ComplexDocuments - ASS 3
ComplexDocuments - ASS 3
ComplexDocuments - ASS 3
Computers, fax, email, networking, mobile technology smartphones, spread sheets, word
processing, database, internet programs
2. How could you select the layout and style of publication to suit information
and organisational requirements? (3 marks)
It is important to keep the style more formal than the way I normally speak. The layout
should be clear and have all of the information set out.The style includes:The headings that
you must use in the documentThe font, type size of textWhether text and/or information
should be bold, italics or underlined Colour of text, bullets and structure of the
paragraphs.The format of information is guided by organisational policies and procedures.
Legislative and regulative requirements will influence the way in which you present
information. Organisations will have a set format that they follow.To ensure that the
formatting in a document is consistent, a template of the documents that are produced should
be easily accessible in your software.Note that the following information provides you with
examples of different formats.You will find that there are different formats for different
information. If you are not sure about the format required for a specific document, ask a
member of your work group. If there are no standardised templates, access files to see how a
specific report was presented originally and follow its formatting structure.These format
requirements may vary according to the type of organisation and the type of information you
are trying to convey. In most instances, organisations will have set procedures for different
3. What elements of the document design should be consistent with company/ client
requirements? (2 marks)
4. Why should you discuss and clarify format and style with the person
requesting the document / publication? (3 marks)
It’s necessary discuss and clarify the format and the style for determine which software, level
of information and language we have to use. We have to make sure that the audience can
understand me. Some steps I have to revise can include:
• The purpose and scope of my document
• Understand the needs of my audience and write the document according to their needs.
• The format and sequence of my document
• Get to the point immediately
• Get active and use fewer words
• Avoid the use of jargon unless my provide definitions
• Be clear
• Be coherent
• Be objective
• Be concise
• Proofread for grammar and spelling errors
• Write conclusions and recommendations using supporting material. • Shorter sentences
• Clear headings and sub headings
• Use shorter paragraphs
• Bullet lists
• Highlight text that you want to emphasise
5. What kind of files could you be asked to generate that would need to adhereto
organisational requirements? (3 marks)
Word document, word template, pdf, xps document, web page, rich text format, jpg, plain
text, word XML document, open document text, strict open XML spreadsheet, strict open
XML presentation, etc.
6. Give an example of how you could design a document to ensure eficiente entry of
information? (3 marks)
Before design a document we have to understand:
• Who the target audience is.
• Have an idea of what you are trying to achieve.
• How would you format the letter?
• What structure would you use?
When we are starting design the document we have to follow few steps like:
• Simplicity
• Diversity
• Balance
• Relative positioning of headings and graphics
• Typography
• Text flow
• The format and sequence of my document
• Get to the point immediately
• Get active and use fewer words
• Avoid the use of jargon unless my provide definitions
• Be clear
• Be coherent
• Be objective
• Be concise
• Proofread for grammar and spelling erros
• Write conclusions and recommendations using supporting material.
• Shorter sentences
• Clear headings and sub headings
• Use shorter paragraphs
• Bullet lists
• Highlight text that you want to emphasise.
Whenever you write a document, it is essential that you maintain the standards set by the
organisation, legislative and regulative requirements and as the code of practice and privacy laws.
7. Name three functions you could use to ensure consistency of design and
layout? (3 marks)
• Make sure that the text is kept short and simple, taking care to ensure that:
• The page layout is consistent through the whole document. For instance, indented paragraphs
should be used throughout the whole document
• White space is used to make the document more attractive and easier to read, by giving the reader
time to pause and think about what they have read
• Typeface is used to make the document more attractive. For example, changing the colour of text
or changing it to bold without making it look too busy.
• Graphics, photographs, clipart and drawings are used to prove a point
• Boxes are used to make points next to graphs and to add colour to the document
• Colour is used to highlight shape or main points.
• Headings are short and succinct telling the reader what is in the section below;
• Columns are used to make lists of items.
8. Name three input devices you could use and suggest a purpose for each one.
(6 marks)
Email: Suppliers, customers,
staff Phone: Customers and suppliers
Mobile technology smartphones ( applications like deputy ): Staff
Lose money, credibility and reputation. To assist you in developing your time line, you can
create lists. These are the basic rules that should be followed:
• Create a list of what tasks you need to perform
• Write down and follow-up items
• Carry forward any task that is not completed
• Keep track of any due dates
• Create a list of priorities
• Keep track of all of the tasks that are on-going
• Make sure that your work area is clean so you do not lose vital information
• Make sure that all of the current work is kept in the same location
10. What checks can you perform to ensure that documents produced meet task
reuirements for layout and style? (3 mark)
File cabinets or storage on hard, pen drivers, cd rom and tape backup, google drive, dropbox,
files, templates,etc.
12. What manuals, training booklets, etc, could you use to assist you in
overcoming basic difficulties with document design and production? (3
Word training, google docs, sheets, slides, mac: pages, number, keynote,etc
13. What are the benefits of proofreading your work before submission?(3 marks)
It is always good to read the document through once to identify irregularities in the spelling, font,
text and numbers.
• Make sure that all of the objectives have been reached and supported.
• You check that all points are supported
• That no part of the document will influence an answer.
• Make sure that all ideas are followed through to the end.
• Make sure that sections are placed appropriately.
• Check for inconsistencies in details
• Grammar
• Spelling
• Remove jargon and slang from the document
• Spelling irregularities
• Check the spelling of all names and the names of the business
• Check punctuation
• Meeting needs
• Legislative requirements
• Make sure that the technical requirements are correct. Entering a wrong price, amount of
measurement can change the choice that a manager makes.
• Make sure that the organisational requirements are correct and appropriate. This includes
checking the formatting of the document, the way in which
• it is structured and the organisations procedures in regards to the visual presentations.
14. What kind of modifications could you be requested to make to a document,to meet
requirements? (3 marks)
Make sure that the text is kept short and simple, taking care to ensure that:
• The page layout is consistent through the whole document. For instance, indented paragraphs
should be used throughout the whole document
• White space is used to make the document more attractive and easier to read, by giving the
reader time to pause and think about what they have read
• Typeface is used to make the document more attractive. For example, changing the colour of
text or changing it to bold without making it look too busy.
• Graphics, photographs, clipart and drawings are used to prove a point
• Boxes are used to make points next to graphs and to add colour to the document
• Colour is used to highlight shape or main points.
• Headings are short and succinct telling the reader what is in the section below
• Columns are used to make lists of items.
• Company logo; company colour scheme; document production; content restrictions; templates.
• Publications, brochures and leaflets.
15. What organisational requirements apply to the naming and saving of documents? (3
Department,Chronological, alphabetical or operating sequences .
• Project,experiment name
• Location/spatial coordinates
• Researcher name/initials
• Date or date range of experimente
• Type of data
• Conditions
• Version number of file
• Three-letter file extension for application-specific files
• A good format for date designations is YYYYMMDD or YYMMDD. This format makes sure
all of your files stay in chronological order, even over the span of many years.
• Try not to make file names too long, since long file names do not work well with all types of
• Special characters such as ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) ` ; <> ? , [ ] { } ' " and | should be avoided.
• When using a sequential numbering system, using leading zeros for clarity and to make sure
files sort in sequential order. For example, use "001, 002, ...010, 011 ... 100, 101, etc." instead of
"1, 2, ...10, 11 ... 100, 101, etc."
• Do not use spaces. Some software will not recognize file names with spaces, and file names
with spaces must be enclosed in quotes when using the command line. Other options include:
• Underscores, e.g. • Dashes, e.g.
• No separation, e.g.
• Camel case, where the first letter of each section of text is capitalized, e.g.