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ATC 58-3

Proceedings of
FEMA-sponsored workshop on
performance-based design

Applied Technology Council

Funded by
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Applied Technology Council

The Applied Technology Council (ATC) is a nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation established in

1971 through the efforts of the Structural Engineers Association of California. ATC’s mission is
to develop state-of-the-art, user-friendly engineering resources and applications for use in
mitigating the effects of natural and other hazards on the built environment. ATC also identifies
and encourages needed research and develops consensus opinions on structural engineering issues
in a non-proprietary format. ATC thereby fulfills a unique role in funded information transfer.

ATC is guided by a Board of Directors consisting of representatives appointed by the American

Society of Civil Engineers, the National Council of Structural Engineers Associations, the
Structural Engineers Association of California, the Western Council of Structural Engineers
Associations, and four at-large representatives concerned with the practice of structural
engineering. Each director serves a three-year term.

Project management and administration are carried out by a full-time Executive Director and
support staff. Project work is conducted by a wide range of highly qualified consulting
professionals, thus incorporating the experience of many individuals from academia, research,
and professional practice who would not be available from any single organization. Funding for
ATC projects is obtained from government agencies and from the private sector in the form of
tax-deductible contributions.

2003-2004 Board of Directors

Stephen H. Pelham, President Lawrence G. Griffis

James M. Delahay, Vice President Robert W. Hamilton
Eve Hinman, Secretary/Treasurer James A. Hill
James R. Cagley, Past President Jeremy Isenberg
Patrick Buscovich Christopher P. Jones
Anthony B. Court Mark H. Larsen
Gregory G. Deierlein William E. Staehlin

ATC Disclaimer

While the information presented in this report is believed to be correct, ATC assumes no
responsibility for its accuracy or for the opinions expressed herein. The materials presented in
this publication should not be used or relied upon for any specific application without competent
examination and verification of its accuracy, suitability, and applicability by qualified
professionals. Users of information from this publication assume all liability arising from such

Federal Emergency Management Agency Notice

Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication do not

necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Proceedings of
FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-
Based Design
February 24-25, 2003
San Francisco, California

201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240
Redwood City, California 94065
Funded by
Michael Mahoney, Project Officer
Robert Hanson, Technical Monitor
Washington, D.C.


Christopher Rojahn (Project Executive Director)
Ronald O. Hamburger (Project Technical Director)
Peter J. May
Jack P. Moehle
Maryann T. Phipps*
Jon Traw
PRODUCTS TEAM William T. Holmes (Chair)
Andrew Whittaker (Team Leader) Daniel P. Abrams
Gregory Deierlein Deborah B. Beck
John Hooper Randall Berdine
Andrew T. Merovich Roger D. Borcherdt
Michel Bruneau
Mohammed Ettouney
John Gillengerten
Robert E. Bachman (Team Leader) William J. Petak
David Bonowitz Joe Sanders
Robert P. Kennedy Randy Schreitmueller
Gary McGavin James W. Sealy
Craig D. Comartin (Team Leader)
*ATC Board Representative
Brian J. Meacham (Associate Team Leader)
Robert D. Weber

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

In September 2001 the Applied Technology Council (ATC) was awarded a contract by the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to conduct a long-term project to prepare next-generation
Performance-Based Seismic Design Guidelines (ATC-58 project). The project is to consider and build on
the FEMA-349 report, Action Plan for Performance-Based Seismic Design (EERI, 2000), which provides
an action plan of research and development activities to produce and implement design guidelines that
specify how to design buildings having a predictable performance for specified levels of seismic hazard.
Ultimately FEMA envisions that the end product from this overall project will be design criteria for
performance-based seismic design that could be incorporated into existing established seismic design
resource documents, such as the NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New
Buildings and Other Structures, and the NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings
(FEMA, 273), and its successor documents (e.g., FEMA-356 Prestandard and Commentary for the
Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings).
The ATC-58 project is being conducted in several phases, as resources become available. In Phase 1,
which commenced in late 2001, ATC developed a management process for the project, identified and
engaged key project management and oversight personnel, developed a project Work Plan, commenced
development of a report on performance characterization, and conducted two workshops to obtain input
on project needs and goals.
Workshop One focused on communicating earthquake risk and was held on June 18, 2002 in
Chicago, Illinois (ATC, 2002). The purpose of Workshop One was to obtain preliminary feedback from a
cross section of building stakeholders, including real estate developers, building owners, corporate
tenants, lenders, insurers and other interested parties as to how performance-based seismic design
guidelines can most usefully deal with issues of earthquake risk.
Workshop Two, the proceedings of which are presented in this document, was held on February 24-
25, 2003 in San Francisco, California, to introduce the ATC-58 project to the building design, research
and regulation communities, to obtain feedback on significant advances that have occurred since the
development of the FEMA-349 report, and to assist in identifying appropriate updates to the FEMA-349
recommendations considering the state of current knowledge. The Workshop program included updates
on recent international developments, updates on relevant research conducted by the National Science
Foundation-funded earthquake engineering research centers, and breakout sessions that focused on the
following program components; performance-based design of structures, performance-based design of
nonstructural components and systems, and risk management and communication considerations.
The Applied Technology Council gratefully acknowledges the members of the ATC-58 Project Team,
who planned and organized the Workshop, and the representatives from a broad range of organizations
who participated in the workshop: Daniel Abrams, Daniel Alesch, Donald Anderson, Mark Aschheim,
Nuray Aydinoglu, Robert Bachman, Deborah Beck, Fouad Bendimerad, Vitelmo Bertero, David
Bonowitz, Roger Borcherdt, Michel Bruneau, Philip Caldwell, James Carlson, Kelly Cobeen, Craig
Comartin, Allin Cornell, Anthony Court, Gregory Deierlein, Weimin Dong, Richard Drake, John
Eidinger, Amr Elnashai, Mohammed Ettouney, Gregory Fenves, Andre Filiatrault, William Gates, John
Gillengarten, Barry Goodno, James Hackett, Ronald Hamburger, Robert Hanson, Perry Haviland,
William Holmes, John Hooper, Ahmad Itani, William Iwan, James Jirsa, Brian Kehoe, Robert Kennedy,
Petros Keshishian, Andrew King, Stephanie King, Charles Kircher, Anne Kiremidjian, Helmut
Krawinkler, H.S. Lew, Joe Maffei, Michael Mahoney, Praveen Malhotra, James Malley, Zeno Martin,
Peter May, Gary McGavin, Brian Meacham, Ali Memari, Andrew Merovich, Eduardo Miranda, Elliott
Mittler, Jack Moehle, Andrew Mole, Linda Noson, James Partridge, William Petak, Maryann Phipps,
Chris Poland, Andrei Reinhorn, Charles Roeder, Christopher Rojahn, Daniel Shapiro, John Silva, M.P.
Singh, Paul Somerville, T.T. Soong, William Staehlin, Jonathan Stewart, Akira Tasai, James Tauby,
Andrew Taylor, Craig Taylor, Christine Theodoropoulos, Jon Traw, and John Wallace. Bernadette
Mosby coordinated all workshop logistics and served as the workshop registrar. The affiliations of these
individuals are provided in Appendix A.

ATC-58-3 Preface iii

Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

ATC also gratefully acknowledges the financial support provided by the Federal Emergency
Management Agency and the guidance and oversight provided by Michael Mahoney (FEMA Project
Officer) and Robert Hanson (FEMA Technical Monitor).
Christopher Rojahn
ATC Executive Director

iv Preface ATC-58-3
Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Table of Contents
Preface ......................................................................................................................................................... iii

Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................................... xi

1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1

2. Summary of Workshop Findings and Work Plan Recommendations ................................................. 5

Appendix A: Workshop Participants ......................................................................................................... 13

Appendix B: Call for Presentations ........................................................................................................... 19

Appendix C: Workshop on Performance-Based Design Agenda .............................................................. 21

Appendix D: Opening Plenary Session Materials...................................................................................... 23

Appendix E: Straw Work Plan ................................................................................................................... 31

Appendix F: Structural Performance Products Breakout Session Materials.............................................. 69

Appendix G: Nonstructural Performance Products Breakout Session Materials ....................................... 87

Appendix H: Risk Management Products Breakout Session Materials ..................................................... 99

Appendix I: Vision (summary of last session ................................................................................................

Project Participants ................................................................................................................................... 113

Applied Technology Council Projects and Report Information .....................................................................

Applied Technology Council Directors ..........................................................................................................

ATC-58-3 Table of Contents v

Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

vi Table of Contents ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Executive Summary
The Applied Technology Council, on behalf of the Federal Emergency Management Agency of the
Department of Homeland Security, is engaged in a multi-year program to develop practical and effective
design criteria and guidelines for performance-based design of buildings to resist the effects of
earthquakes (ATC-58 project). The goal of this project is to reduce economic costs and life losses
associated with earthquakes by permitting buildings to be designed and constructed so that they are
reliably capable of providing acceptable and appropriate levels of seismic risk. The guidelines and
procedures are to be applicable to the design and construction of new facilities as well as the upgrade of
existing facilities. It is also intended that the performance-based approaches developed under this
program would be applicable to the development of similar design procedures for resistance to other
extreme hazards including wind storms, fire and blast.
The development of performance-based structural and seismic design procedures has received wide
spread interest for more than a decade, both in the United States and abroad. In the period 1993-1997, the
Applied Technology Council, Building Seismic Safety Council and American Society of Civil Engineers
collaborated under FEMA-sponsorship to develop performance-based design procedures for seismic
rehabilitation of existing buildings. The resulting FEMA-273 NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic
Rehabilitation of Buildings and companion FEMA 274 Commentary on the Guidelines for the Seismic
Rehabilitation of Buildings, were later developed into a national consensus standard and published as the
FEMA-356 Prestandard and Commentary for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings. These documents
formed the first comprehensive performance-based seismic design methodology, which has experienced
rapid acceptance and application by the design professions. the rehabilitation guidelines for existing
buildings ,however, were not intended to be applicable to the design of new facilities. Therefore, in 1997,
FEMA entered into a cooperative agreement with the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute to
prepare an action plan for the development of a next generation of performance-based design guidelines
applicable to both new and existing buildings. The resulting FEMA-349 report, Action Plan for
Performance-Based Seismic Design (EERI, 2000), recommended a comprehensive, ten-year effort for this
development and serves as the initial framework for the conduct of the ATC-58 Project.
In the time since publication of the FEMA-356 and FEMA-349 reports, a large number of research
and development efforts related to performance-based design have been undertaken. In the United States,
the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Applied Technology Council, the Consortium of
Universities for Earthquake Engineering Research, the Structural Engineers Association of California,
and the three national Earthquake Engineering Research Centers have all have performed significant work
in this area. Other important work has been undertaken in the earth science community and by individual
engineers and researchers. Significant work has also been undertaken in Europe, Japan and New Zealand.
In February 2003, a number of the researchers and engineers involved in these efforts were invited to
attend a 2-day workshop at the Miyako Raddison Hotel in San Francisco, California. The objectives of
this workshop were to introduce the community to the ATC-58 project, identify the significant
development efforts that had been undertaken since publication of the FEMA-349 Action Plan, and obtain
community input into the preparation of an updated action plan for conduct of the ATC-58 Project.
The workshop was attended by 86 participants from the structural engineering, earth science, and
social science business communities, as well as selected members of the project Steering Committee. In
plenary session, the ATC-58 project objectives and work plan, and overview summaries of relevant work
underway by the three national earthquake engineering research centers, as well as in Europe and New
Zealand, were presented. Following the plenary session, participants were separated into three breakout
sessions, respectively focused on performance-based design of structures, performance-based design of
nonstructural components and systems, and risk management and communication considerations. In each
break out session, participants were provided opportunity to present information on recent significant
developments in the focus area. Breakout sessions were chaired by members of the ATC-58 project
development team, who presented preliminary proposed updates to the FEMA-349 Action Plan.
Participants were asked to critique these proposed updates and assist the project team in developing an
appropriate revised Action Plan.

ATC-58-3 Executive Summary vii

Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

The workshop resulted in the collection of much useful information on recent developments in
performance-based earthquake engineering that permitted the project team to develop a new vision for the
way in which the ATC-58 should be developed. This represents a significant departure from the basic
Action Plan presented in FEMA-349. Chapter 1 of this report presents an overview of the workshop, its
objectives and the way in which it was conducted. Chapter 2 presents an overview of the revised vision
for the conduct of the ATC-58 project. This vision is currently being further developed into a detailed
work plan. Appendices to this document include a list of the participants, abstracts of presentations, and
summary notes from sessions.

viii Executive Summary ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Chapter 1: Introduction
This document provides a summary of the proceedings of a Workshop on Performance-based Seismic
Design, held in San Francisco, California on February 24-25, 2003. This workshop was held as part of
the FEMA-funded ATC-58 project to develop performance-based seismic design guidelines. The purpose
of the workshop was to:
 introduce the earthquake engineering community to the ATC-58 project;
 obtain information on recent significant technical developments relevant to performance-based
seismic design; and
 obtain community input into the process of updating and revising the FEMA 349 Action Plan for
Performance-Based Seismic Design (EERI, 2000), which, will serve as the basic road map for
conduct of the ATC-58 project.
In addition to providing a summary of the workshop proceedings, this document also presents a
summary vision for the conduct of the ATC-58 project developed based on feedback obtained at the
workshop. This summary vision forms the basis for the revised action plan, which is still undergoing

ATC-58 Project Description and Background

Most design of buildings and structures today is performed in accordance with prescriptive criteria
contained in the building codes. These prescriptive criteria regulate the types of structural systems that
can be used to resist earthquake forces in structures, the materials these systems can be constructed from,
the minimum levels of strength and stiffness that must be provided, the specific details of construction
that must be employed and the strength of attachment of various nonstructural components mounted
within the structure. These prescriptive criteria have been developed over a period of many years
primarily based on observation of the behavior of real buildings and structures in earthquakes, bolstered
by analysis of the response of simplified structures to earthquake motion and laboratory testing of various
structural and nonstructural components to simulated earthquake loading.
Present code requirements are primarily intended to protect “life safety”, meaning their goal is to
prevent the loss of life or life-threatening injury to building occupants or pedestrians, in any event likely
to affect a building, primarily by preventing building collapse. During a design level earthquake,
buildings designed to such codes are anticipated to potentially experience significant structural and
nonstructural damage, possibly to the point of having to be demolished. However, as long as a building
does not collapse during an earthquake or generate large quantities of heavy falling debris, it would have
met the intent of current code design requirements. While this may be an acceptable minimum design
level for many types of buildings, it is not adequate for certain occupancies, such as critical facilities, or
buildings where the owner wants to have damage limited to either a repairable level or have the facility
functional immediately after an earthquake. As has been vividly demonstrated during recent earthquakes,
even well designed buildings conforming to contemporary codes can perform as specified and still be
unfit for normal occupancy and use for an extended period of time following an earthquake, resulting
from both structural and non-structural damage and the necessary repair operations. However, it is not
clear how to adjust or modify current prescriptive criteria to reliably obtain performance different than
desired for typical buildings.
Based on performance of modern buildings in recent earthquakes, including the 1989 Loma Prieta
and 1994 Northridge earthquakes, prescriptive criteria contained in contemporary building codes are
generally effective in minimizing life-safety hazards. However, they are less reliable in controlling
damage and facility occupancy and use interruption, even in locations that experience only moderate
levels of ground shaking intensity. This resulted in a demand by design professionals, emergency
management professionals, and some members of the business community for the development of design

ATC-58-3 1: Introduction 1
Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

criteria that could reliably be used to design buildings to control the economic as well as life losses
associated with earthquakes. Such design criteria and designs developed implementing such criteria have
come to be known as performance-based design.
Following the 1994 Northridge earthquake, FEMA funded the Earthquake Engineering Research
Institute (EERI) in a project to prepare an action plan for the development of reliable performance-based
criteria for the design of new buildings and upgrade of existing buildings. The resulting action plan was
published in 2000 as FEMA-349, Action Plan for Performance Based Seismic Design. Developed with
broad input from the earthquake engineering community, FEMA-349 lays out a roadmap for the
development of performance-based design criteria that includes development of detailed technical criteria
for design of structural and nonstructural systems and components, as well as methods for building
owners, tenants, and investors and government agencies to determine minimum acceptable performance
goals to be used as the basis for design.
The ATC-58 project, initiated in September 2001, is intended to implement the FEMA-349 Action
Plan for the development of performance-based design guidelines. The FEMA-349 Action Plan was
broken into six basic components, each of which would be responsible for an identifiable portion of the
program and the development and publication of products in specific areas. These included:
 Project Planning and Management Program – This component addresses basic management of the
program and includes establishment and communication with a project steering committee, consisting
of representatives of various stakeholder groups, who would both provide feedback to the project
team on the needs of the community and also act as advocates within their own individual
communities for the effective development and use of performance-based approaches. Stakeholder
groups include building developers, corporate risk managers, lenders, insurers, tenants, government
planners, building regulators and design professionals, among others.
 Structural Performance Products – This component consists of the development of technical tools
and guidelines to allow building structures to be designed to achieve specified performance.
 Nonstructural Performance Products – This component consists of the development of technical
tools and guidelines to allow the design of buildings such that architectural, mechanical, and electrical
systems and components and critical tenant contents and furnishing can achieve desired performance.
 Risk Management Products – This foundational component consists of developing the means to
communicate issues of performance design between the design professionals and those who must pay
for performance and will be affected by poor performance including building owners, developers,
tenants, lenders, insurers, community planners and regulators.
 Performance Based Design Guidelines – This task consists of developing resource documents,
primarily intended for use by design professionals and building regulators, that can be implemented
as criteria and procedures for doing performance-based designs and which can eventually be
developed into consensus standards or code provisions.
 Stakeholder’s Guides – This task consists of developing resource documents, primarily intended for
stakeholders, including owners, developers, tenants, lenders, insurers, community planners and
regulators, that assist these stakeholders in selecting appropriate performance criteria as the basis for
building development and upgrade projects.
Ultimately, FEMA envisions that the end product from this overall project will be design criteria for
performance-based seismic design that could then be incorporated into existing established seismic design
resource documents, specifically the NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New
Buildings and Other Structures for new construction and the NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic
Rehabilitation of Buildings and its successor documents, for existing buildings. The performance-based
seismic design criteria is intended to be implemented on a voluntary basis by individual development
teams or adopted into the provisions of the building codes and become either an alternative or basic
minimum standard for the design and upgrade of buildings.
The FEMA-349 Action Plan was developed during the period 1997-1998. Upon initiation of the
ATC-58 project in 2001, it was recognized that significant work towards the development of

2 1: Introduction ATC-58-3
Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

performance-based design procedures and criteria had likely been accomplished by the three national
earthquake centers, by individual researchers and the practicing profession at large. Accordingly, one of
the first tasks the project team was charged with was to obtain input on advances in the state of the art
since the development of FEMA-349, to obtain community consensus as to the continued viability of the
Action Plan, and to develop a revised action plan as appropriate that would serve as the basic work plan
for the project. The February 24-25, 2003 workshop was a key element of this process of revising the
FEMA-349 Action Plan.
In the interim period, prior to development of this revised action plan, FEMA-349 continues to serve
as the basis for the project work plan. As of the time of the workshop, the project had accomplished the
 established a project management structure, including the appointment of a 6-person Project
Management Committee, including a Project Executive Director, Project Technical Director and four
at-large members of the research, regulation, and practice communities;
 appointed Team Leaders to lead the effort in each of the Structural Performance Products,
Nonstructural Performance Products, and Risk Management Products component areas;
 appointed team members in the aforementioned product areas to assist with project planning tasks;
 performed a preliminary project task in the Risk Management Products area to define preferred ways
of communicating performance between stakeholders and design professionals, and to begin to
establish a system of design performance levels or goals; and
 developed a preliminary revised Work Plan for the project, based on the FEMA-349 Action Plan, the
results of the preliminary Risk Management Product task, and the project participant’s personal
knowledge of recent developments in performance-based design.
The performance-based design workshop was a key input to the process of revising the Action Plan
and finalizing the project work plans.

The Workshop was attended by members of the ATC-58 Project Management Committee and the Project
Steering Committee, the Structural Performance Products Team Leader, the Nonstructural Performance
Products Team Leader, the Risk Management Products Team Leader and Associate Risk Management
Products Team Leader, as well as members of the three product development teams. In addition the
workshop was attended by a large number of invited participants selected on the basis of response to a
broad call for presentations, issued in December 2002, as well as recognized achievement in the field of
performance-based seismic design. Appendix A includes a complete list of all workshop participants.
Appendix B contains a copy of the call for presentations.

Workshop Overview
Appendix C presents an agenda for the workshop. This section provides a brief narrative of the agenda
and proceedings.
The workshop occurred on two days, starting at 9:00 am on February 24 and continuing through the
afternoon of February 25, 2003. The morning and a portion of the afternoon of the first day were held in
plenary session. In this plenary session, introductory remarks were made by the FEMA Project Officer
(M. Mahoney), the Project Executive Director (C. Rojahn) and Project Technical Director (R.
Hamburger). These remarks included an overview of the purpose of the project, a summary of project
accomplishments and technical recommendations to date, an overview of the FEMA-349 Action Plan,
which serves as the initial basis for development of project work plans, and a discussion of the purpose of
the workshop.
Following the introductory presentations on the purpose of the project and the workshop, two invited
presentations were made on the status of development and implementation of performance-based seismic
design approaches in Europe (by A. Elnashi) and Australia/New Zealand (by A. King.) Representatives

ATC-58-3 1: Introduction 3
Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

of the Mid-America Earthquake Center (D. Abrams), the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake
Engineering Research (M. Bruneau) and the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (G.
Deierlein) presented a summary of relevant research underway that could support the project. Appendix
D contains a reproduction of the slides used in the initial project presentations and abstracts of the focused
plenary presentations.
Upon completion of the plenary session, attendees were assembled into three pre-assigned breakout
groups, focused respectively on the three product areas: Structural Performance Products, Nonstructural
Performance Products, and Risk Management Products. Each breakout session was chaired by the ATC-
58 project team leader for that product area. Prior to the workshop, these team leaders, with the
assistance of the project teams, had prepared initial drafts of an update to the FEMA-349 work tasks and
budgets, termed a Straw Work Plan. This initial Straw Work Plan was distributed to workshop attendees
prior to the workshop, and is contained in Appendix E. The FEMA-349 Action Plan had also been
distributed to all workshop participants, prior to the workshop, together with a questionnaire, containing
the following questions:
Question 1: Are you aware of any significant advances that have been made, since 1998, in the
development of technologies that permit the performance of building structures and
building nonstructural components to be predicted? Please provide a brief description
of any such advances that you are aware of, and also indicate the primary investigators
who performed this work.
Question 2: Are there specific tasks contained in the FEMA 349 Action Plan that you believe need
no longer be performed or that you believe should be performed in a radically different
manner than indicated? Please identify the tasks, your proposed modification or
elimination of the task, and the reason for this.
Question 3: Are there tasks that you believe should be performed as part of the ATC-58 project that
are not currently contained in the FEMA 349 Action Plan? Please identify any such
tasks and the reason you believe these tasks should be performed.
Question 4: Are there specific project reports or deliverables that you believe the ATC-58 project
should produce, that are not identified in the FEMA 349 Action Plan? Please identify
these reports or deliverables and indicate why you believe they are important.
Question 5: Do you wish to make a specific presentation at the workshop, on any of the items noted
A few of the workshop participants provided written response to these questions prior to the
workshop and indicated that they desired to make specific presentation on the points noted. In addition,
several attendees were provided an opportunity to present papers for which abstracts had been submitted
in the original call for presentations (Appendix B). For the most part, the breakout sessions consisted of a
review of the straw work plan previously prepared by the Team Leaders. In some cases, the discussion of
the straw work plan was quite general and did not directly result in modification of specific work tasks
contained in the straw work plan, but rather resulted in a general refocusing of the goals and approach to
the work. In other cases, detailed evaluation of the work tasks were achieved with budgets and even
relative scheduling agreed to.
A summary of each of the breakout sessions is contained in Appendices F, G and H of this
proceedings for the Structural Performance Products, Nonstructural Performance Products and Risk
Management Products Breakout Sessions, respectively. Each summary includes the session chair’s notes
and the written abstracts received from participants for presentations made during the session.
With the substantial help and assistance provided by the workshop participants, the project team
developed a new vision for the basis upon which the new performance-based design guidelines should be
developed. The Project Technical Director presented this new vision in a summary presentation at the
closing plenary session. Following the closing plenary session, the Project Team engaged in a process of
revising the Straw Work Plan to incorporate the new vision and to finalize the revised action plan. The
summary presentation from the closing plenary session is contained in Appendix I of this proceedings.

4 1: Introduction ATC-58-3
Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Chapter 2: Summary of Workshop

Findings and Work Plan
Original Project Concept
The ATC-58 project was established to implement the development of Performance-based Seismic
Design Guidelines as outlined in the FEMA-349 Action Plan for Performance-Based Seismic Design.
Although published in April 2000, most of the work performed in development of FEMA-349 occurred in
the period 1997-98. In the context of that time period, most participants conceived of performance-based
seismic design as it was implemented through the Structural Engineers Association of California
(SEAOC) Vision 2000 Report (Performance Based Seismic Engineering of Buildings), the FEMA-273
Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings and companion FEMA-274 Commentary on the
Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, and the detailed guidance on implementation of
performance-based design contained in the ATC-40 report, Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete
Buildings, all of which were recently published at the time.
In this context, the performance-based design paradigm had the following characteristics:
 Buildings are designed to provide targeted minimum performance for specified design ground
shaking (and ground failure) events;
 Design ground shaking events are discrete and represent either a specific scenario, e.g. a magnitude
6.5 event on a designated fault, or a level of ground shaking having a stated mean return period; and
 Building performance levels are discrete and are characterized based on such factors as the ability of
the building to continue to provide postearthquake function, enable postearthquake occupancy,
protect life safety during the event, or avoid collapse.
The proposed next-generation seismic design guidelines document, as described in the FEMA-349
Action Plan was intended to:
 Extend the applicability of the rehabilitation guidelines to design of new construction;
 Address the issue that many structures designed to current prescriptive building codes would not be
deemed acceptable when evaluated using the performance-based design approaches of the day;
 Free the guidelines from the use of elastic structural analysis procedures, which were perceived as an
outmoded and inaccurate technology that was rapidly going to become obsolete;
 Expand and improve the library of acceptance criteria used to judge structural performance, and to the
maximum extent possible improve the database of actual laboratory data upon which these acceptance
criteria were based;
 Upgrade the procedures employed to evaluate and design nonstructural components and systems to be
compatible with the level of sophistication employed in structural evaluation and design;
 Evaluate and characterize the reliability of the guidelines and improve the reliability to the extent
permitted by current knowledge and technology;
 Establish procedures and systems to collect earthquake performance data in a manner that will permit
the establishment of statistically valid databases that can be used to benchmark and improve the
 Educate stakeholders as to the benefits of performance-based design approaches and create an
advocacy and demand for the application of these approaches in practice; and

ATC-58-3 2: Summary 5
Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

 Educate the practicing professionals so as to be able to implement the new procedures and improve
the level of practice.
FEMA-349 indicated that this work could be accomplished in a 10-year period, acknowledging that
this would be aggressive given the massive amount of work that must be performed. A major component
of the program consisted of basic engineering research. That included:

 Improvement in hazards characterization with a particular goal of reducing variability inherent in

current hazards assessments;
 Improvement in the available database of hysteretic and performance data for various structural
components and systems;
 Improvement in the ability of analytical tools to predict damage and performance of structural
systems; and
 Development of a database on the performance characteristics of typical nonstructural components
and systems found in buildings.
Although success of the program outlined in FEMA-349 relied on the successful accomplishment of
these research items, the research itself was viewed as outside the scope of the performance-based design
guidelines development project. The project included tasks for setting research priorities, for advocating
funding and performance of the necessary research, and for assimilating and employing the results of this
research but not for actual doing any such research. It was recognized that the 10-year schedule proposed
for the project was largely dependent on the timely availability of the results of this research.
Even given the exclusion of direct research from the scope of the project, the proposed budget was
large. Therefore, two levels of effort were provided for. The first of these was considered a “bare-bones”
effort, which would establish a framework for the guidelines and populate the guidelines with acceptance
criteria for a few representative structural and nonstructural systems and components, with procedures
established and published for how to extend the guidelines as additional funding and research became
available. The cost of this “bare-bones” program was projected at $20 million (1998 dollars). A more
comprehensive program, termed the optimal program, which would more fully populate the guidelines
with information required for application to the broad range of structural and nonstructural systems
commonly found in the building stock was budgeted at $27 million (1998 dollars). In publication of the
Action Plan, FEMA noted in a foreward that the proposed level of effort was substantially in excess of
that which could reasonably be anticipated to be funded by that agency and indicated hopes that a lesser
program of endeavor could accomplish many of the stated goals.
As of the time of the workshop, the ATC-58 project was being funded incrementally, at a level
sufficient to perform project organization and setup tasks and to initiate a few foundational tasks. It was
clear at the time this workshop was held that funding for the program likely could not exceed 1/3 to 1/2
that projected in FEMA 349 as required for the bare-bones effort.
Clearly to accomplish the intended guidelines development under these funding limitations will
require that the project call heavily on the resources of outside agencies and parties. Identified among
these outside agencies and parties are the following:
 the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) – for work related to improvement of hazards assessment
capability, particularly with regard to achieving reductions in variability;
 the National Science Foundation (NSF) National Earthquake Engineering Research Centers – basic
research into development of performance-prediction technologies and approaches, analytical tools,
performance data for various structural and nonstructural systems, and for identifying direct design as
opposed to evaluation methodologies;
 Materials Industry Associations and individual Building Products Suppliers – support of basic
research into the performance characteristics of specific structural and nonstructural systems and
components; and

6 2: Summary ATC-58-3
Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

 the NSF-funded Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) – validation of earthquake
performance simulation capability.

Updated Vision and Concept

Through initial project work conducted by the ATC-58 project and through discussions held at the
workshop, it has become clear that the performance-based design paradigm, which served as the basis for
the development of FEMA-349, is no longer valid and is in need of updating. Specifically, the old
paradigm is lacking in that it:
 does not directly address the concerns of most stakeholders/decision makers when selecting
appropriate performance for a building, which is the potential losses in life, direct economic loss, and
downtime (loss of facility use);
 is not sufficiently flexible to accommodate the decision-making styles of many stakeholders/decision
makers, which are varied and sometimes complex; and
 depends on judgmentally defined performance levels, which by their very nature are unpredictable as
to their probability of occurrence, precluding either characterization or improvement of reliability.
The new paradigm proposed to be adopted by the ATC-58 project is based in large part on
methodologies under development at the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center, in
which the total probability that a building will experience certain performance outcomes is calculated and
used as a basis for decisions as to whether performance is acceptable. In this approach, performance
outcomes are expressed directly in terms of the probable loss of life, probable cost of damage repair (or
building replacement), and probable hours/days of lost use resulting from damage. Uncertainty and
variability associated with predicting the intensity of earthquake motion (hazards), the response of
structures and nonstructural components, the damage sustained by structural and nonstructural systems
and components, and the losses that result from this damage are explicitly accounted for in this approach.
Further, the performance outcomes associated with this approach can be expressed in a variety of ways to
accommodate the needs of various stakeholders/decision makers, including:
 the average annual loss (in lives, dollars, hours of downtime) per year;
 the expected loss (in lives, dollars, hours of downtime) over the life of a building or facility project;
 the mean return period (in years) between losses (in lives, dollars, hours of downtime) exceeding a
specified size;
 probable maximum loss (PML) (90% confidence of non-exceedance) in a 500-year mean return
period; and
 the expected, lower-bound or upper-bound loss (in lives, dollars, hours of downtime) for various
scenario events, or for ground shaking having a specified probability of exceedance.
In this approach, design criteria for buildings would be specified in terms of the desired outcomes,
expressed as indicated above, which are then translated into structural design criteria that form the basis
for configuring and proportioning structural systems. A form of application of the PEER methodology is
embodied in the algorithms used by loss estimation software commonly used in the insurance industry
and by public planners. HAZUS, the national loss estimation software developed by the National
Institute of Building Sciences on behalf of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, also
incorporates a similar approach.
The basic work-flow for conducting a performance-based design is illustrated in Figure 2-1 below. As
illustrated in the figure, performance-based design is comprised of three basic steps. The first of these
steps consists of selection of appropriate performance objectives. Selection of performance objectives is a
task that must be performed by the stakeholders, either the owner (or the owner’s lender and/or insurer),
the tenants, or in the interest of protecting the public welfare, by the public authority, typically with
guidance and participation by design professionals. Under the proposed approach, performance
objectives may be expressed in terms of a desired PML, average annual loss, 500-year loss, or any of the

ATC-58-3 2: Summary 7
Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

other expressions of loss discussed previously, with loss considering lives, repair/replacement costs, and
The second step in the process consists of formulation of a preliminary design. In the rehabilitation
guidelines, this was a trivial task as the preliminary design would start with the existing structure, which
would then be evaluated to determine if it was capable of providing the desired performance. For new
buildings, this task is less trivial as there are a wide range of structural systems, configurations, and
details that can be selected. A major task of the ATC-58 project will be to develop preliminary design
guidance that will assist the engineer in efficient preliminary selection of appropriate systems and
configurations, strength, stiffness and detailing, that will be capable or close to capable of meeting the
desired performance goals. Currently, this process is performed on a largely intuitive basis, often by
making arbitrary modifications to prescriptive code criteria.

Figure 2-1 Performance-Based Design Work Flow

The third and final step in the process is one of confirming that the design is capable of providing the
desired performance, both of the structure and the nonstructural components and systems, and of iterating
the design until conformance is obtained. In the context of this project, unlike in past performance-based
design efforts, this will be conducted by estimating the probable losses (life, repair/replacement cost, and
downtime) for the preliminary design, in the same context in which these losses are expressed by the
stakeholder as performance criteria an determining if the losses are suitably low. Figure 2-2 illustrates the
performance verification process.
Regardless of the way in which performance is measured, that is as an average annual loss of life, an
expected mean return period for more than a number of hours of lost facility use, or the maximum
probable repair cost given a specified earthquake event, or by another means, the process is essentially the
same. It initiates with characterization of the hazard in terms of a hazard function. The hazard function
indicates the probability of experiencing ground motion intensity of a given level, together with an
expression of confidence bounds. The hazard function may be either conditioned on the occurrence of a
specific scenario earthquake, or may be an expression of all possible earthquakes and the probability of
occurrence of each. Earthquake intensity must be expressed in the form of a parameter that is useful and
efficient for predicting structural response. A parameter is useful, if it can be used in structural analysis to
predict earthquake effects. A parameter is efficient if the variability in response as a function of the
parameter is relatively small. In the PEER methodology, these parameters are termed Intensity Measures.
Figure 2-3 is illustrative of a hazard curve for a hypothetical building site, using peak ground acceleration
as the Intensity Measure. Other Intensity Measures, such as spectral response accelerations, are likely to
be more efficient than peak ground acceleration.

8 2: Summary ATC-58-3
Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Figure 2-2 Performance Verification Process

0% 50% 100% 150%
Anual Prob. of Exceedance


10% confidence
0.01 Mean
90% confidence


Peak Ground Acceleration - %g

Figure 2-3 Illustrative Hazard Curve for Site

Once the hazard for a building site has been determined, structural analysis must be used to
understand how structural response varies as a function of ground motion intensity. Structural response
must be characterized by a series of Engineering Demand Parameters (EDPs) that are useful and efficient
for predicting damage. EDPs may be such quantities as, for example, interstory drift, total drift, joint
plastic rotation, and axial column force. Since these response quantities will typically vary in a nonlinear
manner with intensity, it will usually be necessary to perform a series of analyses to predict response at
various intensities. It is also necessary to account for potential variability and uncertainty in response
relating to ground motion, modeling, material properties, construction quality, and other factors. The end
product of structural calculations are a series of response functions that relate the probability of exceeding

ATC-58-3 2: Summary 9
Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

various values of each EDP at different ground motion intensity levels. Figure 2-4 is illustrative of one
such a response function.

