Grade 3 SCience

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Basic Education Department First Quarter Exam

Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City SY 2019-2020
HIGH SCHOOL Ms. Mary Lawrenze D. Visande
Mr. John Rodre D. Oponda

Name: _______________________________________ Score: ________

Grade & Section: _________________________ Date: ________


As I read this line, I promise to answer this test wholeheartedly.
To you, O Spirit of truth, whom I entrust my mind and memory, enlighten

I. Multiple Choice

Directions: Read each statement carefully. Then shade the letter of the best answer
on the answer sheet provided.

1. Not all substance can be dissolved in water. What do you call the substances that
can be dissolved in water?

A. Soluble C. Solution
B. Insoluble D. Dissolution

2. Which statement describes the solute?

A. It is the solid formed in solution.

B. It is the liquid part of the solution.
C. It is the component of a solution in smaller amount.
D. It is the component of a solution in bigger amount.

3. All of these are steps of doing an investigatory project, EXCEPT:

A. Apply/demonstrate scientific principles or attempt to provide new

B. Be a result of continuing or parallel scientific research and investigation &
not a copy of any previous research
C. Make headings stand-out, draw graphs and diagrams clearly and label
them correctly
D. Contribute to the advancement of S&T and the development of the

4. This is when a researcher reports in a clear and concise manner the results of
their study for purposes of sharing their research.

A. Writing the research report

B. Drawing conclusion
C. Doing an investigatory project
D. Publishing the research report

5. What did the scientists probably do with the skeleton, teeth and bones?

A. Sent them to a place with more experienced scientists.

B. Kept them for souvenirs
C. Studied them carefully and compared them to other animals
D. Sold them to museums that displayed them

6. Which is the best activity to help keep a home cool in the summer?

A. Open the refrigerator often.

B. Turn off the television, radios and computers.
C. Open the windows during the day.
D. Close the shades where the sun is shining.

7. Mr. S normally uses praise as a reward to train his dog. He wants to know the
best way to train his dog, so he sets up an experiment to find out if there is a
better way to get his dog to respond to commands. What is his dependent

A. Type of reward
B. Praise
C. Type of dog
D. Amount of time the dog follows commands

8. When powder juice dissolves in water, the two substances appear as one.
The powder juice particles can no longer be identified. However, the taste of
the water proves that the powder juice was not lost after mixing. Its chemical
property is retained and so the water taste sweet. What kind of solution is

A. Solid in liquid C. Liquid in liquid

B. Solid in solid D. Gas in liquid

9. A sugar solution is prepared by adding dissolving sugar in water. Sugar

solution consists of two components, namely, sugar and water. Which is

A. Water C. Solution
B. Sugar D. Components

10. In question number 9 (nine), which is solvent?

A. Water C. solution
B. Sugar D. Components

11. Which is not true about solubility?

A. The higher the temperature, the faster a solute can be dissolved in a

B. The nature of solute and the amount of solvent also determine how fast
the solute dissolves in a solvent.
C. The size of the particles affects the dissolving process. The finer the
particles are, the faster the solute dissolves.
D. The manner of stirring is not a factor to dissolve a solute in a solvent.

12. A suspension is a heterogeneous cloudy mixture in which solute-like particles
settle out of a solvent- like phase sometime after their introduction. Do you

A. No C. Yes
B. Not at all D. Maybe

13. Some substances do not dissolve completely in solvents. The particles that do
not dissolve settle down at the bottom of the container. Is this a suspension
mixture? Why?

A. Yes, because particles in suspension do not dissolve completely.

B. No, because particles dissolve completely
C. Yes, because particles can easily be dissolved
D. No, because particles cannot easily be dissolved

14. Which description best describes colloids?

A. Composed of molecules bigger than a solution but smaller than a

B. Mixtures of two or more substances than can be easily separated
C. Formed by mixing different kinds of solutions
D. Have molecules that are big enough to settle at the bottom

15. A liquid has the following properties: one-phase, colorless, boils at varying
temperature. Which of the following BEST describes the liquid?

