BSBPMG522A Delivery Assessment Guide V2

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Delivery and Assessment Guide

Undertake Project
Work - Flexible

Delivery and
Northern Sydney Institute
School of Business and

BSBPGM522 Delivery and Assessment Guide V1

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Delivery and Assessment Guide

Table of Contents
Unit of Competence: BSBPMG522 Undertake Project Work .............................................................. 3
Elements....................................................................................................................................... 3
Resources ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Assessment .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Student Instructions ............................................................................................................................. 5
Case Study .................................................................................................................................... 5
Assessment Task 1: Define the Project ........................................................................................ 5
Assessment Task 2: Develop a Project Plan ................................................................................. 6
Assessment Task 3: Administering and Monitoring the Project .................................................. 6
Assessment Event 4: Finalising and Reviewing the Project ......................................................... 7
Assessor Instructions ........................................................................................................................... 8
Additional Assessment Information .......................................................................................... 10
Appendix A – Scope Plan.................................................................................................................... 12
Appendix B – Develop the Project Plan ............................................................................................. 14
Schedule ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Risk Register ............................................................................................................................... 15
Project Budget............................................................................................................................ 16
Appendix C – Administer and Monitor the Project ........................................................................... 18
Quality Template........................................................................................................................ 18
Status Report Template ............................................................................................................. 19
Appendix D – Review and Finalise the Project .................................................................................. 21
Lessons Learnt Log ..................................................................................................................... 21

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Delivery and Assessment Guide
Unit of Competence: BSBPMG522 Undertake Project Work
Element Performance Criteria
1.1 Access project scope and other relevant documentation
1. Define project
1.2 Define project stakeholders
1.3 Seek clarification from delegating authority of issues related to project
and project parameters
1.4 Identify limits of own responsibility and reporting requirements
1.5 Clarify relationship of project to other projects and to the organisation's
1.6 Determine and access available resources to undertake project
2.1 Develop project plan in line with the project parameters
2. Develop
2.2 Identify and access appropriate project-management tools
project plan
2.3 Formulate risk-management plan for project, including work health and
safety (WHS)
2.4 Develop and approve project budget
2.5 Consult team members and take their views into account in planning the
2.6 Finalise project plan and gain necessary approvals to commence project
according to documented plan
3.1 Take action to ensure project team members are clear about their
3. Administer and
responsibilities and the project requirements
3.2 Provide support for project team members, especially with regard to
specific needs, to ensure that the quality of the expected outcomes of the
project and documented time lines are met
3.3 Establish and maintain required record-keeping systems throughout the
3.4 Implement and monitor plans for managing project finances, resources
and quality
3.5 Complete and forward project reports as required to stakeholders
3.6 Undertake risk management as required to ensure project outcomes are
3.7 Achieve project deliverables
4.1 Complete financial record keeping associated with project and check for
4. Finalise project
4.2 Ensure transition of staff involved in project to new roles or reassignment
to previous roles
4.3 Complete project documentation and obtain necessary sign-offs for
concluding project
5.1 Review project outcomes and processes against the project scope and
5. Review project
5.2 Involve team members in the project review

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Element Performance Criteria

5.3 Document lessons learned from the project and report within the

For more information refer to the Unit of Competence on the Training.Gov.Au website.

The following resources are required for this unit:

Resource Additional Information

studEspace – Course To access studEspace go to:

materials portal

Learner Guide BSBPMG522 Learning Guide produced by TAFE NSI School of Business and

Chapter 13: Judith Dwyer and Nicole Hopwood, Management Strategies and Skills, 2nd
Management Edition, 2013
Strategies and Skills

Task Overview Due Date Weighting Unit of Competence

1. Define the TBA Competent/Not Yet 1

Project and Competent
2. Develop a
project plan 2

3. Administer and TBA Competent/Not Yet 3

monitor the Competent

4. Finalise and TBA Competent/Not Yet 4 and 5

review the Competent

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Student Instructions
Case Study
You can choose one of the following case studies to complete your assignments or you may wish
to discuss another option with your Facilitator:

Formal Dinner Party

 You and your business partner own a catering company. You have been employed to cater
for a formal dinner party for 10 people in the client’s home as a special New Year's Eve
 You will be cooking an elaborate 6 course meal including appetizers and a palate refresher
between entree and dessert. There will be a cheese course and fine wines will be chosen to
match each course. Your budget will be $10,000.
 You are responsible for the entire event including food, drink, wait staff and
entertainment. You may even need to hire some table ware and accessories to make the
occasion really special.