80 Median

Interstory Drift - inches

90% Prob. Of
60 Exceedance
50 10% Prob. Of
40 Exceedance
30 10% Conf. 90%
Prob. Exceed
90% Conf. 10%
Prob. of Exc.
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5
Sa - g

Figure 2-4 Representative Response Function for a Building

Engineering Design Parameters, predicted by structural analysis at various levels of intensity are used
for several purposes. One purpose is to predict damage to the structure and to nonstructural elements and
components. Damage is related to EDPs by means of fragility functions. Fragility functions indicate the
probability of experiencing damage of different types, given the occurrence of various levels of the EDPs.
Damage levels can be characterized in terms of specific damage states that are meaningful with respect to
life loss, repair cost, and downtime. Figure 2-5 is an example fragility curve for moment-resisting steel
frames using beam yielding, beam flange buckling and beam flange fracture as the damage states. Figure
2-6 is an example of a fragility curve for a curtain wall system, using panel cracking, glass cracking, glass
fallout, and connection failure as damage states. Fragilities can be established through a combination of
laboratory testing and analysis. For some nonstructural components and analysis, an interim step must be
performed, consisting of structural analysis of the nonstructural component, using a structural EDP, e.g.,
interstory drift, or floor acceleration as an input parameter, similar to the way in which intensity measures
are used for analysis of the structure, and then predicting response EDPs for the nonstructural

Probability of Damage State



0.4 Fracturing


0 5 10 15 20 25
Interstory Drift - In.

Figure 2-5 Fragility Curve for Moment-Resisting Steel Frame Structure

10 2: Summary ATC-58-3
Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Probability of Damage State

Panel Cracking

0.6 Glass Breaking

0.4 Glass Fallout

Connection Failure

0 10 20 30 40
Interstory Drift - In.

Figure 2-6 Fragility Curve for Exterior Curtain Wall System

Once the probability of a structure being damaged to given levels is understood, in order to predict
performance, expressed in the form of loss, it is necessary to have loss functions. Loss functions relate
the probable value of life loss, repair/replacement cost, and downtime to the occurrence of damage.
Figure 2-7 is a representative loss curve indicating repair cost per framing connection in a steel frame
building for the various damage levels contained in the fragility function of Figure 2-5. Figure 2-8 is a
similar curve indicating the probable loss of life in a building, given building collapse. Similar loss
curves are required for each of the structural and nonstructural components, as well as for the entire
structural system and individual nonstructural systems. Loss functions can be established on the basis of
historical data, expert opinion and judgment, analysis, or by a combination of these.

Probability of

0.6 Yielding
0.4 Fracture

0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000
Repair Cost / Connection $

Figure 2-7 Loss Curve for Connection Repair Costs in Steel Frame Buildings

Once the intensity, response, damage and loss curves are established for the structure as a whole, as
well as individual structural components and nonstructural components and systems, it is possible to
estimate building performance, in any of the ways previously discussed, by integrating the intensity,
response, damage and loss functions. This can either be done numerically, or, if certain simplifying
assumptions are made with regard to the form of distribution of these various functions, in a closed form
Although this performance verification/prediction approach has been in use for some time in loss
estimation software and is similar to methods used in probabilistic risk assessments conducted in the
nuclear, offshore and aerospace industries, relatively few structural design professionals are familiar with

ATC-58-3 2: Summary 11
Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

these methods and they vary substantially from current performance verification procedures.
Consequently, a substantial program of simplification, explanation, and education will be necessary to
allow the implementation of this approach.

Probability of




0 5 10
Lives Lost / 1,000 square Feet, given Collapse

Figure 2-8 Loss Curve for Lives, Given Story Collapse for a Hypothetical Building

Work Plan Recommendations

Workshop Participants recommended that the ATC-58 project follow the general model described in the
previous section in developing performance-based design guidelines. To carry out this effort, it was
recommended that the project be executed in two basic phases. The first phase should focus on
development of the performance verification methodology described in the previous section. It should
include development of a detailed generalized methodology for developing hazard, response, damage and
loss functions for buildings and for integrating these functions to predict performance in ways meaningful
to the various stakeholders. It should also include fully developed, simplified procedures and tools that
can be readily implemented by the design professional to use this methodology to predict the performance
of a limited series of building and structure classes for which adequate data exists to permit development
of response, damage and loss functions. It is anticipated that available funding may be sufficient so that
perhaps 3 to 4 types of structures may be fully developed, with the framework for other types of
structures sufficiently developed so that the process may be completed for other structure types as
sufficient data and funding become available. As part of this phase, the methodology should be
employed for a series of case-study buildings, designed to current prescriptive code requirements, in order
to validate the methodology and also to obtain an understanding of the performance provided by current
code procedures. This phase should culminate with the publication of a performance evaluation
guidelines that could be implemented immediately to perform performance verification as part of the
performance-base design process, starting with intuitively derived preliminary designs.
The second phase of the project should focus on the development of design guidance that will assist
the engineer in developing efficient preliminary designs, and for some structures to directly proceed to
final designs, deemed capable of passing performance-verification for certain performance objectives,
should they actually be subjected to this process. This phase should include use of the performance
verification methodology developed in the first phase, to evaluate a large number of structures and
determine those combinations of structural system, configuration, stiffness, strength, damping and
ductility that are capable of achieving certain desired performance capability, in different seismic hazard
environments. This phase should culminate with the publication of performance-based seismic design
Based on the anticipated funding, each of these two project phases is anticipated to have a duration of
5 years. As of the time of publication of this proceedings, the project team is engaged in the development
of detailed work plans, which will replace the FEMA-349 Action Plan, for implementation of this plan.

12 2: Summary ATC-58-3
Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Appendix A: Workshop Participants

Daniel Abrams Roger Borcherdt
University of Illinois U.S. Geological Survey
1245 Newmark Civil Engineering Lab 345 Middlefield Road, MS977
205 N. Mathews Menlo Park, California 94025
Urbana, Illinois 61801
Michel Bruneau
Daniel Alesch MCEER
University of Wisconsin, Green Bay 105 Red Jacket Quadrangle
Center for Organizational Studies 130 Ketter Hall
909 Forest Hill Drive Buffalo, New York 14261-0025
Green Bay, Wisconsin 54311
Philip Caldwell
Donald Anderson Square D Company
CH2M Hill 1990 Sandifer Blvd.
777 108th Avenue NE Seneca, South Carolina 29678
Bellevue, Washington 98004
James Carlson
Mark Aschheim Seismic Source Company
University of Illinois at Urbana 13801 Buffalo Road
2118 Newmark Civil Engineering Lab Springfield, Nebraska 68059
205 North Mathews Avenue
Kelly Cobeen
Urbana, Illinois 61801
Cobeen & Associates
Nuray Aydinoglu 641 Glorietta Boulevard
Bogazici University, Istanbul Lafayette, California 94549
Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research
Craig Comartin
Institute, Cengelkoy
Comartin Engineers
Istanbul, Turkey 82110
7683 Andrea Avenue
Robert Bachman Stockton, California 95207-1705
Consulting Engineer
Allin Cornell
2222 Gateway Oaks Drive, #363
Stanford University
Sacramento, California 95833
110 Coquito Way
Deborah Beck Portola Valley, California 94028-7404
Real Estate Board of New York
Anthony Court
570 Lexington Avenue, 2nd Floor
Curry Price Court
New York, New York 10022
444 Camino Del Rio South, No. 201
Fouad Bendimerad San Diego, California 92108
Risk Management Solutions, Inc.
Gregory Deierlein
7015 Gateway Boulevard
Stanford University / PEER
Newark, California 94560
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Vitelmo Bertero Terman Engineering Center, MC 4020
EERC/PEER, University of California at Stanford, California 94305-4020
Weimin Dong
1106 Colusa Avenue
Risk Management Solutions, Inc.
Berkeley, California 94707
7015 Gateway Boulevard
David Bonowitz Newark, California 94560
David Bonowitz, S.E.
887 Bush Street, Suite 610
San Francisco, California 94108

ATC-58-3 A: Workshop Participants 13

Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

Richard Drake Ronald Hamburger

Fluor Daniel Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
One Fluor Daniel Drive The Landmark @ 1 Market, Suite 600
Aliso Viejo, California 92698 San Francisco, California 94105
John Eidinger Robert Hanson, Consultant to
GE Engineering Systems, Inc. Federal Emergency Management Agency
6315 Swainland Road 2926 Saklan Indian Drive
Oakland, California 94611 Walnut Creek, California 94595-3911
Amr Salah Elnashai Perry Haviland
University of Illinois Haviland Associates Architects
Department of Civil & Environmental 27 Embarcadero Cove
Engineering Oakland, California 94606
2129 Newmark Lab
William Holmes
205 North Mathews, MC 250
Rutherford & Chekene
Urbana, Illinois 61801
427 Thirteenth Street
Mohammed Ettouney Oakland, California 94612
Weidlinger Associates
John Hooper
375 Hudson Street
Magnusson Klemencic Associates
New York, New York 10014-3656
1301 Fifth Avenue
Gregory Fenves Suite 3200
University of California, Berkeley Seattle, Washington 98101
Department of Civil & Environmental
Ahmad Itani
University of Nevada, Reno
Berkeley, California 94720-1710
Dept. of Civil Engineering
Andre Filiatrault Mail Stop 258
University of California, San Diego Reno, Nevada 89557-0152
JSOE School of Engineering
William Iwan
9500 Gilman Drive
California Institute of Technology
La Jolla, California 92093-0085
Earthquake Engineering Research Lab
William Gates MC 104-44
URS Corporation Pasadena, California 91125
911 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 700
James Jirsa
Los Angeles, California 90017
University of Texas at Austin
John Gillengarten Department of Civil Engineering
Office of Statewide Health Planning and Austin, Texas 78712
Brian Kehoe
1600 9th St., Room 420
Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.
Sacramento, California 95814
2200 Powell Street, Suite 925
Barry Goodno Emeryville, California 94608
Georgia Institute of Technology
Robert Kennedy
School of Civil & Environmental Engineering
RPK Structural Mechanics Consulting, Inc.
790 Atlantic Avenue
28625 Mountain Meadow Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0355
Escondido, California 92026
James Hackett
Petros Keshishian
Division of the State Architect
ABS Consulting Group, Inc.
1130 K Street, Suite 101
1111 Broadway, 10th Floor
Sacramento, California 95814
San Francisco, California 94607-5500

14 A: Workshop Participants ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Stephanie King Peter May

Weidlinger Associates University of Washington
4410 El Camino Real, #110 21817 SE 20th Street
Los Altos, California 94022 Sammamish, Washington 98075
Andrew King Gary McGavin
Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences California Polytechnic State University
Section Manager - Active Landscapes Pomona Department of Architecture
69 Gracefield Road, P.O. Box 30-368 3801 West Temple Avenue
Lower Hutt, New Zealand Pomona, California 91768
Charles Kircher Brian Meacham
Kircher & Associates Ove Arup & Partners
1121 San Antonio Road, Suite D-202 1500 West Park Drive, Suite 180
Palo Alto, California 94303-4311 Westborough, Massachusetts 01581
Anne Kiremidjian Ali Memari
Stanford University Pennsylvania State University
John Blume Earthquake Engineering Center Dept. of Architectural Engineering
Terman Engineering Center 238, MC 4020 104 Engineering A Building
Stanford, California 94305-4020 University Park, Pennsylvania 16802-1416
Helmut Krawinkler Andrew Merovich
Stanford University A. T. Merovich & Associates, Inc.
Department of Civil & Environmental 1163 Francisco Blvd., 2nd Floor
Engineering San Rafael, California 94901
Stanford, California 94305-4020
Eduardo Miranda
H.S. Lew Stanford University
National Institute of Standards and Technology Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering
100 Bureau Drive Terman Room 293
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899-8611 Stanford, California 94305-4020
Joe Maffei Elliott Mittler
Rutherford & Chekene Public Policy Consultant
427 Thirteenth Street 6121 Shoup Avenue, Unit 30
Oakland, California 94612 Woodland Hills, California 91367
Michael Mahoney Jack Moehle
Federal Emergency Management Agency PEER Center
500 C Street, SW, Room 416 1301 South 46th Street
Washington, D.C. 20472 Richmond, California 94804-4698
Praveen Malhotra Andrew Mole
FM Global Research Ove Arup & Partners
1151 Boston-Providence Turnpike 901 Market Street, Suite 260
P.O. Box 9102 San Francisco, California 94103
Norwood, Massachusetts O2062-9102
Bernadette Mosby
James Malley Applied Technology Council
Degenkolb Engineers 201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240
225 Bush Street, Suite 1000 Redwood City, California 94065
San Francisco, California 94104
Linda Noson
Zeno Martin Linda Noson Associates
APA The Engineered Wood Association 809 NE 59th Street
Technical Services Division Seattle, Washington 98105
P.O. Box 11700
Tacoma, Washington 98411-0700

ATC-58-3 A: Workshop Participants 15

Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

James Partridge T.T. Soong

Smith-Emery Company University at Buffalo
791 East Washington Blvd. State University of New York
Los Angeles, California 90021 Department of Civil, Structural, and
Environmental Engineering
William Petak
238 Ketter Hall
University of Southern California
Buffalo, New York 14260
School of Policy Planning & Development
Mail Code 0626 William Staehlin
Los Angeles, California 90089-0626 Office of Statewide Health Planning and
Maryann Phipps
1831 9th Street
Sacramento, California 95814
8331 Kent Court, Suite 100
El Cerrito, California 94530 Jonathan Stewart
University of California, Los Angeles
Chris Poland
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engg
Degenkolb Engineers
5731-H Boelter Hall
225 Bush Street, Suite 1000
Los Angeles, California 90095-1593
San Francisco, California 94104
Akira Tasai
Andrei Reinhorn
Yokohama National University
University at Buffalo, SUNY
79-1 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku
Dept. of Civil, Structural & Environmental
Yokohama, Japan 240-8501
231 Ketter Hall James Tauby
Buffalo, New York 14260 Mason Industries, Inc.
350 Rabro Drive East
Charles Roeder
Hauppauge, New York 11788
University of Washington
233B More Hall, FX-10 Andrew Taylor
Seattle, Washington 98195 KPFF Consulting Engineers
1601 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1600
Christopher Rojahn
Seattle, Washington 98101
Applied Technology Council
201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240 Craig Taylor
Redwood City, California 94065 Natural Hazards Management, Inc.
5402 Via del Valle
Daniel Shapiro
Torrance, California 90505
SOHA Engineers
550 Kearny Street, Suite 200 Christine Theodoropoulos
San Francisco, California 94108 University of Oregon
Department of Architecture
John Silva
Eugene, Oregon 97403
Hilti, Inc.
84 Mt. Rainier Drive Jon Traw
San Rafael, California 94903-1045 Traw Associates Consulting
14435 Eastridge Drive
M.P. Singh
Whittier, California 90602
Virginia Tech
Department of Engineering Science & John Wallace
Mechanics University of Califoria, Los Angeles
305 Norris Hall Department of Civil & Environmental Engr'g
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 Box 951593, 5173 Boelter Hall
Los Angeles, California 90095-1593
Paul Somerville
URS Greiner Woodward Clyde
566 El Dorado Street, Suite 100
Pasadena, California 91101-2560

16 A: Workshop Participants ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Y.K. Wen Andrew Whittaker

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University at Buffalo
3129e, Newmark Civil Engineering Lab 230 Ketter Hall
205 North Mathews Avenue Department of Civil, Strucutural, and
Urbana, Illinois 61801-2397 Environmental Engineering
Buffalo, New York 14260

ATC-58-3 A: Workshop Participants 17

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Appendix B: Call for Presentations

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT For More Information, Contact
December 30, 2002 Ronald Hamburger, 415/495-3700

ATC Seeks Input on Significant Advances in Performance Based Engineering for Presentation at
Upcoming FEMA-funded Workshop on Performance-Based Design

The Applied Technology Council (ATC), under contract to the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA), is seeking input from structural and earthquake engineering researchers and practitioners on
significant advances over the last decade in the development of performance-based structural and seismic
design technologies. This knowledge will be used by ATC during the planning stages of a long-term
project to develop a next-generation performance-based seismic design procedure (ATC-58 Project), a
FEMA-funded effort that is being planned based on recommendations in the FEMA 349 Action Plan for
Performance-Based Seismic Design, which was prepared by the Earthquake Engineering Research
Institute and published in 2000. Although the project is focused primarily on development of seismic
design procedures, the intent is to maintain relevance and transportability to structural design for other
hazards, including blast, wind and fire. Persons selected to provide information on significant advances
in performance-based structural engineering, as a result of this solicitation, will be asked to participate in
an upcoming ATC-58 Workshop on Programming the Development of Performance-Based Seismic
Design Procedures, to be held February 24-25, 2003, in San Francisco. Each presentation on new
advances presented at the workshop will be limited to 15 minutes.
Persons interested in making a presentation (at the upcoming ATC-58 Workshop) on significant
advances in performance-based structural engineering since 1997 should submit a one-page description of
said advances to the Applied Technology Council by January 31, 2003. Statements should be submitted
to ATC-58 Project, Applied Technology Council, 555 Twin Dolphin Drive, Suite 550, Redwood City,
California 94065 (e-mail: [email protected]). Applicants selected for participation at the Workshop
will be notified by February 7, 2003.
For additional information, see the ATC-58 Call for Workshops Presentations on the ATC web site
(, which contains a copy of the ATC-58 Work Plan, or contact Ron Hamburger
(Project Technical Director) at 415/495-3700 (email: [email protected]).

ATC-58-3 B: Call for Presentations 19

Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

20 B: Call for Presentations ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Appendix C: Workshop on
Performance-Based Design Agenda
Miyako Raddison Hotel
San Francisco, California
February 24-25, 2003
February 24, 2003
9:00 am Registration and Coffee
10:00 am Welcome Rojahn/Mahoney
10:15 am Project Introduction Hamburger
10:45 am FEMA 349 Overview Hamburger
11:15 am Workshop Purpose and Agenda Hamburger
Update on Recent International Developments
11:30 am - Australia/New Zealand King
11:45 am - United Kingdom Elnashi
12:00 Lunch
Update on Relevant Research by NSF Centers
1:15 pm - MAE Center Abrams
1:35 pm - MCEER Bruneau
1:55 pm - PEER Deierlein
Breakout Session 1 – Structural Performance Products
- Strawman Presentation
- Individual Presentations
2:15 pm - Discussion Whittaker
Breakout Session 2 – Nonstructural Performance Products
- Strawman Presentation
- Individual Presentations
2:15 pm - Discussion Bachman
Breakout Session 3 – Risk Management Products
- Strawman Presentation
- Individual Presentations
2:15 pm - Discussion Comartin
4:00 pm Coffee Break
4:15 pm Resume Breakout Sessions
6:00-7:00 pm No-Host Reception

ATC-58-3 C: Workshop on Performance-Based Design Agenda 21

Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

February 25, 2003

7:30 am Continental Breakfast
Resume Breakout Sessions (presentation and review of
revised workplan)
- Presentations of revised strawman work plans
8:00 am - Discussion
10:00 am Coffee Break
10:15 am Resume Breakout Sessions (finalize workplans)
12:00 Lunch
1:15 pm Concluding Plenary
Preliminary Vision of Guidelines Hamburger
1:45 pm Structural Performance Products Summary and Discussion Whittaker
Nonstructural Performance Products Summary and
2:15 pm Discussion Bachman
2:45 pm Risk Management Products Summary and Discussion Comartin/Meacham
3:15 pm Stakeholders Guide Summary Comartin/Meacham
3:45 pm Next Steps Hamburger
4:00 pm Closure Rojahn
4:15-5:00 pm PMC Executive Session (PMC Only)

22 C: Workshop on Performance-Based Design Agenda ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Appendix D: Opening Plenary

Session Materials
Project Introduction (Slide Presentations by Ronald Hamburger, Project Technical Director) .....................

Overview of FEMA 349 Report, Action Plan for Performance-Based Seismic Design
(Slide Presentations by Ronald Hamburger, Project Technical Director) ................................................

Workshop Purpose and Agenda (Slide Presentations by Ronald Hamburger) ...............................................

Update on Recent International Developments...............................................................................................

Recent Advances in Performance Based Earthquake Engineering – the New Zealand
Experience; Andrew King ....................................................................................................................
Slide Presentation by Andrew King ....................................................................................................
Performance-Based Seismic Design in Europe; A. S. Elhashai ...............................................................
Slide Presentation by A. S. Elhashai ...................................................................................................

Update on Relevant Research by NSF-funded Earthquake Engineering Research Centers

Mid-America Earthquake Center, Daniel Abrams ...................................................................................
Slide Presentation by Daniel Abrams ..................................................................................................
Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, Michel Bruneau ..................................
Slide Presentation by Michel Bruneau ................................................................................................
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, Gregory Deierlein.....................................................
Slide Presentation by Gregory Deierlein .............................................................................................

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Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

Recent Advances in Performance Based Earthquake Engineering – the New Zealand Experience

Andrew King
Section Manager – Active Landscapes, Institute for Geological and Nuclear Sciences New Zealand

Over the past five years a major review of the New Zealand Earthquake Loadings Standard, NZS 4203
has been underway. This has culminated in the development of a joint Australia/ New Zealand earthquake
standard now at its final draft stage. The standard operates within the performance based regulatory
environment set down by the New Zealand Building Code. The design profession requested that the
performance parameters objectives be clearly prescribed within the standard and transparent to enable
designers to appreciate the in-service performance expected from compliant buildings.
Section 2 therefore prescribes the earthquake design performance objectives of the standard. These
include damage control under moderate earthquake attack (serviceability limit state II), the provision of
resistant earthquake mechanisms under severe loading (ultimate limit state) with some reserve capacity
(unspecified), and collapse avoidance under the maximum considered event. The earthquake intensity
associated with ‘moderate’ ‘severe’ and ‘maximum’ varies with the building importance class. For
buildings with ‘ordinary’ occupancy the annual probability of exceedence of the design event was 25
years, 500 years and 2500 years respectively. Buildings classified as having a ‘Critical post-disaster
function attain their special ranking because of the expectation that they would remain operational
(serviceability limit state I) when other buildings were experiencing their ultimate limit state design
actions (500 year recurrence interval. Thus the operational continuity performance expectation was
incorporated for this class of building as a mandatory requirements but is also available for should owners
or operators elect to engage this performance level.
The life safety hazard created by building collapse has been extended to cover other life threatening
failures such as the shedding of elevated facades and the collapse of heavy suspended ceiling systems.
The necessity for building evacuation paths to maintain operational continuity following severe
earthquake attack was also considered and parts required to ensure compliance with this expectation
classified accordingly.
With the clear shift of focus to post earthquake performance including both life safety, damage
control and operational continuity, the importance of adequate design of building parts and non-structural
components was highlighted. A research programme was instigated to investigate the known and
predicted behaviour of non-structural and secondary systems. Reference was made to the behaviour of
instrumented buildings during the Northridge earthquake. The study involved the design and analysis of
over 40 buildings in both high and low seismicity regions of New Zealand. Variations include
consideration of different materials, different structural forms and different building heights. The
selection of the ground motion records to be used during the analysis followed the procedure set out in the
standard (similar to those prescribed in ATC 40 and FEMA 273) were used. The resulting floor response
spectra was used to determine the design spectra for building parts and non-structural systems supported
within the primary structural frame.
The next phase of the programme involved determining the in-elastic response capability of different
non-structural components and items of mechanical plant. Such response needs to include both the
behaviour of the item and its connectivity to the building itself. Work is now being planned as to how to
evaluate these dynamic response characteristics for different systems and to develop a cost-efficient
means by which the necessary design parameters can be determined.
New Zealand proposes to adopt a national earthquake standard which includes clearly stated
earthquake performance objectives. We are keen to participate an international research effort to quantify
response parameters, particularly for damage control and operational continuity.

24 D: Opening Plenary Session Materials ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Performance-Based Seismic Design in Europe

A.S. Elnashai
Professor, Associate Director, MAE Center, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

For the past decade or more, a group of European earthquake engineering experts have been co-operating
in the challenging environment of research and development towards seismic risk reduction, fostered by
the European Commission (EC). Funding was provided by the EC under the successive frameworks 3, 4
and 5, through competitive network applications. The projects in which the writer is/was involved are:
 Prenormative Research in Support of Eurocode 8 (PREC8)
 Innovative Concepts in Seismic Design of New and Existing Structures (ICONS)
 Safety Assessment for Earthquake Risk Reduction (SAFERR)
This does not include a number of earthquake engineering-related projects that the writer was
affiliated with or knew about, such as the Large Installations projects ECOEST I and II, as well as their
successor, ECOLEADER, which are basically consortia of large scale laboratories, most of which are
shaking table facilities. Other networks of a smaller number of partners, such as NODISASTR and
SPEAR, are more focused research groupings that are mainly concerned with reinforced concrete
structures. Other networks concerned with geotechnical and engineering seismology aspects of seismic
hazard are not reviewed here, with the exception of the Eurosei-series of projects, since the latter is a
multi-disciplinary activity that includes structural engineering research. Efforts are currently underway to
amalgamate and enlarge the European networks under the auspices of Framework Program 6, the call-for-
proposals of which has been recently announced.

Philosophy of the European Research Networks

European earthquake engineering community has maintained a consistent underlying research
philosophy. This comprises two main strings, one is topical and the other managerial. The topical
philosophy consists in dealing with earthquake effects in a holistic manner. All the sub-topics deemed
important in the areas of earthquake ground motion, seismic hazard and geotechnical and structural
effects of earthquakes need to be addressed. This is necessary in order to successfully investigate issues
of Demand (the severe requirements imposed by the ground shaking during earthquakes), Supply (the
capacity to resist forces and deformations imposed by earthquakes on civil engineering works), and their
interaction. However, consideration of the entire range of problems, from earthquake source to structural
design and detailing, requires the careful selection of the constituent organisations of the EEEC in order
that the necessary talent is brought to bear. Table 1 lists the participant institutions and their involvement
in the three networks here presented. Once the research topics and contributing organisations are
established, in order for the network to be successful a clear managerial framework is necessary to
combine research, development, application and training into an integrated whole.

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Table D-1 Participants and Involvement in Network Subtopics

Institution Scientist PREC8 ICONS SAFERR
1. University of Liege (Belgium) A. Plumier - T1 -T2, T4 -T1, T2
2. Géodynamique et Structure
(France) A. Pecker - T5 -T1, T3 -T1, T3
3. GRECO/GEO-French Group
for Coordinated Research J. Mazars
(France) J.M. Reynouard - T1, T5 -T2, T3, T5 -T1, T2, T3
4. Darmstadt University of
Technology (Germany) J. Woerner - T1 -T2, T4 -T2, T3
5. University of Patras (Greece) M.N. Fardis - T1, T2 -T2, T3, T5 -T2, T3, T4
6. University of Basilicata (Italy) M. Dolce - T1 N/A N/A
7. Politecnico di Milano (Italy) E. Faccioli - T5 -T1, T3 -T1, T4
8. Università di Pavia (Italy) G.M. Calvi - T1, T2, T4 -T1, T2, T3 -T3, T4
9. Università di Roma “La
Sapienza” (Italy) P.E. Pinto - T4 -T2, T3, T5 -T2, T3
10. Universidad Politecnica de
Madrid (Spain) E. Alarcon - T4 -T2, T4 -T3, T4
11. Imperial College, London (UK) A.S. Elnashai - T1, T4 -T1, T2, T4 -T1, T3, T4
12. University of Ljubljana
(Slovenia) P. Fajfar N/A N/A -T2, T4
ECOEST (I & II) and ECOLEADER Institutions:
1. TAMARIS-CEA, Saclay
(France) P. Sologoup N/A -T3, T4, T5 N/A
2. National Technical University of G. Gazetas
Athens (Greece) P. Carydis - T1, T5 -T4 N/A
3. ISMES, Bergamo (Italy) M. Casirati -T4 -T4 N/A
4. Joint Research Center, Ispra -T2, T3, T4,
(Italy) A.V. Pinto - T1, T2, T4 T5 N/A
5. National Laboratory for Civil
Engineering, Lisbon (Portugal) E.C. Carvalho - T1, T4 -T1, T2 N/A
6. University of Bristol (UK) R. Severn - T2, T5 -T4 N/A
Notes: PREC8 Tasks: T1: RC Frames, T2: Infills, T3: Reinforcing steel, T4: RC Bridges, T5: Foundations
ICONS Tasks: T1: Hazard, T2: Assessment/Repair, T3: Design Concepts, T4: Composite Structures,
T5: Shear Walls
SAFERR Tasks: T1: Hazard, T2: Low Seismicity Regions, T3: Assessment/Repair, T4: Risk Assessment Systems

Within the running of each network, the European group has managed to maintain a balance between
the amount of research, development and training provided, regardless of the bias of the EC proposal
requirements. Furthermore, fore-vision and the use of a clear global framework have enabled the EEEC

26 D: Opening Plenary Session Materials ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

to gear the seemingly disparate network applications of Programmes 3, 4 and 5 of the EC, towards the
achievement of the final objective of creating a European Earthquake Risk Centre.

Research Highlights
All research activities undertaken by the successive European earthquake engineering networks are
considered ‘performance-based’. This includes the development of rigorous displacement spectra, long-
period spectra, better site characterizations, targeted repair and strengthening, displacement-based
assessment and design and local ductility assessment and design. One of the most spectacular
achievements of the European networks is large and full-scale testing of structures and foundations.
Examples of such tests are shown in Figure 1. The tests were preceded by extensive analysis and
assessment studies to bracket the limit states of the structure and the required input motion characteristics
and the testing was focused on providing data at pre-assigned performance levels.

Figure D-1 Full scale testing of infilled frame, bare RC and composite frame at JRC Ispra, Italy

The experimental results were used to calibrate models and to adjust limit state definitions in terms of
local and global response parameters corresponding to performance targets. One of the interesting
performance-based concepts developed in Europe is that of ‘selective intervention’, whereby one of the
three most important structural characteristics (stiffness, strength and ductility) is affected without
affecting the two others, thus optimally tuning the response to meet the identified performance target.
Stiffness is most relevant to serviceability, strength to damage control and ductility to collapse
prevention. Therefore, the three parameters map well onto the three limit states. This approach was
utilized in shear walls tests as well as full scale RC frame tests with excellent results, manifested in
achieving the target performance with minimum cost and intrusion, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure D-2 Application of selective intervention on RC walls and full scale frame

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Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

Considerable analytical work has also been undertaken to enhance tools of seismic performance
evaluation as well as to advance their application in a framework of performance targets For example,
refined methods of deriving fragility relationships by using adaptive pushover analysis alongside defining
the hazard per limit state have been derived and tested. Analytical and experimental work aimed at
deriving criteria for performance-based design of foundations to match structural limit states has also
been undertake. In short, since Eurocode 8 is a performance-based design document, European research
has been focusing on the explicit definition and means to satisfy performance objectives under earthquake

Focus of Mid-America Earthquake Center’s Research Relative to FEMA 349 Action Plan for
Performance Based Seismic Design

Daniel P. Abrams,
Willett Professor of Engineering and Director
Mid-America Earthquake Center University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The Mid-America Earthquake Center was founded in 1997 with a mission to address the infrequent, high-
consequence earthquakes common to the central and eastern United States. The primary target for MAE
research is the development of new methodologies that can be utilized by practitioners and their non-
expert stakeholder clients for estimating probable losses and consequences of severe seismic events.
Because many civil infrastructure systems in the eastern half of the United States have not been
engineered to resist seismic shaking, one pertinent role of the center is to develop mitigation strategies for
reducing seismic vulnerability of existing construction through rehabilitation. This is done through a
central paradigm known as Consequence-Based Engineering (CBE) which implicitly considers losses
across respective stakeholder systems in the engineering process.
MAE research is directed towards refinement of methods for estimating damage and consequences
across regions. A series of research projects are being done to improve or develop methods for: (a)
collecting inventory information on the built environment of a selected region, (b) estimating dynamic
response of structures with simplified approaches, (c) approximating vulnerabilities or fragilities of
specific types of construction, (d) determining vulnerabilities of network systems, (e) estimating socio-
economic impact and (f) assessing overall seismic risk. All of this research is coordinated under the
banner of “damage synthesis.” Research projects are done in a generic manner so that results can be
extrapolated to multiple, diverse stakeholder groups. Research results are synthesized using an advanced
visualization module known as “MAEVIZ”.
Other research is done to identify optimal solutions to minimize consequences from future
earthquakes and includes projects on: (a) how decisions are made with respect to seismic intervention, (b)
what levels of consequences are acceptable to various stakeholder groups, (c) how to establish optimal
rerouting or retrofit strategies for network systems or building structures, (d) how to minimize losses and
risk through better land-use planning practices and (e) how a multi-hazard approach to reducing
consequences can be used. As well, fundamental scientific research is done to better understand and
model the earthquake hazard in the central United States.
MAE research, driven by an interdisciplinary emphasis, takes a wider vision towards development of
new engineering approaches, while the FEMA plan is more focused on individual structural systems. Yet,
MAE stakeholder-specific research has produced products that can be used to augment development done
under the FEMA 349 plan with respect to performance of bridge and building structures and their non-
structural components.
Much more information on these concepts can be found on the MAE Center website at:

28 D: Opening Plenary Session Materials ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

A Methodology Framework for Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering and Related

Research by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Center

Greg Deierlein
Stanford University ([email protected])

Efforts are underway in Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) center to develop a
performance-based earthquake engineering methodology for buildings and bridges. The performance
assessment process is described through four generalized variables that characterize information from the
relevant scientific and engineering disciplines in a logical and consistent manner. One variable is a ground
motion Intensity Measure, which is determined through a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis and is
often described by a seismic hazard curve for spectral acceleration or other quantity. Next, nonlinear
computer simulations are used to determine response of a facility to earthquake ground motions. Output
from these simulations is defined in terms of Engineering Demand Parameters, which may consist of
interstory drifts, floor accelerations, local ductility demands, or other engineering response quantities.
Engineering Demand Parameters are then related to Damage Measures, which describe the physical
damage to the structure and its components. Damage states are delineated by their consequences or
impact on Decision Variables, consisting of dollar losses (repair and restoration costs), downtime, and
casualty rates. A key aspect of the methodology is consistent representation and tracking of uncertainties
in predicting performance metrics that are relevant to decision making for seismic risk mitigation.
In addition to summarizing the proposed methodology, the presentation will highlight
accomplishments and ongoing research by PEER that relate to the ATC 58 effort.

