation....................................................................................... 9-31
9.20.1 Environment Profile ......................................................................................................... 9-32
9.20.2 Environment Advantages................................................................................................ 9-33
9.20.3 Environment Disadvantages........................................................................................... 9-33
9.21 Multiple Clustered Installation .............................................................................................. 9-33
9.21.1 Environment Advantages................................................................................................ 9-34
9.21.2 Environment Disadvantages........................................................................................... 9-34
9.21.3 Installation Considerations ............................................................................................. 9-34
9.21.4 Scaling................................................................................................................................. 9-35
9.21.5 Variation............................................................................................................................. 9-36
9.22 Setting Up Supported Integrations on a WebSphere Cluster............................................ 9-36
9.22.1 Shared Directory ............................................................................................................... 9-36
9.22.2 Using SSL ........................................................................................................................... 9-36
9.22.3 Time Synchronization of Clustered Machines ............................................................. 9-36
9.23 Postinstallation Configuration for Clustered Installations ................................................ 9-37

10 Installing and Configuring the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console

10.1 Requirements for Installing the Design Console................................................................. 10-1
10.2 Installing the Design Console ................................................................................................ 10-2
10.3 Postinstallation Requirements for the Design Console ...................................................... 10-3
10.3.1 Extracting xlDataObjectBeans.jar ................................................................................... 10-4
10.3.2 Configuring the WebSphere Application Client in a Nonclustered Environment . 10-4
10.3.3 Configuring the Design Console in a WebSphere Cluster ......................................... 10-5
10.3.4 Configuring WebSphere Client Communication with the Node Manager in Clusters ....
10.4 Starting the Design Console ................................................................................................... 10-6
10.5 Setting the Compiler Path for Adapter Compilation.......................................................... 10-6
10.6 Configuring SSL Communication With the Design Console (Optional)......................... 10-7
10.6.1 Configuring WebSphere .................................................................................................. 10-7
10.6.2 Configuring the Design Console .................................................................................... 10-7
10.6.3 Configuring the Administrative and User Console (Optional) ................................. 10-8
10.6.4 Configuring Non-Default Certificates ........................................................................... 10-9
10.7 Removing the Design Console Installation .......................................................................... 10-9

11 Installing and Configuring the Oracle Identity Manager Remote Manager

11.1 Installing the Remote Manager for Microsoft Windows.................................................... 11-1
11.2 Installing the Remote Manager for UNIX or Linux ............................................................ 11-2
11.3 Configuring the Remote Manager......................................................................................... 11-4
11.3.1 Changing the Remote Manager Keystore Passwords ................................................. 11-4
11.3.2 Trusting the Remote Manager Certificate ..................................................................... 11-5 Using Your Own Certificate..................................................................................... 11-6

11.3.3 Enabling Client-Side Authentication for Remote Manager........................................ 11-7
11.4 Starting the Remote Manager................................................................................................. 11-8
11.5 Removing the Remote Manager Installation ....................................................................... 11-9

12 Troubleshooting the Oracle Identity Manager Installation

12.1 Task Scheduler fails in a Clustered Installation .................................................................. 12-1
12.2 Default Login Does Not Work ............................................................................................... 12-1

A Java 2 Security Permissions for IBM WebSphere

A.1 Java 2 Security Permissions for WebSphere Cluster............................................................. A-8



This guide explains the procedure to install Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0 on
IBM WebSphere Application Server.

This guide is intended for system administrators of Oracle Identity Manager.

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Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation
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Related Documents
For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Identity Manager
documentation set:
■ Oracle Identity Manager Release Notes
■ Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for JBoss Application
■ Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for BEA WebLogic Server
■ Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for Oracle Application
■ Oracle Identity Manager Best Practices Guide
■ Oracle Identity Manager Globalization Guide
■ Oracle Identity Manager Design Console Guide
■ Oracle Identity Manager Administrative and User Console Guide
■ Oracle Identity Manager Administrative and User Console Customization Guide
■ Oracle Identity Manager Tools Reference
■ Oracle Identity Manager Audit Report Developer's Guide
■ Oracle Identity Manager Integration Guide for Crystal Reports
■ Oracle Identity Manager API Usage Guide
■ Oracle Identity Manager Concepts
■ Oracle Identity Manager Reference

Documentation Updates
Oracle is committed to delivering the best and most recent information available. For
information about updates to the Oracle Identity Manager release documentation set,
visit Oracle Technology Network at

The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
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Convention Meaning
*_HOME This convention represents the directory where an
application is installed. The directory where you install
Oracle Identity Manager is referred to as OIM_HOME.
Each Oracle Identity Manager component includes an
abbreviation: OIM_DC_HOME for the Design Console
and OIM_RM_HOME for the Remote Manager.
The directory where the WebSphere application server
is installed is referred to as WEBSPHERE_HOME and
includes the /WebSphere/AppServer/ directories.
The directory where the WebSphere Client is installed
is referred to as WEBSPHERE_CLIENT_HOME and
includes the /WebSphere/AppClient/ directories.
<Entry 1>.<Entry 2>.<Entry 3> This convention represents nested XML entries that
appear in files as follows:
<Entry 1>
<Entry 2>
<Entry 3>

1 Overview of the Installation Procedure

Installing Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0 on IBM WebSphere Application Server
1. Preparing for the installation: See Chapter 2, "Planning the Installation".
2. Setting up WebSphere for Oracle Identity Manager: See Chapter 3, "Installing and
Configuring Nonclustered IBM WebSphere Application Server for Oracle Identity
3. Setting up a database for Oracle Identity Manager: See Chapter 4, "Installing and
Configuring a Database for Oracle Identity Manager".
4. Installing a single Oracle Identity Manager instance: See one of the following
chapters based on the operating system:
■ Chapter 5, "Installing Oracle Identity Manager on Microsoft Windows"
■ Chapter 6, "Installing Oracle Identity Manager on UNIX or Linux"
5. Performing the basic Oracle Identity Manager and WebSphere configuration tasks
related to the installation setup: See Chapter 7, "Postinstallation Configuration for
Oracle Identity Manager and IBM WebSphere Application Server".
6. Start Oracle Identity Manager and accessing the Administrative and User Console:
See Chapter 8, "Starting and Stopping Oracle Identity Manager".
7. Deploy Oracle Identity Manager in a WebSphere cluster: See Chapter 9,
"Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered WebSphere Configuration".
8. Installing, configuring, and starting the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console:
See Chapter 10, "Installing and Configuring the Oracle Identity Manager Design
9. Installing, configuring, and starting the Oracle Identity Manager Remote Manager:
See Chapter 11, "Installing and Configuring the Oracle Identity Manager Remote
10. Troubleshooting the Oracle Identity Manager installation: See Chapter 12,
"Troubleshooting the Oracle Identity Manager Installation".

Overview of the Installation Procedure 1-1

1-2 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
2 Planning the Installation

Oracle recommends that you familiarize yourself with the components required for
deployment before installing Oracle Identity Manager. Oracle also recommends that
you install and use the Diagnostic Dashboard to ensure that your system is ready for
Oracle Identity Manager installation. Refer to the "Using the Diagnostic Dashboard"
section on page 2-5 for details of installing the Diagnostic Dashboard.
The basic Oracle Identity Manager installation consists of the following:
■ Database server
■ Application server
■ Oracle Identity Manager running on the application server
■ Design Console
■ Administrative and User Console running on a Web browser
This chapter discusses the following topics:
■ Host Requirements for Oracle Identity Manager Components
■ Planning for Non-English Oracle Identity Manager Environments
■ Installation Worksheet
■ Using the Diagnostic Dashboard

2.1 Host Requirements for Oracle Identity Manager Components

This section lists the minimum host system requirements for the various components
in an Oracle Identity Manager environment.

Note: Check the Oracle Identity Manager Release Notes for the
requirements and supported configurations specific to each version of
the Oracle Identity Manager product.

You must obtain the enterprise versions of the application server and database
software, complete with valid licenses. Oracle Identity Manager does not include this
The Oracle Identity Manager installation program can conflict with other installed
applications, utilities, or drivers. Try to remove all nonessential software and drivers
from the computer before installing Oracle Identity Manager. This practice also
ensures that the database schema can be created in the database host.

Planning the Installation 2-1

Host Requirements for Oracle Identity Manager Components

2.1.1 Oracle Identity Manager Server (Host) Requirements

Table 2–1 lists the minimum host requirements for Oracle Identity Manager and the
guidelines for a basic deployment.

Table 2–1 Oracle Identity Manager Server Requirements

Server Platform Item Requirement
Microsoft Windows and Processor Type Intel Xeon or Pentium IV
Processor Speed 2.4 GHz or higher, 400 MHz
FSB or higher
Number of Processors 1
Memory: Use whichever is 2 GB for each Oracle
greater Identity Manager instance
Hard Disk Space 1 GB (initial size)
Solaris Server Sun Fire V210
Number of Processors 1
Memory: Use whichever is 2 GB for each Oracle
greater Identity Manager instance
Hard Disk Space 1 GB (initial size)
AIX Processor Type PowerPC
Number of Processors 1
Memory: Use whichever is 2 GB for each Oracle
greater Identity Manager instance
Hard Disk Space 1 GB (initial size)

2.1.2 Database Server Host Requirements

Table 2–2 provides sample database minimum host requirements for selective
supported operating systems and must be considered only as guidelines. Consult the
database documentation for the specific database host requirements.

Table 2–2 Sample Database Server Requirements

Database Server Platform Item Requirement
Microsoft Windows and Processor Type Intel Xeon
Processor Speed 2.4 GHz or higher, 400 MHz
FSB or higher
Number of Processors 2
Memory 4 GB total or 2 GB for each
Hard Disk Space 40 GB (initial size)
Solaris Server Sun Fire V250
Number of Processors 2
Memory 4 GB total or 2 GB for each
Hard Disk Space 40 GB (initial size)

2-2 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Host Requirements for Oracle Identity Manager Components

Table 2–2 (Cont.) Sample Database Server Requirements

Database Server Platform Item Requirement
Number of Hard Disks 1 Disk
AIX Processor Type PowerPC
Number of Processors 2
Memory 4 GB total or 2 GB for each
Hard Disk Space 40 GB (initial size)

2.1.3 Design Console Host Requirements

Table 2–3 lists the minimum host requirements for the Oracle Identity Manager Design

Table 2–3 Design Console Host Requirements

Design Console Platform Item Requirements
Microsoft Windows Processor Type Intel Pentium IV
Processor Speed 1.4 GHz or higher
Number of Processors 1
Memory 512 MB
Hard Disk Space 300 MB

2.1.4 Remote Manager Host Requirements

Table 2–4 lists the minimum host requirements for the Oracle Identity Manager
Remote Manager:

Table 2–4 Remote Manager Host Requirements

Remote Manager Platform Item Requirement
Microsoft Windows and Processor Type Intel Pentium IV
Processor Speed 1.4 GHz or higher
Number of Processors 1
Memory 512 MB
Hard Disk Space 1 GB
Solaris Server Sun Fire V210
Number of Processors 1
Memory: Use whichever is 2 GB for each Oracle
greater Identity Manager instance
Hard Disk Space 20 GB (initial size)
AIX Processor Type PowerPC
Number of Processors 1
Memory 512 MB
Hard Disk Space 1 GB

Planning the Installation 2-3

Planning for Non-English Oracle Identity Manager Environments

2.2 Planning for Non-English Oracle Identity Manager Environments

If you are deploying Oracle Identity Manager Release components in non-English
environments, then review the following guidelines and requirements:
■ Before installing any of the Oracle Identity Manager Release components, ensure
that the regional and language settings (locale) on the target system meet the
following requirements:
– An appropriate language version of the operating system is installed.
– Specific language settings are properly configured.
■ Refer to the Oracle Identity Manager Globalization Guide for information about
configuring localized deployments and to ensure that you meet the character
restrictions for various components and attributes.
■ For Oracle database globalization support, you must configure the database for
Unicode. Refer to "Creating an Oracle Database" on page 4-1 for more information.

2.3 Installation Worksheet

Table 2–5 provides information about the configuration attributes that you need before
starting the Oracle Identity Manager installation. Print this worksheet and use it to
take notes during the installation. Enter information specific to your installation in the
User Selection column.

Table 2–5 Installation Worksheet

Item Default User Selection
The base directory for Microsoft Windows: C:\oracle
installing Oracle
UNIX or Linux: /opt/oracle
Identity Manager.
The name or IP No default value
address of the
computer on which
the Oracle Identity
Manager database is
The TCP port number 1521 for Oracle
on which the database
1433 for Microsoft SQL Server
listens for
connections. Note: Microsoft SQL Server is not supported
in Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0. See
"Certified Components" in Oracle Identity
Manager Release Notes for information about
certified components.
The name of the No default value
database for your
The name and No default value
password of the
database account that
Oracle Identity
Manager uses to
access the database.

2-4 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Using the Diagnostic Dashboard

Table 2–5 (Cont.) Installation Worksheet

Item Default User Selection
The JDK installation Microsoft Windows: C:\Program
directory Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java
UNIX or Linux:
The IBM WebSphere Microsoft Windows: C:\Program
Application Server Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer
installation directory,
UNIX or Linux:
known as
throughout this

*NA = Not applicable for a default. However, you must enter a value for this item
when you install Oracle Identity Manager.

2.4 Using the Diagnostic Dashboard

The Diagnostic Dashboard is a Web application that runs on the application server. It
checks your preinstallation and postinstallation environments for components
required by Oracle Identity Manager. Oracle recommends that you install the
Diagnostic Dashboard before installing Oracle Identity Manager.

2.4.1 Installing the Diagnostic Dashboard

The Diagnostic Dashboard tool is distributed with the Oracle Identity Manager
Installer CD media. It is located in the Diagnostic Dashboard directory.
You must deploy the Diagnostic Dashboard Web application on your application

See Also: Oracle Identity Manager Administrative and User Console

Guide for more information about the Diagnostic Dashboard

2.4.2 Verifying Your Preinstallation Environment

You can use the Diagnostic Dashboard to verify that the components required to install
Oracle Identity Manager are present:
■ A supported Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
■ A supported database
■ Microsoft SQL Server JDBC libraries (only if you use Microsoft SQL Server)

Note: Microsoft SQL Server is not supported in Oracle Identity

Manager release 9.1.0. See "Certified Components" in Oracle Identity
Manager Release Notes for information about certified components.

See Also: Oracle Identity Manager Administrative and User Console

Guide for information about the Diagnostic Dashboard

Planning the Installation 2-5

Using the Diagnostic Dashboard

2-6 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
3 Installing and Configuring Nonclustered IBM
WebSphere Application Server for Oracle
Identity Manager

This chapter explains how to set up nonclustered IBM WebSphere Application Server
before and after installing Oracle Identity Manager.

Note: Refer to the "Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a

Clustered WebSphere Configuration" section on page 9-1 if you are
using WebSphere in an application server cluster.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

■ Overview of WebSphere Installation and Configuration
■ Installing the WebSphere Application Server
■ Installing the WebSphere Application Client
■ Enabling SOAP Communication with WebSphere
■ Obtaining the Bootstrap Port
■ Upgrading the WebSphere Server and Client
■ Setting Environment Variables
■ Setting JVM Memory and Arguments
■ Obtaining the WebSphere Cell and Node Name
■ Preparing to Install Oracle Identity Manager as a Non-Root User on UNIX or
■ Starting WebSphere Before Installing Oracle Identity Manager

3.1 Overview of WebSphere Installation and Configuration

The following are high-level preinstallation and postinstallation tasks. You must
perform all of these tasks.
1. Install the WebSphere Application Server: Refer to the "Installing the WebSphere
Application Server" section on page 3-2.
2. Install WebSphere Application Client: Refer to the "Installing the WebSphere
Application Client" section on page 3-2.

Installing and Configuring Nonclustered IBM WebSphere Application Server for Oracle Identity Manager 3-1
Installing the WebSphere Application Server

3. Enable SOAP Communication to WebSphere: Refer to the "Enabling SOAP

Communication with WebSphere" section on page 3-2.
4. Upgrade WebSphere server and client software: Refer to the "Upgrading the
WebSphere Server and Client" section on page 3-3.
5. Prepare the environment: Refer to the "Setting Environment Variables" section on
page 3-4.
6. Increase the memory setting for the Java Virtual Machine: Refer to the "Setting
JVM Memory and Arguments" section on page 3-4.
7. Obtain the cell and node name of the WebSphere instance on which you plan to
install Oracle Identity Manager: Refer to the "Obtaining the WebSphere Cell and
Node Name" section on page 3-5.
8. Install Oracle Identity Manager: Refer to the "Starting WebSphere Before Installing
Oracle Identity Manager" section on page 3-6.

3.2 Installing the WebSphere Application Server

Install the appropriate WebSphere Application Server release supported by Oracle
Identity Manager for a standalone and single server configuration.

Important: When installing the WebSphere Application Server, you

must clear the Enable administrative security option on the Enable
Administrative Security page of the WebSphere installer. By default,
the Enable administrative security option is selected.

By default, this WebSphere Application Server installation creates the application

server named server1 under the profile named AppSrv01. Node is created with a
naming convention of hostnameNode01. Cell is created with a naming convention of
nodenameCell. For example, if the host name is oimtest, then the node name is
oimtestNode01 and the cell name is oimtestNode01Cell.

Note: For a clustered configuration, you must use WebSphere

Application Server Network Deployment.

3.3 Installing the WebSphere Application Client

The WebSphere Application Client is required to run the Oracle Identity Manager
Design Console. Install the release of WebSphere Application Client (base) supported
by Oracle Identity Manager. Refer to the WebSphere documentation for detailed
installation procedures.

3.4 Enabling SOAP Communication with WebSphere

The Oracle Identity Manager Installer communicates with WebSphere as a SOAP client
by using JACL commands to create data sources, set up message queues, and perform
other operations.
To enable SOAP communication with WebSphere:
1. In a text editor, open the following file:

3-2 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Upgrading the WebSphere Server and Client

Edit the property lines as follows:

Note: If you have used a user ID or password other than

xelsysadm when installing Oracle Identity Manager, then enter the
same user ID and password here.

2. If you want to encode the password in the soap.client.props file, then run the
PropFilePasswordEncoder command from the
WEBSPHERE_HOME/profiles/PROFILE_NAME/bin directory.
This command is specific to IBM WebSphere Application Server, and it encodes
passwords located in plain-text property files. Refer to IBM WebSphere
Application Server documentation for more details.
3. Save and close the file.

3.5 Obtaining the Bootstrap Port

During WebSphere Application Client installation, you are prompted for the
WebSphere Server host name and port. The port is the WebSphere bootstrap port. You
must also provide this port number during Design Console installation. Obtain the
bootstrap port number by using the WebSphere administrative console.

Note: The WebSphere application server must be running to obtain

the bootstrap port number.

To view the bootstrap port number on a nonclustered installation:

1. Log on to the WebSphere administrative console.
2. Select Servers, Application Servers, <SERVER_NAME>, and then select Ports
under Communication.
The bootstrap port is displayed as BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS.
To view the bootstrap port number on a clustered installation:
1. Log on to the WebSphere administrative console.
2. Select System Administration, Deployment Manager, then select Ports under
Additional Properties.
The bootstrap port is displayed as BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS.

3.6 Upgrading the WebSphere Server and Client

Both the WebSphere Application Server and the Client must be updated with the
Oracle Identity Manager fix packs from IBM.
Perform the following upgrades in the following sequence:
1. Upgrade the WebSphere Application Server.

Installing and Configuring Nonclustered IBM WebSphere Application Server for Oracle Identity Manager 3-3
Setting Environment Variables

2. Upgrade the JDK for WebSphere server.

3. Upgrade your WebSphere Client.
4. Upgrade the JDK for WebSphere Client.

Note: See Oracle Identity Manager Release Notes Release 9.1.0 for the
minimum certified versions of WebSphere fix packs and JDK fixes
required by Oracle Identity Manager.
Oracle Identity Manager supports all JDK fixes and WebSphere fix
packs on top of the minimum certified versions.

3.7 Setting Environment Variables

The following environment variable settings are necessary for Oracle Identity Manager
■ Ensure that the JAVA_HOME system variable is set to the appropriate JDK. On
Microsoft Windows, Solaris, and Linux, set JAVA_HOME to Sun JDK. On AIX, set
JAVA_HOME to the IBM JDK (bundled with IBM WebSphere).

See Also: Oracle Identity Manager Release Notes Release 9.1.0 for
information about certified JDK versions

■ Remove the ANT_HOME system variable if it is defined.

■ For Microsoft Windows, Solaris, and Linux, ensure that the Sun JDK is being used
when a Java command is run. To do this, include the /java/jre/bin/ directory
of the Sun JDK installation in the PATH ahead of all other path entries. For
Microsoft Windows:
set PATH=SUN_JDK_HOME\jre\bin;%PATH%

Solaris or Linux
export PATH=SUN_JDK_HOME/jre/bin:$PATH

■ For AIX, ensure that the IBM JDK (bundled with IBM WebSphere) is being used
when a Java command is run. To do this, include the /java/jre/bin/ directory
of IBM JDK installation in the PATH ahead of all other path entries. For example:
export PATH=IBM_JDK_HOME/jre/bin:$PATH

3.8 Setting JVM Memory and Arguments

For Oracle Identity Manager, JVM memory settings must be changed for production
environments and/or when processing large volume in nonproduction.
Perform the following steps to set the JVM memory size. The WebSphere application
server must be running to set the memory size.
To set the JVM memory size:
1. Connect to the WebSphere administrative console by using the following URL:
http://WebSphere Host:WebSphere Admin Port/admin

3-4 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Preparing to Install Oracle Identity Manager as a Non-Root User on UNIX or Linux

Note: The default WebSphere administrative console port is 9060.

2. Select Servers, and then select Application Servers.

3. Select the server name.
4. Go to Server Infrastructure, and then click Java and Process Management.
5. Select Process Definition.
6. Go to Additional Properties, and then click Java Virtual Machine.
7. Enter 1280 for Minimum Heap Size.
8. Enter 1280 for Maximum Heap Size.
9. Enter -Xjit:disableLocalVP,disableGlobalVP for Generic JVM
10. Click OK.

11. Click Save to commit the setting.

Note: For clustered installation of WebSphere, these changes must be

done for all the servers participating in the cluster.

3.9 Obtaining the WebSphere Cell and Node Name

After installing and initially configuring WebSphere, you must obtain the cell and
node name of the WebSphere instance on which you plan to install Oracle Identity
Manager. The Oracle Identity Manager Installer will prompt you for this information
during the installation.
To obtain the cell and node name:
1. Connect to the WebSphere administrative console by using the following URL:
http://WebSphere Host:WebSphere Admin Port/admin

2. In the left pane, click Servers.

3. Click Application Servers under Servers.
4. Click the server instance (server1, default) on the right section.
5. Click the Runtime tab.
6. Note the values for Cell Name and Node Name.

Note: If the value of State is not Started, then restart the server

3.10 Preparing to Install Oracle Identity Manager as a Non-Root User on

UNIX or Linux
Installing Oracle Identity Manager as a non-root user on a WebSphere application
server running on UNIX or Linux requires certain permissions. Before attempting to
install Oracle Identity Manager as a non-root user on a WebSphere application server
running on UNIX or Linux, verify that the operating system user account installing

Installing and Configuring Nonclustered IBM WebSphere Application Server for Oracle Identity Manager 3-5
Starting WebSphere Before Installing Oracle Identity Manager

Oracle Identity Manager has write and execute permissions on the directories in which
WebSphere will be installed.

3.11 Starting WebSphere Before Installing Oracle Identity Manager

The Oracle Identity Manager Installer communicates with the WebSphere server
during installation. Therefore, you must verify that the application server is running
before you start the installation.
To start WebSphere on Microsoft Windows, use the Windows Start menu, or the
WEBSPHERE_HOME\profiles\PROFILE_NAME\bin\startServer.bat script. For
example, run:
WEBSPHERE_HOME\profiles\PROFILE_NAME\bin\startServer.bat server name

To start WebSphere on UNIX or Linux, use the

WEBSPHERE_HOME/profiles/PROFILE_NAME/bin/ script. For
example, run:
WEBSPHERE_HOME/profiles/PROFILE_NAME/bin/ server name

To install Oracle Identity Manager, follow the installation instructions in the chapter
specific to your operating system. Refer to the "Installing Oracle Identity Manager on
Microsoft Windows" section on page 5-1 or the "Installing Oracle Identity Manager on
UNIX or Linux" section on page 6-1 for more information.

