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Alat Vitek 2

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US Environmental Protection Agency

Office of Pesticide Programs

Office of Pesticide Programs

Microbiology Laboratory
Environmental Science Center, Ft. Meade, MD

Standard Operating Procedure for

VITEK 2 Compact: Use, Maintenance and
Quality Control Procedures

SOP Number: QC-22-04

Date Revised: 11-08-16

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SOP Number QC-22-04

VITEK 2 Compact: Use, Maintenance and Quality Control
Scope The purpose of this SOP is to describe the procedures for the
preparation and identification of test microorganisms (test microbes
and Quality Control Organisms) using the VITEK 2 Compact
Application Proper use of the instrument is the responsibility of trained
laboratory personnel. The Quality Control process encompasses the
annual service and certification of the instrument by bioMérieux and
the Quality Control of each lot of Gram negative (GN), Gram
positive (GP), ANC (anaerobes), and Bacillus (BCL) cards using the
organisms listed in Attachment 1.

Approval Date
SOP Developer:

Print Name: ___________________________________

SOP Reviewer

Print Name: ___________________________________

Quality Assurance Unit

Print Name: ___________________________________

Branch Chief

Print Name: ___________________________________

Date SOP issued:

Controlled copy
Date SOP withdrawn:
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Contents Page Number















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1. Definitions Abbreviations/definitions are provided in the text.

2. Health and Follow procedures specified in SOP MB-01, Laboratory Biosafety. The Study
Safety Director and/or lead analyst should consult the Safety Data Sheet for specific
hazards associated with products.
3. Personnel 1. Refer to SOP ADM-04, OPP Microbiology Laboratory Training.
Qualifications 2. Personnel are required to be knowledgeable of the procedures in this
and Training SOP. The product information Manual, Software User Manual, Industry
Customer Training Course Book and Instrument User Manual are
maintained near the instrument. All users of the VITEK 2 Compact
(V2C) must have hands on training in the use of the instrument.
4. Instrument 1. The V2C instrument will be serviced annually under a preventative
Calibration maintenance agreement.
2. Verify the DensiCHEK Plus using the calibration standards on a monthly
basis when in use. DensiCHEK Plus instrument verification results should
be within the established range of standards used for the verification (see
Table 1 below).
Table 1. Standard Acceptable Range
Standard Acceptable Range
0.0 McF 0.00 0.00
0.5 McF 0.44 0.56
2.0 McF 1.85 2.15
3.0 McF 2.79 3.21

3. To use the DensiCHEK Plus meter with the calibration standards:

a. Ensure the instrument is ON and set to the GLASS tube setting (the
default setting is plastic).
i. To change the tube type, press the Menu key. SEL and a
flashing triangle will display under the current tube type
setting. Press the Read/Enter key to move the triangle.
When the triangle is pointing to the correct setting, press the
Menu key to exit configuration.
b. Clean the outside of the 0.0 McF standard (blank) with lens tissue
and gently invert (do not shake) the blank 5-6 times.
c. Insert the blank and press the “0” key.
d. Slowly rotate the blank one full rotation. The instrument will display
a series of dashes followed by a numerical value (0.00 will be
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displayed for the blank).

e. Repeat steps 4.2b-d for the remaining standards (0.5 McF, 2.0 McF,
and 3.0 McF).
f. Check that the displayed value is within the acceptable range in
Table 1 above and record on the DensiCHEK Plus Calibration Log
(see section 14).
g. If the reading is outside the acceptable range, repeat steps 4.2a-e. If
still out of range, contact bioMérieux Technical Support.
5. Sample Not Applicable
Handling and
6. Quality Control 1. For quality control purposes, the required information is documented on the
appropriate form(s) (see section 14).
2. There are two options for conducting the quality control procedure for the
instrument and test cards. MLB currently conducts the streamlined quality
control test procedure. The comprehensive QC exercise is not necessary.
Detailed information about the quality control procedure for each card type
is found in the Product Information manual (see section 15).
7. Interferences 1. Improper subculturing and filling of VITEK cards may result in
inconsistent or erroneous biopatterns.
2. The instrument will not operate when the V2C instrument flashes an Error
Message Queue.
a. Each error message in the Error Message Queue must be reviewed.
Press the exclamation point (!) button to review messages. Use the up
and down arrow keys on the instrument to move to one message at a
time in the error message queue list. An asterisk (*) to the left of a
message indicates that the message has not been viewed. An
exclamation point (!) indicates that the message is an error instead of
a warning and does not require a user’s immediate response.
b. Press the exclamation point (!) button on the instrument again to
open and review a message in more detail.
c. If a detailed message contains an error code, look up the error code in
the Error Code User Response Table in Appendix C of the
Instrument User Manual (section 15) and follow the user response
d. If the Error Message Queue does not clear after this procedure, shut
the machine down for 2 minutes and reboot the instrument. If this
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fails, call bioMérieux technical services at 1-800-634-7656 option 3.