ATC-58-3 D: Opening Plenary Session Materials 29

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Appendix E: Straw Work Plan

ATC-58 Performance-based Seismic Design Guidelines

Radisson Miyako Hotel
San Francisco, California
Feb 24-25, 2003
Straw Work Plan

ATC-58-3 E: Straw Work Plan 31

Table of Contents
1. Introduction Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.1 General 35
1.2 Purpose 36
1.3 Organization 36
1.3.1 Planning and Management Program 36
1.3.2 Structural Performance Products 36
1.3.3 Nonstructural Performance Products 36
1.3.4 Risk Management Products 36
1.3.5 Performance-Based Seismic Design Guidelines 37
1.3.6 Stakeholders Guides 37
2. Planning and Management program Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.1 Objective 37
2.2 Overview 37
2.3 Task 1.1 Project Management Committee 37
2.4 Project Steering Committee 38
2.4.1 Product Team Leaders 38
3. Structural performance products Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.1 Objective 38
3.2 Task 2.1 Identify current Performance-Based Design Information and Additional
Research needs. 39
3.3 Task 2.1.1 Develop Research Plan 40
3.4 Task 2.2.1 Structural Performance Characterization 40
3.5 Task 2.2.2 Develop Structural Acceptance Criteria 40
3.6 Task 2.2.3 Develop geotechnical predictors of building performance 40
3.7 Task 2.2.4 Quantify Structural Performance levels 41
3.8 Task 2.2.5 – Develop and validate analytic methodologies
for achieving performance levels 41
3.9 Task 2.2.6 – Develop analytical predictors of existing building structural performance
3.10 Task 2.3 – Develop hazard quantification and prediction methodologies 41
3.11 Develop means to check and increase reliability 42
3.12 Establish a framework for materials and component testing 42
3.13 Task 2.6 – Prepare documents and reports for use in performance-based
design Guidelines 42
4. Nonstructural performance products Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.1 Objectives 43
4.2 Task 1 – Review and Revise Action Plan for Nonstructural Work Products 43
4.3 Commence Process of Quantifying Nonstructural Performance Levels
(initiation of Task 3.2.1 of FEMA-349) 44
4.4 Task 3 - Continue Process of Quantifying Nonstructural Performance
(Levels Continuation of Task 3.2.1 of FEMA-349) 45
4.5 Task 4 – Develop Demand Prediction Methodologies (Task 3.2.2 of FEMA-349) 45
4.6 Task 5 – Develop Non-Building Dependent (Generic) Demand Prediction
Methodologies (New Task) 46

32 E: Straw Work Plan ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

4.7 Task 6 – Identify nonstructural components and their impacts on

performance (Task 3.1.1 in FEMA-349) 46
4.8 Task 7 – Evaluate effectiveness of current non-structural and contents installation
standards and practices (Task 3.1.2 in FEMA-349) 47
4.9 Task 8 – Establish comprehensive testing and certification protocols
(Task 3.3.1 of FEMA-349) 47
4.10 Task 9 – Develop a research plan to advance the state-of-the-art
(Task 3.1.3 of FEMA-349) 48
4.11 Task 10 – Develop analytic methodologies for achieving performance levels
(Task 3.2.3 of FEMA-349) 48
4.12 Task 11 – Coordinate design and analysis methods with SPP
(Task 3.2.4 of FEMA-349) 49

4.13 Task 12 – Establish a post-earthquake data collection and analysis program

(Task 3.3.2 in FEMA-349) 49

4.14 Task 13- Establish a program for developing innovative nonstructural design
(Task 3.3.3 in FEMA-349) 50

4.15 Task 14 – Develop a plan for verifying nonstructural component design
and installation. (Task 5.5 in FEMA-349) 50

4.16 Task 15 – Develop documents and reports for use in PBSD Guidelines

(Task 3.4 of FEMA-349) 51
5. risk management products Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.1 Objectives 51

5.2 Form and coordinate stakeholder focus groups (Task RMP-1) 52


5.3 Development of a performance framework(Task RMP-2) 56

5.3.1 RMP 2.1: Match performance levels with hazards to develop

performance objectives (FEMA 349 Task 4.1.1) 56


5.4 Task RMP 2.2 Develop minimum performance objectives considering social and
economic drivers (FEMA 349 Task 4.1.2) 57

5.4.1 Task RMP 2.3 Quantify performance in terms of loss and risk

(FEMA 349 Task 4.1.3) 57

5.5 Develop tools for measuring and managing risk and performance (Task RMP-3) 57

5.5.1 Task RMP-3.1 Formulate a research plan to advance current risk evaluation
methods (FEMA 349 Task 4.2.1) 58

5.5.2 Task RMP-3.2 Develop performance and risk models (FEMA 349 Task 4.2.2) 58
5.5.3 Task RMP-3.3 Define cost effective models for improving performance
(FEMA 349 Task 4.2.3) 58
5.5.4 Task RMP-3.4 Calibrate performance and risk models
(FEMA 349 Task 4.2.4) 59
5.5.5 Task RMP-3.5 Develop cost-effective design strategies
(FEMA 349 Task 4.2.5) 59
5.6 Educate users about risk management concepts (Task RMP-4)
(FEMA 349 Task 4.3) 59
5.7 Identify legal implications of PBSD (Task RMP-5) (FEMA 349 Task 4.4) 60
5.8 Produce documents and reports for use in PBSD Guidelines and
Stakeholders’ Guide (Task RMP-6) (FEMA 349 Task 4.5) 60
6. Performance-Based Seismic Design Guidelines Error! Bookmark not defined.

ATC-58-3 E: Straw Work Plan 33

6.1 Objectives 61
6.2 Task 5.1 – Reach consensus on Guidelines format and development process 62
6.3 Task 5.2.1 – Develop systematic design and analysis processes 62
6.4 Task 5.2.2 – Write a technical commentary to support the Guidelines 62
6.5 Task 5.2.3 – Develop administrative guidelines for building officials 63
6.6 Task 5.3.1 – Run examples to check accuracy of provisions 63
6.7 Task 5.3.2 – Compare resulting designs and costs against current methodologies 63
6.8 Task 5.4 – Develop procedures for quality control during construction 64
6.9 Task 5.5 – Develop a plan for verifying nonstructural component design
and installation 64
6.10 Task 5.6 – Publish guidelines and create an adoption process 64
6.11 Task 5.7 – Develop a means for future revisions 64
7. Stakeholders Guide 65
7.1 Objectives 65
7.2 Task 6.1 – Define content and format of Stakeholders’ Guide 66
7.3 Task 6.2 Present and explain financial modeling techniques 66
7.4 Task 6.3 – Describe the design and construction process 66
7.5 Task 6.4 – Develop examples for the guide 66
7.6 Task 6.5 – Develop a plan to maintain or monitor the designed performance
objective 67
7.7 Task 6.6 – Publish the stakeholders’ guide 67
7.8 Task 6.7 – Develop a means for future revisions 67

34 E: Straw Work Plan ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

E.1 Introduction
E.1.1 General
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has entered into a contract with the Applied
Technology Council to develop a next-generation of performance-based seismic design guidelines,
applicable to the design of new buildings and to the seismic retrofit of existing buildings. This program is
planned to be a multi-year interdisciplinary effort that will provide reliable and practical guidelines that
will permit the design of building structures, as well as their nonstructural components and critical
systems and contents, to reliably provide desired levels of performance in future earthquakes. It also
includes the development of tools that will enable regulators as well as individual building owners,
investors and tenants to make decisions as to appropriate acceptable levels of performance for various
On a preliminary basis, the project is planned to follow the general outline presented in the FEMA-
349 Action Plan for Performance-based Seismic Design. However, the project will not include any direct
research components, such as testing of structural or nonstructural components, nor does it directly
include the broad educational components contained in the original FEMA-349 document. Instead it will
include the development of:
 protocols that may be used by others to qualify the performance capability of specific structural
systems and nonstructural components,
 methods for characterizing performance in a way that is meaningful to stakeholders as well as
 analytical tools and procedures that can be used to predict the performance of individual building
structures and their nonstructural components in terms that are meaningful to stakeholders
 procedures and tools for the design of buildings to achieve desired performance
 procedures and tools for determining appropriate minimum performance for specific buildings or
broad classes of buildings
 guidelines for use by various stakeholders in determining appropriate performance criteria for
 guidelines for use by design professionals in performing designs intended to achieve specified
performance criteria
 prescriptive criteria that may be used for the design of selected classes of structures to achieve
specified performance criteria
The project is currently being funded in annual increments. In the first year, the project developed a
project management structure, retained key members of the project management team and an oversight
committee, and performed a preliminary task to determine how best to characterize and communicate
performance as a basis for design. The project has recently initiated a second year, in which it will
continue to develop tools for characterizing performance and begin the process of developing tools for
quantifying performance and also to develop this overall project work plan, which will provide the basis
for project tasks performed in future years.
The current state of the art contains valuable and practical information that has been implemented on
some individual projects. In addition, substantial research applicable to the development of performance-
based seismic design has been conducted by the United States Geologic Survey, by the three national
earthquake engineering research centers, funded by the National Science Foundation, as well as by
individual researchers in the United States and abroad. A goal is to use this information where possible,
filling in the gaps with new evaluation methods and identifying where further research is required.
The project is intended primarily to address the performance-based design of buildings to resist
earthquake effects. However, it is recognized that parallel development of performance-based criteria for
the design of structures to resist fire, blast and other extreme loads is concurrently being developed and
that much of the technology applicable to performance-based design for these various hazards is broadly

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applicable. It is intended to develop the performance-based seismic design criteria so that it is compatible
with and transportable to parallel performance-based design procedures for these other hazards

E.1.2 Purpose
When completed, this Draft Work Plan will state the basic tasks and budget allocations to be used by the
ATC-58 project to develop performance-based seismic design guidelines. The primary purpose of this
document is to define the tasks and resources necessary to perform those tasks that will be directly
performed by the ATC-58 project. A secondary purpose is to identify those tasks which must be
performed by others to support the fulfillment of the projects goals and objectives.

E.1.3 Organization
This document is, as its name implies, focuses on the specific tasks that must be accomplished to develop
performance-based seismic design guidelines, together with those tools necessary to encourage its
appropriate implementation. The Plan centers about development of six “products.” Each contributes to
meeting a specific portion of the primary goal. The term “product” does not refer exclusively to written
documents, but implies tools, procedures, guidelines and educational means by which these tools and
procedures may be communicated to the end users. These product categories are as follows:

E.1.4 Planning and Management Program

The planning and management program includes the establishment of a project management structure for
the project to conduct the overall planning and management tasks.

E.1.5 Structural Performance Products

The Structural Performance Products will quantify methods for predicting structural performance
considering the range of seismic hazards. They will contain design and evaluation methodologies for
both new and existing buildings. A focus of the development will include the characterization of
reliability in the design and analysis process, so that the inherent uncertainties may be directly quantified
and so that as advances in relevant science and technology occur, the resulting reductions in uncertainty
may be recognized. Effort will be made to address existing as well as new construction. Early in the
development of this product, an effort will be made to address the current state of the art and inherent
uncertainties and gaps therein, and from that identify research needs and goals appropriate to reducing
these uncertainties and gaps.

E.1.6 Nonstructural Performance Products

The Nonstructural Performance Products function similar to the Structural Performance Products but
focus on the nonstructural components of a building: partitions, piping, equipment, contents, etc. The
Nonstructural Performance Products will address new components and components already in place
within existing buildings. Development of guidelines for component testing and certification will be part
of these products. The goals and scope of separately funded programs to collect information on
performance in past and future earthquakes and to test equipment will also be developed. Similar to the
SPP, an initial effort will be made to assess the state of the art and develop a research plan.

E.1.7 Risk Management Products

The Risk Management Products will be financially oriented and will develop methodologies for
calculating the costs and benefits of designing to various performance criteria. A major effort will be to
combine various levels of risk, performance and hazard to allow a wide range of design objectives to be
evaluated as potential bases for new procedures. Studies will include consideration of reliability, cost-
benefit modeling, loss reduction, capital planning, etc. A focus will be to provide owners with tools that
can reliably be used to select appropriate performance objectives for projects. The information produced
in the RMP should also serve as the basis for the development of a building rating system.

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E.1.8 Performance-Based Seismic Design Guidelines

The Guidelines will be the actual document(s) containing the performance based design procedures. It is
intended that this document(s) will be published as FEMA guidelines and can be incorporated into future
codes and practice. The documents will form the technical basis for design and analysis and be written to
bring consistency throughout the industry. The Guidelines will be usable for both new design and existing
building retrofit and will also contain technical commentaries.

E.1.9 Stakeholders Guides

These documents will function as reference and planning guides for regulators, owners, financial interests
and other stakeholders. The documents will include tools that permit regulators to select appropriate
minimum performance-criteria for use as the basis of prescriptive building codes as well as for owners to
make financial decisions about buildings using performance based design concepts. The guides will be
written for a non-technical audience and contain graphic aids and example applications

E.2 Planning and Management Program

E.2.1 Objective
The objective of the planning and management program is to establish an effective project organization
for conducting the work outlined in this plan to develop performance-based seismic design guidelines and
to conduct the project in an efficient and expeditious manner.

E.2.2 Overview
Overall planning and management of the project will be conducted by a Project Management Committee,
assisted by a series of three product development teams: Structural Performance Products Team,
Nonstructural Performance Products Team, and Risk Management Products Team. Each team will be
headed by a team leader. In addition the team will have a number of team members and may have a series
of consultants who work as part of the team to perform specific development tasks. The Structural
Performance Products Team and Nonstructural Performance Products team will work together to develop
the Performance-based Seismic Design Guidelines. The Risk Management Products team will develop
the Stakeholders Guides.
The entire project will be conducted under the oversight and with the consultation of a Project
Steering Committee. The Project Steering Committee will be selected to broadly include representatives
of pertinent stakeholder communities including engineering researchers, engineering practitioners,
regulators, institutional building owners, developers, lenders, insurers and corporations.
Figure 1 presents a project organization chart for the project. Following sections describe the Project
Management and Project Steering Committees. Product development teams are described in the chapters
relating to each Product Development area.

E.2.3 Task 1.1 Project Management Committee

The Project Management Committee (PMC) will be composed of the Applied Technology Council
Executive Director, who will serve in the role of Project Executive Director, a Project Technical Director,
a representative of the Applied Technology Council Board of Directors and three at-large members. It is
intended that together, the Project Management Committee be composed of individuals with expertise in
guidelines development, performance-based design, earthquake engineering research, building regulation,
and policy development and decision making. Management of the project will be performed on a
consensual basis with all member of the Project Management Committee provided an opportunity to
identify issues, suggest solutions and vote on appropriate courses of action. The PMC will meet at
approximately 6-8 week intervals throughout the project, with more intense activity occurring during the
active selection of project participants and the production of project products and deliverables.
The Project Management Committee will be responsible for developing the project work plan
including identification of specific tasks to be performed, their associated budgets, interrelationships and

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scheduling. The Project Management Committee will select project personnel and approve all project
consulting contracts. It will also be responsible for guiding and monitoring the technical and
administrative progress of the project and for developing progress reports to FEMA.
Personnel: Applied Technology Council Executive Staff and Directors, Leading representatives of
earthquake engineering practice, research, social science and regulation
Budget: $1,200,000
Duration: Throughout the project

Project Steering Committee

The Project Steering Committee will serve as an advisory body to the PMC and will provide diverse
perspective on key technical issues and conduct of the project, including the making of recommendations
pertaining to the identification of needed products, the selection of project personnel, timetables for
various activities, and technical and content review of documents produced under the project. The Project
Steering Committee will be comprised of leading engineers, regulators, researchers and representatives of
key stakeholder groups.
Personnel: Design professionals, Researchers, Contractors, Material suppliers, Financial interests,
Owners, Building officials, Government agencies
Budget: $750,000
Duration: Throughout the project

E.2.4 Product Team Leaders

Product team leaders will be selected for each of the Structural Performance Products Team, the
Nonstructural Performance Products Team and Risk Management Products Team. In addition, a
Guidelines Development Team leaders will be retained. Team leaders will have broad knoweldge and
practical experience in earthquake engineering aspects of the paticular team’s subject area and will be
acknolwedged leaders in their fields. The Team Leaders will be responsible for developing detailed work
plans in their respective areas of product development, for recommending personnel and consulants to fill
project team positions and to provide technical leadership of the tasks in each of the three product areas.
It is anticipated the Structural Performance Proudcts Team Leader, Nonstructural Performance Products
Team Leader and Risk Management Products Team Leader, in addition to leading their individual
product development teams will also serve as members of the Guidelines Development team.
Personnel: Design Professionals with extensive experience in structural performance, nonstructural
performance and risk management.
Budget: $1,300,000
Duration: Throughout the project

E.3 Structural Performance Products

E.3.1 Objective
These products will form the core technical basis for the predicting the structural performance of
buildings. They will include three main areas of focus:
 Methodologies for quantifiably and reliably defining structural performance and acceptability
criteria on a building and component basis.
This effort will define structural performance in terms of probable damage, occupancy and life losses,
and develop engineering demand parameters (force, drift, dissipated energy, etc.) that can be used to
predict these outcomes for various structural systems. The work will synthesize the results of

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analytical and experimental data. It will consider the variability and uncertainties involved, with the
goal of obtaining reliable estimates of building structural performance.

Figure E-1 Project Organization

 Analytical and design procedures by which engineers can predict a building’s expected performance
with well defined reliability.
Performance engines will need to be developed to permit structural evaluation by the entire
engineering community. It is important that they be sophisticated, but broadly usable. Methodologies
need to be developed for design of new and retrofit of existing buildings. Techniques need to account
for current computer technology that is widely available and that which can be expected in the future.
 Tools that can more reliably predict and appropriately quantify expected ground motions.
These tools will characterize the seismic demand requirements for linear and nonlinear analyses,
using response spectra and time-histories. Ground motion parameters that correlate to performance
will be identified and quantified. Simplified representations of these parameters into static base shear
and lateral force distribution formulas will also need to be developed. Issues of reliability, uncertainty
and confidence levels need to be incorporated into the determination and effects of ground motion.
The information will have to be flexible enough to be used by a wide audience. A procedure for data
collection through instrumentation will be developed.

E.3.1 Task 2.1 Identify Current Performance-Based Design Information and Additional
Research Needs
The team will gather existing information on structural analysis and design methods and identify gaps in
current knowledge. A strong effort will be made to use available information so that research funding can
be most efficiently spent. The current state of the art should not define the scope of this project or limit
the direction research might take, but rather allow researchers to avoid unnecessary duplication of effort.
The team will also assess the usefulness of available information on material performance, component
acceptability, geotechnical parameters and hazard quantification. An effort will be made to characterize
the reliability of existing procedures and information.

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Personnel: Design professionals, Researchers

Budget: $100,000
Duration: 1 year

E.3.2 Task 2.1.1 Develop Research Plan

Once gaps in existing knowledge have been identified, the group will develop a research plan to fill them.
The goal will be to develop a road map of research needed to accomplish a fully developed performance-
based design criteria for structural systems. The plan will be detailed enough to be used by stakeholders,
laying out tasks and schedules. An effort will be made to identify outside sources of funding to augment
the budgets assigned to each task within the Plan, considering public and private resources.
Personnel: Design professionals, Researchers,
Budget: $100,000
Duration: 1 year

E.3.3 Task 2.2.1 Structural Performance Characterization

The team will reach consensus on the definitions of structural performance to be used as the basis for
performance-based design. These characterizations will be quantified in a later task. The goal in this task
is to agree on concepts such as life safety, immediate occupancy, etc. The team will decide what these
terms mean in relation to casualties, down time, and other important parameters. Reaching a firm decision
on performance definitions is critical to the rest of the project. It therefore must incorporate the opinions
of all stakeholders. Meetings among stakeholder groups will be held to determine which measures of
performance are considered the most important and how they relate to analytically predictable behavior.
These performance measures will later be coupled with hazard information from Task 2.3, to obtain
performance and overall design criteria.
Personnel: Design professionals, Researchers, Owners, Building officials, Government agencies,
Financial interests
Budget: $250,000
Duration: 2 years

E.3.4 Task 2.2.2 Develop Structural Acceptance Criteria

The team will gather and review existing information on applicable engineering demand parameters and
acceptance criteria, and identify gaps in current knowledge. Research will be targeted to fill in these gaps
and will include both analytical and empirical processes. Collaboration with testing programs will be
important to obtain useful information on component behavior.
A strong effort will be dedicated to extrapolating component behavior, which is more clearly known,
to building behavior, which currently contains more uncertainty. A goal will be to identify and quantify in
practical terms criteria for overall building performance.
Personnel: Engineers, Researchers, Material suppliers
Budget: $1,000,000
Duration: Throughout the project
E.3.5 Task 2.2.3 Develop Geotechnical Predictors of Building Performance
The team will gather and review existing information on the effects on building performance of
subsurface conditions and appropriate engineering parameters to quantify these effects. These will
include the effects of foundations, soils, and soil-structure interaction. The team will identify gaps in
current knowledge. Research will be targeted to fill in these gaps and will include both analytical and

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empirical processes. A strong effort will be dedicated to identifying ways to reduce uncertainties related
to geotechnical and substructure analysis and design.
Personnel: Engineers, Researchers, Material suppliers
Budget: $500,000
Duration: Throughout the project

E.3.6 Task 2.2.4 Quantify Structural Performance Levels

Using the definitions developed in Tasks 2.2.1 and 2.2.2, the team will quantify performance levels using
appropriate parameters (drift, damage, loss, business interruption, casualties, etc.). The goal in this task is
to set the performance parameters so that the evaluation and design methodologies developed in the
PBSD Guidelines product can be targeted to definitive numerical quantities.
Personnel: Engineers, Researchers, Government agencies, Building officials,
Budget: $600,000
Duration: Throughout the project

E.3.7 Task 2.2.5 – Develop and Validate Analytic Methodologies for Achieving
Performance Levels
The team will fill in the key gaps in existing knowledge identified in Task 2.1.1. Research will consist
primarily of analytical efforts and development of practical tools. The team will identify promising new
techniques and devote research to making them usable within the PBSD framework. A forum will be
held, bringing together engineers and building officials to discuss design and analysis methodologies.
The purpose of this activity is to understand the broad range of engineering styles used throughout the
Following this, the team will develop design and analysis methodologies, which will be usable by the
entire design community. A focus will be on developing comprehensive and accurate methods that can be
refined and made more practical within the Guidelines product. The methods will include consideration of
geotechnical conditions and design of foundations as well as methods for practical assessment of
reliability and safety. Modeling strategies will also be developed in this task. The team will keep in mind
the limitations of computer applications currently available and anticipated in the future.
Personnel: Engineers, Researchers
Budget: $1,250,000
Duration: Throughout the project

E.3.8 Task 2.2.6 – Develop Analytical Predictors of Existing Building Structural

This effort will proceed in a similar manner to Task 2.2.5, but will focus on existing buildings. The team
will research successful examples of retrofit and identify features that should be employed typically. It
will quantify uncertainties within the existing built environment.
Personnel: Engineers, Researchers (Material suppliers)
Budget: $1,000,000
Duration: Throughout the project

E.3.9 Task 2.3 – Develop Hazard Quantification and Prediction Methodologies

The team will develop processes to obtain ground motion information for use in Performance-based
Seismic Design. It will identify and describe in measurable terms the parameters of ground motion which

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have the most important effects on buildings. The team will create a standard for characterizing ground
motion and will include issues of damping, nonlinearity, and duration effects. The team will develop rules
for applying ground motion information, to create uniformity of use. Working with members of the earth
sciences community, the team will put substantial effort into understanding, quantifying and building a
consensus on the effects of edges and basins, soft soils, soil-structure interaction and near-fault ground
motion. Similarly, methods to quantify the amount of and consequences of permanent ground
displacement will be developed. Close collaboration with, and additional funding by USGS is assumed.
Personnel: Engineers, Researchers
Budget: $500,000
Duration: Throughout the project

E.3.10 Develop Means to Check and Increase Reliability

The team will identify and quantify uncertainties in quantifying seismic hazards, building response and
the variability of construction quality. This information will be developed in conjunction with the Risk
Management Products, which will focus on the cost implications of these uncertainties. The team will
research existing reliability techniques, identifying usable information and gaps. The team will use
reliability theory to select and refine the design events and material acceptability. The team will develop
simplified methods of reliability analysis, or identify software needs, understandable and usable by
engineers. These may include equations, fragility curves for building classes and performance levels, and
other tools to help the engineer prepare a design with a defined level of reliability and confidence. The
team will also evaluate and reach consensus on appropriate target levels of reliability for specific
performance levels (such as life safety or immediate occupancy) and for various building classes and
Personnel: Researchers, Engineers, Financial interests
Budget: $1,000,000
Duration: 5 years

E.3.11 Establish a Framework for Materials and Component Testing

The team will develop testing protocols for obtaining and cataloguing information on the performance
capability of various structural systems. Close collaboration with NEES researchers and the NEES Inc
committee on data archival is assumed.
Personnel: Design professionals, Researchers, Materials suppliers
Budget: $150,000 (does not include testing)
Duration: 3 years

E.3.12 Task 2.6 – Prepare Documents and Reports for Use in Performance-Based Design
This task will occur at milestones within the research plan developed in Task 2.1.2 and in preparation for
each of the Guidelines development phases. The team will gather the technical information and prepare
reports and documents for the writers of the Guidelines. Coordination with the risk management products
and nonstructural performance products will occur to insure that information is presented in a consistent
manner. Once the Guidelines teams have reviewed the work and identified changes or refinements to the
research plan, this team will work with the research team for Task 2.1.2 to set out the goals for the next
phase of research.
Personnel: Engineers, Researchers, Material suppliers, Building officials, Government agencies
Budget: $500,000

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Duration: Throughout the project

E.4 Nonstructural Performance Products

E.4.1 Objectives
These products will form an important reference component of the performance-based seismic design
guidelines. They will include information similar to that developed in the Structural Performance
Products, but relating to nonstructural building components. They will also include the following
 Prediction of the demands on nonstructural components and the evaluation of their performance
under these demands.
Just as forces on a structure are developed due to ground shaking and are affected by the interaction
between the soil and the structure, nonstructural component demands are developed due to the
building shaking and are affected by the interaction between the structure and the components. It will
be necessary to study and develop methods by which these demands can be predicted. It will also be
important to develop techniques for evaluating the performance of the components under these
 Testing and certification programs to bring uniformity to the design of manufactured components.
More so than buildings, modeling of nonstructural performance is difficult at best and needs to be
supplemented with testing. The testing program will have to be broad enough to account for the
placement of equipment and contents in different areas within various building types. It will also need
to allow certification of equipment and contents bracing for an expected performance objective.
 Post-earthquake data acquisition and analysis.
A detailed plan is needed for acquiring and analyzing performance data from future earthquakes. The
nature of this data needs to be defined. Following a major earthquake, the data will be processed and
compared to the Guideline provisions. The Guidelines will be modified in future editions by using
lessons learned from performance of nonstructural components.
 Evaluation of nonstructural components in existing buildings
In addition to developing procedures for the installation of nonstructural elements in new buildings, it
will be important to devise methods for assessing and increasing the performance of components
already installed within existing buildings.
The nonstructural performance products will be developed by a team of design professionals,
scientists, equipment manufacturers and researches expert in the behavior of nonstructural components.
Testing agencies will be employed as part of the certification program. User groups will be brought in to
develop goals and strategies and to assist in the verification process.
Successful development of the NPP will require outside funding of testing. A comprehensive
program will cost millions of dollars and will be an ongoing effort. Funding identified herein must be
augmented by research dollars provided by industries and manufacturers which have a stake in the
performance of nonstructural systems. Table E-1 below presents a summary schedule for the proposed
tasks which are further described in following sections.

E.4.2 Task 1 – Review and Revise Action Plan for Nonstructural Work Products
Under this task, the specific work products and deliverables for the nonstructural work products area are
to be identified along with the tasks necessary to develop the deliverables, estimated budgets, task
durations and task interdependencies. These will be incorporated into an updated Action Plan.
Deliverables: Tasks, task schedules, task budgets, identification of who will perform the tasks, task
interdependencies and deliverables.

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Personnel: NPP Product Team (Bachman, Bonnowitz, Kennedy and McGavin)

Start Date: Jan. 17, 2003
Finish Date: Dec. 26, 2003
Task Interdependency: Need workshop to occur on Feb. 24-25, Completion of Action Plan is
dependent on completion of this task.
Budget this Phase: $ 15,000 (does not include workshop costs)

Table E-1 Summary of Proposed Budget Yearly Distribution by Task for Nonstructural
Performance Products (Budgets in thousands of $)
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Total
1 15 15
2 15 15
3 150 150 50 350
4 100 100 100 300
5 50 50 50 150
6 150 100 250
7 150 150 300
8 200 200 200 200 200 1000
9 150 150
10 200 200 200 250 850
11 40 40 40 30 150
12 300 300
13 300 300
14 150 150 300
15 100 100 100 100 100 500
Total 30 450 1140 1190 540 580 450 550 4930*
*The total is $ 330 K higher than the total in FEMA-349 because Tasks 1 and 2 have
been added ($ 30 K ) and Task 14 (FEMA-349 Task 5.5) has been shifted from the
Guideline Products to the NPP Products ($ 300 K).

E.4.3 Commence Process of Quantifying Nonstructural Performance Levels (initiation of

Task 3.2.1 of FEMA-349)
This task initiates the process of developing a basic performance prediction tool that can be used to
quantify the performance of nonstructural building components, subjected to earthquake hazards. This
initial effort will consist of performing a brief literature search of the Engineering Demand Parameters
(EDPs) that have been suggested by various researchers and engineers as appropriate to characterize the
performance of different building components. These EDPs may include floor acceleration, interstory
drift, ductility demand, cumulative dissipated energy demand, floor response spectra, standardized floor
response time histories, or other similar parameters. These EDPs may be different for the several types of
nonstructural components. This work will be extended into future phases of the project during which
communications will be made for the preferred EDPs for use in performance-based engineering analysis
of building components and non-structural systems.
Deliverables: Preliminary Nonstructural EDP Report
Personnel: NPP Product Team (Bachman, Bonnowitz, Kennedy and McGavin) in part from input
from the Feb. 24-25 ATC-58 Workshop Attendees and PEER annual meeting breakout
Start Date: Jan. 17, 2003
Finish Date: Dec. 26, 2003

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Task Interdependency: Need workshop to occur on Feb. 24-25

Budget this Phase: $ 15,000 (does not include workshop costs)

E.4.4 Task 3 – Continue Process of Quantifying Nonstructural Performance (Levels

Continuation of Task 3.2.1 of FEMA-349)
This task continues the process of developing a basic performance prediction tool that can be used to
quantify the performance of nonstructural building components, subjected to earthquake hazards.
Engineering Demand Parameters (EDPs) that have been suggested by various researchers and engineers
as appropriate to characterize the performance of different building components will continue to be
evaluated. These EDPs may include floor acceleration, interstory drift, ductility demand, cumulative
dissipated energy demand, floor response spectra, standardized floor response time histories, or other
similar parameters. These EDPs may be different for the several types of nonstructural components. This
work will be extended into future phases of the project during which communications will be made for
the preferred EDPs for use in performance-based engineering analysis of building components and non-
structural systems.
Working with the performance definitions developed in the structural performance products, the team
will also quantify nonstructural performance levels using appropriate EDPs (drift, damage, loss, business
interruption, casualties, etc.). The overall goal in this task is to set the performance parameters so that the
evaluation and design methodologies developed in later tasks can be targeted to definitive numerical
Deliverables: Nonstructural EDP Report, Nonstructural Performance Levels and their relationship to
the EDPs.
Personnel: 8 person team of Design Professionals, Researchers, Material Suppliers(government
agencies) and 1 consultant.
Start Date: Jan. 1, 2004
Finish Date: Dec. 26, 2006
Task Interdependency: Tied to identification of components and SPP performance level definitions.
Budget for 2004: $150,000
Budget for 2005: $150,000
Budget for 2006: $50,000
Task Total: = $350,000

E.4.5 Task 4 – Develop Demand Prediction Methodologies (Task 3.2.2 of FEMA-349)

The team will develop processes to calculate the demands on nonstructural components based on their
location within various building types. It will identify and describe in measurable terms the parameters
that have the most important effects on these demands (height above grade, building stiffness, building
non-linear behavior, anchorage, etc.). The goal is to be able to extrapolate from the basic building
acceleration, velocity and displacement characteristics, the effects on nonstructural components.
Deliverables: Nonstructural Demand Prediction Report
Personnel: 8 person team of Design Professionals, Researchers, Material Suppliers(government
agencies) and 1 consultant.
Start Date: Jan. 1, 2004
Finish Date: Dec. 26, 2006
Task Interdependency: Tied to identification of components and establishment of EDPs.

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Budget for 2004: $100,000

Budget for 2005: $100,000
Budget for 2006: $100,000
Task Total: = $300,000

E.4.6 Task 5 – Develop Non-Building Dependent (Generic) Demand Prediction

Methodologies (New Task)
The team will develop processes to calculate the demands on nonstructural components that envelope the
full spectrum of locations within a building and the full range of types and sizes. This will build upon the
work developed in Task 4. The goal is to develop numerical quantities of the EDPs for non-structural
components without the need for specific knowledge of the structure. This will allow generic evaluation
of nonstructural components by analysis or test without the need to specifically determine the building
response prior to performing such evaluations.
Deliverables: Nonstructural Non-Building Dependent (Generic) Demand Prediction Report
Personnel: 4 person team of Design Professionals, Researchers, and 1 consultant.
Start Date: Jan. 1, 2004
Finish Date: Dec. 26, 2006
Task Interdependency: Tied to develop of EDP prediction methodologies and provides input to
testing protocols.
Budget for 2004: $50,000
Budget for 2005: $50,000
Budget for 2006: $50,000
Task Total: = $150,000

E.4.7 Task 6 – Identify Nonstructural Components and Their Impacts on Performance

(Task 3.1.1 in FEMA-349)
The team will identify the various types of nonstructural components and systems that are vulnerable to
loss. It will utilize existing efforts in this area. In addition to looking at individual components, a goal will
be to understand how the components fit together into systems (i.e. pumps and fans are parts of a chiller
system), and what the effects of damage to one component means to the system. Identifying weak links in
systems is important. The team will then identify what systems are typically present in various building
types, and what the weak links are when considering overall building performance. The team will take
advantage of the work done in FEMA 412.
Another focus of this task will be to identify the scope of the Nonstructural Performance Products.
The team will determine the detail with which issues of design, installation and maintenance of
nonstructural components will be evaluated.
Deliverables: Report on the identification of nonstructural components of significance and a scoping
report on the issues to be evaluated in this project.
Personnel: 8 person team of Design Professionals, Researchers, Material Suppliers and 1 consultant.
Start Date: Jan. 1, 2004
Finish Date: Dec. 26, 2005
Task Interdependency: Tied to development of EDPs and prediction methodologies and overall
scope of this project for nonstructural components

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Budget for 2004: $150,000

Budget for 2005: $100,000
Task Total: = $250,000

E.4.8 Task 7 – Evaluate Effectiveness of Current Nonstructural and Contents Installation

Standards and Practices (Task 3.1.2 in FEMA-349)
With the list of components and systems from Task 6, the team will identify information on performance
in past earthquakes. It will catalogue and quantify performance of components and systems by
themselves and in relation to overall building performance, in terms of capital and contents loss and down
time. The team will compare the effectiveness of different designs of the same components. Issues which
play the greatest role in performance will be prioritized (i.e. anchorage design vs. installation quality,
equipment ruggedness, etc.). A goal will be to assess the current state of the art and identify gaps in
existing knowledge.
Deliverables: An assessment report on the current state of the art on the design and installation
standards and practices for nonstructural performance and the historical seismic
performance of these installations.
Personnel: 8 person team of Design Professionals, Researchers, Material Suppliers and 1 consultant.
Start Date: Jan. 1, 2005
Finish Date: Dec. 26, 2006
Task Interdependency: Tied to Task 6 and to development of NPP Analysis Methods
Budget for 2005: $150,000
Budget for 2006: $150,000
Task Total: = $300,000

E.4.9 Task 8 – Establish Comprehensive Testing and Certification Protocols (Task 3.3.1 of
The team will catalogue all relevant testing information to date. It will identify gaps in this knowledge
with respect to nonstructural component effects on building performance. Research programs will be
developed and established to fill these gaps.
A distinction will be made between component “ruggedness:” the ability of the piece of equipment to
stay together in a functional black box, and “anchorage:” the ability of the equipment to remain where it
was installed.
The team will identify sources of funding for extensive testing. These sources will include equipment
manufacturers, owners, insurers, government agencies, etc. This may include developing collaborative
efforts between equipment buyers and equipment manufacturers, for example. The team will develop a
consensus on the technical description of testing protocols. The team will develop a means of obtaining
certification of tested equipment for various seismic regions, building types and usage, and locations
within buildings. If financially feasible, some testing should be conducted within this task to calibrate
certification parameters.
Deliverables: Needs analysis and Comprehensive Testing and Certification Protocols
Personnel: 8 person team of Design Professionals, Researchers, Material Suppliers and 1 consultant.
Start Date: Jan. 1, 2005
Finish Date: Dec. 26, 2009
Task Interdependency: Dependent on partial completion of Tasks 4, 5 and 6.

