Quality Policy Statement - 0

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At Baker Hughes, a GE company, we invent smarter ways to bring statutory, regulatory, internal, and industry safety and quality
energy to the world. We combine our entrepreneurial spirit with original requirements. However, we go beyond this, continually reviewing
thinking and practical know-how to provide outstanding technologies, and improving our Quality Management System to enhance our
services and solutions to our customers. performance, increase customer satisfaction and achieve our
organizational goals and quality objectives.
Each of us is a trusted partner to our customers and we want to
enable their success through everything that we do. As part of this We expect every employee to share this dedication to quality and
commitment we believe in doing the right thing every time, and play their part in maintaining and improving quality by following these
delivering the best quality and safest products, services, processes, and fundamental principles:
technologies in the industry.

Policy Statement
Everything that we create is aimed at meeting the needs and
expectations of our customers and is compliant with customer,

Customer Focus
Passionately drive customer satisfaction with our products and services, aiming at building long-term
loyalty by partnering with customers to achieve mutual success.

Identify, understand, and ensure strict compliance with customer, statutory, regulatory, internal, and
industry requirements pertaining to the safety, quality and performance of products and services in
every country we operate.

Risk Management
Continually review our product and service processes. Identify potential risks, and opportunities that
could affect product/service conformity and the ability to enhance customer satisfaction; take the
necessary actions to mitigate risks in order to enhance the effectiveness of the Quality Management

Flawless Execution
Contribute to customer satisfaction and pursue quality at the source by performing each job right every
time with the required competency, awareness, and authority to stop any nonconforming product or

Take action to assess, simplify, and sustainably improve the effectiveness of our Quality Management
System to enhance our products, services, processes, and technologies.

We shall meet these commitments through clearly documented quality objectives, routine management reviews, and an all-encompassing Quality
culture that employs digital analytics, Lean Six Sigma, and simplification.
Responsibility and Authority
It is the responsibility of the President and CEO, Baker Hughes, a GE company, and management
teams at all levels throughout the business, to ensure the communication, understanding, and
implementation of this policy by providing the necessary processes, procedures, resources and
training to ensure that all the employees are proactively engaged and empowered to deliver safe
and flawless execution.

It is the responsibility of all employees to voice concerns regarding the ability to meet customer
requirements and expectations in order to comply with all parts of the Quality Management
System. To that end, employees should promptly report:
• any questions or concerns about interpreting this policy or its application to their jobs,
• concerns involving a violation or possible violation of this policy, to their managers or
Quality Representatives, or
• concerns involving a violation of the Integrity policies or the law, to their managers, or,
if preferred, to a company Legal counsel, auditor, ombudsperson, or other designated person.

Reports may be written or oral, as well as completely anonymous. Retaliation against any
employee for reporting or supplying information about a policy concern is strictly prohibited.

Baker Hughes, a GE company President and CEO will review the Quality Policy annually to ensure
its continued applicability and effectiveness.

Lorenzo Simonelli
President and Chief Executive Officer

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