3-6 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
4 Installing and Configuring a Database for
Oracle Identity Manager

Oracle Identity Manager requires a database. You must install and configure your
database before you begin the Oracle Identity Manager installation. Refer to the topic
that applies to your database:
■ Using an Oracle Database for Oracle Identity Manager
■ Using Oracle RAC Databases for Oracle Identity Manager
■ Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database for Oracle Identity Manager

4.1 Using an Oracle Database for Oracle Identity Manager

The following are the high-level tasks for using an Oracle Database for Oracle Identity
1. Install Oracle. Refer to the "Installing Oracle Database" section on page 4-1.
2. Create an Oracle Database. Refer to the "Creating an Oracle Database" section on
page 4-1.
3. Prepare the Database. Refer to the "Preparing the Oracle Database" section on
page 4-2.

4.1.1 Installing Oracle Database

Install Oracle9i Database or Oracle Database 10g release 2 by referring to the
documentation delivered with the Oracle database. See Oracle Identity Manager Release
Notes for the specific supported versions. Oracle recommends using the Basic

Note: If you choose the Custom installation, then you must include
the JVM option, which is required for XA transaction support.

4.1.2 Creating an Oracle Database

You can create a new Oracle database instance for Oracle Identity Manager. When
creating the database, ensure that you configure the Oracle JVM feature and enable
query rewrite.
You can use the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) tool to create the database.
To configure the Oracle JVM feature, select the Oracle JVM feature on the Standard
Database Features page of the DBCA.

Installing and Configuring a Database for Oracle Identity Manager 4-1

Using an Oracle Database for Oracle Identity Manager

To enable the database for query rewrite, set the initialization parameters
in the All Initialization Parameters field of the DBCA.

Note: For the Oracle Identity Manager installation, Oracle

recommends that you configure a minimum block size of 8K for
Oracle Database.

Consult your Oracle Database documentation for detailed instructions on creating a

database instance. Configuring the Database for Globalization Support

For globalization support for Oracle Identity Manager Release, Oracle recommends
that configuring the database for Unicode. To configure the database for Unicode,
perform the following steps:
1. Select AL32UTF8 in the Character Sets tab of the DBCA. This character set
supports the Unicode standard.
2. Set the NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS initialization parameter to CHAR in the All
Initialization Parameters field of the DBCA.

See Also: Oracle Identity Manager Globalization Guide for more

information about globalization support in Oracle Identity Manager

4.1.3 Preparing the Oracle Database

After you install Oracle Database and create a database instance, you must prepare it
for Oracle Identity Manager by completing the following tasks:
■ Verify that query rewrite is enabled

Note: Query rewrite is applicable only if you are using Oracle

Database Enterprise Edition.

■ Enable XA transactions support

Note: Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is required to enable XA

transaction support. If you did not install the Oracle JVM component
during Oracle Database installation, then you must install it now. See
the Oracle Database documentation for specific instructions.

■ Create at least one tablespace for storing Oracle Identity Manager data
■ Create a database user account for Oracle Identity Manager
You can perform the preceding tasks to prepare the Oracle database for Oracle Identity
Manager by running one of the following scripts:
■ UNIX or Linux:

■ Microsoft Windows:

4-2 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Using an Oracle Database for Oracle Identity Manager

Both of these scripts ship with the Oracle Identity Manager Installer and are in the
\installServer\Xellerate\db\oracle\ directory.
The prerequisites to run the prepare_xl_db scripts are:
■ The script must be run by a user holding DBA privilege. For example, the oracle
user on UNIX or Linux typically holds these privileges.
■ The script must be run on the computer in which the database is installed.
To prepare your Oracle database for Oracle Identity Manager, complete the steps
associated with the operating system on the computer hosting the Oracle database. Preparing on UNIX or Linux

To prepare the scripts on UNIX or Linux:
1. Copy the and xell_db_prepare.sql scripts from the distribution
CD to a directory on the computer hosting the database in which you (as the
account user performing this task) have write permission.
2. Run the following command to enable execute permission for the script:
chmod 755

3. Run the script by entering the following command:


4. Provide information appropriate for the database and host computer when the
script prompts you for the following items:
■ The location of your Oracle home, which is ORACLE_HOME
■ The name of the database, which is ORACLE_SID
■ The name of the Oracle Identity Manager database user to be created
■ The password for the Oracle Identity Manager database user
■ The name of the tablespace to be created for storing Oracle Identity Manager
■ The directory to store the data file for the Oracle Identity Manager tablespace
■ The name of the data file (You do not append the .dbf extension.)
■ The name of the temporary tablespace
5. Check the prepare_xl_db.lst log file located in the directory in which you ran the
prepare_xl_db script to see execution status and additional information.

Note: If you encounter errors after running the

script, then run the following command to ensure that the is executable on UNIX and Linux, and then run the script again.
$ dos2unix Preparing on Microsoft Windows

To prepare the scripts on Microsoft Windows:

Installing and Configuring a Database for Oracle Identity Manager 4-3

Using an Oracle Database for Oracle Identity Manager

1. Copy the prepare_xl_db.bat and xell_db_prepare.sql scripts from the distribution

CD to a directory on the computer hosting the database in which you (as the
account user performing this task) have write permission.
2. Open a command prompt, navigate to the directory in which you copied the
scripts, and run prepare_xl_db.bat with the following arguments:

For example, the string you enter on the command line might look similar to the
prepare_xl_db.bat XELL C:\oracle\ora92 xladm xladm xeltbs C:\oracle\oradata
xeltbs_01 TEMP manager

Table 4–1 lists the options used in the preceding example of prepare_xl_db.bat.

Table 4–1 Options for the prepare_xl_db.bat Script

Argument Description
XELL Name of the database
C:\oracle\ora92 Directory in which the Oracle database is installed
xladm Name of the Oracle Identity Manager user to be created
xladm Password for the Oracle Identity Manager user
xeltbs Name of the tablespace to be created
C:\oracle\oradata Directory in which the data files will be placed
xeltbs_01 Name of the data file (you do not need to include the .dbf
TEMP Name of the temporary tablespace that already exists in the
manager Password for the SYS user

3. Check the prepare_xl_db.lst log file located in the directory in which you ran
the xell_db_prepare script to see execution status and additional information. Interpreting the Script Results

If the script returns a message indicating successful execution, then you can continue
to the next task, which is Oracle Identity Manager installation.
If the script does not succeed, then you must manually fix all fatal (nonrecoverable)
errors so that the database is prepared successfully.
You can ignore all nonfatal errors. For example, when the script tries to drop a
nonexistent view, it will return the error "ORA-00942: table or view does not
Ensure that you scan all the errors in the log file and ignore or resolve them on an
individual basis. Remember that you must successfully prepare the database for
Oracle Identity Manager before you can install Oracle Identity Manager.

4-4 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Using Oracle RAC Databases for Oracle Identity Manager

4.1.4 Removing Oracle Identity Manager Entries from an Oracle Database

To remove Oracle Identity Manager entries from an Oracle database after removing
Oracle Identity Manager, drop the database user holding the Oracle Identity Manager

4.2 Using Oracle RAC Databases for Oracle Identity Manager

This section explains how to deploy Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC)
databases for Oracle Identity Manager. It discusses the following sections:
■ Installing Oracle Identity Manager for Oracle RAC
■ Oracle RAC Net Services
■ JDBC and Oracle RAC
■ Configuring IBM WebSphere Application Server for Oracle RAC

4.2.1 Installing Oracle Identity Manager for Oracle RAC

Oracle RAC is a cluster database with a shared cache architecture that provides highly
scalable and available database solutions. Oracle RAC consists of multiple database
instances on different computers. These database instances act in tandem to provide
the database solutions.

Note: The Oracle Identity Manager Installer program does not

provide support for Oracle RAC. To deploy Oracle Identity Manager
for Oracle RAC, you must install Oracle Identity Manager on a single
database instance in Oracle RAC and then change the application
server settings, specifically the connection pool parameters, to use the
Oracle RAC JDBC connection string.

Perform the following steps to install Oracle Identity Manager for Oracle RAC:
1. Ensure that Oracle RAC is properly set up and configured with the Oracle Identity
Manager schema owner.
2. Start the Oracle Identity Manager Installer.
3. On the Database Parameters page of the installer, enter the host name, port
number, and database name of a single database instance in Oracle RAC.
4. Complete the Oracle Identity Manager installation by performing the steps in the
5. Configure your application server for Oracle RAC. Refer to the "Configuring IBM
WebSphere Application Server for Oracle RAC" section on page 4-6.

4.2.2 Oracle RAC Net Services

The net services name entry for an Oracle RAC database differs from that of a
conventional database. The following is an example of the net services name entry for
an Oracle RAC database:

Installing and Configuring a Database for Oracle Identity Manager 4-5

Using Oracle RAC Databases for Oracle Identity Manager


Table 4–2 describes the parameters in a net services name entry for an Oracle RAC

Table 4–2 Parameters for Oracle RAC Database Net Services Name Entries
Parameter Description
LOAD_BALANCE Specifies whether client load balancing is enabled (on) or
disabled (off). The default setting is on.
FAILOVER Specifies whether failover is enabled (on) or disabled (off). The
default setting is on.
ADDRESS_LIST Specifies the list of all the nodes in Oracle RAC, including their
host names and the ports they listen on.

4.2.3 JDBC and Oracle RAC

JDBC client applications that use the Thin driver to connect to an Oracle RAC database
must use the Oracle RAC net services name as a part of the JDBC URL. The entire
Oracle RAC net services name is concatenated, and the entire string is used in the
JDBC URL so that the client application can connect to Oracle RAC.
The following sample code shows how a JDBC URL is used to connect to an Oracle
RAC database:
//String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@dbhost:1521:dbservice"
String racUrl =

String strUser = "username";

String strPW = "password";

// load Oracle driver


// create the connection

con = DriverManager.getConnection(strURL, strUser, strPW);

The subsequent sections about configuring application servers for Oracle RAC
databases explain how to modify connection pools to use a similar JDBC URL so that
the application server can communicate with Oracle RAC.

4.2.4 Configuring IBM WebSphere Application Server for Oracle RAC

This section explains how to configure IBM WebSphere Application Server
(nonclustered or clustered) for Oracle RAC by ensuring that the data sources and
connection pools are configured to use the Oracle RAC JDBC connection string.

4-6 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database for Oracle Identity Manager

Note: Before configuring WebSphere application servers for Oracle

RAC, you must:
■ Get the RAC net services name from the tnsnames.ora file.
■ Construct the RAC JDBC URL. Refer to the "JDBC and Oracle
RAC" section on page 4-6.

Perform the following steps to configure both nonclustered and clustered WebSphere
application servers for Oracle RAC:
1. Open the OIM_HOME/xellerate/config/xlconfig.xml file.
2. Locate the <DirectDB> section and replace the value of the <url>...</url> tag
with the RAC JDBC URL. For example, the new tag might be similar to the

3. Save and close the OIM_HOME/xellerate/config/xlconfig.xml file.

4. Log on to the WebSphere Administrative Console by using a Web browser if you
are configuring a nonclustered WebSphere environment. Log on to the WebSphere
Administrative Console of the Network Deployment Manager (NDM) by using a
Web browser if you are configuring a clustered WebSphere environment.
5. Select Resources, JDBC, Data Sources, and then select Non XA DataSource.
At the bottom of the page, replace/set the value of URL property to RAC JDBC
URL as described in step 2.
6. Save the settings.
7. Select Resources, JDBC, Data Sources, and then select XADataSource.
At the bottom of the page, replace/set the value of URL property to RAC JDBC
URL as described in step 2.
8. Save the settings.
9. Restart the WebSphere application server if you are configuring a nonclustered
WebSphere environment. Restart the WebSphere NDM if you are configuring a
clustered WebSphere environment.

4.3 Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database for Oracle Identity Manager
Note: Microsoft SQL Server is not supported in Oracle Identity
Manager release 9.1.0. See "Certified Components" in Oracle Identity
Manager Release Notes for information about certified components.

The following are high-level tasks for using a SQL Server database with Oracle
Identity Manager.
1. Install and configure SQL Server. Refer to the "Installing and Configuring
Microsoft SQL Server" section on page 4-8.

Installing and Configuring a Database for Oracle Identity Manager 4-7

Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database for Oracle Identity Manager

2. Register your SQL server. Refer to the "Registering Microsoft SQL Server" section
on page 4-9.
3. Create an SQL Server database. Refer to the "Creating a Microsoft SQL Server
Database" section on page 4-9.
4. Create an SQL Server database account. Refer to the "Creating a Microsoft SQL
Server Database Account" section on page 4-11.
After you have completed these tasks, proceed to install Oracle Identity Manager.

4.3.1 Installing and Configuring Microsoft SQL Server

To install and configure SQL Server for Oracle Identity Manager:
1. Install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with Service Pack 3a.
During the installation, select mixed authentication mode, and then set the
password to sa.
2. On the computer hosting the application server, download the SQL Server 2000
Driver for JDBC Service Pack 3 from
3. On the computer hosting the application server, install SQL Server 2000 Driver for
JDBC Service Pack 3.

Note: Specify a short path for the installation folder, such as

C:\JDBCjars, so that you can easily add the path to your CLASSPATH
(Step 4). If the classpath is more than 256 characters, then the installer
does not work properly.

4. On the computer hosting the application server, locate the JDBC driver files:
mssqlserver.jar, msbase.jar, and msutil.jar.
Add the location of the files to the system CLASSPATH environment variable. If
the CLASSPATH environment variable does not exist, then you must create it. The
string you add must look similar to the following:

In these sample strings, jdbc_install_folder is the location where the SQL

Server 2000 Driver for JDBC files is installed.
5. Enable distributed transactions by installing SQL Server JDBC XA procedures.
This involves copying the sqljdbc.dll file in the <SQLServer JDBC Driver>\
SQLServer JTA\ directory to the following directory:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQl Server\MSSQL\Binn

6. Run the instjdbc.sql script. Follow the instructions for installing stored procedures
for Java Transaction APIs (JTA).
These instructions are bundled with the SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC. Refer to
the jdbcsqlsrv9.html Help file.
7. Ensure that the Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) service for
Microsoft SQL Server is running. If necessary, use the SQL Server Service Manager
to start it.

4-8 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database for Oracle Identity Manager

Note: You can set the Distributed Transaction Coordinator to start

automatically whenever the operating system is restarted.

4.3.2 Registering Microsoft SQL Server

To register the SQL server:
1. Start the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager application.
From the Windows Start menu, select Programs, Microsoft SQL Server, and then
select Enterprise Manager.
2. In the left pane of the SQL Server Enterprise Manager application window, select
Console Root, and then select Microsoft SQL Servers.
3. Right-click SQL Server Group, and then select New SQL Server Registration.
4. In the Register SQL Server Wizard dialog box, click Next.
5. On the Select a SQL Server page, perform one of the three following steps:
■ Select the server from the list in the right pane, click Add, and then click Next.
■ Select LOCAL, click Add, and then click Next.
■ Enter the host name of the server in the text entry box, click Add, and then
click Next.
6. In the Select an Authentication Mode page, select The SQL Server login
information that was assigned to me by the administrator [SQL Server
Authentication], and then click Next.
7. In the Register Connection Option page, select Login automatically using my
SQL server account information, and then complete the following steps:
1. In the Login name field, enter the account name used to connect to your SQL
server. Typically, this is sa.
2. In the Password field, enter the password associated with the account name
you specified, and then click Next.
8. In the Select SQL Server Group page, select Add the SQL Server(s) to an existing
SQL Server Group, select a group from the Group name list, and then click Next.
9. In the Completing the Register SQL Server Wizard page, click Finish, and then
click Done.

4.3.3 Creating a Microsoft SQL Server Database

This section describes how to create a SQL Server database.

Note: You are not required to use XELL as the name for the database.
This document refers to the name of the database as XELL throughout.

To create a new database for Oracle Identity Manager:

1. Start the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager application. To do so, from the
Windows Start menu, select Programs, select Microsoft SQL Server, and then
select Enterprise Manager.

Installing and Configuring a Database for Oracle Identity Manager 4-9

Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database for Oracle Identity Manager

2. In the left pane of the SQL Server Enterprise Manager application window, select
Console Root, select Microsoft SQL Servers, select the server group to which
your server belongs, and then double-click the icon representing the server.
3. Right-click Databases, and then select New Database.
4. In the Database Properties dialog box, select the General tab, and then enter XELL
in the Name field.
5. Select the Data Files tab. Then, for the Initial Size and Filegroup columns in the
Database files matrix, enter the information from the corresponding columns in
Table 4–3.

Note: Table 4–3 lists initial sizes for a production environment. For
nonproduction installations, you can use the default initial sizes
provided for the filegroups.

Table 4–3 Database Files

Initial Size
File Name (MB) Filegroup Name Content
XELL_PRIMARY 100 PRIMARY System objects required for
SQL Server operation
XELL_DATA 500 XELL_DATA Physical data and primary
XELL_TEXT 500 XELL_TEXT Large text fields
XELL_UPA 1000 XELL_UPA Keys for the User Profile
Audit component

Note: To ensure successful installation of Oracle Identity Manager,

filegroup names must be entered exactly as they appear in Table 4–3.
You can vary the File Name and Location strings to match the
database name and the location of the SQL Server installation.

a. Select Automatically Grow File.

b. Select By Percent, and then enter 10 in the associated field.
c. Select Unrestricted file growth.

Note: The PRIMARY filegroup contains the system objects required

for SQL Server to operate. The XELL_DATA filegroup stores the
physical data and primary keys, XELL_INDEX filegroup stores
indexes, XELL_TEXT stores large text fields, and XELL_UPA stores the
physical data and primary keys of the User Profile Audit component.

6. Select the Transaction Log tab, and then change the initial size to 500 MB.
Leave all the other options on the tab at their default values.

4-10 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database for Oracle Identity Manager

Note: For nonproduction installations, you can use the default initial
size for the log file.

7. Click OK to trigger database creation.

4.3.4 Creating a Microsoft SQL Server Database Account

Complete the following procedure to create a database account for Oracle Identity
Manager and assign appropriate permissions to that account.

Note: The following procedure assumes the account name xladm. If

you want an account name other than xladm, then specify that name
instead of xladm throughout the procedure and also when installing
Oracle Identity Manager.

To create a SQL Server database account:

1. Start the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager application.
From the Windows Start menu, select Programs, select Microsoft SQL Server, and
then select Enterprise Manager.
2. In the left pane of the SQL Server Enterprise Manager application window, select
Console Root, select Microsoft SQL Servers, select the server group to which
your server belongs, and then double-click the icon representing your server.
3. Select Security, right-click Logins, and then select New Login.
4. In the SQL Server Login Properties dialog box, click the General tab.
In the Name field, enter xladm.
5. Select SQL Server Authentication. In the Password field, enter the password
associated with the account name that you specified in Step 4.
6. In the Database box within the Defaults section, select XELL from the list.
Leave the Language field set to <default>.
7. Click the Database Access tab.
In the upper panel, select the check box associated with XELL.
8. In the lower panel, select the check boxes associated with the following:
■ public
■ db_owner
■ db_accessadmin
■ db_securityadmin
■ db_ddladmin
■ db_datareader
■ db_datawriter
9. Click OK to commit the changes.
When prompted, confirm the password and click OK.

Installing and Configuring a Database for Oracle Identity Manager 4-11

Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database for Oracle Identity Manager

10. To check your database settings, right-click the icon representing the server, and
then select Properties from the shortcut menu.
11. In the SQL Server Properties page, click the Security tab, and then verify that
Authentication is set to Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Windows.
12. Click the General tab, and verify that the check boxes associated with Autostart
SQL Server and Autostart MSDTC are selected.
If Autostart SQL Server Agent is selected, then do not change the existing setting,
because that setting might be required by other applications.
Click OK to close the SQL Server Properties page.

4.3.5 Removing Oracle Identity Manager Entries from a SQL Server Database
To remove Oracle Identity Manager entries from a SQL Server database after removing
Oracle Identity Manager, perform the following steps:
1. Delete the Oracle Identity Manager database.
2. Delete the Oracle Identity Manager login account.

4-12 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
5 Installing Oracle Identity Manager on
Microsoft Windows

This chapter explains how to install Oracle Identity Manager on Microsoft Windows in
a nonclustered installation.

See Also: Chapter 9, "Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a

Clustered WebSphere Configuration" for information about deploying
Oracle Identity Manager in a clustered installation

You must install Oracle Identity Manager on systems running the application server.
Oracle Identity Manager components such as the Remote Manager and Design
Console can be installed on separate systems. Each component has its own installer.
This chapter discusses the following topics:
■ Installing the Database Schema
■ Installing Documentation
■ Installing Oracle Identity Manager on Microsoft Windows
■ Removing Oracle Identity Manager

Caution: Do not use a remote client tool, such as Symantec

pcAnywhere, to install Oracle Identity Manager products.

5.1 Installing the Database Schema

As part of the installation, the Oracle Identity Manager Installer loads a schema into
the database. You only install the database schema once. It is installed the first time
you run the Oracle Identity Manager Installer. Each time you run the installer to
deploy other Oracle Identity Manager components, you enter information about the
database connection to configure the component for the same schema. If required,
contact your database administrator (DBA).

Note: During the schema installation, a log file is created in the

OIM_HOME\logs directory.

Installing Oracle Identity Manager on Microsoft Windows 5-1

Installing Documentation

5.2 Installing Documentation

Oracle Identity Manager documentation is installed automatically in the OIM_HOME
directory. A full documentation set is installed with each Oracle Identity Manager

5.3 Installing Oracle Identity Manager on Microsoft Windows

This section describes how to install Oracle Identity Manager on a computer running
Microsoft Windows.

Caution: Do not install Oracle Identity Manager on top of an existing

Oracle Identity Manager installation. For each new installation, use a
different home directory. If you want to reuse the name of an existing
Oracle Identity Manager home directory, then back up your original
Oracle Identity Manager home by renaming that directory.
Remember that all Oracle Identity Manager components must be
installed on different home directories. For example, you cannot
install the Remote Manager in the same directory as Oracle Identity

To install Oracle Identity Manager on a Microsoft Windows host:

Note: Microsoft SQL Server is not supported in Oracle Identity

Manager release 9.1.0. See "Certified Components" in Oracle Identity
Manager Release Notes for information about certified components.

1. Before installing Oracle Identity Manager, you must set the JAVA_HOME and PATH
variables by following the procedure specific to the operating system that you use.
Refer to the "Setting Environment Variables" section on page 3-4 for information
about setting environment variables.
2. If you are using SQL Server as database, then before installing Oracle Identity
Manager, ensure that you copy the following three files located in C:\Program
Files\Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC\lib\ to the
WEBSPHERE_HOME\lib\ directory and add the driver location to the system
CLASSPATH environment variable:
■ mssqlserver.jar
■ msbase.jar
■ msutil.jar
3. Insert the Oracle Identity Manager Installation CD into your CD-ROM drive.

Note: If the autostart routine is enabled for the computer, then

proceed to Step 4.

4. Using the Windows Explorer, navigate to the installServer directory on the

installation CD, and double-click the setup_server.exe file.
5. Select a language on the Installer page and click OK. The Welcome page is

5-2 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Installing Oracle Identity Manager on Microsoft Windows

6. Click Next on the Welcome page. The Admin User Information page is displayed.
7. Enter the password that you want to use as the Oracle Identity Manager
administrator, confirm the password by entering it again, and then click Next. The
OIM Application Options page is displayed.
8. Select one of the following applications to install, and then click Next:
■ Oracle Identity Manager
■ Oracle Identity Manager with Audit and Compliance Module

See Also: Oracle Identity Manager Audit Report Developer's Guide for
information about the Audit and Compliance Module

9. After the Target directory page is displayed, complete one of the following:
■ The default directory for Oracle Identity Manager is C:\oracle. To install
Oracle Identity Manager into this directory, click Next.
■ To install Oracle Identity Manager into another directory, enter the path in the
Directory field, and then click Next.
Click Browse, navigate to the desired location, and then click Next.

Note: If the directory path does not exist, then the Base Directory
settings field is displayed. Click OK. The directory is automatically
created. If you do not have write permission to create the default
directory for Oracle Identity Manager, then a message is displayed
informing you that the installer could not create the directory. Click
OK to close the message, and then contact your system administrator
to obtain the appropriate permissions.

10. On the Database Server Selection page, specify the type of database that you are
using with Oracle Identity Manager, then click Next.
11. On the Database Information page, provide all database connectivity information
that is required to install the database schema.
You install this schema just once, as part of your initial Oracle Identity Manager
installation. After this, you configure all the other Oracle Identity Manager
components to point to this common schema.

