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Chapter 12
12-1 Frames of Reference

Ican explain why all motion is

 When describing something that is moving, you
are comparing it with something that is
assumed to be stationary (not moving).

 Theframe of reference is the background or

object that is used for comparison.

 Ex: You are on a train that just left the platform.

 The people standing on the platform see you moving
away. (earth)
 The person sitting next to you does not see you
moving. (train)
 Frame of reference depends on the type of
movement and position from which you are

 An actor may be standing still and the background

is moving, but to us we think the actor is going
 We assume the background
is stationary.

 Earth is the most commonly

used frame of reference.
12-1 Frames of Reference

Ican explain why all motion is

12.2 Measuring Motion
I can define motion and speed.
I can calculate speed, using the formula speed =
I can distinguish between constant speed and
average speed.
I can represent speed graphically as distance/time.
I can distinguish between speed and velocity.
 Motion is a change in position in a
certain amount of time.

 When
you say that something has
moved, you are describing motion.

 Indescribing motion, you are comparing

it with some frame of reference.
In a race, the runners had to move or
change positions to get to the finish
line in a certain amount of time.

To describe motion you need to know:

 distance traveled (meters – m)
 how long it took to go that distance
(seconds – s)
 Speed is the rate at which an object moves.

 Thefaster a runner’s rate of motion, the

faster the runner’s speed.

 Speed = distance/time

 Units = m/s
Constant Speed
 Objectsin motion that their speed does not
change is moving at a constant speed.

 Total
distance divided by total time give speed at
any point in time.

 Graph is a straight
line for constant speed.
 At what speed did a plane fly if it
traveled 1760 meters in 8 seconds?

 Steps:
1 – Write a formula
 2 – Substitute given numbers and units
 3 – Solve for the unknown
Average Speed
 Not all objects move at constant speeds.

 The average speed also uses the formula speed =

total distance/ total time

 Going to Columbus, you

change speeds during the
drive many times. So over
all you travel at an average
Let’s Practice
 Calculating
 #1. 800m, 60s 13.3 m/s
 #2. 472m, 15s 31.45 m/s
 #3. 2500m, 110s 22.72 m/s
12.2 Measuring Motion
I can define motion and speed.
I can calculate speed, using the formula speed =
I can distinguish between constant speed and
average speed.
I can represent speed graphically as distance/time.
I can distinguish between speed and velocity.
12.3 Changes in Velocity
I can define acceleration and deceleration.

Ican calculate acceleration and deceleration

using the given formula.

Ican interpret the distance/time graph for


I can describe circular motion.

 The rate of change in velocity is known as

 Ifsomething is accelerating, it is doing one

of the following:
 speeding up
 slowing down
 changing directions

 Final = ending velocity

 Original = starting velocity

 Ittells how fast something is moving and gives


 Used when there are changes in velocity.

 A roller
coaster’s velocity at the top of a hill is
10m/s. Two seconds later it reaches the
bottom of the hill with a velocity of 26m/s.
What is the acceleration of the roller coaster?

 Steps:
1 – write the formula
 2 – substitute given numbers and units
 3 – solve for the unknown
 When there is a decrease in velocity, the value of
acceleration is negative.

 Negative acceleration = deceleration

 Distance – time graphs

for acceleration is always
a curve.
Circular Motion
 In
circular motion, the velocity is continuously
changing because direction is continuously

 Anobject in circular motion is accelerating even

though its speed may be constant.

 Ex:Ferris wheel, traveling in a car turning a

corner, or even as you sleep (the earth is
continuously rotating)
12.3 Changes in Velocity
I can define acceleration and deceleration.

Ican calculate acceleration and deceleration

using the given formula.

Ican interpret the distance/time graph for


I can describe circular motion.

12.4 Momentum
I can define momentum.

Ican calculate momentum, using the

equation momentum = mass X velocity.

Ican explain the law of conservation of

 A 100kg fullback runs up the middle of the
football field and collides with a 75kg defensive
back running towards him.

 The more massive fullback is thrown back 2


 How can a 75kg defensive back stop a 100kg

- The defensive back has more
 All moving objects have momentum.
 The more momentum, the harder to stop the

 Momentum depends on the mass of the object

and the velocity with which it is traveling.

 Momentum = mass x velocity

 Units = kg-m/s
 Trainhas large momentum because of
it’s mass.

 A bullet
fired from a rifle also has large
momentum but because of it’s very
high velocity.
Conservation of Momentum
 The total momentum of any group of objects
remains the same unless outside forces act
on the objects.

 Ifone object loses momentum then another

object must gain momentum.

 Momentum is always conserved.

Conservation of Momentum
 Total
momentum of two billiard balls before
they hit and after they hit must be the same.

 Individual
momentum can change even
though total momentum remains.

 Ex:if one ball speeds up after they hit, the

other must slow down.
 The momentum of a baseball bat is
transferred to the ball when the bat and the
ball meet.

 The act of throwing an object off a boat causes

the boat to move in the opposite direction.
The more massive the object and the faster it
is thrown, the faster the boat will move away.
12.4 Momentum
I can define momentum.

Ican calculate momentum, using the

equation momentum = mass X velocity.

Ican explain the law of conservation of


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