Poreddy 2015NatCommun DTGDetox
Poreddy 2015NatCommun DTGDetox
Poreddy 2015NatCommun DTGDetox
Received 27 Jan 2015 | Accepted 2 Sep 2015 | Published 7 Oct 2015 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9525 OPEN
1 Department of Molecular Ecology, Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Ecology, 07745 Jena, Germany. 2 Department of Biosynthesis/NMR Research Group,
Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Ecology, 07745 Jena, Germany. w Present address: Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, 14853 Ithaca, New York,
USA. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to S.S.P. (email: [email protected], for correspondence) or to I.T.B. (email:
[email protected], for requests for materials).
lants commonly use lipophilic compounds such as nicotianoside I (Nic1), and its dimalonylated form,
cardenolides, iridoids, flavonoids, phenylpropanoids and nicotianoside II (Nic2), constitutes B80% of the N. attenuata’s
several cyanogenic compounds as their major defences total HGL-DTG pool20.
against their insect herbivores. These compounds are often Although HGL-DTGs severely affect larval growth, M. sexta
glycosylated by the plants to increase their stability and to larvae survive on the HGL-DTG-rich N. attenuata. We
avoid self-intoxication; usually, such compounds are stored in investigated M. sexta’s counteradaptation strategy against
specialized compartments to protect them from endogenous HGL-DTGs, using Lyc4 and its malonylated forms as model
glycosidases1–3. Tissue damage resulting from insect feeding HGL-DTGs. We discovered unusual mechanisms evolved by
exposes these inactive pretoxins to their activating glycosidases M. sexta to demalonylate and then detoxify these allelochemicals.
resulting in the formation of toxic aglycones3–5. Released To reveal the significance of this atypical strategy, we applied a
aglycones cause cellular damage in herbivores and severely modern herbivore reverse genetics approach, plant-mediated
affect their physiology and fitness6,7. Frequently, on ingestion, RNA interference (PMRi)23,24. By silencing M. sexta’s Lyc4
these glycosides are deglycosylated in the midgut by insect ingestion-induced b-glucosidase (BG), we revealed that it is
glycosidases3,8. To avoid such deglycosylation, some herbivores responsible for Lyc4 deglycosylation in the midgut and such
downregulate their glycosidases after ingesting glycosides9,10. detoxification is vital for larval development. Last, we used the
Several herbivores have even evolved their own glycosylation PMRi in the native habitat of N. attenuata, the Great Basin
systems to reglycosylate the formed aglycones3,5,11,12. Glycosides Desert, Utah, USA to elucidate the role of Lyc4 detoxification in
are more water soluble, have higher intracellular mobility and so M. sexta’s interaction with its predators. We found that Lyc4 is a
are excreted faster than their aglycones2. Moreover, they are easily predator deterrent so avoiding its detoxification could benefit
transported to vacuolar compartments and the apoplast by larvae that are vulnerable to predators. We discuss why M. sexta
membrane-bound transporter systems, which often recognize could have chosen the detoxification of Lyc4 in spite of it being
their glycosyl residues2. Hence, deglycosylation or glycoside ecologically disadvantageous.
hydrolysis in insects is commonly thought to result in toxin
activation and glycosylation is regarded as a form of
detoxification11–14. Notably, most of this research has been Nicotianoside I and II are demalonylated by the alkaline pH.
conducted on compounds harbouring single sugar moieties;
Lyc4, Nic1 and Nic2 (Fig. 1a) constitute the major fraction of
deglycosylation of phytochemicals containing more than one N. attenuata’s constitutive as well as herbivory-induced
sugar moiety remains uninvestigated.
HGL-DTGs pool (Fig. 1b; Supplementary Fig. 1); therefore, we
Several Nicotiana (Solanaceae) species produce 17-hydroxy- focused our study on these three compounds. To determine the
geranyllinalool diterpene glycosides (HGL-DTGs) containing
fate of Nic1 and Nic2 in M. sexta, regurgitant (or oral secretion,
multiple sugar moieties15. HGL-DTGs have been reported to be as called by several researchers)25–27, midgut content and frass of
biocidal and HGL-DTGs of Nicotiana tabacum retarded growth
larvae feeding on wild-type (WT) N. attenuata plants were
of Heliothis virescens larvae in artificial diet (AD) experiments15. analysed. Neither Nic1 nor Nic2 was detected in any of these
The biosynthesis of several HGL-DTGs is induced in N. attenuata
samples. Absence of Nic1 and Nic2 in larval regurgitant suggested
on attack by its specialist herbivore, Manduca sexta that demalonylation occurred in the regurgitant (Fig. 1c).
(Ms; Lepidoptera, Sphingidae). The susceptibility of M. sexta
To determine whether demalonylation resulted from the
larvae to HGL-DTGs was demonstrated using different Nicotiana
action of a plant or larval component, we incubated crushed
species such as N. attenuata, N. bigelovii and N. clevelandii, N. attenuata leaves separately with either water or regurgitant in
which differ in their HGL-DTG contents and composition, and,
an in vitro demalonylation assay (Fig. 1d). Demalonylation
more convincingly, with different transgenic isogenic lines of occurred only in the sample incubated with regurgitant, whereas
N. attenuata with varying levels of HGL-DTGs16–18. M. sexta
Nic1 and Nic2 were not found and the levels of Lyc4 increased.
larvae grew three times larger than controls when they were fed To test whether demalonylation was enzymatic, we incubated the
transgenic N. attenuata plants depleted in their HGL-DTG
leaf with enzyme-inactivated regurgitant; regurgitant was either
content by silencing geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase boiled or treated with pronase to inactivate its enzymes. Complete
(GGPPS), the gene responsible for the synthesis of the
demalonylation of Nic1 and Nic2 occurred in both treatments
HGL-DTG precursor, geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate19,20. In (Fig. 1d), suggesting that the reaction was non-enzymatic. Finally,
fact, HGL-DTGs were found to be more effective as chemical
to test whether demalonylation was pH dependent, we incubated
defences against M. sexta than some of N. attenuata’s other the leaf with an alkaline buffer of pH-8.5 (because the regurgitant
well-characterized defence compounds, such as nicotine and
is alkaline26), an acidic buffer (pH-6) or acidified regurgitant
trypsin proteinase inhibitors19. (pH-6). Demalonylation occurred in the alkaline buffer but not in
N. attenuata HGL-DTGs are composed of an acyclic C20 HGL
the acidic buffer and acidified regurgitant, confirming that
backbone decorated with glucose moieties at OH-3 and OH-17; ingested Nic1 and Nic2 were non-enzymatically demalonylated
glucose moieties can further be extended with either glucose or
to Lyc4 by the alkalinity of larval regurgitant (Fig. 1d).
rhamnose moieties at OH-20 , OH-40 or OH-60 to produce a large
diversity of structures. Frequently, malonyl groups are addition-
ally attached to glucoses at OH-60 , resulting in additional M. sexta does not deglycosylate Lyc4 to form the aglycone.
structures20–22. Heiling et al.20 defined lyciumoside I as a Usually, glycosides are deglycosylated by herbivores leading to a
precursor HGL-DTG, as it represents the first glycosylation of release of their toxic aglycones. Therefore, we first conducted
the HGL backbone at both the OH-3 and OH-17. HGL-DTGs a gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS)-based
having disaccharides attached to OH-3 and OH-17 are referred to analysis of foregut (n ¼ 4), midgut (n ¼ 4), hindgut (n ¼ 4),
as core HGL-DTGs. N. attenuata produces three core HGL-DTG haemolymph (n ¼ 4), fat body along with skin (n ¼ 4) and frass
structures namely, attenoside, nicotianoside III and lyciumoside (n ¼ 3) of larvae feeding on Lyc4-replete empty vector-trans-
IV (Lyc4). Core HGL-DTGs with malonyl groups on their sugar formed (EV) plants (a transformation control having similar
moieties are defined as malonylated HGL-DTGs and are further levels of Lyc4, Nic1 and Nic2 to those in WT)28 to locate 17-HGL,
classified as singly or dimalonylated, based on the number of the diterpene backbone of Lyc4, since only Lyc4 enters the larval
attached malonyl groups. Lyc4 with its singly malonylated form, gut because Nic1 and Nic2 are demalonylated to Lyc4 in the
a c
Leaf Regurgitant Midgut content Frass
N. attenuata M. sexta
Samples from
b N. attenuata’s 17-hydroxygeranyllinalool d
diterpene glycosides (HGL-DTG) Malonylated + Regurgitant
Demalonylation pH dependent?
