Maule TCDS
Maule TCDS
Maule TCDS
Revision 32
Bee Dee M-4 M-5-180C MXT-7-160 M-4-180V
M-4 M-5-200 MX-7-180A M-9-235
M-4C M-5-210C MXT-7-180A
M-4S M-5-210TC MX-7-180B
M-4T M-5-220C M-7-235B
M-4-180C M-5-235C M-7-235A
M-4-180S M-6-180 M-7-235C
M-4-180T M-6-235 MX-7-180C
M-4-210 M-7-235 M-7-260
M-4-210C MX-7-235 MT-7-260
M-4-210S MX-7-180 M-7-260C
M-4-210T MX-7-420 M-7-420AC
M-4-220 MXT-7-180 MX-7-160C
M-4-220C MT-7-235 MX-7-180AC
M-4-220S M-8-235 M-7-420A
M-4-220T MX-7-160 MT-7-420
October 14, 2015
This data sheet which is part of Type Certification No. 3A23 prescribes conditions and limit under which the product for
which the type certificate was issued meets the airworthiness requirements of the Federal Aviation Regulations.
Type Certificate Holder Record: Maule Aircraft Corporation transferred type certificate 3A23 to Maule Aerospace Technology,
Inc. on June 18, 1982.
I. Model Bee Dee M-4, 4 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved August 10, 1961
Model M-4, 4 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved February 21, 1963
Model M-4C, 4 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved October 7, 1965
Model M-4S, 4 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved March 15, 1966
Model M-4T, 2 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved March 15, 1966
(M-4 same as Bee Dee M-4 except for minor changes)
(M-4C same as Model M-4 except for modified right fuselage truss, larger rear doors to facilitate cargo loading, and other
minor changes.)
(M-4S same as Model M-4 except for minor changes.)
(M-4T same as Model M-4C except no rear seats or rear door and other minor changes.)
Engine limits For all operations, 2700 rpm (145 hp) (See NOTE 3 for climb)
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Rev. No. 31 31 31 32 31 32 31
Rev. 31 2 of 49 3A23
McCauley 1C172-MDM7647 to 7656 (Eligible on s/n 24, 46-94, 1C-11C, 1S-3S, 1T-3T )
(Eligible on s/n 3-23, 25-45 when modified per Maule Modification Kit No. 36)
Diameter: Not over 76 in., not under 74.5 in.
No further reduction permitted.
Static rpm at maximum permissible throttle setting:
Not over 2250, not under 2100
No additional tolerance permitted.
Airspeed limits (CAS) Landplane and Skiplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Number of seats 4 (2 at +18 to +21, 2 at +53) (Bee Dee M-4, M-4, M-4C, M-4S)
2 (+18 to +21) (M-4T)
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
Oil capacity 8 qt. (-37), 4 qt. Minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on system oil.)
II. Model M-4-210, 4 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved September 24, 1964
Model M-4-210C, 4 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved October 7, 1965
Model M-4-210S, 4 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved March 15, 1966
Model M-4-210T, 2 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved March 15, 1966
(Same as M-4, M-4C, M-4S, and M-4T except for the installation of a Continental IO-360-A or D engine.)
Engine limits IO-360-A: Maximum continuous hp, rpm, in. Hg. alt.
Critical altitude 195-2800-26.2-2250 ft.
Sea level 195-2800-26.5
Takeoff hp (5 min.) 210-2800 F.T.
IO-360-D: F.T. all operations 210 hp - 2800 rpm
Airspeed limits (CAS) Landplane, Floatplane, and Skiplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Maximum weight Landplane: 2300 lbs. or 2100 lbs. (Reference C.G. Range-landplane)
Skiplane: 2100 lbs.
Floatplane: Fleet 2500, EDO 248A2440 or 248B2440 Floats: 2300 lbs.
CAP 62-2000 Floats: 2220 lbs.
Rev. 31 4 of 49 3A23
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks - 23 gal. (23 gal. usable; two 11.5 gal. tanks in outerwings at +22.2)
(Fuel in the optional auxiliary tanks not approved in combination with skis or floats.)
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
Oil capacity 10 qt. (-37), 7 qt. Minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on system oil.)
III. Model M-4-220, 4 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved October 18, 1966
Model M-4-220C, 4 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved October 18, 1966
Model M-4-220S, 4 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved October 18, 1966
Model M-4-220T, 2 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved October 18, 1966
(Same as M-4, M-4C, M-4S and M-4T except for the installation of a Franklin 6A-350-C1 engine.)
Engine limits Takeoff (5 min.) 2800 rpm, F.T. (220 hp). For all other operations, 2800 rpm at 26.5 in. hg. (194 hp)
(See NOTE 8 if Service Letter 27 is installed)
Airspeed limits (CAS) Landplane, Floatplane, and Skiplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Rev. 31 5 of 49 3A23
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175 lbs. (+42) (M-4-220C, M-4-220S)
125 lbs. (+70) (M-4-220C, M-4-220S)
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 23 gal. (23 gal. usable; two 11.5 gal. tanks in wings at +22.2)
(Fuel in the optional auxiliary tanks not approved in combination with skis or floats)
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
Oil capacity 8.8 qt.(-37), 5.8 qt. Minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on system oil.)
IV. Model M-4-180C, 4 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved October 20, 1970
Model M-4-180S, 4 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved October 20, 1970
Model M-4-180T, 2 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved October 20, 1970
(Same as M-4C, M-4S and M-4T except for the installation of Franklin 6A-335-B1A engine.)
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
Oil capacity 8.8 qt. (-37), 5.8 qt. Minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on system oil.)
Airspeed limits (CAS) Landplane, Floatplane, and Skiplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+70)
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +23.3)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 23 gal. (23 gal. usable; two 11.5 gal. tanks in wings at +22.2)
See NOTE 16 if Modification Kit No. 15 is installed.