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Budget for 2005: $200,000

Budget for 2006: $200,000
Budget for 2007: $200,000
Budget for 2008: $200,000
Budget for 2009: $200,000
Task Total = $1,000,000

E.4.10 Task 9 – Develop a Research Plan to Advance the State-of-the-Art (Task 3.1.3 of
Once gaps in existing knowledge have been identified, the group will develop a research plan to fill them.
The goal will be to develop a road map by which the tasks within this Action Plan can be accomplished.
The plan will be detailed enough to be used by stakeholders, laying out tasks and schedules. An effort
will be made to identify outside sources of funding to augment the budgets assigned to each task with the
Plan, considering public and private resources.
Deliverables: Research plan to advance the state-of-the-art and identification of funding sources for
Personnel: 6 person team of Researchers, Design Professionals, Material Suppliers and 1 consultant.
Start Date: Jan. 1, 2005
Finish Date: Dec. 26, 2006
Task Interdependency: Dependent on partial completion of Tasks 6, 7 and 8
Budget for 2006: $150,000
Task Total: = $150,000

E.4.11 Task 10 – Develop Analytic Methodologies for Achieving Performance Levels (Task
3.2.3 of FEMA-349)
The team will fill in the gaps in existing knowledge identified in earlier tasks. Research will consist
primarily of analytical efforts. The team will identify promising new techniques and devote research to
making them applicable to the performance-based seismic design framework. A forum will be held,
bringing together design professionals and manufacturers to discuss design and analysis methodologies.
Following this, a strong effort will be made to develop design and analysis methodologies, consistent
with the efforts in the structural performance products.
A focus will be on developing modeling or other techniques to lend consistency to design and
analysis. Modeling will account for the range of computer applications currently available and
anticipated in the future. It will also account for the financial investments various design engineers are
able to make in obtaining modeling technology.
Deliverables: Design and analysis methodologies/Design Application Report
Personnel: 6 person team of Design Professionals, Researchers, Material Suppliers and 1 consultant.
Start Date: Jan. 1, 2005
Finish Date: Dec. 26, 2008
Task Interdependency: Dependent on partial completion of Tasks 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
Budget for 2005: $200,000
Budget for 2006: $200,000

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Budget for 2007: $200,000

Budget for 2008: $250,000

E.4.12 Task 11 – Coordinate Design and Analysis Methods with SPP (Task 3.2.4 of FEMA-
The team will compare the design and analysis methods of the structural performance products and
nonstructural performance products to ensure that they are compatible and that they lead to the same
measures and prediction of performance. The team should check that the level of reliability is similar
between the two and that structural and nonstructural performance measures can be combined to form
overall performance goals for buildings. The team will also make a focused effort to describe the
functions of the performance products in relation to the overall goal of performance-based seismic design
and of the guidelines. A task will be to describe building behavior from both points of view in technical
and financial terms and identify where structure and nonstructural components overlap or come in
Deliverables: Annual Coordination Report and Overall Building/Contents Behavior Report.
Personnel: 4 person team of Design Professionals, Researchers, Material Suppliers and 1 consultant.
Start Date: Jan. 1, 2005
Finish Date: Dec. 26, 2008
Task Interdependency: Dependent on partial completion of Tasks 11 and SPP methodologies.
Budget for 2005: $40,000
Budget for 2006: $40,000
Budget for 2007: $40,000
Budget for 2008: $30,000

E.4.13 Task 12 – Establish a Postearthquake Data Collection and Analysis Program (Task
3.3.2 in FEMA-349)
The team will establish a program for collecting nonstructural performance information after an
earthquake. This will be coordinated with the efforts in the structural performance products. Existing
earthquake performance data will be reviewed for its usefulness and as appropriate will be assembled and
catalogued into a database. The team will develop ways to distill and use this information and identify
where gaps remain. A workshop will be held to identify the types of information that are the most
valuable. The team will develop data collection forms, binders, instructions and databases in preparation
for use. It will establish a methodology for creating and maintaining a team of inspectors and will hold
seminars on a regular basis to train them. A focus will be to identify how the collected information will be
used within the development and refinement of the PBSD Guidelines. The team will identify sources of
funding for post-earthquake data collection, so that these groups may be approached in a timely fashion
after a damaging event.
Deliverables: A postearthquake data collection and analysis program for nonstructural components
Personnel: 6 person team of Researchers, Design Professionals, Material Suppliers and 1 consultant.
Start Date: Jan. 1, 2006
Finish Date: Dec. 26, 2006
Task Interdependency: Dependent on partial completion of Tasks 6, 7 and 8

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Budget for 2006: $300,000

Task Total = $300,000

E.4.14 Task 13- Establish a Program for Developing Innovative Nonstructural Design
(Task 3.3.3 in FEMA-349)
The team will establish a program for encouraging manufacturer’s to develop innovative nonstructural
designs that take advantage of the performance- based criteria developed within this project. The team
will identify sources of funding to implement this program. Implementation will include offering
incentives for use, marketing the program and tracking its success.
Deliverables: A Report explaining to manufacturer’s how to take advantage of the PBD criteria
developed in this document
Personnel: 8 person team of Design Professionals, Material Suppliers and Owners, (Government
Agencies) and 1 consultant.
Start Date: Jan. 1, 2010
Finish Date: Dec. 26, 2010
Task Interdependency: Dependent on partial completion of Tasks 1-11
Budget for 2010: $300,000
Task Total = $300,000

E.4.15 Task 14 – Develop a Plan for Verifying Nonstructural Component Design and
Installation. (Task 5.5 In FEMA-349)
The team will develop a standard format for checking the adequacy of nonstructural component and
system design, manufacture and installation. Much like peer review and inspection procedures for the
structure, this system will be designed to track nonstructural elements through a similar process. The
team will establish a system for identifying and training qualified inspectors and reviewers. The team will
use the information developed in the nonstructural performance products to make easier reevaluation of
existing components and determine expected performance.
Deliverables: Standard format for checking adequacy of nonstructural component system design,
manufacture and installation.
Personnel: 8 person team of Design Professionals, Material Suppliers and Owners, (Government
Agencies) and 1 consultant.
Start Date: Jan. 1, 2009
Finish Date: Dec. 26, 2010
Task Interdependency: Dependent on partial completion of Tasks 6, 7, 8 and 10

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Budget for 2009: $150,000

Budget for 2010: $150,000
Task Total = $300,000

E.4.16 Task 15 – Develop Documents and Reports for Use in PBSD Guidelines (Task 3.4 of
This task will occur at milestones within the research plan developed in Task 3.1.3 and in preparation for
each of the Guidelines development phases. The team will gather the technical information and prepare
reports and documents for the writers of the Guidelines. Coordination with the risk management and
structural performance products will occur to insure that information is presented in a consistent manner.
The team will coordinate verification studies to be run on the analysis and design methodologies. Once
the Guidelines teams have reviewed the work and identified changes or refinements to the research plan,
this team will work with the research team of Task 3.1.3 to set out the goals for the next phase of
Deliverables: Guideline Documents
Personnel: 8 person team of Design Professionals, Researchers, Material Suppliers, Building
Officials, Government agencies and 1 consultant.
Start Date: Jan. 1, 2006
Finish Date: Dec. 26, 2010
Task Interdependency: Dependent on partial completion of Tasks 6,7,8 and 10
Budget for 2006: $100,000
Budget for 2007: $100,000
Budget for 2008: $100,000
Budget for 2009: $100,000
Budget for 2010: $100,000
Task Total = $500,000

E.5 Risk Management Products

E.5.1 Objectives
These products will provide information for the Stakeholders’ Guide and the Performance-based seismic
design Guidelines. The goal is to identify and develop procedures and tools by which performance-based
engineering can deliver the most benefit to a wide variety of potential users. A central premise is that
these procedures and tools must be customized to address the individual needs of the various types of
This effort is particularly critical since the performance-based approach differs significantly from
traditional procedures and practices for evaluating and mitigating catastrophic risks. Decision makers in
institutions and industry have previously dealt with such risks indirectly in the capital planning and
management process. They rely on the design professions to implement the prescriptions of current codes
and standards as acceptable protection against the perils of fire, earthquake, flooding, and other hazards.
In some cases, insurance provides supplemental protection when deemed affordable or required by
lenders. Investors and developers likewise assume that compliance with legal and financial imperatives is
satisfactory consideration of such risks. Engineers, architects, and the construction industry are the prime
influences on building codes and standards. One of their primary motivations is to formalize design and
construction procedures for uniformity of application to projects. Most design and construction
professionals are not accustomed to advising facilities owners and investors directly on the evaluation and

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management of catastrophic risks for specific projects. Similarly, building officials and regulators
routinely use the prescriptive provisions of codes and standards to judge design acceptability.
Performance-based engineering shows great promise for improving this overall process and providing
society with better protection from catastrophic risks economically. But to do so implies some fairly
radical changes for stakeholders and the design professions. This transition is further impeded by the fact
that the benefits of performance based engineering are not obvious to most stakeholders.
In recognition of the current state of practice, the strategic development of risk management products
requires three key steps.
 First, a fundamental understanding of stakeholder decision-making processes is essential to the
successful implementation of performance-based procedures. To date, communication with
stakeholders has tended toward presentation and explanation of performance-based concepts. Many
stakeholders have difficulty in imagining how these can be applied to their day-to-day activities.
Most of those who are developing and presenting performance-based concepts are unfamiliar with
how stakeholders incorporate consideration of catastrophic risks into their investment and resource
allocation decisions. The mechanism of communication will be a number of focus groups comprised
of stakeholders that will essentially serve as consultants to the Risk Management Products team
through the project (see Task RMP-1).
 Based on this understanding, the continued development of the overall performance framework (see
Task RMP-2) will result in a set of performance characterization options. It is important to
continue to illustrate the inter-relation among various parameters and options (discrete performance
milestones vs. continuum, deterministic vs. probabilistic, etc.). The same basic underlying
information on hazard and fragility can be cast in many different ways to meet the needs and
preferences of the decision maker.
 Finally, the risk management products will establish a connection between the performance
characterization framework and stakeholder decision-making processes. PBE essentially
provides a wide array of tools to deal effectively and efficiently with the challenges posed by
catastrophic risks. The perspective of the various stakeholders within the context of their prevailing
business practices will lead to selecting the right tool for the specific needs of the decision maker.
The Guidelines for Performance-based Engineering will encompass the broad range of potential risk
management tools (see Task RMP-3). The Stakeholder Guides ( see Task RMP-) will illustrate the
selection and implement of the right tools based on the stakeholders’ individual needs.
Table E-2 below presents an overview of the specific tasks proposed and their budgets. The following
sections present a more detailed summary of each of the major tasks of the Risk Management Products

E.5.2 Form and Coordinate Stakeholder Focus Groups (Task RMP-1)

The task is to identify representative stakeholder groups and engage their on-going participation in the
PBE development process. This is essential, as preliminary outcomes reflect the fact that each
stakeholder group views risk and performance decisions from a different base, and thus characterization
of performance and risk needs to be flexible enough to address the spectrum of stakeholder needs.
Once the stakeholder groups and their decision processes are well defined, the intent is to produce:
a. a description of the decision criteria that are necessary to facilitate stakeholder acceptance and
utilization of PBEE by stakeholder group, and
b. a way for those developing PBEE to relate risk and performance parameters to stakeholders in a
language that stakeholders readily understand, and which are related to the stakeholders’ critical
decision criteria.

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Table E-2 Summary of Tasks

Task No. Task FEMA 349 Budget FEMA 349 Schedule
Formulate and conduct
RMP-1 stakeholder focus groups TBD Throughout
RMP-2 Develop comprehensive performance framework
RMP-2.1 Develop performance objectives $350,000 1 year
Develop minimum performance
RMP-2.2 objectives $350,000 1 year
Quantify performance in terms
RMP-2.3 of loss and risk $400,000 4 years
RMP-3 Develop tools for measuring and managing risk and performance
Develop a research plan to
advance current risk evaluation
RMP-3.1 methods $150,000 1 year
Develop financial life cycle and
RMP-3.2 damage cost models $650,000 Throughout
Define cost-benefit relationships
RMP-3.3 for improving performance $500,000 Throughout
RMP-3.4 Calibrate financial models $500,000 Throughout
Develop cost-effective design
RMP-3.5 strategies $500,000 Throughout
Educate users about risk
RMP-4 management concepts $500,000 Throughout
Identify legal implications of
RMP-5 PBSD $250,000 2 years
Produce documents and reports
for use in PBSD Guidelines and
RMP-6 Stakeholders’ Guide $400,000 Throughout
Are there any other major tasks to be considered?
Are there any tasks that are not necessary?

At this point, four principal stakeholder categories have been identified (see Table E-3).
The first category comprises owners and managers. These individuals have the responsibility for
designing, building, acquiring, maintaining, and/or operating facilities. They make decisions about
catastrophic risks that lead to action (or inaction) on a relatively narrow scale. Motivations generally
spring from the best interests of the specific business or institution. Within the owner/manager category,
three perspectives have been identified for focus groups:
 Investors
 Institutions
 Industry
This distinction reflects the assumption that the different groups have characteristically different
motivations and criteria for decisions relative to catastrophic hazard mitigation, and it is important to
capture these distinctions (e.g., investment risk, operational risks, and market risks).

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Table E-3 Stakeholder Categories

Principal Category Focus Group Perspective Examples Potential Participants
Owner/manager Investor Developer (speculative) ????
Developer (holder) Shorenstein
Financial ?????
Institutional University UC Berkeley
University of
University of Memphis
Healthcare ?????

Industry Manufacturing Unilever

Retail Nordstrom
??? ???
Societal/governmental Public policy Government agency CSSC
Legislator Jackie Speiers
Regulatory Government agency OSHPD
Local jurisdiction SF
Code organization ICC
Special industry and ADA ????
advocacy groups Housing groups
Tenant associations
Financial Lenders Banks ???
Mortgage companies
Insurers Primary insurers FMGlobal
Re-insurers SwissRe?
Securities Investment bankers Goldman Sachs
Morgan Stanley
Professional/research Architects/Planners
New Researchers

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The second stakeholder category includes those that represent broader societal and governmental
interests. These individuals view catastrophic risk in a different context than owners/managers. Their
focus is on public safety and the impact of catastrophes on local/regional/national economies. Their
decisions relate primarily to public policy, legislation, and administration. The societal/governmental
category is separated into three perspectives for focus groups:
 Policy makers
 Regulators
 Special interest and advocacy groups
This division reflects the different levels of decision problem and criteria used by the three groups
(e.g., policy makers are making broadly applicable decisions for the community, regulators are considered
more as “enforcers,” focused on the problem one building at a time, and special interest and advocacy
groups reflect “speaking” for the interested and affected public).
The third stakeholder category is primarily financial in nature. The societal and owner groups have a
direct stake in decisions about risks associated with facilities (e.g., protect community interest and protect
the assets). The primary distinction of the financial group is that these stakeholders have an indirect
interest in performance decisions made by others. Their decisions relate primarily to whether or not to
assume risk associated with facilities and at what compensation. The financial category might be
represented by three focus groups:
 Lenders
 Insurers
 Securities
As noted above, this category differs from the previous two in that the stake is indirect: the concern is
on the financial risk associated with the decision to finance or assume risk, rather than in protection of
people or owned assets. The three groups in this category represent different views with respect to when
and how the financial decisions are made, which in turn may impact how they characterize the risk and
performance issues
Finally, design professionals, consultants, researchers and others comprise a service and research
stakeholder category. The development of PBE has advanced primarily within this group. Yet many
from the same, and related, disciplines are not familiar or conversant with PBE. The design and
consulting communities are the conduits through which PBE will be implemented. New advances will be
founded on future research. The purpose of this category is to expand awareness and input on both fronts.
Focus groups include:
 Architects and Planners
 Geotechnical and Structural Engineers
 Potential New Researchers
For each of the nine identified stakeholder focus groups the ATC 58 team will identify and solicit a
total of from four to six representative individuals. These groups will meet periodically with the RMP
team and others to monitor and advise the development of the risk management products. Members of
the RMP team will serve as liaisons with the focus group. Focus group members will be selected as much
as possible from relatively high level and influential candidates. This will result in the development of
longer term relations that will facilitate the transfer of PBE to the stakeholders over time.
Workshop discussion points:
Are there additional stakeholder perspectives?
How can we secure the participation we envision?

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E.5.3 Development of a Performance Framework(Task RMP-2)

FEMA 349: Action Plan for Performance Based Seismic Design specifies that the team develop
performance characterization as one important initial step (Product 1). This task requires:
 Consensus on the definitions of performance.
 Agreement on performance-related concepts (e.g., life safety, immediate occupancy)
 Communication and input from stakeholders.
The current Product 1 draft reflects a fairly complete assembly and review of current performance
characterization options. The general consensus is that most of these have utility depending upon the
needs of specific stakeholders and applications. The draft also initiates an organizational framework for
performance options. The project team conducted a workshop for stakeholders in which various
characterizations of performance were reviewed and discussed. This effort provided initial insight as to
preferences for various types of performance characterization. The draft document identifies four
performance metrics as key elements for effective communication with stakeholders:
 Direct losses including both the cost of damage and cost of repair.
 Downtime associated with the loss of use of a building.
 Indirect losses associated with the loss of use of a building.
 Life loss and injuries to the occupants and those in the immediate vicinity of a building.
The Product 1 Draft also provides initial discussion and summary of the optional forms of assembling
performance metrics including:
 Performance continuum
 Discrete performance objectives
 Deterministic approach
 Probabilistic formulation
The purpose of the current effort as outlined in the sub-tasks below is to continue the development of
the performance framework and to respond to the various stakeholder needs identified within the focus

E.5.3.1 RMP 2.1: Match Performance Levels with Hazards to Develop Performance Objectives
(FEMA 349 Task 4.1.1)
The team will take the performance levels and hazards developed in the performance products and
combine them in order to understand expected performance over measurable and meaningful time spans
(building life, a typical mortgage, careers, etc.). The team will select performance objectives for various
building types, occupancies, construction eras, etc, and develop performance expectations for these
buildings over their lifetimes. A focus will be to define the goals that owners and design professionals
can utilize for capital planning and design purposes.
Personnel: Design professionals, Researchers, Owners, Financial interests
Budget: $350,000
Duration: 1 year

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Workshop discussion points:

Can this be accomplished independently of Task RMP-2.3?
Can this encompass a rating system for existing facilities?

E.5.3.2 Task RMP 2.2 Develop Minimum Performance Objectives Considering Social and
Economic Drivers (FEMA 349 Task 4.1.2)
The team will identify the various social and economic drivers that affect decisions about designing to a
particular performance objective. The team will evaluate issues of cost, safety, construction duration,
building function, etc. and will consider how each affect the various stakeholders. The goal will be to
establish a set of minimum performance goals that protect the interests of all the parties involved in the
building environment and provide for the protection of the public welfare. The team will discuss
minimum performance standards for external elements that affect building performance, such as
infrastructure, utilities and lifelines.
Personnel: Design professionals, Researchers, Financial interests, Owners, Building officials,
Government agencies
Budget: $350,000
Duration: 1 year
Workshop discussion points:
Can this be accomplished independently of Task RMP-2.3 ?
Does this imply that ATC 58 will establish acceptable levels of risk?

E.5.3.3 Task RMP 2.3 Quantify Performance in Terms of Loss and Risk (FEMA 349 Task 4.1.3)
The team will develop a set of acceptable risk levels quantified in terms of loss (capital, lives, down time,
etc.), considering building type, usage, age or other parameters. It will link performance objectives with
these acceptable risk levels. Risk will be defined in agreed upon terminology with varying levels of
reliability. The team will define a set of maximum loss thresholds for each performance objective. The
Stakeholders’ groups will be tapped to provide input. A methodology will be developed to convert loss
into financial terminology.
Personnel: Design professionals, Researchers, Financial interests, Owners, (Other stakeholders)
Budget: $400,000
Duration: 4 years
Workshop discussion points:
Do we really want to establish acceptable levels of risk?
Doesn’t this effort require some benchmarking to evaluate what levels of risk we now accept? This could
come from Task RMP-3.4.

E.5.4 Develop Tools for Measuring and Managing Risk and Performance (Task RMP-3)
The third major task for the Risk Management Products effort is to develop procedures and tolls for
measuring and managing risks utilizing the basic performance framework of the previous task. It is
anticipated that these tools will be adapted to the specific needs of the various stakeholder groups. Major
sub-tasks are:

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E.5.4.1 Task RMP-3.1 Formulate a Research Plan to Advance Current Risk Evaluation
Methods (FEMA 349 Task 4.2.1)
The team will gather existing information on risk analysis and financial modeling methods and identify
gaps in current knowledge. A strong effort will be made to use available information so that future
research funding can be most efficiently spent. The current state of the art should not define the scope of
this project or limit the direction research might take, but rather allow researchers to avoid unnecessary
duplication of effort.
Once gaps in existing knowledge have been identified, the group will develop a research plan to fill
them. The goal will be to develop a road map by which the tasks within this Action Plan can be
accomplished. The plan will be detailed enough to be used by stakeholders, laying out tasks and
schedules. An effort will be made to identify outside sources of funding to augment the budgets assigned
to each task with the Plan, considering public and private resources.
Personnel: Financial interests, Researchers (Design professionals, Owners)
Budget: $150,000
Duration: 1 year
Workshop discussion points:
How can the case be made for funding of such research?
How does this relate to other similar efforts (e.g. EERI)?

E.5.4.2 Task RMP-3.2 Develop Performance and Risk Models (FEMA 349 Task 4.2.2)
The team will use the structural and nonstructural performance acceptability criteria in the performance
products to calculate life-cycle and annualized losses relative to each performance objective.
Combinations of performance objectives will be evaluated to help users minimize overall life-cycle and
damage costs. The team will extrapolate costs for individual buildings, to look at classes of buildings and
regional implications for cities, states and the federal government. Costs of repair, business interruption
and casualties will also be developed. The goal is to quantify expected losses in a manner that
stakeholders can use in long term capital planning. Example applications will be developed. The
information developed within this and other tasks should also form the basis for building rating systems,
which will integrate structural and nonstructural quality with financial and social performance measures.
Personnel: Researchers, Financial interests, Owners, Government agencies
Budget: $650,000
Duration: Throughout the project
Workshop discussion points:
How does this relate to Tasks 2.1, 2,2 and 2.3?

E.5.4.3 Task RMP-3.3 Define Cost Effective Models for Improving Performance (FEMA 349
Task 4.2.3)
The team will develop tools by which the costs of different retrofit measures (existing buildings) or
design criteria (new buildings) can be weighed against the expected reduction in loss and life-cycle costs.
A comparison of individual components will be necessary (such as bolting down a wood building vs.
bracing sprinkler pipes). The combination of components into design systems will also be considered.
Cost-benefit relationships need to be developed in ways that can be calculated by design professionals
and are meaningful to owners and financial interests. Cost-benefit ratios should be applicable to
individual buildings or portfolios. The goal should be to provide owners with methods for performing
economic loss management of their facilities. Efforts will be made to look at how this can be expanded to
a regional basis.

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Personnel: Design professionals, Researchers, Financial interests, Owners, Government agencies

Budget: $500,000
Duration: Throughout the project
Workshop discussion points:
Might this be combined with Task RMP 3.5 ?

E.5.4.4 Task RMP-3.4 Calibrate Performance and Risk Models (FEMA 349 Task 4.2.4)
The team will develop a series of example applications and will calibrate and compare them against
current design techniques. Calibration parameters will include cost, duration, responsibility, liability, etc.
The team will establish subgroups to carry out these studies, and will develop a standard reporting method
by which the results can be quantitatively compared. If the team decides that the results diverge too
significantly from existing methodologies, revisions to the procedures will be made, or a schedule for
incremental application of the procedures will be developed. The team will develop methodologies to
project costs and other data into the future. In this way, the information can function as a capital planning
Personnel: Design professionals, Researchers, Financial interests
Budget: $500,000
Duration: Throughout the project
Workshop discussion points:
This task seems particularly important to the overall effort and be used .
Can experiences in past earthquakes lend credibility to this effort ?

E.5.4.5 Task RMP-3.5 Develop Cost-Effective Design Strategies (FEMA 349 Task 4.2.5)
With information from previous tasks the performance products, the team will develop strategies to
improve performance based on building class, usage, location, etc. The team will consider components
and systems, identifying which individually and which combinations typically will provide the minimum
expected life-cycle cost involving tradeoffs between the initial cost and potential damage costs. The
information will be presented in a manner that is usable by engineers for design and will give owners and
financial interests a numerical valuation of the money spent. The team may use information obtained in
past earthquakes, coupled with testing research previously done.
Personnel: Design professionals, Researchers, Financial interests, Owners
Budget: $500,000
Duration: Throughout the project
Workshop discussion points:
Might this be combined with Task RMP 3.3 ?

E.5.5 Educate Users about Risk Management Concepts (Task RMP-4) (FEMA 349 Task 4.3)
The team will establish a program to teach stakeholders about risk management. Representatives of
lending agencies, insurance and financial institutions and researchers will write papers and create tools to
apply the concepts developed in the above tasks. The team will hold workshops and seminars to discuss
this information. The goals for design professionals, contractors, material suppliers and building officials
are to recognize that performance-based seismic design involves choices about risk, and to be able to use
the risk management tools provided in the Guidelines. For building owners, the goal is to bring
awareness of how these tools fit in with current risk management techniques they use when purchasing

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space, making renovations, considering deferred maintenance, etc. A strong effort will be made to
identify ways to coordinate current risk analysis techniques used by owners and financial institutions
(probable maximum loss, ratings, etc.) with these new tools.
Personnel: Design professionals, Researchers, Contractors, Material suppliers, Financial interests,
Owners, Building officials, Government agencies
Budget: $500,000
Duration: Throughout the project
Workshop discussion points:
Focus groups provide forum for this purpose.
Information must be cast in context with stakeholders’ individual “world views”.

E.5.6 Identify Legal Implications of PBSD (Task RMP-5) (FEMA 349 Task 4.4)
The team will contract with attorneys to address the legal implications of moving towards performance-
based design oriented building codes. The team will develop a list of issues that need to be evaluated,
including: liability in the event of unexpected performance, cost allocation, long-term responsibility for
the building or components, definitions of terms such as “significant,” “reliable,” etc. The goal will be to
develop strategies to make PBSD more attractive to stakeholders from a legal standpoint.
Personnel: Attorneys, Design professionals, Financial interests, Owners, Building officials,
Government agencies
Budget: $250,000
Duration: 2 years
Workshop discussion points:
How much is really feasible in this effort ?
Should focus groups include legal perspective?

E.5.7 Produce Documents and Reports for Use in PBSD Guidelines and Stakeholders’
Guide (Task RMP-6) (FEMA 349 Task 4.5)
This task will occur at milestones within the research plan developed in Task 4.2.1 and in preparation for
each of the Guidelines development phases. The team will gather the technical information and prepare
reports and documents for the writers of the Guidelines. Coordination with the performance products will
occur to insure that information is presented in a consistent manner. The team will coordinate verification
studies to be run on the analysis and design methodologies. Once the Guidelines teams have reviewed the
work and identified changes or refinements to the research plan, this team will work with the research
team for Task 4.2.1 to set out the goals for the next phase of research.
Personnel: Design professionals, Researchers, Financial interests, Owners, (Government agencies)
Budget: $400,000
Duration: Throughout the project
Workshop discussion points:
How is the entire RMP effort to be coordinated with SPP and NPP?

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E.6 Performance-Based Seismic Design Guidelines

E.6.1 Objectives
The Guidelines form the most important product resulting from this project. They distill the information
developed in the performance and risk management products into the application document used by
design professionals, manufacturers, government agencies and building officials in design and
construction. These guidelines can form the basis for the next generation of building codes and
earthquake resistant design practice. When implemented, these guidelines should permit economical
design that can reliably attain desired seismic performance.
The Guidelines will have to be broad in scope yet deep in level of detail. They need to be usable by a
wide range of design professionals. They will focus on:
 Selecting and quantifying performance objectives, including cost performance.
A set of consistent performance levels for new and existing buildings is essential. To be useful and
reliable, predictors of structural and nonstructural performance must be characterized in a manner that
can be understood by building owners.
 Defining minimum and standard performance objectives.
Although the concept of performance based design permits owners to specify custom objectives for
each building, presumably codes will need to have a single set of minimum and standard objectives
used for enforcement purposes. These will need to be defined and incorporated into the performance
objectives. They should be based on considerations of acceptable risk and should be based on input
from multiple stakeholders. In addition, the desired reliability level in achieving these objectives
needs to be specified.
 Characterizing performance and hazard levels consistent with the objective.
The performance objectives must be quantified in engineering terms. This includes defining specific
acceptable damage levels for various elements, both structural and nonstructural as well as
permissible global behavior of the structure itself. Characterization of ground motion will also be
 Performance prediction and evaluation methods.
The methods in the guidelines will facilitate design of structures of any configuration for any desired
performance and can be used to calibrate building codes for new buildings or develop new codes.
Methodologies used for evaluation and retrofit of existing buildings can also be calibrated. Lastly, the
financial industry can use the guidelines as a basis to develop methods of ranking the design
performance of buildings for underwriting purposes.
 Means of verification.
The various analytical procedures used to evaluate performance and demonstrate acceptability,
together with suitable modeling rules and prescriptive requirements on configuration and detailing
must be verified. The uncertainty inherent in each of these procedures for buildings of different sizes,
types, and configurations, and for different performance levels must be quantified. While a minimum
level review is essential, a broad program of verification will be optimal.
 Procedures for installing and maintaining nonstructural components and contents in buildings.
This information will focus on the issues related to installation and maintenance of nonstructural
components. Not least among these is the division of responsibilities and liability between the
component manufacturer and installer. As the design engineer observes building construction,
equipment installation should also be observed for compliance to the manufacturer’s specifications.

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 A technical commentary serving as backup for the Guidelines.

No matter how well stated in the PBSD Guidelines, the rationale and history behind the provisions
will be subject to the interpretation of the engineers and building officials employing them. A
comprehensive commentary is necessary to give these users a fuller picture of PBSD and direction
when implementing it. The commentary should also include a series of example applications of the
The Guidelines will involve major participation from all stakeholders, including design professionals,
researchers, manufacturers, owners, financial institutions, building officials and governing agencies. A
comprehensive program of verification will require input and involvement from a broad range of users.
Technical writers and code officials will also be employed to produce the highest quality document.
The guidelines will be developed in phases. The first, or the 25% phase, will include a basic
framework for the Guidelines, to be filled in with research and tools from the performance and risk
management products. Review by the Guidelines teams at this stage will focus on refining or changing
the direction of the technical research efforts for these products. The next phases at 50% and 75% will
continue to take information from the technical products and flesh out the Guidelines, again returning
comments to refine the research. The 100% phase will consist of final review, formatting, wordsmithing
and publication. An important task within the Guidelines product is to develop this phasing further and to
coordinate overall efforts with the steering committee.

