Lec06 Cement
Lec06 Cement
Lec06 Cement
Lecture 6. Cement
Prepared by:
Fahim Al-Neshawy, D.Sc. (Tech.)
Aalto University School of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
A: P.O.Box 12100, FIN-00076 Aalto, Finland
CIV-E1010 Building Materials Technology (5 cr) (2/17)
Table of Contents
Lecture 6. Cement...................................................................................................................................... 1
6.1 Cement history................................................................................................................................. 3
6.2 Portland cement production........................................................................................................... 3
6.2.1 Raw materials: .......................................................................................................................... 3
6.2.2 Manufacturing process: ........................................................................................................... 4
6.3 Chemical compounds of Portland cement..................................................................................... 6
6.4 Fineness of Portland cement .......................................................................................................... 7
6.5 Specific gravity of Portland cement................................................................................................ 8
6.6 Hydration of Portland cement ........................................................................................................ 9
6.6.1 Structure development in cement paste.............................................................................. 10
6.6.2 Voids in hydrated cement ..................................................................................................... 11
6.6.3 Properties of hydrated cement ............................................................................................. 13
6.7 Cement types and Finnish cements.............................................................................................. 15
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Throughout history, cementing materials have played a vital role and were used widely in the ancient
· Lime and clay have been used as cementing material on constructions through many
· Romans are commonly given the credit for the development of hydraulic cement, the most
significant incorporation of the Roman’s was the use of pozzolan-lime cement by mixing
volcanic ash from the Mt. Vesuvius with lime. Best known surviving example is the Pantheon in
· In 1824 Joseph Aspdin from England invented the Portland cement named after the limestone
cliffs on the Isle of Portland in England
· The development of the rotary kiln in the late-1900’s and subsequent replacement of static
kilns - allowed cement manufacture to become a continuous rather than a batch process
· Portland cement today, as in Aspdin’s time, is a pre-determined and carefully measured
chemical combination of calcium, silica, iron and aluminium, yielded by a complex
manufacturing process, subject to rigorous control and involving a wide range of operations.
· Most recently – the cement industry has focused a good deal of attention on reducing the
environmental impact of cement production – particularly carbon-dioxide production
Cement is the hydraulic binder (hydraulic = hardening when combined with water) which is used to
produce concrete. Cement paste (cement mixed with water) sets and hardens by hydration, both in
air and under water. The main base materials for Portland cement, are limestone, marl and clay,
which are mixed in defined proportions. This raw mix is burned at about 1450 °C to form clinker which
is later ground to the well-known fineness of cement.
Cement history. Online at: http://www.understanding-cement.com/history.html
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bauxite, recycled
Alumina aluminum, Al2O3 A 3 - 8%
clay, iron ore, scrap iron
and fly ash
Fe2O3 F 0.5 – 6.0%
Gypsum, CaSO4.2H20
Sulfate found together with SO3 Ŝ 0.5 – 1.3%
Water H 2O H
· In the dry process calcareous material such as lime stone (calcium carbonate) and argillaceous
material such as clay are ground separately to fine powder in the absence of water and then
are mixed together in the desired proportions.
· Water is then added to it for getting thick paste and then its cakes are formed, dried and burnt
in kilns.
· Dry process is usually used when raw materials are very strong and hard.
· In the dry process, the raw materials are changed to powdered form in the absence of water.
· About 75% of cement is produced using the dry process
(1.b) Mixing and crushing of raw materials - Wet process:
· In the wet process, the raw materials are changed to powdered form in the presence of water.
· Raw materials are pulverized by using a Ball mill, which is a rotary steel cylinder with hardened
steel balls. When the mill rotates, steel balls pulverize the raw materials which form slurry
(liquid mixture). The slurry is then passed into storage tanks, where correct proportioning is
· Proper composition of raw materials can be ensured by using wet process than dry process.
Corrected slurry is then fed into rotary kiln for burning.
· Wet process is generally used when raw materials are soft because complete mixing is not
possible unless water is added.
· About 25% of cement is produced using the dry process.
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Michael S. Mamlouk and John P. Zaniewski, (2011). Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers, 3rd Edition: Chapter 6
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(2) Burning:
Corrected slurry is feed to rotary kiln, which is about 1.5 m in diameter and 15 m in length and
temperature arrangement is up to 1500-1650 οC. At this temperature slurry losses moisture and
forms into small lumps, after that changes to clinkers. Clinkers are cooled in another inclined tube
similar to kiln but of lesser length
(3) Grinding:
Grinding is the final process where clinker is grinded, it is first cooled down to atmospheric
temperature. Grinding of clinker is done in large tube mills. After proper grinding gypsum (Calcium
sulphate Ca SO4) in the ratio of 01-04 % is added for controlling the setting time of cement.