Note: To install against an existing database, verify that the release of

Oracle Identity Manager you are installing is certified with the
existing database version. See Oracle Identity Manager Release Notes for
information about the certified configurations.
When Oracle Identity Manager is installed against an existing
database, a warning message is displayed indicating that the database
schema already exists and instructing you to copy the .xldatabasekey
file from the existing Oracle Identity Manager installation to the new
OIM_HOME\xellerate\config\ directory after you complete the
installation process.
You must create the \config directory in the new
OIM_HOME\xellerate\ path if it does not exist.

Installing Oracle Identity Manager on Microsoft Windows 5-3

Installing Oracle Identity Manager on Microsoft Windows

■ In the host field, enter the host name or the IP address of the computer on
which the database is installed.
■ In the PORT field, enter the port number on which the database listens for
connections. The default port is 1521 for Oracle Database and 1433 for
Microsoft SQL Server.
■ In the Database SID field, enter the name of the database instance.
■ In the User Name field, enter the user name of the database account that you
created for Oracle Identity Manager.
■ In the Password field, enter the Oracle Identity Manager database user
■ Click Next to commit the settings.

Note: When you set the preceding items, see the configuration
settings specified in "Using an Oracle Database for Oracle Identity
Manager" on page 4-1 or "Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database for
Oracle Identity Manager" on page 4-7 to verify your settings.

The installer checks for database connectivity if a database schema exists. If

the check passes, then the installer proceeds to the next step in the process. If
the check fails, then an error message is displayed.
■ Select the appropriate database options:
– If a database exists and the connectivity is good, then proceed to Step 12.
– If no connectivity is detected, then you are prompted to enter new
information or to fix the connection. After you do that, click Next.
12. On the Authentication Information page, select either the Oracle Identity
Manager Default Authentication or SSO Authentication option. If you select
Single Sign-On authentication, then you must provide the header variable used in
the Single Sign-On system in the Enter the header value for SSO Authentication
field. Click Next.
13. On the Application Server Selection page, select IBM WebSphere, and then click
14. On the Cluster Information page, specify whether the server configuration is
clustered or nonclustered.
For a nonclustered installation, select No, and then click Next.
If you are deploying in a clustered installation, then select Yes, enter the cluster
name, and refer to the "Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered
WebSphere Configuration" section on page 9-1 for more information.
15. On the WebSphere Directory Information page, enter the information appropriate
for the application server and Java installation:
a. Enter the full path to the WebSphere installation directory. Ensure that you
include AppServer in this path, for example: C:\Program
Alternatively, click Browse and navigate to the location of the WebSphere
installation directory.

5-4 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Removing Oracle Identity Manager

b. Enter the path to the JDK associated with the WebSphere application server.
Do not include JRE in this path. For example, a valid path might be:
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java.
Alternatively, click Browse and navigate to the location of the JDK installation.
c. Click Next.
16. On the Application Server information page, enter the following application
server information:
a. Enter the host name or IP address for the computer on which the application
server is running. You can enter localhost for a local installation.
b. Enter the cell name mentioned in the "Obtaining the WebSphere Cell and
Node Name" section on page 3-5.
c. Enter the node name, mentioned in the "Obtaining the WebSphere Cell and
Node Name" section on page 3-5.
d. For the WebSphere server name, enter the Oracle Identity Manager server
name. The default server name is server1.
e. For the profile name, enter AppSrv01 or the directory name under the
WEBSPHERE_HOME\profiles\ directory based on the operating system.
f. Click Next.
17. Back up the application server when the Application Server Configuration Backup
page is displayed, then click Next to initiate server installation.
18. On the Summary page, click Install to initiate the server software installation.

19. If the installer detects an existing database, then you use that database.
Select Yes, then click Next.
If the existing database is not encrypted, then you are prompted to encrypt it.
Select Yes, then click Next.
20. After Oracle Identity Manager is installed, a message is displayed listing the
location of the installer log file and the subsequent steps that you must perform.
Click OK and complete the postinstallation steps listed in the message.
21. On the Completed page, click Finish to exit the installer.
After installing Oracle Identity Manager, follow the instructions in
"Postinstallation Configuration for Oracle Identity Manager and IBM WebSphere
Application Server".

5.4 Removing Oracle Identity Manager

To remove an Oracle Identity Manager installation:
1. Stop Oracle Identity Manager if it is running, and stop all Oracle Identity Manager
2. Delete the OIM_HOME directory in which you installed Oracle Identity Manager.

Installing Oracle Identity Manager on Microsoft Windows 5-5

Removing Oracle Identity Manager

5-6 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
6 Installing Oracle Identity Manager on UNIX
or Linux

This chapter describes how to install Oracle Identity Manager on a computer running
UNIX or Linux in a nonclustered installation.

See Also:
■ Oracle Identity Manager Release Notes for information about
supported UNIX platforms
■ Chapter 9, "Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered
WebSphere Configuration" for information about deploying
Oracle Identity Manager in a clustered installation

You must install the Oracle Identity Manager on systems running the application
server. Oracle Identity Manager components, such as the Remote Manager, can be
installed on separate systems. Each component has its own installer.
This chapter discusses the following topics:
■ Installation Prerequisites and Notes
■ Installing the Database Schema
■ Installing Documentation
■ Installing Oracle Identity Manager on UNIX or Linux
■ Removing Oracle Identity Manager

6.1 Installation Prerequisites and Notes

The following is a list of prerequisites and notes for installing Oracle Identity Manager
on UNIX or Linux:
■ The Oracle Identity Manager Installer program requires at least 200 MB of free
space in the home directory of the user installing Oracle Identity Manager. Check
the /etc/passwd file to determine the home directory. Note that you cannot work
around this requirement by changing the value of the $HOME variable.
■ There must be at least 200 MB of free space in the /var/tmp directory.
■ Before installing Oracle Identity Manager, you must set the JAVA_HOME and PATH
variables by following the procedure specific to the operating system that you use.
See "Setting Environment Variables" on page 3-4 for instructions.

Installing Oracle Identity Manager on UNIX or Linux 6-1

Installing the Database Schema

■ If you are using Microsoft SQL Server as your database, before installing Oracle
Identity Manager ensure that the following three files are in the
WEBSPHERE_HOME/lib/ directory and add the driver location to the system
CLASSPATH environment variable:

Note: Microsoft SQL Server is not supported in Oracle Identity

Manager release 9.1.0. See "Certified Components" in Oracle Identity
Manager Release Notes for information about certified components.

■ mssqlserver.jar
■ msbase.jar
■ msutil.jar
■ The default logging package included by the base RedHat Linux installation
causes installation problems and exceptions for Oracle Identity Manager. Before
installing Oracle Identity Manager on RedHat Linux, delete the
commons-logging-1.0.2 library from the base operating system installation. The
commons-logging-1.0.2 library is typically installed with any standard RedHat
installation. Also, ensure that you delete the symbolic links in the
/usr/share/java/ directory. Deleting these symbolic links will force Oracle
Identity Manager to use its own internal logger jar files during installation.
■ Do not install Oracle Identity Manager on top of an existing Oracle Identity
Manager installation. Use a different Oracle Identity Manager home directory. If
you want to reuse the same directory name for the Oracle Identity Manager home
directory then back up your previous Oracle Identity Manager home by renaming
the original directory.
Furthermore, all Oracle Identity Manager components must be installed in
different home directories. For example, you cannot install the Remote Manager in
the same directory where Oracle Identity Manager is installed.

6.2 Installing the Database Schema

As part of the installation, the Oracle Identity Manager Installer loads a schema into
your database. You only install the database schema once. It is installed the first time
you run the Oracle Identity Manager Installer. Each subsequent time you run the
installer to deploy other Oracle Identity Manager components you enter information
about the database connection to configure the component for the same schema. If
required, contact your database administrator (DBA).

Note: During the schema installation, a log file is created in the

OIM_HOME/logs directory.

6.3 Installing Documentation

The Oracle Identity Manager documentation is installed automatically in the
OIM_HOME directory. No special input is required. A full documentation set is installed
with each Oracle Identity Manager component.

6-2 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Installing Oracle Identity Manager on UNIX or Linux

6.4 Installing Oracle Identity Manager on UNIX or Linux

Oracle Identity Manager for UNIX or Linux is installed through a console mode
installer, which supports the following two input methods:
■ Choose from among a list of options
Each option is numbered and accompanied by brackets ([ ]). To select an option,
enter its number. Once selected, the associated brackets display an X ([X]).
■ Enter information at a prompt.
To enter information at the prompt, enter the information and press Enter. To
accept a default value—default values are enclosed in brackets after a
prompt—simply press Enter to accept them.
The installer contains logical sections (panels).
■ When you have selected an item from a list of options, enter zero (0) to indicate
that the desired item has been selected.
■ To move to the next installation panel, enter 1.
■ To go back to the previous panel, enter 2.
■ To cancel the installation, enter 3.
■ To redisplay the current panel, enter 5.
To install Oracle Identity Manager on UNIX or Linux:
1. Insert the Oracle Identity Manager Installation CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2. From the console, change directory (cd) to the installServer directory on the
installation CD and run the by using the following command:

Note: If you are not installing Oracle Identity Manager from

distributed media (CD), you must set the execute bit of all shell scripts
in the installServer directory. To set the execute bit for all shell scripts
recursively, cd to the installServer directory and run the following
find . -name "*.sh" -exec chmod u+x {} \;

The installer starts in console mode.

3. Choose a language by entering a number from the list of languages.
Enter 0 to apply the language selection. The Welcome Message panel is displayed.
4. Enter 1 on the Welcome Message panel to display the next panel.
The Admin User Information panel is displayed.
5. Enter a password you want to use for the Oracle Identity Manager Administrator,
confirm the password by entering it again, and then enter 1 to move to the next
The OIM Application Options panel is displayed.
6. Enter 1 on the OIM Application Options panel to display the next panel.
The Select the Oracle Identity Manager application to install panel is displayed.

Installing Oracle Identity Manager on UNIX or Linux 6-3

Installing Oracle Identity Manager on UNIX or Linux

7. Select the application to install:

a. Enter 1 for Oracle Identity Manager.
b. Enter 2 for the Oracle Identity Manager with Audit and Compliance Module.
Enter 0 when you are finished and then enter 1 to move to the next section.
The Target directory panel is displayed.
8. On the Target directory panel, complete one of the sub-steps that follow:
■ Enter the path to the directory where you want to install Oracle Identity
Manager, for example, /opt/oracle/.
■ Enter 1 to move to the next panel.
If the directory does not exist, you are asked to create it. Enter y, for yes. The
Database Server Selection panel is displayed.

Note: To install against an existing database, verify that the version

of Oracle Identity Manager you are installing is certified with your
existing database version. Refer to the Oracle Identity Manager Release
Notes to confirm the certified configurations.
When Oracle Identity Manager is installed against an existing
database, a warning message will appear indicating the database
schema already exists and instructing you to copy the .xldatabasekey
file from the existing Oracle Identity Manager installation to the new
to the new OIM_HOME/xellerate/config directory after you
complete the installation process.
Create the new OIM_HOME/xellerate/config directory if it does
not already exist.

9. Specify the type of database that you are using:

■ Enter 1 to select Oracle Database.
■ Enter 2 to select Microsoft SQL Server.

Note: Microsoft SQL Server is not supported in Oracle Identity

Manager release 9.1.0. See "Certified Components" in Oracle Identity
Manager Release Notes for information about certified components.

■ Enter 0 to finish.
■ Enter 1 to move to the next panel.
The Database Information panel is displayed.
10. Enter your database information:

■ Enter the database host name or IP address.

■ Enter the port number, or accept the default.
■ Enter the SID for the database name.
■ Enter the database user name for the account that Oracle Identity Manager
uses to connect to the database.

6-4 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Installing Oracle Identity Manager on UNIX or Linux

■ Enter the password for the database account that Oracle Identity Manager
uses to connect to the database.
■ Enter 1 to move to the next panel.
The Authentication Information panel is displayed.
11. Select the authentication mode for the Oracle Identity Manager Web application.

■ Enter 1 for Oracle Identity Manager Default Authentication.

■ Enter 2 for SSO Authentication.
■ Enter 0 when you are finished.
If you select SSO authentication, you must provide the header variable used in the
Single Sign-On system when prompted.
Enter 1 to move to the next panel.
The Application Server Selection panel is displayed.
12. Specify your application server type.
■ Enter 2 for IBM WebSphere.
■ Enter 0 when you are finished.
■ Enter 1 to move to the next panel.
The Cluster Information panel is displayed.
13. Specify if the application server is clustered or not, provide the information
specific to your cluster, then perform the following sub-steps:
■ Enter 1 for Yes.
■ Enter 2 for No.
■ Enter 0 when you are finished.
■ If you selected Yes, enter the cluster name at the prompt.
■ Enter 1 to move to the next section.
The Application Server Information panel is displayed.

Note: The next steps in procedure are for non-clustered,

WebSphere-based Oracle Identity Manager installations only. Refer to
"Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered WebSphere
Configuration" on page 9-1 for information about installing in a
clustered WebSphere environment.

14. Enter the application server information at the prompts:

a. Specify the path to the application server or press the Enter key to accept the
b. Specify the path to the application server's JDK directory or press the Enter
key to accept the default.
c. Enter 1 to move to the next section.
15. Enter the login information for the WebSphere server:

a. Enter the Application Server host name or IP address.

Installing Oracle Identity Manager on UNIX or Linux 6-5

Removing Oracle Identity Manager

b. Enter the WebSphere Cell Name.

c. Enter the WebSphere Node Name.
d. Enter the WebSphere Server Name.
e. Enter the Profile Name.
f. Enter 1 to move to the next section.
16. When a message is displayed warning you to back up your application server,
proceed to back up your installation, then enter 1 to move to the next section.
17. On the Installation summary information page, verify the information displayed,
then do one of the following:
■ Enter 2 to go back and make changes.
■ Enter 1 to start the installation.
18. After Oracle Identity Manager installs, the Completed panel is displayed. Enter 3
to finish and exit.
After installing Oracle Identity Manager, follow the instructions in Chapter 7,
"Postinstallation Configuration for Oracle Identity Manager and IBM WebSphere
Application Server".

6.5 Removing Oracle Identity Manager

To remove an Oracle Identity Manager installation:
1. Stop Oracle Identity Manager if it is running and stop all Oracle Identity Manager
2. Delete the OIM_HOME directory where you installed Oracle Identity Manager.

6-6 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
7 Postinstallation Configuration for Oracle
Identity Manager and IBM WebSphere
Application Server

After installing Oracle Identity Manager, perform the postinstallation tasks

documented in this chapter that are appropriate for your deployment before using the
application. Depending on the Oracle Identity Manager deployment, you might
choose not to perform some of these tasks.
The postinstallation tasks are discussed in the following topics:
■ Default JMS Queue Details
■ Increasing the JMS Message Threshold
■ Configuring WebSphere on Nondefault Ports
■ Configuring the ORB Service
■ Changing Keystore Passwords
■ Setting Log Levels
■ Enabling Single Sign-On (SSO) for Oracle Identity Manager
■ Configuring Custom Authentication
■ Increasing the Transaction Timeout
■ Increasing the Authentication Expiration
■ Selecting the Oracle 10g Data Store Helper Class
■ Setting the Compiler Path for Adapter Compilation
■ Deploying the SPML Web Service

7.1 Default JMS Queue Details

Previously, Oracle Identity Manager used a single JMS queue (named xlQueue) for all
asynchronous operations including requests, reconciliation, attestation, and offline
tasks. In release 9.1.0, by default, Oracle Identity Manager uses separate JMS queues
for specific operations to optimize JMS queue processing. The following list shows the
JMS queues in the default configuration and indicates the operation related to each
■ xlQueue (for request operations)
■ xlReconQueue (for reconciliation operations)

Postinstallation Configuration for Oracle Identity Manager and IBM WebSphere Application Server 7-1
Increasing the JMS Message Threshold

■ xlAuditQueue (for auditing operations)

■ xlAttestationQueue (for attestation operations)
■ xlProcessQueue (for use in a future release)

7.2 Increasing the JMS Message Threshold

You must increase the default JMS message threshold of 50000 to 999999 on all the JMS
To increase the default JMS message threshold for each JMS queue:
1. Log in to the WebSphere Administrative Console.
2. Click Service Integration, Buses, XellerateBus, Destinations, QUEUE_NAME,
Queue Points, and QUEUE_POINT_NAME.
3. In the High Message Threshold field, enter 999999.
Repeat Steps 2 through 3 for all the JMS queues.

7.3 Configuring WebSphere on Nondefault Ports

To run Oracle Identity Manager on IBM WebSphere Application Server by using
nondefault ports (not 80, 443, or 9080), you must add the port mapping information
for the server by using the WebSphere administrative console. Add the port mapping
for the HTTP transport for the nondefault server by using the WebSphere
administrative console, as described in the following sections.

7.3.1 Configuring WebSphere on Nondefault HTTP Port

To use a nondefault HTTP port:
1. Select Environment, Virtual Host, default_host, and then select Host Alias.
2. Click New.
3. Enter the host name and port number.

Note: Setting the Virtual Host, by default, does not include the
nonstandard ports for a WebSphere configuration. You must set the
Virtual Host for nonstandard server installation and clustered
environment installation.

4. Change the <ApplicationURL> tag in xlclient\config\xlconfig.xml to

the correct HTTP port.
5. Restart the application server you used to install Oracle Identity Manager.

7.3.2 Configuring WebSphere on Nondefault Naming Service Port

To use a nondefault naming service port:
1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console, click Server, select Application Server,
select SERVER_NAME, and then select Ports under Communication. Make a note of
The page displays the host name and port number. The default port is 2809.

7-2 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Changing Keystore Passwords

When installing on a nondefault port, the xlconfig.xml file must be modified even
if the installation is on server1. In a clustered installation, the xlconfig.xml file
must always be modified.

Note: The default server, server1, needs the configuration file,

xlconfig.xml as well as all other servers (nondefault) in the cell to
share the same security information.

2. Edit the discovery port settings in the following files:

■ xellerate\config\xlconfig.xml
■ xlclient\config\xlconfig.xml

7.4 Configuring the ORB Service

When a business transaction, for example, searching for multiple requests or users,
returns a large dataset object (greater than 500KB), it can cause the system to throw an
exception. When this happens by using WebSphere, CORBA_NO_MEMORY is
recorded in the WebSphere log file and System Error is displayed as an error message
window in the Oracle Identity Manager Administrative and User Console.
WebSphere documentation explains that this exception is thrown because an
Application Server can record totally out of heap space or insufficient heap space to
satisfy allocation request when the Java virtual machine is unable to allocate a block
contiguous space on the heap to allocate a large object.
To avoid this exception, you must enable WebSphere to pass parameters by reference
through ORB. If enabled, ORB passes parameters by reference, instead of by value,
which avoids making an object copy. If you do not enable Pass by reference, the
parameters are copied to the stack before every remote method call is made.
Perform the following steps to enable the Pass by Reference parameter for the ORB
1. Log in to the WebSphere Administrative Console.
2. Select Servers, then Application Servers, then SERVER_NAME, and then ORB
Service under Container Services. The ORB Service window is displayed.
3. Locate the Pass by reference parameter and select the option for the parameter to
enable it.
4. Click Apply.
5. Save the service settings.

7.5 Changing Keystore Passwords

During installation, the passwords for the Oracle Identity Manager keystores are set to
xellerate. The Installer scripts and installation log contain this default password. It
is strongly recommended that you change the keystore passwords for all production
To change the keystore passwords you must change the storepass of .xlkeystore and
the keypass of the xell entry in .xlkeystore, and these two values must be identical. Use
the keytool and the following steps to change the keystore passwords:
1. Open a command prompt on the Oracle Identity Manager host computer.

Postinstallation Configuration for Oracle Identity Manager and IBM WebSphere Application Server 7-3
Changing Keystore Passwords

2. Navigate to the OIM_HOME\xellerate\config directory.

3. Run the keytool with the following options to change the storepass:
JAVA_HOME\jre\bin\keytool -storepasswd -new new_password -storepass xellerate
-keystore .xlkeystore -storetype JKS

4. Run the keytool with the following options to change the keypass of the xell entry
in .xlkeystore:
JAVA_HOME\jre\bin\keytool -keypasswd -alias xell -keypass xellerate -new
new_password -keystore .xlkeystore -storepass new_password

Note: Replace new_password with the same password entered in

step 3.

Table 7–1 lists the options used in the preceding example of keytool usage.

Table 7–1 Command Options for the keytool Utility

Option Description
JAVA_HOME Location of the Java directory associated with the application
new_password New password for the keystore
-keystore option Keystore whose password you are changing (.xlkeystore for Oracle
Identity Manager or .xldatabasekey for the database)
-storetype option JKS for .xlkeystore and JCEKS for .xldatabasekey

5. In a text editor, open the OIM_HOME\xellerate\config\xlconfig.xml file.

6. Edit the
section, <xl-configuration>.<Security>.<XLPKIProvider>.<Keys>
section, and the <RMSecurity>.<KeyStore> section to specify the keystore
password as follows:

Note: Change the <XLSymmetricProvider>.<KeyStore> section

of the configuration file to update the password for the database
keystore (.xldatabasekey).

■ Change the password tag to encrypted="false".

■ Enter the password, for example:
<Password encrypted="false">new_password</Password>

7-4 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Setting Log Levels

<Password encrypted="false">new_password</Password>
<Password encrypted="false">new_password</Password>

7. Save and close the xlconfig.xml file.

8. Restart the application server.
When you stop and start the application server, a backup of the configuration file
is created. The configuration file with the new password is read in, and the
password is encrypted in the file.
9. If all of the preceding steps have succeeded, you can delete the backup file.

Note: On UNIX or Linux, you might also want to clear the command
history of the shell by using the following command:
history -c

7.6 Setting Log Levels

Oracle Identity Manager uses log4j for logging. Logging levels are configured in the
logging properties file, OIM_HOME/xellerate/config/ By
default, Oracle Identity Manager is configured to provide output at the Warning level
except for DDM, which is configured to provide output at the Debug level by default.
You can change the log level universally for all components or for an individual
The following is a list of the supported log levels, appearing in descending order of
information logged. DEBUG logs the most information and FATAL logs the least
Oracle Identity Manager components are listed in the
OIM_HOME\xellerate\config\ file in the XELLERATE section,
for example:

Postinstallation Configuration for Oracle Identity Manager and IBM WebSphere Application Server 7-5
Enabling Single Sign-On (SSO) for Oracle Identity Manager


To set Oracle Identity Manager log levels, edit the logging properties in the
OIM_HOME\xellerate\config\ file as described in the
following procedure.
To configure log levels:
1. In a text editor, open the OIM_HOME\xellerate\config\
This file contains a general setting for Oracle Identity Manager and specific
settings for the components and modules that comprise Oracle Identity Manager.
By default, Oracle Identity Manager is configured to output at the Warning level:

This is the general value for Oracle Identity Manager. Individual components and
modules are listed by following the general value in the properties file. You can set
individual components and modules to different log levels. The log level for a
specific component overrides the general setting.
2. Set the general value to the desired log level.
3. Set other component log levels as desired.
Individual components or modules can have different log levels. For example, the
following values set the log level for the Account Management module to INFO,
while the server is at DEBUG and the rest of Oracle Identity Manager is at the
WARN level.

4. Save the changes.

5. Restart the application server so that the changes take effect.

7.7 Enabling Single Sign-On (SSO) for Oracle Identity Manager

The following procedure describes how to enable Single Sign-On for Oracle Identity
Manager with ASCII character logins. To enable Single Sign-On with non-ASCII
character logins, use the following procedure, but include the additional configuration
setting described in step 4.

7-6 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Configuring Custom Authentication

See Also: Oracle Identity Manager Best Practices Guide for more
information about configuring Single Sign-On for Oracle Identity
Manager with Oracle Access Manager.

Note: Header names comprised only of alphabetic characters are

certified. Oracle recommends that not using special characters or
numeric characters in header names.

To enable Single Sign-On for Oracle Identity Manager:

1. Stop the application server gracefully.
2. In a text editor, open the OIM_HOME\xellerate\config\xlconfig.xml file.
3. Locate the following Single Sign-On configuration. The following are the default
settings without Single Sign-On:

4. Edit the Single Sign-On configuration to be the following, and replace

SSO_HEADER_NAME with the appropriate header configured in your Single
Sign-On system:

To enable Single Sign-On with non-ASCII character logins, you must include a
decoding class name to decode the non-ASCII header value. Add the decoding
class name and edit the Single Sign-On configuration as follows:

Replace SSO_HEADER_NAME with the appropriate header configured in your

Single Sign-On system.
5. Change the application server and Web server configuration to enable Single
Sign-On by referring to the application and Web server vendor documentation.
6. Restart the application server.