E.6.1.1 Task 5.1 – Reach Consensus on Guidelines Format and Development Process
The main goal of this effort will be to reach a consensus on the format of the Guidelines, and to develop a
conceptual framework. The team will also establish a procedure for taking the information from the
performance and risk management products and writing the guideline provisions.
Personnel: Design professionals, Researchers, Material suppliers, Contractors, Financial interests,
Owners, Building officials, Government agencies
Budget: $150,000
Duration: 1 year

E.6.1.2 Task 5.2.1 – Develop Systematic Design and Analysis Processes

Using the analysis and design methodologies defined in the performance products, the team will create
design and analysis processes that take a building through concepts into final design, identifying major
steps along the way. Procedures will be developed for new and retrofit conditions. The team will develop
minimum performance objectives to be included in the standards based on the economic and social
drivers developed in the risk management products. A focus will be on developing modeling guidelines to
lend consistency to the design and analysis process. The team will work closely with the verification team
in Task 5.3, to ensure that the provisions are tested and are acceptable. This team will be responsible for
suggesting refinements or changes to the technical product research as necessary to accommodate the
provisions. A goal should be to minimize this as much as possible, to maintain the schedule and budget.
The committees will write the provisions using consistent and appropriate language, figures, equation
styles, procedures for implementation, etc.
Personnel: Design professionals, Researchers, Material suppliers, Building officials, Government
agencies, (Financial interests)
Budget: $1,200,000
Duration: Throughout the project

E.6.1.3 Task 5.2.2 – Write a Technical Commentary to Support the Guidelines

The team will write a technical commentary to support the information in the PBSD Guidelines. It will
develop the format of the commentary to track the outline of the Guidelines. The goal of the commentary

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is to give specific background on the development of the procedures within the Guidelines and to explain
the concepts in technical terms. It should also contain many references to allow users to obtain additional
guidance. The team will consider the advantages of discussing the broader implications of decisions that
were made in the Guidelines (financial, political, based on reliability, etc.). The team will have the
commentary reviewed for accuracy by a panel of experts set up by the Steering Committee. This panel
will include members of the performance and risk management product teams.
Personnel: Design professionals, Researchers,
Budget: $500,000
Duration: 2 years

E.6.1.4 Task 5.2.3 – Develop Administrative Guidelines for Building officials

The team will establish administrative provisions for the use of PBSD by building officials. It will detail
the process by which buildings, including structural and nonstructural components, are reviewed, plan
checked and field inspected. The team will also develop tools for building officials to ease the burden of
reviewing PBSD design. The team will consider the benefits of third party plan check and peer review
and other means of streamlining the process while maintaining quality
Personnel: Design professionals, Owners, Building officials, Government agencies
Budget: $200,000
Duration: 1 year

E.6.1.5 Task 5.3.1 – Run Examples to Check Accuracy of Provisions

The team will establish subgroups to verify the accuracy of the design and analysis procedures. The
subgroups will create and test a series of parametric examples. The team will set up a means by which the
results of the testing can be checked for accuracy and acceptability. The team will identify and make
necessary changes in the procedures in cooperation with the technical product teams.
Personnel: Design professionals, Researchers, Building officials,
Budget: $600,000
Duration: Throughout the project

E.6.1.6 Task 5.3.2 – Compare Resulting Designs and Costs against Current Methodologies
The team will evaluate the effects of the resulting guidelines on each of the major stakeholders, looking at
costs, level of effort and responsibility. A series of example applications will be developed and compared
against current design techniques. The various methods that are developed will be calibrated against each
other. Calibration will consider at least: the effort to implement, resulting performance and expected
construction costs. Information from the risk management products will be incorporated into the
calibration study. The team will establish subgroups to carry out these studies, and will develop a
standard reporting method by which the results can be quantitatively compared. If the team decides that
the results diverge too significantly from existing methodologies, revisions to the procedures will be
made, or a schedule for incremental application of the procedures will be developed.
Personnel: Design professionals, Researchers, Financial interests
Budget: $400,000
Duration: Throughout the project

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E.6.1.7 Task 5.4 – Develop Procedures for Quality Control during Construction
The team will write a set of guidelines for maintaining quality during construction. Information on
reliability and uncertainty developed in the performance products will be used to evaluate the various
stages of construction. The team will address such issues as material fabrication and inspection,
installation, testing, uniformity in construction practices, field changes, etc. The goal is to provide a clear
statement about the need for a high level of construction quality, and to provide standard procedures to
attain this quality. It may be desirable to permit different levels of quality control based on expected
performance or on building usage, etc.
Personnel: Design professionals, Contractors, Material Suppliers, Owners, Building officials
Budget: $300,000
Duration: 2 years

E.6.1.8 Task 5.5 – Develop a Plan for Verifying Nonstructural Component Design and
The team will develop a standard format for checking the adequacy of nonstructural component and
system design, manufacture and installation. Much like peer review and inspection procedures for the
structure, this system will be designed to track nonstructural elements through a similar process. The
team will establish a system for identifying and training qualified inspectors and reviewers. The team will
use the information developed in the nonstructural performance products to make easier reevaluation of
existing components and determine expected performance.
Personnel: Design professionals, Contractors, Material suppliers, Building officials
Budget: $300,000
Duration: 2 years

E.6.1.9 Task 5.6 – Publish Guidelines and Create an Adoption Process

The team will set up milestone deliverables at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% and will describe the content to
be included in each. It will establish and implement a final review and adoption process. A peer review
procedure will be established at each milestone. A technical writing team will be created and a consensus
reached on the style and voice of the guidelines. The Guidelines will be written and reviewed. A small
team of reviewers will focus on the presentation of the information, both graphically and textually.
Personnel: Design professionals, Researchers, Material suppliers, Financial interests, Owners,
Building officials, Government agencies
Budget: $600,000
Duration: Throughout the project

E.6.1.10 Task 5.7 – Develop a means for future revisions

After the guidelines are completed, the team will assess the project and identify future goals, research
efforts, etc. that will build upon the work completed. The team will write a framework for the next
generation of PBSD related projects. The goal of the task is to provide a plan for the continuing evolution
of PBSD. The team will establish a procedure for updating the guidelines
Personnel: Design professionals, Researchers, Government agencies
Budget: $150,000
Duration: 1 year

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E.7 Stakeholders Guide

E.7.1 Objectives
The Stakeholders’ Guide will serve to educate the non-engineering audience about the benefits of PBSD.
It will be their reference and planning tool much as the PBSD Guidelines serve a similar purpose for the
engineering community. The Guide needs to be written in a non-technical style, and emphasize graphic
presentation. The financial information should be presented in a way that will be useful to owners and
financial professionals. It needs to communicate the concept and application of PBSD to these primary
stakeholders. It will include the following components:
 Background on codes and performance based design.
The Guide should give background on the history of code development and the reasons for moving
toward performance based design. It should describe in general terms the principles of PBSD and its
benefits over current methods. The goal is to show stakeholders that this move is necessary and that
performance based design standards are in their financial and business interests.
 Financial and other benefits of using PBSD.
Tables, charts, equations, examples and text, should convey the advantages and appropriate uses of
PBSD in terms of financial and other models. Adoption will require that the document include the
issues that stakeholders see as concerns and benefits. It will need to specify and quantify these
benefits and provide a mechanism for making incremental changes to current practice.
 Guidance for implementing PBSD.
The owner and financial professionals need to be guided through the process of implementing PBSD.
Much more than in current practice these stakeholders will form an integral part of the design team.
They must assist in making decisions about the direction of a project and be involved throughout its
 Example applications of PBSD
The guide will contain example applications of the guidelines, covering structural and nonstructural
design, and financial planning issues. The examples will contain technical information for the design
professionals as well as nontechnical information for building owners and financial interests.
Table E-4 below summarizes the major tasks associated with the stakeholders’ guide. Each task is
described in more detail in the following discussion.

Table E-4 Stakeholders Guidelines Development Tasks

Task No. Task FEMA 349 Budget FEMA 349 Schedule
Define content and format of
6.1 Stakeholders’ Guide $150,000 1 year
Present and explain modeling
6.2 techniques $300,000 Throughout
Describe the design and
6.3 construction process $250,000 2 years
6.4 Develop examples for the guide $400,000 2 years
Develop a plan to maintain or
monitor the designed performance
6.5 objective $250,000 1 year
6.6 Publish the stakeholders’ guide $400,000 Throughout
Develop a means for future
6.7 revisions $100,000 1 year
Workshop discussion points:
Are there any other major tasks to be considered?
Are there any tasks that are not necessary?

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E.7.2 Task 6.1 – Define content and Format of Stakeholders’ Guide

The team will convene a series of workshops with stakeholder representatives to create the format and
content of the Stakeholders’ Guide. The team will determine the level of complexity of the information
and equations presented. The goal is to layout the format for the guide so that it is usable to a non-
technical audience. A strong effort will be made to involve owners and financial representatives, as these
will be the primary users of the information. Another goal is to be able to quantify the level of effort that
will be required of these groups in the planning, design and construction processes, in terms of cost and
time. A consensus about the style of presentation will also be reached.
Personnel: Design professionals, Researchers, Financial interests, Owners, Contractors, Material
suppliers, Building officials, Government agencies, Legal professionals
Budget: $150,000
Duration: 1 year
Workshop discussion points:
Focus groups for the RMP effort would provide a good forum for stakeholder communication?

E.7.3 Task 6.2 Present and Explain Financial Modeling Techniques

The team will present and explain the financial modeling tools developed in the Guidelines and the Risk
Management Products. In the same manner as the Guidelines these tools should be presented with
different levels of complexity, so that the user can employ the most appropriate to a specific situation.
The technical and financial research will have been done as part of the risk management product. In this
task the goal is to provide descriptions of and practical ways to employ these tools.
Personnel: Design professionals, Researchers, Financial interests, Owners
Budget: $300,000
Duration: Throughout the project
Workshop discussion points:
Why would this be limited to financial modeling ?
What about the needs of regulators (e.g. peer review) ?

E.7.4 Task 6.3 – Describe the Design and Construction Process

As with the Guidelines, the team will develop a road map to move from the concept stage to completion
of construction, identifying major steps along the way. Retrofit and new design will be considered. The
responsibilities and qualifications of each of the stakeholders (including owners and design professionals)
throughout the design and construction process will be identified and described. The team will review
these responsibilities and evaluate their effects on the groups. The team will prepare the information using
language, figures, equation styles, procedures for implementation, etc., consistent with the Guidelines.
The team will consult with legal professionals to evaluate possible changes in liability.
Personnel: Design professionals, Owners, Financial interests, Building officials, Government
agencies, Legal professionals
Budget: $250,000
Duration: 2 years
Workshop discussion points:
What about stakeholders that may not relate to a single construction project (e.g. policy makers)?

E.7.5 Task 6.4 – Develop Examples for the Guide

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The team will develop a series of examples for the financial and engineering application of PBSD, which
will serve as teaching and reference tools. The team will set up a verification means and check the
examples for accuracy and acceptability. The examples will include photographs and other graphic aids to
increase understanding of the process.
Personnel: Design professionals, Researchers, Financial interests, Owners
Budget: $400,000
Duration: 2 years

E.7.6 Task 6.5 – Develop a Plan to Maintain or Monitor the Designed Performance
The team will identify maintenance needs for nonstructural components, based on type, function, age, etc.
It will develop a program that owners can follow, similar to deferred maintenance or tenant improvement,
for maintaining the performance quality of existing equipment. A similar program will be developed to
maintain and monitor the overall structural performance goals of a building throughout its life, accounting
for changes in occupancy, advancements in the state of the art, structural modifications, etc. This
information will be published as part of the Stakeholders’ Guide. The team will prepare educational
material to inform owners, contractors, and others about the procedures for maintaining a building’s
designed performance.
Personnel: Design professionals, Contractors, Manufacturers, Owners
Budget: $250,000
Duration: 1 year

E.7.7 Task 6.6 – Publish the Stakeholders’ Guide

The team will set up milestone deliverables at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% and will describe the content to
be included in each. It will establish a final review and adoption process. The team will also include a
nontechnical background and history of the PBSD process and of current code evolution. The goal will
be to show the non-engineering audience the need for PBSD and the expected changes with respect to the
current design and construction practice. A peer review procedure will be established at each milestone.
A writing team will be created and a consensus reached on the style and voice of the guide. A small team
of reviewers will focus on the presentation of the information, both graphically and textually. This group
will have the responsibility, along with the steering committee of ensuring that the presentation
compliments the Guidelines themselves.
Personnel: Design professionals, Financial interests, Owners, Government agencies, Outside experts
in information outreach
Budget: $400,000
Duration: Throughout the project
Workshop discussion points:
Is it possible to publish a single guide?
Are there enough difference is perspectives to require several different guides?

E.7.8 Task 6.7 – Develop a Means for Future Revisions

The team will set up dates for considering revisions to the Guide and a procedure for doing so.

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Personnel: Design professionals, Owners, Financial interests, Government agencies

Budget: $100,000
Duration: 1 year

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Appendix F: Structural Performance

Products Breakout Session Materials
1. Session Agenda

2. Session Attendees

3. Presentations

a. Cobeen, K. Resources and Issues From the CUREE Caltech Woodframe Project Structural

b. Martin,Z. and Skaggs, T., Wood Shear Wall Stiffness and Performance-Based Design
Structural Breakout\Martin-wood-wall-stiffness.pdf

c. Stewart, J., Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction: Implications For Performance Based

Engineering Structural Breakout\Stewart-soil-structure-foundation.pdf

d. Reinhorn, A., Fragility Techniques for Performance-based Earthquake Engineering Structural


e. Kesheshian, P. Performance-Based Risk Analysis Structural Breakout\Kesheshian-risk-


f. Iwan, W., An Improved Capacity Spectrum Method Of Analysis Structural Breakout\Iwan-


g. Aschheim, M. A New Technique for Performance-based Design Structural


h. Mole, A. High-Performance Computing in Performance-Based Seismic Design Structural


i. Ettourney, M. Performance-Based Design Methodology for Columns Subjected to Blast

Loading Structural Breakout\Ettourney.pdf

j. Maffei, J. Resources and Recommendations for Developing “Structural Performance

Products Structural Breakout\Maffei.pdf

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Structural Performance Products Breakout Session

February 24, 2003
2:15 pm Breakout Session Overview Whittaker
- Goals of Breakout Session
- Introduction of Phase 2 SPP Team
- Introduction of Attendees
2:20 - “Performance assessment incorporating SSI” Stewart
- “Resources and issues from the
2:35 Caltech/CUREE Woodframe project” Cobeen
2:50 - “Performance based engineering of word structures” Skaggs
3:05 - “Performance based engineering of precast concrete structures” Maffei
- “Fragility techniques for performance-based
3:20 earthquake engineering” Reinhorn
3:35 - “Performance based risk analysis” Keshishian
4:00 Coffee Break
4:15 - “An improved capacity spectrum method of analysis” Iwan
4:30 - “A new technique for performance-based design” Aschheim
- High-performance computing for
4:45 performance based earthquake engineering” Mole
5:00 - “Performance based engineering for blast loading” Ettourney
5:15 Presentation of Draft Work Plan Whittaker
5:30 Preliminary Discussion of Draft Work Plan
6:00 No Host Reception
7:00 Dinner (on your own)
February 25, 2003
7:30 am Continental Breakfast
8:00 am Resume Breakout Session
Presentation of Revised Work Plan Whittaker
Discussion and Changes to Work Plan
10:00 Coffee Break
10:15 Resume Breakout Session
Refine Plan
12:00 Lunch

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Summary Notes
Structural Performance Products Breakout Session

The key points of discussion and/or consensus arising from the Structural Performance Products breakout
session during the January 2003 workshop in San Francisco are listed below. The discussion on the straw
work plan was arranged by focus area and task. Comments are presented below under three headings:
general comments, comments on the three focus areas, and comments on the tasks and subtasks.


1. The broad objectives of the ATC-58 project are appropriate but likely cannot be achieved given (a)
the level of funding available, and (b) no research will be conducted as part of the ATC-58 project.

2. One key product of the project must be a framework for performance-based earthquake engineering
(PBEE) that is broadly applicable to all structural framing systems.

3. Given the restrictions of (a) limited funding, and (b) no funded research to support the guidelines-
development effort, consider reducing the scope of the guidelines to a small number of building
types, say, to moment frames in steel and reinforced concrete; shear walls in steel, reinforced
concrete, and timber; and braced frames in steel.

4. Validation of the PBEE guidelines is a key step that is not currently addressed in the action plan.
Validation of SPP, NPP, and system products will be needed, and validation engines must be
developed at the start of the project. Validation could be undertaken using model building structures,
perhaps similar in concept to the 3-, 9- and 20-story SAC steel buildings.

5. Metrics for project success should be drafted at the start of the project rather than midway through the
project. All should have a clear understanding of whether project goals are being achieved.
Adjustment of the metrics throughout the duration of the project may be required to reflect new
information, results from outside research and available funding.

6. The goal of the project is the PBEE of buildings. Overarching tasks that embrace SP and NP products
will be needed to ensure that this goal is achieved. The action plans for the SP and NP teams must be
carefully integrated to facilitate integration.

7. The action plan should be structured so that integrated SP and NP products are released at
intermediate times in the project (perhaps similar to the SAC Interim Guidelines).

8. The guidelines should build on the work presented in FEMA 356 but neither necessarily be structured
similarly to FEMA 356 nor be bound to the analysis and design methodologies of FEMA 356.

9. Immediate consideration should be given to the make-up of the SPP technical teams. One option is
separate technical teams on hazard, analysis methods, foundations, materials, and new technologies
similar to the ATC-33 project. Alternate make-ups should be considered that merge participants from
the SP and NP technical teams.

Focus Areas

1. There was no broad disagreement with the three focus areas discussed in the action plan.

2. Given the level of funding available to the project, consideration should be given to addressing new
building construction (see above discussion on model buildings) first and retrofit building

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construction second, if additional funds become available. Regardless, the PBEE framework should
be applicable to both new and retrofit construction.

3. The revised action plan should clearly state that no research will be conducted as part of the ATC-58
project, similar to the ATC-33 project. That said, mechanisms must be developed to sweep new
research information and data into the PBEE guidelines.

Task 2.1.1

1. Drop the work related to validation of existing procedures and information because such work likely
cannot be accomplished with a budget of $1M rather than the proposed $0.15M.

2. Assessment of performance and analysis tools should be an on-going endeavor and not a Year 1
endeavor. This task could form the basis of the validation program.

TASK 2.1.2

1. Replace the research plan with a prioritized list of research needs. A list of needs is more valuable to
both the research community and the ATC-58 project. No agency will fund the research plan but
agencies might fund research projects that address one or more of the research needs. Researchers
could be encouraged to work with ATC-58 SP technical teams to (a) enhance the utility of their work,
and (b) speed the research results into practice.

2. Identification of research needs should be an on-going endeavor and not a Year 1 endeavor. The list
of needs should be updated yearly with input from the SP, NP, and RM product teams.

3. One list of prioritized research needs that includes input from the SP, NP, and RM product teams
should be prepared, not three disparate lists.

Task 2.2.1

1. Some tasks are finely subdivided into sub-tasks and other tasks are broad in scope. The revised action
plan should be consistent in this regard.

2. Consider repackaging part of the work plan around framing systems or building types. The key to
success with this approach is to ensure consistency over all building types considered.

3. There is considerable overlap in the sub-task statements in Task 2.1. Consider merging all sub-tasks
and eliminating overlap.

4. The sub-task as written addresses discrete performance levels and not a continuum approach to
performance. The latter approach was preferred by many at this time and so allowance should be
made in the guidelines to accommodate both approaches.

Task 2.2.2

1. The task statement should be rewritten to better address the proposed work.

2. See above comments on the merging of all sub-tasks in Task 2.1.

3. Eliminate the reference to research because the plan is unable to target and then fund research.

4. The collaboration with testing programs is unclear. What testing programs?

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5. Key to the success of this sub-task is the linkage of component and building acceptance criteria.
Consider developing such criteria for the model buildings only, otherwise the scope is too broad and
the impact of the funding will be substantially diluted.

Task 2.2.3

1. Eliminate overlap with Task 2.3.

2. Change the title of the sub-task because subsurface response will not predict building performance
but rather influence performance.

3. Eliminate the reference to research because the plan is unable to target and then fund research.

4. The last sentence in the subtask is unclear because the only way to reduce uncertainty is to increase
knowledge through research.

Task 2.2.4

1. Eliminate level from the first sentence.

Task 2.2.5

1. Eliminate all references to research in the sub-task statement.

2. The level of funding proposed for this task appears too small to support a research effort and too large
to move currently available analysis methodologies into guidelines.

3. Task 2.2.5 is missing the work necessary in the materials chapters of the guidelines to develop
unbiased values for acceptance criteria, etc. Much of the funds assigned to this sub-task could be
spent completing such work.

Task 2.2.6

1. Consider deleting the work on existing buildings until additional funds become available. That is,
develop the skeleton or framework for PBEE and add tissue, organs, and skin for a small number of
(new) model framing systems. Use the funds to increase the number of model framing systems.

2. Eliminate all reference to research from the task statement.

3. The funding necessary to “quantify uncertainties within the existing built environment” is likely in
the $5M range: an order of magnitude greater than that assigned to the sub-task.

4. If the guidelines must address existing buildings, limit the scope to those framing systems considered
for the new model buildings.

Task 2.3

1. Much work has been completed on the subjects of permanent ground displacement and near-field
shaking since FEMA 349 was published.

Task 2.4.1

1. The task statement is broad and over-reaching. The identification and quantification of uncertainties
in seismic hazard and building response, for a large number of building types and geometries is an

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immense undertaking. Consider identification and quantification of uncertainty and randomness for
the (new) model framing systems only.

2. Eliminate all reference to research from the task statement.

3. Consider eliminating this task and sweeping some of the activities and all of the funds into other

4. Include verification in the task statement, if the task is to be retained.

Task 2.4.2

1. The task statement as written is neither clear nor focused. Repair costs and life-cycle costs are likely
not related as indicated in the task statement.

2. Delete the task and sweep the QA/QC work and funds into another task.

3. Identification of structural systems that have predictable building performance is not straightforward
and would require full-scale testing. The objective should be to identify framing systems with the
least sensitivity in response due to uncertainties and randomness in the hazard, modeling, material
characteristics etc. Such work could form the basis of a research project and could be listed in
research needs.

Task 2.4.3

1. The work of identification of separate sources of funding, especially materials suppliers, for
component testing does not belong in a task statement. Those sources would have been tapped years
ago had the suppliers been interested in such collaboration.

2. Consider broadening the scope to include field testing of systems.

3. Close collaboration with NEES Inc. should be encouraged.

4. Testing protocols should be developed but not imposed on the research community.

Task 2.5

1. The straw man work plan at the meeting dropped this task from the action plan. Many participants in
the breakout session disagreed with this proposal but agreed that the task statement had to be re-

2. The task statement notes that existing data should be reviewed. To aid in the development of the
PBEE guidelines, detailed studies of modern instrumented buildings that have been (a) subjected to
severe earthquake shaking, and (b) carefully studied by reconnaissance teams after such shaking are
needed. Candidate buildings must be identified. Consider selecting buildings similar to the model
buildings discussed above. The budget of $0.3M is far too small for such work.

3. The product of this subtask should also include recommendations for (a) building instrumentation that
if implemented and the building subjected to earthquake shaking would yield key performance data
for validation of the PBEE guidelines, and (b) a list of performance-oriented data to be collected by
future reconnaissance teams. Formal coordination with EERI and the NSF-funded EERCs would
maximize the impact of this work.

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Task 2.6

1. Decisions should be made in this phase of the project regarding how the guidelines will be prepared.
Two options are (1) the team-writing approach used in ATC-33, and (2) individual consultants as lead
writers similar to the SAC project. No consensus regarding the best approach for this project was

2. One product of the work should be model-building applications of the PBEE guidelines. These
applications could be published a number of times over the course of the project, reflecting advances
in both knowledge and the guidelines.

ATC-58-3 F: Structural Performance Products Breakout Session Materials 75

Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

Structural Performance Products Break Out Session

Whittaker, Andrew (Facilitator), Univ. at Buffalo
Abrams, Daniel, University of Illinois
Anderson, Don, CH2M Hill
Aschheim, Mark, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana
Bertero, Vitelmo, Univ. of California, Berkeley
Cobeen, Kelly, Cobeen & Associates
Deierlein, Gregory, Stanford University
Elnashai, Amr, MAE Center
Ettouney, Mohammed, Weidlinger Associates
Fenves, Gregory, Univ. of California, Berkeley
Hooper, John, Skilling Ward Magnusson Barkshire
Iwan, Wilfred, California Institute of Technology
Jirsa, James, University of Texas at Austin
Kesheshian, Petros, ABS Consulting
King, Andrew, Inst. of Geol. & Nuclear Sciences, NZ
Krawinkler, Helmut, Stanford University
Maffei, Joe, Consulting Engineer
Malley, James, Degenkolb Engineers
Martin, Zeno, APA The Engineered Wood Assoc.
Moehle, Jack, Univ. of California, Berkeley
Mole, Andrew, Ove Arup and Partners
Partridge, James, Smith-Emery Company
Reinhorn, Andrei, University of Buffalo
Roeder, Charles, University of Washington
Shapiro, Daniel, SOHA Engineers
Stewart, Jonathan, Univ. of California, Los Angeles
Tasai, Akira, Yokohama National University
Taylor, Andrew, KPFF Consulting Engineers
Wallace, John, Univ. of California, Los Angeles
Wen, Y.K., University of Illinois

76 F: Structural Performance Products Breakout Session Materials ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Resources and Issues from the CUREE Caltech Woodframe Project

Kelly E. Cobeen, SE


First, available resources that are pertinent to the tasks and products proposed in the ATC 58 action plan
will be highlighted. Resources include:
 Full-building demand data from shake table testing,

 Full-building demand data from analytical studies,

 Analysis tools developed,

 Component testing results,

 Efforts to correlate component behavior with full building behavior,

 Compiled descriptions of drift versus visual damage for structure and finishes,

 Observations of building dynamic properties, and

 Observations of distribution of force and deformation demand.

Second, issues and concerns impacting the continued development of performance-based methods
will be noted. Among these is the observation of low-deformation behavior and resulting concerns
regarding quantification of seismic hazard.
Third, the use of Index Buildings (Model Buildings) for analytical quantification of demand and loss
estimation studies will be briefly introduced as an approach of possible interest to the ATC 58 project.

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Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

Wood Shear Wall Stiffness and Performance-Based Design

Zeno A. Martin, P.E. and Thomas D. Skaggs PhD.. P.E.


Past seismic events have illustrated the vulnerability of woodframe construction to significant expensive
damage. Although life safety, the current implicit performance objective of modern building codes has
been reasonably preserved, damage is common. Over half the property damage caused by the Northridge
earthquake was attributed to woodframe construction. With the exception of rehabilitation of historical
and multi-family wood framed projects, performance-based design are seldom considered in the design
process. Some of the impediments to performance-based design with wood buildings include lack of
simple design procedures, and a relatively low level of engineering performed for many wood framed
Keeping these impediments in mind and understanding that the linear and non-linear behavior of
structural elements is essential for performance-based design procedures. Accurately estimating
interstory drift is a key parameter in designing for damage control. The presentation will provide a
concept such that a bilinear pushover curve up to ultimate wall strength can be established. The focus is
on a single method to estimate linear wood shear wall stiffness up to a so-called yield point, but
parameters essential to describe post yield behavior in simple terms will also be presented.
In the past five years, there has been an unprecedented amount of research on wood shear wall
performance. Sufficient information exists to create and verify by extensive independent test data, a
simple and practical method to predict linear elastic wood shear wall stiffness up to the wall yield point.
The presentation will provide a concept for a mathematical model for wall stiffness up to the wall yield
point as follows:
V H
where  = shear wall deflection, in. V= load applied, kips H = wall height (in same units as L), L = wall
length (in same units as H). The H/L serves to normalize the stiffness value for different aspect ratios.
Wall stiffness can bthen be modified for such things as openings, length of wall, tie down stiffness,
fasteners, end posts and even effects of finishes. Recent research provides some quantitative values for
these empirical relationships.
Wood shear walls do not have as clearly defined point of yield as other materials, such as steel. A
point of yield essentially describes the region on a load displacement curve where linear elastic behavior
ends. Researchers have developed two methods in an attempt to quantify the point of yield. The first
defines elastic stiffness to be represented at the line from the origin to the point the load-displacement
curve where the load equals a percentage of the ultimate load. The second method assigns a yield point
based on strength degradation from repeated cyclic loads at a given displacement.
Wood frame design provisions are in need of advancements in the analysis tools available such that
performance based designs are practical and feasible for wood framed structures. A simple matrix of
shear wall stiffness values can be developed from existing models, and adjusted or verified by empirical
test data. Recent cyclic wall test and shake table test data shows that there is reasonably good agreement
with modeled elastic stiffness and observed stiffness. The limits of validity for a bi-linear stiffness model
are also presented.

78 F: Structural Performance Products Breakout Session Materials ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction: Implications for Performance

Based Engineering
Jonathan P. Stewart
University of California at Los Angeles


A number of advances in knowledge have occurred since 1998 with respect to soil-foundation structure
interaction. Moreover, new issues have been raised based on observations from recent earthquakes. These
advances/issues can be divided into three general categories, as follows:
1. Soil-structure interaction, kinematic interaction: Advances in knowledge have occurred with respect
to the variations between ground motions at the foundation level of structures vs. the free-field.
Simple models suitable for use in practice have been developed to predict these ground motion
variations as a function of frequency, shear wave velocity of soil, and foundation dimensions. These
advances are being studied within the ATC-55 project, and should be incorporated into the ATC-58
effort as well.

2. Soil-structure interaction, inertial interaction: In recent years, research has been conducted to support
the development of recommendations for the use of simple impedance function models for realistic
site conditions. These advances have been partially incorporated into the 2000 version of the NEHRP
Provisions for new buildings (analysis of foundation stiffness), and are being considered as part of the
ATC-55 project as well (primarily with respect to analysis of foundation damping effects on seismic

3. Soil-structure interaction, ground failure: The 1999 earthquakes in Turkey and Taiwan caused many
incidents of ground failure apparently induced by soil-foundation interaction. In many cases there was
no apparent ground failure in the free-field, and permanent deformations were concentrated beneath
and immediately surrounding the foundation. Models to predict this type of ground failure are not yet
available, and basic research directed toward improving our understanding of this complicated
problem are in their preliminary stages. It is important for the ATC-58 project to be aware of this
important subject of ongoing research.
Each of the above will be discussed in the presentation by the author at the ATC-58 workshop.

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Fragility Techniques for Performance-based Earthquake Engineering

Andrei Reinhorn
State University of New York at Buffalo


Due to the uncertain information about the structures' demand resulting form the uncertain ground
motions and structural systems and due to the "fuzzy" description of performance limits, the performance
of structures cannot be well defined and measured precisely. An attempt is made to use for the
quantification of performance, the relation between the response demands and the performance limits
using probability functions, usually defined as fragility. The quantification of such fragility is presented
using an example of a structure of a hospital building previously damaged in Northridge 1994 earthquake.
The sensitivity of several parameters on performance is presented.

80 F: Structural Performance Products Breakout Session Materials ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Performance-Based Risk Analysis

Petros Keshishian
AIR-Worldwide Corp., 101 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA


Performance Based Design allows to design or retrofit buildings for a higher performance level than those
foreseen by the building codes. For example FEMA-356 (2000) defines three basic performance levels,
namely, Immediate Occupancy, Life Safety and Collapse Prevention. It is recommended that the
buildings be designed for a given return period earthquake for a given performance level, but there is no
clear criterion or methodology how to choose those performance levels and their respective earthquakes.
The earthquake risk mitigation has two aspects: (1) Life Safety which is concerned in providing
certain level of reliability that the building retains a margin against onset of partial or complete collapse;
and (2) Economic Loss – which recognizes that designing a building to meet the Life Safety criterion has
very little to do with economical design. A building could successfully meet the Life Safety criterion, but
still be a complete economic loss after an earthquake. Economic Loss aspect of earthquake risk analysis
deals with finding the optimal design, be it new or retrofit design, that reduces the present value of all the
potential losses that a building could incur during its useful lifetime.
This paper addresses those two aspects of earthquake risk mitigation. It defines a clear methodology
on choosing the design earthquake based on predefined criterion of providing either a certain performance
level reliability or minimizing the expected monetary losses given the seismic hazard and expected
lifespan of the building.
Assuming that earthquake occurrences constitute a Poisson process, the conditional probability
distribution function of the spectral accelerations, derived from the hazard function, is used in conjunction
with the fragility functions to derive basic criteria for choosing design earthquakes to provide certain
performance level, e.g. Life Safety, or to minimize the anticipated economic losses due to earthquakes.
The hazard function represents the probability of exceedance of a certain level of earthquake ground
motion at a site within a given number of years. The economic loss is assumed to be proportional to the
physical damage. The latter is defined in terms of a fragility function that represents the probability of the
building attaining or exceeding a pre-specified damage state for a given earthquake intensity.
It is demonstrated that choosing the design earthquake based on earthquake return period only does
not guarantee uniform probability of failure since the latter is a function of both the shape of the hazard
function as well as the exposure time. For a simple fragility function it is shown that one can choose the
design earthquake based on required reliability (acceptable probability of failure), exposure period and
the seismic hazard. This outlined approach is suggested as an alternative way of choosing design
earthquakes for performance based design.

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Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

An Improved Capacity Spectrum Method of Analysis

W. D. Iwan and A. C. Guyader
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA


The Capacity Spectrum Method (CSM) is widely employed as a tool for performance-based analysis and
design of structures. Although rooted in concepts of linear elastic analysis, the CSM may be generalized
to treat inelastic structural behavior. This may be accomplished by modifying either the Capacity or the
Demand or both in some manner so as to approximately account for the differences between elastic and
inelastic response behavior. As initially conceived, the CSM uses the Secant Stiffness as the equivalent
linear stiffness parameter along with formulas or rules that provide the equivalent viscous damping
parameter. However, it is generally known that the Secant Stiffness is not an optimal equivalent linear
stiffness parameter for inelastic systems subjected to earthquake excitation. Recently, new equivalent
linear parameters have been defined for a broad range of inelastic systems based on a statistical approach
which maximizes the probability that the solution error will lie within some range of Engineering
Acceptability. The new equivalent linear parameters may be used to provide improved estimates of
structural performance. Since the Secant Stiffness is no longer employed with these new parameters, an
adjustment must be made in order to use these parameters within the context of the CSM approach. This
presentation describes a procedure for adapting the CSM for use the new equivalent linear parameters.
The new procedure provides an efficient means of obtaining consistent response Performance Point
results without resorting to cumbersome iteration schemes.

82 F: Structural Performance Products Breakout Session Materials ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

A New Technique for Performance-Based Design

Mark Aschheim
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign


This talk proposes that the process of design for seismic performance be viewed from a new
perspective. Introduced are the concepts of Yield Point Spectra, the determination of Admissible Design
Regions, and design based on an estimated yield displacement. Examples illustrate a simple design
approach that can be used to address multiple performance objectives. The design approach produces a
design base shear coefficient that can be used for design along the lines of current code Equivalent Lateral
Force approaches.
The fundamental basis is the use of “equivalent” SDOF systems, with inelastic spectral demands
estimated from elastic spectra (using either displacement modification or equivalent linearization). The
approach is effective for limiting drift (associated with non-structural damage) and system ductility
(associated with structural damage) to prescribed values. This approach may be sufficient for many
ordinary structures, and can be used for the preliminary design of those structures whose performance
must be assessed through more rigorous analysis procedures.
1. Aschheim, M.A. (2002). “Seismic Design Based on the Yield Displacement,” Earthquake Spectra,
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Vol. 18, No. 4, Nov., pp. 581-600.
2. Aschheim, M., and Black, E. (2000). “Yield Point Spectra for Seismic Design and Rehabilitation,”
Earthquake Spectra, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Vol. 16, No. 2, May, pp. 317-335.
3. Tjhin, T,. Aschheim, M., and Wallace, J. (2002) “Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Reinforced
Concrete Structural Walls” 7th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Boston, July
4. Black, E. F., and Aschheim, M., (2000). Seismic design and evaluation of multistory buildings using
Yield Point Spectra, CD Release 00-04, Mid-America Earthquake Center, July.

ATC-58-3 F: Structural Performance Products Breakout Session Materials 83

Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

High-Performance Computing in Performance-Based Seismic Design

Andrew Mole


ATC-58 identified structural and non-structural analysis tools as areas for development. Since then there
have been advances in both hardware and software. These are of particular relevance to performance-
based design. This presentation offers a review of high-performance computing tools, past and present,
with an assessment of future developments. Applications relevant to Performance-Based Seismic Design
are presented.

84 F: Structural Performance Products Breakout Session Materials ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Performance-Based Design Methodology for Columns that are Subjected

to Blast Loading
Mohammed Ettourney
Weidlinger Associates


Analysis and design of reinforced concrete (RC) columns that are subjected to blast loading have gained
considerable importance in the past few years. A new method of analyzing RC columns was recently
developed. The method has the efficiency of the SDOF method and the fidelity of the FEM method. The
method is based on assembling a database of common column designs, which was accomplished by
designing more than 3000 buildings of several shapes, structural systems, number of floors, and seismic
zones. The columns of each building were designed and detailed following the ACI-318-99 design code.
The different column attributes included:
1. Column cross sectional dimensions as well as height
2. Number, distribution and sizes of longitudinal steel reinforcement
3. Number, distribution and sizes of lateral steel reinforcement
4. Axial stress ratio
5. Concrete and steel strengths.
In addition, a survey was conducted to establish the most commonly used blast loadings (charge
weight and standoff). A total of ten blast loadings were chosen. The resulting complete structure-load
database, DB-1, had 11,400 records.
A numerical simulation of all the columns and blast loads was accomplished with the FLEX (FEM) .
FLEX is a high resolution FEM computer code that is especially well suited for this type of highly
nonlinear dynamic analysis. For each simulation (11,400 in total) three output measures were obtained.
They are: a) maximum lateral displacement, b) maximum shear strains and c) an overall damage measure.
The development of this new method is timely with the advent of Performance based engineering for
the blast design community. The analytical accuracy and the wealth of output measures that the method
produces are utilized to produce a performance-based design for blast-subjected columns. The
performance based blast design of this document is consistent with the newly developed performance
based seismic designs, yet it is specialized for blast environment. For example, an additional performance
level was deemed necessary, and the performance limit states are specialized for blast environment. The
three output measures were utilized to identify performance levels, while accounting for the inter-
dependability of those performance levels.