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
Oil capacity 10 qt. (-37) 7 qt. Minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on system oil.)
Rev. 31 8 of 49 3A23
VI. Model M-5-220C, 4 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved December 28, 1973
(Same as M-4-220C except modified empennage, increased span flaps, smaller ailerons, and other minor changes.)
Airspeed limits (CAS) Landplane, Floatplane, and Skiplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+70)
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +23.3)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 23 gal. (23 gal. usable; two 11.5 gal. tanks in wings at +22.2)
See NOTE 16 if Modification Kit No. 15 is installed.
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
Oil capacity 8.8 qt. (-37) 5.8 qt. minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on system oil.)
Serial numbers eligible Model M-5-220C, 5001C-5057C. (See NOTE 13 for float installation requirement.)
Airspeed limits (CAS) Landplane, Floatplane, and Skiplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+70)
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40. gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 23 gal. (23 gal. usable; two 11.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
See NOTE 16 if Modification Kit No. 15 is installed.
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
Control surface Wing flaps (s/n 7001C-7320C, 7322C-7346C, 7348C-7350C, 7352C-7362C, 7364C-7368C):
movements Down 1st Notch 15º +3º
2nd Notch 35º +3º
(s/n 7321C, 7347C, 7351C, 7363C, 7369C and up and airplanes modified per Maule SL#44):
Down 1st Notch 20º +3º
2nd Notch 40º +3º
Aileron Up 20º +1º Down 20º +1º
Elevator Up 25º +2º Down 21º +1º
Elevator tab Up 12º +4º Down 29º +2º
Elevator tab
w/piano hinge Up 12º +2º Down 38º +2º
Rudder Right 21º +1º Left 21º +1º
Rudder tab Right 48º +4º Left 48º +4º
Rev. 31 11 of 49 3A23
(NOTE: Letter 'A' preceding serial number denotes installation of Lycoming IO-540-W1A5D fuel-injected
engine and applies only to the following s/n A7354C, A7355C, A7358C, A7360C, A7361C, A7366C and
A7367C.) ‘A’ was not used on later serial numbers with this engine.
VIII. Model M-5-180C, 4 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved April 19, 1979
(Same as M-5-235C except for nacelle, engine and propeller.)
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175 lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+70)
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 23 gal. (23 gal. usable; two 11.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
See NOTE 16 if Modification Kit No. 15 is installed.
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
Oil capacity 8 qt. (-36.5), 2 qt. Minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on system oil.)
Serial numbers eligible Model M-5-180C, 8001C-8014C, 8016C-8019C, 8021C, 8023C-8042C, 8044C-8064C, 8068C-8094C
Rev. 31 12 of 49 3A23
Engine limits 210 hp at 2575 rpm at 42.0 in. hg. MP, all operations
Airspeed limits (CAS) Landplane and Skiplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+70)
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 23 gal. (23 gal. usable; two 11.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
See NOTE 16 if Modification Kit No. 15 is installed.
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
Oil capacity 8 qt. (-36.5), 2 qt. Minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on system oil.)
Maximum operating
altitude 20,000 feet
Propeller and
propeller limits (See NOTE 14 for propeller information)
Airspeed limits (CAS) Landplane, Floatplane, and Skiplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+70)
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
For S/n 7249C, 7356C-7472C w/ MK#27 and S/n 7473C and up:
47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable; two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 26 gal. (26 gal. usable; two 13 gal. tanks in wings at +24),
Rev. 31 14 of 49 3A23
Control surface
movements (See NOTE 12 for control surface movement limits)
Serial numbers eligible Model M-6-235, s/n 7249C, 7356C, 7379C-7444C, 7446C-7450C, 7452C-7459C, 7461C-7466C,
7468C, 7469C, 7471C-7475C, 7488C-7514C, 7516C-7522C and subsequent
XI. Model M-6-180, 4 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved September 15, 1982
(Same as M-6-235, s/n 7249C-7472C, except for nacelle, engine and propeller.)
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+70)
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 26 gal. (26 gal. usable; two 13 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
Oil capacity 8 qt. (-36.5), 2 qt. Minimum See NOTE 1 for data on system oil.)
Control surface
movements (See NOTE 12 for control surface movement limits)
XII. Model M-5-200, 4 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved October 29, 1982
(Same as M-5-235C except for nacelle, engine and propeller.)
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+70)
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 23 gal. (23 gal. usable; two 11.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
See NOTE 16 if Modification Kit No. 15 is installed.
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
Oil capacity 8 qt. (-36.5), 2 qt. Minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on system oil.)
Airspeed limits (CAS) Landplane, Floatplane, and Skiplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Empty weight
C.G. range None
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175 lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+72)
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable; two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 30 gal. (30 gal. usable; two 15 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 42 gal. (42 gal. usable;two 21 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
XIV. Model MX-7-235, 4/5 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved October 18, 1984
(Same as M-6-235 except for wings, flaps, aileron and wing tip.)
Airspeed limits (CAS) Landplane, Floatplane, and Skiplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Rev. 31 17 of 49 3A23
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+70)
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable; two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 30 gal. (30 gal. usable; two 15 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
XV. Model MX-7-180, 4/5 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved December 18, 1984
(Same as MX-7-235 except for nacelle, engine and propeller.)
Airspeed limits (IAS) Landplane and Floatplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+70)
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable; two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 30 gal. (30 gal. usable; two 15 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
Oil capacity 8 qt. (-36.5), 2 qt. Minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on system oil.)
Control surface
movements (See NOTE 12 for control surface movement limits)
XVI. Model MX-7-420, 4/5 PCLM (Normal Category) Approved June 1, 1989
(Same as MX-7-235 except for nacelle, engine, propeller and rudder.)
