11 8 Soriano Padilla v. CA

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VOL. 363, AUGUST 28, 2001 725

Soriano vs. Court of Appeals
G.R. No. 100633. August 28, 2001.


G.R. No. 101550. August 28, 2001.


REYES, petitioners, vs. COURT OF APPEALS AND

Actions; Docket Fees; Where a party paid insufficient filing

fees with no intention to defraud the government, the ruling in
Manchester Development Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 159
SCRA 569 (1988), does not





Soriano vs. Court of Appeals

apply.—We agree with the Court of Appeals that when

insufficient filing fees were initially paid by Deogracias and
Rosalina, there was no intention to defraud the government,
hence, the ruling in Manchester Development Corporation v. Court
of Appeals does not apply. Deogracias and Rosalina merely paid
the amount of the docket fees computed by the Clerk of Court.
They were in good faith and relied on the assessment of the Clerk
of Court. This is a finding of fact which the Court of Appeals
carefully made. In the absence of abuse of discretion, we shall not
disturb the same.

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Same; Pleadings and Practice; Supplemental Complaints;

Where a “supplemental complaint” contains matters entirely
different from and even contrary to the cause of action stated in the
original complaint, the same should not be admitted.—We find
that Deogracias and Rosalina’s “supplemental complaint”
contains matters entirely different from and even contrary to the
cause of action stated in the original complaint. Hence, we agree
with the Court of Appeals that the trial court should not admit
the same. In the original complaint, Deogracias and Rosalina
assailed as “void ab initio” the memorandum agreement of June
23, 1986, while in the so­called “supplemental complaint,” they
used as basis the very same memorandum agreement they
initially assailed in order to exercise an “option to repurchase”
provided for therein. A supplemental complaint is one that: “. . .
set(s) forth transactions, occurrences of events which have
happened since the date of the pleading sought to be
supplemented.” A pleading subsequently filed after an original
one which states a totally different cause of action is not a
“supplemental pleading” and is not permitted. The rule allowing
amendments to a pleading is subject to the general limitation that
the cause of action shall not be substantially changed or that the
theory of the case shall not be altered.
Same; Injunctions; Injunction would not lie anymore, where
the acts sought to be enjoined had become a fait accompli or an
accomplished or consummated act.—A perusal of the records
shows that Socorro’s motion for an ex­parte restraining order
prayed that the court prohibit Deogracias and Rosalina from
entering the vacant apartments of the building subject of the
litigation. The issue of whether Judge Naval acted with grave
abuse of discretion when he denied the motion has become moot
and academic. The parties stipulated that Deogracias and
Rosalina already entered the premises in question. Injunction
would not lie anymore, as the acts sought to be enjoined had
become a fait accompli or an accomplished or consummated act. It
is useless to indulge in an academic discussion of a moot question.


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Soriano vs. Court of Appeals

Same; Inhibition and Disqualification of Judges; The test for

determining the propriety of the denial of a motion to inhibit is
whether the movant was deprived of a fair and impartial trial.—
For any other reason, a litigant may not demand that a judge
inhibit himself. Specially so in this case where there is a finding
of fact that “respondent judge has not as yet crossed the line that
divides partiality from impartiality.” Besides, the test for
determining the propriety of the denial of a motion to inhibit is
whether the movant was deprived of a fair and impartial trial. In
this case, there was no such deprivation. In a string of cases, this
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Court has said that bias and prejudice, to be considered valid

reasons for the voluntary inhibition of judges, must be proved
with clear and convincing evidence. Bare allegations of partiality
and prejudgment will not suffice.
Contempt; Certiorari; Appeals; Pleadings and Practice; A
person adjudged in direct contempt by any court may not appeal
therefrom, but may avail himself of the remedies of certiorari or
prohibition.—The Court of Appeals erred when it stated that a
certiorari proceeding assailing the judgment of direct contempt
was not proper as Atty. Padilla may have appealed therefrom.
Rule 71, Section 2, Revised Rules of Court provides: “A person
adjudged in direct contempt by any court may not appeal
therefrom, but may avail himself of the remedies of certiorari or
prohibition (emphasis ours).” This is exactly what petitioners did.
Same; Attorneys; A lawyer’s remarks explaining his position
in a case under consideration do not necessarily assume the level
of contempt that justifies the court to exercise the power of
contempt.—After a perusal of the charges of direct contempt of
court, we find that Atty. Padilla’s innuendoes are not necessarily
disrespectful to the court as to be considered contumacious. A
lawyer’s remarks explaining his position in a case under
consideration do not necessarily assume the level of contempt that
justifies the court to exercise the power of contempt. Courts must
be slow to punish for direct contempt. This drastic power must be
used sparingly in cases of clearly contumacious behavior in facie
curiae. The salutary rule is that the power to punish for contempt
must be exercised on the preservative, not vindictive principle,
and on the corrective and not retaliatory idea of punishment. The
courts must exercise the power to punish for contempt for
purposes that are impersonal because that power is intended as a
safeguard not for the judges as persons but for the functions that
they exercise.
Same; Same; Snide remarks or even sarcastic innuendos do
not necessarily assume that level of contumely actionable under
Rule 71 of the Revised Rules of Court; A judge ought to be patient,
and tolerate everything



Soriano vs. Court of Appeals

which appears as but a momentary outbreak of disappointment.—

Snide remarks or even sarcastic innuendoes do not necessarily
assume that level of contumely actionable under Rule 71 of the
Revised Rules of Court. Judges generally and wisely pass
unnoticed any mere hasty and unguarded expression of passion,
or at least pass it with simply a reproof. In the natural order of
things, when a case is decided, one party wins and another loses,

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and oftentimes, both sides are equally confident and sanguine.

Thus, disappointment is great for the party whose action or view
fails. It is human nature that there be bitter feelings which often
reach to the judge as the source of the supposed wrong. A judge,
therefore, ought to be patient, and tolerate everything which
appears as but a momentary outbreak of disappointment.
Same; Same; While judges must exercise patience, lawyers
must also observe temperate language as well.—Lawyers may not
be held to too strict an account for words said in the heat of the
moment, because of chagrin at losing cases, and that the big way
is for the court to condone even contemptuous language. While
judges must exercise patience, lawyers must also observe
temperate language as well. At this juncture, we admonish all
lawyers to observe the following canons of the Code of
Professional Responsibility, which read: “Canon 8. Rule 8.01—A
lawyer shall not, in his professional dealings, use language which
is abusive, offensive or otherwise improper. “Canon 11—A lawyer
shall observe and maintain the respect due to the courts and to
judicial officers and should insist on similar conduct by others.”
Same; Same; Malicious attacks on courts have in some cases
been treated as libel, in other cases as contempt of court, and as a
sufficient ground for disbarment, but mere criticism or comment
on the correctness or wrongness, soundness or unsoundness of the
decision of the court in a pending case made in good faith may be
tolerated.—It may happen that counsel possesses a greater
knowledge of the law than the judge who presides over the court.
It may also happen that since no court claims infallibility, judges
may grossly err in their decision. Nevertheless, discipline and
self­restraint on the part of the bar even under adverse conditions
are necessary for the orderly administration of justice. Malicious
attacks on courts have in some cases been treated as libel, in
other cases as contempt of court, and as a sufficient ground for
disbarment. However, mere criticism or comment on the
correctness or wrongness, soundness or unsoundness of the
decision of the court in a pending case made in good faith may be


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Soriano vs. Court of Appeals

Same; Same; As a citizen and as an officer of the court, a

lawyer may criticize the court, but he must do so in a bonafide
manner, uberrima fides.—This is not to say that courts are above
criticism. As a citizen and as an officer of the court, a lawyer may
criticize the court. He must do so in a bonafide manner, uberrima
fides. A wide chasm exists between fair criticism on the one hand,
and abuse and slander of the courts and of the judges thereof on
the other. Unnecessary language which jeopardizes high esteem

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in the courts, or creates or promotes distrust in judicial

administration is proscribed.

