Completion Report - Final As of Feb 5

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This report reflects the journey of the Master in Crisis and Disaster Risk
Management (MCDRM) Program Students, Faculty, Project Management Team and
PPSC as an Institution during its first year of implementation (Academic Year 2016-

Moreover, this report describes the activities of the scholars from classroom
and online lectures and discussions, trainings, field-based learning (Agency Tour,
Local and International Academic Tour) to research paper presentation.

The report also shows the guidance of the Philippine Public Safety College
through its President, PDDG RICARDO F DE LEON (Ret.) Ph.D., who initiated the
program and worked from the development to creating linkages for academic
support with institutional leaders up to implementation. This also acknowledges the
assistance and guidance of the Faculty and Resource Persons from partner
institutions and academes.

For enhancement of program quality and continuous improvement, this may

serve as review document.


The opening of the MCDRM program is the product of long and carefully
undertaken processes that commenced with the conduct of feasibility study,
research, benchmarking with local and foreign institutions. Followed by series of
Focused Group Discussions (FGDs), held from March to May 2016. The classes of
the first batch of MCDRM scholars officially opened in September 5, 2016.

In addition to these processes, a seminar on Blended Learning Modality was

also held in June 2016. This gave rise to the conceptualization of utilizing Blended
Learning as a Learning Methodology System. The steps undertaken made the
MCDRM a cutting edge program of PPSC, it being offered through Blended Learning
Methodology that is patterned with the UP Open University system. The program is
comprised of eleven (11) courses equivalent to thirty-six (36) units that can be
completed in three terms.

Recipients of the full scholarship program for the pilot batch include students
from different government and private agencies like the Bureau of Fire Protection,
PPSC, Department of Education, State University, Philippine Red Cross, Municipal
and Provincial Risk Reduction Offices and Center for Disaster Preparedness.

The success of the first run of the program is attributed also to the partner
institutions like the University of the Philippines Open University, Dela Salle
University, Ateneo de Manila University, Earthquake Megacities Initiative, Office of
Civil Defense and Bicol University who have extended their utmost support to the


I. First Trimester (September 5, 2016 – December 8, 2016)

The Master in Crisis and Disaster Risk Management Program officially started
during the first face to face classes on September 5 to 8, 2016 at the University
Hotel, University of the Philippines, Quezon City. It was a four-day event that
encompassed various activities. It includes orientation to the MCDRM program,
seminars, lectures, and election and induction of class officers. During the Opening
Ceremony, the then Asst. Dean of the MCDRM, FSINSP MARICELIA L ANTONIO,
welcomed the first batch of the scholars. The twenty-two (22) scholars were
presented by the NFTI Registrar, Ms. Imelda S. Ortiz, to the Dean of the MCDRM
and Director of the National Fire Training Institute, FSSUPT MAURICIO V RAMOS,
who in turn, acknowledged the students and declared the MCDRM classes officially
open. During the last day of the program, the induction program of the newly elected
MCDRM class officers was attended by PPSC President PDDG RICARDO F DE
LEON (Ret.) Ph.D. and Vice President for Academics and Chief of the Center for
Policy and Strategy, MR. RODNEY A. JAGOLINO, MNSA.

NFTI Director FSSUPT MAURICIO V RAMOS, officially declares the first MCDRM
class open.

Orientation of the students to the MCDRM program by FSINP MARICELIA L

PPSC President, PDDG Ricardo F. De Leon (Ret)., Ph.D. as inducting officer (left
to right: President: Mr. Danilo Atienza, Vice-President: Mr. Rommel dl Peneyra, Secretary: Ms. Grace San Pedro,
Treasurer: Dr. Teodoro Gonzales, Auditor: Prof. Ariel Barreda and PRO: FCINSP Orlando A Antonio)

PPSC President, PDDG Ricardo F. De Leon (Ret)., Ph.D. shares his words of wisdom
and inspiration to the scholars

A. Lectures and Seminars

Courses in Management: Theories and Principles; Laws and Public

Policies Perspectives in Public Safety, Climate Change and Sustainable
Development and Leadership and Human Behavior in Organizations were the
courses offered during the first trimester. These courses focused on addressing and
enhancing the managerial skills and capabilities of the students to address diverse
challenges in managing situations and accomplishing their tasks as well policy
analysis and formulation. The PPSC parterned with top Universities in the country to
deliver the said courses. Experts in the mentioned field and high-caliber faculty were
tapped to teach the courses in the MCDRM curriculum. The partner Universities
include University of the Philippines , Ateneo de Manila University, University of Sto.
Tomas and De La Salle University. Modules for the courses were delivered through
the scheduled face face classes and on line classes.

Management: Theories and Principles

During the first Face to Face class Dr. Bernard LM Karganilla stunned the
class with his unique way of delivering his topic on Management: Theories and
Principles. He presented some contrasting ways of thinking about management that
introduced the students to ways of working with ideas – both as a manager and as a

Dr. Bernard LM Karganilla, from the University of the Philippines Manila

gives lecture on Management: Theories and Principles.

MCDRM Class in a photo opportunity with Dr. Bernard LM Karganilla


Dr. Inocencio E. Buot, Jr., a Professor of Botany, Ecology and

Environmental Science from the University of the Philippines Los Baños, discussed
Biodiversity. In this seminar, Dr. Buot emphasized how the ecosystem can provide
cost-effective natural buffers against natural events and the impacts of climate
change. Understanding of Biodiversity is essential in the understanding of the
climate change and its effects on the community. He particularly shared his ideas on
anthro centrism and eco centrism.

Top: Traditional photo session with the Resource Person, Dr. Inocencio E. Buot, Jr.
Bottom: Dr. Buot during his lecture on Biodiversity.
Urban Resiliency

Prof. Jerome Zayas, from the Earthquakes and Megacities Initiative an

international not-for- profit scientific organization talked on Urban Resiliency, how
cities should have the capacity to resist, adapt and effectively recover from the
effects of natural or human-made disasters. Prof. Zayas also emphasized tne role of
government and the involvement of the community in creating plans that involve
people in the quest for resiliency and preparedness.

Prof. Jerome Zayas poses for a photo opportunity with the students
after his lecture in Urban Resiliency.