Fuel Primary: Mil-T-5624L, grade JP-4 and JP-5, Mil-T-83133A, grade JP-8, ASTM-D-1655, Jet A, A1 or B, JP-1
Fuel conforming to ASTM-D-1655, Jet A, Artic Diesel Fuel DF-A (VV0F800B) conforming to
ASTM-D-1655, Jet A or A1 Diesel #1 fuel conforming to ASTM-D-1655, Jet A
Emergency: Mil-G-5572, all grades (aircraft boost pump on; maximum of 6 hours operation per
overhaul period of turbine through an engine operating range of idle to 90% maximum SHP)
Cold Weather: To assure consistent starts below 4ºC (40ºF), the following fuels may be necessary:
MIL-T-5624, grade JP-4 ASTM-D-1655, Jet B AVGAS/Jet A, Jet A1 or Jet JP-5 mixture.
(Refer to Cold Weather Fuels, para 2-48, for mixing/use of cold weather fuel in Allison Manual 11W2.)
Airspeed limits (CAS) Landplane and Floatplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Rev. 31 19 of 49 3A23
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+70)
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40.6 usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24-considered one tank)
or 47.6 gal. (43 gal.usable, two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24 - considered one tank)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks, 30 gal. (30 usable; two 15 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
(or 42 gal. 42 usable; two 21 gal. tanks in wings at + 24).
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
Oil capacity 10 qt. (-22.5), 9 qts. Minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on system oil.)
Control surface
movements (See NOTE 12 for control surface movement limits)
XVII. Model MXT-7-180, 4/5 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved November 9, 1990
(Same as M-6-235, s/n 7474C and up, except for nacelle, engine, propeller, ailerons, flaps and landing gear
(aluminum spring mains with nosewheel in lieu of tailwheel).)
Airspeed limits (IAS) Landplane and Floatplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+70)
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable; two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 30 gal. (30 gal. usable; two 15 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 42 (42 gal. usable; two 21 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
Oil capacity 8 qt. (-36.5), 2 qt. Minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on system oil.)
Control surface
movements (See NOTE 12 for control surface movement limits)
XVIII. Model MT-7-235, 4/5 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved March 20, 1992
(Same as MXT-7-180 except for nacelle, engine, propeller and M-7 fuselage.)
Airspeed limits (IAS) Landplane and Floatplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Rev. 31 21 of 49 3A23
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+72)
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable; two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 30 gal. (30 gal. usable; two 15 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 42 gal. (42 gal. usable; two 21 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
Oil capacity 8 qt. (-34), 5 qt. Minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on system oil
Control surface
movements (See NOTE 12 for control surface movement limits)
XIX. Model M-8-235, 4/5 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved August 10, 1992
(Same as M-6-235, s/n 7474C & up, except for flaps, ailerons and landing gear (aluminum spring mains.)
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+70)
Rev. 31 22 of 49 3A23
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable; two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 30 gal. (30 gal. usable; two 15 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 42 gal. (42 gal. usable; two 21 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
Control surface
movements (See NOTE 12 for control surface movement limits)
XX. Model MX-7-160, 4 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved November 13, 1992
(Same as MXT-7-180, except for engine, propeller, and has conventional tailwheel landing gear.)
Propeller and Sensenich fixed pitch 74DM7S5-0-52 or -54 or -56 (74" Dia.) or
propeller limits Sensenich fixed pitch 74DM7S8-0-52 or -54 or -56 (74" Dia.)
Diameter: Not over 74 in., not under 72 in., no further reduction permitted.
Static rpm at full throttle: Not over 2500 rpm, not under 2400 rpm (-54 or -56)
Not over 2620 rpm, not under 2520 rpm (-52)
Spinner: Sensenich spinner assembly S74DM
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+70)
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable; two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 30 gal. (30 gal. usable; two 15 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 42 gal. (42 gal. usable; two 21 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
Oil capacity 8 qt. (-36.5), 2 qt. Minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on system oil.)
Control surface
movements (See NOTE 12 for control surface movement limits)
XXI. Model MXT-7-160, 2/4 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved November 13, 1992
(Same as MXT-7-180, except for engine and propeller.)
Propeller and Sensenich fixed pitch 74DM7S5-0-52 or -54 or -56 (74" Dia.) or
propeller limits Sensenich fixed pitch 74DM7S8-0-52 or -54 or -56 (74" Dia.)
Diameter: Not over 74 in., not under 72 in., no further reduction permitted.
Static rpm at full throttle: Not over 2500 rpm, not under 2400 rpm (-54 or -56)
Not over 2620 rpm, not under 2520 rpm (-52)
Spinner: Sensenich spinner assembly S74DM
Airspeed limits (IAS) Landplane and Floatplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+70)
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable; two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 30 gal. (30 gal. usable; two 15 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 42 gal. (42 gal. usable; two 21 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
Oil capacity 8 qt. (-36.5), 2 qt. Minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on system oil.)
Control surface
movements (See NOTE 12 for control surface movement limits)
Propeller and Sensenich fixed pitch 76EM8S5-0-56 (76" Dia.) or 76EM8S8-0-56 (76" Dia.)
propeller limits Diameter: Not over 76 in., not under 76 in., no further reduction permitted.
Static rpm at full throttle: Not over 2500 rpm, not under 2400 rpm.
Spinner: Sensenich spinner assembly S76EM
Rev. 31 24 of 49 3A23
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. at (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+70)
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable; two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 30 gal. (30 gal. usable; two 15 gal. tanks in wing at +24)
or 42 gal. (42 gal. usable; two 21 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
Oil capacity 8 qt. (-36.5), 2 qt. Minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on system oil.)
Control surface
movements (See NOTE 12 for control surface movement limits)
Propeller and Sensenich fixed pitch 76EM8S5-0-56 (76" Dia.) or 76EM8S8-0-56 (76" Dia.)
propeller limits Diameter: Not over 76 in., not under 76 in., no further reduction permitted.