PETITIONS for review on certiorari of a decision of the

Court of Appeals.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

     Sabino Padilla, Jr. for petitioners in G.R. No. 100633
and respondents in G.R. No. 101550.
     Dennis B. Recon & Associates for Deogracias Reyes,
et al.
          Z.P. Reyes Law Office for respondent in G.R. No.
100633 and petitioners in G.R. No. 101550.


The Cases

We decide the two petitions jointly.

G.R. No. 100633 is an appeal via certiorari interposed
by Socorro A. Soriano and her counsel, Atty. Sabino
Padilla, Jr. (hereafter,
Atty. Padilla) from the decision of
the Court of Appeals that affirmed 3the following orders of
the Regional Trial Court, Naga City:


1 Under Rule 45 of the Revised Rules of Court. Petitioners, however,

state that the petition may be considered as a petition for certiorari under
Rule 65 in view of what they submit as grave abuse of discretion on the
part of the Court of Appeals (Petition for Review on Certiorari, G.R. No.
100633, Rollo, pp. 6­45 at p. 6).
2 In CA­G.R. SP No. 20236, promulgated on June 26, 1991, Torres, Jr.,
J., ponente, Francisco and Ynares­Santiago, JJ., concurring.
3 In Civil Case No. RTC 88­1587, Judge David C. Naval, presiding.



Soriano vs. Court of Appeals

“(a) Order dated December 16, 1988, denying

petitioner’s urgent ex­parte motion for restraining
“(b) Order dated January 23, 1989 denying petitioner’s
motion to inhibit;
“(c) Order dated July 12, 1989 ordering the respondents
to pay the deficiency in the docket fees paid by
“(d) Orders dated September 13 and 15, 1989 denying
petitioner’s Omnibus Motion for Reconsideration.
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“(e) Order dated September 25, 1989 directing

petitioner Atty. Sabino Padilla, Jr. to show cause
why he should not be cited for contempt; and
“(f) Order dated February 9, 1990 denying petitioner’s
ex­parte motion to rest; declaring petitioner in
default; and resetting the scheduled promulgation
of judgment on the charge of direct contempt
against Atty. Padilla, Jr. with a warning that
should he fail to appear he would be ordered 4
arrested pursuant to the provisions of the rules.”

and which decision

annulled the orders of the Regional
Trial Court admitting respondents’ (Deogracias and
Rosalina Reyes) supplemental complaint.
G.R. No. 101550 is a petition for review on certiorari
initiated by Deogracias and Rosalina Reyes assailing the
same decision of the Court of Appeals insofar
as it annulled
the order of the Regional Trial Court admitting their
supplemental complaint on the ground that the trial court
should not have admitted the same as it did not merely
but entirely substituted the original

The Facts

On October 27, 1988, Deogracias R. Reyes and Rosalina N.

Reyes (hereafter, “Deogracias” and “Rosalina”) filed with
the Re­


4 Quoted from the Decision of the Court of Appeals G.R. No. 100633,
Rollo, pp. 373­374.
5 Dated April 28, 1989.
6 Dated April 28, 1989.
7 Petition for Review on Certiorari ad Cautelam, G.R. No. 101550,
Rollo, pp. 6­20.


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Soriano vs. Court of Appeals
gional Trial Court, Naga City a complaint
against Socorro
AbellaSoriano (hereafter “Socorro”) for “declaration and
recognition of real right under an implied contract of
services, reformation of instrument and damages.”
The complaint alleged two causes of action.
First, Deogracias and Rosalina pleaded that they were
employed by Socorro as manager and administrative 11
assistant of her property and real estate in 1968. As
“payment for their services,” in 1973, Socorro gave
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Deogracias and Rosalina one apartment unit to use as
their dwelling for the duration of their lifetime. A token
monthly rental of one hundred fifty pesos (P150.00) was
imposed on 13them to enable them to supposedly keep their
self­respect. In the same building, there existed a unit
which Deogracias and Rosalina14
improved and converted
into a pub and restaurant at a cost of four hundred fifty
thousand pesos (P450,000.00). For the use of the premises,
Socorro collected rent from Deogracias and Rosalina in the
token amount of one thousand five hundred pesos
(P1,500.00) a month supposedly for the main 15
purpose of
enabling them “to keep their self respect.” From 1968 to
1987, Deogracias and Rosalina were able to sell and 16
dispose of all the lots in the three residential subdivisions
owned by Socorro, amounting to about ten million pesos
(P10,000.000.00). As real estate manager and
administrative assistant, they were also able in the course
of twenty years to find qualified tenants for Socorro’s


8 Raffled to Branch 21 thereof (Petition for Review on Certiorari, G.R.

No. 100633, Rollo, pp. 6­45, at p. 10).
9 Docketed as Civil Case No. RTC 88­1587.
10 Petition, Annex “A”, Complaint, CA Rollo, pp. 33­42.
11 Petition for Certiorari, Annex “A”, Complaint, G.R. No. 100633, Rollo,
pp. 47­56, at p. 48.
12 Identified as No. 67 Elias Angeles St., Naga City.
13 Petition for Certiorari, Annex “A”, Complaint, G.R. No. 100633, Rollo,
pp. 47­56, at p. 49.
14 “Rey­ves Pub and Restaurant.”
15 Petition for Certiorari, Annex “A”, Complaint, G.R. No. 100633, Rollo,
pp. 47­56, at p. 49.
16 Peñafrancia, Villa Sorabella and San Antonio Subdivisions.