Laws and Public Policies

Atty. Ma. Aleta C. Nuñez served as the Professor for the course Laws and Public
Policy. Atty. Nuñez is a Professor in the De La Salle College of Law. In the face-to-
face class, she discussed the dimension, hierarchy and division of laws. She also
gave emphasis on the difference between policies and laws. Basic laws related to
Crisis and Disaster Risk Management were also talked over during the class.

Atty. Ma. Aleta C. Nuñez during her lecture on Laws and Public Policies

Perspectives in Public Safety

The course Perspectives in Public Safety was handled by Dr. Kristoffer B.

Berse. Dr. Berse is a Faculty from the University of the Philippines National College
of Public Administration and Governance. During the class on the aforementioned
course, Dr. Berse encouraged awareness on the part of the students about the
policies and programs relating to Disaster Risk Management. According to him, the
awareness would serve as guide in creating policies that would address the local
demands of the community. He stressed the interrelationship of agencies and
programs towards a resilient Philippines.

Top: MCDRM Class picture with their professors: Atty. Ma. Aleta C. Nuñez and
Dr. Kristoffer Berse.
Bottom: Photos of Dr. Kristoffer Berse while delivering his lecture on
Perspectives on Public Safety.

Leadership and Human Behavior in Organization

Dr. Lourdes E. Abadingo, a Professor from the University of the Philippines

Manila and a former member of the UP Board of Regents, served as the resource
person for the course Leadership and Human Behavior in Organization. In her
lecture, the importance of character and proper attitude in leading and managing
people was given emphasis. She added that these two help in improving productivity
in organization.

Dr. Ma. Lourdes Abadingo from UP tackles the topic on Leadership and
Human Behavior in Organization.

Gabay-Aral Orientation

The students of the MCDRM attended a talk on the use of gabay-aral at Gabay-aral served as the online learning platform of the students having the
blended system as the mode of learning. Ms. Mary Umelley Binueza of the Philippine
Public Safety College’s Information and Communication Technology Department
gave an orientation on using the gabay-aral. Also present in the orientation is Prof.
Reinald Adrian Pugoy of the University of the Philippines Open University. Prof.
Pugoy, provided coaching on the use of Moodle, the reference of the gabay-

Top: Class picture with Dr. Lourdes E. Abadingo and Prof. Reinald Adrian
Pugoy. Bottom: Prof. Pugoy from UPOU, introduces the Learning Platform
for the Program.

Climate Change and Sustainable Development

Dr. Ricardo T. Bagarinao a scientist and the Registrar of the University of the
Philippines Open University shared his expertise on the mechanisms and effect of
climate change to sustainable development. He shared his observations about
extreme climate change and emphasize that the latter is an issue of public safety.
Dr. Bagarinao challenge the students to understand the connection between climate
change and sustainable development in having effective policies for sustainable

Dr. Ricardo T. Bagarinao during his lecture on Climate Change and Sustainable

Humanitarian Logistics

Dr. Brian C. Gozun of DLSU’s College of Business gave a talk on the critical
role of Humanitarian Logistics such as moving relief items, providing timely
information and focus on strategic improvements. Humanitarian Logistics is an
important aspect of crisis and disaster risk management. This seminar equipped the
students with the knowledge on logistic matters concerning supplies that are vital for
survival in the aftermath of any disasters. In the context of disasters, it is important to
ensure the effective delivery of these supplies.

Dr. Brian Gozun delivering a lecture on Humanitarian Logistics

Philippine Issues and Conditions in terms of Sustainable Development

As the Disaster Risk Reduction Management plays an integral part in social

and economic development of the nation, Dr. Ernesto R. Gonzales of the University
of the Philippines and University of Sto. Tomas talked on Philippine Issues and
Conditions in Terms of Sustainable Development. The talk is also in accordance
with the universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all
people enjoy peace and prosperity.

Dr. Ernesto R. Gonzales as he receives certificate of appreciation.

Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers

To develop a well-rounded crisis and disaster managers a seminar on the

Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers was conducted by the Ciriaco
Consulting Services. This seminar hoped to enable the future leaders and managers
to lead frontline teams with the tools and insights for success.

MCDRM students with Mr. Red Magno and Ms. Kat Antonio of Ciriaco Consulting
Services Inc..


In 2015, Ateneo de Manila University launched a mobile and web-based

response system called eBayanihan. The system allows users to share information
about disasters in real time. Dr. Maria Regina Justine E. Estuar, the project leader
of eBayanihan of the Ateneo de Manila University facilitated the seminar on how this
project empowers every citizen towards a more resilient community. The system
serves as framework for posting, processing, modeling, analyzing, visualizing and
curating information related to disaster.

Photos taken during the seminar on e-Bayanihan held in Ateneo de Manila


PPSC President, PDDG RICARDO F DE LEON, (Ret.) Ph.D. and Mr.
Rodney A. Jagolino,MNSA pay a quick visit to Ateneo de Manila University
on the last day of the eBayanihan Training.

Basic Extreme Wind Speeds and Earthquake Hazards Analyses

Identifying hazard is a must in any disaster reduction effort. Hazard and its
analysis is usually presented using hazard maps. Hazard analysis is essential to
come up with effective project designs for disaster prevention and preparedness. A
lecture on this was given by Dr. Lessandro Estelito O. Garciano, of De La Salle

Dr. Lessandro Estelito O. Garciano of De La Salle University during his lecture on

Basic Extreme Wind Speeds and Earthquake Hazards Analyses

Mainstreaming DRRM in the Philippines Subnational Physical
Framework and Local Land Use Plans and Decision Making Processes

The topic on Mainstreaming DRRM in the Philippines Subnational

Framework and Local Land Use Plans and Decision-Making Processes was
discussed by Dr. Ma. Renan T. Tanhueco The talk integrated disaster risk reduction
into sustainable development policies and planning to enable communities to reduce
vulnerability and to increase capacity to cope with disasters. This is along with the
Hyogo Framework of Action to which our country is committed.

Dr. Ma. Renan Tanhueco delivering his talk on Mainstreaming DRRM

in the Philippines Subnational Physical Framework.

The 8th Habit of Highly Effective People

Students of the Master in Crisis and Disaster Risk Management will be facing
crucial challenges as they frontline as managers during crisis and disasters. This
seminar of 8th Habit of Highly Effective People aimed at giving insight and
understanding of how an effective leader become a great leader.