ATC-58-3 F: Structural Performance Products Breakout Session Materials 85

Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

Resources and Recommendations for Developing “Structural

Performance Products
J. Maffei


Three key resources are available to advance the state of performance-based design of concrete structures.
For reinforced concrete structures, both new and existing, the FEMA 306 and 307 documents provide
an opportunity to improve on seismic evaluation and design methods used in FEMA 356 and for new
buildings. Compared to the FEMA 356 acceptance criteria for concrete members, the procedures of FEMA
306 are more transparent to the engineer because they relate directly to identified behavior modes of
structural members or actions. Use of such procedures would lead to more accurate criteria, with less
uncertainty in the resulting seismic performance.
Pagiotakos and Fardis [ACI Structural Journal March-April 2001] have studied the ultimate
deformation capacity of reinforced concrete members using an extensive database. They have compared
rotation capacities directly with the limits given in FEMA 356. The results show a potential for improved
accuracy. Professor Fardis reports the current status of the work:
“We have been building up a data base with test results of concrete components (mainly columns, but
also beams, piers and walls, no joints though). The data base now includes about 1400 components with
rect. section (including walls and beams), about 225 circular columns or piers and about 70 hollow (or T, U,
etc.) sections. Most of the components are flexure-critical but about 150 have a ductile shear failure mode
(yielding in flexure, failing then apparently in shear). There are also smaller databases on components with
rect. section strengthened with concrete, steel or FRP jackets We are currently now working on the database
(extending it, checking, etc.), so it is not in a publishable form. An earlier version, with about 1000
components with rect. section (including walls and beams) was made available to ACI, in hardcopy and
electronic form, as an Annex to a paper of myself and a co-worker that appeared in the ACI Struct. J.,
Vol.98, No.2 (March-April 2001). That database has very few bugs, though. I will be happy to provide
further info.”
For new precast and prestressed concrete structures, the Federation International du Beton is finalizing
a state-of-the-art report that describes design approaches from a performance-based perspective. The
document gives a brief discussion of performance-based terminology and covers key issues like the unique
types of nonlinear behavior for jointed precast systems. [Contact me for more details on the document.]
I believe that to provide the best benefit to stakeholders, the principal objective of the performance-
based action plan should be to produce design provisions (in specific language), commentary, and
example applications. The chart below gives my recommendation on the relative amount of effort for the
principal tasks toward this aim. Example applications should be used early in the process, and provisions
for selected building types should be developed before general frameworks are chosen.

86 F: Structural Performance Products Breakout Session Materials ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Appendix G: Nonstructural
Performance Products Breakout
Session Materials
1. Agenda

2. Summary Notes

3. Session Attendees

4. Presentations

a. Carlson, J. Today’s Design and Installation of Non-Structural Components


b. Memari, A. Recent Developments in Earthquake Resistant Design of Nonstructural Buildings

Wall Systems Nonstructural\ATC 58 Worshop _ Slide Presentation _ Memari _ 2 24 03.pdf

c. Caldwell, P. Shake Table Testing as Means of Equipment Qualification

Nonstructural\Caldwell ATC-58 SFO Feb 03 NPP.pdf

d. Malholtra, P. Cyclic-Demand in Performance-Based Seismic Design


e. Filiatrault, A. Development Of Experimental Performance-Based Seismic Qualification

Procedures For Nonstructural Building Components Nonstructural\ATC-58-Filiatrault.pdf
f. Gillengerten, J. Seismic Demands and Acceptance Criteria for Seismic Qualification Testing
of Nonstructural Components Nonstructural\Gilleng-Seismic1.pdf

ATC-58-3 G: Nonstructural Performance Products Breakout Session Materials 87

Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

Nonstructural Performance Products Breakout Session

February 24, 2003
2:15 pm Breakout Session Overview Bachman
- Goals
- Phase 2 NPP Team Introduction
- Introduction of Attendees
Individual Presentations
2:30 - “Today’s Design & Installation of Carlson
Nonstructural Components”
2:50 - “Recent Developments in Earthquake Memari
Resistant Design of Nonstructural Building
and Wall Systems”
3:10 - “Seismic Demands and Acceptance Criteria Gillengerten
for Seismic Qualification Testing of
Nonstructural Components”
3:30 - “Shake Table Testing of Electrical Equipment Caldwell
for Commercial Applications from an
Equipment Supplier’s Perspective”
3:50 Discussion
4:00 Coffee Break
4:15 - “Cyclic Demand in Performance Based Malhorta
4:35 - “Development of Experimental Performance- Filiatrault
Based Seismic Qualification Procedures for
Nonstructural Components”
4:55 Presentation of NPP Strawman Work Plan Bachman
5:00 Discussion and Feedback
6:00 No Host Reception
7:00 Dinner (on your own)

88 G: Nonstructural Performance Products Breakout Session Materials ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

February 25, 2003

7:30 am Continental Breakfast
8:00 am Resume Breakout Session
Presentation of Revised Workplan Bachman
Discussion and Changes
10:00 Coffee Break
10:15 Resume Breakout Session
Refine Plan
12:00 Lunch

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Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

Summary Notes
Nonstructural Performance Products Breakout Session

The nonstructural performance products breakout session took place on the afternoon of Feb. 24th and the
morning of Feb. 25th. The session was attended by approximately 25 invited researchers, practicing
engineers and supplier representatives.
The session was organized into two parts. On the first day, Bob Bachman, Team Leader for
Nonstructural Performance Products gave an overview regarding the goals, organization and ground rules
for the breakout session. After Bob gave his overview, the following presentations were made during the
remaining portion of the afternoon which provided an understanding of current practice and recent
developments in the design, installation and testing of nonstructural components which may impact the
development of the project work plan.
Today’s Design and Installation of Nonstructural Components Jim Carlson
Recent Developments in Earthquake Resistant Design of
Nonstructural Building and Wall Systems Ali Memari
Seismic Demands and Acceptance Criteria for Seismic
Qualification Testing of Nonstructural Components John Gillengerten
Shake Table Testing of Electrical Equipment for Commercial
Applications from an Equipment Supplier’s Perspective Phil Caldwell
Cyclic Demand in Performance Based Design Praveen Malhotra
Development of Experimental Performance Seismic
Based Qualification Procedures for Nonstructural Components Andre Filiatrault
The next morning breakout session focused on reviewing and providing comments on the
Nonstructural Performance Product Straw Work Plan that was provided in the workshop workbook. The
comments of the participants were captured in two ways by two different scribes. They were annotated in
real time on table below each task as the task was discussed during the session. These real time comments
were projected on a screen so everyone could see the comments as they occurred. Secondly, a note taker
took notes as each task was discussed.
The participation in the feedback session was excellent. Virtually all 25 attendees participated
significantly. In general, the attendees were supportive of the plan but made suggested changes to it.
There were 3 areas where they were critical.
1. Some of the audience expressed disappointment that representatives from Canada were not invited.
Canada is currently moving forward with a PBSE code for nonstructural components which we
should take advantage of.
2. Many of the researchers were disappointed that there would be no funding available for testing. They
felt testing was critical in this area especially if uncertainty bands was desired to establish fragility
3. There was consensus that Table 6 and 7 should occur before or concurrently with Tasks 2 and 3. Task
4 should be delayed until Task 3 is mostly completed.
The result of the review and comments was a revised Straw Work plan for Nonstructural Performance
Products. This revised work plan is provided below and is the consensus of the participants of the
breakout session regarding suggested changes to the work plan.

90 G: Nonstructural Performance Products Breakout Session Materials ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

ATC-58 Nonstructural Performance Products Strawman Work Plan, February 25, 2003
# Task $K 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
1 Revised Action Plan 15
2 Define possible EDPs and NPLs 15
3 Choose EDPs and define NPLs 350
4 Develop building-specific demand prediction 300
5 Develop generic demand prediction methods 150
6 Identify component types and performance 250
7 Evaluate current practice 300
8 Define testing protocols 100
9 Develop research plan 150
10 Develop analysis & design methods 850
11 Coordinate design & analysis with SPP 150
12 Define post-eq data collection program 300
13 Define program to encourage PBSD use and 300
14 Develop seismic design implementation, 300
QA/QC plan
15 Document results for Guidelines, do verification 500

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Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

Nonstructural Performance Products Break Out Session

Bachman, Robert (Facilitator), Consulting Engineer
Bonowitz, David, Consulting Engineer
Borcherdt, Roger, U.S. Geological Survey
Bruneau, Michel, MCEER
Caldwell, Philip, Square D Company
Carlson, James, Seismic Source Company
Drake, Richard, Fluor Daniel
Filiatrault, Andre, Univ. of California, San Diego
Gates, William, URS Corporation
Gillengerten, John, OSHPD
Goodno, Barry, Georgia Institute of Technology
Itani, Ahmad, University of Nevada, Reno
Kehoe, Brian, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates
Kennedy, Robert, RPK Structural Mech. Consultant
Makris, Nicos, University of California, Berkeley
Malhotra, Praveen, FM Global Research
McGavin, Gary, McGavin Architecture
Memari, Ali, Pennsylvania State University
Miranda, Eduardo, Stanford University
Phipps, Maryann, ESTRUCTURE
Scawthorn, Charles, ABS Consulting
Silva, John, Hilti Inc.
Singh, M. P., Virginia Polytechnic Inst. & State Univ.
Soong, Larry, MCEER
Staehlin, William, OSHPD
Tauby, James, Mason Industries
Theodoropoulos, Christine, University of Oregon

92 G: Nonstructural Performance Products Breakout Session Materials ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Today’s Design and Installation of Non-Structural Components

James A. Carlson, P.E.


With the advent of the International Building Code and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Building Code, numerous jurisdictions are changing their minimum requirements with respect to seismic
issues especially those associated with non-structural components. Many new areas will be looking for
guidance to design and install seismic restraints on equipment. Areas where seismic restraints are
common may now face more stringent requirements. Requirements found in the code do not utilize
performance based design guidance, but define the minimum requirements. This is where performance
based seismic design guides are imperative to provide support to the building construction industry.
In 1999, American Society of Heating Refrigeration Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
published “A Practical Guide for Seismic Restraint” and it’s said to be the highest selling guide that
ASHRAE publishes. This reflects a real need of the design community for application type information
regarding the seismic restraint design for non-structural components. Except for structural engineers
versed in the seismic design, most professionals dealing with non-structural components lack even the
basic knowledge and require seminars, training and guides to evaluate seismic installations.
Contractors have historically ignored seismic restraints or did not properly install these restraints. A
FEMA funded project is in process to develop a multi-part manual that identifies and illustrates best
practices in the installation of seismic restraint devices for mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP),
so that equipment will perform more satisfactorily in response to earthquakes. Contractors can take
advantage of performance based designs to better implement information in these installation manuals.
Many standards specify installation properties that may be incomplete or in conflict with the
minimum seismic requirements contained in building codes. For example, the piping support spacing
tables do not meet the minimum 16.66 Hz natural frequency stiffness to assume rigid installations or
include refrigeration piping which uses thin walled copper tubing. Design methods and analysis
procedures need to be developed for appropriate performance based seismic design.

ATC-58-3 G: Nonstructural Performance Products Breakout Session Materials 93

Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

Recent Developments in Earthquake Resistant Design of Nonstructural

Buildings Wall Systems
Ali M. Memari
Department of Architectural Engineering, Penn State University, University Park, PA


Three types of nonstructural wall systems in buildings consisting of curtain walls that include
architectural glass, brick veneer wall systems, and masonry infill walls have been the subject of recent
research at Penn State. According to building codes, nonstructural (architectural) walls shall be designed
to accommodate the design interstory building drifts in order to avoid damage to such systems. In past
earthquakes, the architectural glass used in curtain walls, windows and storefronts has been damaged,
extensively in some earthquakes. In one recent study at Penn State, a modified geometry architectural
glass panel has been developed that can increase the drift capacity by almost 100% for some glass types.
Glass panels with rounded corners and specially polished edges have been tested and shown to have such
an increased drift capacity, which will satisfy the building drift requirements in most cases. Moreover, a
type of curtain wall has been developed that will provide complete seismic isolation from story to story
through seismic decoupler joints for any level of seismic input to the building. With such a system, as
long as the building does not collapse, there is little chance for damage to the curtain wall. Another aspect
of recent research on architectural glass is the investigation of the performance of safety film covered
architectural glass under dynamic racking tests.
With respect to masonry infill walls, a seismic isolation system has been developed that can be placed
between structural frame and the infill wall to act as a sacrificial subframe in order to prevent damage to
the structural frame and the infill wall. This system is designed to preserve the tight-fit contact between
the wall and the frame under low to moderate seismic events, but to disengage the contact between the
frame and the wall under a high seismic event. The system is designed based on the “fuse” concept.
Finally, a panelized brick veneer on steel stud wall system is under development that can be suitable for a
multi-hazard resistant design situation, where resistance without cracking under high wind, in-plane
seismic isolation under seismic events, and out-of-plane resistance under impact or blast loading may be
desirable. The presentation will include brief explanations on these topics and how such developments fit
in the overall efforts in the area of performance-based design.

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Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Shake Table Testing as Means of Equipment Qualification

Phillip Caldwell


1) When to use a seismic simulation shaker table to verify compliance with model building code
2) Overview of a seismic simulation shaker table test program campaign
a) Rationalization of product line to be qualified
i) Role of high end computer simulation tools
ii) Methods to validate computer simulation
b) Identification and evaluation of model codes to evaluate for compliance
c) Selection criteria for table (when to use 1-D, 2-D or 3-D table)
d) Development of a test plan
i) Specification of test protocol (i.e. ICBO ES AC156)
ii) Identification of test samples
iii) Specification of test parameters to be instrumented
iv) Other documentation requirements
v) Pre-test requirements
vi) Test motions (Required Response Spectra) and time duration
vii) Post test requirements
viii) Evaluation criteria for pass/fail
e) Selection of test samples to envelop full range of engineering investigation
i) Computer simulation validation
ii) Verification of design options
(1) Example of anticipated passing test
(2) Example of anticipated test failure
f) Conducting test
i) Review of test plan with test facility
ii) Test facility preparations prior to test
iii) Conducting test
(1) Criteria for documenting pre-test and post test
(2) Be prepared to be flexible with the order of test plan execution
(3) Maintain constant awareness of test setup and execution and conformance to test plan
3) Development of test reports
a) Content of test report
b) Working with test facility to insure accuracy of test report and all required information to verify
compliance or failure is contained in report
c) How to use the results of test reports
i) Development of self certification documents
ii) Review with third party listing agency in preparation for obtaining third party certification
(i.e. ICC Evaluation Services – formerly ICBO Evaluation Services)
4) Some of the shortcomings of the current process
a) Confidence in the demand motions
5) How to engage more suppliers into the PBSE process
a) Examples and results of previous efforts within electrical industry to get an industry effort
b) Suggestions for future efforts

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Cyclic-Demand in Performance-Based Seismic Design

Praveen K. Malhotra, Ph.D., P.E.
FM Global Research, Norwood, MA 02062


The amplitude of the seismic load is insufficient to evaluate the seismic performance of structures or non-
structural components. The number of cycles for which the seismic load is applied should also be
considered. However, there has been no simple way to consider the cyclic-demand, because numerous
definitions of strong-motion duration are only an indirect measure of the number of load cycles.
Furthermore, duration derived from the acceleration history is meaningless for flexible systems which
respond to support velocities and displacements, rather than accelerations.
FM Global Research has established a test protocol for evaluating the strength of sprinkler-pipe
seismic-brace components. Because the components can fail in low-cycle fatigue, it was necessary to
consider the number of load cycles in evaluating the seismic strength. Strong-motion records from 18
severely shaken buildings were incorporated into a low-cycle fatigue model to determine the number of
load cycles for which the components must resist their rated capacity. The protocol is currently under use
to evaluate the seismic strength of brace components. With slight modifications, the protocol may be used
for various other piping components  hanger rods, couplings, flexible hoses, fasteners, etc.
The concept of cyclic-demand is expanded for general application in performance-based seismic
design of structures. A cyclic-demand spectrum is proposed, which, in conjunction with the amplitude
spectrum, provides a more complete definition of the seismic load  hence a way to consider the
degradation in strength, stiffness and energy-dissipation capacity in a rational manner. Similar to three
amplitude parameters (peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity, and peak ground displacement),
three cyclic-demand parameters are proposed for stiff, medium-stiff, and flexible systems.

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Development of Experimental Performance-Based Seismic Qualification

Procedures for Nonstructural Building Components
Andre Filiatrault
Professor of Structural Engineering, University of California, San Diego


In many strong earthquakes that have struck the United States in the twentieth century, damage to
nonstructural building components has exceeded the cost of structural damage in most affected buildings.
Failures of interior partitions, finishes and hung ceilings pose hazards to occupants. With the development
of performance-based earthquake engineering, harmonization of the performance levels between
structural and nonstructural components is necessary. Even if the structural components of a building
achieve an immediate occupancy performance level during a seismic event, building contents and interior
architectural components failure inside the building can lower the performance level of the entire building
In comparison to structural components and systems, there is little information available giving
specific guidance on the seismic design of nonstructural building components for multiple-performance
levels. Little basic research has been done in this area and often design engineers are forced to start
almost from square one: observe what goes wrong and try to prevent repetitions. This is a consequence of
the empirical nature of current of existing seismic regulations and guidelines for nonstructural
components. The code information currently available for the most part is based on judgment and
intuition rather than on experimental and analytical results.
The development of experimental protocols to asses the seismic performance of nonstructural
building components is urgently needed. The development of static and dynamic (shake table) test
protocols is required to characterize the physical properties of nonstructural components and qualify both
their structural and functional performances during seismic events.
This presentation will briefly review past experimental studies conducted by the author and others on
the seismic performance of nonstructural building components. A rational methodology for the
construction of experimental fragility functions for acceleration-sensitive building contents and
cantilevered interior architectural components will be described.

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Seismic Demands and Acceptance Criteria for Seismic Qualification Testing

of Nonstructural Components
John Gillengerten
Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development


The NEHRP Provisions contain requirements for the seismic qualification of designated seismic systems
that must function following an earthquake. These requirements can be met through shake table testing,
three-dimensional shock tests, or rigorous analysis that considers the nature of the input floor motion and
the component dynamic response characteristics. This presentation outlines the current NEHRP design
provisions, and the method used to develop floor response spectra for component testing. The test
spectrum is incorporated into a new testing specification for non-structural components.
The test specification, adopted by the ICBO Evaluation Services as AC-156, Acceptance Criteria for
Seismic Qualification of Nonstructural Components, is discussed. The presentation provides a brief
background about measured building floor response spectra, and the concept of generic floor spectra.
Nonstructural code forces, the relationship to generic floor spectra, and the relationship to the spectra
specified in AC156 are discussed.

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Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Appendix H: Risk Management

Products Breakout Session Materials
1. Agenda

2. Summary Notes

3. Session Attendees

4. Presentations

a. Eidenger, J. Benefits and Costs of Meeting Different Seismic Retrofit Design Criteria for the
BART System Risk Management Breakout\eidenger-bart.pdf

b. Cornell, C.A. Communicating PBEE-based Alternatives: Scenarios versus Probabilities Risk

Management Breakout\Cornell-Hazard-Communication.pdf

c. Hackett, J. Implementation Concerns of Performance Based Seismic Engineering (PBSE)

from the Perspective of The Division of the State Architect, a Regulatory Agency

d. Noson, L. Hazard Mapping And Risk Assessment Risk Management Breakout\LLN-


e. Kircher, C.A. HAZUS AEBM – Potential ATC-58 Risk Management Tool Risk Management

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Risk Management Products Breakout Session

February 24, 2003
2:15 pm Breakout Session Overview Comartin
- Introductions of Attendees
- Goals
- Reintroduction of Attendees
2:20 Overview of RMPP Straw Work Plan Comartin
2:40 - “Application of the AEBM module of HAZUS Kircher
to selecting appropriate performance goals
as the basis for design”
3:00 - “Case study of the application of economic Eidinger
loss and cost benefit analysis to
development of retrofit criteria for the BART
3:20 - “A process for seismic risk management and Nosen
selection of criteria”
3:40 - “Probabilistic Approach to PBEE” Cornell
4:00 Coffee Break
4:15 - “Risk-Informed Performance-Based Design Meacham
for Fire: Similarities and Differences to
Seismic Design”
4:35 - “The implementation of PBE in the regulatory Hackett
4:55 - “Context matters in performance based Petak
5:15 Group Discussion of Draft Work Plan
6:00 No Host Reception
7:00 Dinner (on your own)

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February 25, 2003

7:30 am Continental Breakfast
8:00 am Resume Breakout Session
Presentation of Revised Workplan Comartin
Discussion and Changes
10:00 Coffee Break
10:15 Resume Breakout Session
Refine Plan
12:00 Lunch

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Summary Notes
Risk Management Products Breakout Session

H.1 Introduction and Overview

Craig Comartin started the session with introductions of participants, a review of the schedule for the
breakout session, and an overview of the RMP scope and aims of the breakout group. He identified the
aim to better understand stakeholder seismic risk management needs in the context of the performance-
based seismic engineering design process, as each stakeholder type will have a different perspective on
this issues. To facilitate discussion, a set of stakeholder types was identified for closer consideration:
 Owner/Manager, consisting of Investor, Institution and Industry
 Societal/Government, consisting of Public Policy, Regulatory, and Special Interest/Advocacy (Public)
 Financial, consisting of Lenders, Insurers and Securities
 Professionals, consisting of Architects/Planners, Engineers/Scientists, and Researchers
There was general agreement that the different perspectives are important, and that risk management
products need to exist for each group.

H.2 Presentations
Following the session overview, a number of presentations were made on topics associated with the
overall scope and aim of the RMP area, including benefit-cost analysis, risk management issues, and
stakeholder communication. The following are brief summaries of each presentation.

Application of the AEB Module of HAZUS to Selecting Appropriate Performance Goals as the
Basis for Design, Charles Kircher
Kircher began his presentation with a discussion of earthquake risk, which in a comparative sense, is
fairly low. In his comparison of losses in the Northridge, Kobe and Kocaeli earthquakes, in terms of
lives, property damage and economic impact, Northridge had the lowest losses. Kircher pointed to the
need for the seismic risk assessment process to cover a broad range of issues, not only in terms of life
safety and property damage, but the downtime/business interruption/recovery time costs. This discussion
then transitioned into an overview of the HAZUS AEBM module, which is a useful tool for helping to
understand earthquake loss estimation, including such factors as injuries, damage costs and downtime
costs for single building evaluation. Kircher used examples to demonstrate the benefits of HAZUS
AEBM, including an analysis of an instrumented building in San Jose and the development of fragility
curves using the SAC steel-frame building database.
Key points from Kircher’s presentation include:
 Seismic risk in US is comparatively low
 Seismic risk assessment needs to consider downtime costs as well as life and property damage costs
 HAZUS AEBM is an existing tool that can be applied to these issues
 How to properly develop a fragility curve is the key factor

Case Study of the Application of Economic Loss and Cost Benefit Analysis to Development of
Retrofit Criteria for the BART System, John Eidinger
The focus of Eidinger’s presentation was on the use of cost benefit analysis for making seismic risk
mitigation decisions for the BART system. The study developed out of an assessment that indicated a
need for greater than $3 Billion of seismic upgrades to obtain a “full operability” level following a
significant event, and the desire to determine if there were some other level that may not be full
operability, yet may be “good enough.” The range of potential options included “life safety” at one end,
“full operability” at the other, with numerous variants in between. Six retrofit alternatives were

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identified, with ranges in performance levels and cost, from $600 Million to $1.44 Billion, based on a
total replacement cost estimate of some $10.8 Billion. Eidinger outlined the process of inventory
development, component descriptions, mapping, and so forth, and discussed the use of scenario
earthquakes for hazard characterization. In total, 166 sets of fragility curves were used in some 100
simulations to assess system performance, which was measured in terms of passenger trips/day, economic
loss, and life safety. Operation levels were measured in terms of riders vs. days after the event. Benefit-
cost analysis was applied to the retrofit alternatives. In the end, the analysis indicated that retrofit for
return to full operability was not best approach given the uncertainty in the ability to return to full
operability and the marginal benefits for the magnitude of cost expenditure.

A Process for Seismic Risk Management and Selection of Criteria, Linda Noson
The presentation by Noson fit well with the earlier discussion on stakeholder needs, as she focused in on
the fact that one needs to work with stakeholders to understand what they want to accomplish, with the
recognition that different organizations handle risk management decisions differently, with varying
degrees of decision-making flexibility and budget. Noson outlined various organizational risk
management issues, identifying components of the process, including risk identification, decision-making
and management. She identified terminology as a significant concern, as people with different
backgrounds have different interpretations (e.g., engineer versus CFO), and that care must be taken to
properly differentiate between such terms as vulnerability, hazard, exposure is discussions and

Risk-Informed Performance-Based Design for Fire: Similarities and Differences to Seismic

Design, Brian Meacham
Meacham began with an overview of how fire protection engineering developed as a discipline, and how
the building regulatory system changed as well, allowing more use of engineered approaches to problems
such as fire resistance, smoke control, suppression and egress design. Advances in fire protection
engineering and changes in the building codes overlapped in the 1990s when performance-based building
codes were being explored, and funding was invested to research performance-based fire engineering
(PBFE). A key aspect of PBFE is the three-level approach to analysis and design: the Component Level
(e.g., performance comparison of like components, such as sprinkler heads), the System Level (e.g.,
performance comparison between dissimilar systems, such as fire resistance and sprinklers), and the
Building Level (e.g., comparing all systems holistically). The Building Level is where probabilistic (risk)
modeling comes in, and is the least developed area. Similarities with PBSE include challenges in defining
performance and tying risk tolerability with performance levels, the sources and range of uncertainty and
variability and how to best address, and how to ensure stakeholders buy in. Differences from PBEE
include the fact that PBFE already exists (engineers are using it and authorities are becoming familiar
with the concepts), with the focus now on developing reviewer guides and other stakeholders support
tools. Also, unlike PBSE, PBFE is currently focused on deterministic analysis, as probabilistic data are

The Implementation of PBE in the Regulatory Environment, James Hackett

Hackett outlined the challenges associated with the California Department of the State Architect (DSA)
requirement to write performance-based regulations for retrofit of non-Field Act buildings (the Field Act
outlines seismic requirements for schools) that may be used for schools in the future (including some
charter schools now). The first step was to try and determine what the Field Act requires for performance
and to establish appropriate criteria. The challenge then became one of implementation, where the
concerns include: retrofit measures; educating staff; evaluation; peer review; quality assurance; pre-
purchase review; educating the public; levels of damage control that need to be defined; wide range of
structural types that need to be considered; historic structures. A significant focus now is on outlining
and developing a process for design engineers to use something other than current code for seismic
retrofit (with the FEMA guidance being a good starting point). As this goes forward, it is important to
note that DSA does not certify compliance: engineers do this as SEs and thus carry the liability. Quality

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assurance is a critical issue, and the DSA is exploring the formation of an internal group for ensuring
uniformity and consistency. This is not intended to result in prescriptive design, but rather, to help assure
the appropriate use of methods for choosing performance levels and developing design solutions.

Context Matters in Performance-Based Engineering, William Petak

In this presentation, Petak focused on the interconnection between the decision-making process and
performance characterization within the context of a complex socio-technical system. If one focuses on
one component or aspect of the system, without consideration of the other factors, significant problems
can be expected. Of concern are the issues of a reduce capacity for individual decision-making, limited
stakeholder participation, and an increased need for experts. Petak went on to describe the STAPLE
framework for adopting and understanding diverse/complex issues within the socio-technical system,
where STAPLE reflects the Social, Technological, Analytical, Political, Legal, and Economic
environments/influences. In conjunction with the STAPLE approach, one also needs to be cognizant of
how organizations make decisions. Petak cautioned against the use of “decision criteria,” which may lead
to “one best way” solutions and is not the way most organizations operate. Rather, he urged
consideration of key organizational decision factors: perception of risk; technology; regulations; financial
capacity/economy; and insurance, coupled and addressed within a decision matrix. He also pointed out
that there are different issues when considering new designs (small increments in design and construction
cost) and retrofit (larger increments). Finally, Petak advocated having stakeholders in development
process, not just having them as a focus group, and offered BICEPP and CREW as examples.

Probabilistic Approach to PBEE, Allin Cornell

In this presentation, Cornell discussed the issue of a probabilistic approach versus a hybrid approach. He
began by laying out the key factors, including annual probabilities of exceedence, economic loss, inter-
story drift and ground motion, discussing issues associated with scenario events, and illustrating how the
issues can be addressed in a full probabilistic or in a hybrid approach. Each approach has benefits and
detriments depending on such factors as whether a first order approximation is sufficient, and the level of
understanding of the client.

H.3 Group Discussion

Discussion was held by the group at the end of Day 1 and after the presentation by Cornell on Day 2. On
Day 1, one point of considerable discussion was the role of stakeholders in the process. In the Straw
Work Plan, it was proposed to formulate stakeholder groups to facilitate input. However, several people
voiced concerns about including stakeholders only as focus group participants, and preferred to see
stakeholder become an integral part of development team for this effort.
Day 2 focused on a task-by-task evaluation of the Straw Work Plan. Whereas the primary focus was
on the tasks and not the funding, no group discussion regarding funding occurred. The following
represents a summary of the RMP Breakout Group discussion and recommendations.

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Task FEMA 349 FEMA 349

No. Task Budget Schedule Comments
RMP- Identify performance $350,000 1 year Look at what issues of concern are
2.1 considerations and and tabulate how various
metrics stakeholders view issues.
RMP- Establish process to $350,000 1 year Establish process to relate
2.2 relate PBEE to objectives to performance.
stakeholder performance Performance considerations and
objectives decision process and metrics.
Suggest potential criteria.
Don’t set “acceptable” or “minimum”
RMP - Establish mechanism to $400,000 4 years Need to develop way that engineers
2.3 translate damage to can translate damage states into
(new) consequences (DDD) and consequences of value to
calibrate methodologies stakeholders.
with other groups.
Need to coordinate with structural
and non-structural products groups.
Need to make sure method works
before developing tools.
RMP – Consider implications for Need to look at how building
2.4 multiple structures in the performance characterization can be
(new) same or multiple settings translated to community, portfolio or
(community). systems.

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Risk Management Products Break Out Session

Comartin, Craig (Facilitator), Comartin-Reis
Alesch, Daniel, Univ. of Wisconsin, Green Bay
Aydinoglu, Nuray, Bogazici University
Beck, Deborah, Real Estate Board of New York
Bendimerad, Fouad, Risk Management Solutions
Cornell, Allin, Stanford University
Court, Anthony, Curry Price Court
Dong, Weimin, Risk Management Solutions
Eidinger, John, G&E Engineering Systems
Ellingwood, Bruce, Georgia Institute of Tech.
Green, Henry, Bureau of Construction Codes
Hackett, James, Cal. Div of State Architect
Haviland, Perry, Haviland Associates Architects
Holmes, William, Rutherford & Chekene
King, Stephanie, Weidlinger Associates
Kircher, Charles, Charles Kircher & Associates
Kiremidjian, Anne, Stanford University
Lew, H. S., NIST
May, Peter, University of Washington
Meacham, Brian, Ove Arup and Partners
Merovich, Andrew, A. T. Merovich & Associates
Mittler, Elliott, Public Policy Consultant
Noson, Linda, Linda Noson Associates
Petak, William, University of Southern California
Poland, Chris, Degenkolb Engineers
Somerville, Paul, URS Greiner Woodward Clyde
Taylor, Craig, Natural Hazards Management
Traw, John, Traw Associates Consulting

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Benefits and Costs of Meeting Different Seismic Retrofit Design Criteria for
the BART System
John Eidenger


BART has embarked on a multi-year effort to seismically retrofit its original 1968-vintage rail system.
The original system was built using reasonably ductile design methods, for a site-specific motion of about
ZPA = 0.5g (some variation for rock and soil sites) More recent understanding of seismology and
structural design have been applied to evaluate the existing BART system. This includes site specific
ground motions, fault "fling", current understanding of ductility, etc. Following FEMA / NEHRP criteria,
essentially 100% of the existing BART infrastructure fail these more "rigorous" year 2002 design
guidelines standards.
The cost to retrofit all of BART's original infrastructure to meet either "Life Safety" or "Full
Operability" guidelines, as suggested in various current FEMA documents, would easily exceed $3
billion, possibly more. recognizing the cost implications, BART performed a more system-wide approach
to seismic retrofit of its system. This approach explicitly considers that every component between two
stations must perform reasonably well in order to safely run a train between the two stations. Damage to
components could be acceptable, along with reduction in train speeds or service, as long as economic
impacts to the community were not too great.
We examined numerous alternative levels of seismic retrofit standards. We performed system wide
benefit cost models with / without the retrofits installed. We generally found that the lowest level of
seismic retrofit, ie "life safety" was the most cost effective for purposes of retrofitting BART. More
expensive retrofits, ie "full operability" (lower allowable strains, etc.) were found to be not cost effective,
even after consideration of system-wide impacts, for more than 905 of the BART system. This study
illustrates the use of performance evaluation on a system wide basis and cost-benefit analyses to assist in
selection of seismic design criteria.

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Communicating PBEE-based Alternatives: Scenarios versus Probabilities

C. Allin Cornell
Stanford University


The questions addressed are the relative benefits of two of the more extreme ways of presenting,
communicating and defining risk information with clients as a basis for design criteria. One of these
consists of an expression of the total probability of exceeding or experiencing defined limit states or
performance levels, such as collapse, specified repair costs, deaths, downtime, etc. Detailed development
of such approaches are underway by researchers at PEER and elsewhere. The alternative and more
traditional approach relates to definition of an expected performance level given a single definition of a
design scenario event, such as a magnitude, M, on the San Andreas Fault.
The full probabilistic approach can provide a wide range of information upon which decisions can be
based, (e.g., mean annual frequency of collapse, the probability that some number of lives > n lives may
be lost, the probability that economic loss in excess of x$ will occur; plus, perhaps, even confidence
levels on such estimates.) Scenario formats (e.g., Magnitude M, Magnitude M at distance R; ground
motion level x, etc.). while providing less information, and which potentially address events that may
never occur, while not addressing events that could occur, are none the less, easier to understand for
A proposal is presented for a hybrid approach which starts from the “full probabilistic” form of
information and translates that into an “equivalent” scenario format. Use with absolute assessments and
relative comparisons between alternative designs is suggested.

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Implementation Concerns of Performance Based Seismic Engineering (PBSE)

from the Perspective of The Division of the State Architect, a Regulatory
James P. Hackett
State of California, Division of the State Architect


The Division of the State Architect (DSA) provides plan review and observation of construction for over
2000 public school districts, 900 California Community College districts and a rapidly expanding
population of charter schools throughout the state. The increasing demand for new facilities combined
with the lack of available unimproved land in urban areas has prompted the legislature to enact legislation
requiring DSA to promulgate regulations for the conversion of non-Field Act buildings to a performance
level equivalent with the implementing provisions of the Field Act.
The performance objectives defined in the Field Act is protection of life and property (Section 17280,
California Education Code). These objectives are being achieved in the California Building Code through
prescriptive technical provisions adopted for state use, thorough plan review and continuous inspection of
The DSA is currently considering implementing regulations that will incorporate the PBSE processes
of FEMA 356. However, implementing these provisions will have a significant impact on the operations
of DSA, and the following issues will pose a challenge to put into practice in a manner that will allow for
consistent implementation across the four regional offices of DSA:
1. Analysis of structures utilizing non-linear PBSE analysis techniques will require development of a
program to provide extensive training of staff and management.
2. A credible procedure for acceptance of alternative design and acceptance criteria of existing
conditions that do not comply with prescriptive modal code provisions must be developed.
3. Development of a peer review process providing credible expertise is necessary. Peer review
consultants to DSA may need to be retained until staff obtains the necessary expertise.
4. Protection of life and property as identified in the Field Act require definition of the performance
objectives in the damage control range. Developing a numerical equivalent accounting for the effects
of thorough plan review and continuous inspection is problematic and may be difficult to technically
5. Since DSA expects a wide range of building types, materials and sizes to be candidates for
conversion, procedures must be developed to determine when PBSE methods are appropriate for use.

