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Massive Open

Online Course

Disasters and Ecosystems:

Resilience in a Changing Climate
In 2015, the United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP), through its Global Universities Partnership on Environment for Sustainability (GUPES), and Cologne University
of Applied Sciences (CUAS), Germany, will launch the first
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Disasters and
Ecosystems: Resilience in a Changing Climate.
The MOOC is an outcome of the long-standing collaboration
between UNEP and the Center for Natural Resources and
Development (CNRD), a consortium of 11 universities from
around the world that is coordinated by CUAS.

MOOC Features
First MOOC featuring ecosystem-based

solutions for disaster risk reduction and

climate change adaptation
Case studies from around the world
Expert Faculty and distinguished Visiting
No specific pre-requisites to take the MOOC
Open to all, no restrictions
Participants will be linked to a global
network of disaster management and climate
change adaptation experts and policymakers
It is FREE of charge


Disasters and Ecosystems:

Resilience in a Changing Climate

Development cannot be sustainable if the

disaster risk reduction approach is not fully
integrated into development planning and
Ban Ki-moon
United Nations Secretary General

Why a Course on Disasters,

Ecosystems and Resilience?
Disasters kill people, destroy infrastructure, damage
ecosystems and undermine development. With climate
change, the impacts of disasters are expected to grow.
It is now well understood that in a world with a changing
climate, no development can be sustainable if it has not
factored in disaster risk reduction and climate change
Since the adoption of the Hyogo Framework for Action
(HFA) by world nations in 2005, there has been significant
progress in our knowledge about potential impacts of
disasters and also about policies and instruments for
reducing disaster risks. The Inter-governmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC) has also enhanced our
understanding about the possibility of extreme and
hazard events resulting from climate change.
There is need for increased awareness amongst both
policymakers as well as practitioners on the latest
advances in disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate
change adaptation (CCA). One significant advancement
is promoting ecosystem-based approaches for reducing
disaster risks and adapting to climate change, either
as natural protective buffers or as supporting local
livelihoods, food and water security for increased
resilience against disaster impacts. Ecosystem-based
approaches for disaster risk reduction and climate
change adaptation (or Eco-DRR/CCA) are considered by
the IPCC as a no-regrets solution, providing multiple
social-economic benefits regardless of disasters,
including carbon storage, biodiversity and poverty
This MOOC enhances knowledge and skills for tackling
complex issues such as resilience and transformation and
how sustainable development, ecosystem management,
disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation
are linked and can be operationalized. It would benefit
disaster managers and practitioners, climate change
adaptation professionals, development planners and
project implementers, and policymakers.


Disasters and Ecosystems:

Resilience in a Changing Climate

UNEP and its partners have developed over the past
decade a number of training courses focusing on
disasters, ecosystems and resilience. Our efforts have
reached hundreds of people in over 30 countries.
However, based on the continuous demand for our training
packages, there is great public interest for capacitybuilding on these topics, far exceeding our capacity to
deliver within reasonable time and resources.
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are a
revolutionary new concept in higher education, whereby
course content is delivered online and free of cost to
participants from around the world. UNEP is therefore
collaborating with CUAS to harness this new approach,
in order to reach a much wider audience within a shorter
time span.
Our target is to reach 1,000,000 people over the
next five years, regardless of their academic or
professional background and their location.

Healthy, natural or modified, ecosystems

have a critical role to play in reducing risks
of climate extremes and disasters.
Special Report on Managing Risks of Extreme
Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change
Adaptation by the Inter-governmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC), 2012

What will you learn in this

The course will cover the following topics:

Disaster trends and statistics;

Fundamentals of disaster risk reduction;

Climate change, disasters, and environmental


Tools for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction

and adaptation; and

Global, national and local processes of disaster

risk reduction.

The course will be delivered through a series of lectures

and case studies, along with substantial additional study
materials provided to the students. Lectures will be
available through videos as well as online documents,
and will be geared for students who may not have
access to high speed internet so they can also follow
the course.

Course Options
The MOOC is composed of two tracks;
Leadership Track: 6 learning modules geared towards
policymakers, decision makers and senior professionals
who need to obtain an overview of the topic and enable
them to factor this concept into their planning and
Experts Track: 14 additional instruction modules for
professionals and students who seek more in-depth
learning and skills development in applying Eco-DRR/
CCA tools. Students undertaking the Experts Track
must also complete the Leadership Track for a total of
20 hours of instruction.
The MOOC will start in mid-January 2015, with the
leadership track first taking place over a course of two
weeks. Those who wish to continue with the course will
move on to the Experts Track which will be completed
over a period of three months.

Ecosystem-based approaches and related

efforts to reverse environment and land
degradation should be reinforced as a
means to manage disaster risks and deliver
multiple socio-economic benefits.
Africa Regional Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction
Outcome Document, May 2014

More than a MOOC

UNEP/ GUPES and CNRD will leverage their global
presence to provide additional support to the participants
in the course, going beyond what traditional MOOC
courses offer. There will be 10 regional centers around
the world who will follow the MOOCs delivery and provide
tutorial support to students. The course will also have a
24/7 virtual center which will be active throughout the
course, facilitating discussions and providing opportunity
for participants to interact with real professionals.

What will you get if you

participate in the course?
1. Certificate of participation;
2. Access to all course materials;
3. Access to the weekly newsletter from UNEP
on disasters, ecosystems and resilience;
4. Membership and access to a large network
of experts who work in the area of disasters,
ecosystems and resilience;
5. Invitation to events organized by UNEP and its partners
in the field of disasters, ecosystems and resilience.

Course leaders
Dr. Karen Sudmeier-Rieux
Dr. Sudmeier-Rieux leads the thematic group on disaster risk reduction for IUCNs Commission
on Ecosystems Management. She is also a senior researcher at the University of Lausanne,
Institute for Earth Science, where she manages projects on landslide risk reduction and bioengineering in Nepal. She is an education and training consultant with the United Nations
Environment Programme, developing training and teaching modules on ecosystem-based
disaster risk reduction. She holds a PhD in Environmental Science from the University of
Lausanne and Masters degrees in international development and forest ecology. She has
authored a number of publications and scientific articles, and is a co-editor of a recent book,
entitled The Role of Ecosystems in Disaster Risk Reduction.

Dr. Udo Nehren

Dr. Nehren is a senior researcher and lecturer in Physical Geography and Ecosystem
Management and the Scientific Coordinator of the Center for Natural Resources and
Development (CNRD) at Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany. He holds
a PhD in Geography, a diploma in Physical Geography/Geosciences, and a Masters of
Engineering in Resources Management. He has worked in the field of environmental and
traffic planning. In his academic career, he works on ecosystem management in tropical
and subtropical environments, with a particular focus on ecosystem-based disaster risk
reduction, environmental change, and ecosystem services. He has published multiple
scientific articles on these topics.

Ms. Simone Sandholz

Dipl.-Ing. Simone Sandholz, M.Eng., is a researcher and lecturer at the University of Innsbruck,
Institute of Geography, Austria. After graduating from architecture and urban planning, she
completed postgraduate degrees in conservation and resources management. She has
expertise in urban and regional planning and sustainable management of natural resources,
with a focus on good governance and livelihood approaches. She has published on cultural
landscapes and the upgrading of development strategies and risk management in urban
areas, and has managed an international research project on urban green spaces.

More information
If you are interested in enrolling for the course or require
additional information, please contact us at:
[email protected] or go online: themooc.net

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