(% of HGL-DTG pool) in leaf
Malonylated Lyc4
b b
100 4
60 2
Other HGL-DTGs
40 1
ND ND ND a a
at rgi se
bu r
ur ter
pr t +
id uff
0 W
ed ta
Ac b
Uninduced Herbivory induced
tiv gu
ac e
in R
Figure 1 | N. attenuata’s malonylated HGL-DTGs are demalonylated non-enzymatically in M. sexta’s alkaline regurgitant. (a) Structures of core
lyciumoside IV (Lyc4) and its singly and dimalonylated forms, nicotianoside I (Nic1) and nicotianoside II (Nic2), respectively. (b) Proportions of Lyc4 and its
malonylated forms Nic1 and Nic2 and other HGL-DTGs in uninduced and M. sexta herbivory-induced N. attenuata leaves showing that Lyc4 and its
derivatives are the major HGL-DTGs (based on data from Heiling et al.20). (c) Profile of core and malonylated Lyc4 in N. attenuata leaf and in larval
regurgitant, midgut content and frass showing that complete demalonylation occurs when the leaf comes into contact with larval regurgitant, at the time of
ingestion by larvae (F3,8 ¼ 19.81, Pr0.0001; significant differences (threshold: Pr0.05) between means (±s.e.) determined by Games Howell test
(Welch’s ANOVA); n ¼ 3). (d) Analysis to determine whether the demalonylation of Nic1 and Nic2 in larval regurgitant occurs enzymatically or by alkaline
hydrolysis in the alkaline pH of the regurgitant; concentration of malonylated Lyc4 (Nic1 and Nic2) in N. attenuata leaf when it was crushed in water,
regurgitant, boiled regurgitant, pronase-treated regurgitant, heat-inactivated pronase-treated regurgitant, alkaline buffer, acidic buffer and acidified
regurgitant (F4,20 ¼ 347.1, Pr0.001; significant differences (threshold: Pr0.05) between means (±s.e.) determined by Fisher’s LSD test (one-way
ANOVA); n ¼ 5). ND, not detected. ANOVA, analysis of variance; LSD, least significant difference.
regurgitant. However, 17-HGL was not found in any of the detected for the aglycone, and 12 signals for two hexose units
above-mentioned samples. This led us to the U(H)PLC/ESI- (Supplementary Table 1). The aglycone was identified as
QTOF-MS-based non-targeted Lyc4 metabolite search. 17-hydroxygeranyllinalool30 as follows. The 1H NMR signals at
d 5.23 (1H, H-1a, 3JH1a-H2 ¼ 17.8 Hz, 2JH1a-H1b ¼ 1.2 Hz), 5.20
(1H, H-1b, 3JH1b-H2 ¼ 11.1 Hz, 2JH1b-H1a ¼ 1.2 Hz) and 5.93 (1H,
Structure elucidation of a novel HGL-DTG from larval frass. H-2, 3JH2-H1a ¼ 17.8 Hz, 3JH2-H1b ¼ 11.1 Hz) indicated a terminal
To determine the fate of Lyc4 in the larval digestive system, we double bond. The signals at d 5.11 (2H, t, J ¼ 7.3 Hz, H-6, H-10)
analysed the U(H)PLC/ ESI-QTOF-MS-generated HGL-DTG and 5.26 (1H, t, J ¼ 7.1 Hz, H-14) were due to three protons at the
profile of the frass of larvae feeding on WT N. attenuata foliage tri-substituted double bonds. This was also demonstrated by
and compared it with that of the alkaline buffer-treated WT leaf HMBC correlations between the signals of H-6/H-10 with d 16.2
(Fig. 2a,b). An unknown compound having an HGL backbone, (C-18/C-19), d 40.9 (C-12) and d 41.2 (C-8), respectively, and
which was not found in leaf, was detected in the frass. This H-14 with d 61.5 (C-17) and d 21.7 (C-16). Vice versa, the
compound was also found in the frass of larvae fed Lyc4- isochronic methyl signals of H-18 and H-19 at d 1.59 (6H, s), the
supplemented AD, clearly indicating that it was a Lyc4 metabolite signal of H-16 at d 1.75 (3H, s) and their HMBC correlations with
(Fig. 2c). The monoisotopic mass (m/z ¼ 614.37) of the com- C-6 (d 125.8), C-7 (d 136.0), C-10 (d 125.9), C-11 (d 135.8), C-14
pound and its fragmentation pattern were revealed by MS/MS (d 128.6) and C-15 (d 135.7) confirmed the presence of three
analysis (Fig. 2d). The compound was purified from larval frass methyl groups at the olefinic carbons(Supplementary Figs 2–4).
and its structure was elucidated by one-dimensional (1H and 13C The methyl group at d 1.38 (3H, s, H-20) attached to the
NMR and APT) and two-dimensional (COSY, TOCSY, ROESY, quaternary C-3 exhibited HMBC correlations with C-4 (d 42.8),
HSQC and HMBC) NMR methods. The 1H NMR data of C-3 (d 81.6) and C-2 (d 144.5) (Supplementary Fig. 5).
the novel compound resembled those reported for HGL- 1H and 13C NMR signals at d 4.36 (1H, d, J ¼ 8.0 Hz, H-10 )/d
DTGs20,29,30. In the 13C NMR and APT spectra, 20 signals were 99.5 (C-10 ) and 4.85 (1H, d, J ¼ 1.7 Hz, H-1")/d 102.9 (C-1’’) and
a 61.5 appeared about 6.5 p.p.m. upfield of the C-17 signal reported
N. attenuata leaf (alkaline extract)
×104 for HGL-DTGs (dB68) bearing a carbohydrate unit at the
EIC 271.2400 0.1+aII MS
4 17-hydroxyl group. Therefore, it was concluded that in this
3 Lyc4
Nicotianoside III compound, the 17-hydroxyl group remained unsubstituted and
Attenoside the two hexose units were attached to C-3 as a disaccharide. This
0 was confirmed by the equivalent 1H NMR signal of the protons at
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
C-17, which appeared as a singlet at d 4.06 while the 1H NMR
b signals of H-17 of reported HGL-DTGs are inequivalent30,31.