A. Solution C. Substance
B. Suspension D. Coarse mixture

16. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Ferrous sulfate cannot be broken down into simpler substances.

B. Compounds are made up of one kind of element.
C. Water is composed of more than two elements.
D. Compounds are more complex than elements.

17. _________is/are displayed in a form of a table, bar chart, line graph, or other

A. Gathered data C. Formulated hypothesis

B. Introduction D. Conclusion

18. Metal that can be hammered or rolled into thin sheets without breaking
because of this characteristic.

A. Luster C. Ductile
B. Malleable D. Magnetic

19. All are examples of solutions that are processed, EXCEPT:

A. Wine C. Liquor
B. Tea D. Instant tea

20. Which of the following is NOT a mixture?

A. Mineral water C. Sea water

B. Distilled water D. Vinegar

21. Water is made up of _______.

A. Oxygen and carbon dioxide

B. Carbon dioxide and hydrogen
C. Oxygen and hydrogen
D. Hydrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide

22. Which trait is manifested by a person who does not readily believe in
advertisements or superstitions; they rather rely on facts as the source of

A. Scientific Hunch C. Healthy Skepticism

B. Curiosity D. Creativity

23. Which classification of science deals with the search for practical uses of
scientific knowledge and scientific laws?

A. Pure Science C. Technology

B. Applied Science D. Physical Science

24. Which branch of science deals with matter and energy and the interactions
between them?

A. Biology C. Chemistry
B. Physics D. Astronomy

25. What laboratory tool is used to grip test tubes while being heated?

A. Test tube rack C. Test tube holder

B. Tongs D. Iron ring

26. Which of these is the application of the principles of engineering on living


A. Biomimetic C. Biostatistics
B. Bioinformatics D. Bioengineering

27. Which of these can DNA analysis be applied?

A. Establish paternity C. Solve crimes

B. Confirm one’s identity D. All of the above

28. Ellie is very conscious about buying distilled water. She went to 7/11 and was
able to buy water with a pH level of 7. What kind of distilled water did she

A. a salt C. an alkali
B. an acid D. neutral

29. Felizia went to SM Super Market to buy laundry detergent. She saw a bar of
soap with pH higher than 7. What kind of bar soap did she buy?

A. Acids C. bases
B. Neutral D. radicals

30. Annie made lemonade to quench her thirst. However, she drinks it with an
empty stomach. She felt the acid growling inside her tummy. Which could be
the pH of the lemonade she drank?

A. 3 C. 7
B. 10 D. 11

31. Which of this is the definition of Meteorology?

A. The study of meteors

B. The study of rocks
C. The study of the entire earth atmosphere
D. The study of organisms

32. It is the study of the solid earth

A. Biology C. Geography
B. Physics D. Science

33. What is astronomy?

A. The study of astrological signs from stars

B. The study of plants and other living things
C. The study of earth and its surface
D. The study of all physical things beyond earth

34. What is the correct definition of ecology?

A. The study of recycling materials from trash

B. The study of animals and their genetics
C. The study of relationships between organisms
D. The study of ecotours in different places

35. Weather, climate, and atmosphere are studied in this branch of Earth Science

A. Astronomy
B. Cartography
C. Meteorology
D. Geology

36. What is the use of a microscope?

A. Makes faraway objects look closer

B. Decreases the size of small objects
C. Makes small objects appear larger
D. Increases the size of small objects

37. If the eyepiece of your scope has a power of 10, and the selected objective
lens has a power of 20, what is the total magnification?