Soriano vs. Court of Appeals

buildings. They supervised the construction and

maintenance of Socorro’s property and collected rent on
behalf of and for the interest of Socorro. Despite all these
efforts, on October 17, 1988, Socorro gave Deogracias and
Rosalina notice to vacate
the two units at No. 67 Elias
Angeles St., Naga City.
Deogracias and Rosalina averred that Socorro agreed to
allow them to use the two units for the duration18
of their
lifetime as compensation for their services. By now
ejecting them
from the premises, Socorro reneged on her

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Second, Deogracias and Rosalina were 20

the owners of two
(2) commercial lots with improvements. On May 28, 1986,
Deogracias and Rosalina became indebted to Socorro in the
amount of six hundred thirty eight thousand six hundred
thirty five pesos and thirty six centavos (P638,635.36). The
parties agreed that to pay for the debt, Deogracias and
Rosalina were to sell the two (2) commercial lots for two
million and five hundred thousand pesos (P2.5M) and
deliver part of the proceeds of the sale to Socorro. While
looking for a buyer, Deogracias and Rosalina conveyed the
property to Socorro by way of first mortgage. Instead of a
real estate mortgage, Socorro21prepared two (2) documents,
a “deed of absolute sale” covering Deogracias and 22
Rosalina’s property and a “memorandum of agreement.”
Due to the ascendancy of Soccorro over them and also
because of Socorro’s repeated assurance that the
documents had the same effect as a real estate mortgage,
Deogracias and Rosalina


17 Petition for Certiorari, Annex “A”, Complaint, Annex “A”, G.R. No.
100633, Rollo, p. 57.
18 Petition for Certiorari, Annex “A”, Complaint, G.R. No. 100633, Rollo,
pp. 47­56, at p. 50.
19 Ibid., p. 51.
20 Consisting of a two­storey six (6) door commercial building with a
market value of not less than two million five hundred thousand pesos
(P2.5M) situated at Concepcion Grande, Naga City (Petition for Certiorari,
Annex “A”, Complaint, G.R. No. 100633, Rollo, pp. 47­56, at p. 51).
21 G.R. No. 100633, Petition for Certiorari, Rollo, p. 58; CA Rollo, p. 44.
22 Petition for Certiorari, Annex “A”, Complaint, G.R. No. 100633, Rollo,
pp. 47­56, at p. 52; Petition for Certiorari, G.R. No. 100633, Rollo, p. 59;
CA Rollo, p. 45.


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Soriano vs. Court of Appeals

signed the same. Socorro presented the “deed of absolute

sale” to the Register of Deeds of Naga City and as a
consequence TCT Nos. 9388 and 9424 were released in her
favor. It was only in September 1988, that Deogracias and
Rosalina discovered that they 23
were deprived of the
ownership of their property. Thus, Deogracias and
Rosalina pray that their true intention of entering into a
real estate mortgage and not an absolute sale be given
effect, that the “deed of absolute sale” and “memorandum
of agreement” be declared void and that the T.C.T.s issued
in Socorro’s name be canceled and24 new T.C.T.s be issued in
favor of Deogracias and Rosalina.

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On October 28, 1988, Deogracias and Rosalina 25

paid the
filing fee of four hundred forty pesos
(P440.00) and legal
research fee often pesos (P10.00). The computation
of the
filing fee was based on the following amounts:

“1. P100,000.00 representing the income of the property

under litigation received by the defendants from its
tenants and which the plaintiffs prayed to be returned and
refunded to them;
“2. P50,000.00 moral damages;
“3. P10,000.00 exemplary damages;
“4. P50,000.00 attorney’s fees.

“The total of which amounted to P210,000.00.”

On November 29, 1988, Socorro filed a motion to dismiss

the complaint on the ground that the first cause of action
was barred by the pendency of an ejectment case between
the same parties


23 Petition for Certiorari, Annex “A”, Complaint, G.R. No. 100633, Rollo,
pp. 47­56, at pp. 52­54.
24 Ibid., p. 55.
25 OR No. 105494 issued by the Regional Trial Court, Naga City.
26 As per OR No. 200781 issued by the Regional Trial Court, Naga City.
27 According to the certification issued by Rosario B. Torrecampo (RTC
Clerk of Court VI) upon the request of petitioner’s counsel, Atty. Sabino
Padilla, Jr., dated November 29, 1989 (Petition for Certiorari, Annex “B”,
Certification, G.R. No. 100633, Rollo, p. 61); CA Rollo, p. 47.



Soriano vs. Court of Appeals

over the same premises

and that the second cause of action
was premature.
On December 8, 1998, the Carmelite Sisters on behalf of
their benefactress, Socorro, filed with the trial
court an
urgent ex­parte motion for restraining order. The motion
prayed that the trial court immediately issue an ex­parte
restraining order commanding private respondents to
“desist from entering the vacant apartments of the building
subject of the case or from urging the tenants thereof to
stop paying their rentals to the defendant (Socorro).”
The Carmelite Sisters talked to respondent Judge Naval
in his chambers and requested him to immediately act on
Socorro’s urgent ex­parte motion for a restraining order.
Judge Naval told the Carmelite Sisters that he could not
issue the ex­parte restraining order because a Supreme

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Court administrative circular required a hearing with

notice to the adverse party. To this statement, Sister
Margaret Mary retorted, “Why would Atty. Padilla
(Socorro’s counsel, Atty. Sabino Padilla, Jr.) ask for an ex­
parte restraining order when according to you that is
prohibited by an order or circular of the Supreme Court? Do
you mean Atty. Padilla does not even know that there is
such an order or circular, when he has a brother30 in the
Supreme Court (Associate Justice Teodoro Padilla).”
On December 16, 1988, the trial court denied Socorro’s
urgent ex­parte motion for a restraining order. The trial
court ruled that the issue was whether or not petitioner
Socorro may be restored to the possession of the property,
which she claimed she was deprived of by means of force,
threat and intimidation. According to the trial court, this is
a matter which falls 31
within the jurisdiction of32 the
Municipal Trial Court, not the Regional Trial Court.


28 Court of Appeals Decision, G.R. No. 100633, Rollo, pp. 373­395, at p.

376; Petition, Annex “D”, Motion to Dismiss, CA Rollo, p. 49.
29 Petition, Annex “H”, Rollo, p. 53.
30 Court of Appeals Decision, G.R. No. 100633, Rollo, pp. 373­395, at p.
31 Citing Rule 70, Section 1 of the Revised Rules of Court.
32 Court of Appeals Decision, G.R. No. 100633, CA Rollo, pp. 373­395, at
p. 378; Petition, Annex “K”, Order of December 16, 1988, Rollo, p. 56.


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On January 16, 1989, the trial court granted Socorro’s

motion to dismiss with respect to Deogracias and
Rosalina’s first cause of action but denied the33
same insofar
as the second cause of action was concerned.
On the same day, January 16, 1989, Socorro, through
counsel, Atty. Padilla, filed a motion to inhibit Judge Naval
praying that the ends of justice would best be served if the
case was re­raffled to another judge. Basically, the grounds
cited were: First, while still a law practitioner and
politician, Judge Naval was a frequent customer of the
restaurant owned by Deogracias and was a good friend of
his. Second, Judge Naval was also a close friend of 34
and Deogracias’ attorney, Atty. Dennis B. Recon.
On January 23, 1989, the trial court denied 35Socorro’s
motion to inhibit. We quote the trial court’s order:

‘The factual bases of Defendant’s motion to inhibit are not true.