7.8 Configuring Custom Authentication

This section describes how to use custom authentication solutions with Oracle Identity
Oracle Identity Manager deploys a Java Authentication and Authorization Service
(JAAS) module to authenticate users. For unattended logins, which require offline
message processing and scheduled task execution, Oracle Identity Manager uses
signature-based authentication. Although you can use JAAS to handle signature-based

Postinstallation Configuration for Oracle Identity Manager and IBM WebSphere Application Server 7-7
Configuring Custom Authentication

authentication, you can create a custom authentication solution to handle standard

authentication requests.

Note: The Oracle Identity Manager JAAS module must be deployed

on the application server and must be the first invoked authenticator.

To enable custom authentication on WebSphere application server, you use the

WebSphere Administrative Console to define a property named
customAuthentication in the Custom Properties section of the Custom User
Registry, as follows:
1. Log in to the WebSphere Administrative Console
2. Expand Security and Secure administration, applications, and infrastructure.
3. Click Configure next to Standalone Custom Registry.
4. Click Custom Properties, and then click New.
5. In the Name field, enter customAuthentication.
6. In the Value field, enter the name of a custom authentication class that implements
the class.
7. Restart the WebSphere application server.

7.8.1 Protecting the JNDI Namespace

When you specify a custom authentication solution, you must also protect the Java
Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) namespace to ensure that only designated
users have permission to view resources. The primary purpose of protecting the JNDI
namespace is to protect Oracle Identity Manager from any malicious applications that
might be installed in the same application server instance. Even if no other
applications, malicious or otherwise, are installed in the same application server
instance as Oracle Identity Manager, you must protect your JNDI namespace as a
routine security measure.
To configure Oracle Identity Manager to access a protected JNDI namespace, perform
the following steps:
1. Open the OIM_HOME/config/xlconfig.xml file in a text editor and add the
following elements to the <Discovery> element:

2. To optionally encrypt the JNDI password, add an encrypted attribute that is

assigned a value of true to the <>
element, and assign the password as the value of the element, as follows:

3. Add the following elements to the <Scheduler> element:


7-8 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Selecting the Oracle 10g Data Store Helper Class

4. Restart the server.

7.9 Increasing the Transaction Timeout

You have to increase the transaction timeout values for WebSphere Application Server
because the default values can be low for certain transactions. Oracle recommends that
the values as specified in the following steps.

Note: Depending on the specific requirements, the values might

require revision in the future.

1. Log in to the WebSphere Administrative Console.

2. Select Servers, Application Servers, SERVER_NAME, and then select Transaction
Services under Container Services.
3. Enter 1200 for total transaction lifetime timeout.
4. Enter 1200 for maximum transaction timeout.
5. Save the service settings.
6. Restart the servers.

Note: In the cluster environment, you must repeat the steps for all
the available WebSphere servers in the cluster.

7.10 Increasing the Authentication Expiration

Be default the websphere expires the authentication information based on the timeout
configuration. By default timeout is set at 120 minutes. Note that this might not be
enough, if you are planning to run a long reconciliation activity or any other scheduled
tasks. Therefore, timeout must be increased to a suitable value in minutes.
To increase the authentication expiration:
1. Log on to the WebSphere Administrative Console.
2. Click Security.
3. Select Secure administration, applications, and infrastructure.
4. Select Authentication mechanisms and expiration.
5. Enter the value for Timeout value for forwarded credentials between servers in

7.11 Selecting the Oracle 10g Data Store Helper Class

Perform the following steps to change the default Oracle 9i Data Store Helper class to
the Oracle 10g Data Store Helper class:
1. Log on to WebSphere Administrative Console.
2. Select Resources, JDBC, Data Sources, and then select Non XA DataSource.
3. Select Oracle 10g data store helper in the Data store helper class name field.
4. Click OK, and then click Save.

Postinstallation Configuration for Oracle Identity Manager and IBM WebSphere Application Server 7-9
Setting the Compiler Path for Adapter Compilation

5. Select Resources, JDBC, Data Sources, and then select XA DataSource.

6. Select Oracle 10g data store helper in the Data store helper class name field.
7. Click OK, and then click Save.

7.12 Setting the Compiler Path for Adapter Compilation

To compile adapters or import Deployment Manager XML files that have adapters,
you must set the compiler path. To set the compiler path for adapter compilation, you
must first install the Design Console. Refer to Chapter 10, "Installing and Configuring
the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console" for instructions on installing the Design
Console and then setting the compiler path for adapter compilation.

7.13 Deploying the SPML Web Service

Organizations can have multiple provisioning systems that exchange information
about the modification of user records. In addition, there can be applications that
interacts with multiple provisioning systems. The SPML Web Service provides a layer
over Oracle Identity Manager to interpret SPML requests and convert them to Oracle
Identity Manager calls.
The SPML Web Service is packaged in a deployable Enterprise Archive (EAR) file. This
file is generated when you install Oracle Identity Manager.
Because the EAR file is generated while you install Oracle Identity Manager, a separate
batch file in the Oracle Identity Manager home directory runs the scripts that deploy
the SPML Web Service on the application server on which Oracle Identity Manager is
running. You must run the batch file to deploy the SPML Web Service.
For details about the SPML Web Service, see Chapter 12, "The SPML Web Service" in
Oracle Identity Manager Tools Reference.

7.14 Tuning JDBC Connection Pools

To implement the tuning for the JDBC connection pools used by Oracle Identity

Note: It is strongly recommended that you implement the suggested

tuning for the JDBC connection pools used by Oracle Identity
Manager. This can be further tuned based on the application usage.

1. Log on to WebSphere Administrative Console.

2. Select Resources, JDBC, Data Sources, and then select Non XA DataSource. Select
Connection pool properties under Additional properties. And enter/ensure the
following values.
Minimum connections: 30
Maximum connections: 50

3. Click OK, and then click Save.

4. Select Resources, JDBC, Data Sources, and then select XA DataSource. Select
Connection pool properties under Additional properties. And enter/ensure the
following values.
Minimum connections: 30

7-10 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Tuning JDBC Connection Pools

Maximum connections: 50

5. Click OK, and click Save.

Postinstallation Configuration for Oracle Identity Manager and IBM WebSphere Application Server 7-11
Tuning JDBC Connection Pools

7-12 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
8 Starting and Stopping Oracle Identity

This chapter describes how to start and stop Oracle Identity Manager, and how to
access the Administrative and User Console. This chapter contains the following
■ Removing Backup xlconfig.xml Files After Starting or Restarting
■ Starting Oracle Identity Manager
■ Stopping Oracle Identity Manager
■ Accessing the Administrative and User Console
■ Using Diagnostic Dashboard to Verify Installation

Note: You must complete all relevant postinstallation steps before

starting Oracle Identity Manager. Refer to the "Postinstallation
Configuration for Oracle Identity Manager and IBM WebSphere
Application Server" section on page 7-1 for more information.

8.1 Removing Backup xlconfig.xml Files After Starting or Restarting

After you start any Oracle Identity Manager component for the first time, or after you
change any passwords in the xlconfig.xml file, Oracle Identity Manager encrypts and
saves the passwords. Oracle Identity Manager also creates a backup copy of the
xlconfig.xml file before saving changes to the file. These backup files contain old
passwords in plaintext. The backup file are named xlconfig.xml.x, where x is the latest
available number, for example xlconfig.xml.0, xlconfig.xml.1, and so on.

Note: You must remove these backup files after starting any Oracle
Identity Manager component for the first time, or on restarting after
changing any passwords in xlconfig.xml once you have established
that the new password is working properly.

8.2 Starting Oracle Identity Manager

This section describes how to start Oracle Identity Manager on Microsoft Windows,
UNIX, or Linux.
To start Oracle Identity Manager:
1. Verify that your database is up and running.

Starting and Stopping Oracle Identity Manager 8-1

Stopping Oracle Identity Manager

2. Start Oracle Identity Manager by starting the WebSphere application server. Run
one of the following scripts appropriate for your operating system to start IBM
WebSphere Application Server and Oracle Identity Manager:
To start an administrative server on Microsoft Windows, run the
To start an administrative server on UNIX or Linux, run the

8.3 Stopping Oracle Identity Manager

This section describes how to stop Oracle Identity Manager gracefully on Microsoft
Windows, UNIX, or Linux. To stop Oracle Identity Manager gracefully, you stop the
WebSphere application server by running one of the following scripts appropriate for
the operating system.
On Microsoft Windows:

On UNIX or Linux:

8.4 Accessing the Administrative and User Console

After starting the WebSphere application server and Oracle Identity Manager, you can
access the Administrative and User Console by performing the following steps:
1. Navigate to the following URL by using a Web browser:

In this URL, hostname represents the name of the computer hosting the
application server and port refers to the port on which the server is listening. The
default port number for WebSphere is 9080.

Note: The application name, xlWebApp, is case-sensitive.

For example:

2. After the Oracle Identity Manager login page is displayed, log in with your user
name and password.

8.5 Using Diagnostic Dashboard to Verify Installation

The Diagnostic Dashboard verifies each component in your postinstallation
environment by testing for:
■ A trusted store
■ Single sign-on configuration
■ Messaging capability

8-2 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Using Diagnostic Dashboard to Verify Installation

■ A task scheduler
■ A Remote Manager
The Diagnostic Dashboard also checks for all supported versions of components along
with their packaging.

See Also: The "Using the Diagnostic Dashboard" section on page 2-5
for more information about installing and using the Diagnostic

Starting and Stopping Oracle Identity Manager 8-3

Using Diagnostic Dashboard to Verify Installation

8-4 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
9 Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a
Clustered WebSphere Configuration

This chapter describes how to deploy Oracle Identity Manager in a clustered IBM
WebSphere Application Server environment.
This chapter discusses the following topics:
■ About Clustered WebSphere Configurations
■ Overview of Setting Up a WebSphere Oracle Identity Manager Cluster
■ Backing Up the Configurations
■ Installing WebSphere Application Server for a Cluster
■ Adding the Model Node to the Network Deployment Manager
■ Creating the Model Server
■ Creating the XL_CLUSTER
■ Creating the JMS CLUSTER
■ Backing Up the Nodes
■ Installing and Configuring a Database for Oracle Identity Manager
■ Installing Oracle Identity Manager on the Network Deployment Manager
■ Adding Nodes to WebSphere Cell
■ Setting up the Server Virtual Host Information
■ Updating the JNDI References
■ Setting Up IIS as Web server
■ Installing Oracle Identity Manager Cluster By Using a Shared Directory
■ Partitioned Installation on WebSphere
■ Independent Clustered Installation
■ Multiple Clustered Installation
■ Setting Up Supported Integrations on a WebSphere Cluster
■ Postinstallation Configuration for Clustered Installations

Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered WebSphere Configuration 9-1

About Clustered WebSphere Configurations

Caution: Deploying an application in a clustered environment is a

highly complex procedure. This document assumes that you have
expertise in installing and using applications in a WebSphere cluster.
These instructions provide the Oracle Identity Manager-specific
details only. They are not complete instructions for setting up a
WebSphere cluster. For more information about clustering, refer to
WebSphere documentation.

9.1 About Clustered WebSphere Configurations

For a clustered environment, several host computers are required. The instructions in
this chapter describe using 4+n computers and are primarily focussed on Microsoft
Windows. Your configuration might vary. Table 9–1 describes the entities needed for a
cluster, the computers that they run on, and the software required for the entities. Host
computers and entities are labeled descriptively.

Table 9–1 WebSphere-based Oracle Identity Manager Cluster Host Computers

Host Computer Entities Software Description
NDM_HOST XL_MODEL_ WebSphere Use the model node and server as
a template. Configure the model
server and copy it to the nodes for
XL_MODEL_ Oracle each application server in the
SERVER Identity
Note: The model node is not part
of the cluster.
IIS_HOST IIS server IIS This is the IIS Web server. The IIS
server acts as the front end to the
WebSphere cluster and handles
WebSphere the load balancing. Install IIS and
Plug-in the WebSphere plug-in on this

XL_NODEn_HOST XL_NODEn WebSphere Each application server in the

cluster runs Oracle Identity
Manager. The application servers
Oracle run on one or more node host
computers. Replace n with the
node number, such as
Manager XL_NODE1. You can have more
than one application server for
each node host computer.
XL_JMS_HOST XL_JMS_NO WebSphere Application servers created in this
DE cluster are used for JMS message
USTER Oracle recommends that at least
two application servers are
created in this cluster for failover
capabilities for the JMS message

9.2 Overview of Setting Up a WebSphere Oracle Identity Manager Cluster

This section discusses the high-level tasks involved in setting up WebSphere Oracle
Identity Manager cluster.

9-2 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Overview of Setting Up a WebSphere Oracle Identity Manager Cluster

Note: Before setting up a clustered environment for WebSphere,

ensure that all cluster member computers have their clock
synchronized so that the Scheduler can operate properly.

To set up Oracle Identity Manager for a WebSphere cluster:

1. Install and upgrade the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment on
Refer to the "Installing WebSphere Application Server for a Cluster" section on
page 9-5 for information about steps 1 and 2.
2. Install and upgrade WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment on each
node host (XL_NODE1_HOST, XL_NODE2_HOST, and so on.)
3. Install and upgrade WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment on
4. Add the XL_MODEL_NODE to the Network Deployment Manager on
Refer to the "Adding the Model Node to the Network Deployment Manager"
section on page 9-12 for information about adding the model node to the Network
Deployment Manager.
5. Create the XL_MODEL_SERVER on the XL_MODEL_NODE.
Refer to the "Creating the Model Server" section on page 9-13 for information
about creating the modal server.
6. Create the XL_CLUSTER.
Refer to the "Creating the XL_CLUSTER" section on page 9-14 for information
about creating the XL_CLUSTER.
7. Create the XL_JMS_CLUSTER.
Refer to the "Creating the JMS CLUSTER" on page 9-14 for information about
creating the JMS cluster.
8. Prepare the database.
Refer to the "Using an Oracle Database for Oracle Identity Manager" section on
page 4-1 or the "Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database for Oracle Identity
Manager" section on page 4-7 for information about preparing the database.
9. Install Oracle Identity Manager on NDM_HOST.
Refer to the "Installing Oracle Identity Manager on the Network Deployment
Manager" section on page 9-15 for information about installing Oracle Identity
Manager on NDM_HOST.
10. Set up the WebSphere custom registry on NDM_HOST.

11. To add a node, copy the OIM_HOME directory from NDM_HOST to

Refer to the "Adding Nodes to WebSphere Cell" section on page 9-21 for
information about steps 11 through 16.
12. Add Node XL_NODEn, such as XL_NODE1, to the Network Deployment
13. Add Node XL_JMS_NODE to the Network Deployment Manager.

Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered WebSphere Configuration 9-3

Backing Up the Configurations

14. Create a server, such as XL_SERVER_ON_NODE1, on XL_NODE1 as a cluster

15. Create JMS servers, such as XL_JMS_SERVER1 and XL_JMS_SERVER2, on
XL_JMS_NODE as a cluster member of XL_JMS_CLUSTER.
16. Set up virtual host information for the server.

17. Repeat steps 14 through 16 for each server you want to add to the node.

18. Repeat steps 11 through 16 for each node you want to add to the cluster.

19. Get the JNDI URL and update the JNDI references in the xlconfig.xml file
associated with each server.
Refer to the "Updating the JNDI References" section on page 9-25 for information
about updating the JNDI references.
20. Install the WebSphere Plug-in on IIS_HOST.
Refer to the "Installing the WebSphere Plug-in for IIS" section on page 9-6 for
information about installing the WebSphere plug-in for IIS.
21. Set up the IIS server.
Refer to the "Configuring the IIS Plug-in" section on page 9-29 for information
about configuring the IIS plug-in.
22. Set up the Design Console.
Refer to the "Postinstallation Requirements for the Design Console" section on
page 10-3 for information about setting up the Design Console.
23. Perform the postinstallation tasks after deploying Oracle Identity Manager in your
Refer to the "Postinstallation Configuration for Oracle Identity Manager and IBM
WebSphere Application Server" section on page 7-1 for information about the
postinstallation tasks that you perform after deploying Oracle Identity Manager in
the cluster.

9.2.1 WebSphere Software Host Requirements

The software requirements for WebSphere host are:
■ WebSphere host (and component) computers require the IBM JVM. Conflicts can
arise if any of the following is true:
– Other JVM instances exist in PATH.
– JAVA_HOME or CLASSPATH point to anything other than an IBM JVM 1.5.x
■ If you have any other JVMs on the cluster computers, remove (uninstall) them
before proceeding.
■ Unset the JAVA_HOME, ANT_HOME, and CLASSPATH variables.
■ For a full WebSphere installation, you need the Application Server and
Application Client installers.

9.3 Backing Up the Configurations

Oracle recommends that at various points during the cluster setup, you make backups
of the various components. This lets you roll back changes rather than restart the

9-4 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Installing WebSphere Application Server for a Cluster

entire process. WebSphere provides a script (backupconfig.bat or

that makes a compressed (zip) file of the configuration settings. This script takes the
backup file name with complete path as an argument.
The configuration backup script stops the Node Manager as well as all the nodes on
which it is run. It is possible to get backups without stopping the nodes or Node
Manager. However, Oracle recommends that you stop them before making the
configuration backups. After completing the configuration backups, ensure that you
restart the Node Manager (startmanager.bat or as well as the Nodes
(startnode.bat or

Note: After Oracle Identity Manager is installed and the custom

registries are created, you must specify the user name and password
to start the Node Manager or the nodes.

When setting up the cluster, run the script at various times to save the current settings.
To back up your server configurations:
1. On the server host computer, create backup directories for the configurations you
are backing up.
For example, to make a back up of the Node Manager configuration, use the
following command to create a directory for the backup:
mkdir C:\WAS_Backups\PreXL\NodeManagerConfig

mkdir /opt/WAS_Backups/PreXL/NodeManagerConfig

2. Change directories to the application server bin directory. For example:


3. Run backupconfig.bat or and specify a file name that is in the

backup directory you created. For example:


9.4 Installing WebSphere Application Server for a Cluster

To install and upgrade WebSphere application server, you need the WebSphere
installer and upgrade scripts. Ensure that the host meets the WebSphere requirements.
Refer to the "WebSphere Software Host Requirements" section on page 9-4 for
information about WebSphere host system requirements.
Install WebSphere on:
■ NDM_HOST for the model node XL_MODEL_NODE and Deployment Manager
■ All node host computers such as XL_NODE1_HOST and XL_NODE2_HOST
■ JMS node host computer such as XL_JMS_HOST

Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered WebSphere Configuration 9-5

Installing WebSphere Application Server for a Cluster

For each WebSphere host computer:

1. Install the server.
Refer to the "Installing WebSphere Application Server" section on page 9-6 for
2. Upgrade the server.
Refer to the "Upgrading the WebSphere Server" section on page 9-6 for
3. Set the environment variables.
Refer to the "Setting Environment Variables" section on page 9-7 for information.
4. Create profiles.
Refer to the "Creating WebSphere Profiles" section on page 9-7 for information.
5. Set the memory size.
Refer to the "Setting JVM Memory and Arguments" section on page 9-10 for
6. Enable SOAP communications.
Refer to the "Enabling SOAP Communication to WebSphere" section on page 9-11
for information.
7. Verify the installation.
Refer to the "Verifying Installation" section on page 9-11 for information.
8. Create Backups.
Refer to the "Creating Backups" section on page 9-12 for information.

9.4.1 Installing WebSphere Application Server

Install the supported version of the WebSphere Application Server Network
Deployment. When installing, after you select the installation directory, choose the
None option for WebSphere Application Server environments. You can create your
profile later, allowing for flexibility in naming of the servers and nodes.

Important: During the installation, you must clear the Enable

administrative security option on the Enable Administrative Security
page of the WebSphere installer. By default, the Enable administrative
security option is selected.

9.4.2 Upgrading the WebSphere Server

To upgrade the WebSphere server:
1. After you install the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
Manager, update it to the fix packs from IBM that are supported by Oracle Identity
2. Upgrade the JDK for WebSphere server.

9-6 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Installing WebSphere Application Server for a Cluster

See Also: Oracle Identity Manager Release Notes Release 9.1.0 for the
minimum certified versions of WebSphere fix packs and JDK fixes
required by Oracle Identity Manager. Oracle Identity Manager
supports all JDK fixes and WebSphere fix packs on top of the
minimum certified versions.

9.4.3 Setting Environment Variables

The following environment variable settings are necessary for Oracle Identity Manager
■ Ensure that the JAVA_HOME system variable is set to the appropriate JDK. On
Microsoft Windows, Solaris, and Linux, set JAVA_HOME to Sun JDK. On AIX, set
JAVA_HOME to the IBM JDK (bundled with IBM WebSphere).

See Also: Oracle Identity Manager Release Notes Release 9.1.0 for
information about certified JDK versions

■ Remove the ANT_HOME system variable if it is defined.

■ For Microsoft Windows, Solaris, and Linux, ensure that the Sun JDK is being used
when a Java command is run. To do this, include the /java/jre/bin/ directory
of the Sun JDK installation in the PATH ahead of all other path entries. For
Microsoft Windows:
set PATH=SUN_JDK_HOME\jre\bin;%PATH%

Solaris or Linux
export PATH=SUN_JDK_HOME/jre/bin:$PATH

■ For AIX, ensure that the IBM JDK (bundled with IBM WebSphere) is being used
when a Java command is run. To do this, include the /java/jre/bin/ directory
of IBM JDK installation in the PATH ahead of all other path entries. For example:
export PATH=IBM_JDK_HOME/jre/bin:$PATH

9.4.4 Creating WebSphere Profiles

Create the following profiles, either by using the
WEBSPHERE_HOME/bin/manageprofiles command or using WebSphere's Profile
Management tool. The following sections provide information for both the methods:
■ XL_MANAGER_PROFILE for Deployment Manager on NDM_HOST
■ XL_JMS_PROFILE for model node (XL_JMS_NODE) on JMS_HOST

Note: When you create profiles, substitute appropriate values for

WEBSPHERE_HOME and HOST_NAME variables. This applies to all
instances of profile creation.

Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered WebSphere Configuration 9-7

Installing WebSphere Application Server for a Cluster

XL_MANAGER_PROFILE for Deployment Manager on NDM_HOST

Create XL_MANAGER_PROFILE, run the WEBSPHERE_HOME/bin/manageprofiles
command on NDM_HOST, as shown:
For Microsoft Windows:
WEBSPHERE_HOME\bin\manageprofiles.bat -create
–templatePath "WEBSPHERE_HOME\profileTemplates\dmgr" -profileName
-nodeName XL_MANAGER_NODE -cellName XL_CELL -hostname HOST_NAME

WEBSPHERE_HOME\bin\ -create
–templatePath "WEBSPHERE_HOME\profileTemplates\dmgr" -profileName
-nodeName XL_MANAGER_NODE -cellName XL_CELL -hostname HOST_NAME

To create XL_MANAGER_PROFILE by using the Profile Management tool in the

administrative console:
1. Select Start, Programs, IBM WebSphere, Application Server Network
Deployment, and then select Profile Management tool.
2. Select Deployment Manager, and then click Next.
3. Select Advanced Profile creation, and then click Next.
4. Select Deploy the administrative console, and then click Next.
5. Enter XL_MANAGER_PROFILE for the Profile Name, change the profile directory to
WEBSPHERE_HOME\profiles\XL_MANAGER_PROFILE, and then click Next.
6. Enter XL_MANAGER_NODE for the Node Name, XL_CELL for the Cell Name, and
then click Next.
7. Clear the Enable administrative security option, and then click Next.
8. Click Create to create the profile.
9. On Port Values Assignment, click on the default Port values, and then click Next.

Note: Make a note of the port numbers if you have selected the
recommend ports.

10. On the Windows Service Definition window, deselect the Run the Deployment
process as Windows service.


Create XL_MODEL_PROFILE by using the
WEBSPHERE_HOME/bin/manageprofiles command on NDM_HOST, as shown:
For Microsoft Windows:
WEBSPHERE_HOME\bin\manageprofiles.bat -create
–templatePath "WEBSPHERE_HOME\profileTemplates\managed"
-profileName XL_MODEL_PROFILE -profilePath
-hostname HOST_NAME


9-8 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Installing WebSphere Application Server for a Cluster

WEBSPHERE_HOME\bin\ -create
–templatePath "WEBSPHERE_HOME\profileTemplates\managed"
-profileName XL_MODEL_PROFILE -profilePath
-hostname HOST_NAME

To create XL_MODEL_PROFILE by using the Profile Management tool in the

administrative console:
1. Select Start, Programs, IBM WebSphere, Application Server Network
Deployment, and then select Profile Management tool.
2. Select Custom Profile for Environments and click Next.
3. Select Advanced Profile creation, and then click Next.
4. Enter XL_MODEL_PROFILE for the Profile Name, change the profile directory to
WEBSPHERE_HOME\profiles\XL_MODEL_PROFILE, and then click Next.
5. Enter XL_MODEL_NODE for the Node Name, enter the name of the computer for
the Hostname, and then click Next.
6. Select Federate this node later, and then click Next.
7. Click Create to create the profile.