Finally, fine ground cement is stored in storage tanks from where it is drawn for packing.
The proportions of the chemical compounds of cement vary in the various Portland cements. Table 2
presents the composition and percentage of found compounds for Portland cement.
Table 2. Chemical compounds of cement clinker.
Shorthand % by
Compound Formula Properties of cement compounds
form weight
· C3S Hardens rapidly and largely responsible for
initial set & early strength
· The increase in percentage of C3S compound
Alite or tricalcium will cause the early strength of Portland cement
Ca3SiO4 C3S 50 - 70%
silicate to be higher.
· A bigger percentage of C3S compound will
produces higher heat of hydration and accounts
for faster gain in strength.
· C2S hydrates and hardens slowly.
Belite or · It is largely responsible for strength gain after
Ca2SiO5 C2S 15 - 30%
dicalcium silicate one week.
· Responsible for long term strength
· C3A is the first compound to hydrate
· C3A liberates a lot of heat during the early
Tricalcium stages of hydration, but has little strength
Ca3Al2O6 C3A 5 - 10%
aluminate contribution.
· Gypsum slows down the hydration rate of C3A.
· Cement low in C3A is sulfate resistant.
· Assist in the manufacture of Portland Cement
by allowing lower clinkering temperature.
· Also act as a filler
Ca4Al2Fe2O10 C4AF 5-15% · Contributes very little strength of concrete
even though it hydrates very rapidly.
· Also responsible for grey colour of Ordinary
Portland Cement
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In the Blaine test (Figure 2), the surface area of the cement particles in is determined by measuring
the air permeability of a cement sample and relating it to the air permeability of a standard material.
The Wagner turbidimeter determines the surface area by measuring the rate of sedimentation of
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cement suspended in kerosene. The finer the cement particles, the slower the sedimentation. Both
the Blaine and Wagner tests are indirect measurements of surface area and use somewhat different
measurement principles. Therefore, tests on a single sample of cement will produce different results.
Fineness can also be measured by determining the percent passing the 0.045 mm sieve (No. 325)
(ASTM C430).
Principle of the Blaine method:
· The principle of air permeability method is to determine the time taken for a fixed quantity of
air to flow through a compacted cement bed of specified dimension and porosity.
· Under standard conditions, the specific surface area of cement is proportional to the square
root of time T.
· Where T is the time for given quantity of air to flow through the compacted cement bed.
· The number and size range of individual pores in the specified bed are determined by the
cement particle size distribution, which also determined the time for the specified air flow.
· This method is comparative and therefore a reference sample of known specific surface area is
required to calibrate the apparatus.
Specific gravity: the specific gravity of Portland cement is generally around 3.15.
The specific gravity is defined as the ratio between the weight of a given volume of material and
weight of an equal volume of water. To determine the specific gravity of cement, kerosene which
does not recent with cement is used.
Figure 3. Apparatus of measuring the specific gravity of Portland cement - Le Chaterlier”s flask and
kerosene (free from water).
· Le Chaterlier”s flask, is made of thin glass having a bulb at the bottom. The capacity of the
bulb is nearly 250 ml. The bulb is 7.8 cm in mean diameter. The stem is graduated in
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· Test procedure:
(i) The flask is dried carefully and filled with kerosene or naphtha to a point on the stem
between zero and 1 ml.
(ii) The level of the liquid in the flask is record as initial reading (V 1, ml).
(iii) A weighted quantity of cement (W = about 60 gm) is placed into the flask so that level
of kerosene rise to about 22 ml mark, care being taken to avoid splashing and to see
that cement does not adhere to the sides of the above the liquid.
(iv) After placing all the cement to the flask, roll the flask gently in an inclined position to
expel air until no further air bubble rises to the surface of the liquid.
(v) The new liquid level is marked as final reading (V2, ml).
ℎ = −
ℎ = ( − ) ℎ
= =
ℎ −
Hydration is the general term used to describe the chemical reaction that takes place between
cement powder and water.
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Initial set—
The initial set occurs with the
(c) development of a weak skeleton in
of weak
which cement grains are held in place.
Due to the random growth of the crystals and the different types of crystals, voids are left in the paste
structure as the cement hydrates. Concrete strength, durability, and volume stability are greatly
influenced by voids. Two types of voids are formed during hydration:
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o For a highly hydrated cement paste in which a minimum amount of water was used, the
capillary voids will be on the order of 10 nm to 50 nm.
o A poorly hydrated cement produced with excess water can have capillary voids on the order of
3 μm to 5 μm
o Capillary voids greater than 50 nm decrease strength and increase permeability.
o Removal of water from capillary voids greater than 50 nm does not cause shrinkage, whereas
removal of water from the smaller voids causes shrinkage.