For detailed information on how to manage error messages, refer to
section 6 of the Instrument User Manual or section 11 of the Industry
Customer Training Course Manual (see section 15).
8. Non- 1. Management of non-conforming data will be consistent with SOP ADM-
conforming 07, Non-Conformance Reports.
9. Data 1. Data is automatically recorded and generated by the computer in the form
Management of a printout. The printout for QC organisms will be filed in the VITEK-2
Streamlined Quality Control Tracking Log along with other information
on Quality Control. The printouts for any other test organism will be filed
with the corresponding test sheets.
2. Data will be archived consistent with SOP ADM-03, Records and
10. Cautions 1. Biohazardous spills can occur inside the V2C instrument. All organism
suspensions, cards, cassettes, test tubes, sample transfer tubes, waste bin
and the user interface panel should be considered as potentially infectious.
Use an EPA registered hospital disinfectant to clean any spill that occurs
in the V2C instrument. Use disinfectant according to label instructions.
2. Use non-powdered gloves when handling the cassette with live organisms.
3. Ensure suspensions are within the appropriate range on the Vitek 2
DensiCHEK Plus to avoid compromising the card performance and
subsequent readings.
4. Use a minimum of 3 mL of sterile saline to fill the cards.
5. Ensure all data is saved prior to logging out or continuing to prepare
additional isolates. Any unsaved data will not be recovered when the
inactivity time limit (set at 60 minutes) has been exceeded.
6. Use glass tubes for the DensiCHEK Plus standards. Use polystyrene test
tubes for reading inoculum suspensions.
7. When inserting a test tube or standard into the DensiCHEK Plus, ensure
that it is fully seated in the adapter.
8. Do not deface the bar codes during handling of the test cards.
9. Always allow the cards to come to room temperature prior to use.
10. Do not use the cards after the expiration date or if the inner package has
been compromised or if desiccant is not present.
11. Special 1. For QC organisms use ATCC lyophilized ampoules or other quality
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Apparatus and source of ready-to-use microorganism (e.g., REMEL disposable Culti-

Materials Loops). See Attachment 1.
2. Sterile Inoculating Loops
3. Supplemental Media: nutrient agar (NA), tryptic soy broth (TSB),
trypticase soy agar with 5% Sheep Blood (BAP), and trypticase soy agar
4. VITEK 2 Compact Identification cards (for example, GP, ANC, BCL, and
GN): store at 2-8°C in unopened original liner.
5. 75 mm × 12 mm clear polystyrene tubes (single use only)
6. DensiCHEK Plus Meter with McFarland Standards for calibration (0.0,
0.5, 3.0, and 5.0 McF) (see section 15).
7. Sterile saline solution (aqueous 0.45% to 0.50% NaCl, pH 4.5-7.0)
8. Bar-coded 10 well cassette card holders
9. Internal Carousel for card processing
12. Procedure and Follow the instructions below for the proper use and required quality control
Analysis activities associated with VITEK 2 Compact.
12.1 QC Organisms a. Initiation
(GN, GP and i. Re-hydrate according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
ii. Perform streak isolation of re-hydrated culture of each
organism onto appropriate agar plates to check for purity and
long term storage (see Attachment 1).
iii. Incubate the plate(s) at the appropriate temperature listed in
Attachment 1.
iv. Look for purity of culture. If the culture looks pure, proceed
with section 12.1a.v.
v. Prepare isolates for long term storage as described in section
b. Long term storage
i. Inoculate 3 of the appropriate plates with multiple isolated
colonies of pure culture (using a swab to cover the entire
ii. Incubate plates at appropriate temperature and observe for
heavy growth.
iii. Collect the heavy growth from plate using a swab and place
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into 1.5 ml of TSB + 15% glycerol. Inoculum from one plate