Create XL_JMS_PROFILE by using the WEBSPHERE_HOME/bin/manageprofiles
command on JMS_HOST, as shown:
For Microsoft Windows:
WEBSPHERE_HOME\bin\manageprofiles.bat -create
–templatePath "WEBSPHERE_HOME\profileTemplates\managed"
-profileName XL_JMS_PROFILE -profilePath "WEBSPHERE_HOME\profiles\XL_JMS_PROFILE"
-nodeName XL_JMS_NODE
-hostname HOST_NAME

WEBSPHERE_HOME\bin\ -create
–templatePath "WEBSPHERE_HOME\profileTemplates\managed"
-profileName XL_JMS_PROFILE -profilePath "WEBSPHERE_HOME\profiles\XL_JMS_PROFILE"
-nodeName XL_JMS_NODE
-hostname HOST_NAME

To create XL_JMS_PROFILE by using the Profile Management tool in the

administrative console:
1. Select Start, Programs, IBM WebSphere, Application Server Network
Deployment, and then select Profile Management tool.
2. Select Custom Profile for Environments and click Next.
3. Select Advanced Profile creation, and then click Next.
4. Enter XL_JMS_PROFILE for the Profile Name, change the profile directory to
WEBSPHERE_HOME\profiles\XL_JMS_PROFILE, and then click Next.
5. Enter XL_JMS_NODE for the Node Name, enter the name of the computer for the
Hostname, and then click Next.
6. Select Federate this node later, and then click Next.
7. Click Create to create the profile.

Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered WebSphere Configuration 9-9

Installing WebSphere Application Server for a Cluster


Note: This profile must be created on each node host in the cluster
that is running a WebSphere Application Server.
For example, you can create XL_NODE1_PROFILE with node name
XL_NODE1 on XL_NODE1_HOST computer and
XL_NODE2_PROFILE with node name XL_NODE2 on
XL_NODE2_HOST computer.
The steps in this section apply only for XL_NODE1_PROFILE. To
create rest of the profiles, replace the values appropriately.

Create XL_NODE1_PROFILE by using the

WEBSPHERE_HOME/bin/manageprofiles command on XL_NODE1_HOST, as
For Microsoft Windows:
WEBSPHERE_HOME\bin\manageprofiles.bat -create
–templatePath "WEBSPHERE_HOME\profileTemplates\managed"
-profileName XL_NODE1_PROFILE -profilePath
-hostname HOST_NAME

WEBSPHERE_HOME\bin\ -create
–templatePath "WEBSPHERE_HOME\profileTemplates\managed"
-profileName XL_NODE1_PROFILE -profilePath
-hostname HOST_NAME

To create XL_NODE1_PROFILE by using the Profile Management tool in the

administrative console:
1. Start the WebSphere administrative console.
2. Select Custom Profile for Environments and click Next.
3. Select Advanced Profile creation, and then click Next.
4. Enter XL_NODE1 for the Profile Name, change the profile directory to
WEBSPHERE_HOME\profiles\XL_NODE1_PROFILE, and then click Next.
5. Enter XL_NODE1 for the Node Name, and then click Next.
6. Select Federate this node later, and then click Next.
7. Click Create to create the profile.

9.4.5 Setting JVM Memory and Arguments

For Oracle Identity Manager, JVM memory settings must be changed for production
environments and/or when processing large volume in nonproduction.
Perform the following steps to set the JVM memory size. The WebSphere application
server must be running to set the memory size.
To set the JVM memory size:
1. Connect to the WebSphere administrative console by using the following URL:

9-10 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Installing WebSphere Application Server for a Cluster

http://WebSphere Host:WebSphere Admin Port/admin

Note: The default WebSphere administrative console port is 9060.

2. Select Servers, and then select Application Servers.

3. Select the server name.
4. Go to Server Infrastructure, and then click Java and Process Management.
5. Select Process Definition.
6. Go to Additional Properties, and then click Java Virtual Machine.
7. Enter 1280 for Minimum Heap Size.
8. Enter 1280 for Maximum Heap Size.
9. Enter -Xjit:disableLocalVP,disableGlobalVP for Generic JVM
10. Click OK.

11. Click Save to commit the setting.

Note: For clustered installation of WebSphere, these changes must be

done for all the servers participating in the cluster.

9.4.6 Enabling SOAP Communication to WebSphere

The Oracle Identity Manager installer communicates with WebSphere as a SOAP client
by using JACL commands to create data sources, set up message queues, and other
operations. To enable SOAP, edit the following properties in the
s file on all application servers in the cluster:

Note: If you used a user ID or password other than xelsysadm for

WebSphere, then enter the same user ID or password here.

Note: You must make this change for each newly created profile, for
the NDM_HOST computer, XL_NODEn_PROFILE on the
XL_NODEn_HOST computer, and XL_JMS_PROFILE on the
XL_JMS_NODE computer.

9.4.7 Verifying Installation

After you have installed and upgraded the WebSphere application server, perform the
following steps to verify the installation:
1. Open the First Steps interface.

Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered WebSphere Configuration 9-11

Adding the Model Node to the Network Deployment Manager

From the Start menu, select IBM WebSphere, select a specific profile
(XL_MANAGER_PROFILE), and then select First Steps.
2. Click Verify Installation.
3. After you have verified the installation, click Stop the Server.

9.4.8 Creating Backups

Back up the Nodes. Refer to the "Backing Up the Configurations" section on page 9-4
for more information about creating backups.
Back up the configurations of the following components:
To create the backups for each node:
1. Create a backup directory for each node you have installed.
For example, create the following:


2. Run the backup script from the

WEBSPHERE_HOME\profiles\PROFILE_NAME\bin directory of the application
3. Zip the installedApps directory and save it in the same location.

9.5 Adding the Model Node to the Network Deployment Manager

After you have installed WebSphere and created profiles on the NDM_HOST, add the
XL_MODEL_NODE to the Network Deployment Manager. To add a node, perform the
following steps for each host computer:
1. Open a command prompt on NDM_HOST.
2. Change directories to the bin directory of XL_MODEL_PROFILE.

Note: Before you perform Step 3, ensure that the Network

Deployment Manager is running.

3. Run the addNode.bat or script, specifying the Network Deployment

Manager host name.
For example:

Where NDM_HOST is the host name of the Network Deployment Manager and
NDM_SOAP_PORT is the SOAP port for the Network Deployment Manager.

9-12 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Creating the Model Server

Note: Host name is case-sensitive.

To verify that the XL_MODEL_NODE is added:

1. Using a Web browser, connect to the administrative console by navigating to the
following URL:

2. Log on to the system.

3. Click System Administration.
4. Click Nodes.
If the nodes are added, then they are displayed with status as synchronized. You
can see the status by rolling the mouse pointer over the icon displayed for the
Node name in the Administrative and User Console.
5. Log out and then log in to the WebSphere administrative console to refresh the list
of nodes.

9.6 Creating the Model Server

The model server serves as a template to create other servers for the cluster. The model
server is not part of the cluster, and it does not serve any requests.
To create the model server:
1. Using a Web browser, connect to the Node Manager administrative console by
navigating to the following URL:

2. Log on to the system.

3. Click Servers in the left panel.
4. Click Application Servers.
5. Click New.
a. Select the model node (XL_MODEL_NODE).
b. Enter XL_MODEL_SERVER as the server name, and then click Next.
c. Select the second option for the default application server template, and then
click Next.
d. Ensure that the Generate Unique Ports option is selected.
e. Click Next.
6. Click Finish.
XL_MODEL_SERVER is displayed in the list of application servers.
7. Select Preferences, Synchronize changes with Nodes, and then click Apply.
8. Click Save to commit your changes.

Note: Your changes are not saved until you click Save.

Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered WebSphere Configuration 9-13

Creating the XL_CLUSTER

9.7 Creating the XL_CLUSTER

A cluster is a group of application servers that appear as one to the clients. All
application servers that are used to service incoming calls must be part of this cluster.
After you create the empty cluster, back up the system.
To create the cluster:
1. Using a Web browser, connect to the Network Deployment Manager
administrative console by navigating to the following URL:

2. Log on to the system.

3. Click Servers in the left panel.
4. Click Clusters.
5. Click New.
■ Enter XL_CLUSTER as the cluster name.
■ Ensure that you select the Prefer local and Configure HttpSession
memory-to-memory replication check boxes, and then click Next.
6. Ensure that the None, Create an empty cluster option is selected, and then click
7. Click Finish.
8. Select Preferences, Synchronize changes with Nodes, and then click Apply.
9. Click Save.
The XL_CLUSTER is created. At this point, it is an empty cluster.

Note: You must click Save to save the changes you made.

9.8 Creating the JMS CLUSTER

JMS cluster is used to manage JMS messages. After you create the empty cluster,
ensure that you back up the system.
To create the JMS cluster:
1. Using a Web browser, connect to the Network Deployment Manager
administrative console by navigating to the following URL:

2. Log on to the system.

3. Click Servers on the left panel.
4. Click Clusters.
5. Click New.
■ Enter XL_JMS_CLUSTER as the cluster name.
■ Ensure that you select the Prefer local and Configure HttpSession
memory-to-memory replication options.
6. Ensure that the None, Create an empty cluster option is selected, and then click

9-14 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Installing Oracle Identity Manager on the Network Deployment Manager

7. Click Finish.
8. Select Preferences, Synchronize changes with Nodes, and then click Apply.
9. Click Save.
The XL_JMS_CLUSTER is created. At this point, it is an empty cluster.

Note: You must click Save to save the changes you made.

9.9 Backing Up the Nodes

Back up the Nodes. Refer to the "Backing Up the Configurations" section on page 9-4
for more information about creating backups.
Back up the configurations of the following components:
To create the backups for each node:
1. Create the backup directories:


Node represents the name of the component.

2. Run the backup script from the bin directory on the application server.
3. Zip the installedApps directory and save it in the same location.
The configuration backup command stops the Network Deployment Manager and all
the nodes that it runs on. While it is possible to get backups without stopping the
nodes or Network Deployment Manager, Oracle recommends that you stop them
before getting the configuration backups. After completing the configuration backups,
ensure that you restart the Network Deployment Manager (use startmanager.bat or as well as the Nodes (use startnode.bat or

9.10 Installing and Configuring a Database for Oracle Identity Manager

Refer to Chapter 4, "Installing and Configuring a Database for Oracle Identity
Manager" for information.

9.11 Installing Oracle Identity Manager on the Network Deployment

In a WebSphere cluster, install Oracle Identity Manager on the Node Manager. From
that installation, deploy Oracle Identity Manager to the application servers in the
cluster. Because the Oracle Identity Manager installer communicates with the Node
Manager server during the installation, ensure that the deployment manager is

Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered WebSphere Configuration 9-15

Installing Oracle Identity Manager on the Network Deployment Manager

Note: Stop all other applications running on the NDM_HOST, except

for the Node Manager on XL_MANAGER_NODE and the Model

To install the Oracle Identity Manager on the Node Manager on Microsoft Windows:
1. Double-click the setup_server.exe file, and then click Next.
2. Select a language on the Installer page and click OK. The Welcome page is
3. Click Next on the Welcome page. The Admin User Information page is displayed.
4. Enter a password you want to use for the Oracle Identity Manager Administrator,
confirm the password by entering it again, and then click Next. The OIM
Application Options page is displayed.
5. Select Oracle Identity Manager or Oracle Identity Manager with Audit and
Compliance Module, and then click Next.
6. Select the destination directory to install Oracle Identity Manager, and then click
7. Click Next.
8. Click Next.
9. Select the database type, and then click Next.
10. Enter the database information, and then click Next.

11. Select the authentication, and then click Next.

12. Select IBM WebSphere and click Next.

13. Select Yes for clustering.

14. Enter the cluster name, and then click Next.

15. Enter the Network Deployment Manager Information.

a. Provide the location in which the Deployment Manager is installed. The

default path is C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer.
b. Provide the location of the Deployment Manager's JDK. The default path is
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java.
c. Click Next.
16. For the WebSphere information.

a. Provide the host name of the computer running the Deployment Manager

Note: Do not use localhost. Specify the host name or IP address.

b. Enter the cell name (XL_CELL).

c. Enter the model node name (XL_MODEL_NODE).
d. Enter the model server name (XL_MODEL_SERVER).
e. Enter the profile name (XL_MANAGER_PROFILE)

9-16 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Installing Oracle Identity Manager on the Network Deployment Manager

f. Click Next.
17. Enter the JMS cluster name (XL_JMS_CLUSTER).

18. Click Next, and then click Install to install Oracle Identity Manager.
This might take some time. Watch the SystemOut.log file in the
WEBSPHERE_HOME\profiles\XL_MANAGER_PROFILE\logs\dmgr\ directory
to monitor the progress.
19. Click Finish to complete the installation.
To install the Oracle Identity Manager on the Node Manager on UNIX or Linux:
1. From the console, go to the installServer directory on the installation CD and
run the by using the following command:

Note: If you are not installing Oracle Identity Manager from

distributed media (a CD), then you must set the execute bit of all shell
scripts in the installServer directory. To set the execute bit for all shell
scripts recursively, go to the installServer directory and run the chmod
-R u+x *.sh command.

The installer starts in console mode.

2. Choose a language by entering a number from the list of languages.
Enter 0 to apply the language selection. The Welcome Message panel is displayed.
3. Enter 1 on the Welcome Message panel to display the next panel.
The Admin User Information panel is displayed.
4. Enter a password you want to use for the Oracle Identity Manager Administrator,
confirm the password by entering it again, and then enter 1 to move to the next
The OIM Application Options panel is displayed.
5. Enter 1 on the OIM Application Options panel to display the next panel.
The Select the Oracle Identity Manager application to install panel is displayed.
6. Select the application to install:
– Enter 1 for Oracle Identity Manager.
– Enter 2 for the Oracle Identity Manager with Audit and Compliance Module.
After selecting the application, enter 0, and then enter 1 to move to the next
section. The Target directory panel is displayed.
7. In the Target directory panel, complete one of the following steps:
■ Enter the path to the directory in which you want to install Oracle Identity
Manager, for example, /opt/oracle/.
■ Enter 1 to move to the next panel.
If the directory does not exist, you are asked to create it. Enter y, for yes. The
Database Server Selection panel is displayed.
8. Specify the type of database you are using.

Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered WebSphere Configuration 9-17

Installing Oracle Identity Manager on the Network Deployment Manager

■ Enter 1 to select Oracle.

■ Enter 2 to select SQL Server.

Note: Microsoft SQL Server is not supported in Oracle Identity

Manager release 9.1.0. See "Certified Components" in Oracle Identity
Manager Release Notes for information about certified components.

■ Enter 0 to finish.
■ Enter 1 to move to the next panel.
The Database Information panel is displayed.
9. Enter your database information:
a. Enter the database host name or IP address.
b. Enter (or accept the default) port number.
c. Enter the SID for the database name.
d. Enter the database user name for the account that Oracle Identity Manager
uses to connect to the database.
e. Enter the password for the database account that Oracle Identity Manager
uses to connect to the database.
f. Enter 1 to move to the next panel.
The Authentication Information panel is displayed.
10. Select the authentication mode for the Oracle Identity Manager Web application.

■ Enter 1 for Oracle Identity Manager Default Authentication.

■ Enter 2 for SSO Authentication.
■ Enter 0 when you are finished.
■ If you select SSO authentication, then you must provide the header variable
used in the Single Sign-On system when prompted.
■ Enter 1 to move to the next panel.
The Application Server Selection panel is displayed.
11. Specify your application server type.

■ Enter 2 for IBM WebSphere.

■ Enter 0 when you are finished.
■ Enter 1 to move to the next panel.
The Cluster Information panel is displayed.
12. On the Cluster Information panel:

■ Enter 1 for Yes.

■ Enter 0 when you are finished.
■ Enter the cluster name at the prompt.
■ Enter 1 to move to the next section.
The Application Server Information panel is displayed.

9-18 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Installing Oracle Identity Manager on the Network Deployment Manager

13. Enter the Network Deployment Manager Information.

a. Provide the location in which the Deployment Manager is installed. The
default value is /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer.
b. Provide the location of the Deployment Manager's JDK. The default value is
c. Enter 1 to move to the next section.
14. For the WebSphere information:

a. Provide the host name of the computer running the Deployment Manager

Note: Do not use localhost. Specify the host name or IP address.

b. Enter the cell name (XL_CELL).

c. Enter the model node name (XL_MODEL_NODE).
d. Enter the model server name (XL_MODEL_SERVER).
e. Enter the profile name (XL_MANAGER_PROFILE).
f. Enter 1 to move to the next section.
15. Enter the JMS cluster name (XL_JMS_CLUSTER) in JMS page.

16. When a message is displayed warning you to back up the application server,
proceed to back up your installation, then enter 1 to move to the next section.
17. In the Installation summary information page, verify the information displayed,
then do one of the following:
■ Enter 2 to go back and make changes.
■ Enter 1 to start the installation.
18. After Oracle Identity Manager installs, the Completed panel is displayed. Enter 3
to finish and exit.

9.11.1 Verifying the Installation

After successful installation, the Oracle Identity Manager application is visible on the
Deployment Manager administrative console.
To verify the installation:
1. Using a Web browser, connect to the Node Manager administrative console by
navigating to the following URL:

Note: If you are using an administrative console browser window

that you had logged on to before the Oracle Identity Manager
installation, then log out and log back again to refresh the display.

2. Log on to the system.

3. Click Applications on the left panel.

Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered WebSphere Configuration 9-19

Backing up Configuration Settings

4. Click Enterprise Applications.

Xellerate and Nexaweb are displayed in the list of applications.

9.12 Backing up Configuration Settings

Back up the configurations for the following components:
To create the backups for each node:
1. Create the backup directories, for example:


2. Run the backup script from the bin directory of the application server or Node
3. Zip the installedApps directory, then save it in the same location.
4. Restart the Node Manager and the Nodes.
The backup command stops the node manager and the node agents on their respective
computers. All these nodes and the node manager must be restarted to continue with
the installation.
To restart the node manager on NDM_HOST:
1. Change to the bin directory. For example:
cd C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\XL_MANAGER_PROFILE\bin

2. Run the start command and specify the user and password.
For example:
startmanager.bat -username xelsysadm -password Xelsysadm_Password

■ If you use a user ID or password other than xelsysadm, then enter
the same user ID or password here.
■ From this point on, you must specify the proper user name and
password to start or stop the Node Manager or the nodes in this
cell. This is the result of Oracle Identity Manager setting up the
WebSphere custom registry for JAAS authentication.

To restart a node on the node host:

1. Change to the bin directory. For example:

2. Run the start command and specify the user and password. For example:
startnode.bat -username xelsysadm -password Xelsysadm_Password

9-20 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Adding Nodes to WebSphere Cell

9.13 Adding Nodes to WebSphere Cell

WebSphere cell XL_CELL now contains only XL_MANAGER_NODE and
XL_MODEL_NODE. When you installed WebSphere on other computers, such as
each node was named appropriately, such as XL_NODE1, XL_NODE2, … XL_NODEn,
and XL_JMS_NODE. For adding cluster members, you have to add all these nodes to
the cell XL_CELL.
Before you can add a node, you need the SOAP port number that NDM uses to listen
for and service administrative commands.
To get the SOAP port:
1. Ensure that Node Manager is running.
2. Using a Web browser, connect to the Node Manager administrative console by
navigating to the following URL:

3. Log in using Oracle Identity Manager Administrator name and password you
specified during installation.
4. Click System Administration in the left panel.
5. Click DeploymentManager.
6. Click Ports.
7. Make a note of the port number for SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS.
This port number is needed to add a node to the cell.

Note: You also need this port number to update the JNDI references.
Refer to the "Updating the JNDI References" section on page 9-25 for
more information.

To finish setting up the cluster, for each node:

1. Ensure that the name and path of the JAVA_HOME directory used by Oracle
Identity Manager is the same across all the nodes of the cluster.
2. Copy the OIM_HOME directory from NDM_HOST to the node host.
Ensure that you copy it to the same location, such as, C:\oracle.
3. On the node host, change directories and move to the Oracle Identity Manager
setup directory. For example, use the following command:
cd C:\oracle\xellerate\setup

4. Open the xlAddNode.cmd or script and set the path to the
WebSphere installation directory on the node host.
5. Run the xlAddNode.cmd or script under OIM_HOME/setup/
directory. This script adds the node to the NDM, sets up the custom registry, sets
the system properties, synchronizes the node with the NDM, and starts the node.
Run the script with the following parameters:
For Microsoft Windows:

Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered WebSphere Configuration 9-21

Adding Nodes to WebSphere Cell



For example, to add XL_NODE1, use the following command:

xlAddNode.cmd XL_NODE1_PROFILE XL_NODE1 NDM_HOST 8879 xelsysadm

■ You must run the command for each node that you create.
If you used a user ID or password other than xelsysadm, then
enter the same used ID or password here.
■ Node names are case-sensitive.

6. Create one or more servers on each node, such as XL_NODE1, XL_NODE2, …

Refer to the "Creating Servers for XL_CLUSTER" section on page 9-22 for more
7. Create two servers for JMS on XL_JMS_NODE.
Refer to the "Creating Servers for XL_JMS_CLUSTER" section on page 9-23 for
more information.
8. Set up virtual host information for each server.
Refer to the "Setting up the Server Virtual Host Information" section on page 9-24
for more information.

9.13.1 Creating Servers for XL_CLUSTER

Create one or more servers on each node, such as XL_NODE1, XL_NODE2, …
XL_NODEn, which are members of the XL_CLUSTER. Use the Node Manager
administrative console to do this.
To create a server:
1. Ensure that NDM is running.
2. Using a Web browser, connect to the NDM administrative console by navigating to
the following URL:

3. Log in by using Oracle Identity Manager Administrator name and password that
you specified during installation.
4. Click Servers.
5. Click Clusters.
6. Click XL_CLUSTER.
7. Go to Additional Properties, and then click Cluster members.
8. Click New, and then:

9-22 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Creating Servers for XL_JMS_CLUSTER

a. Name the server. Use a descriptive naming convention for the cluster member
name, such as XL_SERVER1_ON_NODE1.
b. Select the node to manage this server (XL_NODE1).
c. Select the second option of creating using an existing application server as a
e. Add additional members for the other existing nodes by using Add Members
and by entering the succeeding set of information, for example,
XL_SERVER2_ON_NODE2 as server name and XL_NODE2 as the node name.
Similarly create all servers and add to the cluster.
f. Click Add Member.
9. Click Next.
10. Click Finish.
11. Select Preferences, Synchronize changes with Nodes, and then click Apply.

12. Click Save.

The servers are created as members of the XL_CLUSTER.

9.14 Creating Servers for XL_JMS_CLUSTER

Create at least two servers that are members of the XL_JMS_CLUSTER for better
failover capabilities. Use the Node Manager administrative console to do this.
To create servers for XL_JMS_CLUSTER:
1. Ensure that NDM is running.
2. Using a Web browser, connect to the NDM administrative console by navigating to
the following URL:

3. Log in by using Oracle Identity Manager Administrator name and password that
you specified during installation.
4. In the left panel, click Servers.
5. Click Clusters.
7. Go to Additional Properties, and then click Cluster members.
8. Click New, and then:
a. Name the server. Use a descriptive naming convention for the cluster member
name, such as XL_JMS_SERVER1.
b. Select the node to manage this server (XL_JMS_NODE).
c. Select the second option of creating using an existing application server as a
e. Add additional members for the other existing nodes by using Add Members

Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered WebSphere Configuration 9-23

Setting up the Server Virtual Host Information

f. Click Add Member.

