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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)

Vol-2, Issue-12, 2016

ISSN: 2454-1362,

Raspberry Pi 2 Platform for Coin-

operated WiFi HotSpot Kiosk
Jeffrey Co1, Geronimo Duran2 & Charito Sabate3
Computer Engineering Department, Eastern Samar State University
Borongan, Eastern Samar
Abstract: This project is a Coin-operated WiFi access on internet. When the users key-in the
HotSpot Kiosk using raspberry pi 2 that can be username and password generated, the authenticator
deployed outside the library or any places where redirects any request for connection to a log-in page
internet access is necessary, ideally to support and verifies the log-in credentials. Once the
research needs of students, faculty and staff. The authenticator checks the log-in credentials from the
default behaviour here is to deny access on internet. database, it will return the IP address of the URL
Users will have to insert five (5) peso coin into the being requested and the users can then access the
kiosk and a username and password will be printed. internet. Accounting utility is also used in this
The username and password generated by the project to redirects the request to a web log-in portal
system will be used as a log in credentials to access if time for internet use expires.
the internet. An authenticator redirects any request Several prior arts are similar to this study like
for connection to a log-in page and verifies the log- the PESONet of PLDT. In the PESONet, the user
in credentials. Once the authenticator checks the inserts 1peso coin for every 15minutes of internet
log-in credentials from the database, it will return access but this kind of system runs only in a wired
the IP address of the URL being requested and the network typically in internet café where computers
users can then access the internet. The system also are connected thru cables and computers are in fixed
includes generation of billing report. It is a billing location. Due to increasing use of wireless mobile
statement that shows the clients internet usage. gadgets in schools or in any establishment, it would
be more convenient for students to have internet
1. Introduction access to aide their studies. More often, it is very
expensive to deploy wireless access point with
Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card- RADIUS server and an authenticator. In this project,
sized single-board computers developed in the concept of PESONet was used in a wireless
the United Kingdom. It has memory capacity and network where log-in authentication is required but
several peripheral device support such as RAM, I/O, uses a very cheap replacement of a RADIUS server
processor, Ethernet and USB port. By utilizing this and an authenticator by using a raspberry pi platform.
chip and integrating it with an open-source captive
portal like a chilli spot, a system was developed that 2. Review of Related Literature and
provides a controlled public-access network. In this Studies
paper, a WiFi Hotspot is designed where the user are
obliged to view or interact with before access to This section includes the review of related
internet. literature and studies which the researcher has
Unlike with the WiFi hotspots for internet users perused to shed light on the development of the
that are typically used in coffee shops, business project.
centers, airport, hotel lobbies, and other venues that Piso Net also known as “hulog-piso” is a mini-
offers WiFi hotspots, the system uses a raspberry pi type internet or gaming machine. It is basically a
2 board that significantly cuts down the cost of merge of PC rental and arcade rental services
providing paid internet access. Also in this project, wherein customers can pay the services by inserting
a username and password is printed and is used as coins to the machine. The rate is typically
log-in credentials. 4mins/peso which also amounts to the typical
The project is a Wi-Fi HotSpot kiosk that can be Internet Cafe rate of Php15/hr. This rate can be
located in public places where people can access tweaked higher or lower either to be more
internet by inserting 5 peso coin to the coin-slot. competitive and entice customers or gain more
The notable innovation on this project is random income by decreasing the minutes/peso. According
generation of printed username and password to be to Lim [12], they were able to offer data services in
used as internet log-in credentials to access the “sachet” with the advent of pisonet. This allows
internet. The default behaviour here is to deny their customers to pay only for the internet services