Static rpm at full throttle: Not over 2500 rpm, not under 2400 rpm.
Spinner: Sensenich spinner assembly S76EM
Airspeed limits (IAS) Landplane and Floatplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. at (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+70)
Rev. 31 25 of 49 3A23
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable; two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 30 gal. (30 gal. usable; two 15 gal. tanks in wing at +24)
or 42 gal. (42 gal. usable; two 21 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
Oil capacity 8 qt. (-36.5), 2 qt. Minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on system oil.)
Control surface
movements (See NOTE 12 for control surface movement limits)
XXIV. Model MX-7-180B, 4/5 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved July 12, 1993
(Same as MXT-7-180 except for conventional tailwheel landing gear.)
Airspeed limits (IAS) Landplane and Floatplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Floatplane: See appropriate AFMS for C.G. range for different float installations.
Empty weight
C.G. range None
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+70)
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable; two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 30 gal. (30 gal. usable; two 15 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 42 (42 gal. usable; two 21 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
Oil capacity 8 qt. (-36.5), 2 qt. minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on system oil.)
Control surface
movements (See NOTE 12 for control surface movement limits)
XXV. Model MXT-7-420, 4/5 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved July 12, 1993, Model deleted from TC January 7, 2003
Model MXT-7-420 removed from the type certificate per Maule Aerospace Technology’s request. One serial number airplane of this
model was built and has now been dismantled.
XXVI. Model M-7-235B, 4/5 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved October 14, 1993
(Same as MT-7-235 except has conventional tailwheel landing gear.)
Airspeed limits (CAS) Landplane, Floatplane, and Skiplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+72)
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable; two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 30 gal. (30 gal. usable; two 15 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 42 gal. (42 gal. usable; two 21 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
XXVII. Model M-7-235A, 4/5 PCLM (Normal Category) Approved March 10, 1994
(Same as M-7-235 except for flaps and ailerons.)
Airspeed limits (CAS) Landplane, Floatplane, and Skiplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+72)
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable; two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 30 gal. (30 gal. usable; two 15 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 42 gal. (42 gal. usable; two 21 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
XXVIII. Model M-7-235C, 4/5 PCLM (Normal Category) Approved October 10, 1995
(Same as M-7-235B except spring aluminum main landing gear.)
Airspeed limits (CAS) Landplane and Floatplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+72)
Fuel capacity 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable; two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 30 gal. (30 gal. usable; two 15 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 42 gal. (42 gal. usable; two 21 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
Serial numbers eligible Model M-7-235C, s/n 25001C and up, except s/n 25112C is not eligible (no standard certificate of
airworthiness was issued per customer’s request before aircraft was exported.)
XXIX. Model MX-7-180C, 4/5 PCLM (Normal Category) Approved August 27, 1996
(Same as MX-7-180B except for landing gear (aluminum spring mains)
Airspeed limits (IAS) Landplane and Floatplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+70)
Fuel capacity 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable; two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 43 gal. (40 gal. usable; two 21.5 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 30 gal. (30 gal. usable; two 15 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 42 (42 gal. usable; two 21 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
Oil capacity 8 qt. (-36.5), 2 qt. minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on system oil.)
Control surface
movements (See NOTE 12 for control surface movement limits)
XXX. Model M-7-260, 4/5 PCLM (Normal Category) Approved April 17, 1998
(Same as M-7-235B except engine and propeller.)
Propeller and
propeller limits (See NOTE 15 for propeller information)
Airspeed limits (IAS) Landplane and Floatplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Empty weight
C.G. range None
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+72)
Fuel capacity 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable; two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 30 gal. (30 gal. usable; two 15 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 42 gal. (42 gal. usable; two 21 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
(See NOTE 1 for data on fuel system.)
Oil capacity 8 qt. (-34), 5 qt. minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on oil system.)
Control surface
movements (See NOTE 12 for control surface movement limits)
XXXI. Model MT-7-260, 4/5 PCLM (Normal Category) Approved April 17, 1998
(Same as MT-7-235 except engine and propeller.)
Propeller and
propeller limits (See NOTE 15 for propeller information)
Airspeed limits (IAS) Landplane and Floatplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+72)
Fuel capacity 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable; two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 30 gal. (30 gal. usable; two 15 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 42 gal. (42 gal. usable; two 21 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Rev. 31 31 of 49 3A23
Oil capacity 8 qt. (-34), 5 qt. minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on oil system.)
Control surface
movements (See NOTE 12 for control surface movement limits)
XXXII. Model M-7-260C, 4/5 PCLM (Normal Category) Approved October 19, 1998
(Same as M-7-235C except engine and propeller.)
Propeller and
propeller limits (See NOTE 15 for propeller information)
Airspeed limits (IAS) Landplane and Floatplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+72)
Fuel capacity 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable; two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 30 gal. (30 gal. usable; two 15 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 42 gal. (42 gal. usable; two 21 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
(See NOTE 1 for data on fuel system.)
Oil capacity 8 qt. (-34), 5 qt. minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on oil system.)
Control surface
movements (See NOTE 12 for control surface movement limits)
XXXIII. Model M-7-420AC, 4/5 PCLM (Normal Category) Approved December 17, 1998
(Same as M-7-235A except for main landing gear, flap ratchet, nacelle, engine, and propeller.)