9. Click Next.
10. Click Finish.

11. Select Preferences, Synchronize changes with Nodes, and then click Apply.

12. Click Save.

The servers XL_JMS_SERVER1 and XL_JMS_SERVER2 are created as members of

9.14.1 Enabling SIB Services for XL_JMS_CLUSTER Servers

To enable SIB services for XL_JMS_CLUSTER servers:
1. Ensure that NDM is running.
2. Using a Web browser, connect to the NDM administrative console by navigating to
the following URL:

3. Log in by using Oracle Identity Manager Administrator name and password that
you specified during installation.
4. In the left panel, click Servers.
5. Click Application Servers.
6. Click XL_JMS_SERVER1.
7. Go to Server Messaging, and click SIB service.
8. In General Properties, check Enable service at startup.
9. Click OK.
10. Click Preferences, and then select Synchronize changes with Nodes.

11. Click Save.

Repeat the procedure for all servers in the XL_JMS_CLUSTER, for example

9.15 Setting up the Server Virtual Host Information

The application server uses the virtual host information setup on the Node Manager to
properly configure the Web server plug-ins to distribute the load and deal with
failover. When you add a server to the cluster, update the virtual host information.
To update the virtual host information:
1. Ensure that Node Manager is running.
2. Using a Web browser, connect to the Node Manager administrative console by
navigating to the following URL:

3. Log in by using Oracle Identity Manager Administrator name and password that
you specified during installation.
4. In the left panel, click Servers.
5. Click Application Servers.

9-24 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Updating the JNDI References

7. In the Communications section, click Ports.
8. Note the port numbers shown on this page for WC_defaulthost and
WC_defaulthost_secure, for example, port 9081 for WC_defaulthost and 9444 for
9. In the left panel, click Environment.
10. Click Virtual Hosts.

11. Click default_host.

12. Click Host Aliases.

13. Click New, and then:

a. Enter * for the Host Name.

b. In the Port field, enter the previously noted WC_defaulthost port number.
14. Click Apply.
15. At the top of this page, click Host Aliases.

16. Click New, and then:

a. Enter * for the Host Name.

b. In the Port field, enter the previously noted WC_defaulthost_secure port
17. Click Apply.

18. Select Preferences, Synchronize changes with Nodes, and then click Apply.

19. Click Save.

Virtual host setup for the XL_SERVER1_ON_NODE1 server is complete.
Repeat the procedure for all available servers in XL_CLUSTER, for example,

9.16 Updating the JNDI References

When cluster members are added or removed, the JNDI references in Oracle Identity
Manager must be updated. The JNDI references include the host name and WebSphere
bootstrap port numbers for each server in the cluster. The JNDI references are specified
in the xlconfig.xml file in Oracle Identity Manager.
Oracle provides a tool that communicates with the Node Manager, gets the list of
servers that are part of the cluster with the corresponding bootstrap ports, constructs
the JNDI URL, and prints it out. Update the xlconfig.xml file on each of the nodes with
this URL.
To update the JNDI reference:
1. On NDM_HOST, change to the Oracle Identity Manager setup directory.
For example, use the command:
cd C:\oracle\xelleate\setup

2. Edit the websphereConfigUtility.cmd or

script to ensure that the values of the WS_HOME and XL.HomeDir variables are
set correctly.

Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered WebSphere Configuration 9-25

Updating the JNDI References

3. Run the command file.

For example, use the following command with arguments.
websphereConfigUtility.cmd NDM_HOST SOAP_PORT
xelsysadm xelsysadm_password getjndiurl

Note: If you used a user ID or password other than xelsysadm for

WebSphere, then enter the same user ID or password here.

See Also: The "Adding Nodes to WebSphere Cell" section on

page 9-21 for information about getting the SOAP_PORT number

The output from the tool includes a JNDI URL. For example:

Note: This sample URL includes references to two cluster members


4. Edit the xlconfig.xml file in the OIM_HOME\config directory.

Replace all four instances of the java.naming.provider.url with the URL from the

Note: Use the URL for the Design Console also. Refer to the
"Installing Oracle Identity Manager Cluster By Using a Shared
Directory" section on page 9-30 for more information.

5. Save and close the xlconfig.xml file.

6. Copy the modified xlconfig.xml file to all the nodes in XL_CELL, that is, to the
corresponding OIM_HOME\config directory to all the hosts such as
7. After you copy this file to all the nodes, restart the servers in the XL_CLUSTER.
Use the Node Manager administrative console to do this. Ensure that Node
Manager is running.
8. Using a Web browser, connect to the Node Manager administrative console by
navigating to the following URL:

9. Log in by using Oracle Identity Manager Administrator name and password that
you specified during installation.
10. In the left panel, click Servers.

11. Click Application Servers.

12. Ensure that the options for all the Oracle Identity Manager servers
(<XL_SERVERn_ON_NODEn>) are selected.
These are the servers that run the Oracle Identity Manager application.

9-26 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Setting Up IIS as Web server

Note: Ensure that the JMS servers are running before you start the
XL_SERVER nodes.

13. Click Start.

After the servers start, the green arrow in the status column indicates that the
servers are running.

9.17 Setting Up IIS as Web server

The following steps describe the high-level tasks associated with installing IIS as Web
server, installing WebSphere plug-in for IIS, and its related configuration tasks:
■ Installing IIS
■ Installing the WebSphere Plug-in for IIS
■ Configuring the IIS Plug-in

9.17.1 Installing IIS

The front end for WebSphere cluster is an IIS server running on IIS_HOST. Clients
connect to this IIS Web server that sends requests to the WebSphere servers in the
XL_CLUSTER cluster.
To verify that IIS is installed:
1. On IIS_HOST, open the Control Panel and select Add/Remove Programs.
2. Click Add/Remove Windows Components.
3. Select Application Server, and then click Details.
4. If IIS is not installed, then select Internet Information Service (IIS).
5. Click Next. IIS installs.
6. Click Finish.

9.17.2 Installing the WebSphere Plug-in for IIS

The WebSphere plug-in is installed by performing a custom WebSphere installation on
To install the plug-in on Microsoft Windows 2000:
1. Start the installation wizard for the Web Server plug-ins.
2. Select the Microsoft Internet Information Services option.
3. Select Webserver machine (remote) option.
4. Provide the path for the installation.
5. Specify the port (default value is 80).
6. Specify the Web server name (default name is webserver1).
7. Accept the location of default plugin-cfg.xml file and continue.
8. Specify the IP address of the application server.
9. To enable the plug-in within IIS, and then verify that it is working, start the
Internet Services Manager in Administrative Tools.

Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered WebSphere Configuration 9-27

Setting Up IIS as Web server

10. Right-click the icon for the IIS server, and then select Restart IIS from the shortcut
11. Click OK to restart the IIS Service, and enable the WebSphere plug-in for IIS.

12. After the restart process finishes, right-click the server, and then select Properties
from the shortcut menu.
13. Click Edit beside WWW Services under Master Properties.

14. In the ISAPI Filters tab, ensure that sePlugins is displayed with high priority
indicated by a green upward arrow. If sePlugins is not displayed in the
ISAPIFilters tab, then:
a. Click Add. Use sePlugins as FilterName, and specify
PLUGIN_HOME/bin/IIS_webserver_name/iisWASPlugin_http.dll as
the executable file.
b. Click OK to add the filter.
c. Restart IIS Service and check the property of the DefaultWebSite again.
Priority of the ISAPIFilter might still be Unknown. It would take time
(possibly hours or even a day) for it to be updated as high priority with the
green upward arrow.
To install the plug-in on Microsoft Windows 2003:
1. Start the installation wizard for the Web Server plug-ins.
2. Select the Microsoft Internet Information Services option.
3. Select Webserver machine (remote) option.
4. Provide the path for the installation.
5. Specify the port (default value is 80).
6. Specify the Web server name (default name is webserver1).
7. Accept the location of default plugin-cfg.xml file and continue.
8. Specify the IP address of the application server.
9. To enable the plug-in within IIS, and then verify that it is working, start the
Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager in Administrative Tools.
10. Expand the computer name.

11. Expand the Web Sites folder.

12. Right-click Default Web Site, select New, and then click Virtual Directory.

13. In the Welcome to Virtual Directory Creation Wizard window, click Next to go to
the next window.
14. In the Virtual Directory Alias window, enter sePlugins as the alias, and then
click Next.
15. In the Web Site Content Directory window, browse to the location where you
install the WebSphere Plug-ins. Ensure that you include the bin directory, for
example, C:\WSPlugin\bin, and then click Next.
16. In Virtual Directory Access Permissions, ensure that the Read, the Run Scripts,
and the Execute options are selected. Click Next after you finish selecting the
17. Click Finish.

9-28 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Setting Up IIS as Web server

18. Right-click the computer icon, select All Tasks, and then click Restart IIS.
19. Click OK to restart the IIS Service and enable the WebSphere plug-in for IIS.

20. After the restart process finishes, expand the Web Site folder, right-click Default
Web Site, and then select Properties from the shortcut menu.
21. In the ISAPI Filters tab, ensure that sePlugins is displayed with high priority and
is indicated by a green upward arrow. If sePlugins is not displayed in the
ISAPIFilters tab, then:
a. Click Add. Use sePlugins as FilterName, and specify
PLUGIN_HOME/bin/IIS_webserver_name/iisWASPlugin_http.dll as
the executable file.
b. Click OK to add the filter.
c. Restart IIS Service and check the property of the DefaultWebSite again.
Priority of the ISAPIFilter might still be Unknown. It would take time
(possibly hours or even a day) for it to be updated as high priority with the
green upward arrow.

9.17.3 Configuring the IIS Plug-in

This section discusses how to configure the IIS plug-in, export the configuration from
the Node Manager, and install it.
To configure the IIS plug-in and install the configuration:
1. Ensure that Network Deployment Manager (NDM) is running.
2. Copy configurewebserver1.bat (for Windows) or (for
UNIX) from IIS_HOST computer to the following directory on NDM_HOST:

Note: configurewebserver1.bat is located in the following

directory on IIS_HOST:
PLUGIN_HOME/bin is located in the following directory:

3. Run the configurewebserver1 script to generate the IIS plugin file on NDM_HOST.
■ For Windows NDM_HOST: Configurewebserver1.bat -profileName
XL_MANAGER_PROFILE -user xelsysadm -password
■ For UNIX NDM_HOST: -profileName
XL_MANAGER_PROFILE -user xelsysadm -password

Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered WebSphere Configuration 9-29

Installing Oracle Identity Manager Cluster By Using a Shared Directory

Note: For cross-platform configurations (IIS Web server on Windows

and WebSphere server on UNIX), changes are required to compensate
for file encoding differences to prevent the
script from failing.
For more information, visit:

4. Search for plugin-cfg.xml under the

WEBSPHERE_HOME/profiles/XL_MANAGER_PROFILE/ directory. There are two
plugin-cfg.xml files. Choose the one that is not
5. Copy the new plugin-cfg.xml file from the Network Deployment Manager to the
install directory of the IIS server WebSphere plug-in.
6. Open the file on the IIS server. Several paths in the new configuration file must be
updated to reflect the files of the IIS server.
7. Save and close the file.
8. Restart the IIS server.

9.18 Installing Oracle Identity Manager Cluster By Using a Shared

Use the following task overview to install Oracle Identity Manager on a WebSphere
clustered environment by using a shared directory. You must perform the steps in the
task overview in the order shown.
To install Oracle Identity Manager cluster by using a shared directory:
1. Create a shared directory on the file server designated for Oracle Identity
This shared directory can be on a Solaris computer with NFS or on a Microsoft
Windows share.
2. On all the computers that will be hosting Oracle Identity Manager, map this drive
by using the same drive letter on each computer.
If the installation is on Solaris, then mount the NFS partition on the same mount
3. Install Oracle Identity Manager by using the standard installation instructions.
Provide the installation location on the shared drive.
4. When adding a new host to the cluster, map the drive as in step 2, thereby making
Oracle Identity Manager home directory available for use.
5. Modify the xlAddNode command to provide the proper Oracle Identity Manager
location as well as the WebSphere location.
6. Run the xlAddNode command.

9-30 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Independent Clustered Installation

Note: If the file is modified to include a File Appender

to log the Oracle Identity Manager messages into a separate file, then
ensure that you provide a location on the local drive. Also, ensure that
the same location exists on all the nodes.

9.19 Partitioned Installation on WebSphere

This section describes how to perform a partitioned installation of Oracle Identity
Manager in a WebSphere clustered environment.
WebSphere clustered environments for a partitioned installation are the following:
■ An independent clustered environment in which Scheduled Task and Front
Office are processed
Two independent installations of Oracle Identity Manager share the same
■ A multiple clustered environment in which the same Network Deployment
Manager (NDM) is used for hosting different components.

9.19.1 Important Points to Consider

Here are some important points to consider before you choose the type of clustered
environment you wish to install the partitioned Oracle Identity Manager:
■ Adapters and scheduled jobs can invoke APIs and submit messages.
These API calls are processed in which APIs are hosted at the Core Server. Also,
the submitted messages are processed in which Message Driven Beans (MDBs) are
hosted. Therefore, scheduled job execution is truly distributed among three
components: the APIs, the MDBs and the Schedule Job itself.
■ All off-lined tasks will be executed partly by the API layer and partly by the MDB
Currently, request initiation and reconciliation are off-lined, but more tasks are
planned to be off-lined in the future.
■ In theory, it is possible to install a Scheduler a single computer.
However, when a schedule task runs, it calls the APIs. For the reconciliation tasks,
they call APIs as well as submit messages. Therefore, true processing of scheduled
tasks occurs in the APIs and MDBs.

9.20 Independent Clustered Installation

For an independent clustered environment, two separate Oracle Identity Manager
installations share the same database. The first installation of Oracle Identity Manager
is designed to handle Front Office, which is the user requests for administration,
provisioning, and so on. The second installation is designed to handle Back Office for
only the Schedule Task execution.
Figure 9–1 shows two independent clustered environments: Front Office and Back

Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered WebSphere Configuration 9-31

Independent Clustered Installation

Figure 9–1 Two Independent Oracle Identity Manager Cluster Environments

Front Office Cluster


· Host API
· Web Application
· Message Driven Beans

Server · Host API Server
· Web Application
· Message Driven Beans

· Host API
· Web Application
· Message Driven Beans
The database is
between two
Back Office Cluster

WebSphere WebSphere
Application Application
Server Server
· Host API · Host API Server
· Scheduler · Scheduler
· Message Driven Beans · Message Driven Beans

9.20.1 Environment Profile

The following items discuss some important points needed for the independent
clustered environment:
■ The Front Office installation must include MDBs because the Front Office is not
aware of the existence of the Back Office.
However, it is possible to overcome this limitation by using WebSphere MQ.
■ The Back Office installation must include APIs because they are called by the
Scheduled Tasks.
■ Both installations can be either clustered or nonclustered.
For example, Front Office can be a cluster, while Back Office runs on a single but
powerful computer.
■ Caching must be configured as a single cluster by using the same multi-cast IP
address between both the clusters.

9-32 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Multiple Clustered Installation

■ If the same IP cannot be used, then the cache must be flushed in both the clusters
after an import or a change to process definition, resource object definition, and so

9.20.2 Environment Advantages

Independent clustered environment has the following advantages:
■ The clustered environments use different platform types.
For example, the Front Office can be Windows-based, while the Back Office is
■ The entire Schedule Task execution is processed in the Back Office cluster with
reasonable predictability.
■ There is one Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for each computer, or one application
server instance running for each computer.

Note: Ensure that the Cache\MultiCastAddress is same for both the

Front Office and Back Office installations to ensure cache flushing on
both clusters.

9.20.3 Environment Disadvantages

Independent clustered environment has the following disadvantages:
■ The clusters are rigid in their processing duties.
For example, the Front Office processing cannot be delegated to the Back Office
cluster, and vice-versa even if the other cluster is under-utilized at that time.
Therefore, under no circumstances can the Front Office cluster share the load on
the Back Office cluster.
■ The Design Console must be configured to work with the Back Office cluster and
be able to schedule jobs, and so on.
■ Because the Back Office cluster does not qualify as a true back-office cluster, it
causes the limitation of off-lined tasks.
It also restricts processing to the Front Office cluster. For example, off-lining task
approvals occur in the Front Office cluster.

9.21 Multiple Clustered Installation

After installing Oracle Identity Manager in a multiple-clustered environment, in which
clusters share the same Node Domain Manager (NDM), you can add more servers and
create more clusters. You can also map modules to different clusters by using the
WebSphere administrative console.
Figure 9–2 shows that the multiple-clustered environment is hosting different
modules. If you want to configure a computer (host) for multiple functions, then you
can map multiple modules to this host.

Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered WebSphere Configuration 9-33

Multiple Clustered Installation

Figure 9–2 Multiple Oracle Identity Manager Cluster Environments Hosting Different Modules

Server Server

Web MDB Cluster



Host A1 Host A2 Host A3 Host B1 Host B2

Note: When creating the Oracle Identity Manager Cluster by using

the WebSphere administrative console, ensure that you select the
Prefer Local option so that the local EJBs are preferred over the remote

9.21.1 Environment Advantages

The following are the advantages of the multiple-clustered environment:
■ Multiple-clustered environment has the ability to load balance processing in which
the Back Office cluster can take on the work, and vice versa.
For example, there are times when the API cluster on the Front Office can process
scheduled tasks.
■ The Back Office cluster represents a true Back Office in which designated off-lined
tasks are processed within the Back Office computers.
■ The Design Console points to the same cluster for all operations.
■ There is a central administration of the WebSphere cluster.

9.21.2 Environment Disadvantages

The following are the disadvantages of the multiple-clustered environment:
■ Multiple JVMs run on all the computers within the cluster.
The impact on performance is unknown.
■ After applying patches, you must perform manual steps to map modules into the
proper cluster because the current patch mechanism cannot accommodate the two
separate deployments.

9.21.3 Installation Considerations

The following are the installation considerations in a multiple-clustered environment:

9-34 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Multiple Clustered Installation

■ Install WebSphere by following the clustered installation steps in this guide, but
name the cluster XL_API_CLUSTER instead of XL_CLUSTER.
■ Create additional clusters: XL_API_CLUSTER, WebCluster, and
Add servers into the clusters by using the same model server for all of them.
■ In the Web cluster, add servers into the nodes participating in the Front Office.

Note: To indicate that the server is hosting Web components, append

the word "Web" to the end of the server name. For example,

a. In the Back Office cluster, add servers into the nodes participating in the Back
Office. Use the suffix, BackOffice or BO.
b. Create servers in XL_API_CLUSTER and add the suffix API to the servers.
■ Map modules into different clusters:
a. Click Enterprise Applications, and then click Oracle Identity Manager.
b. Click Map modules to Application Servers.
c. Select xlWebApp.war, and then select the WebCluster from the list on the top.
d. Click Apply. xlWebApp.war runs on Web Cluster.
e. Select xlBackOfficeBeans, xlScheduler.war, and SchedulerBean, and then
map them to the BackOffice cluster.
f. Save the changes.
■ Modify xlconfig.xml and change the Discovery section. Include the boot strap
ports of the correct servers to find the various components.
a. Edit the websphere.profile and ensure that the cluster name is
b. Run websphereConfigUtility.cmd to get the list URL to be used for CoreServer
c. Perform the same steps for BackOfficeCluster to get the JNDI URL to be used
for BackOffice, Scheduler, and JMSServer components.
■ Start all the clusters.
■ Restart the application.

9.21.4 Scaling
Follow these guidelines when scaling up your environment:
■ To add more computers to handle Front Office requests, add a new node, and then
add servers in both the WebCluster and the API Cluster.
■ To add more processing power in the Back Office cluster, add a new node, and
then add servers to the API Cluster and the Back Office Cluster on that node.

Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered WebSphere Configuration 9-35

Setting Up Supported Integrations on a WebSphere Cluster

9.21.5 Variation
It is possible to keep Web and API on the same cluster so that only one JVM is running
on the Front Office computers. On the other hand, the generated plug-in configuration
must be modified to remove the Back Office computers.

9.22 Setting Up Supported Integrations on a WebSphere Cluster

To deploy an Oracle Identity Manager-supported integration on the WebSphere
clustered environment, you must ensure that the integration is accessible for all cluster
members. Refer to the Oracle Identity Manager Connector Pack Release Notes located
at the Oracle Technology Network site to learn about supported connectors for Oracle
Identity Manager.

9.22.1 Shared Directory

During the Oracle Identity Manager installation, the Oracle Identity Manager folder,
Oracle by default, is generated. This folder contains configuration information, for
example, third-party libraries, keystores, scheduled tasks, and adapter classes. In a
WebSphere clustered environment, ensure that this folder is installed as a shared
folder and is centrally located so that all cluster members can access the latest
configuration information referenced by the application server.

Note: Refer to the "Installing Oracle Identity Manager Cluster By

Using a Shared Directory" section on page 9-30 for more information.

9.22.2 Using SSL

For any Oracle Identity Manager-supported integrations that are deployed by using a
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection between the target system, for example Active
Directory, and the clustered WebSphere application server, you must import the target
system SSL certificate file into the trusted store for each cluster member computer.
For a standard WebSphere deployment, the target system SSL certificate must be
imported to WEBSPHERE_HOME/etc/DummyServerTrustFile.jks. The default
password for this file is WebAS. In a customized WebSphere deployment in which a
different trusted store is used, you must import the target system SSL certificate to that

9.22.3 Time Synchronization of Clustered Machines

Ensure that all cluster members have their system clocks synchronized. Oracle
recommends that you do not run clustering on separate computers unless their system
clocks are synchronized by using some form of time-sync service (daemon) that runs
frequently. The clocks must be within a second of each other. Visit for more
information by using the time-sync service.

Caution: Never start a nonclustered instance against the same set of

tables that another instance is running against. You will experience
serious data corruption and erratic behavior.

9-36 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Postinstallation Configuration for Clustered Installations

9.23 Postinstallation Configuration for Clustered Installations

After completing the steps in this chapter, ensure that you perform the postinstallation
configuration tasks for the clustered environment by referring to the "Postinstallation
Configuration for Oracle Identity Manager and IBM WebSphere Application Server"
section on page 7-1 to complete the cluster deployment.

Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered WebSphere Configuration 9-37

Postinstallation Configuration for Clustered Installations

9-38 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
10 Installing and Configuring the Oracle
Identity Manager Design Console

This chapter explains how to install the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console Java
client. You can install the Design Console on the same computer in which Oracle
Identity Manager is installed or on a separate computer.
This chapter discusses the following topics:
■ Requirements for Installing the Design Console
■ Installing the Design Console
■ Postinstallation Requirements for the Design Console
■ Starting the Design Console
■ Setting the Compiler Path for Adapter Compilation
■ Configuring SSL Communication With the Design Console (Optional)
■ Removing the Design Console Installation

10.1 Requirements for Installing the Design Console

Verify that your system environment meets the following requirements for Design
Console installation:
■ You must have a running installation of Oracle Identity Manager.
■ If you are installing on a computer other than the host for the application server,
then you must know the host name and port number of the computer hosting that
application server.
■ The Design Console host must be able to ping the application server host by using
both IP and host name.
■ For a clustered Oracle Identity Manager installation, you must know the host
name and port number of the Web server.

Note: If you cannot resolve the host name of the application server,
then try adding the host name and IP address in the hosts file in the
C:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\ directory.

■ The Design Console must be installed on the same computer as the IBM
WebSphere Client Application.

Installing and Configuring the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console 10-1
Installing the Design Console

■ Ensure that the WebSphere Application Client is configured with the appropriate
server certificate.
Refer to the "Setting Environment Variables" section on page 3-4 for more
■ Ensure that the complete JRE is installed for WebSphere Application Client in the
same way as it is for the Application Server JRE installation. A valid and complete
WebSphere Application Client installation includes a java directory. If this java
directory does not exist for the WebSphere Application Client installation, then
create it by copying it from the WebSphere Application Server installation.

10.2 Installing the Design Console

This section describes how to install the Design Console.

Note: All Oracle Identity Manager components must be installed in

different home directories. If you are installing the Design Console on
a computer that is hosting another Oracle Identity Manager
component, such as Oracle Identity Manager or the Remote Manager,
then you must specify a different installation directory for the Design

To install the Design Console on a Microsoft Windows host:

1. Insert the Oracle Identity Manager Installation CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the installServer directory on the installation
3. Double-click the setup_client.exe file.
4. Choose a language from the list on the Installer page.
The Welcome page is displayed.
5. In the Welcome page, click Next.
6. In the Target directory page, complete one of the following steps:
■ The default directory for the Design Console is C:\oracle. To install the
Design Console into this directory, click Next.
■ To install the Design Console into another directory, enter the path in the
Directory field, then click Next. Alternatively, you can click Browse, navigate
to the desired location, and then click Next.