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 379

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-12, 2016
ISSN: 2454-1362,

that they need. PisoNet became popular because it credentials. A RADIUS software enables the remote
offers benefits like easy maintenance, no need for access to a network, it receives request and
additional man power, can utilize space, and the authenticates the request as shown in Figure 2. The
customer can access sites and other apps cheaply. user or a machine sends a request to raspberry pi in
Reference [4] shows that in Maxcom Taiwan, the form of password and username. The RADIUS
“Tap Coin Wi-Fi Hotspot Pay Terminal” is very software checks that the information is correct using
popular. The technology is a coin operated WiFi authentication schemes. The user’s proof of
hotspot pay terminal which is a fee-based or free- identification is verified along with other
registration WiFi solution designed to help all indoor information stored in the database in the MySQL.
venue owners (e.g. coffee shops, retail stores, chain Once the identification was verified, the RADIUS
shops). It provides the visitors an immediate WiFi software will send back the ip address of the site that
hotspot service, by connecting with xDSL/cable the user is requesting.
modem or 3G/4G network (optional backup
connection, only for model WIFI-B202) wherein the password and username ok??
customers tap their smartphone on the kiosk screen. Browser Captive Portal SQL
A coin is also inserted to access the internet RADIUS
user or inserts the
depending on how long the customer wishes to surf machine system asks verifies the
the internet. sends for username and password
and username in the
access password
The project is based on the idea of the pisonet reques database
and the tap coin WiFi Hotspot of Maxcom.
However in this project, a raspberry pi 2 platform
and an open source captive portal are used which
significantly cuts down the cost of the technology.
Figure 3. Authentication Process of the Internet
Access Credentials
3. Methodology
3.3 Web Log-in Redirection Page
The following discussion describes the materials
and processes used in the development of the project.
CoovaChilli is an open-source software access
controller, based on the popular, but now obsolete,
3.1 Hardware Components Interconnection
ChiliSpot project. This software provides a captive
portal/walled garden environment and uses RADIUS
Figure 1 outlines the interconnection of the for access provisioning. CoovaChilli software was
hardware components of the project. As seen in used in this project as captive portal or web log-in
figure 1, it is composed of a raspberry pi which redirection page. Figure 3 shows the block diagram
serves as the system platform and a dongle to allow of the how the web log-in redirection page works.
access to wireless broadband. Contained in the
raspberry pi are LINUX operating system, PUTTY
(programming language for raspberry pi), a Python
program for random password generation and User CoovaChilli
printing, and a MySQL database for access

1 Figure 4. Web Log-in Redirection Page using

ChoovaChili Access Controller
Dongle Raspberry pi
2 4. Results and Discussions
Figure 1. Hardware Components Interconnection
for Wi-fi Kiosk Most WiFi wireless access points / routers claim
to support up to 255 devices. Users can be
Particularly, the researcher developed the wi-fi connected to this system via wireless network.
kiosk that generates and prints random password, While it is theoretically possible to connect up to
authenticates internet credentials, redirection page if 255 users to the kiosk, it is not recommended
the time of usage expires, and filters restricted site. because performance of the system will be very poor.
For better internet connections, the system can only
3.2 Log-in Authentication handle 30 concurrent users, it is recommended to
install multiple access or adding more access points
An opensource RADIUS software was used in to the network to effectively handle a larger number
this project to authenticates internet access of users that can be supported. Figure 5 shows the
developed Coin-operated HotSpot Kiosk.

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 380

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-12, 2016
ISSN: 2454-1362,

The system consists of a thermal printer that project require the entry of the username and
prints the randomized unique username and password generated by the system before accessing
password that will be used as log-in credentials in the Internet.
order to access the internet. Python program was Even when a simple captive portal is used in a
used to randomly generate password and username free public-access network, certain people may
repeatedly connect, using the network on an almost
continuous basis to download music, videos, or other
large files. This activity, called bandwidth hogging,
can be minimized by additional programming in the
captive portal. Such programming can control the
speed at which large files are downloaded, limit the
size (in kilobytes or megabytes) of files that can be
downloaded, restrict the number of downloads that
can occur in a single session, or block connection to
Web sites commonly used for downloading large
files. This is called bandwidth throttling or traffic
shaping which can also be found in this project.