Dr. Raymond Ciriaco talks on 8th Habit of Highly Effective People

Understanding Hazards and Disasters

As multiple factors in the social, cultural and natural spheres are increasing
the risks associated with disasters, building local community capacity and knowledge
sharing become an integral part of disaster management planning. Understanding
hazards and disasters provided the MCDRM students with the necessary tools and
base knowledge that can help them to effectively carry out managerial duties during
crisis and disasters.

Business Resiliency

A look-into different methodical approaches to risk mitigation to ensure

business and livelihood continuity was discussed in the Business Resiliency lecture.
The lecture was delivered by Dr. Reynaldo Mones. The talk also included
approaches needed to evaluate and address the priorities and capabilities of the
business along risk mitigation dimensions.

Photo opportunity with Dr. Andres Winston C. Oreta (Understanding
hazards and Disasters) and Dr. Reynaldo Mones (Business Resiliency)
after their lecture.

B. Local Academic Tour to Bicol Region

The academic field tour is a substantial contribution in understanding real

world factors essential in efforts to reduce and manage disaster risks. A local
academic tour was organized in the province of Albay in Bicol Region, a calamity-
prone region. The tour provided the students with knowledge on how the province of
Albay rises to the challenge of its geographical location and vulnerability to hazards.

The scholars visited the Office of Civil Defense (OCD) in Legazpi, Albay. The
OCD is the implementing arm of National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Council. It has the primary mission of administering a comprehensive national civil
defense and disaster risk reduction and management program by providing
leadership in the continuous development of strategic and systematic approaches.

Office of the Civil Defense, Legazpi

Photos taken during the visit of MCDRM students at the Office of Civil Defense in Legazpi City

Forum at the Climate Change Academy

The students attended a Forum at the Climate Change Academy. Climate

Change Academy was founded in 2009 and is housed in Bicol University. The
Academy formerly offers course for climate change for effective disaster risk
management. It is now a research center integrated with the Albay Provincial Safety
and Emergency Management Office. The Climate Change Academy is the first of its
kind in the country. It was established in response and adaptation measure to
mitigate the adverse effect of climate change. The Academy provides needed
support to mainstream the climate change adaptation and risk reduction framework.
It is also a venue for sharing practical experiences and best practices in DRRM.
Students were able to grasped new concepts and some best practices on disaster
risk management (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) through the lecture
and sharing of the invited local speakers.

MCDRM Students in an open forum held in the Climate Change Academy

Office of the Governor, Province of Albay

Photos taken during the visit at the Office of the Governor of the Albay

Visit to Bicol University

Being one of the few institutions in the Philippines to offer higher education program
on disaster risk management and response, Bicol University shared the challenges
and lessons learned with regard to disaster risk management.

Photos taken during the visit at the Bicol University

Presentation of Token and Certificate of Appreciation to Bicol University received by Dr

Pavilando with NFTI Director FSUPT MAURICIO V RAMOS, MCDRM Asst Dean FSI
MARICELIA L ANTONIO, Faculty Coordinator, Frederick U Deldacan

Visit to Barangays

The students visited selected communities in Bicol Region. The communities

visited were Barangay Buraguis and Barangay Oro Site in Legazpi City. These
communities in Legazpi are noted for having the “Best Practices of Disaster Risk
Management”. The community visit provides the students with an opportunity to see,
first hand, the best practices of these communities in relation to disaster risk
management. They were able to interact with the personnel who are primarily
responsible in the management in times of crises and disasters.

Visit to selected community of Legazpi Albay. The selected communites are

noted for their good practices in disaster risk reduction management.

Bureau of Fire Protection, Legazpi City

Courtesy call at the office of the City Fire Marshal at Legazpi City


Courtesy call at the office of the NPTI-RTC-5 Regional Director in Region V PSUPT

Sto. Domingo, Albay

Visit and tour in Barangay Sto. Domingo, a kalasag awardee barangay , Bicol’s
pride for its best DRR and CCA practices. It is also one of the best study sites of
both local and foreign, practictioners, experts and students.

II. Second Trimester Activities (February 7, 2017 – June 3, 2017)

Crisis Management, Disaster Risk Management, International Emergency

Management and Research Methodology were the courses offered during the
second trimester. Application on the leadership and management concepts and
theories taught during the first term as well as the laws and policies introduced and
analyzed were given emphasis in this term. Likewise, operational and technical skills
as DRR and crisis managers and CCA advocate were highlighted through the
various training and seminars conducted. Students were also coached on the rigors
of research as their final output for the program.

A. Training/s

Basic Incident Command System (ICS)

The training on the Basic Incident Command System was facilitated by the
Office of Civil Defense and held at National Police College in Silang, Cavite last
February 23-25, 2017. The training was followed by Integrated Planning Course on
February 28 to March 1, 2017. It aims to strengthen the capacity and preparedness
and establish a well-equipped and knowledgeable future Crisis and Disaster Risk
Managers towards any form of emergencies. The ICS is a standard, on-scene, all-
hazard incident management concept that can be used in times of disaster. It
ensures the safety of the responders and others, achievement of tactical objectives,
and efficient use of resources.

Photo taken during the Opening Program of the Training on Basic

ICS and Integrated Planning

MCDRM students with the other participants from PPSC Constitutive units, DLSU &
MPSA, together with FSSUPT MAURICIO V RAMOS, NFTI Acting Director,

MCDRM scholar presents their group output.

Integrated Planning Course

Closing program of the Integrated Planning Course

Integrated Planning Participants’ group picture with the IP Trainors


Participant from UPOU with the ICS CADRE and Dean, MCDRM

Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management and Resilience Course

Earthquake and Megacities Initiative - Global Facility for Disaster Reduction

and Recovery (EMI- GDFRR) an international, not- for- profit, scientific organization,
facilitated an online based training on Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management
and Resilience Course, which ran from May 29 to June 7, 2017. The pilot launching
was held on May 29 at the DILG-NAPOLCOM Bldg, in Quezon City.