can be distributed into 2 cryovials.
iv. Freeze the cryovials at -80±5˚C.
12.2 Storage of all a. Store all other organisms evaluated using the V2C at 2-8ºC in/on
other microbes their original medium until a positive identification is received from
the V2C instrument.
12.3 Initiation of the a. The V2C Instrument is always “on”; the instrument will say “Ready”
V2C System or “Not Ready” on the digital screen. Once the computer is
initialized, the instrument will say “Ready.” The V2C will not run if
it is not on ready mode.
b. Select VITEK 2 Compact to initiate the system from the upper left
side of the screen. After the system is initiated, log onto the system
using the appropriate user name and password. The system is now
initialized and ready for data entry.
12.4 Preparation of a. QC organisms.
Organisms i. If starting from a frozen stock culture, remove the 0.5 mL
cryovials from the -80°C freezer. Avoid repeated thawing
and freezing of the frozen culture by aseptically removing a
small portion (or loopful) of the frozen inoculum, then
immediately return cryovials to -80°C freezer. See Section
12.1b for long term storage procedures for QC organisms.
ii. Streak isolate the inoculum from a frozen stock culture or
other source (e.g., Culti-Loop) onto agar plate appropriate for
the QC organism (see Attachment 1). Following this streak
isolation, a second streak isolation on the appropriate media is
b. Non-QC organisms.
i. Use growth on tubes or plates to perform a streak isolation on
BAP or NA warmed to room temperature. A second streak
isolation step is not required unless there is evidence of a
mixed culture.
c. For cultures used on BCL and GN cards, incubate cultures for 18-24
h at 36±1°C. For cultures used on GP cards, incubate cultures for
12-48 h at 36±1°C. For cultures used on ANC cards, incubate
cultures under anaerobic conditions for 18-24 h (or until sufficient
growth is obtained) at 36±1°C. All organisms to be identified must
be pure cultures.
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d. See Attachment 1 of this SOP and the Product Information manual

(section 15) for additional information.
e. Record the required information on the V2C Microbe Transfer and
Confirmation Sheet for Quality Control Organisms/Unknowns (see
section 14) or the appropriate Test Microbe Confirmation Sheet.
f. Perform Gram stain using an isolated colony from a pure culture
plate from section 12.4b and document the Gram stain reaction.
12.5 Preparation of a. Select the appropriate card based on the Gram stain reaction and the
inoculum organism’s microscopic appearance. Allow the card(s) to come to
room temperature before opening the package liner.
b. Aseptically transfer at least 3 mL of sterile saline into a clear
polystyrene 12×75 mm test tube. Using sterile cotton swabs, prepare
a homogenous organism suspension by transferring several isolated
colonies from the plates to the saline tube. Adjust the suspension to
the McFarland standard required by the ID reagent using a calibrated
V2C DensiCHEK Plus Meter, see Table 2.
Table 2. Required Inoculum Concentrations
Card McF Range
GN 0.5-0.63
GP 0.5-0.63
ANC 2.7-3.3
BCL 1.8-2.2

c. Place the prepared suspensions in the cassette (see section 15,

Instrument User Manual).
d. To use the DensiCHEK Plus Meter to read samples:
i. Ensure the instrument is ON and set to the PLASTIC tube
ii. Blank the DensiCHEK Plus by filling a test tube with sterile
saline and inserting the tube into the instrument. Press the
“0” key and slowly rotate the test tube. Ensure one full
rotation is completed before the reading is displayed. The
instrument will display a series of dashes followed by 0.00.
iii. To measure a sample, place a well-mixed organism
suspension into the instrument and slowly rotate the test tube.
Ensure one full rotation has completed before the reading is
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displayed. The instrument will display a series of dashes

followed by a reading.
iv. Remove the test tube after completion of a reading. The
instrument will automatically shut off when test tubes are not
inserted after one minute.
NOTE: If the instrument flashes 0.00 or 4.00, the suspension is
either below 0.0 McF or above 4.0 McF and is not within the reading
range. Ensure suspensions are within the appropriate reading range
to avoid compromised card results. If necessary, re-calibrate the
DensiCHEK Plus instrument after processing each cassette (see
section 4).
e. Insert the straw (in the V2C card) into the inoculated suspension tube
in the cassette.
NOTE: The age of the suspension must not exceed 30 minutes
before inoculating the cards.
f. Proceed to data entry.
12.6 Data Entry into a. Enter the username and password to log onto the computer. Double
the VITEK click on the V2C icon and enter the same username and password.