Overseas Holiday

 You have recently joined a boutique travel agency and, along with another new person,
you have been asked to put together a small group trip overseas for Skiing in the USA.
 It will be a small guided group, with 1 guide and 12 participants (no children).
 The expected duration is 3 weeks.
 The idea is to make it a premium experience with no expense spared.
 This is the first time your company has offered skiing trips to the USA so you will need to
research and contract suppliers.

Small Kitchen Renovation

 You and your business partner own a kitchen renovation company. You have been
contracted by a client to renovate their kitchen, it is very old and needs to be gutted and
 Your client has a budget of $30,000 including appliances.
 You will need to provide alternate cooking facilities for the client whilst the renovation in

For all of the above Case Studies consider yourself the Project Manager.

Assessment Task 1: Define the Project

1. As part of your initial assessment of this project, you prepare a project scope plan using the
template in Appendix A.

2. List any questions that will enabled you to clarify the project parameters (e.g.: scope, time,
costs, quality, resourcing, risks, legislation, procurement, reporting).

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3. Provide an organisational/project structure chart including all stakeholders and the lines of

Assessment Task 2: Develop a Project Plan

1. You need to consult with the project team when planning the project. List 4 aspects on which
you would consult the project team including who you would consult.

2. What legislation will you need to be aware of when undertaking the project? Give two

3. You must now create a project plan (a schedule, budget and risks) – a template is provided in
Appendix B. In addition you need to provide:
 work breakdown structure
 a Gantt chart (there are many free Gantt chart tools on the Internet or this may be hand
 the roles and responsibilities of the Project team.

4. Explain how you would obtain approval of your project plan and from whom.

Assessment Task 3: Administering and Monitoring the Project

1. To maintain and improve the progress of the project all stakeholders must be aware of their
responsibilities and the tasks assigned to them. Discuss how you will ensure that this occurs.

2. List two concerns of the project team in this phase of the project and your plans to address
these concerns. One concern should be with respect to achieving timelines and the other with
respect to achieving quality.

3. To reduce the risk of the project going overtime or over budget due to unforseen problems
you design the project control processes.

These are processes - you need to include the relevant stakeholders, what they need to do at
each step and when as well as required record keeping for managing/executing the project (to
make sure the project goes to the plan) – approx. three or four lines per dot point for:

 Scope – this includes how you stay in scope as well as what happens if the client requests a
change to scope
 time
 finances
 resources (human and non-human)
 quality – or use the Quality template in Appendix C.
 risks.

4. Provide an example Status Report to keep your stakeholders informed of the project progress.
Use the Status Report template provided in Appendix C.

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Assessment Event 4: Finalising and Reviewing the Project

1. What financial documentation do you need to complete? What financial records will be
important to archive?

2. The human resources division has requested that you explain the process you will use to
reassign your human resources now that the project is complete.

3. Explain how you will obtain client/stakeholder acceptance that the project is complete.

4. Create a project checklist that allows you to verify the actual project outcomes achieved
against the outcomes as stated in the project scope and project plan. Fill this out – would your
project be considered successful?

5. You have decided to try and involve the project team members in the project review process.
 Who should be involved?
 What input might they be able to provide?
 How will you involve them?

6. What lessons you have learnt during the course of this project? Identify four key lessons and
suggest how you would change your approach to your next project. Use the Lessons Learnt Log
provided in Appendix D.

Note: It is important for project management to show you can meet deadlines.
Assignments will be submitted by uploading documents to the Assignments area in studEspace –
electronic copies are required for audit purposes. More than two attachments for a submission
will not be accepted. Accepted file types are: MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Project, MS
Publisher and PDF. Versions accepted are 2003 onwards.

Feedback and Resubmission

You will receive your feedback within two weeks - you will be notified by email by your facilitator
when results are available. You will need to visit this Assignments area in studEspace and down
load your feedback.

Where students answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt a resubmission may
be requested. If a student has demonstrated consistent effort in the learning of a module then, at
the teacher’s professional discretion, the student may be awarded a resubmission. This
resubmission must be made as soon after the initial assessment as possible.

