Unit 5 Grammar Practice: Conditionals Mixed Conditionals

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Unit 5 Grammar practice

Conditionals; mixed conditionals 5 If you ______________________ (return) before midnight,

your mum and dad ______________________ (not shout)
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in at you.
the list. Use the first conditional.
6 If our school ______________________ (win) that match,
be drink not gain not get not go study
take off tell we ______________________ (be) in the final.

If I feel hot, I’ll take off my jacket. 4 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct form of the
1 If I’m thirsty, I ___________________ some water. bold verbs.
2 If you stop eating sweets, you ___________________ A You didn’t get home until 12 o’clock last night!
weight. B Sorry. I wish I’d called (call) to tell you that I’d be late.
3 He won’t eat a pizza unless he ___________________ very 1 A Why are you looking so sad, Rosa?
hungry. B I wish my older brother ___________________ (talk) to
4 If we don’t insult the teacher, we ___________________ into me more often.
trouble. 2 A It’s still raining!
5 If I break something valuable, I ___________________ the B I know! If only it ___________________ (stop).
owner. 3 A Have you ever seen a rock star?
6 She ___________________ to bed early unless she’s very B No. I wish I ___________________ (see) the Rolling
tired. Stones when they played here last month.
7 They won’t do well in the science exam unless they 4 A Are you enjoying living in England, Bahir?
___________________ for many hours. B Yes, but I wish I ___________________ (speak) English

2 Rewrite the sentences. Use the second conditional.

He doesn’t go out very often, so he doesn’t have a social life.
If he went out more often, he would have a social life. 5 Complete the mixed conditional sentences with the correct
1 I haven’t got a car, so my parents have to drive me form of the bold verbs.

everywhere. If Peter had got the job, he would be at work now. (be)
__________________________________________ 1 If she ___________________ French at school, she would
__________________________________________ be translating that book for us now. (study)
2 She isn’t good at maths, so she doesn’t do well in her exams. 2 I would have danced with you at the party if I
__________________________________________ ___________________ any sense of rhythm! (have)
__________________________________________ 3 If their parents ___________________ next weekend, they
3 They’re dishonest, so I don’t trust them. would have agreed to come on the skiing trip. (not visit)
__________________________________________ 4 If we hadn’t spent all our money last month, we
4 You’ve got a ticket, so you’ll go to the concert. ___________________ to the concert next week. (go)
6 Complete the mixed conditional sentences with the correct
__________________________________________ form of the verbs in the list.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the bold do not come not spend pay speak win
verbs. Use the third conditional.
If I’d won the match, I would be in the final now.
Harriet wouldn’t have hurt (not hurt) herself if she’d worn 1 If I ___________________ better at school, I would be at
(wear) the protective clothing. university now.
1 If he ______________________ (not be) in a hurry, he 2 Violet’s employer ___________________ her more if she
______________________ (not leave) his papers at work. were better at her job.
2 If we ______________________ (take) a different route, we 3 If George ___________________ Chinese, he would have
______________________ (arrive) at the station on time. translated the poem.
3 She ______________________ (buy) a new dress for the 4 If my mother ___________________ to visit last week, I
party if she ______________________ (know) about it wouldn’t be so tired now.
sooner. 5 They would travel to Chile with us next month if they
4 If I ______________________ (not be) so busy, I ___________________ all their money.
______________________ (come) to the party.

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