b. When the V2C is initialized, an icon screen will appear. To enter the
test microbe/QC organism information in the application screen,
double click the Manage Cassette View icon, circled below.

c. Click on Maintain Virtual Cassette icon in the left view bar of the
Setup Test Post Entry Window.
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d. Click on Create New Virtual Cassette icon in the upper right view
bar also called the Action Bar. The Maintain Virtual Cassette
window appears. The Virtual Cassette stores the data scanned into
the computer.

e. Enter the cassette information by choosing the number from the drop
down window labeled “cassette.”
f. Enter the card data by scanning the car code on the card. The Cursor
must be in the Bar Code space to be entered. You may either hit
ENTER and the cursor will move to the next line to be scanned or
use the mouse button to move the cursor to the next Bar Code space.
Verify that the slot in which the card is located in the cassette
matches the corresponding slot in the Virtual Cassette.
g. NOTE: Instructions on data entry and management can be found in
the Software User manual (see section 15).
12.7 Define Isolate a. For QC organisms, the Accession number is the ATCC number.
Group Check the QC box to mark the card as a QC organism; the data for
Information in this card will be stored in a separate database.
the Accession b. For organisms from product tests, the Accession number will be the
Number Space test coordinator’s initials and the test date followed by an alpha-
numeric sequence and the tube number. The alpha numeric sequence
will give the abbreviation of the test organism (for example, Sa for
Staphylococcus aureus, Pa for Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bs for
Bacillus subtilis, Uk for an unknown). For example, if your test date
is 10/21/16, the test coordinator is Jane Doe, the test organism is Pa
and the tube number is 43/2, the accession number will be:
c. For stock culture organisms, the Accession number will be the
organism tracking number, followed by the date. For example, if the
today’s date is 10/21/16 and the organism tracking number is
ME091618-Sa, the accession number will be: ME091618-
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d. With the accession number, the computer automatically places a -1 at

the end of every accession number. This number cannot be removed.
e. Save the information prior to logging out or continuing to prepare
additional isolates. The save icon is in the upper right hand corner.
Any unsaved data will not be recovered when the inactivity time
limit (60 minutes) has been exceeded.
f. If the inactivity time limit is exceeded, the application will
automatically request the user to log in again when attempting to use
the application. If the inactivity time limit logs the use out of the
computer during data entry, the user must reenter the data after
logging back into the system.
g. NOTE: Instructions on data entry and management can be found in
the Software User manual (see section 15).
12.8 Filling the a. Place the cassette in the Filler box on the left side of the V2C unit
Cards and hit Start Fill button on the instrument. Filling the cards takes
approximately 70 seconds for a cassette regardless of the number of
cards in the cassette holder. The V2C instrument will beep when the
filling cycle is complete.
i. Discard individual cards that may have been exposed to
multiple fill cycles.
NOTE: The cassette must be placed inside the Loader Door within
10 minutes from the end of the filling cycle to avoid the cards being
b. When the cards are finished filling, the Load Door is automatically
unlocked. Place the cassette in the Load Door. The V2C Instrument
will verify the scanned barcodes against the Virtual Cassette (the
information scanned in by the analyst). Cards are sealed, straws are
cut and the cards are loaded automatically into the carousel. The
V2C will beep once all cards are loaded into the cassette.
c. When the cards are loaded, remove the cassette and dispose of the
tubes and straws in a biohazard container.
d. The V2C automatically processes the cards once all the cards are
NOTE: Review the Navigation Tree (see image below). If the
cassette status description in the Navigation Tree is red, the cassette
needs more information to completely process the tests cards. Open
up the red colored file and make sure all fields are defined. Red text
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may be an indication of an accession number not defined, a missing

card, an extra card, a wrong card, etc.