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“This Presiding Judge while still a law practitioner and

politician, was NOT a frequent customer of the Rey­Ves Pub and
Restaurant. To the best of his recollection, this Presiding Judge
has eaten and drunk (sic) in said Pub and Restaurant for not
more than five (5) times since then until the present and has not
had any personal talk with either or both plaintiffs­spouses. This
Presiding Judge has never become a ‘good friend’ or even a friend
of said spouses.
“Atty. Dennis B. Recon is considered by this Presiding Judge as
a friend, just like any other lawyer known to him and appearing
before him, and just like counsel for Defendant, Atty. Sabino
Padilla, Jr. This Presiding Judge did not notice any one of the
three Regional Trial Judges assigned in Pili, Camarines Sur to be
present in the court room during the last hearing herein on
December 16, 1988, although after the hearing, this Presiding
Judge met Hon. Nilo Malanyaon, Presiding Judge of RTC


33 Court of Appeals Decision, G.R. No. 100633, Rollo, pp. 373­395, at p. 378; CA
Rollo, Petition, Annex “L”, Order of January 16, 1989, CA Rollo, p. 57.
34 Court of Appeals Decision, G.R. No. 100633, Rollo, pp. 373­395, at p. 378;
Petition, citing Motion to Inhibit, CA Rollo, pp. 1­32, at pp. 15­16; Petition, Annex
“M”, Motion to Inhibit, CA Rollo, p. 58.
35 Petition, citing Order of the trial court dated January 23, 1989, CA Rollo, pp.
1­32, at pp. 16­17; Petition, Annex “N”, Order of January 23, 1989, CA Rollo, p. 59.



Soriano vs. Court of Appeals

Branch 32, Pili, Camarines Sur, at the lobby of the Naga City
Hall of Justice conferring with Hon. Gregorio A. Manio, Presiding
Judge, Branch 19, Naga City about the Christmas Party of the
entire Court personnel which would be held at 5:30 o’clock that
afternoon of December 16.
“The inhibition of this Presiding Judge would not have been a
problem had Defendant’s counsel filed his motion before this
Court had refused to issue ex parte a restraining order despite
strong representations therefor by three (3) Sisters of Charity and
their Mother Superior, allegedly upon instructions of Counsel for
the Defendant. To grant the ‘motion to inhibit’ at this stage of the
proceedings when this Court, after hearing, has already denied
defendant’s motion for issuance of a restraining order and writ of
preliminary injunction, and has already partially denied
defendant’s motion to dismiss, may create a bad precedent, and
may even adversely affect the integrity of the bar and of the bench
because the said Sisters of Charity impressed upon this Presiding
Judge not to be apprehensive in issuing the restraining order ex
parte as the Supreme Court will sustain it, their counsel being a
brother of a Justice of the Supreme Court.

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“This Presiding Judge believes that he is competent to hear

this case and to render judgment which is fair and just to both
“WHEREFORE, defendant’s motion ‘to inhibit’ is hereby
“Given in Chambers, this 23rd day of January 1989, at the City
of Naga, Philippines.”

On April 17, 1989, Deogracias and Rosalina filed a 36

to admit attached supplemental 37
complaint.” The
supplemental complaint pleaded:

“2. That on March 30, 1989, subsequent to the filing of

the above­entitled case and conformably with the
true agreement of the parties herein in then:
Memorandum of Agreement which they
acknowledged before Notary Public Manuel M.
Rosales on 23 June 1986 (Annex ‘C’, Complaint)
and within the ‘three (3) years’ period provided
therein, the herein plaintiffs tendered to the
defendant the amount of SIX HUNDRED THIRTY­


36 Petition, Annex “P”, Motion to Admit Attached Supplemental

Complaint, CA Rollo, p. 61.
37 Petition, Annex “P­1”, Supplemental Complaint, CA Rollo, p. 62.


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and THIRTY SIX CENTAVOS, (P638,635.36)

Philippine Currency, as payment to the latter of
their (Plaintiffs’) obligation to herein defendant;
x x x     x x x     x x x     x x x
“5. That the failure and/or refusal of the defendant to
accept said tender of payment to her by the
plaintiffs is absolutely without just cause, and
which is clearly a move on her part to let the 3­year
period provided in their Memorandum of
Agreement (which will expire on May 28, 1989)
elapse and to invoke it to stonewall the recovery by
the plaintiffs from her of the former’s 9­door
commercial building at Concepcion Grande, Naga

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On April 28, 1989, the trial court admitted

Deogracias’ and
Rosalina’s supplemental complaint.
On May 22, 1989, 39Socorro moved to dismiss the
supplemental complaint.
On July 6, 1989, the trial court denied
Socorro’s motion
to dismiss the supplemental complaint.
On July 12, 1989, the trial court ordered Deogracias and
Rosalina to pay a deficiency in the docket fees in the
amount of 41one thousand seven hundred twelve pesos
On August. 3, 1989, Socorro moved for an extension to
file a responsive pleading to the supplemental complaint
and to reset pretrial.
On August 7, 1989, Deogracias and Rosalina complied
with the 42order of July 12, 1989, and paid the additional
filing fee.
On August 11, 1989, the trial court granted Socorro’s
motion for an extension of time to file a responsive pleading
and also granted the same with respect to the motion to
reset pre­trial.


38 Petition, Annex “Q”, Order of April 28, 1989, CA Rollo, p. 66.

39 Petition, Annex “R”, Motion to Dismiss Supplemental Complaint, CA
Rollo, p. 67.
40 Petition, Annex “V”, Order of July 6, 1989, CA Rollo, p. 71.
41 Petition, Annex “W”, Order of July 12, 1989, CA Rollo, p. 72.
42 According to the certification issued by Rosario B. Torrecampo (RTC
Clerk of Court VI) upon the request of petitioner’s counsel, Atty. Sabino
Padilla, Jr., dated November 29, 1989 (Petition for Certiorari, Annex “B”,
Certification, G.R. No. 100633, Rollo, p. 61).



Soriano vs. Court of Appeals

On August 18, 1989, Socorro again moved for another

extension of time to file a responsive pleading and for the
resetting of the pretrial.
The trial court granted the second motion and gave
Socorro an extension of five (5) days.
On August 23, 1989, Socorro again moved for another
extension of time to file responsive pleading and to reset
pre­trial. The trial court has not acted on the motion.
On August 26, 1989, Socorro’s counsel, Atty. Padilla
filed an “omnibus motion for 43reconsideration of various
orders of the respondent court.”
On September 3, 1989, Deogracias and Rosalina filed an
opposition to Socorro’s omnibus motion, moved to strike out

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the motion and moved to declare Socorro 44

in default with
respect to the supplemental
On September 13 and 15, 1989, the trial court denied
Socorro’s omnibus motion for reconsideration.”
On September 25, 1989, the trial court directed Socorro’s
counsel, Atty. Padilla to show
cause why he should not be
cited for contempt of court.
Forthwith, on October 9, 1989, Socorro filed with the
trial court an opposition to Deogracias’ and Rosalina’s
motion to declare her


43 Petition, Annex “X”, Omnibus Motion for Reconsideration, CA Rollo,

p. 73.
44 Petition, Annex “Y”, Opposition to Omnibus Motion for
Reconsideration, CA Rollo, p. 74.
45 Petition, Annex “BB”, Order of September 13, 1989, CA Rollo, p. 80.
46 Petition, Annex “CC”, Order of September 15, 1989, CA Rollo, p. 83.
47 Petition, Annex “DD”, Order of September 25, 1989, CA Rollo, p. 84.


