Monday Assembly: 2. Welcoming Speech

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1. Announcement Teachers are welcomed to sit on the stage. To all pupils, please stand in line
quietly as we will now begin our Monday assembly.

2. Welcoming speech Assalamualaikum and a very good Monday morning I bid to ---------------------
, our respected senior assistants:
------------------------------------- Senior Assistant of Administrations
-------------------------------------, Senior Assistant of Students’ Affairs
--------------------------------------, Senior Assistant of Co-curriculum,
the lovely teachers of SK ---------------------- and dear friends. Welcome to our
weekly morning assembly.

3. Prayer
To begin, I would like to invite ____________________________
to lead the recitation of prayer.
- prayer -

Thank you __________________________ for the prayer. We hope that

today’s assembly will be carried out smoothly.

4. Song and Pledge Let’s continue our assembly with the singing of NATIONAL ANTHEM,
Negaraku and STATE ANTHEM, Ibu Pertiwiku. After that,
______________________ will lead us with the recitation of NATIONAL
PHILOSOPHY followed by the recitation of VISION AND MISSION by
__________________________. Let’s stand still as a sign of respect and
Song and Pledge

Thank you to the prefects in charge.

5. Teacher- on duty Now, let us welcome teacher on duty last week, Mr/Mrs/Miss
report ______________________ to deliver his/her report and message. Please

A million thanks to ______________ for his/ her kind words. Hopefully, we

will be a better pupil in the future.

6. Teachers and friends,

speech Without wasting time, let us welcome our beloved headmaster, Mr. ------------
------------------to the stage for his speech. Please welcome sir.


Thank you ------------------------------- for his meaningful advice just now.

7. Other teachers’ Now, other teachers who have messages to deliver are welcome to do so.
announcement Speech

Thank you, teacher for your message.

8. Sharing Let’s move on to our sharing session. I would like to welcome

_____________________ from ___________ to the stage. Please welcome.

Thank you _________________ for his her wonderful sharing.

9. SCHOOL Before we end our assembly with the singing of SCHOOL ANTHEM, Young
ANTHEM Doctors are requested to check pupils’ outlook before going back to the
classroom after this.

Now, let us stand still and sing our SCHOOL ANTHEM with high spirits.

School Anthem

10. END Thank you and have a wonderful Monday everyone!!

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