×104 Frass of M. sexta larvae feeding on N. attenuata foliage
5 Attachment of the glucose to the 3-hydroxyl group of the
EIC 271.2400 0.1+aII MS Lyc4 Novel
compound diterpene backbone was verified by the HMBC correlation
2 Nicotianoside III between H-10 and C-3 (d 81.6) (Supplementary Fig. 7).
1 Attenoside Interglycosidic HMBC correlations of H-1" with C-40 (d 79.7)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
and H-40 with C-1" indicated 1-4 linkage between the rhamnose
and the glucose units (Supplementary Fig. 7). From these data,
Signal intensity
Mass spectrum of novel compound (Supplementary Fig. 8a–c) and as an external standard for
A er (
a b c
1.2 1.2 Plant-mediated RNAi
BG1 transcripts
in larval midgut
* BG1
0.9 0.9 (301 bp) P
0.6 0.6 BG1
hptll (301
0.3 0.3 TCaMV
0 0 10.2 kb
EV irGGPPS Water Lyc4 RGHGL ori CoIEI
repA pVSI
M.sexta larvae fed on staA
I A. tumefaciens
d 1.2
1.1 EV
BG1 transcripts
0.1 *
Foregut Midgut Hindgut Haemolymph Malpighian Fat body
tubules +skin
Tissues of M. sexta larvae
RGHGL formed
RGHGL excreted
16 * 16
Lyc4 excreted
12 12
* * * 8 8
4 4 *
EV irBG1 EV irBG1 0 0
Midguts of M. sexta larvae fed on EV irBG1 EV irBG1
M. sexta larvae fed on
h i j
Larval mortality (%)
Moulting impaired
after 12 d feeding
after 12 d feeding
30 40
larvae (%)
20 * 30
Remnant 20
exoskeleton 10
after moulting
0 0
EV irBG1 EV irBG1 EV irBG1
M.sexta larvae fed on
Figure 3 | Silencing of Lyc4 ingestion-induced, midgut-expressed BG1 impairs larval Lyc4 deglucosylation, moulting and survival. BG1 transcripts
(relative to ubiquitin) in midguts of fourth-instar larvae feeding on (a) Lyc4-containing EV and Lyc4-depleted irGGPPS plants (F1,10 ¼ 833.5, Pr0.0001;
significant difference (Pr0.05) between means (±s.e.) determined by Fisher’s LSD test (one-way ANOVA); n ¼ 6) and (b) AD containing water (control),
6 mM Lyc4 or 6 mM RGHGL (F2,15 ¼ 5812.13, Pr0.0001; significant differences (Pr0.05) between means (±s.e.) determined by Games Howell test
(Welch’s ANOVA); n ¼ 6). (c) Plant-mediated RNAi: pSOL8 binary vector constructed to express 301 bp MsBG1 dsRNA in N. attenuata and the trophic
transfer of dsRNA from plant to larvae. (d) BG1 transcripts (relative to ubiquitin) in various tissues of fourth-instar larvae feeding on EV, irBG1 and irGGPPS
plants (midgut: F2,15 ¼ 9.53 Pr0.002; hindgut: F2,15 ¼ 248, Pr0.0001; significant differences (Pr0.05) between means (±s.e.) determined by Games
Howell test (Welch’s ANOVA, separately conducted for each tissue); n ¼ 6 in all bars). (e) RGHGL formed in vitro enzyme assays containing midgut
extracts of fourth-instar EV- and irBG1-feeding larvae and either (1 mM) Lyc4 (F3,8 ¼ 104.9, Pr0.0001; significant differences (Pr0.05) between means
(±s.e.) determined by Fisher’s LSD test (one-way ANOVA); n ¼ 3) or 1 mM Lyc4 þ 1 mM BG inhibitor, d-gluconolactone (n ¼ 3). Excretion (% of total Lyc4
ingested) of (f) Lyc4 (F1, 25 ¼ 13.95, Pr0.001; significant difference (Pr0.05) between means (±s.e.) determined by Fisher’s LSD test (one-way
ANOVA); n ¼ 13 (EV) and 14 (irBG1)) and (g) RGHGL (F1, 25 ¼ 62.65, Pr0.0001; significant difference (Pr0.05) between means (±s.e.) determined by
Fisher’s LSD test (one-way ANOVA); n ¼ 13 (EV) and 14 (irBG1)) by fourth-instar EV- or irBG1-feeding larvae. (h) Phenotype (in irBG1-feeding larva) and
(i) percentage of moulting impairment (significant difference (Pr0.05) determined by Fisher’s exact test of frequencies; n ¼ 30) and (j) mortality (%) in
larvae feeding (for 12 d) on EV or irBG1 plants (significant difference (Pr0.05) determined by Fisher’s exact test of frequencies; n ¼ 30). ANOVA, analysis
of variance; d, days; LSD, least significant difference.
in EV leaves and in midguts of EV-feeding larvae (controls). plants showed 490% lower abundance of BG1transcripts than
Growth, morphology and levels of Lyc4 and other secondary that of EV-feeding larvae (Fig. 3d). BG1 transcript abundance was
metabolites (nicotine, rutin, caffeoyl putrescine and chlorogenic also reduced in foregut and hindgut of irBG1-feeding larvae
acid) of both irBG1 lines were similar to those of EV plants (Fig. 3d). Efficiencies of silencing by both irBG1 lines 375-10 and
(Supplementary Fig. 10d,e). Midguts of larvae feeding on irBG1 379-8 were similar; therefore, irBG1 (375-10) was randomly
selected for further experiments. To determine whether BG1 plants so the effects of BG1 silencing and Lyc4 deglucosylation
silencing was specific and had no off-target effects on the suppression could not be uncoupled in the larvae feeding on
expressions of other similar genes, we quantified the transcripts these plants. Therefore, we generated Lyc4-depleted and MsBG1
of closely related BG2 and BG3 (60.2% and 51.5% nucleotide dsRNA-containing plants by crossing irBG1 with irGGPPS plants
similarity to BG1, respectively). Transcript abundance of BG2 and (irBG1 irGGPPS; hereafter called B G) (Fig. 4b). Levels of
BG3 in the midguts of larvae feeding on irBG1 plants were similar HGL-DTGs of B G plants were similar to the low levels of
to those of larvae feeding on EV plants (Supplementary irGGPPS plants. Although BG1 silencing in B G-fed larvae was
Fig. 10f,g), suggesting that the BG1 silencing by PMRi was similar to that of irBG1-fed larvae (Supplementary Fig. 12a),
sequence specific. Hereafter, we refer the irBG1-feeding larvae as moulting impairment and resulting mortality were not observed
‘BG1-silenced’ larvae. (Fig. 4c,d). Levels of Lyc4 and RGHGL in the bodies (without gut
contents) of B G-fed larvae were similar to those in the bodies
of irGGPPS-fed larvae (Supplementary Fig. 12b,c). This indicated
MsBG1 silencing impairs larval Lyc4 metabolism. The influence
that the moulting impairment phenotype did not result from the
of BG1 silencing on larval Lyc4 metabolism was tested using an
effect of BG1 silencing on larval primary metabolism but was
in vitro Lyc4 deglycosylation assay with the midgut tissue extracts
related to Lyc4 deglucosylation by BG1. To test this, we com-
of BG1-silenced and control larvae. The amount of RGHGL
plemented B G and irGGPPS leaves with Lyc4 and RGHGL by
formed by the midguts of BG1-silenced larvae was significantly
topical coating; water-coated EV, irBG1, irGGPPS and B G
lower (55%) than that formed by the midguts of EV-fed larvae
leaves were used as controls. More than 90% of topically coated
(Fig. 3e); similarly reduced RGHGL formation was observed
Lyc4 and RGHGL could be recovered from coated leaves after
when midguts of control and BG1-silenced larvae were incubated
24 h, indicating that these compounds were stable on leaves
with Lyc4 and a BG inhibitor, d-gluconolactone (Fig. 3e). These
during larval feeding (Supplementary Fig. 12d). Larvae feeding on
results revealed that Lyc4 deglycosylation activity was impaired in
Lyc4-coated B G plants (n ¼ 30) showed high moulting
the irBG1-feeding larvae.
impairment (22%) and mortality (28%) as did the larvae feeding
Further, to test the effect of BG1 silencing on larval Lyc4
on water-coated irBG1 leaves (Fig. 4c,d). Larvae feeding on
accumulation, we quantified the amounts of Lyc4 and RGHGL in
RGHGL- or water-coated B G and irGGPPS leaves and water-
foregut, midgut, hindgut tissues, haemolymph, Malpighian
coated EV leaves (n ¼ 30) did not show these phenotypes
tubules and fat body with skin of fourth-instar BG1-silenced
(Fig. 4c,d).