VOL. 363, AUGUST 28, 2001 739

Soriano vs. Court of Appeals
in default as to the supplemental 49 complaint and an
answer to the supplemental complaint.
On October 23, 1989, the trial court denied Deogracias’
and Rosalina’s motion to declare petitioner in default and 50
admitted Socorro’s answer to the supplemental complaint.
Pre­trial was reset to December 15, 1989. The court
instructed the parties to file their pre­trial briefs three (3)
days before the scheduled pre­trial.
On December 15, 1989, only Deogracias, Rosalina and
their counsel appeared during the pre­trial conference. The
trial court postponed the pre­trial since there was no
showing that Socorro and Atty. Padilla were notified
thereof. Subsequently, Atty. Padilla admitted receipt of
notice but reasoned that he 51
received such only on the very
same date of the pre­trial.
On January 5, 1990, the same incident occurred and pre­
trial was reset. Atty. Padilla claimed that they did not
appear during the scheduled pre­trial52
since they received
notice, thereof five (5) days after.
On January 17, 1990, Socorro and Atty. Padilla were
served with notice that pre­trial and promulgation of
judgment on the contempt 53
charge against Atty. Padilla was
set on February 9, 1990.
On February 2, 1990, Socorro, through Atty. Padilla, 54
mailed her ex­parte motion to reset the scheduled hearing. 55
The trial court received the motion on February 7, 1990.

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48 Petition, Annex “EE”, Opposition to Motion to Declare Defendant in

Default in the Supplemental Complaint, CA Rollo, p. 85.
49 Dated October 9, 1989, Petition, Annex “FF”, Answer to
Supplemental Complaint, CA Rollo, p. 86.
50 Petition, Annex “GG­1”, Order of October 23, 1989, CA Rollo, p. 87.
51 Court of Appeals Decision, G.R. No. 100633, Rollo, pp. 373­395 , at p.
52 Court of Appeals Decision, G.R. No. 100633, Rollo, pp. 373­395, at p.
53 “Petition, Annex “HH”, Notice of Hearing, Promulgation of
Judgment, CA Rollo, p. 88.
54 Petition, Annex “II”, Ex Parte Motion to Reset, CA Rollo, p. 89.
55 Court of Appeals G.R. No. 100633, Rollo, pp. 373­395, at p.385.



Soriano vs. Court of Appeals

On February 9, 1990, only Deogracias and Rosalina and

their counsel appeared before the court. The court declared
Socorro in default. The court granted the motion to reset
the hearing for the promulgation of judgment on the charge
of direct contempt on February 27, 1990, with a warning
that should Atty. Padilla fail to appear during 56
scheduled hearing, he would be ordered arrested.
On February 19, 1990, Atty. Padilla was served with
notice of the scheduled promulgation of judgment on the
charge of direct contempt.
On February 27, 1990, Atty. Padilla did not appear
before the court. The court appointed a counsel de oficio for
Atty. Padilla, promulgated judgment against him, found
him guilty of direct contempt and sentenced him to suffer
the penalty of imprisonment for five57 (5) days and to pay a
fine of one hundred pesos (P100.00).
On March 12, 1990, Socorro and Atty. Padilla filed with
the Court of Appeals a petition for certiorari and
mandamus with temporary restraining order. 58
assailed the following orders of Judge Naval:
First, his insistence on exercising jurisdiction over the
case notwithstanding Deogracias’ and Rosalina’s failure to
pay the correct filing fee on their amended complaint.
Second, his admission of Deogracias’ and Rosalina’s
amended complaint which they termed as a “supplemental
complaint,” despite the fact that it pleaded a cause of action
directly contrary to that stated in the original complaint.
Third, his refusal to issue an ex­parte restraining order to


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56 Petition, Annex “JJ”, Order of February 9, 1990, CA Rollo, p. 90.

57 Order of February 27, 1990, CA Rollo, p. 96.
58 Court of Appeals Decision, G.R. No. 100633, Rollo, pp. 373­395, at pp.
59 According to petitioners, the original complaint alleged that a certain
memorandum of agreement was null and void and should be declared as
such, while the supplemental complaint subsequently filed by Deogracias
and Rosalina claimed that they exercised their rights under the


VOL. 363, AUGUST 28, 2001 741

Soriano vs. Court of Appeals

restrain Deogracias and Rosalina from seizing possession of

the property subject of the case on the ground that he was
prohibited from doing so by a certain Supreme Court
Circular and on the ground that the court a quo did not
have authority to decide whether Deogracias and Rosalina
forcibly entered and seized occupation of the property in
litigation as such issue fell under the jurisdiction of the
municipal trial court, it being a question of “forcible entry
and unlawful detainer.” Fourth, his refusal to inhibit
himself from hearing the case. Fifth, his unreasonable and
violent reaction towards a motion for reconsideration filed
by Socorro and Atty. Padilla, which motion for
reconsideration pointed out that:

(1) the insulting accusation Judge Naval hurled at

Atty. Padilla was not supported by the facts;
(2) it was Judge Naval’s version of the facts that was
obviously false and untrue;
(3) that Judge Naval has an “unusual interest” in
holding on the case despite the court’s lack of
jurisdiction over it.

Sixth, his citing of Atty. Padilla for contempt of court.

Seventh, his order for the arrest and incarceration of Atty.
Padilla for direct contempt of court. 60
On June 26, 1991, the Court of Appeals decided:


petition is hereby DISMISSED except the Orders dated April 28,
1989 and July 6, 1989 which are granted. The Writ of Injunction
dated June 18, 1990 is hereby DISSOLVED. Costs against

On August 17, 1991, Socorro and Atty. Padilla filed with

the Supreme
Court a petition assailing the aforequoted

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memorandum of agreement earlier assailed but Socorro refused to

comply with her obligations thereunder.
60 Court of Appeals Decision, G.R. No. 100633, Rollo, pp. 373­395, at p.
61 Petition for Review on Certiorari, docketed as G.R. No. 100633, Rollo,
pp. 6­45.



