1 Dynamic Analysis of Machine Foundation Using Ansys

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IJSART - Volume 4 Issue 10 – OCTOBER 2018 ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052

Dynamic Analysis of Machine Foundation Using Ansys

P.M. Shimpale 1, Sindhu Panapalli 2
1, 2
M.G.M‟s College Of Engineering, Nanded, Maharashtra

Abstract- The analysis of Machine Foundation involves not develop criteria for the design of foundations under such
only static loads but also the dynamic loads which are caused conditions. The fields of application of Soil Dynamics are
due to the working of the machine. Therefore, the machine varied and diverse, and include (i) vibration and settlement of
foundation should survive these loads. Therefore, it becomes structures, and of foundations of machinery, (ii) densification
vital to reduce the natural frequency of soil beneath the of soil by dynamic compaction and vibration, (iii) penetration
foundation. One such treatment is to prepare a layered soil of piles and sheet piles by vibration or impact, (iv) dynamic
beneath the foundation by trenching the soil and placing and geophysical methods of exploration, (v) effects of blasting
different types of isolation materials. on soil and rock materials, and (vi) effects of earthquakes and
earthquake-resistant design of foundations. The increasing use
Keywords– Frame foundation, Sinusoidal load, Rubber, Rock of heavy machinery, of blasting operations in construction
basalt, springs,ansys etc practice, and of various kinds of heavy transport in the context
of industrial and technological progress point to the
I. INTRODUCTION importance of „Soil Dynamics‟. „Dynamics of Bases and
Foundations‟ forms an important part of „Industrial
Foundations may be subjected to either static loads or Seismology‟, a branch of mechanics devoted to the study of
a combination of static and dynamic loads; the latter lead to the effects of shocks and vibrations in the fields of engineering
motion in the soil and mutual dynamic interaction of the and technology; in fact, the former phrase happens to be the
foundation and the soil. The design of foundations subjected title of a famous book on the subject by Professor D.D. Barkan
to dynamic forces is part of soil dynamics. „Soil Dynamics‟ in Russian (English Translation edited by G.P. Tschebotarioff
may be defined as that part of soil mechanics which deals with and first published by McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.,
the behaviour of soil under dynamic conditions. The effects of New York, in 1962). This is a monumental reference book on
dynamic forces on soil are under this topic which is relatively the subject, based on the original research in Barkan‟s Soil
a new area of Geotechnical Engineering. The sources of Dynamics Laboratory. The Book “Vibration Analysis and
dynamic forces are numerous; violent types of dynamic forces Design of Foundations for Machines and Turbines” by
are caused by earthquakes, and by blasts engineered by man. Alexander Major (1962) also ranks as an excellent and
Pile driving and landing of aircraft in the vicinity, and the authoritative reference on the subject, while a more recent
action of wind and running water may be other sources. Book “Vibrations of Soils and Foundations” by Richart, Hall
Machinery of different kinds induces different types of and Woods (Prentice Hall, Inc., New York, 1970) is also an
dynamic forces which act on the foundation soil. Most excellent treatise. The design of machine foundations is more
motions encountered in Soil Dynamics are rectilinear complex than that of foundations, which support static load
(translational), curvilinear, rotational, two-dimensional, or only. Loads acting on such foundations are dynamic in nature.
three-dimensional, or a combination of these. The motion may These loads may result from various causes such as vibratory
be a periodic or periodic, and steady or transient, inducing motion of machines, movement of vehicles, impact of
„vibrations‟ or „oscillations‟. hammers, earthquakes, wind waves, nuclear blasts, mine
explosions, pile driving etc. It is, therefore, necessary to
Impact forces or seismic forces cause „shock‟, understand the effects of dynamic forces in the foundation
implying a degree of suddenness and severity, inducing a soil. In general a machine foundation weighs several times as
periodic motion in the form of a „pulse‟ or a transient much as the machine it supports. Also a dynamic load
vibration. This may lead to settlement of foundations and associated with the moving parts of a machine is generally
consequent failure of structures. Since dynamic forces impart small as compared to its static load. However, in machine
energy to the soil grains, several changes take place in the soil foundations, dynamic loads act repetitively over a very long
structure, internal friction, and adhesion. Shock and vibration period of time. It is therefore necessary that the soil should be
may induce liquefaction of saturated fine sand, leading to elastic, or else deformation will increase with each cycle of
instability. The primary aim of Soil Dynamics is to study the loading until the amplitude of deformation becomes larger and
engineering behavior of soil under dynamic forces and to out of the acceptable limit. The amplitude of motion of a