Fuel Primary: Mil-T-5624L, grade JP-4 and JP-5, Mil-T-83133A, grade JP-8,
ASTM-D-1655, Jet A, A1 or B, JP-1 Fuel conforming to ASTM-D-1655,
Jet A, Artic Diesel Fuel DF-A (VV0F800B) conforming to ASTM-D-1655,
Jet A or A1 Diesel #1 fuel conforming to ASTM-D-1655, Jet A
Emergency: Mil-G-5572, all grades (aircraft boost pump on; maximum of 6 hours operation per
overhaul period of turbine through an engine operating range of idle to 90% maximum SHP)
Cold Weather: To assure consistent starts below 4ºC (40ºF), the following fuels may be necessary:
MIL-T-5624, grade JP-4 ASTM-D-1655, Jet B AVGAS/Jet A, Jet A1 or Jet JP-5 mixture.
(Refer to Cold Weather Fuels, para 2-48, for mixing/use of cold weather fuel in Allison Manual 11W2.)
Airspeed limits (CAS) Landplane and Floatplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+72)
Fuel capacity 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable, two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24 - considered one tank)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks, 42 gal. (42 usable; two 21 gal. tanks in wings at + 24).
(See NOTE 1 for data on fuel system.)
Oil capacity 10 qt. (-22.5), 9 qts. Minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on oil system.)
Control surface
movements (See NOTE 12 for control surface movement limits)
XXXIV. Model MX-7-160C, 4 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved March 12, 1999
(Same as MX-7-160, except for spring aluminum main landing gear.)
Propeller and Sensenich fixed pitch 74DM7S5-0-52 or -54 or -56 (74" Dia.) or
propeller limits Sensenich fixed pitch 74DM7S8-0-52 or -54 or -56 (74" Dia.)
Diameter: Not over 74 in., not under 72 in., no further reduction permitted.
Static rpm at full throttle: Not over 2500 rpm, not under 2400 rpm (-54 or -56)
Not over 2620 rpm, not under 2520 rpm (-52)
Spinner: Sensenich spinner assembly S74DM
Airspeed limits (IAS) Landplane and Floatplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+70)
Fuel capacity 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable; two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 30 gal. (30 gal. usable; two 15 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
or 42 gal. (42 gal. usable; two 21 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
(See NOTE 1 for data on fuel system.)
Oil capacity 8 qt. (-36.5), 2 qt. minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on oil system.)
Control surface
movements (See NOTE 12 for control surface movement limits)
XXXV. Model MX-7-180AC, 4/5 PCLM (Normal Category), Approved May 4, 2000
(Same as MX-7-180A, except for aluminum spring main landing gear.)
Propeller and Sensenich fixed pitch 76EM8S5-0-56 (76" Dia.) or 76EM8S8-0-56 (76" Dia.)
propeller limits Diameter: Not over 76 in., not under 76 in., no further reduction permitted.
Static rpm at full throttle: Not over 2500 rpm, not under 2400 rpm.
Spinner: Sensenich spinner assembly S76EM
Rev. 31 34 of 49 3A23
Airspeed limits (IAS) Landplane and Floatplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. at (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+70)
Fuel capacity 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable; two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks 30 gal. (30 gal. usable; two 15 gal. tanks in wing at +24)
or 42 gal. (42 gal. usable; two 21 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
(See NOTE 1 for data on fuel system.)
Oil capacity 8 qt. (-36.5), 2 qt. minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on oil system.)
Control surface
movements (See NOTE 12 for control surface movement limits)
XXXVI. Model M-7-420A, 4/5 PCLM (Normal Category) Approved November 20, 2000
(Same as M-7-420AC except conventional oleo main landing gear.)
Fuel Primary: Mil-T-5624L, grade JP-4 and JP-5, Mil-T-83133A, grade JP-8, ASTM-D-1655, Jet A, A1 or B, JP-1
Fuel conforming to ASTM-D-1655, Jet A, Artic Diesel Fuel DF-A (VV0F800B) conforming to
ASTM-D-1655, Jet A or A1 Diesel #1 fuel conforming to ASTM-D-1655, Jet A
Emergency: Mil-G-5572, all grades (aircraft boost pump on; maximum of 6 hours operation per overhaul period of
turbine through an engine operating range of idle to 90% maximum SHP)
Cold Weather: To assure consistent starts below 4ºC (40ºF), the following fuels may be necessary:
MIL-T-5624, grade JP-4 ASTM-D-1655, Jet B AVGAS/Jet A, Jet A1 or Jet JP-5 mixture.
(Refer to Cold Weather Fuels, para 2-48, for mixing/use of cold weather fuel in Allison Manual 11W2.)
Maximum operating
altitude 20,000 feet
Airspeed limits (CAS) Landplane and Floatplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Rev. 31 35 of 49 3A23
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+72)
Fuel capacity 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable, two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24 - considered one tank)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks, 42 gal. (42 usable; two 21 gal. tanks in wings at + 24).
(See NOTE 1 for data on fuel system.)
Oil capacity 10 qt. (-22.5), 9 qts. Minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on oil system.)
Control surface
movements (See NOTE 12 for control surface movement limits)
XXXVII. Model MT-7-420, 4/5 PCLM (Normal Category) Approved January 6, 2003, Application date September 16, 2002
(Same as MT-7-260 except for nacelle, engine, propeller.)
Fuel Primary: Mil-T-5624L, grade JP-4 and JP-5, Mil-T-83133A, grade JP-8,
ASTM-D-1655, Jet A, A1 or B, JP-1 Fuel conforming to ASTM-D-1655,
Jet A, Artic Diesel Fuel DF-A (VV0F800B) conforming to ASTM-D-1655,
Jet A or A1 Diesel #1 fuel conforming to ASTM-D-1655, Jet A
Emergency: Mil-G-5572, all grades (aircraft boost pump on; maximum of 6 hours operation per
overhaul period of turbine through an engine operating range of idle to 90% maximum SHP)
Cold Weather: To assure consistent starts below 4ºC (40ºF), the following fuels may be necessary:
MIL-T-5624, grade JP-4 ASTM-D-1655, Jet B AVGAS/Jet A, Jet A1 or Jet JP-5 mixture.