During the launching at DILG –NAPOLCOM Center with Prof. Jerome Zayas, Senior
Scientist Prof. Jose Mari Daclan of EMI SINSP Maricelia, L Antonio, Dean MCDRM,
EMI staff with MCDRM students

Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction Management (ToT)

Another training for the curriculum under Disaster Risk Management domain
is the Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction Management. The goal of this
training is to provide participants with the opportunity to learn the importance and the
principle of Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Management. Further,
the training aimed to equip the students with the knowledge to enable them to roll out
similar things in their communities/barangays and to enhance their capacity to
effectively prepare, prevent and mitigate, confront and recover from disasters at the
community or barangay level. The training was held on May 30 to June 3, 2017 at

Photo taken during the CBDRRM Training at DILG-NAPOLCOM Center

Photos below were taken during the CBDRRM Simulation Exercises at
PPSC Head Office

Photo taken during the closing program of CBDRRM training

B. Seminars

International Humanitarian Law

Atty. Evecar B. Cruz from the International Committee of the Red Cross
(ICRC) was the resource person for the seminar on International Humanitarian Law.
The seminar aimed at providing humanitarian professionals with relevant
background knowledge in International Humanitarian Law.

Atty Evecar B Cruz as she delivers her topic on International Humanitarian Law

Mr. Patrick Elliot, Operations Manager of the International Federation of the
Red Cross (IFRC) talked about International Humanitarian Assistance. He explained
the working values and volunteerism of the federation and its local counterpart which
is the Philippine Red Cross (PRC).

Mr. Patrick Elliot delivers his topic on International Humanitarian Assistance

Capstone Research Methodology

Dr. Brian C. Gozun, Dean of the College of Business of De La Salle University

Manila discussed the mechanics on writing effective public policy paper.

Dr Brian Gozun as he discusses topic on Writing Effective Policy Paper

Dr Reynaldo Bautista delivers the topic on Basic Analytics in Research

Prof. Rita C. Ramos from the UPOU discussed the fundamentals of

Research Methods in Crisis, Disasters and Risk Management. She led the class to
conceptualize their problem statement.

Dr. Inocencio Buot and Dr. Ma. Victoria Tibon gave an in-depth
presentation on “Research for Community and National Development”, one of the
topics on students’ seminar on capstone research.

With Dr Inocencio Buot (left) and Dr Ma Victoria Tibon (right)during the

seminar on capstone research

With Dr Ma Victoria Tibon, a discussion on Research for Community and National


Crisis Management (Lecture and Simulation Exercise)

Crisis management in the local setting and Crisis Management Simulation

Exercises was handled by PSSUPT ORLANDO O YEBRA, JR. Chief of Police,
Pasig City and a well-known hostage negotiator from the Philippine National Police,
Eastern Police District.

Photos taken during the Seminar on Crisis Management in the Local Setting

PSSUPT YEBRA with the MCDRM Scholars during the workshop

C. Lectures

Disaster Management Profession from a Global Perspective and

International Emergency Management

Administered via Skype, the lecture of Dr. Teodoro J. Herbosa, Executive

Vice-President of the UP system provided the students a comprehensive picture of
emergency management in disaster and crisis situations in international perspective.
He also shared his insights and rich experiences as practitioner in the field of
medicine and public safety. Dr. Herbosa also delivered a face-to-face lecture on
International Emergency Management (EIM) as well as facilitated on line classes for
the course.

Dr. Teodoro Herbosa, delivers his topic on International Emergency Managemet

t(IEM) through skype during the first session with the students

with Dr Herbosa on his IEM lecture at the DLSU

Risk Communication

Dr. Kristoffer Berse, from the National College of Public Administration and
Governance, University of the Philippines lectured on Risk Communication. He gave
emphasis on how Risk Communication can aid in policy and decision making.

Public Relations

Dr. Bernard LM Karganilla from University of the Philippines Manila delivered a

lecture on Public Relations in an interactive discussion.

Emerging Discipline of Bio-security and Threats from the Perspective of Crisis

Photo of Dr. Randal Murch, Ph.D Dr. Murch with the MCDRM Scholars during his lecture
via skype

Dr. Randal Murch, PhD, an Associate Director, Research Program Development,

National Capital Region, Virginia Technology, USA and former FBI scientist who
created the FBI’s Hazardous Materials Response Unit delivered his lecture on
Emerging Discipline of Bio-security and Threats from the Perspective of Crisis
Management via skype. Students were able to gained new knowledge and insights
on the bio-security threats its impacts as well as management in the global
perspective. Session with Dr. Murch proved that sharing of knowledge and expertise
is possible with the recent technology.

III. Third Trimester Activities (June 19, 2017 – October 27, 2017)

A. Lectures and Seminars/ Training

Public Fiscal Management

Public Fiscal Management course was facilitated by Professor Edwin M. Salonga,

Chief of Disaster Risk Governance Division of the Office of Civil Defense as the
course director. He started his lecture with a brief description of the country’s
economic situation, emphasizing that the country is still one of the leading
performers among major economies in the region.

Top: Professor Edwin Salonga during the Public Fiscal Management

Bottom:MCDRM students in their traditional class picture with the

Another topic under the same course was Public Fiscal Reinsurance by Professor
Albertito Kalagayan. It was an interactive discussion as it fueled the students’
interest in the world of insurance, its benefits and risks which was clearly explained.

Photos of Prof. Albertito Kalagayan with the class during and after his lecture.

Training on Basic Geographical Information System using Quantum GIS

The National Mapping and Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA) is

responsible for providing the public with mapmaking services and to act as the
central mapping agency, depository, and distribution facility for natural resources
data in the form of maps, chart, texts and statistics. NAMRIA is also responsible in
providing an accurate, timely and accessible topographic maps, nautical charts and
other geospatial products and services. NAMRIA also provides trainings in map
reading. One of which is the Basic Geographical Information System using Quantum
GIS. In this training students learned the spatial analysis techniques, data
identification and collection, use cartography techniques to communicate and
collaborate GIS and GIS- dependent fields.

During the Basic GIS Training

Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management and Resilience (CDRMR)
Graduation and PPSC and EMI MOU signing

After duly completing the required coursework in CDRMR facilitated by EMI,

MCDRM students were given recognition for their accomplishments. Their final
requirement for the pilot course was to develop a paper that: (1) lists the major
disasters experienced by their localities, (2) describes the prevailing disaster risk
management (DRM) framework, and (3) provides recommendations on addressing
issues in the DRM framework.

Signing of Memorandum of Understanding between PPSC and EMI coincide

with the recognition ceremony for the CDRMR course.

EMI Chairman of the Board, Dr. Fouad Bendimerad shares EMI’s approach on
mainstreaming DRR by engaging the leaders and every citizen.

B. Agency Tour

The Agency Tour provided the MCDRM students with the experience and
encounter with the prime government and non-government institutions that are
involve in public safety and disaster risk reduction and management. It aimed at
giving the students exposure and real life encounter with experts and practitioners.