Marking Guide:
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To achieve competency in this Unit BSBPMG522 Undertake Project Work you are required to
demonstrate knowledge, skills and experience to:

 develop a project plan including scope, timelines, budget, risk, quality and resourcing
 manage the project to completion including reporting, scope, timelines, budget, quality, risk
and resources.
 Finalise and review the project.
 communicate and negotiate to work with team members and other stakeholders to maintain
project schedules
 communicate to relate to people with diverse abilities and from diverse backgrounds in a
culturally appropriate way
 literacy skills to read, write and review a range of documentation
 numeracy skills to:
 analyse data
 compare time lines and promotional costs against budgets
 planning and organising skills to develop, monitor and maintain implementation schedules
 knowledge of organisation's mission, goals, objectives and operations and how the project
relates to them
 understanding of organisational structure, and lines of authority and communication in the
 understanding of relevant legislation and codes from all levels of government that may affect
aspects of business operations, including:
 anti-discrimination legislation
 codes of practice
 environmental issues
 ethical principles
 privacy laws.

Assessor Instructions
Assessment requires the student to submit evidence in a work-based project to demonstrate that
student has the knowledge, skills and experience to undertake project work.
The assessor:
 checks that each student’s proposed project satisfies the course requirements for the project
choice according to the criteria listed in the Case Study section above
 advises each student that their project satisfies the course requirements according to the
 assesses each student’s work to ensure that their work satisfies the performance criteria for
 completes each student’s assessment within 2 weeks of submission
 provides feedback as required about the student’s work overall and/or individual task
elements in writing

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 requests each student to resubmit their work or components of their work to satisfy the
performance criteria for competency as soon as possible after each assessment
 notifies each student that they are Satisfactory/ Not Satisfactory in writing
 record each student’s results in EBS.

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Additional Assessment Information

Finding out Other than from your teacher, unit results may also be accessed using your log-on
results to Student e-Services. You should have received information about how to register
for Student e-Services when you enrolled.

Dispute of If you do not agree with the mark/grade given for your assessment, you may
Mark/grade appeal the assessment decision. You should first discuss the assessment result with
your teacher. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of that discussion you can
access the appeal process through the staff in the campus administration office.
If you have a permanent or temporary condition that may prevent you successfully
completing the assessment task(s) you should immediately talk with your teacher
about ‘reasonable adjustment’. This is the adjustment of the way you are assessed
to take into account your condition and may include providing a support person or
extra time. The assessment criteria cannot be altered.
All TAFE students are eligible to apply for credit for previous formal, informal and
non-formal learning. Refer to the Training and Education Support website for
of Prior
information about Credit pathways (Articulation, Credit transfer and Recognition of
Prior Learning (RPL). There is also a brochure widely available throughout the
campus on RPL.
Each case of student absence from an assessment event, or late submission of an
Policy on
assessment event, will be considered by the teacher on an individual basis.
Students should endeavour to notify their teacher in advance where an absence
will prevent them from attending, or submitting, a planned assessment event (e.g.
class test, presentation, project, report, portfolio or assignment). Unexpected
absence and/or late submission due to illness, work commitments and/or other
unforeseen misadventure MUST be supported by documented evidence (e.g.
medical certificate, statements from employers etc.). If you fail to adequately
notify and/or explain your absence/late submission penalties may apply as follows:
1. If a student is late handing in an assessment event the following penalties
may apply:
a. Penalty A – if the assessment event is up to 7 days late the total
mark is reduced by 15% OR the grade is reduced by one level, for
example reducing a Distinction to a Credit or a submission may be
eligible for a Pass grade only. Note: In Pass/Fail (or Ungraded
Competency) units, penalty A will not apply.
b. Penalty B – if the assessment event is more than 7 days late the
mark is reduced to a zero OR the grade is reduced to a Fail/Not
Competent for this event.
2. No penalty will apply if the student has an acceptable reason and
negotiates a new date with the teacher before the original due date, or if it
is not possible, at the first attendance after the event or within 7 days
(whichever is the sooner). The negotiated or revised date will become the
due date and Penalties A or B (see above) will apply if the assessment event
is not submitted by the revised due date. If extension is not accepted the

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original due date applies and the penalties will be as outlined.
3. If the student does not attend a class test, presentation or other classroom-
based assessment event on a negotiated date, Penalty B may apply.
4. Failure in one particular assessment event may not necessarily mean a Fail
in the unit. Is there a penalty for late submission of assessment tasks?
What is the procedure if a student is absent on the day of an assessment
event? For information about assessment in TAFE please see "Every
Student's Guide to Assessment in TAFE NSW" which was offered at
enrolment and is available on the TAFE internet site at:

Policy on Definition: Plagiarism involves using the work of another person and presenting it
Plagiarism as your own.
A STUDENT WILL BE GUILTY OF PLAGIARISM if they do any of the following in an
assignment, or in any piece of work which is to be assessed, without clearly
acknowledging their source(s) for each quotation or piece of borrowed material:
a) copying out part (s) of any document or audio-visual material,
including computer–based material;
b) using or extracting another person’s concepts, experimental results,
or conclusions;
c) summarising another person’s work;
d) in an assignment where there was collaborative preparatory work,
submitting substantially the same final version of any material as
another student.