(Refer to Cold Weather Fuels, para 2-48, for mixing/use of cold weather fuel in Allison Manual 11W2.)
Airspeed limits (CAS) Landplane and Floatplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Rev. 31 36 of 49 3A23
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 175lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+72)
Fuel capacity 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable, two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24 - considered one tank)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks, 42 gal. (42 usable; two 21 gal. tanks in wings at + 24).
(See NOTE 1 for data on fuel system.)
Oil capacity 10 qt. (-22.5), 9 qts. Minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on oil system.)
Control surface
movements (See NOTE 12 for control surface movement limits)
XXXVIII. Model M-4-180V, 2 PCLM (Normal Category) Approved September 6, 2005, Application date July 8, 2004
(Same as MX-7-180 except for M-4 tail, M-4 maximum weight, seat capacity (2) and door quantity (2))
Propeller and Hartzell constant speed model HC-C2YR-1BF/F7666A (eligible on O-360-C1F only)
propeller limits Diameter: Not over 76 in., not under 72 in.
Pitch settings at 30 in. sta.: low 12º high 27.8º to 29.8º
Avoid continuous operation between 2000 rpm and 2250 rpm
Spinner: Hartzell spinner assembly A2298-2
Governor: Woodward H210681
McCauley C290D3(X)/T29 or DC290D1(X)/T12
Sensenich fixed pitch 76EM8S5-0-56 or 76EM8S8-0-56
Diameter: Not over 76 in., not under 76 in., no further reduction permitted.
Static rpm at full throttle: Not over 2500 rpm, not under 2400 rpm.
For O-360-C1F (modified) avoid continuous operation between 2150 rpm and 2350 rpm.
Spinner: Sensenich spinner assembly S76EM
Fuel capacity 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable; two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Optional wing auxiliary tanks, 30 gal. (30 gal. usable; two 15 gal. tanks in wing at +24)
(See NOTE 1 for data on fuel system.)
Oil capacity 8 qt. (-36.5), 2 qt. minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on oil system.)
XXVIX. Model M-9-235, 4/5 PCLM (Normal Category) Approved April 9, 2012, Final application date August 8, 2011
(Same as M-7-235C except for structural reinforcements and minor changes to the fuselage, wings and main landing gear.)
Propeller and
propeller limits McCauley constant speed 3-blade model B3D32C414-[ ]/[ ]-82NDA-2
Diameter: -2: not over 80 in.; not under 76 in.
Pitch settings at 30 in. sta.: low 11.3° + 0.2° high 30.0° + 0.5°
Spinner: McCauley spinner assembly D-6240
Governor: McCauley DC290D1(X)/T14
Airspeed limits (CAS) Landplane and Floatplane: (See NOTE 11 for airspeeds)
Maximum baggage 100 lbs. (+20), 200 lbs. (+42), 125 lbs. (+72)
Fuel capacity 47.6 gal. (43 gal. usable; two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
Wing auxiliary tanks 42 gal. (42 gal. usable; two 21 gal. tanks in wings at +24)
(See NOTE 1 for data on system fuel.)
Rev. 31 38 of 49 3A23
Oil capacity 8 qt. (-34), 5 qt. minimum (See NOTE 1 for data on system oil.)
Control surface
movements (See NOTE 12 for control surface movement limits)
Leveling means Leveling lug and mark on bottom side of right wing root.
Certification basis Part 3, Civil Air Regulations, effective May 15, 1956 as amended by 3-1 thru 3-5 and 3.705 as amended
by 3-7; and 14 CFR Part 36 amended thru 36-4* and part 23.955 in lieu of CAR 3.435 for the models M-
5-235C, M-5-180C, M-5-210TC, M-6-235, M-5-200, M-6-180, M-7-235, MX-7-235, MX-7-180, MXT-
7-180, MT-7-235, M-8-235, MX-7-160, MXT-7-160, MX-7-180A, MXT-7-180A, MX-7-180B, M-7-
235A, M-7-235B, M-7-235C, MX-7-180C, M-7-260, MT-7-260, M-7-260C, MX-7-160C, MX-7-
180AC, M-4-180V and M-9-235.
* Part 36 amendment shown is for the model M-5-235C which was approved in 1976. For models
approved between 1976 and 2002, per §36.2 (prior to Amendment 36-24) the Part 36 amendment in
effect on the approval date of each model was used. After 2002, per §36.2 the Part 36 amendment in
effect on the date of application was used. The applicable dates are located in the first line in each
model’s section above. Note: Some of these derivative models were able to show no acoustical change
from a previously approved model.
14 CFR part 23.1545 Amendment 23-23, October 30, 1978 in lieu of CAR 3.757 (Amendment 3-5,
September 1, 1959)
Special Certification Rules for the Model MX-7-420, M-7-420AC, M-7-420A and MT-7-420:
Part 3, Civil Air Regulations, affective May 15, 1956, as amended through 3-7; and 14 CFR Part 36 as
amended through 36-14, SFAR 27 as amended through 27-2, and the following
Part 23 requirements for turbine engine installations:
23.45 (-21) 23.939 (-18) 23.1143 (-17)
23.49 (-21) 23.943 (-18) 23.1145 (-18)
23.65 (-21) 23.951 (-15) 23.1155 (-7)
23.75 (-21) 23.955 (-7) 23.1165 (-17)
23.77 (-21) 23.977 (-17) 23.1183
23.173 (-14) 23.991 (-26) 23.1303 (-17)
23.175 (-17) 23.997 (-15) 23.1305 (-26)
23.251 (-0) 23.1013 (-15) 23.1323 (-20)
23.253 (-7) 23.1015 (-15) 23.1337 (-18)
Rev. 31 39 of 49 3A23
Production Approval Production Certificate No. 11SO is held by Maule Air, Inc.