Properties of the hydrated cement are evaluated with either cement paste (water and cement) or
mortar (paste and sand). Setting
Setting refers to the stiffening of the cement paste or the change from a plastic state to a solid state.
Setting is usually described by two levels: initial set and final set. The initial and final sets are based on
measurements by either the Vicat apparatus or the Gillmore needles, see Figure 6.
The Vicat test (Figure 6 a)
· Requires that a sample of cement paste be prepared, using the amount of water required for
normal consistency according to a specified procedure.
· The 1 mm diameter needle is allowed to penetrate the paste for 30 seconds and the amount
of penetration is measured.
· The penetration process is repeated every 15 minutes (every 10 minutes for Type III cement)
until a penetration of 25 mm or less is obtained.
· By interpolation, the time when a penetration of 25 mm occurs is determined and recorded as
the initial set time.
· The final set time is when the needle does not penetrate visibly into the paste.
· The initial setting time given by Vicat needle for Portland cement ≥ 45 minutes
· The final setting time given by Vicat needle for Portland cement ≤ 375 minutes
· The Vicat needle test is more common and tends to give shorter times than the Gillmore
needle test.
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Figure 6. Measuring cement setting times. a) Vicat set time apparatus and b) Gillmore set time
CIV-E1010 Building Materials Technology (5 cr) (15/17) Soundness
· Soundness of the cement paste refers to its
ability to retain its volume after setting.
· Expansion after setting, caused by delayed or
slow hydration or other reactions, could result
if the cement is unsound.
· The autoclave expansion test (Figure 6.7) is
used to check the soundness of the cement
· In this test, cement paste bars are subjected to
heat and high pressure, and the amount of Figure 7. Cement autoclave expansion
expansion is measured. ASTM C150 limits apparatus.
autoclave expansion to 0.8%. Compressive strength of mortar
Compressive strength of mortar is measured by preparing 50-mm cubes and subjecting them to
compression. The mortar is prepared with cement, water, and standard sand. Minimum compressive
strength values are specified by ASTM C150 for different cement types at different ages. The
compressive strength of mortar cubes is proportional to the compressive strength of concrete
cylinders. However, the compressive strength of the concrete cannot be predicted accurately from
mortar cube strength, since the concrete strength is also affected by the aggregate characteristics, the
concrete mixing, and the construction procedures.
In Europe, cements are covered by the standard EN 197-1 (composition, specifications and conformity
criteria) (5). The standard divides the common cements into 5 main types (6), as follows:
Table 4. Designation, notation, ans composition of main types of common cement (EN 197-1).
Composition (%, by mass)
Notation Type
Clinker (%) Other main constituent rather than clinker
CEM I Portland cement 95 - 100 -
Portland Composite Up to 35% of an addition (different sub-classification,
CEM II 65-94
cements see Table 6
CEM III Blast furnace cement 5-64 36 – 95% blast furnace slag
11 – 65% of pozzolanic materials (of one type or
CEM IV Pozzolan cement 45-89
mixture of several types)
Mixture of: 18 - 50% of blast furnace slag and 18 – 50%
CEM V Composite cement 20-64
of natural pozzolan and/or fly ash.
EN 197-1: Cement. Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common cements
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In accordance with EN 197-1, cement is also categorized by strength class as well as cement type, and
these categories are shown in Table 5, where there are minimum limits to early-age strength and
limits for 28-day strength.