e. When the cards are processed and results obtained, cards will be
automatically ejected into the waste collection bin, see 12.11a.
NOTE: Instructions on how to fill cards can be found in the
Instrument User Manual (see section 15).
12.9 Results a. Results are concurrently printed and the data sent to the Results View
folder on the left side of the screen also called the Navigation Tree
where the information is archived. A red cassette in the Navigation
Tree is indicative of an error. If an error occurs during processing,
refer to the Software User Manual (see section 15).
b. Review results printout and file appropriately.
12.10 DensiCHEK To clean the DensiCHEK Plus meter (section 12, pp. 12-13, of the Industry
Plus Meter Customer Training Course Manual).
Instrument a. If the DensiCHEK meter becomes contaminated, clean the outside of
Maintenance the meter by wiping the surface with 1:10 bleach, hydrogen peroxide,
or quaternary ammonium compounds.
b. Do not use alcohol to clean the meter. Alcohol may damage the
reading lens.
c. To clean the test tube adaptor and reading chamber, remove the
adaptor from the reading chamber and place the adaptor in a solution
of 1:10 bleach, hydrogen peroxide, or quaternary ammonium
d. Fully immerse the adaptor in water.
e. Place the adaptor on a lint free cloth to air dry completely.
f. Use a swab containing one of the chemicals in 3.c to wipe the reading
chamber surfaces. With a lens paper or a soft dry cloth, wipe clear the
circular windows on opposite sides of the reading chamber.
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g. Replace the adaptor in the reading chamber and ensure it is well

h. Perform instrument verification as in step 4.2.a through 4.2.g.
12.11 V2C a. Periodically empty the waste collection bin by opening the waste
Instrument collection door on the front of the instrument and pulling the bin
Maintenance outward until it is able to be lifted out of the instrument. Dispose
ejected test cards in a biohazardous waste bag and put the waste
collection bin back into the instrument.
i. The Waste Collection Bin Level icon on the instrument
screen indicates the level of cards in the waste bin.
b. During the annual preventive maintenance visit, the vendor will clean
the unit. If the V2C has sustained heavy use, it is recommended that
analysts clean the unit more regularly than once per year. See section
12 of the Industry Customer Training Course Manual for
c. Conduct additional maintenance as prescribed in section 12 of the
Industry Customer Training Manual (section 15).
13. Data Analysis/ 1. The VITEK system analyses the data results and determines the identity
Calculations of the test microbes/QC organism based on colorimetric tests
(biochemical reactions).
2. Certain species may belong to a mixed (viewed as slashline) taxa
identification. This occurs when the biopattern is the same for the taxa
listed. Supplemental tests may be used to separate slashline taxa. Refer
to the Software User Manual for information on slashline taxa
differentiation for supplemental reaction files recommendations (see
section 15).
14. Forms and Data Test Sheets. Test sheets are stored separately from the SOP under the
Sheets following file names:
VITEK 2 Compact: Microbe Transfer and
Confirmation Sheet for Quality Control QC-22-04_F1.docx

DensiCHECK Plus Calibration Log QC-22-04_F2.docx

15. References 1. bioMérieux VITEK, Inc. 10/2010. Vitek 2 – technology Software User
Manual. CD-ROM.Reference No.: 411075 / Lot No.: 2012082
2. bioMérieux VITEK, Inc. 09/2010. Vitek 2 – Instrument User Manual.
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CD-ROM. Reference No.: 410860 / Lot No.: 2012082. Pdf version

(09/2009) located on g:\mlb\Standard Operating Procedures\Current
Versions\Word Versions\QC-SOPs.
3. bioMérieux VITEK, Inc. 04/2013. Vitek 2 – technology Product
Information Manual. Pdf version located with the QC SOPs, a hard copy
is available in the laboratory.
4. bioMérieux VITEK, Inc. 2011. Industry Customer Training Course
Manual. Part Number: 60-00728-0.
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Attachment 1

Streamlined Quality Control Organisms for VITEK 2 COMPACT Automated Identification


ATCC Media and Incubation

Organism Card Type
Number Conditions*

Enterococcus casseliflavus 700327 GP TSA or BAP/36±1°C

Staphylococcus saprophyticus BAA-750 GP TSA or BAP/36±1°C

Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 17666 GN TSA or BAP/36±1°C

700323 GN TSA or BAP/36±1°C

Brevibacillus agri 51663 BCL TSA or NA/36±1°C

BAP/36±1°C/grown under
Bacteroides ovatus BAA-1296 ANC
anaerobic conditions
Clostridium septicum 12464 ANC
under anaerobic conditions
*Refer to section 9 of the Vitek 2 Product Information Manual (CD-ROM) for additional information.
**Brain Heart Infusion Agar with Horse Blood and Taurocholate (BHIY-HT), Anaerobe Systems part number AS-

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