UP Diliman, Quezon City

MCDRM students during the launching program of UP Resilience Institute and UP

NOAH Center at the UP Bahay Alumni last June 20, 2017.

Sen. Loren Legarda shares her expertise on Climate Change Adaptation

Top: Albay Congressman Joey Salceda gives his speech as one of the guest
of honor and speaker
Bottom: MCDRM students with UPRI Executive Director Dr. Mahar Lagmay

Office of the Civil Defense

The students were able to visit the Office of the Civil Defense Operation Center.
OCD officials hosted a mini conference with the PPSC delegates. Sharing of
significant experiences, lessons learned and additional insights on DRRM were
gathered during the conference. Students were also given a chance to witness how
the operation center works.

Conference at OCD duting the agency visit

At OCD operation Center

Philippine Red Cross

At the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) the MCDRM class was received by
Disaster Management Services Department head Mr. Resty Lou Talamayan, and
Ms. Mary Anne Buensuceso, who presented the PRC’s Humanitarian Services.

Tour around Phil. Red Cross facility

Japan International Cooperation Administration (JICA)

Open forum at the Japan International Cooperation Administration (JICA)

was light and cheerful with Ms. Erika Inoue. It highlighted the role of JICA in helping
Asian countries with not just infrastructure projects but also providing trainings and

Ms. Erika Inoue, and the MCDRM students and staff gather for a group photo after
the presentation of JICA’s framework of action.

Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs)

A visit to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology

(Phivolcs) provided an opportunity for student exploration to better understand
Geological Hazard Mitigation and Disaster Risk Reduction programs of Phivolcs.

Group photo at Phivolcs

Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)

Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) head of Disaster

Management Section, Mr. Bienvenido V. Barbosa Jr. presented the agency’s
enhanced disaster management and response programs through online virtual
operation center.

MCDRM Scholars take the opportunity to engage in a light discussion with
DSWD official

Climate Change Commission (CCC)

With the increased change in the nature of disaster risks due to climate
change, it is empirical to recognize the need for an integrated approach to climate
and disaster management at the policy and institutional levels. Framework of Climate
Change Adaptation was shared during the visit of MCDRM students to the office of
the Climate Change Commission (CCC) in Quezon City. CCC is a policy-making
body of the government tasked to coordinate and evaluate government programs
and ensure mainstreaming of climate change in national, local, sectoral development
plans toward a climate-resilient and climate-smart Philippines.

At the lobby of the new Climate Change Commission Center

MCDRM scholars actively participate during the discussion at the CCC.

CCC presenter and the MCDRM scholars pose for photo souvenir

Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services
Administration (PAGASA)

Presentation of PAGASA’s profile and the role of PAGASA in Disaster Risk

Management during MCDRM’s agency visit to the Philippine Atmospheric,
Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration in Quezon City.

National Economic and Development Authority’s (NEDA)

National Economic and Development Authority’s (NEDA), role in reducing

the impact of disasters and climate change is directed at improving planning
approaches and making sure that disaster and climate risks are considered in
national plans and their counterpart plans at the regional and local levels. Senior
Economic Development Specialist Mr. Marc Delas Alas, presented the Philippine
Development Plan 2017-2022.

Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation to NEDA

Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA)

Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA), Crisis Monitoring and

Management Center Head, Mr. Ramon Santiago headed a well facilitated a
discussion with the MCDRM student during their MMDA visit. The discussion
focused mainly on the new service that provides 24-hour assistance to the people of
Metro Manila during emergency and crisis situations.

Discussion with MMDA official

Commission on Audit (COA)

A very clear and useful topics regarding Government Financing and Auditing
Tools and Budget Cycle was discussed during a one-day seminar with the
Commission on Audit (COA).

Seminar at COA head office

C. Hosting of the launching of the International Emergency Management
Society- Philippine Chapter

The International Emergency Management Society (TIEMS) is a global

forum for education, training and certification in emergency and disaster
management. It was founded in Washington, USA in 1993. Today it is registered as
an international, independent, not for profit non- government organization in Belgium.
TIEMS network comprises users, planners, researchers, industry, managers,
response personnel, practitioners, social scientists, and other interested parties
within emergency and disaster management. Within its network TIEMS stimulates
exchange of information on the use of innovative methods and technologies within
emergency and disaster management to improve society’s ability to avoid, mitigate,
respond to, and recover from natural and technological disasters.

After singing of the Philippine National Anthem, PPSC President PDDG Ricardo F. De Leon,
(Ret.), Ph.D. gave his warm welcome to the founding members and guests.

Ms. Angeli S. Medina, TIEMS-PC, Acting TIEMS International President Dr. K. Harald
Executive Director introduces the TIEMS Drager on his inaugural speech.
International President

Photo opportunity with the TIEMS International President
Dr. K. Harald Drager

D. Foreign Academic Tour in Thailand

The ASIAN field study tour is an integral part of the courses in Master in Crisis
and Disaster Risk Management (MCDRM) program. In line with the vision in
providing quality, world-class training and producing competent graduates as future
leaders and managers in times of crisis and disasters. To attain its goal, the scholars
are given the opportunity to observed and learn from the experiences and practices
of places frequently visited by natural hazards not only in the Philippines but also in
other countries. One of the devastating disaster in 2004 happened in Thailand. A
Tsunami that left behind a tremendous loss of life and property in the six (6)
Andaman provinces namely Rhanong, Phang-nga, Phuket, Krabi, Trang, Satun as
well as Here-kamala beach.

The itinerary includes visit to the following agencies:

Philippine Embassy in Thailand;

With the MCDRM Dean FSInsp Maricelia Antonio are scholars Ms. Grace Suratos,
Ms. Nathalie Malabato and FCI Fritzie Manatad during their courtesy call at the
Philippine Embassy in Thailand.

During the courtesy Visit at Philippine Embassy Mr. Jay
Francis G. Alcantara, Second Secretary and Consul Alternate
Permanent Representative, UNESCAP

CInsp. Kenneth Maano and SInsp Maricelia L Antonio,

Dean,MCDRM presents the Certificate of Appreciation to Mr. Jay
Francis G. Alcantara

At the lobby of the Philippine Embassy in Bangkok Thailand. The MCDRM

team with Mr. Jay Francis G. Alcantara, Second Secretary and Consul
Alternate Permanent Representative, UNESCAP

Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Ministry of Interior (DDPM)
Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM) in Bangkok
Thailand was the MCDRM team next stop. The agency’s primary responsibility is
disaster management in response to worsening disaster situations in Thailand due to
urbanization and the impact of climate change. DDPM shared the disaster situation
of Thailand and its best practices and strategies in disaster preparedness, mitigation
and response.