larvae. These larvae showed significantly higher Lyc4 content in
Moulting impairment and mortality associated with the Lyc4
their midgut, hindgut, haemolymph and fat body, and lower
ingestion by BG1-silenced larvae were not observed after the
RGHGL content in midgut compared with those of EV-fed larvae
ingestion of Lyc4 or RGHGL alone or after silencing BG1 in the
(Supplementary Fig. 11a,b). Excretion efficiency determination
absence of Lyc4 ingestion. This clearly showed that the BG1
assays32,33 revealed that although the amounts of Lyc4 ingested
function is vital for larvae ingesting large quantities of Lyc4
by the BG1-silenced and EV-fed larvae were similar, BG1-
produced by N. attenuata.
silenced larvae excreted 40% more Lyc4 and 70% less RGHGL in
their frass than did EV-fed larvae (Fig. 3f,g). Before determining
these amounts of excreted Lyc4 and RGHGL, we quantified the
A native predator fails to ingest the BG1-silenced larvae.
accuracy of our extraction procedure and also determined that
Several herbivores defensively co-opt ingested plant metabolites
these compounds were stable in larval frass over the 24-h period
either with or without metabolism3,11,34–36; so we hypothesized
of the assay. For these examinations, we spiked each compound
that M. sexta larvae co-opt Lyc4 or RGHGL to use against their
(separately) into fresh frass of irGGPPS-fed larvae, incubated
natural enemies (Fig. 5a). To test this, we analysed the effect of
them for 0 h (control) and 24 h under the assay conditions,
BG1 silencing on larval survival in the host’s predator-teemed
extracted the spiked compounds and quantified them. This
native habitat32. We introduced EV, irBG1 and irGGPPS stable
analysis revealed that the efficiencies of extraction of Lyc4 and
transgenic lines into a field plot in the Great Basin Desert, Utah
RGHGL from frass were 88% and 91%, respectively, and that
(Fig. 5b) and allowed M. sexta larvae to feed on these plants.
these compounds were stable in frass over the assay period
Diurnal and nocturnal survivorships of BG1-silenced larvae (68%
(Supplementary Fig. 11c).
and 69%, respectively) did not differ significantly from those of
larvae feeding on EV (70% and 70%, respectively) and irGGPPS
Suppressed Lyc4 metabolism causes larval moulting impairment. (71% and 70%, respectively) plants (n ¼ 32 larvae per line, in both
BG1 silencing had no effect on larval growth, however, during the experiments; Fig. 5c). However, while recording nocturnal
every moult (until the fourth-instar) we found that some survivorship, we found some carcasses of partially eaten larvae on
BG1-silenced larvae were unable to shed their exoskeleton; irBG1 plants. Since the moulting-impaired BG1-silenced larvae
collectively, 21.8% BG1-silenced larvae (n ¼ 32) failed to moult were not used in these assays, occurrence of such carcasses was
during the first three instar changes (Fig. 3h). Hereafter, we refer likely not related to moulting impairment. Hence, that such
to this phenomenon as ‘moulting impairment’. Larvae unable to carcasses were not found on EV or irGGPPS plants, clearly
free themselves from the old exoskeleton stopped feeding, suggested that the BG1-silenced larvae experienced some
gradually melanized and died within 48 h of (failed) moulting distinctive predator behaviour. During the night, M. sexta
(Fig. 3i,j; Supplementary Fig. 11d); moulting impairment and larvae are mainly preyed on by the wolf spiders (Camptocosa
elevated mortality were not observed in the EV-fed larvae parallela; Lycosidae), which are abundant in this habitat32,37
(Fig. 3i,j). Some BG1-silenced larvae (B10% of the total dead) (Fig. 5d). Therefore, we hypothesized that these spiders were
died soon after moulting but did not show the unshed exo- responsible for the carcasses of partially eaten larvae. To test this,
skeleton or melanization phenotypes; these were not counted as we conducted choice and no-choice predation bioassays using
moulting-impaired larvae. Although it was demonstrated that these spiders. During these assays we closely observed spider’s
BG1 silencing suppressed Lyc4 deglucosylation, whether moulting predation behaviour, which generally consists of three steps
impairment was caused by BG1 silencing or by Lyc4 metabolism (1) prey assessment by tapping it with chemosensory-endowed
suppression remained unclear (Fig. 4a). Along with the BG1 legs and palps, (2) prey capture followed by killing and
dsRNA, irBG1 plants contained Lyc4 levels equal to those of EV (3) ingestion of the prey (Fig. 5e). In choice assays, we offered
Lyc4 d
(%) after 12 d feeding
metabolism? Larval mortality
30 * *
Water Lyc4 RGHGL
Figure 4 | Moulting impairment and mortality in BG1-silenced larvae is associated with suppressed Lyc4 metabolism. (a) Schematic showing the
motivation for the hypothesis that suppressed Lyc4 metabolism in irBG1-feeding larvae causes moulting impairment and mortality. (b) Generation of
MsBG1-containing and Lyc4-depleted transgenic N. attenuata plants (B G) by crossing irBG1 with irGGPPS plants. (c) Moulting impairment (%)
(significant difference (Pr0.05) determined by Fisher’s exact test of frequencies; n ¼ 30) and (d) mortality (%) (significant difference (Pr0.05)
determined by Fisher’s exact test of frequencies; n ¼ 30) in larvae after 12 d feeding on water coated EV, irBG1, irGGPPS and B G leaves, Lyc4 coated
(final concentration 6 mM) irGGPPS and B G leaves and RGHGL-coated (final concentration 6 mM) irGGPPS and B G leaves. d, days.
two larvae (one each from EV fed and irBG1 fed or EV fed and in choice assays and n ¼ 30 in no-choice assays) topically coated
irGGPPS fed or irBG1 fed and irGGPPS fed) to each spider with water, Lyc4 or RGHGL. More than 90% of these coated
(n ¼ 30). Spiders did not show any preference for the given larvae, compounds could be recovered unmetabolized from the larval
suggesting that they were unable to differentiate between them body surface after 1 h (n ¼ 3), demonstrating that the compounds
(Supplementary Fig. 13a–c). In no-choice assays, each spider was were not degraded during the assay period (Supplementary
offered only one EV-, irBG1- or irGGPPS-fed larva (n ¼ 30). Fig. 13i). Moreover, no Lyc4 or RGHGL was detected in the
Frequencies of prey capture and killing were similar for EV-, washes of water-coated irGGPPS- or AD-fed larvae and also the
irBG1- and irGGPPS-fed larvae. We observed that all the killed EV-, irBG1- and irGGPPS-fed larvae that were not coated with
EV- and irGGPPS-fed larvae were completely eaten; however, any substance, suggesting that these compounds were not exter-
spiders did not ingest B75% of the BG1-silenced larvae that they nalized by larvae. Prey capture and kill frequency were reduced by
killed (Fig. 5f,g). These results are consistent with the hypothesis at least 80% for Lyc4-coated larvae compared with water- or
that spiders were responsible for the carcasses of partially eaten RGHGL-coated larvae (Fig. 6c–e). Similarly, in choice assays,
larvae we found during the nocturnal survivorship assays. spiders clearly preferred water- or RGHGL-coated larvae over
Lyc4-coated ones, while not showing a clear preference between
water- and RGHGL-coated larvae (Fig. 6f–i). Spiders readily
High Lyc4 concentration hinders spider’s prey ingestion. To
captured and killed the water- or RGHGL-coated larvae
investigate whether Lyc4 or RGHGL content of BG1-silenced
(Supplementary Movies 4 and 5) but clearly rejected Lyc4-coated
larvae prevented spiders from ingesting them, we conducted no-
larvae after chemosensory assessment (Supplementary Movie 6).