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Linda Noson, Principal, Linda Noson Associates


This paper provides an introduction to Performance-Based Risk Management for the purpose of
developing a conceptual and theoretical background on which to prepare guidance materials...
Performance-Based Risk Management provides a comprehensive, consistent methodology to help those in
authority address the affects of natural, technological, and human hazards on an organization’s capability
to carry out it’s mission and on a department’s capability to accomplish operational roles and
responsibilities. .Risk management provides a comprehensive approach for developing and implementing
sustainable and effective risk policies and interventions to manage the adverse effects of accidental losses,
such as those related to natural hazard impacts, and business losses. Risk management consists of both a
management process and a decision-making process. The five steps of the risk management decision-
making process include: (1) Identify and Analyze Loss Exposures; (2) Examine Alternative Risk
Management Techniques; (3) Select Risk Management Techniques; (4) Implement techniques; and (5)
Monitor Results (Table 1). The traditional elements of management – planning, organizing, leading, and
controlling – are applied to each of the steps shown in Table 1. Table 2 shows an example of applying
each of the elements of management to Step 1 in the decision making process (Identifying and Analyzing
Loss Exposures).

Table 1 Steps in the Risk Management Process

Step Risk Management Process Description
One Identifying and Analyzing Loss Define essential exposures: Mission Statement,
Exposures Policies and Legal Arrangements
Risk Assessment
Risk Evaluations (Significance of Risk)
Two Examine alternative Risk Mitigation Planning and Implementation
Management Techniques
(Mitigation sensitivity, Feasibility, Cost))
Three Select Risk Management Mitigation Planning and Implementation
(cost/benefit analysis)
Four Implement Techniques Mitigation Planning and Implementation
(Contract Selection, Schedule)
Public Awareness and Social Marketing
Capacity Building
Promoting Safer Building Construction
Community Based Approaches to Disaster
Climate Applications and Preparedness
Five Monitor Results

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HAZUS AEBM – Potential ATC-58 Risk Management Tool

C. A. Kircher


The FEMA/NIBS earthquake loss estimation methodology, commonly known as HAZUS, is a complex
collection of components that work together to estimate casualties, loss of function and economic impacts
of earthquake ground shaking and ground failure. The methodology is documented in the HAZUS
Technical Manual and a number of technical papers. One of the main components of the methodology
estimates the probability of various states of structural and nonstructural damage to buildings using
quantitative descriptions of ground shaking and nonlinear response analysis of the structure. Damage
state probabilities are used by other components of the methodology to estimate various types of building-
related loss.
The Advanced Engineering Building Module (AEBM) was recently added to the methodology to
allow expert users to create “building-specific” damage and loss functions for detailed evaluation of an
individual building (or group of similar buildings). The AEBM provides seismic/structural engineers with
the requisite set of tools for evaluating the performance of structural and nonstructural systems of
buildings. These tools may be used to evaluate the relative performance of alternative designs of a new
building, or similarly different rehabilitation schemes for an existing building. These tools can also
provide the “metrics” for judging the benefits of performance-based seismic design, by quantifying
performance in terms of lives saved or injuries avoided, reduction in business interruption and functional
downtime and reduction in direct and indirect economic losses.
The HAZUS AEBM bridges the gap between quantitative measures of ground shaking and estimates
of damage and loss due to this ground shaking. A research opportunity exists for extending and adapting
the methods of the HAZUS AEBM as a risk management tool of the ATC-58 effort to develop
performance-based design guidelines. Current performance-based methods typically focus on improved
prediction and understanding of building response (e.g., inelastic building drift). This is understandable,
since engineers (and engineering researchers) tend to think in terms of engineering parameters, such as
building drift, as the primary measure of building performance. While engineering parameters are
important (to engineers), stakeholders (e.g., building occupants and owners) are more interested in
judging performance in terms of threats to life safety, possible loss of building use (e.g., shelter or
business), and cost of repair or replacement of systems damaged by the earthquake. The methods off the
HAZUS AEBM technology can provide a key link between earthquake hazard, engineering measures of
performance (e.g., building drift), and those measures of performance (e.g., life safety) that are more
meaningful to stakeholders and society in general.

ATC-58-3 H: Risk Management Products Breakout Session Materials 111

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Project Participants
Project Management
Christopher Rojahn (Project Executive Director) Ronald O. Hamburger (Project Technical
Applied Technology Council Director)
201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240 Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
Redwood City, California 94065 The Landmark @ One Market, Suite 600
San Francisco, California 94105

FEMA Oversight
Mike Mahoney (Project Officer) Robert D. Hanson (Technical Monitor)
Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Emergency Management Agency
500 C Street, SW, Room 416 2926 Saklan Indian Drive
Washington, D.C. 20472 Walnut Creek, California 94595-3911

Project Management Committee (PMC)

Christopher Rojahn (Chair) Maryann T. Phipps*
Ronald Hamburger (Co-Chair) ESTRUCTURE
8331 Kent Court, Suite 100
Peter May El Cerrito, California 94530
(University of Washington)
21817 SE 20th Street Jon Traw
Sammamish , Washington 98075 Traw Associates Consulting
14435 Eastridge Drive
Jack P. Moehle Whittier, California 90602
(University of California at Berkeley)
3444 Echo Springs Road
Lafayette, California 94549

Steering Committee
William T. Holmes (Chair) Randall Berdine
Rutherford & Chekene Fannie Mae
427 Thirteenth Street 3900 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Oakland, California 94612 Washington, D.C. 20016-2892

Dan Abrams Roger D. Borcherdt

Mid-America Earthquake Center U.S. Geological Survey
University of Illinois 345 Middlefield Road, MS977
1245 Newmark Civil Engineering Lab Menlo Park, California 94025
205 N. Mathews
Urbana, Illinois 61801 Michel Bruneau
MCEER, University at Buffalo
Deborah B. Beck 105 Red Jacket Quadrangle
Beck Creative Strategies LLC Buffalo, New York 14261-0025
531 Main Street, Suite 313
New York, New York 10044

*ATC Board Representative

ATC-58-3 Project Participants 113

Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

Mohammed Ettouney Randy Schreitmueller

Weidlinger Associates, Inc. VP Marketing, FM Global
375 Hudson Street 1301 Atwood Avenue
New York, New York 10014-3656 Johnston, Rhode Island 02919

John Gillengerten Joe Sanders

Office of Statewide Health Charles Pankow Builders, Ltd.
Planning and Development 2476 North Lake Avenue
1600 9th St., Room 420 Altadena, California 91001
Sacramento, California 95814
Jim W. Sealy, Architect
William J. Petak 1320 Prudential Drive, No 101
University of Southern California Dallas, Texas 75235-4117
School of Policy Planning and Development
Lewis Hall 214
650 Childs Way
Los Angeles, California 90089-0626

Product One Team

Ronald L. Mayes, Team Leader Bruce R. Ellingwood
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Georgia Institute of Technology
222 Sutter Street 790 Atlantic Drive
San Francisco, California 94108 Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0355

Daniel Alesch James O. Malley

909 Forest Hill Drive Degenkolb Engineers
Green Bay, Wisconsin 54311-5927 225 Bush Street, Suite 1000
San Francisco, California 94104
Robert P. Kennedy
RPK Structural Mechanics Consulting, Inc. Gary McGavin
28625 Mountain Meadow Road McGavin Architecture
Escondido, California 92026 20608 South Street, Suite C
Tehachapi, California 93561

114 Project Participants ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Applied Technology Council Projects

and Report Information
One of the primary purposes of Applied ABSTRACT: This study evaluated the
Technology Council is to develop resource applicability and cost of the response
documents that translate and summarize useful spectrum approach to seismic analysis and
information to practicing engineers. This design that was proposed by various
includes the development of guidelines and segments of the engineering profession.
manuals, as well as the development of research Specific building designs, design procedures
recommendations for specific areas determined and parameter values were evaluated for
by the profession. ATC is not a code future application. Eleven existing buildings
development organization, although several of of varying dimensions were redesigned
the ATC project reports serve as resource according to the procedures.
documents for the development of codes,
ATC-3: The report, Tentative Provisions for the
standards and specifications.
Development of Seismic Regulations for
Applied Technology Council conducts Buildings (ATC-3-06), was funded by NSF and
projects that meet the following criteria: NBS. The second printing of this report, which
includes proposed amendments, is available
1. The primary audience or benefactor is the
through the ATC office. (Published 1978,
design practitioner in structural engineering.
amended 1982, 505 pages plus proposed
2. A cross section or consensus of engineering amendments)
opinion is required to be obtained and
ABSTRACT: The tentative provisions in this
presented by a neutral source.
document represent the results of a
3. The project fosters the advancement of concerted effort by a multi-disciplinary team
structural engineering practice. of 85 nationally recognized experts in
earthquake engineering. The provisions
Brief descriptions of completed ATC projects
serve as the basis for the seismic provisions
and reports are provided below. Funding for
of the 1988 and subsequent issues of the
projects is obtained from government agencies
Uniform Building Code and the NEHRP
and tax-deductible contributions from the private
Recommended Provisions for the
Development of Seismic Regulation for New
ATC-1: This project resulted in five papers that Buildings. The second printing of this
were published as part of Building Practices for document contains proposed amendments
Disaster Mitigation, Building Science Series 46, prepared by a joint committee of the
proceedings of a workshop sponsored by the Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC)
National Science Foundation (NSF) and the and the NBS.
National Bureau of Standards (NBS). Available
ATC-3-2: The project, “Comparative Test
through the National Technical Information
Designs of Buildings Using ATC-3-06 Tentative
Service (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road,
Provisions”, was funded by NSF. The project
Springfield, VA 22151, as NTIS report No.
consisted of a study to develop and plan a
program for making comparative test designs of
ATC-2: The report, An Evaluation of a the ATC-3-06 Tentative Provisions. The project
Response Spectrum Approach to Seismic Design report was written to be used by the Building
of Buildings, was funded by NSF and NBS and Seismic Safety Council in its refinement of the
was conducted as part of the Cooperative ATC-3-06 Tentative Provisions.
Federal Program in Building Practices for
ATC-3-4: The report, Redesign of Three
Disaster Mitigation. Available through the ATC
Multistory Buildings: A Comparison Using
office. (Published 1974, 270 Pages)
ATC-3-06 and 1982 Uniform Building Code
Design Provisions, was published under a grant

ATC-58-3 ATC Projects and Report Information 55

Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

from NSF. Available through the ATC office. to seismic forces, (2) sets forth suggested
(Published 1984, 112 pages) design criteria for conventional layouts of
dwellings constructed with conventional
ABSTRACT: This report evaluates the cost
materials, (3) presents construction details
and technical impact of using the 1978
that do not require the designer to perform
ATC-3-06 report, Tentative Provisions for
analytical calculations, (4) suggests
the Development of Seismic Regulations for
procedures for efficient plan-checking, and
Buildings, as amended by a joint committee
(5) presents recommendations including
of the Building Seismic Safety Council and
details and schedules for use in the field by
the National Bureau of Standards in 1982.
construction personnel and building
The evaluations are based on studies of three
existing California buildings redesigned in
accordance with the ATC-3-06 Tentative ATC-4-1: The report, The Home Builders
Provisions and the 1982 Uniform Building Guide for Earthquake Design, was published
Code. Included in the report are under a contract with HUD. Available through
recommendations to code implementing the ATC office. (Published 1980, 57 pages)
ABSTRACT: This report is an abridged
ATC-3-5: This project, “Assistance for First version of the ATC-4 report. The concise,
Phase of ATC-3-06 Trial Design Program Being easily understood text of the Guide is
Conducted by the Building Seismic Safety supplemented with illustrations and 46
Council”, was funded by the Building Seismic construction details. The details are
Safety Council to provide the services of the provided to ensure that houses contain
ATC Senior Consultant and other ATC structural features that are properly
personnel to assist the BSSC in the conduct of positioned, dimensioned and constructed to
the first phase of its Trial Design Program. The resist earthquake forces. A brief description
first phase provided for trial designs conducted is included on how earthquake forces impact
for buildings in Los Angeles, Seattle, Phoenix, on houses and some precautionary
and Memphis. constraints are given with respect to site
selection and architectural designs.
ATC-3-6: This project, “Assistance for Second
Phase of ATC-3-06 Trial Design Program Being ATC-5: The report, Guidelines for Seismic
Conducted by the Building Seismic Safety Design and Construction of Single-Story
Council”, was funded by the Building Seismic Masonry Dwellings in Seismic Zone 2, was
Safety Council to provide the services of the developed under a contract with HUD.
ATC Senior Consultant and other ATC Available through the ATC office. (Published
personnel to assist the BSSC in the conduct of 1986, 38 pages)
the second phase of its Trial Design Program.
ABSTRACT: The report offers a concise
The second phase provided for trial designs
methodology for the earthquake design and
conducted for buildings in New York, Chicago,
construction of single-story masonry
St. Louis, Charleston, and Fort Worth.
dwellings in Seismic Zone 2 of the United
ATC-4: The report, A Methodology for Seismic States, as defined by the 1973 Uniform
Design and Construction of Single-Family Building Code. The Guidelines are based in
Dwellings, was published under a contract with part on shaking table tests of masonry
the Department of Housing and Urban construction conducted at the University of
Development (HUD). Available through the California at Berkeley Earthquake
ATC office. (Published 1976, 576 pages) Engineering Research Center. The report is
written in simple language and includes
ABSTRACT: This report presents the results
basic house plans, wall evaluations, detail
of an in-depth effort to develop design and
drawings, and material specifications.
construction details for single-family
residences that minimize the potential ATC-6: The report, Seismic Design Guidelines
economic loss and life-loss risk associated for Highway Bridges, was published under a
with earthquakes. The report: (1) discusses contract with the Federal Highway
the ways structures behave when subjected

56 ATC Projects and Report Information ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Administration (FHWA). Available through the requirements for various retrofitting

ATC office. (Published 1981, 210 pages) measures.
ABSTRACT: The Guidelines are the ATC-7: The report, Guidelines for the Design
recommendations of a team of sixteen of Horizontal Wood Diaphragms, was published
nationally recognized experts that included under a grant from NSF. Available through the
consulting engineers, academics, state and ATC office. (Published 1981, 190 pages)
federal agency representatives from
ABSTRACT: Guidelines are presented for
throughout the United States. The
designing roof and floor systems so these
Guidelines embody several new concepts
can function as horizontal diaphragms in a
that were significant departures from then
lateral force resisting system. Analytical
existing design provisions. Included in the
procedures, connection details and design
Guidelines are an extensive commentary, an
examples are included in the Guidelines.
example demonstrating the use of the
Guidelines, and summary reports on 21 ATC-7-1: The report, Proceedings of a
bridges redesigned in accordance with the Workshop on Design of Horizontal Wood
Guidelines. In 1991 the guidelines were Diaphragms, was published under a grant from
adopted by the American Association of NSF. Available through the ATC office.
Highway and Transportation Officials as a (Published 1980, 302 pages)
standard specification.
ABSTRACT: The report includes seven
ATC-6-1: The report, Proceedings of a papers on state-of-the-practice and two
Workshop on Earthquake Resistance of Highway papers on recent research. Also included are
Bridges, was published under a grant from NSF. recommendations for future research that
Available through the ATC office. (Published were developed by the 35 workshop
1979, 625 pages) participants.
ABSTRACT: The report includes 23 state-of- ATC-8: This report, Proceedings of a
the-art and state-of-practice papers on Workshop on the Design of Prefabricated
earthquake resistance of highway bridges. Concrete Buildings for Earthquake Loads, was
Seven of the twenty-three papers were funded by NSF. Available through the ATC
authored by participants from Japan, New office. (Published 1981, 400 pages)
Zealand and Portugal. The Proceedings also
ABSTRACT: The report includes eighteen
contain recommendations for future research
state-of-the-art papers and six summary
that were developed by the 45 workshop
papers. Also included are recommendations
for future research that were developed by
ATC-6-2: The report, Seismic Retrofitting the 43 workshop participants.
Guidelines for Highway Bridges, was published
ATC-9: The report, An Evaluation of the
under a contract with FHWA. Available
Imperial County Services Building Earthquake
through the ATC office. (Published 1983, 220
Response and Associated Damage, was
published under a grant from NSF. Available
ABSTRACT: The Guidelines are the through the ATC office. (Published 1984, 231
recommendations of a team of thirteen pages)
nationally recognized experts that included
ABSTRACT: The report presents the results
consulting engineers, academics, state
of an in-depth evaluation of the Imperial
highway engineers, and federal agency
County Services Building, a 6-story
representatives. The Guidelines, applicable
reinforced concrete frame and shear wall
for use in all parts of the United States,
building severely damaged by the October
include a preliminary screening procedure,
15, 1979 Imperial Valley, California,
methods for evaluating an existing bridge in
earthquake. The report contains a review
detail, and potential retrofitting measures for
and evaluation of earthquake damage to the
the most common seismic deficiencies.
building; a review and evaluation of the
Also included are special design
seismic design; a comparison of the
requirements of various building codes as

ATC-58-3 ATC Projects and Report Information 57

Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

they relate to the building; and conclusions professionals from throughout the United
and recommendations pertaining to future States. The report contains reviews of
building code provisions and future research current and past design practices, summaries
needs. of research developments, and in-depth
discussions of design implications of recent
ATC-10: This report, An Investigation of the
research results.
Correlation Between Earthquake Ground
Motion and Building Performance, was funded ATC-12: This report, Comparison of United
by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). States and New Zealand Seismic Design
Available through the ATC office. (Published Practices for Highway Bridges, was published
1982, 114 pages) under a grant from NSF. Available through the
ATC office. (Published 1982, 270 pages)
ABSTRACT: The report contains an in-depth
analytical evaluation of the ultimate or limit ABSTRACT: The report contains summaries
capacity of selected representative building of all aspects and innovative design
framing types, a discussion of the factors procedures used in New Zealand as well as
affecting the seismic performance of comparison of United States and New
buildings, and a summary and comparison Zealand design practice. Also included are
of seismic design and seismic risk research recommendations developed at a 3-
parameters currently in widespread use. day workshop in New Zealand attended by
16 U.S. and 35 New Zealand bridge design
ATC-10-1: This report, Critical Aspects of
engineers and researchers.
Earthquake Ground Motion and Building
Damage Potential, was co-funded by the USGS ATC-12-1: This report, Proceedings of Second
and the NSF. Available through the ATC office. Joint U.S.-New Zealand Workshop on Seismic
(Published 1984, 259 pages) Resistance of Highway Bridges, was published
under a grant from NSF. Available through the
ABSTRACT: This document contains 19
ATC office. (Published 1986, 272 pages)
state-of-the-art papers on ground motion,
structural response, and structural design ABSTRACT: This report contains written
issues presented by prominent engineers and versions of the papers presented at this 1985
earth scientists in an ATC seminar. The workshop as well as a list and prioritization
main theme of the papers is to identify the of workshop recommendations. Included
critical aspects of ground motion and are summaries of research projects being
building performance that currently are not conducted in both countries as well as state-
being considered in building design. The of-the-practice papers on various aspects of
report also contains conclusions and design practice. Topics discussed include
recommendations of working groups bridge design philosophy and loadings;
convened after the Seminar. design of columns, footings, piles,
abutments and retaining structures;
ATC-11: The report, Seismic Resistance of
geotechnical aspects of foundation design;
Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls and Frame
seismic analysis techniques; seismic
Joints: Implications of Recent Research for
retrofitting; case studies using base
Design Engineers, was published under a grant
isolation; strong-motion data acquisition and
from NSF. Available through the ATC office.
interpretation; and testing of bridge
(Published 1983, 184 pages)
components and bridge systems.
ABSTRACT: This document presents the
ATC-13: The report, Earthquake Damage
results of an in-depth review and synthesis
Evaluation Data for California, was developed
of research reports pertaining to cyclic
under a contract with the Federal Emergency
loading of reinforced concrete shear walls
Management Agency (FEMA). Available
and cyclic loading of joints in reinforced
through the ATC office. (Published 1985, 492
concrete frames. More than 125 research
reports published since 1971 are reviewed
and evaluated in this report. The preparation ABSTRACT: This report presents expert-
of the report included a consensus process opinion earthquake damage and loss
involving numerous experienced design estimates for industrial, commercial,

58 ATC Projects and Report Information ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

residential, utility and transportation ATC-15: The report, Comparison of Seismic

facilities in California. Included are damage Design Practices in the United States and
probability matrices for 78 classes of Japan, was published under a grant from NSF.
structures and estimates of time required to Available through the ATC office. (Published
restore damaged facilities to pre-earthquake 1984, 317 pages)
usability. The report also describes the
ABSTRACT: The report contains detailed
inventory information essential for
technical papers describing design practices
estimating economic losses and the
in the United States and Japan as well as
methodology used to develop loss estimates
recommendations emanating from a joint
on a regional basis.
U.S.-Japan workshop held in Hawaii in
ATC-13-1: The report, Commentary on the Use March, 1984. Included are detailed
of ATC-13 Earthquake Damage Evaluation descriptions of new seismic design methods
Data for Probable Maximum Loss Studies of for buildings in Japan and case studies of the
California Buildings, was developed with design of specific buildings (in both
funding from ATC’s Henry J. Degenkolb countries). The report also contains an
Memorial Endowment Fund. Available through overview of the history and objectives of the
the ATC office. (Published 2002, 66 pages) Japan Structural Consultants Association.
ABSTRACT: This report provides guidance ATC-15-1: The report, Proceedings of Second
to consulting firms who are using ATC-13 U.S.-Japan Workshop on Improvement of
expert-opinion data for probable maximum Building Seismic Design and Construction
loss (PML) studies of California buildings. Practices, was published under a grant from
Included are discussions of the limitations of NSF. Available through the ATC office.
the ATC-13 expert-opinion data, and the (Published 1987, 412 pages)
issues associated with using the data for
ABSTRACT: This report contains 23
PML studies. Also included are three
technical papers presented at this San
appendices containing information and data
Francisco workshop in August, 1986, by
not included in the original ATC-13 report:
practitioners and researchers from the U.S.
(1) ATC-13 model building type
and Japan. Included are state-of-the-practice
descriptions, including methodology for
papers and case studies of actual building
estimating the expected performance of
designs and information on regulatory,
standard, nonstandard, and special
contractual, and licensing issues.
construction; (2) ATC-13 Beta damage
distribution parameters for model building ATC-15-2: The report, Proceedings of Third
types; and (3) PML values for ATC-13 U.S.-Japan Workshop on Improvement of
model building types. Building Structural Design and Construction
Practices, was published jointly by ATC and the
ATC-14: The report, Evaluating the Seismic
Japan Structural Consultants Association.
Resistance of Existing Buildings, was developed
Available through the ATC office. (Published
under a grant from the NSF. Available through
1989, 358 pages)
the ATC office. (Published 1987, 370 pages)
ABSTRACT: This report contains 21
ABSTRACT: This report, written for
technical papers presented at this Tokyo,
practicing structural engineers, describes a
Japan, workshop in July, 1988, by
methodology for performing preliminary
practitioners and researchers from the U.S.,
and detailed building seismic evaluations.
Japan, China, and New Zealand. Included
The report contains a state-of-practice
are state-of-the-practice papers on various
review; seismic loading criteria; data
topics, including braced steel frame
collection procedures; a detailed description
buildings, beam-column joints in reinforced
of the building classification system;
concrete buildings, summaries of
preliminary and detailed analysis
comparative U. S. and Japanese design, and
procedures; and example case studies,
base isolation and passive energy dissipation
including nonstructural considerations.

ATC-58-3 ATC Projects and Report Information 59

Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

ATC-15-3: The report, Proceedings of Fourth nonfederal buildings nationwide. The plan was
U.S.-Japan Workshop on Improvement of developed on the basis of nine issue papers
Building Structural Design and Construction presented at the workshop and workshop
Practices, was published jointly by ATC and the working group discussions. The Workshop
Japan Structural Consultants Association. Proceedings and Five-Year Plan are available
Available through the ATC office. (Published through the Federal Emergency Management
1992, 484 pages) Agency, 500 “C” Street, S.W., Washington, DC
ABSTRACT: This report contains 22
technical papers presented at this Kailua- ATC-17: This report, Proceedings of a Seminar
Kona, Hawaii, workshop in August, 1990, and Workshop on Base Isolation and Passive
by practitioners and researchers from the Energy Dissipation, was published under a grant
United States, Japan, and Peru. Included are from NSF. Available through the ATC office.
papers on postearthquake building damage (Published 1986, 478 pages)
assessment; acceptable earth-quake damage;
ABSTRACT: The report contains 42 papers
repair and retrofit of earthquake damaged
describing the state-of-the-art and state-of-
buildings; base-isolated buildings, including
the-practice in base-isolation and passive
Architectural Institute of Japan
energy-dissipation technology. Included are
recommendations for design; active
papers describing case studies in the United
damping systems; wind-resistant design; and
States, applications and developments
summaries of working group conclusions
worldwide, recent innovations in technology
and recommendations.
development, and structural and ground
ATC-15-4: The report, Proceedings of Fifth motion issues. Also included is a proposed
U.S.-Japan Workshop on Improvement of 5-year research agenda that addresses the
Building Structural Design and Construction following specific issues: (1) strong ground
Practices, was published jointly by ATC and the motion; (2) design criteria; (3) materials,
Japan Structural Consultants Association. quality control, and long-term reliability; (4)
Available through the ATC office. (Published life cycle cost methodology; and (5) system
1994, 360 pages) response.
ABSTRACT: This report contains 20 ATC-17-1: This report, Proceedings of a
technical papers presented at this San Diego, Seminar on Seismic Isolation, Passive Energy
California workshop in September, 1992. Dissipation and Active Control, was published
Included are papers on performance under a grant from NCEER and NSF. Available
goals/acceptable damage in seismic design; through the ATC office. (Published 1993, 841
seismic design procedures and case studies; pages)
construction influences on design; seismic
ABSTRACT: The 2-volume report documents
isolation and passive energy dissipation;
70 technical papers presented during a two-
design of irregular structures; seismic
day seminar in San Francisco in early 1993.
evaluation, repair and upgrading; quality
Included are invited theme papers and
control for design and construction; and
competitively selected papers on issues
summaries of working group discussions
related to seismic isolation systems, passive
and recommendations.
energy dissipation systems, active control
ATC-16: This project, “Development of a 5- systems and hybrid systems.
Year Plan for Reducing the Earthquake Hazards
ATC-18: The report, Seismic Design Criteria
Posed by Existing Nonfederal Buildings”, was
for Bridges and Other Highway Structures:
funded by FEMA and was conducted by a joint
Current and Future, was developed under a
venture of ATC, the Building Seismic Safety
grant from NCEER and FHWA. Available
Council and the Earthquake Engineering
through the ATC office. (Published, 1997, 151
Research Institute. The project involved a
workshop in Phoenix, Arizona, where
approximately 50 earthquake specialists met to ABSTRACT: Prepared as part of NCEER
identify the major tasks and goals for reducing Project 112 on new highway construction,
the earthquake hazards posed by existing this report reviews current domestic and

60 ATC Projects and Report Information ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

foreign design practice, philosophy and and Development (OSHPD) and FEMA.
criteria, and recommends future directions Available through the ATC office (Published
for code development. The project 1989, 152 pages)
considered bridges, tunnels, abutments,
ABSTRACT: This report provides procedures
retaining wall structures, and foundations.
and guidelines for making on-the-spot
ATC-18-1: The report, Impact Assessment of evaluations and decisions regarding
Selected MCEER Highway Project Research on continued use and occupancy of earthquake
the Seismic Design of Highway Structures, was damaged buildings. Written specifically for
developed under a contract from the volunteer structural engineers and building
Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake inspectors, the report includes rapid and
Engineering Research (MCEER, formerly detailed evaluation procedures for inspecting
NCEER) and FHWA. Available through the buildings and posting them as “inspected”
ATC office. (Published, 1999, 136 pages) (apparently safe, green placard), “limited
entry” (yellow) or “unsafe” (red). Also
ABSTRACT: The report provides an in-depth
included are special procedures for
review and assessment of 32 research
evaluation of essential buildings (e.g.,
reports emanating from the MCEER Project
hospitals), and evaluation procedures for
112 on new highway construction, as well as
nonstructural elements, and geotechnical
recommendations for future bridge seismic
design guidelines. Topics covered include:
ground motion issues; determining structural ATC-20-1: The report, Field Manual:
importance; foundations and soils; Postearthquake Safety Evaluation of Buildings,
liquefaction mitigation methodologies; was developed under a contract from OES and
modeling of pile footings and drilled shafts; OSHPD. Available through the ATC office
damage-avoidance design of bridge piers, (Published 1989, 114 pages)
column design, modeling, and analysis;
ABSTRACT: This report, a companion Field
structural steel and steel-concrete interface
Manual for the ATC-20 report, summarizes
details; abutment design, modeling, and
the postearthquake safety evaluation
analysis; and detailing for structural
procedures in a brief concise format
movements in tunnels.
designed for ease of use in the field.
ATC-19: The report, Structural Response
ATC-20-2: The report, Addendum to the ATC-
Modification Factors was funded by NSF and
20 Postearthquake Building Safety Procedures
NCEER. Available through the ATC office.
was published under a grant from the NSF and
(Published 1995, 70 pages)
funded by the USGS. Available through the
ABSTRACT: This report addresses structural ATC office. (Published 1995, 94 pages)
response modification factors (R factors),
ABSTRACT: This report provides updated
which are used to reduce the seismic forces
assessment forms, placards, including a
associated with elastic response to obtain
revised yellow placard (“restricted use”) and
design forces. The report documents the
procedures that are based on an in-depth
basis for current R values, how R factors are
review and evaluation of the widespread
used for seismic design in other countries, a
application of the ATC-20 procedures
rational means for decomposing R into key
following five earthquakes occurring since
components, a framework (and methods) for
the initial release of the ATC-20 report in
evaluating the key components of R, and the
research necessary to improve the reliability
of engineered construction designed using R ATC-20-3: The report, Case Studies in Rapid
factors. Postearthquake Safety Evaluation of Buildings,
was funded by ATC and R. P. Gallagher
ATC-20: The report, Procedures for
Associates. Available through the ATC office.
Postearthquake Safety Evaluation of Buildings,
(Published 1996, 295 pages)
was developed under a contract from the
California Office of Emergency Services (OES), ABSTRACT: This report contains 53 case
California Office of Statewide Health Planning studies using the ATC-20 Rapid Evaluation

ATC-58-3 ATC Projects and Report Information 61

Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

procedure. Each case study is illustrated hazardous and should be analyzed in more
with photos and describes how a building detail by a professional engineer
was inspected and evaluated for life safety, experienced in seismic design. In the Second
and includes a completed safety assessment Edition, the scoring system has been revised
form and placard. The report is intended to and the Handbook has been shortened and
be used as a training and reference manual focused to ease its use.
for building officials, building inspectors,
ATC-21-1: The report, Rapid Visual Screening
civil and structural engineers, architects,
of Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazards:
disaster workers, and others who may be
Supporting Documentation, Second Edition, was
asked to perform safety evaluations after an
developed under a contract from FEMA.
Available through the ATC office, or from
ATC-20-T: The Postearthquake Safety FEMA by contacting 1-800-480-2520, as FEMA
Evaluation of Buildings Training CD was 155 Second Edition. (Published 2002, 117
developed by FEMA to replace the 1993 ATC- pages)
20-T Training Manual that included 160 35-mm
ABSTRACT: Included in this report is the
slides. Available through the ATC office.
technical basis for the updated rapid visual
(Published 2002, 230 PowerPoint slides with
screening procedure of ATC-21, including
Speakers Notes)
(1) a summary of the results from the efforts
ABSTRACT: This Training CD is intended to to solicit user feedback, and (2) a detailed
facilitate the presentation of the contents of description of the development effort
the ATC-20 and ATC-20-2 reports in a 4½- leading to the basic structural hazard scores
hour training seminar. The Training CD and the score modifiers.
contains 230 slides of photographs,
ATC-21-2: The report, Earthquake Damaged
schematic drawings and textual information.
Buildings: An Overview of Heavy Debris and
Topics covered include: posting system;
Victim Extrication, was developed under a
evaluation procedures; structural basics;
contract from FEMA. (Published 1988, 95
wood frame, masonry, concrete, and steel
frame structures; nonstructural elements;
geotechnical hazards; hazardous materials; ABSTRACT: Included in this report, a
and field safety. companion volume to the ATC-21 and
ATC-21-1 reports, is state-of-the-art
ATC-21: The report, Second Edition, Rapid
information on (1) the identification of those
Visual Screening of Buildings for Potential
buildings that might collapse and trap
Seismic Hazards: A Handbook, was developed
victims in debris or generate debris of such a
under a contract from FEMA. Available
size that its handling would require special
through the ATC office, or from FEMA by
or heavy lifting equipment; (2) guidance in
contacting 1-800-480-2520, as FEMA 154
identifying these types of buildings, on the
Second Edition. (Published 2002, 161 pages)
basis of their major exterior features, and (3)
ABSTRACT: This report describes a rapid the types and life capacities of equipment
visual screening procedure for identifying required to remove the heavy portion of the
those buildings that might pose serious risk debris that might result from the collapse of
of loss of life and injury, or of severe such buildings.
curtailment of community services, in case
ATC-21-T: The report, Rapid Visual Screening
of a damaging earthquake. The screening
of Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazards
procedure utilizes a methodology based on a
Training Manual was developed under a
"sidewalk survey" approach that involves
contract with FEMA. Available through the
identification of the primary structural load-
ATC office. (Published 1996, 135 pages; 120
resisting system and its building material,
and assignment of a basic structural hazards
score and performance modifiers based on ABSTRACT: This training manual is intended
the observed building characteristics. to facilitate the presentation of the contents
Application of the methodology identifies of the ATC-21 report (First Edition). The
those buildings that are potentially training materials consist of 120 slides and a

62 ATC Projects and Report Information ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

companion training presentation narrative from the Office of Statewide Health Planning
coordinated with the slides. Topics covered and Development (OSHPD), State of California.
include: description of procedure, building Available through the ATC office. (Published
behavior, building types, building scores, 1991, 58 pages)
occupancy and falling hazards, and
ABSTRACT: This report summarizes results
from a seismic survey of 490 California
ATC-22: The report, A Handbook for Seismic acute care hospitals. Included are a
Evaluation of Existing Buildings (Preliminary), description of the survey procedures and
was developed under a contract from FEMA. data collected, a summary of the data, and
Available through the ATC office. (Originally an illustrative discussion of data analysis
published in 1989; revised by BSSC and and interpretation that has been provided to
published as FEMA 178: NEHRP Handbook for demonstrate potential applications of the
the Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings in ATC-23 database.
1992, 211 pages; revised by ASCE for FEMA
ATC-23B: The report, General Acute Care
and published as FEMA 310: Handbook for the
Hospital Earthquake Survivability Inventory for
Seismic Evaluation of Buildings – a Prestandard
California, Part B: Raw Data, is a companion
in 1998, 362 pages, available from FEMA by
document to the ATC-23A Report and was
contacting 1-800-480-2520)
developed under the above-mentioned contract
ABSTRACT: The ATC-22 handbook from OSHPD. Available through the ATC
provides a methodology for seismic office. (Published 1991, 377 pages)
evaluation of existing buildings of different
ABSTRACT: Included in this report are
types and occupancies in areas of different
tabulations of raw general site and building
seismicity throughout the United States.
data for 490 acute care hospitals in
The methodology, which has been field
tested in several programs nationwide,
utilizes the information and procedures ATC-24: The report, Guidelines for Seismic
developed for the ATC-14 report and Testing of Components of Steel Structures, was
documented therein. The handbook includes jointly funded by the American Iron and Steel
checklists, diagrams, and sketches designed Institute (AISI), American Institute of Steel
to assist the user. Construction (AISC), National Center for
Earthquake Engineering Research (NCEER),
ATC-22-1: The report, Seismic Evaluation of
and NSF. Available through the ATC office.
Existing Buildings: Supporting Documentation,
(Published 1992, 57 pages)
was developed under a contract from FEMA and
is available as the FEMA 175 report by ABSTRACT: This report provides guidance
contacting 1-800-480-2520. (Published 1989, for most cyclic experiments on components
160 pages) of steel structures for the purpose of
consistency in experimental procedures. The
ABSTRACT: Included in this report, a
report contains recommendations and
companion volume to the ATC-22 report,
companion commentary pertaining to
are (1) a review and evaluation of existing
loading histories, presentation of test results,
buildings seismic evaluation methodologies;
and other aspects of experimentation. The
(2) results from field tests of the ATC-14
recommendations are written specifically for
methodology; and (3) summaries of
experiments with slow cyclic load
evaluations of ATC-14 conducted by the
National Center for Earthquake Engineering
Research (State University of New York at ATC-25: The report, Seismic Vulnerability and
Buffalo) and the City of San Francisco. Impact of Disruption of Lifelines in the
Conterminous United States, was developed
ATC-23A: The report, General Acute Care
under a contract from FEMA. Available
Hospital Earthquake Survivability Inventory for
through the ATC office. (Published 1991, 440
California, Part A: Survey Description,
Summary of Results, Data Analysis and
Interpretation, was developed under a contract

