Welding Slag CLEANING Machine

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Welding Slag CLEANING Machine


Welding is the way toward joining of two materials by utilizing filler bar while
joining the materials the high measure of warmth is produced in welding surface,
so oxidation can occur over the activity, keeping in mind the end goal to keep the
oxidation the motion material is covered over the welded zone

This motion covering is expelled while sending to the activity for next task like
machining, painting and so forth, yet it a terries procedure to clean the transition
physically, and it requires a tremendous measure of talented workers, so as to
keep away from that welding slag cleaning machine is utilized. This machine has a
roundabout wire brush which is mounted over the pole; this pole is associated
with electric engine

The activity is held in the apparatus, this installation setup is moved by rack and
pinion course of action, so by this as well and fro movement occupation will move
front and back against the activity, so employment will consequently clean


The machine comprises of basically five sub-assemblies, namely;

Wire Brush Rotational Head: It comprises of a variable speed motor of 100

watt, 0 to 4000 rpm, connected to a single stage gearbox to get required
torque amplification. This is a single unit assembly and it is mounted on
the brush feeder mechanism.

Brush Feeder: Brush feeder makes the rotating brush to move to and fro
with respect to the work-piece. The assembly comprises of a linear guide at
the bottom, wire brush feeder bar. The wire brush rotational head is
mounted on to the brush feeder bar.

Slide Arrangement: The slide is provided with the view to center the job,
to accommodate various sizes and shape of work-piece. When the hand
wheel rotated, it will rotate the screw and nut will

Slide to move the work-table thereby adjusting the work-gap between the
wire brush and work-piece.

Work-piece Indexing: The work-piece indexing mechanism is an innovative

concept for indexing various shapes and sizes of work-piece for slag
removal applications. It comprises of the top work table that primarily
holds work-piece – fix Turing can be done using single bolt at center. Table
is mounted on the spindle that carries the four bar linkage output at its
lower end. The four bar linkage is used to index the work-piece to the
required angle. This mechanism takes into account the fact that in a four
bars linkage if we change the crank length the degree of oscillation of the
output link changes. Hence the crank is slotted in the above mechanism to
vary the crank length. Mechanism is operated using a pneumatic cylinder.
This makes indexing fast and accurate.

1. Creation cost is low.

2. No need for procurement exceptional machine.

3. It is fundamentally exceptionally valuable to hold the extensive plate (1.5 feet)

specifically position.

5. It’s worked and upkeep is straightforward.

6. It is conservative and versatile.

7. It can be proficiently utilized.

8. It is basic and unbending in development.

9. Assembling cost is lesser than another cleaning machine.

This gadget discovers put in.

1. It is utilized nearly in various types of businesses (Large, Small and medium

scale ventures).

2. This machine is for the most part utilized as a part of assembling – arranged

3. This gadget is reasonable to hold level write plate.(most extreme length1.5feet)


The linkage mechanism replaces the servo DC motors with encoder and de-coder
arrangement used in the automatic machines to carry out the same indexing
activity. This makes a considerable saving in budget for machine.
A wire brush will work on surfaces that aren’t flat and can be best when you have
to clean areas of intricate metal work. This is because a wire brush can be forced
into nooks and crannies that a needle gun wouldn’t be able reach. The size of the
wheel also makes it more flexible for small areas. Depending on what you’re
stripping, a wire brush can be an excellent complement to a needle gun. A wire
brush works fairly quick .This machine requires less space, hence most suitable for
small industries. It is semi-automatic machine giving more accurate results. It
requires less skilled persons and provides more safety to human when comparing
chipping hammer

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