choice assays. We offered each spider a larva fed on water-coated
In rare incidences during these assays, when spiders tried to
EV, irBG1, irGGPPS or B G leaves, Lyc4-coated irGGPPS or
ingest the Lyc4-coated larvae, they failed and showed signs of
B G leaves or RGHGL-coated irGGPPS or B G leaves. Prey
locomotor distress. Together, these results revealed that Lyc4 was
capture and kill frequencies were similar for all these larvae
the spider deterrent and we infer that the high Lyc4 content of the
(n ¼ 25 in each treatment) (Fig. 6a). However, prey ingestion
BG1-silenced larvae hindered spider’s prey ingestion and was
frequencies were reduced in the cases of larvae fed on water-
associated with spider’s locomotor distress.
coated irBG1 and Lyc4-coated B G leaves (Fig. 6b); spiders
preying on these larvae, but not EV- and irGGPPS-fed larvae,
showed signs of distress after an unsuccessful attempt to ingest Discussion
the prey, indicating possible intoxication that influences spider Heiling et al.20 discovered the occurrence of malonylated
mobility (Supplementary Movies 1–3). To find out whether Lyc4 HGL-DTGs in N. attenuata. They proposed that malonylation
itself or its unknown metabolite(s) caused this spider behaviour, facilitates accumulation and distribution of HGL-DTGs in
we conducted choice and no-choice assays using irGGPPS- plant and prevents their deglycosylation by plant glycosidases.
(Fig. 6c–i) and AD-fed (Supplementary Fig. 13d–h) larvae (n ¼ 21 However, that the malonylation is instantaneously lost in the
Defensive co-option
Lyc4 RGHGL of Lyc4 or RGHGL? Natural
b c
d e
Spider’s predation behavior
f No-choice assay
g No-choice assay
Larvae ingested by
30 100
(% of total killed)
Larvae captured
and killed by
spider (%)
0 0
M. sexta larvae fed on
Figure 5 | In the native habitat, spiders capture and kill but do not ingest the BG1-silenced M. sexta larvae. To test (a) whether Lyc4 or RGHGL is
defensively co-opted by larvae against the natural enemies in the native habitat, (b) EV, irBG1 and irGGPPS plants were grown in the Great Basin Desert,
Utah. (c) Diurnal and nocturnal survival (%) of larvae feeding on these plants (n ¼ 32 larvae per line). (d) Native C. parallela spider attacking M. sexta larva.
(e) Three stages of spider’s predation behaviour. Spider’s (f) prey capture and killing (%; n ¼ 28) and (g) prey ingestion (% of total killed; significant
difference (Pr0.05) determined by Fisher’s exact test of frequencies; n ¼ 28) in a no-choice assay (1 h) on second-instar M. sexta larvae feeding on EV and
irBG1 and irGGPPS plants.
alkaline larval regurgitant indicates that malonylation’s sole role mechanism is widely accepted. On the basis of such literature,
could be in planta, for example, to ensure the availability of toxic we initially hypothesized that Lyc4 is completely deglycosylated
Lyc4’s to the herbivore. Indeed, considering that the lepidopteran by M. sexta to release the non-polar toxic 17-HGL, the diterpene
herbivore is highly mobile and is likely to devour all parts of the backbone of Lyc4; however, this compound was not found in the
shoot, the concentration and the distribution of Lyc4 could be body, gut contents or frass of larvae. When we identified RGHGL
crucial for the optimization of the plant’s defensive strategy38. from the frass of Lyc4-fed larvae, we hypothesized that RGHGL
The role of malonylated Lyc4 also appears to be similar to that of was the activated toxin. High incidences of moulting impairment
phytoanticipins in which, glycosylation ensures the within plant and mortality in larvae feeding on irBG1 foliage and the
stability of defence molecules by maintaining them in inactive or reappearance of these phenotypes in larvae feeding on Lyc4-
rather pretoxin states1,2. However, that the core Lyc4 often occurs complemented B G foliage (Fig. 4c,d) falsified this hypothesis,
in certain tissues of N. attenuata in large quantities implies that from which we inferred that Lyc4 was the toxin and RGHGL was
its stability and toxicity may not be of concern for the plant. In actually the detoxified product. While detoxification by
this way, the malonylated Lyc4 could be considered as a type of deglycosylation is uncommon in insects, it has been frequently
phytoanticipin, which is decorated for distribution, rather than observed in phytopathogenic fungi. For example, the fungus
stability. From M. sexta’s perspective, demalonylation appears to Gaeumannomyces graminis (Magnaporthaceae) detoxifies the
be unavoidable due to the need to maintain an alkaline midgut. avenicin saponins (triterpenoid glycosides containing three
As mentioned earlier, the large literature3,11,12 on herbivores’ sugars) of oat by BG-catalysed deglucosylation39,40. Similarly,
xenobiotic detoxification reveals that glycosylation is an various fungi detoxify the tomato steroidal glycoalkaloid
important detoxification mechanism; consequently, the current a-tomatine (containing four sugars) by removing its C-3
perception that deglycosylation is often a toxin activation oligosaccharide that renders it incapable of binding to
No-choice assays
Larvae captured
and killed by
spider (%)
b No-choice assays
(% of total killed)
Larvae ingested 75
by spider 50
* *
Water Lyc4 RGHGL
M. sexta larvae feeding N. attenuata complemented with
Larvae ingested by
killed by spider (%)
30 100
(% of total killed)
? 50
10 25 *
0 0
Water Lyc4 RGHGL Water Lyc4 RGHGL
30 *
? ? 10
Water Lyc4 Water RGHGL Lyc4 RGHGL
M. sexta larvae (irGGPPS feeding) coated with
Figure 6 | High larval body Lyc4 concentration hinders spiders’ prey ingestion and topically coated Lyc4 deters spiders. Spider’s (a) prey capture and
killing (%; n ¼ 25) and (b) prey ingestion (% of total killed; significant difference (Pr0.05) determined by Fisher’s exact test of frequencies; n ¼ 25) in a
no-choice assay (1 h) using second-instar M. sexta larvae feeding on EV and irBG1 leaves coated with water (control) and irGGPPS and B G leaves coated
with water (control), Lyc4 (final concentration 6 mM) and RGHGL (final concentration 6 mM). (c) Schematic of a no-choice assay. (d) Spider’s prey
capture and killing (%; significant difference (Pr0.05) determined by Fisher’s exact test of frequencies; n ¼ 30) and (e) prey ingestion (% of total killed;
significant difference (Pr0.05) determined by Fisher’s exact test of frequencies; n ¼ 30) in no-choice assays (1 h) using second-instar water-, Lyc4- or
RGHGL-coated (final concentration 6 mM for both Lyc4 and RGHGL) M. sexta larvae feeding on irGGPPS plants and (f) schematic of a choice assay.
Spider’s prey capture and killing (%) in choice assays (1 h) using irGGPPS-feeding second-instar M. sexta larvae coated with (g) water or Lyc4 (final
concentration 6 mM; significant difference (Pr0.05) determined by Fisher’s exact test of frequencies; n ¼ 21), (h) water or RGHGL (final concentration
6 mM; n ¼ 21) and (i) Lyc4 (final concentration 6 mM) or RGHGL (final concentration 6 mM; significant difference (Pr0.05) determined by Fisher’s exact
test of frequencies; n ¼ 21).