Table 5. Requirements for standard strength and early strength
Compressive strength [MPa]
Strength Initial setting time
Early strength Standard strength
class [min]
2 days 7 days 28 days
32,5 N - ≤16,0
≥ 32,5 ≤ 52,5 ≥ 75
32,5 R ≥ 10,0 -
42,5 N ≥ 10,0 -
≥ 42,5 ≤ 62,5 ≥ 60
42,5 R ≥ 20,0 -
52,5 N ≥ 20,0 -
≥ 52,5 - ≥ 45
52,5 R ≥ 30,0 -
Table 6. Common cement products according to EN 197-1:2000
Major components
Main Portland Pozzolanes Fly ashes
Cement Silica Burnt
cement Designation cement Slag High High Limestone
type dust Natural Artificial shale
type clinker silica lime
K S D1 P Q V W T L2 LL3
CEM I Portland cement CEM I 95-100 - - - - - - - - - 0-5
Portland slag CEM II/A-S 80-94 6-20 - - - - - - - - 0-5
cement CEM II/B-S 65-79 21-35 - - - - - - - - 0-5
Portland silica
CEM II/A-D 90-94 - 6-10 - - - - - - - 0-5
dus t cement
CEM II/A-P 80-94 - - 6-20 - - - - - - 0-5
Portland CEM II/B-P 65-79 - - 21-35 - - - - - - 0-5
pozzolan cement CEM II/A-Q 80-94 - - - 6-20 - - - - - 0-5
CEM II/B-Q 65-79 - - - 21-35 - - - - - 0-5
CEM II/A-V 80-94 - - - - 6-20 - - - - 0-5
Portland fly as h CEM II/B-V 65-79 - - - - 21-35 - - - - 0-5
CEM II cement CEM II/A-W 80-94 - - - - - 6-20 - - - 0-5
CEM II/B-W 65-79 - - - - - 21-35 - - - 0-5
Portland shale CEM II/A-T 80-94 - - - - - - 6-20 - - 0-5
cement CEM II/B-T 65-79 - - - - - - 21-35 - - 0-5
CEM II/A-L 80-94 - - - - - - - 6-20 - 0-5
CEM II/B-L 65-79 - - - - - - - 21-35 - 0-5
lim estone
CEM II/A-LL 80-94 - - - - - - - - 6-20 0-5
CEM II/B-LL 65-79 - - - - - - - - 21-35 0-5
Portland CEM II/A-M 80-94 < -------------------------------------- 6-20 ----------------------------------------> 0-5
composite cem. CEM II/B-M 65-79 < -------------------------------------- 21-35 ---------------------------------------> 0-5
CEM III/A 35-64 36-65 - - - - - - - - 0-5
Blast furnace
CEM III CEM III/B 20-34 66-80 - - - - - - - - 0-5
CEM III/C 5-19 81-95 - - - - - - - - 0-5
Pozzolan CEM IV/A 65-89 - 11-35 - - - 0-5
cement CEM IV/B 45-64 - 36-55 - - - 0-5
Compos ite CEM V/A 40-64 18-30 - 18-30 - - - - 0-5
cement CEM V/B 20-39 31-50 - 31-50 - - - - 0-5
The silica dust content is limited to 10 %.
Total organic carbon (TOC) must not exceed 0.2 % by weight.
Total organic carbon (TOC) must not exceed 0.5 % by weight.
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Table 7. Example of the cement naming according to the cement standard SFS-EN 197-1(7).
Finnsementti Oy (8) is a Finnish cement manufacturer since year 1914. Most of the cement needed in
Finland is manufactured in Finnsementti’s works in Parainen and Lappeenranta. Finnsementti’s
cement assortment includes Plus cement, Yleis-(general) cement, Rapid cement, Pika-(quick) cement,
Mega cement, SR cement, and Valko-(white) cement.
Plus cement: Normally hardening Portland composite cement, CEM II/B-M (SLL) 42,5N. Plus cement is
used in general construction purposes (most buildings, bridges, pavements, precast units, etc). Plus
cement includes 15 - 25 % blast furnace slag.
Yleis (General) cement: Normally hardening Portland composite cement, CEM II A-M (SLL) 42,5N.
Yleis (General) cement is also used for all general construction purposes. Yleis (General) cement
includes 3 – 14 % blast furnace slag.
Rapid cement: Rapidly hardening Portland composite cement CEM II/A-LL 42,5R. The hardening rate
depends of the cement fineness. The rapid cement is used in rapid construction, cold weather
concreting and precast concreting. The Rapid cement includes 0 - 5 % blast furnace slag.
Pika (Quick) cement: Very fast hardening Portland cement CEM I 52,5R. Pika-cement is used in rapid
construction when the form work is removed quickly. Pika-cement is also used for high and ultra-high
strength concretes.
Mega-cement: Fast hardening Portland cement CEM I 42,5R. Mega cement is used in ready mixed
concrete productions and the industrial pre-cast concrete productions.
SR-cement: Sulfate resistance Portland cement CEM I 42,5N SR3. SR-cement is used in structures
exposed to high levels of sulfate ions as: harbors constructions, waste water systems, dams,
underground water pipes, foundations, sewers, irrigation canals and treatment plants. it is
appropriate cement for using at the structures that require resistance against chemical effects such as
sea water and sulfate environments
Valko (white) cement: White cement is normally hardening Portland cement CEM I 52,5R. White
cement is used in architectural works requiring great brightness and artistic finishes, to create
mosaics and artificial granite, and for sculptural casts and other applications where white prevails.
SFS-EN 197-1 Sementti. Osa 1: Tavallisten sementtien koostumus, laatuvaatimukset ja vaatimustenmukaisuus
Finnsementti Oy In Englis - http://www.finnsementti.fi/en