I) Use The Following Pair of Words in Your Own Sentences

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i) Use the following pair of words in your own sentences.

(i) Affect, Effect

(a) Smoking affects lungs.
(b) His protest had no effect.
(ii) Advice, Advise
(a) He gave me a good piece of advice.
(b) He advised me not to miss my classes.
(iii) Alter, Altar
(a) He altered his will to leave everything to his sister.
(b) People brought the animal to the altar.
(iv) Altogether, All together
(a) There were altogether 20 people at the dinner.
(b) They went to watch the movie all together.
(v) Angels, Angles
(a) God sent his message through angels.
(b) A triangle has three angles.
(vi) Bale, Bail
(a) The fire destroyed 500 bales of hay.
(b) The suspect was released on bail.
(vii) Bare, Bear
(a) Do not walk bare footed on the ground.
(b) I saw a bear in the zoo./ The columns bear the weight of the roof.
(viii) Berth, Birth
(a) I reserved a berth in Shalimar train.
(b) What is your date of birth?
(ii) Use the following pair of words in your own sentences.
(i) Beside, Besides
(a) The bride is sitting beside the groom.
(b) She was given a scholarship besides the reward.
(ii) Brake, Break
(a) The brakes of the cycle failed on the way.
(b) Handle it carefully otherwise it may break.
(iii) Cool, Cold
(a) A cool breeze swept off the sea; it was pleasant out there.
(b) My teeth chattered with the cold.
(iv) Cloth, Clothe
(a) Samina bought some cloth from the market.
(b) Saira is wearing colourful clothes.
(v) Cell, Sell
(a) The prisoner was brought out of the cell.
(b) They sell school books.
(vi) Compare, Contrast
(a) Is it right to compare the human brain to a computer?
(b) There is a contrast in what he says and what he does.
(vii) Device, Devise
(a) Zakat is a good device to help the poor.
(b) We must devise ways and means to help the needy.
(viii) Deny, Refuse
(a) He denied having told a lie.
(b) Naila refused to help Najma in the hour of need.

(i) Use the following pair of words in your own sentences.
(i) Diary, Dairy
(a) What are you writing in your diary?
(b) Hanif brought milk from the dairy.
(ii) Dew, Due
(a) The grass is wet with early-morning dew.
(b) He could not come to school due to illness.
(iii) Die, Dye
(a) He died of cancer.
(b) She had been dyeing her hair for years.
(iv) Dose, Doze
(a) He took a dose of cough mixture.
(b) It is not right to say that I doze in class.
(v) Droop, Drop
(a) Branches of the plants droop in summer.
(b) The drops of rain splashed on the ground.
(vi) Elder, Older
(a) Arif is my elder brother.
(b) Lahore is an older city than Islamabad.
(vii) Eligible, Illegible
(a) He is eligible for the post of a clerk.
(b) Farah's hand writing is illegible.
(viii) Except, Accept
(a) Everybody was present at the part except Tahir.
(b) Accept my congratulations on your success.
(ii) Use the following pair of words in your own sentences.
(i) Expect, Hope
(a) I expect to get good marks in the coming examination.
(b) Everything that is done in the world is done by hope.
(ii) Feet, Feat
(a) The cat has four feet.
(b) We saw feats of animals in a circus.
(iii) Flour, Floor
(a) We make bread with flour.
(b) The floor of this room is very dirty.
(iv) Fair, Fare
(a) Her complexion is fair with blue eyes. / We must play fair.
(b) Passengers pay fare to the conductor.
(v) Foul, Fowl
(a) There is too much foul language on TV these days.
(b) Fowls are kept in cages.
(vi) Gate, Gait
(a) Children are standing at the gate of their school.
(b) She walks with a different gait.
(vii) Gaol, Goal
(a) The prisoner was sent to the gaol.
(b) My goal in life is to become a doctor.
(viii) Heel, Heal
(a) The heel of this shoe is too high for me.
(b) Time can heal the pain of grief.