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Appendix A – Scope Plan

Project Name Project No: Project Manager Start date

Background data: <The reason the project is being undertaken/trigger>


Organisation and <Measureable outcomes set at project beginning that can be reviewed at the
Project objectives end of the project to see if they were achieved. Specify relationship to the
organisations objectives>

Project deliverables <A verifiable result which is required to be produced by the project>

In Scope <The work to be performed to deliver a product, service or result>

Out of Scope <The work not to be performed to deliver a product, service or result>

Project constraints <A limiting factor that affects the project>

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Assumptions <A factor in the planning process that is considered to be true even though it
cannot be verified>

Proposed high-level Phase Dates Notes

project timeline <Phase Name> <DD/MM/YYYY>

Proposed high-level
budget (costs and
human resources)

Contract statement <This will include the names of those authorised to initiate contract work, sign
contracts and completion acceptances. It also includes any contractual
limitations and penalty statements for possible contract variations. (Variations
and penalties apply equally to the client and providers.)>

Stakeholders and <Stakeholders are any individuals, group or organisations that have interest or
title are affected by the project>

Prepared by: Date: Approved by: Date

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Appendix B – Develop the Project Plan


Task No Phases/ Task / Duration Start Date Finish Date Sequence/predecessors Resources
Milestones (based on (based on
elapsed) elapsed)
<Unique <A clear description <Length of <DD/MM/YY> <DD/MM/YY> <Task No of the task <Human resource required and
identified> of the phase, time given preceding this one> any major non-human
milestone or task to the resources resources>
be undertaken. Tip – assigned>
use verbs for tasks>

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Task No Phases/ Task / Duration Start Date Finish Date Sequence/predecessors Resources
Milestones (based on (based on
elapsed) elapsed)

Risk Register

Risk No Risk Description Risk Priority Risk Mitigation Strategy

<Unique Identifier> <A description of the uncertain <Rating of likelihood and <Transfer, avoid, accept or mitigate – negative
event, this may include a work impact as well as overall rating risks. Exploit enhance, share, accept – positive
health and safety risk> – use table provided above> risks. Provide a description of the strategy>

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Risk No Risk Description Risk Priority Risk Mitigation Strategy

Project Budget
Category Item Quantity/ number of hours Cost per item or per hour Total cost

<e.g.: Labour, Materials, <Budgeted item>

Equipment etc>

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Category Item Quantity/ number of hours Cost per item or per hour Total cost


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Appendix C – Administer and Monitor the Project

Quality Template
Project Deliverable Standards or Requirements Quality Assurance Quality Control

<e.g.: Bathroom> <ISO standards, organizational <Process to ensure quality is included in <Process to check for quality on
standards or client requirements in the design and build processes> completion>
terms of quality>

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Status Report Template
Project Title: <Title>

Date and reporting period: <DD/MM/YYYY> reporting for <Month/Week etc>

Author: <Author>

Traffic light: <Red/orange/green>

Accomplishments since the last report

(Deliverables completed, milestones attained, decisions made, issues resolved)

Date Due Date Completed Deliverable, milestones, decision or issue

<DD/MM/YYYY> <DD/MM/YYYY> <Description of what was achieved – as per project plan>

Upcoming activities
(What the team must focus on achieving throughout the next reporting period)

Date Due Tasks

<DD/MM/YYYY> <What is due to be completed in the upcoming period>

Budgeted to date Actuals to date Comments
$<9999999> $<9999999> <Reason for any variances>

Summary of issues and variations

Issue/Change Description

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<Number> <Summary description of any issues or change requests>

Other Comments
<Any other information that should be reported to stakeholders>

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Appendix D – Review and Finalise the Project

Lessons Learnt Log
Date Description Recommended Action Raised By

<DD/MM/YYYY> <Description of the positive or negative lessons learnt <What action should be taken next time to either <Raised by>
from this project> ensure this happens again (positive lesson) or
does not happen again (negative lesson)>.

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