Note: If the directory path that you specified does not exist, then the
Base Directory settings field is displayed. Click OK. The directory is
automatically created. If you do not have write permission to create
the default directory for Oracle Identity Manager, then a message is
displayed informing you that the installer could not create the
directory. Click OK to close the message, and then contact your
system administrator to obtain the appropriate permissions.

7. In the Application Server page, select WebSphere, and then click Next.

10-2 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Postinstallation Requirements for the Design Console

8. In the IBM Websphere Directory page, enter the location of Websphere Application
Client directory, and then click Next.
9. In the Application Server configuration page, enter the information appropriate
for the application server hosting Oracle Identity Manager, as follows:
a. In the first field, enter the host name or IP address in the upper field.
b. In the second field, enter the bootstrap naming port for the application server
on which Oracle Identity Manager is deployed.

■ The host name is case-sensitive.
■ To find the bootstrap naming port, open
AboutThisProfile.txt in

c. Click Next.
10. In the Graphical Workflow Rendering Information page, enter the Application
server configuration information:
a. Enter the Oracle Identity Manager server (host) IP address. For a clustered
environment, enter the IIS server IP address.
b. Enter the port number. For a clustered environment, enter the IIS server port
c. Select Yes or No to specify whether or not the Design Console must use Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL).
d. Click Next.
11. In the Shortcut page, select the shortcut options according to your preferences:

a. Choose to create a shortcut to the Design Console on the Start menu.

b. Choose to create a shortcut to the Design Console on the desktop.
c. After completing the settings, click Next.
12. In the Summary page, click Install to start the Design Console installation.

13. The final installation page displays a reminder to copy certain application
server-specific files to the Oracle Identity Manager installation.
Follow these instructions and then click OK.
14. Click Finish to complete the installation.

10.3 Postinstallation Requirements for the Design Console

To run the Design Console, a JAR file must be copied from the WebSphere
Application Server installation to your Design Console installation. The jar file must be
extracted from the Oracle Identity Manager EAR file. Perform the following steps:
1. Extract the xlDataObjectBeans.jar file from the Oracle Identity Manager EAR file.
2. Copy xlDataObjectBeans.jar into the following directory:

Installing and Configuring the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console 10-3
Postinstallation Requirements for the Design Console

Click OK to replace the old xlDataObjectBeans.jar file.

3. In the configuration XML file, change the multicast address to match that of Oracle
Identity Manager:
a. Open the following file:

b. Search for the <MultiCastAddress> element, and copy the value assigned
to this element.
c. Open the following file:

d. Search for the <Cache> element, and replace the value of the
<MultiCastAddress> element inside this element with the value that you
copy in Step b.

10.3.1 Extracting xlDataObjectBeans.jar

To obtain the EAR file, export it from the WebSphere server by using the WebSphere
administrative console. You must also extract the xlDataObjectBeans.jar file from the
EAR file so that you can copy the JAR file to the lib directory of the Oracle Identity
Manager Design Console.
To extract the xlDataObjectBeans.jar file:
1. Using a Web browser, connect to the WebSphere administrative console by
navigating to the following URL:

2. Log in by using Oracle Identity Manager Administrator name and password you
specified during installation.
3. Click Applications, and then select Enterprise Applications.
4. Select Xellerate application.
5. Click Export.
6. Save the EAR file.
7. Extract the xlDataObjectBeans.jar file. Ensure that you extract
xlDataObjectBeans.jar and not xlDataObjects.jar.

10.3.2 Configuring the WebSphere Application Client in a Nonclustered Environment

The certificate for the application server must be installed in the trusted store for the
WebSphere AppClient. This required step establishes a trust relationship between the
WebSphere server and client. Use the keytool included with WebSphere to perform
this task.

Note: If you use the default WebSphere certificate, then this task is
not necessary because the certificate is already present in the keystore
of the client.

To enable trust between the server and client:

1. Move to the WEBSPHERE_HOME\etc directory by using the following command:

10-4 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Postinstallation Requirements for the Design Console


2. Export the server certificate by using the following commands:

WEBSPHERE_HOME\java\jre\bin\keytool.exe -export
-alias server -keystore DummyServerKeyFile.jks
-storepass WebAS -file servercert

3. Copy the exported server certificate to the WEBSPHERE_CLIENT_HOME/etc

directory on the client host computer. WEBSPHERE_CLIENT_HOME is the home
directory of the WebSphere client. Typically, the home directory is
4. Import the server certificate into the trusted store for the client by using the
following commands, or similar commands appropriate for your system:
a. Go to the WEBSPHERE_CLIENT_HOME/etc directory by using the following

b. Import the server certificate by using the following command:

WEBSPHERE_CLIENT_HOME\java\jre\bin\keytool.exe -import -alias servertrust
-trustcacerts -keystore DummyClientTrustFile.jks -storepass WebAS -file

Note: If the WEBSPHERE_CLIENT_HOME directory does not contain

the complete java directory when compared with the java directory
inside the WebSphere Application Server installation directory, then
copy the java directory from the WebSphere Application Server

10.3.3 Configuring the Design Console in a WebSphere Cluster

If you are running Oracle Identity Manager in a WebSphere cluster, then you must
configure the Design Console. During deployment, you update the JNDI references for
each of the Nodes. You must also update the JNDI references for the Design Console.
To specify the JNDI URL for the Design Console:
1. On the computer that hosts the Design Console, open the
OIM_DC_HOME/xlclient/Config/xlconfig.xml file.
2. In the <Discovery> section, locate the java.naming.provider.url property.
3. Set this property to the JNDI URL.
Refer to the "Updating the JNDI References" section on page 9-25 for information
about how to obtain this value. For example, you could set the property to the

4. Save the changes.

5. Start or restart the Design Console.

Installing and Configuring the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console 10-5
Starting the Design Console

10.3.4 Configuring WebSphere Client Communication with the Node Manager in

The certificate of the Node Manager must be installed in the trusted store of the
WebSphere Client. This step is necessary to establish a trust relationship between the
Node Manager server and WebSphere Application Client. Use the keytool included
with WebSphere to perform this task.
To enable trust relationship between the Node Manager and client:
1. Go to the Network Deployment Manager Host and change directory to
the following command:

2. Export the server certificate by using the following commands:

WEBSPHERE SERVER_HOME\java\jre\bin\keytool.exe -export
-alias server –keystore DummyServerKeyFile.jks
-storepass WebAS -file servercert

3. Copy the exported server certificate to the client host computer.

4. Import the Node Manager certificate into the client's trusted store by using the
following commands. WEBSPHERE_CLIENT_HOME is the home directory for the
WebSphere Client, which is usually \WebSphere\AppClient\.
a. Go to the WEBSPHERE_CLIENT_HOME\etc directory by using the following

b. Import the Node Manager certificate into the client's trusted store by using the
following command:
WEBSPHERE_CLIENT_HOME\java\jre\bin\keytool.exe -import
-alias servertrust -trustcacerts -keystore DummyClientTrustFile.jks
-storepass WebAS -file

10.4 Starting the Design Console

To start the Design Console, double-click
OIM_DC_HOME\xlclient\wsxlclient.cmd or select Design Console from the
Windows Start menu or desktop.
When the design console starts for the first time, it prompts whether to import
certificates from the server. At the prompt, enter y.

Note: For non-English installations, irrespective of the prompt, only

y works.
For example, in German language installations, you are prompted
with the options j/n, but entering j will not work.

10.5 Setting the Compiler Path for Adapter Compilation

In the System Configuration form of the Design Console, you must set the
XL.CompilerPath system property to include the path of the bin directory inside the

10-6 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Configuring SSL Communication With the Design Console (Optional)

JDK directory (JDK_HOME\bin) that is used by the application server on which Oracle
Identity Manager is deployed.
Then, restart Oracle Identity Manager.

See Also: The "Rule Elements, Variables, Data Types, and System
Properties" section in Oracle Identity Manager Reference

10.6 Configuring SSL Communication With the Design Console

After installing the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console, you might want to
configure it to communicate to Oracle Identity Manager over SSL. The following
sections discuss how to configure the communication from the Design Console to
Oracle Identity Manager over SSL:
■ Configuring WebSphere
■ Configuring the Design Console
■ Configuring the Administrative and User Console (Optional)
■ Configuring Non-Default Certificates

10.6.1 Configuring WebSphere

To configure WebSphere:
1. Start the WebSphere Administrative Console and log in.
2. Go to Security, Secure administration, applications, and infrastructure,
RMI-IIOP Security Under Authentication, and then CSIv2 Inbound Transport.
3. For the Transport settings, select SSL-Supported.
4. Go to Security, Authentication Protocol, and then CSIv2 Outbound Transpot.
5. For the Transport settings, select SSL-Supported.
6. Save the configuration and then restart the application server.

10.6.2 Configuring the Design Console

To configure the Design Console:
1. Open the OIM_DC_HOME/xlclient/wsxlclient.cmd file.
2. To the existing properties, add the following or ensure that the following is
already specified):"file:%WS_HOME%/properties/sas.client.props"

3. Open the "%WS_HOME%"/properties/ file.

4. Make the following changes in the properties:
5. Open the OIM_DC_HOME/xlclient/Config/xlconfig.xml file.

Installing and Configuring the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console 10-7
Configuring SSL Communication With the Design Console (Optional)

6. Modify the <ApplicationURL> value to use SSL as in the following example:



Note: The modifications apply only to the protocol and the port
number. The port number is modified assuming that the server is
configured with default port numbers.
If you have changed the default port numbers, then use the same port
number accordingly.
To find the SSL port for the server,
1. Log on to the WebSphere Administrative Console.
2. Navigate to Servers, Application Servers, server name,
Communications, and then Ports.
WC_defaulthost_secure is the SSL port, and WC_defaulthost is
the non-SSL port for the application server.

Note: For clustered installations of WebSphere with a Web server, the

Web server certificate must be trusted with the Design Console trust
store for enabling SSL communication. After this is done, you can
select one of the servers in the cluster for HTTPS connections as

Alternatively, you can also select one of the servers in the cluster for
HTTPS connections, as follows:

10.6.3 Configuring the Administrative and User Console (Optional)

After configuring WebSphere and the Design Console, you can access the application
by using SSL and non-SSL ports.
To access the application securely by using SSL, you must use port number 9443 or
WC_defaulthost_secure .
Example: https://localhost:9443/xlWebApp
To access the application in a non-secure mode, use port number 9080 or
Example: http://localhost:9080/xlWebApp

10-8 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Removing the Design Console Installation

10.6.4 Configuring Non-Default Certificates

The "Configuring WebSphere", "Configuring the Design Console" section and the
"Configuring the Administrative and User Console (Optional)" section describe how to
configure SSL by using the default certificates provided by WebSphere.
For enhanced protection, Oracle recommends that you create new certificates (either
self-signed or CA certificates) and create a separate keystore and truststore for the
client and the server with different passwords.
If you create a new keystore or truststore with different passwords, then you must
modify the encrypted old password in with the new
clear-text password.
To encrypt the clear-text password, use the utility PropFilePasswordEncoder.bat
available at the following location:
Ensure that you use the SAS option.

Note: Refer to the WebSphere documentation for more information

about creating certificates and configuring trust and keystores.
Otherwise, contact IBM support.

10.7 Removing the Design Console Installation

To remove the Design Console installation:
1. Stop Oracle Identity Manager and the Design Console if they are running.
2. Stop all Oracle Identity Manager processes.
3. Delete the OIM_DC_HOME directory in which you installed the Design Console.

Installing and Configuring the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console 10-9
Removing the Design Console Installation

10-10 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
11 Installing and Configuring the Oracle
Identity Manager Remote Manager

This chapter explains how to install Oracle Identity Manager Remote Manager. It
discusses the following sections:
■ Installing the Remote Manager for Microsoft Windows
■ Installing the Remote Manager for UNIX or Linux
■ Configuring the Remote Manager
■ Starting the Remote Manager
■ Removing the Remote Manager Installation

11.1 Installing the Remote Manager for Microsoft Windows

To install the Remote Manager on a Microsoft Windows host:

Note: All Oracle Identity Manager components must be installed in

different home directories. If you are installing the Remote Manager
on a computer that is hosting another Oracle Identity Manager
component, such as the server or the Design Console, then specify an
installation directory that has not been used.

1. Insert the Oracle Identity Manager Installation CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the installServer directory on the installation
3. Double-click the setup_rm.exe file.
4. Choose a language from the list on the Installer page. The Welcome page is
5. In the Welcome page, click Next.
6. In the Target directory page, complete one of the following steps:
■ The default directory for Oracle Identity Manager products is C:\oracle. To
install the Remote Manager into this directory, click Next.
■ To install Remote Manager in a different directory, specify the path of the
directory in the Directory name field, and then click Next.

Installing and Configuring the Oracle Identity Manager Remote Manager 11-1
Installing the Remote Manager for UNIX or Linux

Note: If the directory path that you specified does not exist, then the
Base Directory settings field is displayed. Click OK. The directory is
automatically created. If you do not have write permission to create
the default directory for Oracle Identity Manager, then a message is
displayed informing you that the installer could not create the
directory. Click OK to close the message, and then contact your
system administrator to obtain the appropriate permissions.

7. Select either the JRE that is installed with Oracle Identity Manager or specify an
existing JRE. Click Next. The Remote Manager Configuration page is displayed.
8. In the Remote Manager Configuration page, enter the appropriate information for
the Remote Manager:
a. Enter the service name. The default value is RManager.
b. Enter the Remote Manager binding port. The default value is 12346.
c. Enter the Remote Manager Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) port. The default value
is 12345.
d. Click Next.
9. In the Shortcut page, select the check boxes for the shortcut options according to
your preferences:
a. Choose to create a shortcut for the Remote Manager on the desktop.
b. Choose to create a shortcut for the Remote Manager on the Start Menu.
c. Click Next after completing the check box settings.
10. In the Summary page, review the configuration details, and then click Install to
start the installation.
11. Click Finish to complete the installation.

Note: You must configure the Remote Manager before you can start
it. Refer to the "Configuring the Remote Manager" section on
page 11-4 for more information about configuring the Remote

11.2 Installing the Remote Manager for UNIX or Linux

To install the Remote Manager on UNIX or Linux:
1. Before installing the Remote Manager, you must set the JAVA_Home variable to
the appropriate JDK.
On Solaris or Linux, set JAVA_HOME to the Sun JDK. On AIX, set JAVA_HOME to
the WebSphere JDK. For example, use the following commands on AIX:
■ Add $JAVA_HOME/bin to the $PATH environment variable by using the
following command:
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

11-2 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Installing the Remote Manager for UNIX or Linux

See Also: Oracle Identity Manager Release Notes Release 9.1.0 for
information about the certified JDK versions.

2. Insert the Oracle Identity Manager Installation CD into your CD-ROM drive.

Note: If the autostart routine is enabled for your computer, proceed

to Step 5.

3. From the File Manager, access the root CD directory or the installServer directory,
if you are installing from a tar file.
4. Run the file.
The command-line installer starts.
5. Choose a language from the list by entering a number and then by entering 0 to
apply the language.
The Welcome panel is displayed.
6. In the Welcome panel, enter 1 to move to the next panel.
The Target directory panel is displayed
7. In the Target directory panel, enter the path to the directory in which you want to
install the Remote Manager. The default directory is /opt/oracle.
■ Enter 1 to move to the next panel.
■ If the directory does not exist, then you are asked to create it. Enter y for yes.

Note: All Oracle Identity Manager components must be installed in

different home directories. If you are installing the Remote Manager
on a computer that is hosting Oracle Identity Manager, then you must
specify a unique installation directory.

8. Specify the JRE to use with the Remote Manager, and then:
■ Enter 1 to install the JRE included with Oracle Identity Manager.
■ Enter 2 to use an existing JRE at a specified location.
After specifying the JRE, enter 0 to accept your selection and then enter 1 to move
to the next panel.
9. In the Remote Manager Configuration panel, enter the Remote Manager
configuration information as follows:
a. Enter the Service Name, or press the Enter key to accept the default.
b. Enter the Remote Manager binding port, or press the Enter key to accept the
c. Enter the Remote Manager SSL port, or press the Enter key to accept the
d. Enter 1 to move to the next panel.
The Remote Manager installation summary panel is displayed.
10. Check the information, and then:

Installing and Configuring the Oracle Identity Manager Remote Manager 11-3
Configuring the Remote Manager

■ Enter 2 to go back and make changes.

■ Enter 1 to start the installation.
Oracle Identity Manager installs and the Post Install Summary panel is displayed.
11. Enter 3 to finish the Remote Manager installation.

Note: You must configure the Remote Manager before you can start
it. Refer to the "Configuring the Remote Manager" section on
page 11-4 for more information.

11.3 Configuring the Remote Manager

The Remote Manager and Oracle Identity Manager communicate by using SSL. If you
are using the Remote Manager, then you must enable a trust relationship between
Oracle Identity Manager and the Remote Manager. The server must trust the Remote
Manager certificate.
Optionally, you can enable client-side authentication in which the Remote Manager
checks the server certificate. Import the Remote Manager certificate into the Oracle
Identity Manager keystore and make it trusted. For client-side authentication, import
the certificate for Oracle Identity Manager into the keystore for the Remote Manager,
and then make that certificate trusted. You must also manually edit the configuration
file associated with the server, and depending on the options you selected during
Remote Manager installation, edit the Remote Manager configuration file as well.

11.3.1 Changing the Remote Manager Keystore Passwords

During installation, the password for the Remote Manager keystore is set to
xellerate. Oracle recommends that changing the keystore passwords for all
production installations.
To change the keystore passwords, you must change the storepass of .xlkeystore and
the keypass of the xell entry in .xlkeystore, and these two values must be identical. Use
the keytool and perform the following steps to change the keystore passwords:
1. Open a command prompt on the Oracle Identity Manager host computer.
2. Navigate to the OIM_RM_HOME\xellerate\config directory.
3. Run the keytool with the following options to change the storepass:
JAVA_HOME\jre\bin\keytool -storepasswd -new new_password -storepass xellerate
-keystore .xlkeystore -storetype JKS

4. Run the keytool with the following options to change the keypass of the xell entry
in .xlkeystore:
JAVA_HOME\jre\bin\keytool -keypasswd -alias xell -keypass xellerate
-new new_password -keystore .xlkeystore -storepass xellerate

JAVA_HOME represents the location of the Java installation associated with the
Remote Manager installation.
5. In a text editor, open the OIM_RM_HOME\xlremote\config\xlconfig.xml
6. Edit the <RMSecurity>.<KeyStore> section to specify the keystore password
as follows:

11-4 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Configuring the Remote Manager

■ Change the password tag to encrypted=false.

■ Enter the password, for example:
<Password encrypted="false">new_password</Password>

Note: If you are using client-side authentication for the Remote

Manager, then enter the Oracle Identity Manager keystore password
in the <RMSecurity>.<TrustStore> section of
OIM_RM_HOME\xlremote\config\xlconfig.xml as follows:
<Password encrypted="false">OIM_Server_keystore_password</Password>

7. Save and close the xlconfig.xml file.

8. Restart the Remote Manager.
9. In a text editor, open the OIM_HOME\xellerate\config\xlconfig.xml file.
10. Edit the <RMSecurity>.<TrustStore> section to specify the new Remote
Manager keystore password as follows:
■ Change the password tag to encrypted=false.
■ Enter the password, for example:
<Password encrypted="false">new_password</Password>

11. Save and close the xlconfig.xml file, then restart Oracle Identity Manager.

11.3.2 Trusting the Remote Manager Certificate

To establish a trust relationship between Oracle Identity Manager and the Remote
1. Copy the Remote Manager certificate to the server computer.
On the Remote Manager computer, locate the OIM_RM_HOME\xlremote\config
\xlserver.cert file and copy it to the server computer.

Installing and Configuring the Oracle Identity Manager Remote Manager 11-5
Configuring the Remote Manager

Note: The server certificate located in OIM_HOME\config is also

named xlserver.cert. Ensure that you do not overwrite that

2. Open a command prompt on the server computer.

3. To import the certificate by using the keytool utility, use the following command:
JAVA_HOME\jre\bin\keytool -import -alias
rm_trusted_cert -file RM_cert_location\xlserver.cert
-trustcacerts -keystore
OIM_HOME\xellerate\config\.xlkeystore -storepass

JAVA_HOME is the location of the Java directory for the application server, the
value of alias is an arbitrary name for the certificate in the store, and
RM_cert_location is the location in which you copied the certificate.

Note: If you changed the keystore password, then substitute that

value instead of xellerate for the value of the storepass variable.

4. Enter Y at the prompt to trust the certificate.

5. In a text editor, open the OIM_HOME\xellerate\config\xlconfig.xml file.
6. Locate the property <RMIOverSSL> and set it to true.
For example:

7. Locate the <KeyManagerFactory> property.

If you are using the IBM JRE, then set the value to IBMX509. For all other JREs, set
the value to SUNX509. For example:


8. Save the file.

9. Restart Oracle Identity Manager. Using Your Own Certificate

To configure the Remote Manager by using your own certificate on the Remote
Manager system:
1. Import your custom key in a new keystore (new_keystore_name) other than
.xlkeystore. Remember the password (new_keystore_pwd) that you use for the
new keystore.
2. Copy this new keystore to the OIM_RM_HOME\xlremote\config\ directory.
3. In a text editor, open the OIM_RM_HOME\xlremote\config\xlconfig.xml

11-6 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Configuring the Remote Manager

4. Locate the <RMSecurity> tag and change the value in the <Location> and
<Password> tags as follows:
■ If you are using the IBM JRE, then change the values to:
<Password encrypted="false">new_keystore_pwd</Password>

■ For all other JREs, change the values to:

<Password encrypted="false">new_keystore_pwd</Password>

5. Restart the Remote Manager server, and open the xlconfig.xml file to ensure
that the password for the new keystore was encrypted.
To configure the Remote Manager by using your own certificate on the Oracle Identity
Manager server:
1. Import the same certificate key used in the Remote Manager system to a new
keystore (new_svrkeystore_name) other than .xlkeystore. Remember the password
(new_svrkeystor_pwd) that you use for the new keystore.
2. Copy this new keystore to the OIM_HOME\xellerate\config directory.
3. In a text editor, open the OIM_HOME\xellerate\config\xlconfig.xml file.
4. Locate the <RMSecurity> tag and change the value in the <Location> and
<Password> tags as follows:
■ If you are using the IBM JRE, then change the values to:
<Password encrypted="false">new_keystore_pwd</Password>

■ For all other JREs, change the values to:

<Password encrypted="false">new_keystore_pwd</Password>

5. Restart Oracle Identity Manager and open the xlconfig.xml file to ensure that
the password for the new keystore is encrypted.

11.3.3 Enabling Client-Side Authentication for Remote Manager

To enable client-side authentication:

Installing and Configuring the Oracle Identity Manager Remote Manager 11-7
Starting the Remote Manager

1. On the computer hosting the Remote Manager, in a text editor, open the
OIM_RM_HOME\xlremote\config\xlconfig.xml file.
2. Locate the <ClientAuth> property and set it to true, for example:

3. Locate the <RMIOverSSL> property and verify it is set to true, for example:

4. Locate the <KeyManagerFactory> property.

If you are using the IBM JRE, then set the value to IBMX509. For all other JREs, set
the value to SUNX509. For example:


5. Save the OIM_RM_HOME\xlremote\config\xlconfig.xml file.

6. Copy the server certificate to the Remote Manager computer.
On the server computer, locate the
OIM_HOME\xellerate\config\xlserver.cert file and copy it to the
Remote Manager computer.

Note: The Remote Manager certificate is also named xlserver.cert.

Ensure that you do not overwrite that certificate.

7. Open a command prompt on the Remote Manager computer.

8. Import the certificate by using the following keytool command:
JAVA_HOME\jre\bin\keytool -import -alias
trusted_server_cert -file
server_cert_location\xlserver.cert -trustcacerts
-keystore OIM_RM_HOME\xlremote\config\.xlkeystore
-storepass xellerate

JAVA_HOME is the location of the Java directory for the Remote Manager, the value
of alias is an arbitrary name for the certificate in the store, OIM_RM_HOME is the
home directory for the Remote Manager, and server_cert_location is the
location in which you copied the server certificate.

Note: If you changed the keystore password, then substitute that

value for xellerate, which is the default value of the storepass variable.

9. Enter Y at the prompt to trust the certificate.

10. Restart the Remote Manager.

11.4 Starting the Remote Manager

Use the following script to start the Remote Manager:
■ On Microsoft Windows:

11-8 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Removing the Remote Manager Installation


■ On UNIX:

11.5 Removing the Remote Manager Installation

To remove the Remote Manager installation:
1. Stop Oracle Identity Manager and the Remote Manager if they are running.
2. Stop all Oracle Identity Manager processes.
3. Delete the OIM_RM_HOME directory in which you installed the Remote Manager.