3b-hydroxy sterols, which leads to the formation of membrane that binding of glycosides’ specific sugars to receptors on the cell
pores and cell lysis41,42. Notably, in all these cases, fungi surfaces facilitates their active uptake46. Conspicuously, higher
completely deglycosylate the toxic glycosides; thus, Lyc4’s amounts of Lyc4 than RGHGL in most of the larval tissues
detoxification is an atypical example of ‘detoxification by partial (in EV- as well as irBG1-fed larvae) may result from this sugar-
deglycosylation’. specific uptake phenomenon, wherein the uptake of Lyc4 in
The activity of glycosides can be attributed not only to their various tissues is facilitated by the receptor-binding capacity of
aglycones but also to sugar moieties, especially when compounds C-17 glucose, a structural feature absent in RGHGL.
contain multiple sugars. Such activity mainly depends on the The fact that spider deterrence is caused by Lyc4 and not by
binding specificity of sugars to the target molecules and receptors. RGHGL is consistent with our inference that Lyc4 is the toxin
For example, aureolic acid group antibiotics bind to DNA and and RGHGL is its detoxified product. That the spiders completely
inhibit the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase; aureolic acid ingest EV- and irGGPPS-fed larvae suggests that M. sexta larvae
variants differing in their sugar moieties show varying degree of have not evolved sequestration of Lyc4 for their own defence.
inhibitory activities43, but the aglycone is completely unable to Spiders’ chemosensory-endowed hair on legs and palps can detect
bind to DNA44. Similarly, a nonsugar sweetener, glycyrrhizic acid the Lyc4 coated on the larval surface. But the spiders are neither
(ammonium salt), tastes sweeter if its second glucuronic acid is deterred by the control and nor by the BG1-silenced larvae, which
replaced by glucose or xylose, owing to the differential binding have ingested Lyc4, mainly because the larvae do not externalize
capacity of sugars to the receptors in the taste buds45. It is known Lyc4. Moreover, the concentrations of Lyc4 in haemolymph and
fat body, the tissues in which insects usually sequester the method as described by Rogers and Bendich53. The genomic DNA (10 mg) was
xenobiotics36,47, were much lower than those found in the midgut completely digested with HindIII and EcoRV, separately. The digested DNA
was separated on 1% (w/v) agarose gel and blotted onto a nylon membrane
suggesting that Lyc4 is not sequestered. Avoiding self-intoxication (GeneScreen Plus; Perkin-Elmer) by capillary transfer. Hybridization and detection
could be the reason behind not co-opting Lyc4. However, of the transgene copy number were performed as described by Gase et al.52
it would be interesting to study the generalist herbivores of Previously characterized GGPPS (NCBI accession no. EF382626)-silenced
Nicotiana spp. to evaluate if HGL-DTG co-option has evolved in irGGPPS line of N. attenuata20 was used as a Lyc4-depleted control to feed
them; such comparisons between the nicotine metabolism of M. sexta larvae. An EV-transformed N. attenuata transgenic line (A-04-266-3)
was used as a Lyc4-replete control28.
Manduca spp. and generalist herbivores were highly useful in
evaluating the costs and benefits of detoxification and co-option
of nicotine37. The observation that spiders that ingest BG1- Harvesting larval tissues. Fourth-instar Larvae were immobilized by placing
them on ice before dissection. Haemolymph was collected by clipping the larval
silenced larvae show signs of locomotor distress suggests that horn just before dissection, as described by Kumar et al.24. Then, larvae were
Lyc4 affects spider’s nervous system. dissected in 0.15 M NaCl to collect malpighian tubules, fat body with skin, foregut,
Together, this work reveals that deglycosylation can bring midgut and hindgut. Peritrophic membrane and gut contents were removed before
about detoxification and suggests that much remains to be midgut collection. Dissected gut tissues were carefully washed in 0.15 M NaCl to
remove any adhering plant material. All the collected tissues were flash-frozen in
revealed about the detoxification of multiply glycosylated liquid nitrogen and stored at 80 °C until further use24. Lyc4 and RGHGL
compounds by herbivores and roles of such compounds in contents of the entire larval body (without gut contents) were also analysed.
tritrophic interactions. It suggests that multiply glycosylated as For this, all the haemolymph was first collected by opening the larval body with
well as malonylated plant metabolites could be much more useful a longitudinal cut on the dorsal skin; then, the gut contents were removed by
dissecting the gut and all tissues, together with previously collected haemolymph,
in pest control than previously thought; consequently, the newly were stored for further analyses.
discovered role of insect b-glycosidases in detoxification suggests
that these enzymes could be valuable targets for pest control.
Collection of larval regurgitant. The regurgitant from fourth-instar M. sexta
It demonstrates value of PMRi in molecular ecological research, larvae was collected with the help of Teflon tubing connected to a vacuum, after
but given the simplicity and robustness of this trophically gently agitating the larvae25. Collected regurgitant was stored under argon at
mediated gene-silencing technique, it could also become a 80 °C until use.
valuable means of controlling pests in agriculture. The bio-
chemical basis of partial deglycosylations of Lyc4 by BG1 or other Low-molecular-weight RNA isolation and Northern hybridization. Low-
b-glycosidases and the mode of action of Lyc4 are interesting molecular-weight RNA was separated from total RNA isolated from larval midgut
future perspectives of this work. as well as from leaves using polyethylene glycol (10%) precipitation in the presence
of 1 M NaCl24.
A 120-bp stretch of the 301-bp-MsBG1 fragment cloned for PMRi was PCR
Methods amplified using BG1.3 gene-specific primers (Supplementary Table 2) and used as a
M. sexta. M. sexta eggs were obtained from an in-house colony in which insects template in the labelling reaction. Ten nanogram of PCR product was labelled
are reared in a growth chamber (Snijders Scientific) at 26 °C:16-h light, 24 °C:8-h with a-32P isotope using the Rediprime II DNA labelling system (Amersham
dark and 65% relative humidity, until hatching. M. sexta eggs used in all the field Biosciences). Low-molecular-weight RNA blotting, hybridization and screening of
experiments were kindly provided by Carol Miles (Department of Biological the blot performed24.
Sciences, Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY). Neonates were fed on various
N. attenuata lines (EV, irBG1, irGGPPS or B G) until they were used in glass-
house experiments. In some experiments, neonates were fed on AD48 containing RNA isolation and qRT–PCR. Larval foregut, midgut, hindgut, haemolymph,
6 mM Lyc4 (aqueous; in 100 ml g 1 AD), 6 mM RGHGL (aqueous; in 100 ml g 1 malpighian tubules and fat body along with the skin were collected from the
AD) or equivalent amount of water (control), to rear the larvae free from any fourth-instar M. sexta larvae and stored in TRI reagent (Invitrogen) at 4 °C. Total
influence of the hostplant. RNA was isolated from the stored tissues according to the manufacturer’s protocol
and was subjected to TURBO DNase (Ambion) treatment to eliminate genomic
DNA contamination. Transcript levels of BGs were determined by qRT–PCR
Plant material. The 30th generation seeds of an inbred line of N. attenuata, which conducted in Mx3005P Multiplex qPCR system (Stratagene) using qRT–PCR
were originally harvested in 1988 from a native population in Utah (USA), were SYBR Green I kit (Eurogentec)24. Relative quantification of transcripts was carried
used for the development of stable transgenic lines49. Seeds were germinated and out by the comparative D cycle threshold method. MsUbiquitin levels were taken as
plants were grown as explained previously24. internal controls to normalize the abundance of BG transcripts. All the primer
Field experiments were conducted at Lytle Ranch Preserve in Santa Clara, Utah, pairs (Supplementary Table 2) used in qRT–PCR were designed using Primer3
84765 (37° 080 4500 N, 114° 010 1100 W) in 2013. Seeds of N. attenuata EV, irGGPPS software version 4.0 (http://primer3.ut.ee/).