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machine at its operating frequency is the most important Machines that produce periodic unbalanced force
parameter to be determined in designing a machine (such as compressor and reciprocating engines) belong to this
foundation, in addition to determining the system‟s natural category. The operating speeds of such machines are usually 2
frequency. less than 600 r.p.m. For analysis of their foundations, the
unbalanced forces can be considered to vary sinusoidally.
1.2 Basic Definitions
(2) Impact machines:
I. Vibration (or Oscillation): It is a time-dependent,
repeated motion which may be translational or Machines that produce impact loads like forging
rotational. hummers and punching press are included in this category.
II. Periodic motion: It is a motion which repeats itself Their speeds of operations are usually from 60 to 150 blows
periodically in equal time intervals. per minute. In these machines, the dynamic force attains a
III. Period: The time in which the motion repeats itself is peak value in a very short time and then dies out gradually.
called the „Period‟.
IV. Cycle: The motion completed in a period is called a (3) Rotary machines:
V. Frequency: The number of cycles in a unit of time is High-speed machines like turbo generators or rotary
known as the „frequency‟. It is expressed in Hertz compressors may have speeds of more than 300 r.p.m and up
(Hz) in SI Units (cycles per second). The period and to 10,000 r.p.m. Foundation.
frequency are thus inversely related, one being
simply the reciprocal of the other.
VI. Degree of Freedom: The number of independent co-
ordinates required to describe the motion of a system
completely is called the „Degree of Freedom.

1.3 Types of Machine Foundations:

Fig1.2: Block-type machine foundation
Foundations for machines are generally of the following types,
based on their structural shapes, as shown in Figure 11.1. Because this type of foundation is easy for
construction and very commonly in use, this thesis is
1. Block type (rigid foundations) concerned with the analysis of such foundations, but taking
2. Box or caisson type into account that they can generally be embedded in a layered
3. Wall type formation. Recently developed closed-form expressions for
4. Framed type the dynamic stiffness and dashpot coefficients of the
5. Non rigid or flexible type underlying soil are employed unlike the conventional
approach, which 3 involve some degree of empiricity to
estimate these quantities and add arbitrary magnitude of soil
mass in addition to the actual mass of the machinery and its

1.4General requirements of machine foundation

The following requirements should be fulfilled from

the design point of view of machine foundations
Fig1.1: Common types of machine foundations
(a) The foundation should be able to carry the
1.3.1 There are many kinds of machines that generate different
superimposed loads without causing shear or
types of time-dependent forces. The three most important crushing failure of the underlying soil.
categories are: (b) The settlement should be within the permissible
(1)Reciprocating Machines:

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(c) The combined center of gravity of machine and the materials, and fully incompressible hyperelastic materials. The
foundation should be on the vertical line passing geometrical representation of is show in SOLID186.
through the center of gravity of the base plane.
(d) There should be no resonance; that is the natural This SOLID186 3-D 20-node homogenous/layered
frequency of the foundation-soil system should be structural solid were adopted to discretize the concrete slab,
either too large or too small compared to the which are also able to simulate cracking behavior of the
operating frequency of the machines. For low-speed concrete under tension (in three orthogonal directions) and
machine, the natural frequency should be high and crushing in compression, to evaluate the material non-linearity
vice-versa. and also to enable the inclusion of reinforcement
(e) The amplitude of motion at operating frequencies (reinforcement bars scattered in the concrete region).The
should not exceed the limiting amplitude, which is element SHELL43 is defined by four nodes having six degrees
generally specified by machine manufacturers. If the of freedom at each node. The deformation shapes are linear in
computed amplitude is within tolerable limit, but is both in-plane directions. The element allows for plasticity,
close to resonance, it is important that this situation creep, stress stiffening, large deflections, and large strain
be avoided. 4 capabilities. The representation of the steel section was made
(f) Where possible the foundation should be planned in by the SHELL 43 elements, which allow for the consideration
such a manner as to permit a subsequent alteration of of non-linearity of the material and show linear deformation
natural frequency by changing base area or mass of on the plane in which it is present.
the foundation as may subsequently be found