After the conference at Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation and Interior
(DDPM) in Bangkok Thailand. Our counterpart in Thailand government

MCDRM Team poses with the speakers from the Department of Disaster Prevention
and Mitigation and Interior (DDPM)in Bangkok Thailand

Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) works to build the resilience of
people and institutions to disasters and climate change impacts in Asia and the
Pacific. ADPC develops and implements cross-sectoral programs and projects on
the strategic themes of risk governance, urban resilience, climate resilience, health
risk management, preparedness for response. The ADPC Academy designs and
delivers specialized capacity-building and training courses at all levels, as well as
working to enhance the capabilities of national training centers. Mr Avelino Filio,Jr, a
Capacity Development Specialist on his lecture emphasized the importance of
linkages and partnership in strengthening the capacity of an institution. Also the
development of experts in disaster preparedness, response and climate change

Mr Avelino Filio,Jr, Capacity Development Specialist: From the ADPC

Academy lectures on the importance of linkages and maintaining partnership.

Presenter from Bangladesh; highlighted the capacity training in Bangladesh

During the conference FSRISNP MARICELIA L ANTONIO, Dean MCDRM talks
about the PPSC and MCDRM program to Ms Yvonette Serrano Duque M.D. Senior
Public Health Specialist, Health Risk Management Department and other Senior
Officers of ADP
Dr. Yvonette Serrano Duque M.D. shared the ADPC initiative in training on
(HOPE) Hospital Emergency Preparedness and response, mental high &
psychosocial support during the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.
Another presenter from ADPC are Ms. Kuntanung Det, who gave emphasis on the
importance community Based Assessment, while Kon Atik discussed the use of
technology in climate change adaptation and Wadee Deeprawat, Senior
Communication Specialist Geospatial Information Department (ADPC) highlighted
the use of Google Earth Technology in creating a hazard map, land cover and land
use management.

United Nation Development Program(UNDP)

The presenter from UNDP and UNISDR discuss about the mandate of the
institution, its roles & responsibilities and the financial aspect in disaster

During the conference at UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub office with

Mr. Sanny Jegillos
Together with the Patong DRRM officials during the presentation of
Patong,Phuket Thailand Disaster Management Plan.

During the awarding of Certificate of Appreciation and token to the Vice Governor of
Phuket by the Head of Philippine Delegation from PPSC-NFTI CInsp. Kenneth
Maano and SInsp. Maricellia L. Antonio the Dean of MCDRM at the DDPM Office
Municpality of Patong, Phuket Thailand.

MCDRM Team pose for photo opportunity with the Vice Governor of Phuket

PPSC-NFTI CInsp. Kenneth Maano and SInsp. Maricellia L. Antonio the Dean of
MCDRM awards the Certificate of Appreciation and token to the IFRC representative
Mr. Herve Gazeau, Disaster Risk Reduction Project Manager

Mr. Herve Gazeau, disaster risk reduction project manager together with the
MCDRM Scholars.

DDPM Municipality of Patong, Phuket

On December 26, 2004, the country experienced Tsunami that gravely impacted six
coastal provinces along the Andaman Sea, it is considered as the biggest natural
disaster in recent history in which much loss of life and resources was experienced
domestically and internationally. Patong was one of the communities that was greatly
affected. Phuket province saw this as an important opportunity to campaign for the
public to increase awareness and preparedness for disasters and thus Thailand
developed related DRR management plans.
During the awarding of Plaque of Appreciation and token to the chief of Patong
together with the Head of Philippine Delegation from PPSC-NFTI

Showcase of Resources (vehicles and equipment)

A Memorial of the 2004 Tsunami that hit Thailand’s west coast

Site visit to the Early Warning System in Patong, Phuket Thailand

MCDRM Students After the EWS Visit

The itinerary provided a good mix of education and leisure activities. This
allowed the entire group to learn a lot about Thailand’s Disaster Risk Management,
Climate Change adaptation and DRR related development policies and programs
and also their culture and way of life.


The highlight of the curriculum of the program is the student’s capstone

research which will incorporate topics on the three thematic areas: Crisis
Management, Disaster Management and Climate Change Adaptation. Crisis
management is very relevant in identification of crisis situations and coming up with
creative solutions to the problems. Meanwhile, Disaster Management is geared at
identifying sustainable and cost-efficient and effective programs related to disaster
risk reduction and Climate Change Adaptation, which will identify impacts and
effective response including motivating factors to act on improving understanding of
climate change risks on the locale of their research.

The research topic was decided and refined by the student and research
adviser. The research advisers were from the different partner universities, and
assignment was based on the mastery of the advisers on the topic of research.

The students presented their scholarly study last October 11 to 24, 2017, at
the Philippine Public Safety College.


ABARY, JOEY T “Natural Disaster Dr Brian Gozun Dr Sonny

Preparedness of Camp DLSU Domingo
Vicente Lim’s Constitutive (Philippine
Units: Assessment and
Guide for Policy Studies)

ALCARAZ, “Perceptions of Dr. Juvy Lizette Dr Ricardo T

ANGELINA A Stakeholders on the Gervacio Bagarinao
Building Conditions of University of the
UPOU Philippines
Schools in the city of
Malolos” Open University

ALVAREZ, Ready for the Big One: A Dr Brian Gozun

ALOYSIUS A Comparative Study DLSU
between the Philippine Dr Ma. Regina
Red Cross and the Metro Justina Estuar
Manila Development Ateneo De
Authority Institutional Manila
Readiness to Respond to University
a 7.2 Magnitude
Earthquake in Metro

Dr Levi P
ANTONIO, “ A Study on the Urban Dr. Kristoffer Verora
ORLANDO A Search and Rescue Berse Bayan
Capability of the Bacoor Academy/
City Disaster Risk UP-NCPAG Ateneo School
Reduction and of Government
Management Council”

ATIENZA , “Assessment of Hazard Dr. Kristoffer B. Dr Marilyn L.