Figure 5. Coin-operated Wi-Fi HotSpot Kiosk

When a five (5) peso coin is inserted in a coin

slot, high signal is detected in a serial port of the
raspberry pi. The serial port triggers the
“makeusername” and “makepassword” block to be
executed. When the raspberry finished executing
these block of line of code, it will print the generated
password and username. In the “INSERTINTO”,
the structured query language will insert into the
database the generated password and username.
Figure 6 shows the interconnection of the project’s
electronic components. Figure 7. Web Log-in Redirection Page

After successful log-in to the captive portal, the

network user will be redirected to the second web
redirection page (figure 8). The access time, upload
and download speed can be seen in this portal .

Figure 6. Electronic Components of the Coin-operated

WiFi HotSpot Kiosk Showing the Interconnection

When user requests access to internet, the user

first logs on to a network with a captive portal, a
Web page is encountered that requires certain
actions before Internet access is granted. A simple Figure 8. Customer Portal Showing the Remaining
captive portal used in this project is shown in figure Access Time and Upload/Download Speed
7 which forces the user to log-in by entering their
username and password. Captive portals used in this

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 381

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-12, 2016
ISSN: 2454-1362,

5. Summary [6] Goethem, Brian Hambling, Pauline van (2013). User

acceptance testing : a step-by-step guide. BCS Learning &
Development Limited. ISBN 9781780171678.
This project is a kiosk that can be deployed [7] Pusuluri, Nageshwar Rao (2006). Software Testing
Concepts And Tools. Dreamtech Press.
outside the library or any places where internet p. 62. ISBN 9788177227123.
access is necessary, ideally to support research needs [8] "Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)".
of students, faculty and staff. The architecture Retrieved September 18, 2012.
presented in this paper does not require any client [9] "Factory Acceptance Test".
Retrieved September 18, 2012.
software installations. It uses a raspberry pi as a [10] "Introduction to Acceptance/Customer Tests as
platform that prints randomized unique username Requirements Artifacts". Agile
and password that is used as log-in credentials. The Modeling. Retrieved 9 December 2013.
captive portal technology used in the project is an [11] Don Wells. "Acceptance Tests".
Retrieved September 20, 2011.
open source CoovaChilli to show login page in [12] C. Lim, “A Smart Communication Launches PisoNet,”
customer browser. Upon connecting to the network, Smart Communications, vol. 7, pp. 2-3, October 2010.
the network user will be prompted to enter valid
username and password to get Internet access. After
successful login, the internet can see the remaining
time and bandwidth quota, expiration date and other
relevant info. HotSpot keeps track of customer
account and shows warning message when the
account is due to expire, helping the users to request
for additional time of internet access to continue
using the service without interruption.

6. Acknowledgements

The researchers would like to express the

deepest appreciation to the Research and
Development Services Office, Eastern Samar State
University under the direction of Dr. Grace O.
Manlapas and the ESSU President Dr. Edmundo
Campoto for funding this study.
To the Vice President for Research and
Extension, Dr. Eva P. Palada for continuously and
convincingly conveyed support in writing this paper.
She had showed enthusiasm and excitement with
regards to conducting research.
The researchers would like to thank the College
Dean, Dr. Leovigildo Cardenas and to the Technical
Writing Group member Engr. Arnaldo Villalon for
their constructive suggestions and comments to
improve the content of this paper.

7. References
[1] Lack, Rex (August 2009). Managing the Testing Process:
Practical Tools and Techniques for Managing Hardware
and Software Testing. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. ISBN 0-470-
[2] ISO. 2013. Retrieved 2014-10-14.S. Zhang, C. Zhu, J. K.
O. Sin, and P. K. T. Mok, “A novel ultrathin elevated
channel low-temperature poly-Si TFT,” IEEE Electron
Device Lett., vol. 20, pp. 569–571, Nov. 1999.
[3] ISO/IEC/IEEE DIS 29119-4 Software and Systems
Engineering - Software Testing - Part 4- Test
Techniques. ISO. 2013. Retrieved 2014-10-14.
[4] MaxCom. (2012) MaxCom homepage on Phil. [Online].
[5] Cimperman, Rob (2006). UAT Defined: A Guide to
Practical User Acceptance Testing. Pearson Education.
pp. Chapter 2. ISBN9780132702621

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 382

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