1.4.1 From the practical point of view, the following

requirements should be fulfilled:

(a) The ground-water level should be as low as possible and

ground-water level should be at least deeper by one-forth
of the width of foundation below the base plane. This
limits the vibration propagations, ground water being a Fig 2.1 CONTA 164
good conductor of vibration waves, especially P-waves
(b) Machine foundations should be separated from adjacent The modeling of the shear connectors was done by
building components by means of expansion joints. the BEAM 189 elements, which allow for the configuration of
(c) Any steam or hot air pipes, embedded in the foundation the cross section, enable consideration of the non-linearity of
must be properly isolated the material and include bending stresses. CONTA174 is used
(d) Machine foundation should be taken to a level lower than to represent contact and sliding between 3-D "target" surfaces
the level of the foundations of adjacent buildings. (TARGE170) and a deformable surface, defined by this
(e) The foundation must be protected from machine oil by element. The element is applicable to 3-D structural and
means of acid resistant coating or suitable chemical coupled field contact analyses. The geometrical representation
treatment. of CONTA174 is show in fig4. Contact pairs couple general
axisymmetric elements with standard 3-D elements. A node-
II. MATERIAL MODELING to-surface contact element represents contact between two
surfaces by specifying one surface as a group of nodes. The
The definition of the proposed numerical model was geometrical representation of is show in TARGET 170.
made by using finite elements available in the ANSYS code
default library. SOLID186 is a higher order 3-D 20-node solid
element that exhibits quadratic displacement behavior. The
element is defined by 20 nodes having three degrees of
freedom per node: translations in the nodal x, y, and z
directions. The element supports plasticity, hyperelasticity,
creep, stress stiffening, large deflection, and large strain
capabilities. It also has mixed formulation capability for Fig.2.2 Beam 189
simulating deformations of nearly incompressible elastoplastic

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The TARGET 170 and C0NTA 174 elements were used For the comparative analysis purpose following two models
to represent the contact slab-beam interface. These elements are selected
are able to simulate the existence of pressure between them
when there is contact, and separation between them when MODEL BLOCK TYPE MACHINE
there is not. The two material contacts also take into account NO.1 FOUNDATION
friction and cohesion between the parties. MODEL FRAME TYPE MACHINE
Sometimes it is not always an easy task for an
engineer to decide whether the obtained solution is a good or a RESULT AND DISCUSSION
bad one. If experimental or analytical results are available it is Static Load Result
easily possible to verify any finite element result. However, to
predict any structural behaviour in a reliable way without TOTAL DEFORMATION:
experiments every user of a finite element package should
have a certain background about the finite element method in
general. In addition, he should have fundamental knowledge
about the applied software to be able to judge the
appropriateness of the chosen elements and algorithms.

Fig 2.3 shell 43

This paper is intended to show a summary of ANSYS

capabilities to obtain results of finite element analyses as
accurate as possible. Many features of ANSYS are shown and
where it is possible we show what is already implemented in
ANSYS.16 Workbench.


Total Deformation of block type foundation is 1.496

and frame type foundation is 1.2.


Fig 3.1:Flow Chart


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Equivalent Stress of block type foundation is 4.916 Maximum Principal Stress of block type foundation is 5.169
and frame type foundation is 3.9328. and frame type foundation is 4.13.



EQUIVALENT STRAIN of block type foundation is 2.4 and

Graph No4.3: MAXIMUM SHEAR STRESS frame type foundation is 1.98.

Maximum Shear Stress of block type foundation is 2.5308 and

frame type foundation is 2.02464.


Fig No: 4.1: Directional Deformation

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Fig No: 4.2: Equivalent Stress

Fig No: 4.4: Strain energy

Fig No: 4.3: Static structural Fig No: 4.6: Normal stress

Fig No: 4.4: Maximum principal Stress Fig No: 4.7: Shear stress


in this paper the 2 types of machine foundation i.e. is

studied subjected to vibrations, BLOCK TYPE
following results are obtained

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 The natural frequencies in block foundation is

observed more than rcc framed foundation which
indicates less time period for vibration
 The deformation,equivalent stress,principal stress
observed 15-20% less in frame type foundation
 Hence it can be concluded that frame type foundation
should be preferred over block type foundation



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