and irBG1 lines were imported and released in accordance with Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service notifications (Supplementary Table 3). Planting of
transgenic lines in the field plot was performed as described by Kessler et al.50 Extraction and GC–MS analysis of 17-HGL (aglycone). Foregut, midgut,
hindgut, haemolymph, fat body along with the skin and frass of EV-fed larvae were
used to determine whether M. sexta larvae deglycosylated Lyc4 to its aglycone,
Selection of glycoside hydrolase gene sequences for PMRi. The complete 17-HGL; EV leaf was also analysed to determine whether the plant glucosidases
coding sequences of 12 M. sexta glycoside hydrolases were retrieved from NCBI deglucosylate the HGL-DTGs when herbivores ingest the leaf. Samples of each
(accession numbers are given in Supplementary Fig. 9). Their open-reading frames tissue (100 mg) were homogenized in 1 ml tert-butyl methyl ether and then
were aligned and the phylogenetic tree was constructed with maximum parsimony centrifuged at 13.4g for 10 min. The supernatant was dehydrated using anhydrous
method using Clustal W, with 1,000 bootstrapping trials to identify the formation sodium sulphate at room temperature for 30 min. Subsequently, 100 ml of the
of clusters. Three BG sequences (BG1, BG2 and BG3) were selected for the supernatant was collected in a glass vial and derivatized by adding 10 ml trimethyl
(quantitative PCR with reverse transcription) qRT–PCR-based determination of sulfonium hydroxide. Derivatized samples were analysed for aglycones using DB5
their transcript levels in larval midgut in response to Lyc4 and RGHGL ingestions. column in Varian CP-3800 GC-Saturn 4000 ion trap MS54,55. Leaf tissue was
A 301-bp cDNA stretch of BG1, which was upregulated in response to Lyc4 crushed in the alkaline buffer (sodium phosphate buffer, pH-8.5), acidic buffer
ingestion, was selected for cloning into a PMRi vector as previously described24. (sodium phosphate buffer, pH-6) and acidified regurgitant (pH-6), separately, and
was incubated at 37 °C for 1 h before extraction.
Plant transformation and Southern hybridization. Stable transgenic PMRi
plants were generated by A. tumefaciens-mediated transformation of recombinant Extraction and purification of metabolites from larval frass. Frass of EV-fed
pSOL8 vector49. The pSOL8 vector contained an ir of 301-bp stretch ( þ 84 to M. sexta larvae was collected and stored at 80 °C until further use. It was ground
þ 384) of MsBG1 separated by the pdk i3 intron and a selectable marker, in liquid nitrogen and then extracted using 100% methanol (1 ml methanol for
hygromycin phosphotransferase (hptII), for hygromycin resistance51. Transgenic 100 mg of frass). Samples were centrifuged at 13.4g for 30 min at 4 °C. The
lines were screened as described by Gase et al.52 Single transgene insertions in two supernatants were incubated at 20 °C for 2 h for precipitating proteins and were
independently transformed homozygous irBG1 lines (375-10 and 379-8) were again centrifuged at 13.4g for 30 min at 4 °C and the clear supernatants were
confirmed using Southern hybridization. For Southern hybridization, genomic collected. Further, the extract was evaporated in a rotary evaporator to one-tenth of
DNA was extracted from the rosette leaves of untransformed WT and irBG1 plants its original volume. The concentrated extract was centrifuged at 13.4g for 20 min at
(line no. 375-10 and 379-8) using a modified cetyltrimethylammonium bromide 4 °C and the supernatant was subjected to fractionation using a reverse-phase
HPLC (Luna C-18 (2), 250 10 mm; Phenomenex) at a 3-ml min 1 flow rate. Excretion efficiency determination assays. Ingestion of Lyc4 and excretion of
Two types of solvents (A and B) were used to elute analytes from the column. Lyc4 and RGHGL by M. sexta larvae were budgeted using the excretion efficiency
Solvent A: HPLC grade methanol (Fluka, Germany) and solvent B: millipore water determination assays32,33. Freshly hatched M. sexta neonates were allowed to feed
(obtained using a Millipore model Milli-Q Advantage A10). Chromatographic on EV and irBG1 rosette-stage plant leaves until they had reached the fourth-
solvent gradients were, from 0 to 20 min (15% of B) and from 20 to 40 min (100% instar. The mass of each larva was recorded and then the larvae were starved for 4 h
of B). Lyc4 and RGHGL were collected from fractions 46 (23 min) and 48 (24 min), to empty their guts. Larval mass was measured again after starvation. Each larva
respectively. Collected fractions were dried completely in a vacuum concentrator was then provided with a known mass of leaf material from the same genotype of
(3.7 mbar; Concentrator 5301; Eppendorf), and thus obtained pure metabolites plant that they had been fed previously. Larvae were then fed for 24 h at 26 °C:16-h
were used for further experiments. light, 24 °C:8-h dark and 60% relative humidity. To absorb the excreted liquids,
blotting paper disks of known masses were laid in each assay container. The mass
of each larva and that of remaining leaf material were recorded after 24 h feeding.
Extraction and U(H)PLC/ESI-QTOF-MS analysis of HGL-DTGs. For analysing All the larvae were again starved for 4 h to empty their guts. Frass excreted by each
Lyc4 and its malonylated forms of Lyc4 in the leaf, larval tissues and larval frass, larva, during the 24 h of feeding, and the 4 h of starvation were collected, weighed
samples were homogenized and extracted in an acidic extraction buffer A along with the paper disk and stored at 80 °C until further use. Lyc4 levels of
(60% solution 1 (2.3 ml l 1 of acetic acid, 3.41 g l 1 ammonium acetate, pH-4.8 leaves of each line were measured by HPLC (Agilent 1100 series). Actual amount of
using 1 M NH4OH) and 40% methanol). An internal standard rebaudioside A was Lyc4 ingested by each larva was calculated based on the amount of foliage ingested.
always spiked into extraction buffer A (10 ng ml 1) before extraction. A amount of Lyc4 and RGHGL levels in the collected frass samples (along with the blotting
100 mg of homogenized sample was extracted in 1 ml of buffer A. Extracted paper discs) were also measured and corrected for the mass of the blotting paper
samples were diluted 1:50 with buffer B (one part of buffer A and nine parts of disk. The percentage of Lyc4 or RGHGL excreted was determined by calculating
40% methanol) and analysed using a U(H)PLC/ESI-QTOF-MS20. Retention times the ratio of the amount of compound excreted/amount of Lyc4 in the ingested
and molecular ions of Lyc4, RGHGL and rebaudioside A were determined by food 100.
loading 1 ng of each of these compounds onto a Fisher Scientific Acclaim C18
(2.1 150 mm) U(H)PLC column (particle size 2.2 mM) with solvent A (0.1%
acetonitrile, 0.05% formic acid (vol/vol) in ultrapure Millipore water) and solvent B Generation of irBG1 irGGPPS (B G) plants. Lyc4-depleted and BG1
(0.05% formic acid in acetonitrile). The gradient of 0 min 10% B, 1 min 10% B, dsRNA-producing plants were generated by crossing irBG1 (375-10) with
9 min 80% B, 10 min 80% B, with a flow rate of 0.3 ml min 1 was used. irGGPPS (230-5) plants. Crossing was performed by pollinating the stigmas of
Compounds were detected using a qToF-mass spectrometer (micro TOF QII atherectomized (before pollen maturation) irBG1 flowers with irGGPPS pollen.
Bruker Daltonik, Germany) equipped with an ESI source in positive ion mode B G seeds were collected and germinated. Lyc4 was extracted from the rosette
(instrument settings: capillary voltage, 4,500 V; capillary exit, 130 V; dry gas B G leaves and was analysed using HPLC (Agilent 1100 series). Genomic DNA
temperature, 200 °C; dry gas flow, 8 l min 1). Calibration was performed was isolated from B G leaves and was subjected to PCR using BG1 primers
using sodium formate clusters (10 mM solution of NaOH in 50/50% (vol/vol) (Supplementary Table 2) to confirm the presence of MsBG1 cDNA fragment
isopropanol/water containing 0.2% formic acid (vol/vol)). inherited from the irBG1 parent.