DANILO L and Disaster Berse
Preparedness of Southern Public Safety
Leyte ” UP-NCPAG
BARREDA , “The Role of the Dr. Ricardo T.
ARIEL B Universities in Region 5 Bagarinao Dr. Inocencio
on Strengthening the Civic UPOU Buot
Consciousness Among University of the
Youth. An Alternative Philippines
Analysis to Reformulate A Open University
Climate Change Ready
and Sustainable Regional
Development Plan”- Dr Lourdes A
BERTE, GERRY G “Capital Investment on Dr Brian Gozun
Abandingo UP
BFP Expanded Role on DLSU
Disaster Preparedness System
and Response: APolicy
Paper on Skills and
Equipment Based Dr Kristoffer B
Enhancement Program”- Berse
SHELLA Situation in DepEd BONITO
Malolos City: A Case in
Reforming a Standard UP- Open
Protocol” University
DE VERA, “Indexing the Natural Dr Ricardo T. Dr. Ernesto R.
CLARSON V Capital of Fourth District Bagarinao Gonzales
of Camarines Sur which UPOU University of
Sto. Tomas
contributes to the
Community Development
and Climate Change

GONZALEZ, A Baseline Study on Dr. Kristoffer
TEODORO the Disaster Berse
BENJAMIN Preparedness of
Integrated Hotel- UP-
Casinos at the
Entertainment City

LANDAYAN, “An Analysis of the Dr. Merites M.

EDWARD G Disaster Preparedness Buot
Capacity of the Division of UPLB
Tanauan City: Basis for
the DepEd Learning
Objects for an Enhanced
Capacity Building”

MALABATO , “Disaster Risk Reduction Prof. Rita

NATHALIE P and Management in Jails: Ramos
A Case Study of Baguio
City Jail”

MANATAD, “Assessment of Crisis Dr Brian Gozun

FRITZIE G Management of Private DLSU
and Public Critical
Infrastructure: A Basis for
the Formulation of Crisis
Management Protocol”
JUVIMIN O Formulating Standards on BONITO
Crisis Management
Among Persons with UP- Open
Disabilities in DepEd University

PENEYRA, “Strategies, Indicators and MARIA

ROMMEL DL Evidences of Resilience REGINA
Building in the Philippines: JUSTINA
A Case Study of Carmona ESTUAR
Cavite in the Calabarzon Ateneo de
Region”- Manila
SAN PEDRO, “The Role of Children in Dr Juvy Lizette
MARY GRACE DRRM: Basis for DepEd Gervacio

SARMIENTO, MA "Extent of the Dr Juvy Lizette
CRISTINA Implementation of Climate Gervacio
Change Adaptation and
Mitigation Campaign in
Public Schools, Division of
Angeles City"

SURATOS, “ Disaster Preparedness Dr Rebecca

GRACE M and Climate Change Ramos
Perceptions of a Disaster- UPOU
Prone Barangay
Residents in

FSINSP “Master in Crisis and Dr. Ananda Rear Admiral

MARICELIA L Disaster Risk Devi Almase Roberto
ANTONIO Management: A Strategic Q Estioko,
Innovation of the PhD, MNSA
Philippine Public Safety National
College with Partner Defense
Institutions” College of the

USEC Jonas
Office of the

Dr. Ma. Teresita

Academy of the
organized by

Below are some of the photos during the Research Presentation:

Panelist from L to R: Dr. Inocencio Buot, Dr. Levi Verora, Dr. Marilyn Baysa
and Dr. Kristoffer Berse

MCDRM student Dr. Teodoro Gonzales as he presents the background of his study

FCI Gerry Berte during his research presentation with Dr. Bagarinao, Dr. Sonny
Domingo and Dr. Estuar as research panelist

Another MCDRM student Mr. Clarson De Vera during the presentation of his

IV. Graduation

The Philippine Public Safety College, celebrated the graduation ceremony of

the first batch of graduates of the Master in Crisis and Disaster Risk Management
Program last October 30, 2017, at the Philippine International Convention Center
(PICC), Pasay City.

The ceremony was attended by the Secretary of the Climate Change

Commission, the Honorable Emmanuel M. de Guzman as the Guest of Honor.

In his welcome address, PPSC President PDDG RICARDO F DE LEON,

(Ret.) Ph.D., shared the beginning of the MCDRM program as a dream. He furthered
that with the support of the experts, practitioners, members of the academe and
partner agencies both local and international who have worked together in
conceptualizing and developing the curriculum of the Master in Crisis and Disaster
Risk Management Program the dream became an ambitious strategic innovative

Notable attendees of the ceremony were the people who have genuinely
shared their time, expertise, skills and knowledge in the development of the program.
Resource Persons and Professors from University of the Philippines: Open
University (UPOU), National College of Public Administration and Governance
(NCPAG), College of Arts and Sciences, also from De La Salle University, Ateneo de
Manila University, and government and non-government agencies: Office of Civil
Defense, Philippine Red cross and some local government executives who have
supported their scholars enrolled in the program.

Photos from the graduation ceremony:

Honorable Emmanuel M. de Guzman, the guest of Honor of the ceremony

NFTI colors side honors with the guest of honor and speaker Secretary Emmanuel
M. De Guzman
Climate Change Commission

With PPSC President PDDG. RICARDO F DE LEON, (Ret.) Ph.D.

PPSC President PDDG. RICARDO F DE LEON, (Ret.) Ph.D. delivers the welcome

FSUPT ROBERTO M GENAVE, NFTI Acting Director for the program overview

Presentation of graduates by Vice president for academics, Rodney A. Jagolino,


MCDRM Cl.Nr. 2016-01 graduates

Hon. Emmanuel M. De Guzman, Secretary Climate Change Commission as he

delivers his speech as guest of honor and speaker

Photo opportunity with:

The graduates

Course Directors and Resource Persons

Course Directors, Resource Persons and PPSC Key Personnel

MCDRM PMT and representatives from the PPSC Constitutive Units

Highest honor awardee and Gold medal awardee for best research paper, Mr.
Rommel DL Peneyra, DRRM officer of Carmona, Cavite receives his award.