Soriano vs. Court of Appeals

On July 25, 1991, Deogracias and Rosalina filed with62the

Court of Appeals a motion for partial reconsideration of
its decision of June 26, 1991, assailing the Court of Appeals
annulment of the order of the trial court admitting their
supplemental complaint.
On August 21, 1991 the Court of Appeals denied
Deogracias’ and
Rosalina’s motion for partial
On October 16, 1991, Deogracias and Rosalina likewise
filed with the Supreme Court a petition for review on
certiorari assailing the aforequoted decision of the Court of
Appeals insofar as it annulled the order of the Regional64
Trial Court admitting their supplemental complaint.
On November 65 6, 1991, the Court resolved to consolidate
the two petitions.

The Issues

1. Whether the trial court gravely abused its

discretion in refusing to restrain or to remedy the
forcible seizure by the plaintiffs of the property
subject of the litigation.
2. Whether the trial court gravely abused its
discretion in refusing to order the payment of the
correct filing fee and upon failure to pay the same,
to dismiss the case.
3. Whether the trial court gravely abused its
discretion in refusing to inhibit.
4. Whether the trial court gravely abused its
discretion in admitting the “supplemental
complaint,” with a theory directly contrary to the
original complaint and in not dismissing it upon
motion of defendant.


62 Partial Motion for Reconsideration, CA Rollo, pp. 179­184.

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63 G.R. No. 101550, Rollo, 48.
64 Petition for Review on Certiorari ad Cautelam, G.R. No. 101550,
Rollo, pp. 6­20.
65 G.R. No. 101550, Rollo, p. 50. On May 18, 1992, the Court gave due
course to both petitions, Rollo, p. 93.


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Soriano vs. Court of Appeals

5. Whether the trial court gravely abused its

discretion and acted in excess of jurisdiction in
finding Atty. Sabino Padilla, Jr. guilty of “direct
6. Whether the Court of Appeals acted with grave
abuse of discretion in sanctioning the foregoing
orders of the trial court (except
the Order admitting
the supplemental complaint).

The Court’s Ruling

We find the petitions without merit except as hereafter

stated. We shall discuss the issues in seriatim.

Effect of Non­Payment of Filing Fees in Full

We agree with the Court of Appeals that when insufficient

filing fees were initially paid by Deogracias and Rosalina,
there was no intention to defraud the government, hence,
the ruling in
Manchester Development Corporation v. Court
of Appeals does not apply. Deogracias and Rosalina
merely paid the amount of the docket fees computed by the
Clerk of Court. They were in good faith and relied on the
assessment of the Clerk of Court. This is a finding of fact
which the Court of Appeals carefully made. In the absence
of abuse of discretion, we shall not disturb the same.
In Sun Insurance Office, Ltd. v. Asuncion, the issue
was whether or not the court acquired jurisdiction over the
case even if the docket fee paid was not sufficient. This
Court ruled that since the petitioners did not intend to
defraud the government by paying insufficient docket fees,
a more liberal interpretation of the rules should apply. In
Sun Insurance Office, Ltd., v. Asuncion, private
respondent, like Deogracias and Rosalina in the case at
bar, demonstrated willingness to abide by the rules by
paying the additional docket fees as required. Thus, the
Court concluded that the trial court was vested with 69
jurisdiction and consequently stated the following rules:

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66 G.R. No. 101550, Rollo, pp. 137­167, at pp. 151­152.

67 159 SCRA 569 [1988].
68 170 SCRA 274, 285 [1989].
69 Supra, p. 285.



Soriano vs. Court of Appeals

“1. It is not simply the filing of the complaint of appropriate

initiatory pleading, but the payment of the prescribed docket fee,
that vests a trial court with jurisdiction over the subject matter or
nature of the action. Where the filing of the initiatory pleading is
not accompanied by payment of the docket fee, the court may
allow payment of the fee within a reasonable time but in no case
beyond the applicable prescriptive or reglementary period.
“3. Where the trial court acquired jurisdiction over a claim by
the filing of the appropriate pleading and payment of the
prescribed filing fee, but subsequently, the judgment awards a
claim not specified in the pleading, or if specified the same has
been left for the determination of the court, the additional filing
fee shall constitute a lien on the judgment. It shall be the
responsibility of the Clerk of Court or his duly authorized deputy
to enforce said lien and assess and collect the additional filing fee
(italics ours).”
In Ng Soon v. Alday, this Court stated that the initial
payment of the filing fees corresponding to the estimated
amount of the claim is allowed subject to the adjustment of
what may be proved later. If what is proved (amount of
claims for damages) is less than what is claimed, then a
refund may be made; if more, additional fees will be
exacted. The rule comes into play when the situation found
in Manchester Development Corporation v. Court of Appeals
(i.e., intention to defraud the government) is absent.

Non­Admission of the Supplemental Complaint

We find that Deogracias and Rosalina’s “supplemental

complaint” contains matters entirely different from and
even contrary to the cause of action stated in the original
complaint. Hence, we agree with the Court of Appeals that
the trial court should not admit the same.
In the original complaint, Deogracias and Rosalina
assailed as “void ab initio” the memorandum agreement of
June 23, 1986, while in the so­called “supplemental
complaint,” they used as basis the very same memorandum
agreement they initially assailed in

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70 178 SCRA 221 [1989].

71 Supra, Note 66, p. 227.


VOL. 363, AUGUST 28, 2001 745

Soriano vs. Court of Appeals

order to exercise an “option to repurchase” 72provided for

therein. A supplemental complaint is one that:

“. . . set(s) forth transactions, occurrences of events which have

happened since the date of the pleading sought to be

A pleading subsequently filed after an original one which

states a totally different cause of action is not a
“supplemental pleading” and is not permitted. The rule
allowing amendments to a pleading is subject to the
general limitation that the cause of action shall not be
substantially changed
or that the theory of the case shall
not be altered.

Non­Issuance of the Ex­Parte Restraining Order

A perusal of the records shows that Socorro’s motion for an

exparte restraining order prayed that the court prohibit
Deogracias and Rosalina from entering the vacant
apartments of the building subject of the litigation. The
issue of whether Judge Naval acted with grave abuse of
discretion when he denied the motion has become moot and
academic. The parties stipulated that Deogracias and
Rosalina already entered the premises in question.
Injunction would not lie anymore, as the acts sought to be
enjoined had become
a fait accompli or an accomplished or
consummated act. It is useless 75
to indulge in an academic
discussion of a moot question.

Refusal of Judge Naval to Inhibit Himself

Rule 137, Section 1, Revised Rules of Court provides the

grounds for the disqualification of judges, to wit:


72 Rule 10, Section 6, 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, as amended.

73 Superclean Services Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 327 Phil. 786,
795; 258 SCRA 165 [1996].
74 Aznar Brothers Realty Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 327 SCRA
359 [2000].

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75 Pepsi­Cola Products Philippines, Inc. v. Secretary of Labor, 312
SCRA 104, 114 [1999].