A. 20x
B. 200x
C. 30x
D. 2000x

38. If your teacher asks you to move a microscope to table, how do you carry it?

A. By the body tube and the eyepiece

B. One hand on the arm and the other under the base
C. With one hand
D. With one hand on the base and the other on the eyepiece

39. A series of steps used by scientist to solve a problem or answer a question

A. Scientific method
B. Data collection
C. Metric system
D. Hypothesis

40. Which is NOT a step in the scientific method?

A. Make observation C. Form a theory

B. Collect Data D. Form a hypothesis

41. It is called an intelligent guess.

A. Data C. Theory
B. Hypothesis D. Fact

42. The summary at the end of an experiment that explains the results

A. Conclusion
B. Procedure
C. Materials
D. Responding variable

43. What is the first step in the scientific method?

A. Ask Question
B. Observe
C. No horse play
D. Conclusion

44. Which is an example of a solute?

A. Egg whites
B. Water
C. Sugar
D. Acetone

45. Which is an example of a solvent?

A. Salt
B. Water
C. Egg whites
D. Sugar

46. What is a solvent?

A. A liquid that will dissolve a solid solute

B. A thing that makes drinks change color
C. It’s another word for solution
D. It’s the solid about to be dissolved

47. The ________ is the thing being dissolved.

A. Solute
B. Mixture
C. Solvent
D. Solution

48. The substance in which a solute is dissolved is a?

A. Solution
B. Alloy
C. Solvent
D. Mixture

49. Solutions are composed of ____________.

A. Salts and solutes

B. Solutes and alloys
C. Solvents and salts
D. Solutes and solvents

50. If I dissolve carbon dioxide in water, what is the solvent?

A. Carbon dioxide
B. Oxygen
C. Water
D. There is no solvent

51. If I dissolve salt in water, what is the solute?

A. Water
B. Salty water
C. Salt
D. None of the above

52. What happens to the molecules of the solute in the solvation process?

A. It is being surrounded by the molecules of the solvent

B. It is being detached from the solvent
C. It disperses itself in the mixture
D. It completely changes its properties

53. What is happening when my ice cream changes from solid to a liquid?

A. Freezing
B. Burning
C. Melting
D. Evaporation

54. What are the characteristics of liquid?

A. Indefinite shape, indefinite volume

B. Indefinite volume, definite shape
C. Definite shape, definite volume
D. Definite volume, indefinite shape

55. What term describes a solid changing to a gas?

A. Deposition
B. Evaporation
C. Sublimation
D. Freezing

56. It is a basic science process skill that suggests explanations of an observation

based on past experiences.

A. Observing C. Inferring
B. Measuring D. Classifying

57. It is a process skill where you design an investigation, including a procedure,
to test a hypothesis.

A. Formulating hypothesis
B. Experimenting
C. Communicating
D. Interpreting data

58. Who led the foundations of classical mechanics, explaining the law of gravity
and the laws of motion in 1867?

A. Galileo Galilei
B. Isaac Newton
C. Albert Einstein
D. Antoine Lavoisier

59. Who created one of the first modern telescopes, and successfully proved the
Earth revolves around the Sun?

A. Ernest Rutherford
B. James Clerk Maxwell
C. Galileo Galilei
D. Gregor Mendel

60. The Filipino scientist who invented the fluorescent lamp.

A. Fe Del Mundo
B. Gregorio Y. Zara
C. Agapito Flores
D. Daniel Dingel

II. Essay: Answer briefly.
Criteria: Content 4 points
Organization 4 points
Neatness 2 point
Total - 10 points

Direction: Read the scenario below and identify the parts of the scientific method.

61-70. Sir Jeidren complains that his classroom is very hot, and the air-condition unit is
not releasing cold air. He checked and saw that the air filter is still clean, and he
checked the compressor and saw that it is not working due to overheat. On the
next day, he fixed the faulty parts of the compressor and tested the air condition
unit again to see if its functioning well. Finally, the air-condition unit is now
releasing cold air.

Identification of the problem:

Formulation of the hypothesis:


Judging the null hypothesis:

Derive a conclusion:

Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary
in their desires to reach their potential. – John Maxwell


-Sir Rod and Teacher Mary


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