FCI ORLANDO A ANTONIO, receives his award as Best Research Silver awardee
and second honor

Third honor, Bronze medalist for his research and Leadership awardee, Southern
Leyte PDRRM Officer Mr. Danilo Atienza

V. Expanding Partnership And Linkages

The PPSC, in order to deliver the best out of the MCDRM program, partnered
with several prestigious institutions particularly academic ones and practitioners. The
PPSC forged partnership with the top universities in the country. In June 2016, the
PPSC signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of the Philippines
Open University System. The MOU states the cooperation between partner
insitutions in offering the MCDRM program. The two institutions will collaborate to
perpetuate the program while the UP Open University would make available open
and educational resources developed during the collaboration.

The UP Open University is one of the units of the University of the Philippines
System. Its mission is to provide Filipinos everywhere access to higher quality
education though innovative methods of teaching and learning. It is also mandated to
contribute towards upgrading the quality of education system of the country by
developing innovative instructional strategies and technologies through cooperative
programs. It is also tasked to assist relevant national agencies in developing their
distance education programs through training, technical assistance, research and
academic programs.

The Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU) is another valuable partner of PPSC.

With their eBayanihan project, the ADMU shared their advocacies in Crisis and
Disaster Risk Management. The University shared their technology and resources to
the students of the MCDRM program. On the other hand, De La Salle University also
teamed up with PPSC in honing the skills of the future frontliners in times of crisis
and disaster. The DLSU is the primary partner when it comes to research related
subjects of the students. The EMI is another partner from the group of non-
government organizations. EMI is not-for-profit organization. They shared their
expertise on the field of disaster and risk management.

Photos of the MOU/ MOA Signing with: University of the Philippines Open
University, De La Salle University, Ateneo de Manila University, EMI and OCD

MOU signing with University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) on Blended
Learning Modality with Dr Melinda dP Bandalaria, Chancellor,Dr Primo Garcia Chief,
FMDS from UPOU and PPSC President PDDG Ricardo F De Leon, (Ret), Ph.D.,
Vice President for Academics Rodney A Jagolino, MNSA

Partnership with DLSU on faculty exchange and research with the DLSU President
Bo.Raymunod A Suplido, FSC, Dr Brian C Gozun, Dean, Ramon V Del Rosario,
College of Business

with Vice President of Ateneo de Manila University Maria Luz C. Vilches, Ph.D. and
Dr Ma Regina Justina Estuar

With Dr. Eng. Fouad Bendimerad, Executive Director, Earthquake Megacities

Initiatives (EMI)

With the Office of Civil Defense

Photo taken during the MOA signing between the Office of Civil
Defense and the Philippine Public Safety College on September 20,
2017 at the OCD Conference Room, Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City.

In September 2017, the Philippine Public Safety College signed a

Memorandum of Agreement with the Office of Civil Defense. The MOA provides for
the integration of the Office of Civil Defense’s Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Training Courses into the academic curricula of MCDRM. The MOA is
a manifestation of the OCD and PPSC’s joint efforts to mainstream DRRM into
formal education.


The first year of the implementation of the Master in Crisis and Disaster
Risk Management Program is very challenging but a big victory at the same time.
The Project Management Team was welcomed by huge challenges demanded by
the program implementation but this was all surpassed due to the dynamic
leadership of the Philippine Public Safety College through its President PDDG
Ricardo F De Leon (Ret.)., Ph.D.

The Blended learning modality gives flexibility and convenience on the part
of students and instructors to learn despite their full-time work. A variety of media
and techniques were utilized both by the instructors and the professor in the learning
thus interactive and collaborative learning were ensured. In between face to face
classes students were able to engage in depth discussions on the different modules
and topics in every course. They were able to sustain their enthusiasm and interest
in learning in virtual classrooms.

A post evaluation was done to determine strong and weak areas of the course
instructors, resource persons, the topics and the overall training course. Comments
and suggestions from the students were generally for the Learning Management
System upgrade and improvement of the internet connections. To address these
concerns the dean and project management team opted to upgrade its Learning
Management System (LMS), still within with the standard of the UPOU’s “Gabay

In general, the course as well as the seminars and lectures were given
Satisfactory rating (See Evaluation in the Appendix). The students found the topics
very relevant in the application in crisis and disaster risk management. The courses
were also perceived to be a good opportunity to learn the latest development in the
field of crisis and disaster risk management.

The Faculty, resource persons, lecturers and facilitators possess extensive
expertise and are up to date with the latest researches related to their subject matter.
The students gave them a high rating not only on contents but also in the
presentation skills, organization and clarity of presentation.

Overall, the course was perceived to be delivered in Satisfactorily to

Outstanding manner.

On the other hand, the MCDRM program was also evaluated by the Faculty
who were present from the development phase until the implementation. The factors
that helped in promoting the success of the program as well as the areas that need
improvement were also identified. Generally, the evaluation resulted into
appreciation of enabling factors that are far above the expectations of the faculty.

From the result of the evaluation, it can be gleaned that there is a need for the
improvement of the Learning Management System. While the system that is

currently in use met the demand of the program, there is still a room for improvement
particularly addressing the system’s down time.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government


Course Directors

Dr. Lourdes E. Abadingo

Dr. Ricardo T. Baganirao
Dr. Kristoffer B. Berse
Dr. Inocencio E. Buot, Jr.
Dr. Brian C. Gozun
Dr. Teodoro J. Herbosa
Dr. Bernard LM. Karganilla
Atty. Aleta C. Nuñez
Dr. Primo Garcia
Prof. Rita C. Ramos
Prof. Edwin M. Salonga

Resource Persons


Dr. Ma. Regina Justina E. Estuar Mr. Andrew O. Nocon
Dr. Ernesto R. Gonzales Mr. Redentor Magno
Dr. Francisco A. Lagmay COL PEALE JON L BONDOC
Dr. Andres Winston C. Oreta Dr. Joseph B. Bacareza,MD
Dr. Renan Ma. Tanhueco Mr. Jerome M Mateo
Dr. Victoria P. Tibon Mr. Irvin C. Paras
Dr. Reynaldo A. Bautista, Jr. Mr. Ranny M. Magno
Mr. Alberto B. Calagayan Mr. Joe-mar Perez
Mr. Reinald Adrian DL Pugoy Atty. Hilario S. Caraan
Mr. Roberto Figueroa, Jr. Dr. Primo G. Garcia
Atty. Evecar B Ferrer-Cruz



FI DIVINA S CARDONA - Event Coordinator

Frederick U Deldacan - Faculty In-Charge

Merlyn L Ogena - Student Affairs in-Charge

Favian L Noche - LMS Administrator/


FO1 Paul Mark Oca - Logistics/Secretariat


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