Soriano vs. Court of Appeals

“Section 1. Disqualification of judges.—No judge or judicial officer

shall sit in any case in which he, or his wife or child, is
pecuniarily interested as heir, legatee, creditor or otherwise, or in
which he is related to either party within the sixth degree of
consanguinity or affinity, or to counsel within the fourth degree,
computed according to the rules of the civil law, or in which he
has been executor, administrator, guardian, trustee or counsel, or
in which he has presided in any inferior court when his ruling or
decision is the subject of review, without the written consent of all
parties in interest, signed by them and entered upon the record.
“A judge may, in the exercise of his sound discretion, disqualify
himself from sitting in a case, for just or valid reasons other than
those mentioned above.”

For any other reason, a litigant may not demand that a

judge inhibit himself. Specially so in this case where there
is a finding of fact that “respondent judge has not as yet 76
crossed the line that divides partiality from impartiality.”
Besides, the test for determining the propriety of the denial
of a motion to inhibit is whether
the movant was deprived
of a fair and impartial trial. In this case, there was no
such deprivation.
In a string of cases, this Court has said that bias and
prejudice, to be considered valid reasons for the voluntary
inhibition of judges, must be proved with clear and
convincing evidence. Bare 78allegations of partiality and
prejudgment will not suffice.

Charge of Direct Contempt of Court

The Court of Appeals erred when it stated that a
certiorari proceeding assailing the judgment of direct
contempt was not proper


76 Court of Appeals Decision, G.R. No. 100633, Rollo, pp. 373­395 p 391.
77 Arthur Te v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 126746, November 29, 2000,
346 SCRA 327.
78 Joseph Estrada v. Gloria Macapagal­Arroyo,G.R. No. 146738, March
2, 2001, 353 SCRA 452.
79 Court of Appeals Decision, G.R. No. 100633, Rollo, pp. 373­395 at p.

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Soriano vs. Court of Appeals
as Atty. Padilla may have appealed therefrom. Rule 71,
Section 2, Revised Rules of Court provides: “A person
adjudged in direct contempt by any court may not appeal
therefrom, but may avail himself of the remedies of
certiorari or prohibition (emphasis ours)” This is exactly
what petitioners did.
The Court of Appeals also erred when it affirmed the
trial court’s finding of direct contempt of court against
Atty. Padilla, Rule 71, Section 1 of the Revised Rules of
Court provides:

“Section 1. Direct contempt punished summarily.—A person guilty

of misbehavior in the presence of or so near a court as to obstruct
or interrupt the proceedings before the same, including disrespect
toward the court, x x x”

The Court of Appeals affirmed the

trial court’s
judgment on
direct contempt on two grounds. We quote:

“x x x 2. Pursuing relentlessly his design to embarrass this

Presiding Judge by claiming in his “Omnibus Motion for
Reconsideration” dated August 26, 1989 that this Presiding Judge
could not correctly understand the clearly worded Administrative
Circular No. 1 of the Supreme Court.
“3. Alleging in disrespectful and insulting manner in his
“Omnibus Motion for Reconsideration” dated August 26, 1989 the

“a. It is respectfully submitted that even a first year law

student will readily see that the last sentence of the par. 2­
3 above quoted—“Restraining orders or preliminary
injunction should not be issued without prior notice and
hearing and showing of a clear right thereto”—must be
read and understood in the light of the heading and
subject being discussed, namely, “Prompt Action on
Dilatory Petitions, to Delay Enforce­


80 Rule 71, Section 2, Revised Rules of Court provides: “The person

adjudged in direct contempt by any court may not appeal therefrom, but
may avail himself of the remedies of certiorari or prohibition.” (italics
81 The Court of Appeals rejected the first ground (i.e. “1. Causing the
“Discalced Carmelite Sisters” to unduly exert pressure on this Presiding
Judge to issue ex­parte the restraining orders prayed for in his motion
dated December 8, 1988”) as basis for direct contempt.
82 Petition, Annex “DD”, Order of September 25, 1989, CA Rollo, p. 84.

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Soriano vs. Court of Appeals

ment of Executory Judgments.” By no stretch of the

imagination can it be interpreted in isolation to
mean that Courts had lost their inherent power to
issue ex­parte restraining orders.
“And this Court certainly can read and understand
just what par. 3­2 of Administrative Circular No. 1
means, (par. 9);
“b. One had a right to assume that this Court was
sufficiently acquainted with the principle in Rule
135 of the Rules of Court to the effect that: . . . (par.
14; (b);
“c. Given the foregoing conduct of this Court,
undersigned counsel felt that for reasons known only
to the Court it could not really act freely on this Case
as it ordinarily would, and therefore a motion to
inhibit was probably the best way out of this
situation, (par. 14 (b), sub­par. 4);
“d. But the Court obviously took the motion to inhibit
in a different light. Not only did it deny the motion;
in so doing, it vented its anger at undersigned
counsel and the Carmalite Sisters. (par. 15);
“e. They were Carmelite (sic) Sisters, or if their official
name is to be used, they were Sisters belonging to
the order of Discalced Carmilites. The Sisters or
Daughters of Charity, are an entirely different
religious congregation. It seems that the Court could
not get correctly even this very elementary fact. (par.
“f. Fourthly, even the Court’s version is not at all
flattering to it. For if that version were to be
believed, the Court even went to the extent of
allowing the sisters to make representations with
it, and improper representations at that, instead of
firmly telling the sisters that they were out of
bounds and should leave. It is bad enough that a
Presiding Judge should allow a lawyer to discuss
the merits of a case out of court and without the
presence of opposing counsel; that he should allow
non­lawyers and non­parties, who have nothing to
do with a case, to even discuss them with him is the
height of impropriety, (par. 16, sub­par. 4).
“g. All the foregoing circumstances naturally cast
serious doubts on the accuracy and truthfulness of
the Court’s statements above quoted... (par. 17).

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“h. What version then is to be believed? With all due

respect, it is submitted, that the foregoing version
of the Carmelite Sisters is to be believed, (par. 18).
“i. When defendant pointed this out in her motion to
dismiss and other pleadings, this Court instead of
dismissing both the original and the supplemental
complaint sought to remedy the irremediable. It
refrained from passing on it in ruling on the motion
to dismiss; but in a separate order of July 12, 1989,
it required the plaintiffs to pay the difference be­


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Soriano vs. Court of Appeals

tween what they had paid on the original complaint

and what they should pay on the “supplemental”
complaint. In other words, instead of dismissing the
“supplemental” complaint for non­payment of the
filing fee, which is all that it could do, the Court
went out of its way to save the day for the plaintiffs
by giving them an opportunity to pay the correct
filing fee and thus retain jurisdiction over the same.
But that is not all. It even gave plaintiffs credit for
the inadequate filing fee they paid under their
original complaint; (par. 22); and
“j. Hence, if plaintiffs insist on their change of theory,
the obvious remedy is not by way of “supplemental”
or even “amended” complaint, but by dismissing the
original complaint and filing an entirely new one.
But of course, that would mean a raffle and
plaintiffs apparently do not want to risk having
their case fall into another branch or sola.
“It is respectfully submitted, however, that
plaintiffs’ obvious desire to keep their case in this
particular branch of the court is no excuse for
violating the rules. (par. 27). (Italics ours)”