Equipment The basic required equipment as prescribed in the applicable airworthiness regulations (see certification
basis) must be installed in the aircraft for certification. In addition, the following items of equipment are
(B) The following FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manuals are required (Original AFM issued when
model was first approved or any later FAA approved revision is acceptable):
1. Model M-4, AFM dated 3/15/66 with rev. 2 dated 5/1/84 is in effect for all M-4, M-4C, M-4S and
2. Model M-4-210, s/n 1001-1005 modified per Maule SL#6, 1001-1035 modified per Maule SL#7
(AD#65-28-04) and s/n 1036-1045, AFM dated 9/24/64 with rev. 1 dated 11/18/64 or AFM dated
3/15/66 with rev. 2 dated 3/15/66. When s/n 1001-1045 modified per Maule SL#15 for 2300#
GW, AFM dated 3/15/66 with rev. 3 dated 10/15/68 must be incorporated.
3. Model M-4-210C, s/n 1001C-1074C, 1079C, 1080C, AFM dated 3/15/66 with rev. 2 dated
3/15/66; s/n 1001C-1074C, 1079C 1080C modified per Maule SL#15 for2300# GW and s/n
1075C-1078C, 1081C-1085C, AFM dated 3/15/66 with rev. 3 dated 10/15/68; s/n 1086C-1117C,
AFM dated 3/15/66 with rev. 4 dated 6/20/73 Note: Models M-4-210S and T were never produced.
4. Model M-4-220/C, (includes M-4-220, M-4-220C), AFM dated 9/28/66 with rev. 5 dated 5/1/84
Note: Model M-4-220T was never produced.
9. Model M-5-235C, s/n 7001C-7026C, 7028C, 7030C-7032C, 7037C, AFM dated 4/6/76, with
expanded C.G. limits per Maule SL#36, rev. B dated 11/6/80; s/n 7027C, 7029C, 7033C-7036C,
7038C-7248C, 7250C-7320C, 7322C-7346C, 7348C, 7349C, AFM dated 4/6/76 with rev. B dated
11/6/80; s/n 7350C, 7352C-7355C, 7357C-7362C, 7364C-7367C, AFM dated 4/6/76 with rev. C
dated 4/22/81; s/n 7321C, 7347C, 7351C, 7363C, 7369C-7373C, 7375C, 7445C, 7451C, 7460C,
7467C, AFM dated 8/12/81 with rev. A dated 5/1/84. Note: AFMs dated 4/6/76 must have AFM
Supplement #13 attached. AFM dated1/13/86 for s/n 7470C, 7478C-7480C, 7484C-7487C,
Rev. 31 40 of 49 3A23
10. Model M-5-180C, AFM dated 4/19/79 for s/n 8001C-8014C, 8016C-8019C, 8021C, 8023C-
8042C, 8044C-8064C, 8068C, 8069C with rev. D dated 4/12/84; AFM dated 6/12/85 for s/n
13. Model M-6-235, AFM dated 6/25/81, rev. I dated 6/10/94 for s/n 7249C, 7356C, 7379C-7465C;
AFM dated 5/23/85, rev. B dated 6/10/94 for s/n 7466C, 7468C-7473C; AFM dated 2/19/87, rev. C
dated 3/3/95 for s/n 7474C and up.
Note 1 Current weight and balance report including list of equipment included in certificated empty weight, and loading
instructions when necessary, must be provided for each aircraft at the time of original certification.
The certificated empty weight and corresponding center of gravity location must include unusable fuel and
undrainable oil as follows:
Fuel 18 lbs. (+24) M-4 series (except M-4-180V), M-4-210 series, M-4-220 series, M-4-180 series, M-5-210C,
(20 gal. main) M-5-220C, M-5-210TC, M-5-235C, M-5-200, M-6-235, M-6-180, M-7-235, MX-7-235,
MX-7-180, MXT-7-180, MT-7-235, M-8-235, MX-7-160, MXT-7-160, MX-7-180A, MXT-
7-180A, MX-7-180B, M-7-235B, M-7-235A, M-7-235C, MX-7-180C
Fuel 27.6 lbs. (+24) M-7-235, MX-7-235, MX-7-180, MXT-7-180, MT-7-235, M-8-235, MX-7-160, MXT-7-
(21.5 gal. main) 160, MX-7-180A, MXT-7-180A, MX-7-180B, M-7-235B, M-7-235A, M-7-235C, MX-7-
180C, M-7-260, MT-7-260, M-7-260C, MX-7-160C, M-6-235, MX-7-180AC, M-5-210C*,
M-5-220C*, M-5-235C*, M-5-180C*, M-5-210TC*, M-5-200*, M-4-180V, M-9-235
*with Modification Kit No. 15 installed.
Oil 6 lbs. (-37) M-4-220 series, M-4-180 series, M-4-210 series, M-5-220C, M-5-210C
Oil 6 lbs. (-36.5) M-5-180, M-5-210TC, M-5-200, M-6-180, MX-7-180, MXT-7-180, MX-7-160, MXT-7-
160, MX-7-180A, MXT-7-180A, MX-7-180B, MX-7-180C, MX-7-160C, MX-7-180AC,
Oil 6 lbs. (-34) M-5-235C, M-6-235, M-7-235, MX-7-235, MT-7-235, M-7-235B, M-7-235A, M-7-235C,
M-7-260, MT-7-260, M-7-260C, M-9-235
3. For M-4 series (except M-4-180V), M-5 series, M-6 series, M-7-235, and MX-7-235:
Rev. 31 42 of 49 3A23
For MX-7-180:
4. One of the following placards must be installed in the M-4 and M-4-210:
The following placard must be installed on all models except the M-4 and M-4-210:
For M-5-200:
For M-5-210TC:
2450 RPM.
For M-4-180V:
With Hartzell HC-C2YR-1BF/F7666A:
For M-4-180V:
11. In addition to the above placards, the following is required when Fli-Lite 3000 MK IIIA skis are installed:
For M-4 series:
Additional placards listed in the applicable AFM Supplement for skiplane operation must be installed.