NMR analysis. 1H NMR, 13C NMR, 1H–1H COSY, ROESY, TOCSY, HSQC and Moulting impairment and mortality analyses. To determine the effect of
HMBC experiments were measured on a Bruker Avance 500 NMR spectrometer Lyc4 detoxification suppression on larvae, we carefully monitored the larvae
(Bruker Biospin, Germany), operating at 500.13 MHz for 1H and 125.75 MHz for feeding on EV and irBG1 plants for 12 days (until they reached fourth-instar).
13C. Capillary tubes (2-mm-internal diameter) were used to measure spectra in a After moulting impairment and mortality were observed in irBG1-feeding larvae
TCI cryoprobe (5 mm) at a probe temperature of 300 K. Samples were prepared in during their each instar change, to determine whether BG1 silencing or suppressed
methanol-d4 solvent (85 ml). 1H and 13C chemical shifts were referenced to the Lyc4 deglucosylation caused these phenotypes, we used the complementation
residual solvent signals of methanol-d4 at d 3.31 and d 49.15, respectively. method. Detached fully expanded rosette leaves of irGGPPS and B G were coated
with Lyc4 and RGHGL (separately; final concentration 6 mM; 4,656 mg Lyc4 and
3,684 mg RGHGL in 100 ml water per gram leaf, respectively) and EV, irBG1,
Extraction and HPLC analysis of Lyc4 and other metabolites. Stored leaf and irGGPPS and B G leaves were coated with 100 ml water (control) using a paint
frass samples were homogenized in liquid nitrogen using pre-chilled mortar and brush. Freshly hatched neonates were reared on these leaves for 12 days (until they
pestle. Extraction buffer A (1 ml; 60% methanol containing 0.05% glacial acetic reached fourth-instar). Fresh leaf material (Lyc4, RGHGL or water coated) was
acid) and ceramic beads (0.9 g: Sili GmbH, Germany) were added to each aliquot daily provided to the larvae. Larvae were daily monitored for moulting impairment
(100 mg) sample, which was again homogenized using Geno/Grinder 2000 (Spex, and mortality. After 12 days, surviving larvae from both control and treatments
UK) for 2 min with 600 strokes per min. Homogenized samples were centrifuged at were used to quantify BG1 transcripts in their midguts by qRT–PCR and Lyc4 and
13.4g for 20 min, at 4 °C. The supernatants were recentrifuged at 13.4g for 20 min at RGHGL levels in their bodies using U(H)PLC/ESI-QTOF-MS.
4 °C for separating undissolved particles. Clear supernatants were analysed using
HPLC (Agilent 1100 series)29. Lyc4 from leaf and Lyc4 and RGHGL from frass
were quantified using rebaudioside A (Sigma, Germany) as an external standard. Survivorship assays in the field. Diurnal and nocturnal survivorship assays were
The linearity of the extraction of Lyc4 and RGHGL from frass was determined conducted as described by Kumar et al.32. M. sexta neonates were fed on EV, irBG1
as follows. Crushed dried frass (100 mg) of irGGPPS-fed larvae was spiked with 2, and irGGPPS plants until they reached second-instar. Thirty-two larvae from each
4, 6, 8, 16 and 32 mg of each compound. Spiked frass samples were extracted and N. attenuata line were placed on respective rosette-stage plants that were planted
analysed as mentioned above. The detected quantity of the recovered compound across a predator-teemed field in a random spatial array32. To analyse diurnal
was calculated relative to rebaudioside A. Linearity was determined using the survivorship, larvae were placed on plants in the field at 0600 hours and the
standard curve method, as previously described32. number of larvae surviving on each plant was counted at 20 00 hours; to analyse
Nicotine, chlorogenic acid, caffeoyl putrescine and rutin were also extracted nocturnal survivorship, larvae were placed on plants in the field at 20 00 hours and
from the EV, irBG1 (375-10) and irBG1 (379-8) rosette leaves using this surviving larvae were counted at 0600 hours. Moulting-impaired BG1-silenced
method and were analysed by HPLC (Agilent 1100 series) as described by larvae were not used in these assays.
Keinaenen et al.29
Spider predation bioassays. All choice and no-choice assays were conducted for
In vitro demalonylation assay. Leaf discs (10 mm) from fully expanded node-2 1 h in a polypropylene container (60 cc), as described by Kumar et al.32 C. parallela
rosette leaf56 of EV plants were collected in liquid nitrogen and homogenized using spiders collected from in and around the N. attenuata field were used as predators
Dounce homogenizers. A amount of 50 mg of leaf material was used in each assay in all assays. Spiders were starved for 12 h before conducting assays. Spiders were
and incubated with 100 ml of water (control), regurgitant, boiled regurgitant, not reused in these assays. M. sexta neonates were fed with their respective
regurgitant þ pronase E (4 units per microlitre of regurgitant; Sigma), experimental diets until they reached late second-instar. Late second-instar
regurgitant þ inactivated pronase E (heated at 85 °C for 20 min), alkaline buffer M. sexta larvae were used as prey in all assays. During the assay, only if the spider
(sodium phosphate buffer, pH-8.5), acidic buffer (sodium phosphate buffer, pH-6) captured and killed a larva it was recorded as a spider’s choice in a choice assay or
and acidified regurgitant (pH-6) in separate treatments at 37 °C for 1 h. Regurgitant as a spider’s predation in a no-choice assay. Ingestion of larva was recorded only if
was boiled or treated with pronase E to inactivate enzymes in it. During the assay the spider consumed an entire larva during the assay.
period, assay contents were mixed intermittently. After 1 h, metabolites were
extracted and analysed for Lyc4 and its malonylated forms using HPLC.
No-choice assay. In these assays, only one larva was given to a spider in each
assay container. Assays with test and respective control larvae were always
In vitro BG enzyme assay. Midguts of larvae feeding on EV and irBG1 plants performed simultaneously. Whether spiders were the predators that left the killed
were homogenized using Dounce homogenizers and incubated with either 1 mM larvae on irBG1 plants was tested using no-choice assays. Percentages of larvae
of Lyc4 or 1 mM of Lyc4 þ 1 mM d-gluconolactone (BG inhibitor; Sigma, captured and killed by spiders and larvae ingested (of total captured) by spiders in
Germany)57, for 1 h. Then, the assay contents were extracted and their Lyc4 1 h were calculated for EV-, irBG1- and irGGPPS-fed larvae. To determine whether
and RGHGL concentrations were determined using U(H)PLC/ESI-QTOF-MS. Lyc4 or RGHGL content of BG1-silenced larvae influenced spider’s prey ingestion
behaviour, larvae fed on water-coated EV, irBG1, irGGPPS or B G leaves, 6. Boeckler, G. A., Gershenzon, J. & Unsicker, S. B. Phenolic glycosides of the
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or RGHGL can influence spider’s predation behaviour, water-Lyc4- and 7. Dobler, S., Petschenka, G. & Pankoke, H. Coping with toxic plant compounds-
RGHGL-coated AD-fed larvae were used; AD-fed larvae were used instead of the insect’s perspective on iridoid glycosides and cardenolides. Phytochemistry
irGGPPS-fed larvae to remove the effect of nicotine present in irGGPPS plants 72, 1593–1604 (2011).
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50. Kessler, D. et al. Unpredictability of nectar nicotine promotes outcrossing by This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
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51. Bubner, B., Gase, K., Berger, B., Link, D. & Baldwin, I. T. Occurrence of article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise
tetraploidy in Nicotiana attenuata plants after Agrobacterium-mediated in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license,
transformation is genotype specific but independent of polysomaty of explant users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the material.
tissue. Plant Cell Rep. 25, 668–675 (2006). To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/