Attendance Management System Using RFID: Chapter One

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Attendance Management System Using RFID

SIMAD UNIVERSITY CHAPTER ONE Prepaid by: Ahmed A/rizak Hassan

Mogadishu- Somalia Tell: +252615727251

Name of Supervisor: Mr: Fu’ad Mire INTRODUCTION Email: [email protected]

1.1 Introduction

Attendance is used to count number of people present at a particular place or event (Ashish Bansal, et
al..,2013). Attendance management system is a system used to verify names of students or employees
and information in a list of order (Ankita, 2012). RFID technology stands for Radio Frequency
Identification which can be a powerful tool in helping to manage student‘s attendance throughout the
working school day and also enhance classroom security (Agrawal, 2013). Attendance management
system using RFID is a project based on RFID these projects are developing to take student’s
attendant during class hour as the students enter the class (Gahlot, et al.., 2013).

This chapter will focus on the background of this project, the problem statement, the purpose of the
project. In this chapter also includes the objectives of this project, at the end of the chapter it presents
the benefits of the study and how it is organized its contents.

1.2 Background of study

According to (Shashank shukla et al., 2013) the first RFID document was developed On January 23,
1970s Mario W. Cardullo was to received the first U.S. document for an active RFID tag with
rewritable memory. In 1945s the University of Advancing Technology (UAT) in USA was began the
first system use of fingerprints that attended of the students and employees (Dr,Henry et
al..,2010).according to (Helaine Doran, 2009) the attendance Systems was started in 1966, Arunta
Management company which had been marketing electronic time in Australia since 1972.

Early in 2005 attendance management system was started by Johannesburg in South Africa (Shoewu,
et al., 2011). In Ghana is well established in some niche environment thought such us access control,
biometric also fingerprint in 2010 (University of Zululand, 2011). Further more in Somalia has no
RFID system so universities/companies in Somalia use manual attendance.

RFID technology has been applied to solve problems because it is necessary to take automatically
record the movements of the students in the classroom of school/university environment (Ashish
Bansal, 2012). RFID technology also helps enhance classroom security (Tapodhan Singla,2013). In
separating those absent from present ones accurately is an essential case because of this system
development (Ibrahim Abdel Fattah, 2010).

According to (V.V.Nagar, Gujarat, 2014) the face Recognition process is similar to the general
biometric recognition process, in the face-base biometric systems detection; alignment, feature
extraction, and matching take place. attendance system using Bluetooth is being taken using
instructor’s mobile phone for this application software is installed in instructor’s mobile telephone
enables it to query student’s mobile telephone via Bluetooth connection and through transfer of
student’s mobile telephone Media Access Control (MAC) addresses to the instructor’s mobile
telephone, presence of the student can be confirmed (Vishal Bhalla et al. 2013). Fingerprint is a
system can be used for student and staff. In this system the fingerprint is taken as an input for
attendance management and it is organized this modules Pre-processing, Minutiae Extraction,
Reconstruction, Fingerprint Recognition, Report generation (Dr. Swaminarayan, 2014).

SIMAD University is non- profit organization that service nation since 1999. Most of the universities
still use old method to take attendance student by giving attendance sheet and the student only needs
to correct that paper. By use this method, many students by asking their friends to help them to correct
their attendance if they absent. With this method, lecturers have to analyze and record the attendance
list manually to know who absent and come to class. If the attendance sheet lost, the lecturers have to
take attendance again and this will give opportunity to students to cheat their attendance. By using
existing system resulted many problems such as, finding all reports, searching special student record
and this study of system attendance RFID become to eliminate old manual method (Hanisah , 2010).

1.3 Problem Statement

SIMAD UNIVERSITY uses paper based manual attendance system by giving the lecturers attendance
sheet to check whether the student is attended the class or not. For the sake of this system many
problems has faced that manual system.

1. The teachers need to hire student attendance sheet Excel to collect and file student attendance is
2. Loss of instructional time production to search students on the attendance sheet.
3. Statistical information is not easily to be derived.

1.4 Purpose of Study

The main purpose of this project is to automate the whole system of students’ attendance using RFID.
In addition to that, this system can help to manage and analyze student’s attendance.

1.5 Objectives of project

The objectives of this study include:

1.5.1 To study the attendance systems, applications and existing systems, fingerprint attendance ,
manual attendance,

1.5.2 To propose an attendance management system model using UML such as, Use Case,
Sequence diagram, activity diagram etc.

1.5.3 To implement and deliver a well-functioning attendance management system using Java as
front-end and MySQL as back-end.

1.6 Scope of the Project

The main scope of this project is to verify the regulation for attendance at SIMAD University –
Mogadishu, Somalia. It also includes user registration, class registration, course registration, schedule
course, attend, this project will develop like Java as front – end and MySQL as back - end under the
scheduling period of six month, and it will use by SIMAD University.

1.7 Project significance

The development of this system was very important to every university because of applying
attendance easily and systematically. Using this system will reduce the absenteeism mistakes of the
students in the classes of the University, due to their friends those presenting the absenteeism while
they are absent. This system is for the benefit of all universities, companies and schools because it is
used to determine if the person arrived or not. The time frame of the Lecturers will be safe to provide
in their session, RFID has sometimes been used to access control in many different areas, from asset
tracking to limiting access to restricted areas. Although the use of RFID systems in educational
institutions is new, it is intended to solve daily problems in our university.

1.8 Project Organization

Chapter 1:- Introduction, background of the study, problem statement, purpose of the study, Research
objectives, Scope of the study, Significance of the study, project organization.

Chapter 2:- literature Review, Introduction, concepts, opinions or ideas

From authors/experts, previous work/existing system, gap analysis and direction, chapter summery

Chapter 3:- discusses Requirement analysis, Introduction, user requirement analysis,

Preliminary investigation, Data gathering, problem statement, feasibility
Study, user requirement specification, chapter Summary.

Chapter 4:- discusses System Design, Introduction, Design Goals, Database Design, Entity Diagram
Relationship (ERD), Data Dictionary, Table Design, Form Design, Report Design, Chapter summary.

Chapter 5:- discusses System Development, Introduction, Coding Phase, Types Of Testing, User
Documentation, Implementation, Chapter Summary.

Chapter 6:- discusses Recommendation and Conclusion, Introduction, Conclusion, Concluding

Remarks, References, Appendixes.

1.9: References

[1] Ashish Bansal, T. S. Lim, S. C. Sim, and M. M. Mansor, (2013). “RFID based attendance
system,”2013 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications, no. Isiea, pp. 778–782, Oct.

[2] M. Kassim, H. Mazlan, N. Zaini, and M. K. Salleh, “Web-based student attendance system using
RFID technology,” 2012 IEEE Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium, no. Icsgrc, pp.
213–218, Jul. 2013.

[3] Gahlot, A. Qaiser and S. A. Khan, “Automation of Time and Attendance using RFID Systems,”
no. November, pp. 13–14, 2013.

[4] Shashank shukla (2013). Royal Air Force History. Available at: (2006).

[5] Dr,Henry, Wang Yongxu; Ao Xinyu; Du Yuanfeng; Li Yongping. 2010, 'A fingerprint recognition
algorithm based on principal component analysis', TENCON (2010). IEEE Region 10 Conference.
page 1-4.

[6] Helaine Doran, (2009), “attendance system”, (2009), USA, ISBN:0-07-144299-5.

[7] Shoewu, O, O.M. Olaniyi, and A. Lawson. 2011. “Embedded Computer-Based Lecture
Attendance Management System”. African Journal of Computing and ICT (Journal of IEEE Nigeria
Computer Section). 4(3):27 – 36.

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