(i) Use the following pair of words in your own sentences.
(i) Healthy, Healthful
(a) A healthy man can enjoy life.
(b) Milk is healthful for our body.
(ii) Idle, Idol
(a) Do not waste your time by sitting idle.
(b) The Hindus worship idols.
(iii) Invent, Discover
(a) Marconi invented radio.
(b) Columbus discovered America.
(iv) Ice, Snow
(a) People use ice in summer.
(b) Snow is falling on the mountains.
(v) Loose, Lose
(a) Loose clothing is cooler.
(b) Do not lose courage.
(vi) Lesson, Lessen
(a) The first lesson of our book is easy.
(b) Higher pay would lessen the temptations of corruption.
(vii) Letter, Latter
(a) I have written a letter to my friend.
(b) Of wealth and health, the latter is more important.
(viii) Liar, Lawyer
(a) Akbar is a liar. He always tells lies.
(b) I have to hire a lawyer to deal with my financial matters
(ii) Use the following pair of words in your own sentences.
(i) Lovely, Lovable
(a) The rose is a lovely flower.
(b) She has a bad temper, but she is still lovable.
(ii) Medal, Meddle
(a) He was awarded a medal for bravery.
(b) Do not meddle with other people's affairs.
(iii) Meet, Meat
(a) My friend came to meet me at the airport.
(b) I like to eat meat.
(iv) Metal, Mettle
(a) Gold is an expensive metal.
(b) The team showed their true mettle in the second half.
(v) Marry, Merry
(a) Kamal is going to marry Najma.
(b) They are making merry at the party.
(vi) Miner, Minor
(a) He is a coal miner by profession.
(b) The problem is a miner one. We can solve it easily.
(vii) Necessity, Necessary
(a) Bread is the basic necessity of our lives.
(b) It is necessary for the students to do their home work.
(viii) Observation, Observance
(a) The patient is under observation in hospital.
(b) Observance of laws is necessary for every citizen.

(i) Use the following pair of words in your own sentences.
(i) Prophet, Profit
(a) Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is the last prophet of Allah.
(b) He made a huge profit in this business last year.
(ii) Populous, Popular
(a) Shanghai is the most populous city in the world.
(b) Rahat is a popular singer.
(iii) Principal, Principle
(a) The principal of our college is very kind.
(b) Quaid-e-Azam was a man of principles.
(iv) Piece, Peace
(a) He cut the pizza into four pieces.
(b) After many years of war, people on both sides were longing for peace.
(v) Prey, Pray
(a) The hunter ran after his prey.
(b) We prayed to God for the sick child.
(vi) People, Peoples
(a) People of Pakistan love their country.
(b) Representatives of different peoples were present in the meeting.
(vii) Pore, Pour
(a) There are many pores in our body.
(b) Pour the sauce over the pasta.
(viii) Quiet, Quite
(a) Please be quiet. The baby is asleep.
(b) Your answer is quite right.
(ii) Use the following pair of words in your own sentences.
(i) Respectable, Respectful
(a) Nayab belongs to a respectable family.
(b) Ahmad is respectful towards his elders.
(ii) Rein, Rain
(a) The rider pulled on the reins, and the horse began to slow down.
(b) It has been raining since morning.
(iii) Rob, Steal
(a) The robbers threatened the woman and robbed her of her money.
(b) A thief broke into his house and stole money and jewellery.
(iv) Role, Roll
(a) Schools play an important role in society.
(b) His name was at the top in the roll.
(v) Root, Route
(a) Elm trees have shallow roots.
(b) This is the shortest route to our school.
(vi) Story, Storey
(a) My grandmother told me an interesting story.
(b) Houses must not be more than two storeys high.
(vii) Sail, Sale
(a) They opened the sails of the boat.
(b) This car is for sale.
(viii) Sinking, Drowning
(a) Titanic sank in the North Atlantic Ocean in 1912.
(b) Many people drowned in the flood.

(i) Use the following pair of words in your own sentences.
(i) Stationary, Stationery
(a) The earth revolves around the sun. It is not stationary.
(b) Farid bought some exercise books from the stationary shop.
(ii) Sole, Soul
(a) The sole of this shoe is very hard.
(b) May his soul rest in peace!
(iii) Scene, Seen
(a) She has pained beautiful scenes of rural life.
(b) I have seen her after a long time.
(iv) Teach, Learn
(a) Mr. Junaid teaches us English.
(b) We learn English from Mr. Junaid.
(v) Team, Teem
(a) Our cricket team failed to qualify for the final.
(b) This pond teems with fish.
(vi) Urbane, Urban
(a) Her manners are fine and urbane.
(b) People migrate to urban areas for education and employment.
(vii) Vain, Vein
(a) The thirsty crow searched for water every where but all in vain.
(b) Many veins are found just under the skin.
(viii) Vale, Veil
(a) The vale of Kashmir is famous for its beauty.
(b) She covered her face with a veil.
(ii) Use the following pair of words in your own sentences.
(i) Wine, Vine
(a) Muslims are not allowed to drink wine.
(b) The fox saw some ripe juicy grapes hanging from a vine.
(ii) Waste, Waist
(a) We should not waste our money on idle pursuits.
(b) He put his arm around her waist.
(iii) Write, Right
(a) My new pen writes beautifully.
(a) It is not right to call others names.
(iv) Wave, Waive
(a) The sound of waves was breaking on the sea shore.
(b) The age limit was waived in favour of the candidates.
(v) Way, Weigh
(a) Can you tell me the way to Allama Iqbal's tomb?
(b) The baby weighed 7 pounds when he was born.
(vi) Weak, Week
(a) He is very weak in Mathematics.
(b) Seven days make a week.

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