ATC-58-3 ATC Projects and Report Information 63

Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

ABSTRACT: Documented in this report is a Buildings (Interim) (Published 1992, 133

national overview of lifeline seismic pages, available through the ATC office)
vulnerability and impact of disruption.
ATC-26-3A Report, Field Manual: Post
Lifelines considered include electric
Flood and Wind Storm Safety Evaluation of
systems, water systems, transportation
Postal Buildings (Interim) (Published 1992,
systems, gas and liquid fuel supply systems,
114 pages, available through the ATC
and emergency service facilities (hospitals,
fire and police stations). Vulnerability
estimates and impacts developed are ATC-26-4 Report, United States Postal
presented in terms of estimated first Service Procedures for Building Seismic
approximation direct damage losses and Rehabilitation (Interim) (Completed 1992)
indirect economic losses.
ATC-26-5 Report, United States Postal
ATC-25-1: The report, A Model Methodology Service Guidelines for Building and Site
for Assessment of Seismic Vulnerability and Selection in Seismic Areas (Interim)
Impact of Disruption of Water Supply Systems, (Completed 1992)
was developed under a contract from FEMA.
ATC-28: The report, Development of
Available through the ATC office. (Published
Recommended Guidelines for Seismic
1992, 147 pages)
Strengthening of Existing Buildings, Phase I:
ABSTRACT: This report contains a practical Issues Identification and Resolution, was
methodology for the detailed assessment of developed under a contract with FEMA.
seismic vulnerability and impact of Available through the ATC office. (Published
disruption of water supply systems. The 1992, 150 pages)
methodology has been designed for use by
ABSTRACT: This report identifies and
water system operators. Application of the
provides resolutions for issues that will
methodology enables the user to develop
affect the development of guidelines for the
estimates of direct damage to system
seismic strengthening of existing buildings.
components and the time required to restore
Issues addressed include: implementation
damaged facilities to pre-earthquake
and format, coordination with other efforts,
usability. Suggested measures for mitigation
legal and political, social, economic, historic
of seismic hazards are also provided.
buildings, research and technology,
ATC-26: This project, U.S. Postal Service seismicity and mapping, engineering
National Seismic Program, was funded under a philosophy and goals, issues related to the
contract with the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). development of specific provisions, and
Under this project, ATC developed and nonstructural element issues.
submitted to the USPS the following interim
ATC-29: The report, Proceedings of a Seminar
documents, most of which pertain to the seismic
and Workshop on Seismic Design and
evaluation and rehabilitation of USPS facilities:
Performance of Equipment and Nonstructural
ATC-26 Report, Cost Projections for the U. Elements in Buildings and Industrial Structures,
S. Postal Service Seismic Program was developed under a grant from NCEER and
(completed 1990) NSF. Available through the ATC office.
(Published 1992, 470 pages)
ATC-26-1 Report, United States Postal
Service Procedures for Seismic Evaluation ABSTRACT: These Proceedings contain 35
of Existing Buildings (Interim) (Completed papers describing state-of-the-art technical
1991) information pertaining to the seismic design
and performance of equipment and
ATC-26-2 Report, Procedures for Post-
nonstructural elements in buildings and
disaster Safety Evaluation of Postal Service
industrial structures. The papers were
Facilities (Interim) (Published 1991, 221
presented at a seminar in Irvine, California
pages, available through the ATC office)
in 1990. Included are papers describing
ATC-26-3 Report, Field Manual: Post- current practice, codes and regulations;
earthquake Safety Evaluation of Postal earthquake performance; analytical and

64 ATC Projects and Report Information ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

experimental investigations; development of ABSTRACT: This report summarizes the

new seismic qualification methods; and results from an investigation of the
research, practice, and code development effectiveness of 229 seismically retrofitted
needs for specific elements and systems. buildings, primarily unreinforced masonry
The report also includes a summary of a and concrete tilt-up buildings. All buildings
proposed 5-year research agenda for were located in the areas affected by the
NCEER. 1987 Whittier Narrows, California, and
1989 Loma Prieta, California, earthquakes.
ATC-29-1: The report, Proceedings of a
Seminar on Seismic Design, Retrofit, and ATC-32: The report, Improved Seismic Design
Performance of Nonstructural Components, was Criteria for California Bridges: Provisional
developed under a grant from NCEER and NSF. Recommendations, was funded by the California
Available through the ATC office. (Published Department of Transportation (Caltrans).
1998, 518 pages) Available through the ATC office. (Published
1996, 215 pages)
ABSTRACT: These Proceedings contain 38
technical papers presented at a seminar in ABSTRACT: This report provides
San Francisco, California in 1998. The paper recommended revisions to the current
topics include: observed performance in Caltrans Bridge Design Specifications
recent earthquakes; seismic design codes, (BDS) pertaining to seismic loading,
standards, and procedures for commercial structural response analysis, and component
and institutional buildings; seismic design design. Special attention is given to design
issues relating to industrial and hazardous issues related to reinforced concrete
material facilities; design analysis, and components, steel components, foundations,
testing; and seismic evaluation and and conventional bearings. The
rehabilitation of conventional and essential recommendations are based on recent
facilities, including hospitals. research in the field of bridge seismic design
and the performance of Caltrans-designed
ATC-30: The report, Proceedings of Workshop
bridges in the 1989 Loma Prieta and other
for Utilization of Research on Engineering and
recent California earthquakes.
Socioeconomic Aspects of 1985 Chile and
Mexico Earthquakes, was developed under a ATC-32-1: The report, Improved Seismic
grant from the NSF. Available through the ATC Design Criteria for California Bridges:
office. (Published 1991, 113 pages) Resource Document, was funded by Caltrans.
Available through the ATC office. (Published
ABSTRACT: This report documents the
1996, 365 pages; also available on CD-ROM)
findings of a 1990 technology transfer
workshop in San Diego, California, co- ABSTRACT: This report, a companion to the
sponsored by ATC and the Earthquake ATC-32 Report, documents pertinent
Engineering Research Institute. Included in background material and the technical basis
the report are invited papers and working for the recommendations provided in ATC-
group recommendations on geotechnical 32, including potential recommendations
issues, structural response issues, that showed some promise but were not
architectural and urban design adopted. Topics include: design concepts;
considerations, emergency response seismic loading, including ARS design
planning, search and rescue, and spectra; dynamic analysis; foundation
reconstruction policy issues. design; ductile component design; capacity
protected design; reinforcing details; and
ATC-31: The report, Evaluation of the
steel bridges.
Performance of Seismically Retrofitted
Buildings, was developed under a contract from ATC-33: The reports, NEHRP Guidelines for
the National Institute of Standards and the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings (FEMA
Technology (NIST, formerly NBS) and funded 273), NEHRP Commentary on the Guidelines
by the USGS. Available through the ATC for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings
office. (Published 1992, 75 pages) (FEMA 274), and Example Applications of the
NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic

ATC-58-3 ATC Projects and Report Information 65

Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

Rehabilitation of Buildings (FEMA 276), were ATC-35: This report, Enhancing the Transfer
developed under a contract with the Building of U.S. Geological Survey Research Results into
Seismic Safety Council, for FEMA. Available Engineering Practice was developed under a
through FEMA by contacting 1-800-480-2520 cooperative agreement with the USGS.
(Published 1997, Guidelines, 440 pages; Available through the ATC office. (Published
Commentary, 492 pages; Example Applications, 1994, 120 pages)
295 pages.) FEMA 273 and portions of FEMA
ABSTRACT: The report provides a program
274 have been revised by ASCE for FEMA as
of recommended “technology transfer”
FEMA 356 Prestandard and Commentary for the
activities for the USGS; included are
Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings. Available
recommendations pertaining to management
through FEMA by contacting 1-800-480-2520
actions, communications with practicing
(Published 2000, 509 pages)
engineers, and research activities to enhance
ABSTRACT: Developed over a 5-year period development and transfer of information that
through the efforts of more than 60 paid is vital to engineering practice.
consultants and several hundred volunteer
ATC-35-1: The report, Proceedings of Seminar
reviewers, these documents provide
on New Developments in Earthquake Ground
nationally applicable, state-of-the-art
Motion Estimation and Implications for
guidance for the seismic rehabilitation of
Engineering Design Practice, was developed
buildings. The FEMA 273 Guidelines
under a cooperative agreement with USGS.
contain several new features that depart
Available through the ATC office. (Published
significantly from previous seismic design
1994, 478 pages)
procedures used to design new buildings:
seismic performance levels and ABSTRACT: These Proceedings contain 22
rehabilitation objectives; simplified and technical papers describing state-of-the-art
systematic rehabilitation methods; methods information on regional earthquake risk
of analysis, including linear static and (focused on five specific regions—Northern
nonlinear static procedures; quantitative and Southern California, Pacific Northwest,
specifications of component behavior; and Central United States, and northeastern
procedures for incorporating new North America); new techniques for
information and technologies, such as estimating strong ground motions as a
seismic isolation and energy dissipation function of earthquake source, travel path,
systems, into rehabilitation. and site parameters; and new developments
specifically applicable to geotechnical
ATC-34: The report, A Critical Review of
engineering and the seismic design of
Current Approaches to Earthquake Resistant
buildings and bridges.
Design, was developed under a grant from
NCEER and NSF. Available through the ATC ATC-35-2: The report, Proceedings: National
office. (Published, 1995, 94 pages) Earthquake Ground Motion Mapping Workshop,
was developed under a cooperative agreement
ABSTRACT: This report documents the
with USGS. Available through the ATC office.
history of U. S. codes and standards of
(Published 1997, 154 pages)
practice, focusing primarily on the strengths
and deficiencies of current code approaches. ABSTRACT: These Proceedings document
Issues addressed include: seismic hazard the technical presentations and findings of a
analysis, earthquake collateral hazards, workshop in Los Angeles in 1995 on several
performance objectives, redundancy and key issues that affect the preparation and use
configuration, response modification factors of national earthquake ground motion maps
(R factors), simplified analysis procedures, for design. The following four key issues
modeling of structural components, were the focus of the workshop: ground
foundation design, nonstructural component motion parameters; reference site
design, and risk and reliability. The report conditions; probabilistic versus deterministic
also identifies goals that a new seismic code basis, and the treatment of uncertainty in
should achieve. seismic source characterization and ground
motion attenuation.

66 ATC Projects and Report Information ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

ATC-35-3: The report, Proceedings: survey, the selection of the surveyed areas,
Workshop on Improved Characterization of and the entry of the survey data into an
Strong Ground Shaking for Seismic Design, was electronic relational database. The full
developed under a cooperative agreement with database is contained in the ATC-38 CD-
USGS. Available through the ATC office. ROM. The ATC-38 database includes
(Published 1999, 75 pages) information on the structure size, age and
location; the structural framing system and
ABSTRACT: These Proceedings document
other important structural characteristics;
the technical presentations and findings of a
nonstructural characteristics; geotechnical
workshop in Rancho Bernardo, California in
effects, such as liquefaction; performance
1997 on the Ground Motion Initiative (GMI)
characteristics (damage); fatalities and
component of the ATC-35 Project. The
injuries; and estimated time to restore the
workshop focused on identifying needs and
facility to its pre-earthquake usability. The
developing improved representations of
report and CD also contain strong-motion
earthquake ground motion for use in seismic
data, including acceleration, velocity, and
design practice, including codes.
displacement time histories, and acceleration
ATC-37: The report, Review of Seismic response spectra.
Research Results on Existing Buildings, was
ATC-40: The report, Seismic Evaluation and
developed in conjunction with the Structural
Retrofit of Concrete Buildings, was developed
Engineers Association of California and
under a contract from the California Seismic
California Universities for Research in
Safety Commission. Available through the ATC
Earthquake Engineering under a contract from
office. (Published, 1996, 612 pages)
the California Seismic Safety Commission
(SSC). Available through the Seismic Safety ABSTRACT: This 2-volume report provides a
Commission as Report SSC 94-03. (Published, state-of-the-art methodology for the seismic
1994, 492 pages) evaluation and retrofit of concrete buildings.
Specific guidance is provided on the
ABSTRACT: This report describes the state of
following topics: performance objectives;
knowledge of the earthquake performance of
seismic hazard; determination of
nonductile concrete frame, shear wall, and
deficiencies; retrofit strategies; quality
infilled buildings. Included are summaries
assurance procedures; nonlinear static
of 90 recent research efforts with key results
analysis procedures; modeling rules;
and conclusions in a simple, easy-to-access
foundation effects; response limits; and
format written for practicing design
nonstructural components. In 1997 this
report received the Western States Seismic
ATC-38: This report, Database on the Policy Council “Overall Excellence and
Performance of Structures near Strong-Motion New Technology Award.”
Recordings: 1994 Northridge, California,
ATC-41 (SAC Joint Venture, Phase 1): This
Earthquake, was developed with funding from
project, Program to Reduce the Earthquake
the USGS, the Southern California Earthquake
Hazards of Steel Moment-Resisting Frame
Center (SCEC), OES, and the Institute for
Structures, Phase 1, was funded by FEMA and
Business and Home Safety (IBHS). Available
conducted by a Joint Venture partnership of
through the ATC office. (Published 2000, 260
SEAOC, ATC, and CUREe. Under this Phase 1
pages, with CD-ROM containing complete
program SAC prepared the following
ABSTRACT: The report documents the
SAC-94-01, Proceedings of the Invitational
earthquake performance of 530 buildings
Workshop on Steel Seismic Issues, Los
within 1000 feet of sites where strong
Angeles, September 1994 (Published 1994,
ground motion was recorded during the
155 pages, available through the ATC
1994 Northridge, California, earthquake (31
recording sites in total). The project required
the development of a suitable survey form, SAC-95-01, Steel Moment-Frame
the training of licensed engineers for the Connection Advisory No. 3 (Published

ATC-58-3 ATC Projects and Report Information 67

Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

1995, 310 pages, available through the ATC available through FEMA by contacting 1-
office) 800-480-2520)
SAC-95-02, Interim Guidelines: ATC-41-1 (SAC Joint Venture, Phase 2):
Evaluation, Repair, Modification and This project, Program to Reduce the Earthquake
Design of Welded Steel Moment-Frame Hazards of Steel Moment-Resisting Frame
Structures (FEMA 267 report) (Published Structures, Phase 2, was funded by FEMA and
1995, 215 pages, available through FEMA conducted by a Joint Venture partnership of
by contacting 1-800-480-2520) SEAOC, ATC, and CUREe. Under this Phase 2
program SAC has prepared the following
SAC-95-03, Characterization of Ground
Motions During the Northridge Earthquake
of January 17, 1994 (Published 1995, 179 SAC-96-03, Interim Guidelines Advisory
pages, available through the ATC office) No. 1 Supplement to FEMA 267 Interim
Guidelines (FEMA 267A Report) (Published
SAC-95-04, Analytical and Field
1997, 100 pages, and superseded by FEMA-
Investigations of Buildings Affected by the
350 to 353.)
Northridge Earthquake of January 17, 1994
(Published 1995, 2 volumes, 900 pages, SAC-99-01, Interim Guidelines Advisory
available through the ATC office) No. 2 Supplement to FEMA-267 Interim
Guidelines (FEMA 267B Report,
SAC-95-05, Parametric Analytical
superseding FEMA-267A). (Published 1999,
Investigations of Ground Motion and
150 pages, and superseded by FEMA-350 to
Structural Response, Northridge Earthquake
of January 17, 1994 (Published 1995, 274
pages, available through the ATC office) FEMA-350, Recommended Seismic Design
Criteria for New Steel Moment-Frame
SAC-95-06, Surveys and Assessment of
Buildings. (Published 2000, 190 pages,
Damage to Buildings Affected by the
available through FEMA: 1-800-480-2520)
Northridge Earthquake of January 17, 1994
(Published 1995, 315 pages, available FEMA-351, Recommended Seismic
through the ATC office) Evaluation and Upgrade Criteria for
Existing Welded Steel Moment-Frame
SAC-95-07, Case Studies of Steel Moment
Buildings. (Published 2000, 210 pages,
Frame Building Performance in the
available through FEMA: 1-800-480-2520)
Northridge Earthquake of January 17, 1994
(Published 1995, 260 pages, available FEMA-352, Recommended Postearthquake
through the ATC office) Evaluation and Repair Criteria for Welded
Steel Moment-Frame Buildings. (Published
SAC-95-08, Experimental Investigations of
2000, 180 pages, available through FEMA:
Materials, Weldments and Nondestructive
Examination Techniques (Published 1995,
144 pages, available through the ATC FEMA-353, Recommended Specifications
office) and Quality Assurance Guidelines for Steel
Moment-Frame Construction for Seismic
SAC-95-09, Background Reports:
Applications. (Published 2000, 180 pages,
Metallurgy, Fracture Mechanics, Welding,
available through FEMA: 1-800-480-2520)
Moment Connections and Frame systems,
Behavior (FEMA 288 report) (Published FEMA-354, A Policy Guide to Steel
1995, 361 pages, available through FEMA Moment-Frame Construction. (Published
by contacting 1-800-480-2520) 2000, 27 pages, available through FEMA: 1-
SAC-96-01, Experimental Investigations of
Beam-Column Subassemblages, Part 1 and FEMA-355A, State of the Art Report on
2 (Published 1996, 2 volumes, 924 pages, Base Materials and Fracture. Available
available through the ATC office) from the ATC office. (Published 2000, 107
pages; available on CD-ROM through
SAC-96-02, Connection Test Summaries
FEMA: 1-800-480-2520)
(FEMA 289 report) (Published 1996,

68 ATC Projects and Report Information ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

FEMA-355B, State of the Art Report on recommended repair techniques, and an in-
Welding and Inspection. Available from the depth discussion of policy issues pertaining
ATC office. (Published 2000, 185 pages; to the repair and upgrade of earthquake
available on CD-ROM through FEMA: 1- damaged buildings. The documents have
800-480-2520) been developed specifically for buildings
with primary lateral-force-resisting systems
FEMA-355C, State of the Art Report on
consisting of concrete bearing walls or
Systems Performance of Steel Moment
masonry bearing walls, and vertical-load-
Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground
bearing concrete frames or steel frames with
Shaking. Available from the ATC office.
concrete or masonry infill panels. The
(Published 2000, 322 pages; available on
intended audience includes design
CD-ROM through FEMA: 1-800-480-2520)
engineers, building owners, building
FEMA-355D, State of the Art Report on regulatory officials, and government
Connection Performance. Available from agencies.
the ATC office. (Published 2000, 292
ATC-44: The report, Hurricane Fran, North
pages; available on CD-ROM through
Carolina, September 5, 1996: Reconnaissance
FEMA: 1-800-480-2520)
Report, was funded by the Applied Technology
FEMA-355E, State of the Art Report on Past Council. Available through the ATC office.
Performance of Steel Moment-Frame (Published 1997, 36 pages)
Buildings in Earthquakes. Available from
ABSTRACT: Written for an intended
the ATC office. (Published 2000, 190 pages;
audience of design professionals and
available on CD-ROM through FEMA: 1-
regulators, this report contains information
on hurricane size, path, and rainfall
FEMA-355F, State of the Art Report on amounts; coastal impacts, including storm
Performance Prediction and Evaluation of surges and waves, forces on structures, and
Steel Moment-Frame Structures. Available the role of erosion; the role of beach
from the ATC office. (Published 2000, 347 nourishment in reducing wave energy and
pages; available on CD-ROM through crest height; building code requirements;
FEMA: 1-800-480-2520) observations and interpretations of damage
to buildings, including the effect of debris
ATC-43: The reports, Evaluation of
acting as missiles; and lifeline performance.
Earthquake-Damaged Concrete and Masonry
Wall Buildings, Basic Procedures Manual ATC-48 (ATC/SEAOC Joint Venture
(FEMA 306), Evaluation of Earthquake- Training Curriculum): The training
Damaged Concrete and Masonry Wall curriculum, Built to Resist Earthquakes, The
Buildings, Technical Resources (FEMA 307), Path to Quality Seismic Design and
and The Repair of Earthquake Damaged Construction for Architects, Engineers, and
Concrete and Masonry Wall Buildings (FEMA Inspectors, was developed under a contract with
308), were developed for FEMA under a the California Seismic Safety Commission and
contract with the Partnership for Response and prepared by a Joint Venture partnership of ATC
Recovery, a Joint Venture of Dewberry & Davis and SEAOC. Available through the ATC office
and Woodward-Clyde. Available on CD-ROM (Published 1999, 314 pages)
through ATC; printed versions available through
ABSTRACT: Bound in a three-ring notebook,
FEMA by contacting 1-800-480-2520
the curriculum contains training materials
(Published, 1998, Evaluation Procedures
pertaining to the seismic design and retrofit
Manual, 270 pages; Technical Resources, 271
of wood-frame buildings, concrete and
pages, Repair Document, 81 pages)
masonry construction, and nonstructural
ABSTRACT: Developed by 26 nationally components. Included are detailed,
recognized specialists in earthquake illustrated, instructional material (lessons)
engineering, these documents provide field and a series of multi-part Briefing Papers
investigation techniques, damage evaluation and Job Aids to facilitate improvement in
procedures, methods for performance loss the quality of seismic design, inspection, and
determination, repair guides and construction.

ATC-58-3 ATC Projects and Report Information 69

Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

ATC-51: The report, U.S.-Italy Collaborative through the application on two

Recommendations for Improved Seismic Safety representative hospital facilities; and (4)
of Hospitals in Italy, was developed under a recommendations for emergency response
contract with Servizio Sismico Nazionale of training, postearthquake inspection training,
Italy (Italian National Seismic Survey). and the mitigation of seismic hazards.
Available through the ATC office. (Published
ATC-52: The project, “Development of a
2000, 154 pages)
Community Action Plan for Seismic Safety
ABSTRACT: Developed by a 14-person team (CAPSS), City and County of San Francisco”,
of hospital seismic safety specialists and was conducted under a contract with the San
regulators from the United States and Italy, Francisco Department of Building Inspection.
the report provides an overview of hospital Under Phase I, completed in 2000, ATC defined
seismic risk in Italy; six recommended the tasks to be conducted under Phase II, a
short-term actions and four recommended multi-year ATC effort scheduled to commence
long-term actions for improving hospital in 2001. The Phase II tasks include: (1)
seismic safety in Italy; and supplemental development of a reliable estimate of the size
information on (a) hospital seismic safety and nature of the impacts a large earthquake will
regulation in California, (b) requirements have on San Francisco; (2) development of
for nonstructural components in California technically sound consensus-based guidelines
and for buildings regulated by the Office for the evaluation and repair of San Francisco’s
of U. S. Foreign Buildings, and (c) current most vulnerable building types; and (3)
seismic evaluation standards in the United identification, definition, and ranking of other
States. activities to reduce the seismic risks in the City
and County of San Francisco.
ATC-51-1: The report, Recommended U.S.-
Italy Collaborative Procedures for Earthquake ATC-53: The report, Assessment of the NIST
Emergency Response Planning for Hospitals in 12-Million-Pound (53 MN) Large-Scale Testing
Italy, was developed under a second contract Facility, was developed under a contract with
with Servizio Sismico Nazionale of Italy (Italian NIST. Available through the ATC office.
National Seismic Survey, NSS). Available (Published 2000, 44 pages)
through the ATC office. (Published 2002, 120
ABSTRACT: This report documents the
findings of an ATC Technical Panel
ABSTRACT: The report addresses one of the engaged to assess the utility and viability of
short-term recommendations — planning for a 30-year-old, 12-million pound (53 MN)
emergency response and postearthquake Universal Testing Machine located at NIST
inspection — made in the first phase of the headquarters in Gaithersburg, Maryland.
ATC-51 project, and considers both current Issues addressed include: (a) the merits of
practices for emergency response planning continuing operation of the facility; (b)
in the United States and available NSS possible improvements or modifications that
information and regulations pertaining to would render it more useful to the
hospital emergency response planning in earthquake engineering community and
Italy. The report contains: (1) descriptions other potential large-scale structural research
of current procedures and concepts for communities; and (c) identification of
emergency response planning in the United specific research (seismic and non-seismic)
States and Italy, (2) an overview of relevant that might require the use of this facility in
procedures for both countries for evaluating the future.
and predicting the seismic vulnerability of
ATC-57: The report, The Missing Piece:
buildings, including procedures for
Improving Seismic Design and Construction
postearthquake inspection, (3) recommended
Practices, was developed under a contract with
procedures for earthquake emergency
NIST. Available through the ATC office.
response planning and postearthquake
(Published 2003, 102 pages)
assessment of hospitals, to be implemented
through the use of a Postearthquake ABSTRACT: The report was developed to
Inspection Notebook and demonstrated provide a framework for eliminating the

70 ATC Projects and Report Information ATC-58-3

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

technology transfer gap that has emerged ATC Design Guide 1: The report, Minimizing
within the National Earthquake Hazards Floor Vibration, was developed with funding
Reduction Program (NEHRP) that limits the from ATC’s Henry J. Degenkolb Memorial
adaptation of basic research knowledge into Endowment Fund. Available through the ATC
practice. The report defines a much- office. (Published, 1999, 64 pages)
expanded problem-focused knowledge
ABSTRACT: Design Guide 1 provides
development, synthesis and transfer program
guidance on design and retrofit of floor
to improve seismic design and construction
structures to limit transient vibrations to
practices. Two subject areas, with a total of
acceptable levels. The document includes
five Program Elements, are proposed: (1)
guidance for estimating floor vibration
systematic support of the seismic code
properties and example calculations for a
development process; and (2) improve
variety of currently used floor types and
seismic design and construction
designs. The criteria for acceptable levels of
floor vibration are based on human
ATC-R-1: The report, Cyclic Testing of Narrow sensitivity to the vibration, whether it is
Plywood Shear Walls, was developed with caused by human behavior or machinery in
funding from the Henry J. Degenkolb Memorial the structure.
Endowment Fund of the Applied Technology
ATC TechBrief 1: The ATC TechBrief 1,
Council. Available through the ATC office
Liquefaction Maps, was developed under a
(Published 1995, 64 pages)
contract with the United States Geological
ABSTRACT: This report documents ATC's Survey. Available free of charge through the
first self-directed research program: a series ATC office. (Published 1996, 12 pages)
of static and dynamic tests of narrow
ABSTRACT: The technical brief inventories
plywood wall panels having the standard
and describes the available regional
3.5-to-1 height-to-width ratio and anchored
liquefaction hazard maps in the United
to the sill plate using typical bolted, 9-inch,
States and gives information on how to
5000-lb. capacity hold-down devices. The
obtain them.
report provides a description of the testing
program and a summary of results, including ATC TechBrief 2: The ATC TechBrief 2,
comparisons of drift ratios found during Earthquake Aftershocks − Entering Damaged
testing with those specified in the seismic Buildings, was developed under a contract with
provisions of the 1991 Uniform Building the United States Geological Survey. Available
Code. The report served as a catalyst for free of charge through the ATC office.
changes in code-specified aspect ratios for (Published 1996, 12 pages)
narrow plywood wall panels and for new
ABSTRACT: The technical brief offers
thinking in the design of hold-down devices.
guidelines for entering damaged buildings
It also stimulated widespread interest in
under emergency conditions during the first
laboratory testing of wood-frame structures.
hours and days after the initial damaging

ATC-58-3 ATC Projects and Report Information 71

Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design Applied Technology Council

Applied Technology Council

ATC Board of Directors (1973-Present)
Milton A. Abel (1979-1985) Jeremy Isenberg (2002-2005)
James C. Anderson (1978-1981) Paul C. Jennings (1973-1975)
Thomas G. Atkinson* (1988-1994) Carl B. Johnson (1974-1976)
Steven M. Baldridge (2000-2003) Edwin H. Johnson (1988-1989, 1998-2001)
Albert J. Blaylock (1976-1977) Stephen E. Johnston* (1973-1975, 1979-1980)
Robert K. Burkett (1984-1988) Christopher P. Jones (2001-2004)
Patrick Buscovich (2000-2003) Joseph Kallaby* (1973-1975)
James R. Cagley* (1998-2004) Donald R. Kay (1989-1992)
H. Patrick Campbell (1989-1990) T. Robert Kealey* (1984-1988)
Arthur N. L. Chiu* (1996-2002) H. S. (Pete) Kellam (1975-1976)
Anil Chopra (1973-1974) Helmut Krawinkler (1979-1982)
Richard Christopherson* (1976-1980) James S. Lai (1982-1985)
Lee H. Cliff (1973) Mark H. Larsen (2003-2006)
John M. Coil* (1986-1987, 1991-1997) Gerald D. Lehmer (1973-1974)
Eugene E. Cole (1985-1986) James R. Libby (1992-1998)
Anthony B. Court (2001-2004) Charles Lindbergh (1989-1992)
Edwin T. Dean* (1996-2002) R. Bruce Lindermann (1983-1986)
Robert G. Dean (1996-2001) L. W. Lu (1987-1990)
James M. Delahay (1999-2005) Walter B. Lum (1975-1978)
Gregory G. Deierlein (2003-2006) Kenneth A. Luttrell (1991-1999)
Edward F. Diekmann (1978-1981) Newland J. Malmquist (1997-2001)
Burke A. Draheim (1973-1974) Melvyn H. Mark (1979-1982)
John E. Droeger (1973) John A. Martin (1978-1982)
Nicholas F. Forell* (1989-1996) Stephen McReavy (1973)
Douglas A. Foutch (1993-1997) John F. Meehan* (1973-1978)
Paul Fratessa (1991-1992) Andrew T. Merovich* (1996-2003)
Sigmund A. Freeman (1986-1989) David L. Messinger (1980-1983)
Barry J. Goodno (1986-1989) Bijan Mohraz (1991-1997)
Mark R. Gorman (1984-1987) William W. Moore* (1973-1976)
Melvyn Green (2001-2002) Gary Morrison (1973)
Lawrence G. Griffis (2002-2005) Robert Morrison (1981-1984)
Gerald H. Haines (1981-1982, 1984-1985) Ronald F. Nelson (1994-1995)
William J. Hall (1985-1986) Joseph P. Nicoletti* (1975-1979)
Ronald O. Hamburger (1999-2000) Bruce C. Olsen* (1978-1982)
Robert W. Hamilton (2002-2005) Gerard Pardoen (1987-1991)
Gary C. Hart (1975-1978) Stephen H. Pelham* (1998-2004)
Robert H. Hendershot (2000-2001) Norman D. Perkins (1973-1976)
Lyman Henry (1973) Richard J. Phillips (1997-2000)
Richard L. Hess (2000-2003) Maryann T. Phipps (1995-1996, 1999-2002)
James A. Hill (1992-1995; 2003-2004) Sherrill Pitkin (1984-1987)
Ernest C. Hillman, Jr. (1973-1974) Edward V. Podlack (1973)
Eve Hinman (2002-2005) Chris D. Poland (1984-1987)
Ephraim G. Hirsch (1983-1984) Egor P. Popov (1976-1979)
William T. Holmes* (1983-1987) Robert F. Preece* (1987-1993)
Warner Howe (1977-1980) Lawrence D. Reaveley* (1985-1991, 2000-2003)
Edwin T. Huston* (1990-1997) Philip J. Richter* (1986-1989)

ATC-58-3 ATC Directors 73

Applied Technology Council Proceedings of: FEMA-Sponsored Workshop on Performance-Based Design

John M. Roberts (1973) Edward J. Teal (1976-1979)

Charles Roeder (1997-2000) W. Martin Tellegen (1973)
Arthur E. Ross* (1985-1991, 1993-1994) John C. Theiss* (1991-1998)
C. Mark Saunders* (1993-2000) Charles H. Thornton* (1992-2000)
Walter D. Saunders* (1975-1979) James L. Tipton (1973)
Lawrence G. Selna (1981-1984) Ivan Viest (1975-1977)
Wilbur C. Schoeller (1990-1991) Ajit S. Virdee* (1977-1980, 1981-1985)
Samuel Schultz* (1980-1984) J. John Walsh (1987-1990)
Daniel Shapiro* (1977-1981) Robert S. White (1990-1991)
Jonathan G. Shipp (1996-1999) James A. Willis* (1980-1981, 1982-1986)
Howard Simpson* (1980-1984) Thomas D. Wosser (1974-1977)
Mete Sozen (1990-1993) Loring A. Wyllie (1987-1988)
William E. Staehlin (2002-2003) Edwin G. Zacher (1981-1984)
Scott Stedman (1996-1997) Theodore C. Zsutty (1982-1985)
Donald R. Strand (1982-1983) *President
James L. Stratta (1975-1979)

ATC Executive Directors (1973-Present)

Ronald Mayes (1979-1981) Roland L. Sharpe (1973-1979)
Christopher Rojahn (1981-present)

74 ATC Directors ATC-58-3

Applied Technology Council
Sponsors, Supporters, and Contributors

Sponsors Contributors
Structural Engineers Association of California Edwin T. Huston
Charles H. Thornton Omar D. Cardona
John M. Coil Computers & Structures, Inc.
Burkett & Wong Lawrence D. Reaveley
James R. & Sharon K. Cagley Barrish, Pelham & Partners
Degenkolb Engineers Bliss & Nyitray, Inc.
Sang Whan Han Edwin & Jonelle Dean
Walter P. Moore & Associates Daniel & Lois R. Shapiro
Nabih Youssef & Associates John C. Theiss
Baldridge & Associates
Supporters Kenneth B. Bondy
Buehler & Buehler Associates
Baker Concrete Company
Raj and Helen Desai
Cagley & Associates
DeSimone Consulting Engineers
Cagley, Harman & Associates
DPIC Companies
CBI Consulting, Inc.
E. W. Blanch Co.
Nishkian Menninger
Hinman Consulting Engineers
John A. Martin & Associates
Rutherford & Chekene
Lane Bishop York Delahay, Inc.
LeMessurier Consultants, Inc.
Lionakis Beaumont Design Group
Marr Shaffer & Miyamoto, Inc.
Master Builders
Patrick Buscovich & Associates
Severud Associates
Tokyo Engineering Power Company
Weidlinger Associates
William Bevier Structural Engineer, Inc.

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