12. For M-4, s/n 3-91, M-4-210, s/n 1001-1043, M-4-210C, s/n 1001C-1010C, or if no ashtray installed per
Maule drawing 6007B:
At the top of the instrument panel, to the right of the radio group: NO SMOKING
13. On the instrument panel or wing root panel at the auxiliary fuel tank transfer switches, (if installed):
* 20 gal. except M-7/MX-7/MXT-7/MT-7/M-8 series may have either 20 gal. or 21.5 gal.;
M-4-180V and M-9-235 have 21.5 gal.
1. For M-4 series (all except M-4-180V) and M-5-235C, s/n 7001C-7248C, 7250C- 7320C, 7322C-7346C,
7348C-7350C, 7352C-7362C, 7364C-7368C, M-5-180, s/n 8001C-8022C, M-5-210C (all), M-5-220C (all),
M-5-210TC (all):
or for M-5-235C, s/n 7321C, 7347C, 7351C, 7363C, 7369C and up, M-5-200, s/n 8015C and up, M-5-180C,
s/n 8023C and up, and for M-5-235C, s/n 7001C-7248C, 7250C-7320C, 7322C-7346C, 7348C-7350C,
7352C-7362C, 7364C-7368C with Maule SL#44 c/w, M-5-180C, s/n 8001C-8022C with Maule SL#49 c/w,
all M-5-210C with Maule SL#46 c/w, all M-5-220C with Maule SL#48 c/w, all M-5-210TC with Maule
SL#47 c/w:
Rev. 31 44 of 49 3A23
(C) Located at the main fuel tank selector valve on left kick panel:
21 GAL.
3. For M-4-220C, (s/n 2125C, 2127C, 2128C, 2137C, 2138C, 2140C and up), M-5-220C, M-5-200,
M-5-210TC, M-5-235C/-180C, M-6-235/-180, MX-7-235/-180, M-7-235/-235A/-235B, MXT-7-
180, MT-7-235, M-8-235, MX-7-160, MXT-7-160, MX-7-180A, MXT-7-180A, MX-7-180B, M-7-
235C, MX-7-180C:
LEFT: 20* GAL.
*or 21.5 gal. for later M-6-235, MX-7-160/-180/-180A/B/C/-235, M-4-180V, M-7-235/A/B/C, MXT-
7-160/-180/A, MT-7-235, M-8-235.
or for M-4-220C and early M-5-235C with SP2321-B3 Fuel Selector Valve: (Not applicable to M-5-
235C s/n 7321C, 7347C, 7351C, 7363C, 7369C and up.):
20 GAL.
3. For models with optional 5th seat installed and M-7/MT-7/M-9 series with 5th seat:
5. For M-4-180V:
Note 3 The models Bee Dee M-4 and M-4, s/n 3-23, 25-45 fuel systems do not comply with CAR 3.433 and 3.434 for
horsepower greater than 125 at the best angle of climb speed, which is the most critical flight attitude, unless
optional Modification Kit No. 36 is installed.
Note 5 Optional wing tips (ref. Maule drawing 9041F) have been approved for all M-4 series models except Bee Dee M-4 s/n 3-14.
Note 6 Equipment approved for all models is listed on the Required and Optional Equipment Lists.
Note 7 The following aircraft are eligible for manufacture under Production Certificate No. 11SO:
Note 8 For M-4-220C, s/n 2178C and up, and all other M-4-220 airplanes which have complied with Maule SL#27, the maximum
continuous throttle operation restriction may be removed and replaced by 220 hp - 2800 rpm all operations. Airplane Flight
Manual Supplement No. 3 must be attached to the FAA approved Airplane Flight Manual for those airplanes incorporating
Maule SL#27.
Note 9 All Maule float installations require installation of wing tip mounted anti-collision light system conforming to Maule drawing
7045F for night flight.
Note 10 For all aircraft except model Bee Dee M-4, s/n 3-14 and M-4 s/n 15-44, all placards required in the applicable approved
Airplane Flight Manual and skiplane and floatplane AFM Supplements must be installed in the appropriate location.
(H) All reciprocating engine models (except M-4-210/-210C with Federal A2000A Skis never exceed speed is unchanged
from Landplane):
Airspeed limits for Models M-4 series, M-5 series, M-6 series, M-7-235/-235A, M-8-235, MX-7-235 and MX-7-420 are
Calibrated Airspeeds (CAS). All other models are Indicated Airspeeds (IAS).
Note 12 Control surface movements for M-6 and subsequent models (except M-4-180V):
(Note: Rudder tab not installed on M-7-235 s/n 4001C- 4022C - M-7 Rudder w/tab may be installed per MK#4)
*Fourth Notch applicable to those models listed in Note 2 (B) 2.
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Note 13 Airplanes that are eligible for float installations require structural modifications and other changes to the airplane as
identified on Maule float installation drawings for each float model.
Note 14 Propeller and propeller limits - For models M-5-235C, M-6-235, M-7-235, MX-7-235, M-8-235, M-7-235A,
M-7-235B, and M-7-235C:
Note 15 Propeller and propeller limits - For models M-7-260, M-7-260C and MT-7-260:
Note 16 For M-5 series models with optional wing assemblies 2110X-30 installed per Modification Kit No. 15:
Fuel Capacity 47.6 gal (43 gal. usable; two 23.8 gal. tanks in wings at +24.0)
Note 17 For notification from Maule Aerospace of revisions to Maule airplane manuals or new/revised Service Letters or Bulletins,
send your email address to Include Airplane Model No. and Serial No. Owners will be
emailed alerts when new documents are available for download on