After a perusal of the charges of direct contempt of court,

we find that Atty. Padilla’s innuendoes are not necessarily
disrespectful to the court as to be considered contumacious.
A lawyer’s remarks explaining his position in a case under
consideration do not necessarily assume the level of
contempt 83that justifies the court to exercise the power of
contempt. Courts must be slow to punish for direct
contempt. This drastic power must be used sparingly 84
cases of clearly contumacious behavior in facie curiae. The
salutary rule is that the power to punish for contempt must85
be exercised on the preservative, not vindictive principle,
and on the corrective and not retaliatory idea of
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punishment. The courts must exercise the power to
punish for contempt for purposes that


83 Oclarit v. Paderanga, G.R. No. 139519, January 24, 2001, 350 SCRA
84 Regalado, Remedial Law Compendium, Vol. 1, Sixth Revised Edition,
1997, p. 803; de Guia v. Guerrero, 186 SCRA 339 [1990].
85 Commissioner of Immigration v. Cloribel, 127 Phil. 716; 20 SCRA
1241 [1967].
86 Nazareno v. Barnes, 220 Phil. 451, 463; 136 SCRA 57 [1985];
Pacuribut v. Lim, Jr., 341 Phil. 544, 548; 275 SCRA 543 [1997].



Soriano vs. Court of Appeals

are impersonal because that power is intended as a

safeguard not for the judges 87
as persons but for the
functions that they exercise.
Snide remarks or even sarcastic innuendoes do not
necessarily assume that level of contumely actionable
under Rule 71 of the Revised Rules of Court. Judges
generally and wisely pass unnoticed any mere hasty and
unguarded expression of passion, or at least pass it with
simply a reproof. In the natural order of things, when a
case is decided, one party wins and another loses, and
oftentimes, both sides are equally confident and sanguine.
Thus, disappointment is great for the party whose action or
view fails. It is human nature that there be bitter feelings
which often reach to the judge as the source of the
supposed wrong. A judge, therefore, ought to be patient,
and tolerate everything which 88
appears as but a momentary
outbreak of disappointment.
Lawyers may not be held to too strict an account for
words said in the heat of the moment, because of chagrin at
losing cases, and that the big way 89is for the court to
condone even contemptuous language. While judges must
exercise patience, lawyers must also observe temperate
language as well. At this juncture, we admonish all lawyers
to observe the following canons of the Code of Professional
Responsibility, which read:

“Canon 8. Rule 8.01—A lawyer shall not, in his professional

dealings, use language which is abusive, offensive or otherwise
“Canon 11—A lawyer shall observe and maintain the respect
due to the courts and to judicial officers and should insist on
similar conduct by others.”

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A lawyer is an officer of the Court, bound by the law. It is
a lawyer’s sworn and moral duty to help build and not
destroy un­


87 Austria v. Masaquel, 127 Phil. 677, 690­691; 20 SCRA 1247 [1967];

Nazareno v. Barnes, supra, Note 86; Angeles v. Gernale, Jr., 340 Phil. 173;
274 SCRA 10 [1997].
88 People v. Godoy, 312 Phil. 977, 994; 243 SCRA 64 [1995].
89 In re: Gomez, 43 Phil. 376 [1922].
90 City Sheriff, Iligan City v. Fortunado, 351 Phil. 430, 437; 288 SCRA
190 [1998].


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Soriano vs. Court of Appeals

necessarily the high esteem and regard towards the 91

so essential to the proper administration of justice.
It is the duty of the lawyer to maintain towards the
courts a respectful attitude, not for the sake of the
temporary incumbent of the judicial office, 92
but for the
maintenance of its supreme importance. It is peculiarly
incumbent for lawyers93to support the courts against “unjust
criticism and clamor.”
It may happen that counsel possesses a greater
knowledge of the law than the judge who presides over the
court. It may also happen that since no court claims
infallibility, judges may grossly err in their decision.
Nevertheless, discipline and self­restraint on the part of
the bar even under adverse conditions94
are necessary for the
orderly administration of justice. Malicious attacks on
courts have in some cases been treated as libel, in other
cases as contempt
of court, and as a sufficient ground for
disbarment. However, mere criticism or comment on the
correctness or wrongness, soundness or unsoundness of the
decision of the court
in a pending case made in good faith
may be tolerated.
This is not to say that courts are above criticism. As a
citizen and as an officer of the court, a lawyer may criticize
the court. He must do so in a bonafide manner, uberrima
fides. A wide chasm exists between fair criticism on the one
hand, and abuse and97slander of the courts and of the judges
thereof on the other. Unneces­


91 People v. Carillo, 77 Phil. 572, 580 [1946]; Eternal Gardens Memorial

Park Corp. v. Court of Appeals, 355 Phil. 369, 380; 293 SCRA 622 [1998];

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Tiomico v. Court of Appeals, 304 SCRA 216 [1999]; Pepsi­Cola Products

Phils., Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 359 Phil. 859; 299 SCRA 518 [1998].
92 Malcolm’s Legal and Judicial Ethics, 1949 ed., p. 161.
93 Tiongco v. Aguilar, 310 Phil. 652, 660; 240 SCRA 589 [1995].
94 Malcolm’s, op. cit. p. 162.
95 Malcolm’s, op. cit. p. 170.
96 In re: Sotto, 82 Phil. 595, 600 [1949].
97 Tiongco v. Aguilar, supra, Note 93, citing the first canon of legal



Soriano vs. Court of Appeals

sary language which jeopardizes high esteem in the courts,

or creates or
promotes distrust in judicial administration is

The Fallo

WHEREFORE, the petition in G.R. No. 100633 is PARTLY

GRANTED. The petition in G.R. No. 101550 is DENIED.
The decision of the Court of Appeals in CA­G.R. SP No.
20236, is AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION in that the
trial court’s order finding Atty. Sabino Padilla, Jr. guilty of
direct contempt of court and imposing on him
imprisonment for five (5) days, and ordering him to pay a
fine of one hundred pesos (P100.00) is REVERSED and
SET ASIDE. With admonition to the trial court and counsel
to observe strictly the strictures of the ethics of the
No costs.

     Davide, Jr. (C.J., Chairman), Puno and Kapunan,

JJ., concur.
     Ynares­Santiago, J., No part.

Petition in G.R. No. 100633 partially granted, while that

in G.R. No. 101550 denied. Assailed judgment affirmed
with modification.

Notes.—It is the payment of the filing fee that vests

jurisdiction of the court over the election protest, not the
payment of the docket fees for the claim of damages and
attorney’s fees. (Gatchalian vs. Court of Appeals, 245 SCRA
208 [1995])
It is almost incredible that after having received a loan
of P20,600,000.00 a party would be unable to pay the legal
fees for his appeal. (Chan vs. Court of Appeals, 335 SCRA
303 [2000])

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98 Rheem of the Philippines v. Ferrer, 20 SCRA 441, 445 [1967].


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