Installing and Configuring the Oracle Identity Manager Remote Manager 11-9
Removing the Remote Manager Installation

11-10 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
12 Troubleshooting the Oracle Identity
Manager Installation

This section describes the following problems that can occur during the Oracle
Identity Manager installation:
■ Task Scheduler fails in a Clustered Installation
■ Default Login Does Not Work

Note: You can use the Diagnostic Dashboard tool for assistance
when you troubleshoot the Oracle Identity Manager Installation. See
Oracle Identity Manager Administrative and User Console Guide for
detailed information.

12.1 Task Scheduler fails in a Clustered Installation

The Task Scheduler fails to work properly when the cluster members, which are
computers that are part of the cluster, have different settings on their system clocks.
Oracle recommends that the system clocks for all cluster members be synchronized
within a second of each other.

12.2 Default Login Does Not Work

If the default login does not work for the Design Console or Administrative and User
Console and you are using Microsoft SQL Server, then:

Note: Microsoft SQL Server is not supported in Oracle Identity

Manager release 9.1.0. See "Certified Components" in Oracle Identity
Manager Release Notes for information about certified components.

■ Ensure that the Distributed Transaction Coordinator is running.

■ For WebSphere clustered and nonclustered installations, ensure that the
application server's bootstrap port reflects correctly in xlconfig.xml. By default,
both cluster and nonclustered installations of Oracle Identity Manager points to
bootstrap port 2809 in xlconfig.xml. Edit this number and restart the
WebSphere application servers.

Note: This applies only if you have more than one WebSphere profile
on a computer.

Troubleshooting the Oracle Identity Manager Installation 12-1

Default Login Does Not Work

12-2 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
A Java 2 Security Permissions for IBM

Note: The application might fail to start because of syntax errors in

the policy files.
Be careful when you edit the policy files. Oracle recommends that you
use the policy tool provided by the JDK for editing the policy files.
The tool is available in the following directory:

To enable Java 2 Security for Oracle Identity Manager running on IBM WebSphere
Application Server:
1. Log in to the WebSphere Administrative Console.
2. Expand the Security tab in the left navigation pane and then click Secure
administration, applications, and then infrastructure.
3. Click the Security Configuration Wizard button. The Security Configuration
Wizard is displayed.
4. In the Specify Extent of Protection page of the Wizard, select the Use Java 2
security to restrict application access to local resources option.
5. In the Select User Repository page of Wizard, click Next.
6. In the Configure User Repository page of the Wizard, enter XELSYSADM in the
Primary administrative user name field. Click Next.
7. In the Summary page, click Finish.
8. To store the setting as Master Settings, click Save Link in the message.
9. Save this configuration and click Apply.
10. Check if the WAS_HOME/profiles/AppSrv01/properties/server.policy
exists. If the file exists, edit it and add the Java 2 Security permissions provided in
the "Policy File" section on page A-1. If it does not exist, then create it.

Policy File
The server.policy file consists of the following code:

Java 2 Security Permissions for IBM WebSphere A-1

- The instructions to change the code in the policy file are given in
comments, which are in bold font.
- Ensure that you change the cell name in the code example to reflect
the cell name on which you install Oracle Identity Manager. This
example uses STDLPC28Node02Cell as the cell name.
- This server.policy example is for UNIX installation. For
Windows, ensure that you change / between the directories name to
\\ in every permission property.
- Ensure that you change the multicast IP in this
example to reflect the multicast IP address of the Oracle Identity
Manager installation. You can find the Oracle Identity Manager
multicast IP address in xlconfig.xml.

// *******************************************
// WebSphere Server Security Policy
// *******************************************
// Application client permissions are specified in client.policy
// Warning: Deviating from this policy might result in unexpected
// AccessControlExceptions if a more "fine grain" policy is
// specified.
// The application policy is specified in app.policy (per node) and was.policy
// (per enterprise application).
// Allow to use sun tools
grant codeBase "file:${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar" {

// WebSphere system classes

grant codeBase "file:${was.install.root}/plugins/-" {

grant codeBase "file:${was.install.root}/lib/-" {


grant codeBase "file:${was.install.root}/classes/-" {


// Allow the WebSphere deploy tool all permissions

grant codeBase "file:${was.install.root}/deploytool/-" {

// Allow Channel Framework classes all permissions

grant codeBase "file:${was.install.root}/installedChannels/-" {

// WebSphere optional runtime classes

A-2 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
grant codeBase "file:${was.install.root}/optionalLibraries/-" {

// *******************************************
// From here, the Oracle Identity Manager application permissions start
// *******************************************

// OIM codebase permissions

// Change Cell "STDLPC28Node02Cell" Value in given code
grant codeBase
"file:${user.install.root}/installedApps/STDLPC28Node02Cell/Xellerate.ear/-" {

// Change Cell "STDLPC28Node02Cell" Value in given code


// Need read, write, and delete permissions on $OIM_HOME/config folder

// to read various config files, write the
// xlconfig.xml.{0,1,2..} files upon re-encryption and delete
// the last xlconfig.xml if the numbers go above 9.

permission "${XL.HomeDir}/config/-",

"read, write, delete";
permission "${XL.HomeDir}/-", "read";

// Need read,write,delete permissions to generate adapter java

// code, delete the .class file when the adapter is loaded into
// the database
permission "${XL.HomeDir}/adapters/-",

// This is required by the connectors and connector installer

"${XL.HomeDir}/ConnectorDefaultDirectory/-", "read,write,delete";
"${XL.HomeDir}/connectorResources/-", "read,write,delete";

// Must read Globalization resource bundle files for various

// locales
"${XL.HomeDir}/customResources/-", "read";

// Must read code from "JavaTasks", "ScheduleTask",

// "ThirdParty", "EventHandlers" folder
"${XL.HomeDir}/EventHandlers/-", "read";
"${XL.HomeDir}/JavaTasks/-", "read";
"${XL.HomeDir}/ScheduleTask/-", "read";
"${XL.HomeDir}/ThirdParty/-", "read";

// Required by the Generic Technology connector

Java 2 Security Permissions for IBM WebSphere A-3

permission "${XL.HomeDir}/GTC/-", "read";
permission "${java.home}/lib/-", "read";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission

// OIM server invokes the java compiler. You need "execute"

// permissions on all files.
permission "<<ALL FILES>>", "execute";

// Socket permissions
// Allow all permissions on non-privileged sockets
// The multicast address should be the same as the one in
// xlconfig.xml for javagroups communication
permission "*:1024-",

// This IP address is a multicast address of the computer. Ensure

// it is the same as that defined in xlConfig.xml.
permission "",

// Property permissions
// Read and write Oracle Identity Manager properties
// Read XL.*, java.* and log4j.* properties
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "XL.HomeDir", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "XL.*", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "XL.ConfigAutoReload",
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "log4j.*", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "user.dir", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "file.encoding", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.class.path", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.ext.dirs", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.library.path",

// Runtime permissions
// The Oracle Identity Mamager server needs permissions
// to create its own class loader, get the class loader,
// modify threads and register shutdown hooks
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "createClassLoader";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "getClassLoader";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "setContextClassLoader";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "setFactory";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThread";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThreadGroup";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "shutdownHooks";

// The Oracle Identity Manager server needs runtime

// permissions to generate and load classes in the
// following packages. Also access the
// declared members of a class.
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessDeclaredMembers";

A-4 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
// Reflection permissions
// Give permissions to access and invoke fields/methods from
// reflected classes.
permission java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission "suppressAccessChecks";

// Security permissions for Oracle Identity Manager server

permission "*";
permission "insertProvider.IBMJCE";
permission "doAs";
permission "doPrivileged";
permission "getSubject";
permission "modifyPrincipals";
permission "createLoginContext";
permission "getLoginConfiguration";
permission "setLoginConfiguration";

// SSL permission (for remote manager)

permission "getSSLSessionContext";

// Serializable permissions
permission "enableSubstitution";

// Grant AllPermission to nexaweb-common.jar

grant codeBase "file:${was.install.root}/lib/nexaweb-common.jar" {

// Grant AllPermission to wssec.jar

grant codeBase "file:${was.install.root}/lib/wssec.jar" {

// Nexaweb server codebase permissions

// Change Cell "STDLPC28Node02Cell" Value in given code
grant codeBase
"file:${user.install.root}/installedApps/STDLPC28Node02Cell/Nexaweb.ear/-" {

// File permissions
"${user.install.root}/installedApps/STDLPC28Node02Cell/Xellerate.ear/-", "read";
permission "${user.home}", "read, write";
"${user.install.root}/installedApps/STDLPC28Node02Cell/Nexaweb.ear/-", "read";
permission "${XL.HomeDir}/adapters/-",
permission "<<ALL FILES>>", "execute";

// Property permissions
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "user.dir", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read,write";

Java 2 Security Permissions for IBM WebSphere A-5

// Runtime permissions
// Nexaweb server needs permissions to create its own class loader,
// get the class loader etc.
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "createClassLoader";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "getClassLoader";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "setContextClassLoader";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "setFactory";

// Nexaweb server security permissions to load the Cryptix

// extension
permission "insertProvider.Cryptix";

// Socket permissions
// Permissions on all non-privileged ports.
permission "*:1024-",
"listen, connect, resolve";

// Security permissions
permission "doAs";
permission "modifyPrincipals";
permission "createLoginContext";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThread";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission


// The following are permissions given to codebase in the

// Oracle Identity Manager server directory
grant codeBase "file:${XL.HomeDir}/-" {
// File permissions
permission "${XL.HomeDir}/config/-", "read";
permission "${XL.HomeDir}/JavaTasks/-", "read";
permission "${XL.HomeDir}/ScheduleTasks/-",
permission "${XL.HomeDir}/ThirdParty/-",
permission "${XL.HomeDir}/adapters/-",

// Socket permissions
permission "*:1024-",

// Property permissions
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "XL.HomeDir", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "XL.ConfigAutoReload", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "XL.*", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "log4j.*", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "user.dir", "read";

// Security permissions
permission "doAs";
permission "modifyPrincipals";
permission "createLoginContext";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThread";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission

A-6 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
// Default permissions granted to all domains
grant {
// "standard" properties that can be read by anyone

permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.version", "read";

permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.vendor", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.vendor.url", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.class.version", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "os.version", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "os.arch", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "file.separator", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "path.separator", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "line.separator", "read";

permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.specification.version",

permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.specification.vendor",
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "",

permission java.util.PropertyPermission
"java.vm.specification.version", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission
"java.vm.specification.vendor", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "",
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.vm.version", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.vm.vendor", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "", "read";

permission java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission "suppressAccessChecks";

permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessDeclaredMembers";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "XL.*", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "user.dir", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read,write";

permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "getClassLoader";

permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "createClassLoader";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "setContextClassLoader";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "nexaweb.logs", "read,write";

permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "loadLibrary.*";

permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "queuePrintJob";
permission "*", "connect";
permission "<<ALL FILES>>", "read,write;
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThreadGroup";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "doAs";
permission "modifyThread";

Java 2 Security Permissions for IBM WebSphere A-7

Java 2 Security Permissions for WebSphere Cluster

A.1 Java 2 Security Permissions for WebSphere Cluster

Note: The application might fail to start because of syntax errors in
the policy files.
Be careful when editing the policy files. Oracle recommends that you
use the policy tool provided by the JDK for editing the policy files.
The tool is available in the following directory:

This section describes the Java 2 Security permissions for WebSphere in a clustered
environment. To enable Java 2 Security for Oracle Identity Manager running on a
WebSphere cluster:
1. Log in to the WebSphere Administrative Console.
2. Expand the Security tab in the left navigation pane and then click Secure
administration, applications, and then infrastructure.
3. Click the Security Configuration Wizard button. The Security Configuration
Wizard is displayed.
4. In the Specify Extent of Protection page of the Wizard, select the Use Java 2
security to restrict application access to local resources option.
5. In the Select User Repository page of Wizard, click Next.
6. In the Configure User Repository page of the Wizard, enter XELSYSADM in the
Primary administrative user name field. Click Next.
7. In the Summary page, click Finish.
8. To store the setting as Master Settings, click Save Link in the message and click
9. Check if the
WAS_HOME/profiles/<PROFILE_NAME>/properties/server.policy file
exists. If the file exists, edit it and add the Java 2 Security permissions provided in
the "Policy File" section on page A-8. If it does not exist, then create it. You must do
this in every node in which Oracle Identity Manager is deployed.

Policy File
The server.policy file consists of the following code:

A-8 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Java 2 Security Permissions for WebSphere Cluster

- The instructions to change the code in the policy file are given in
comments, which are in bold font.
- Ensure that you change the cell name in the code example to reflect
the cell name on which you install Oracle Identity Manager. This
example uses XL_CELL as the cell name, XL_NODE1 as the node name,
and XL_SERVER_ON_NODE_1 as the server name.
- This server.policy example is for UNIX installation. For
Windows, ensure that you change / between the directories name to
\\ in every permission property.
- Ensure that you change the multicast IP in this
example to reflect the multicast IP address of the Oracle Identity
Manager installation. You can find the Oracle Identity Manager
multicast IP address in xlconfig.xml.

// WebSphere Server Security Policy

// Application client permissions are specified in client.policy
// Warning: Deviating from this policy might result in unexpected
// AccessControlExceptions if a more "fine grain" policy is
// specified.
// The application policy is specified in app.policy (per node) and was.policy
// (per enterprise application).
// Allow to use sun tools
grant codeBase "file:${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar" {

// WebSphere system classes

grant codeBase "file:${was.install.root}/plugins/-" {
grant codeBase "file:${was.install.root}/lib/-" {
grant codeBase "file:${was.install.root}/classes/-" {

// Allow the WebSphere deploy tool all permissions

grant codeBase "file:${was.install.root}/deploytool/-" {

// Allow Channel Framework classes all permission

grant codeBase "file:${was.install.root}/installedChannels/-" {

// WebSphere optional runtime classes

grant codeBase "file:${was.install.root}/optionalLibraries/-" {

Java 2 Security Permissions for IBM WebSphere A-9

Java 2 Security Permissions for WebSphere Cluster

// *****************************************************************
// From here, Oracle Identity Manager application permission start
// *****************************************************************

// OIM codebase permissions

// Change Cell "XL_CELL" Value to the one in your installation
grant codeBase
"file:${user.install.root}/installedApps/XL_CELL/Xellerate.ear/-" {

// File permissions
// Change Nodes "XL_NODE1" Value and Server "XL_SERVER_ON_NODE1" value
// to the one in your installation
// Need read, write, and delete permissions on $OIM_HOME/config folder
// to read various config files, write the
// xlconfig.xml.{0,1,2..} files upon re-encryption and delete
// the last xlconfig.xml if the numbers go above 9.
permission "${XL.HomeDir}/config/-",
"read, write, delete";
permission "${XL.HomeDir}/-", "read";
// Need read, write, and delete permissions to generate adapter java
// code, delete the .class file when the adapter is loaded into
// the database
permission "${XL.HomeDir}/adapters/-",
// This is required by the connectors and connector installer
"${XL.HomeDir}/ConnectorDefaultDirectory/-", "read,write,delete";
permission "${XL.HomeDir}/connectorResources/-",
// Must read Globalization resource bundle files for various
// locales
permission "${XL.HomeDir}/customResources/-",
// Must read code from "JavaTasks", "ScheduleTask",
// "ThirdParty", "EventHandlers" folder
permission "${XL.HomeDir}/EventHandlers/-",
permission "${XL.HomeDir}/JavaTasks/-", "read";
permission "${XL.HomeDir}/ScheduleTask/-",
permission "${XL.HomeDir}/ThirdParty/-", "read";
// Required by the Generic Technology connector
permission "${XL.HomeDir}/GTC/-", "read";
permission "${java.home}/lib/-", "read";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
// OIM server invokes the java compiler. You need "execute"
// permissions on all files.
permission "<<ALL FILES>>", "execute";

// Socket permissions
// Basically we allow all permissions on non-privileged sockets
// The multicast address should be the same as the one in
// xlconfig.xml for javagroups communication
permission "*:1024-",

A-10 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Java 2 Security Permissions for WebSphere Cluster

// This IP address is a multicast address on which cluster

// communication takes place. Ensure that it is same as defined in
// xlConfig.xml
permission "",

// Property permissions
// Read and write OIM properties
// Read XL.*, java.* and log4j.* properties
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "XL.HomeDir", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "XL.*", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "XL.ConfigAutoReload", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "log4j.*", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "user.dir", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "file.encoding", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.class.path", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.ext.dirs", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.library.path", "read";

// Runtime permissions
// OIM server needs permissions to create its own class loader,
// get the class loader, modify threads and register shutdown
// hooks
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "createClassLoader";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "getClassLoader";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "setContextClassLoader";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "setFactory";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThread";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThreadGroup";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "shutdownHooks";
// OIM server needs runtime permissions to generate and load
// classes in the following packages. Also access the
// declared members of a class.
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessDeclaredMembers";

// Reflection permissions
// Give permissions to access and invoke fields/methods from
// reflected classes.
permission java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission "suppressAccessChecks";

// Security permissions for OIM server

permission "*";
permission "insertProvider.IBMJCE";
permission "doAs";
permission "doPrivileged";
permission "getSubject";
permission "modifyPrincipals";
permission "createLoginContext";
permission "getLoginConfiguration";
permission "setLoginConfiguration";

Java 2 Security Permissions for IBM WebSphere A-11

Java 2 Security Permissions for WebSphere Cluster


// SSL permission (for remote manager)

permission "getSSLSessionContext";

// Serializable permissions
permission "enableSubstitution";

// Grant AllPermission to nexaweb-common.jar

grant codeBase "file:${was.install.root}/lib/nexaweb-common.jar" {

// Grant AllPermission to wssec.jar

grant codeBase "file:${was.install.root}/lib/wssec.jar" {

// Nexaweb codebase permissions

// Change Cell "XL_CELL", Node "XL_NODE1" and Server "XL_SERVER_ON_NODE1"
// values to the one in your install
grant codeBase "file:${user.install.root}/installedApps/XL_CELL/Nexaweb.ear/-" {

// File permissions
"${user.install.root}/installedApps/XL_CELL/Xellerate.ear/-", "read";
permission "${user.home}", "read, write";
"${user.install.root}/installedApps/XL_CELL/Nexaweb.ear/-", "read";
permission "${XL.HomeDir}/adapters/-",
permission "<<ALL FILES>>", "execute";

// Property permissions
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "user.dir", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read,write";

// Runtime permissions
// Nexaweb server needs permissions to create its own class loader,
// get the class loader etc.
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "createClassLoader";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "getClassLoader";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "setContextClassLoader";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "setFactory";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "shutdownHooks";
// Nexaweb server security permissions to load the Cryptix
// extension
permission "insertProvider.Cryptix";

// Socket permissions
// Permissions on all non-privileged ports.
permission "*:1024-",
"listen, connect, resolve";

// Security permissions

A-12 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Java 2 Security Permissions for WebSphere Cluster

permission "doAs";

permission "modifyPrincipals";
permission "createLoginContext";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThread";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission

// The following are permissions given to codebase in the OIM server

// directory
grant codeBase "file:${XL.HomeDir}/-" {

// File permissions
permission "${XL.HomeDir}/config/-", "read";
permission "${XL.HomeDir}/JavaTasks/-", "read";
permission "${XL.HomeDir}/ScheduleTasks/-",
permission "${XL.HomeDir}/ThirdParty/-", "read";
permission "${XL.HomeDir}/adapters/-",

// Socket permissions
permission "*:1024-",

// Property permissions
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "XL.HomeDir", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "XL.ConfigAutoReload", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "XL.*", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "log4j.*", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "user.dir", "read";

// Security permissions
permission "doAs";
permission "modifyPrincipals";
permission "createLoginContext";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThread";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission

// default permissions granted to all domains

grant {
// "standard" properties that can be read by anyone
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.version", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.vendor", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.vendor.url", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.class.version", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "os.version", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "os.arch", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "file.separator", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "path.separator", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "line.separator", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.specification.version", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.specification.vendor", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.vm.specification.version", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.vm.specification.vendor", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "", "read";

Java 2 Security Permissions for IBM WebSphere A-13

Java 2 Security Permissions for WebSphere Cluster

permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.vm.version", "read";

permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.vm.vendor", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "", "read";
permission java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission "suppressAccessChecks";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessDeclaredMembers";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "XL.*", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "user.dir", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read,write";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "getClassLoader";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "createClassLoader";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "setContextClassLoader";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "nexaweb.logs", "read,write";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "loadLibrary.*";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "queuePrintJob";
permission "*", "connect";
permission "<<ALL FILES>>", "read,write";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThreadGroup";
permission "doAs";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThread";

A-14 Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server

A installing and configuring, 4-8

registering, 4-9
adapter compilation, 7-10, 10-6
Design Console
Administrative and User Console, 8-2
AppClient, 10-4
accessing, 8-2
cluster, 10-5
host requirements, 2-3
C installing and configuring, 10-1
removing, 10-9
cell name, 3-4, 3-5, 9-10
requirements, 10-1
cluster, 9-1
starting, 10-6
back up, 9-5, 9-12
Diagnostic Dashboard, 2-5, 8-2
creating, 9-14
installing, 2-5
Design Console, 10-5
verifies, 2-5
independent environment, 9-31
documentation, 5-2, 6-2
independent environments, 9-31
installing WebSphere, 9-5
JDNI references, 9-25 E
JMS, 9-12 environment variables, setting, 3-4, 9-7
model node, 9-13
multicluster environment, 9-33
nodes, 9-2 G
overview, 9-2 globalization, 2-4
partitioned, 9-31 database, 2-4
shared directory, 9-30 locale, 2-4
SOAP, 9-11 restrictions, 2-4
time synchronizing, 9-36
virtual host, 9-24
custom authentication, 7-7 H
configuring, 7-7 host requirements
database, 2-2
D Design Console, 2-3
Oracle Identity Manager, 2-2
database Remote Manager, 2-3
listen port, 2-4 host system requirements, 2-1
Oracle HTTP port, 7-2
creating, 4-1
globalization, 4-2
installing, 4-1 I
preparing, 4-2 to 4-4 IIS server
removing entries, 4-5 configuring, cluster, 9-29
Oracle RAC, 4-5 installing, cluster, 9-27
requirements, 2-2 installing
schema, 5-1, 6-2 Oracle Identity Manager Server
SQL Server UNIX and Linux, 6-3
creating, 4-9 Windows, 5-2
creating account, 4-11

J Oracle database, 4-5
SQL Server database, 4-12
JDBC driver files, 4-8
Oracle Identity Manager Server
UNIX and Linux, 6-6
install directory, 2-5
Windows, 5-5
JNDI references, 9-25

Single Sign-On, 5-4, 6-5, 9-18
keystores, 7-3, 11-4 enabling, 7-6
passwords, 7-3, 11-4 multibyte user IDs, 7-7
keytool, 7-4, 11-4 SOAP, 3-2
cluster, 9-11
L SQL Server, 4-7
driver, 5-2
log4j, 7-5
logging, 7-5
Oracle Identity Manager, 8-1, 7-6

troubleshooting, 12-1
naming service port, 7-2
default login, 12-1
Node Manager
Task Scheduler, fails, 12-1
installing Oracle Identity Manager, 9-15
node name, 3-4, 3-5, 9-10
nondefault ports, 7-2 W
non-English environments, 2-4 WebSphere
administrative console, 3-5
O bootstrap port, 3-3
cell and node names, 3-4, 3-5, 9-10
Oracle Identity Manager
cluster, 9-1
base directory, 2-4
requirements, 9-4
databases, 4-1
HTTP port, 7-2
documentation, 5-2, 6-2
install directory, 2-5
installation overview, 1-1
installing, 3-6
client, 3-2
non-root user, 3-5
server, 3-2
starting, 8-1
installing and configuring
ORB Service, 7-3, 7-9
overview, 3-1
memory, setting, 3-4, 9-10
P naming service port, 7-2
prepare_xl_db, 4-2 upgrading, 3-3
arguments, 4-4 using nondefault ports, 7-2

RAC, 4-5 xlconfig.xml, 8-1
configuring WebSphere for, 4-6 xlDataObjectBeans, 10-4
JDBC clients, 4-6
net service, 4-5
Remote Manager
client-side authentication, 11-7
configuring, 11-4
host requirements, 2-3
UNIX and Linux, 11-2
Windows, 11-1
removing, 11-9
Oracle Identity Manager
