3º Eso

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Name: ……………………….


1. The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write them under the correct sentences.
1. Jon won’t win the race because he’s got a map.
2. Karen and Dale plan to be hurt by boat.
3. Syd is planning to get lost at home tonight.
4. Gerry went diving because he was driving fast.
5. Robert broke the record for rescuing people.
6. He didn’t go abroad because he ran too slowly.
7. She had an accident for climbing a 20-metre wall.
8. Wear a helmet, then you won’t have a meal.
9. They won an award to see the colourful fish.

3 Extra Practice 2


2. Complete the text with verbs below. Use the Present Perfect Simple, affirmative or negative.

be • draw • last • see • take

Julian Beever is a famous pavement artist. He 1……………………… a pavement artist for more than 20
years and people 2……………………… his drawings all over Europe. His drawings seem real because
they are three-dimensional. When people see his “holes” in the middle of the street, they walk around
them. In reality, there is nothing there because Beever 3……………………… only ………………………
them. Most of his drawings 4……………………… because they can’t survive rain or snow. Luckily, many
people 5……………………… photographs of them.

3. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple
or Past Simple affirmative, negative or interrogative.
1. I ……………………… (see) Tony for more than a month. I miss him a lot.
2. ………………… you ever ………………… (be) to a hairdresser?
3. I was at the shopping centre, but I ……………………… (buy) anything.
4. We ………………… already ………………… (hear) this story.
5. What ………………… he ………………… (say) to you last night?

4. Write questions to complete the interview about a participant in a police identity parade.
Use the Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple.
1. How many ........................................................................................ ?
I’ve been in eight parades so far.
2. How long ......................................................................................... ?
I’ve participated in police identity parades for about three years.
3. Why ................................................................................................. ?
I decided to do this because I saw an advert in the local newspaper. The police were looking for
people to help identify criminals.
4. ......................................................................................................... ?
No. The police didn’t interview me for the job. I went to the police station and gave them information
about myself.
5. What ................................................................................................ ?
They wanted to know my height, weight, eye colour, hair colour and skin colour. Then they matched
me to other people. All the people in a parade look similar.
6. ......................................................................................................... ?
Yes. The police paid me for my time. I got £10 for the first hour and £5 for every additional hour.

Name: ……………………….


1. Complete the words. Then match them to the correct pictures.

1. h … … h h……l… a b c

2. … … r … i … g

3. … l … t f … … m ……o…s

4. … r … … e … e t d e f

5. … l … p - f … o … s

6. n … … k … … c …

7. b … o … s … g h i
8. h … … d

9. l i … … t … c …

2. Complete the sentences with a suitable word below.

cap • make-up • mini skirt • ring • sleeve •

1. A ……………………… is a part of a shirt.
2. You wear a ……………………… on a finger.
3. A ……………………… is always short.
4. You wear a ……………………… on your head.
5. You protect your eyes with ……………………… .
6. ……………………… can make your eyes beautiful.

4 Extra Practice 1


3. Look at the chart and complete the sentences with the comparative and superlative forms of the verbs in

Mobile Price Model Weight Details


Star Phone €80 1993 600 grams very basic


Talk Back €50 2007 110 grams best seller

New €30 2010 70 grams fragile –

Generation breaks

1. Star Phone is ………………… (expensive) phone.

2. Talk Back is …………………… (popular) phone.
3. Talk Back is ……………………… (modern) Star Phone.
4. Star Phone is ……………………… (heavy) Talk Back.
5. New Generation is ……………………… (light) and ………………… (cheap) phone.

4. Look at the chart in Exercise 3 again and write sentences with the words below.
Use less … than or the least … .
1. Star Phone / trendy
2. Talk Back / old-fashioned / Star Phone
3. New Generation / practical

5. Correct the mistakes in bold.

1. This is the most bad film I’ve seen.
2. You’re not old to drive. You’re only 16.
3. Today isn’t as hot yesterday.
4. This ring is most expensive than the earrings.

Name: ……………………….


1. Circle the word with a similar meaning to the word in bold.

1. fashionable: practical • outdated • trendy
2. old-fashioned: out • formal • sensible
3. sensible: practical • formal • in
4. trendy: out • in • casual
5. modern: old-fashioned • outdated • fashionable


2. Write sentences about the pictures with the words below. Use the comparative or superlative
form of the adjectives or (not) as … as.

1. the ring / expensive / the bracelet.



2. Sally / fashionable / Lisa


3. the biscuits / fattening / the ice cream



4. Bob / fast / runner


4 Extra Practice 2

3. Complete the sentences with the words below. Use too … or (not) … enough.

casual • expensive • tall • tired •

1. John isn’t going out tonight. He’s ………………… .
2. Phil can’t be a basketball player because he’s ………………… .
3. I like these jeans but they’re ………………… for me.
4. It’s ………………… to wear flip-flops today. Your feet will be cold.
5. This outfit is ………………… to wear for the wedding.

4. Choose the correct answer.

Before there was Zara or Mango, there was Biba. In the 1960s, Biba was one of 1 the most popular /
more popular than / too popular shops in London. At the time, Mary Quant was a popular fashion
designer in London, but her clothes were 2 not expensive enough / more expensive than /
too expensive for most teenagers. Then in 1964, clothing designer Barbara Hulanicki opened the shop
Biba. Biba’s clothing was 3 as trendy as / the trendiest / trendy enough the clothing at Mary Quant,
but it was also 4 as cheap as / the cheapest / cheaper than Mary Quant’s clothing.

The clothing at Biba was for teenagers and young people. Women over 30 were 5 the oldest / too old /
not old enough for Biba clothing. Biba’s shop also became a popular place for celebrities to meet. Biba
became one of 6 the biggest / bigger than / big enough tourist attractions in London. It was
the most popular / more popular than / less popular than Marks and Spencer or Harrods. Then in
1970, Biba became a department store, but for Barbara the business was 8 too big / big enough /
the biggest. In 1975, she closed the shop.

Although Biba has been gone for 35 years, people still remember Biba as 9 the best / better than /
as good as shop from the sixties.

Name: ……………………….


1. Choose the correct answer.

1. Firefighters rescue / damage / pollute people from fires.
2. It’s important to recycle / plant / clean up newspapers and bottles.
3. We destroy / clean up / throw out our rubbish twice a week.
4. I want to plant / collect / rescue all the cans in this room.
5. On Clean Up Day, people damage / pick up / pollute rubbish.


2. Write the words in the correct order to make questions. Use the Past Continuous.
1. collect / the boys / what / at the beach
2. the girls / flowers / plant / in the forest
3. the people / who / talk to / outside the building
4. you / last night / do / at 7 o’clock / what

3. Look at the pictures and answer the questions in Exercise 2.

1 2 3 4

1. ...........................................................................................................................................
2. ...........................................................................................................................................
3. ...........................................................................................................................................
4. ...........................................................................................................................................

2 Extra Practice 2

4. Write sentences with the words below. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous and when
or while.
1. it / start / to rain / the children / swim / in the sea
2. we / play / computer games / the biscuits / start / to burn
3. the participants / clean up / the park / people / take photos
4. I / walk / to school / I / fall / on some ice

5. Complete the passage with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous.

The Exxon Valdez was a large ship. It 1……………………… (transport) oil to many countries. On 24th
March 1989, it 2……………………… (travel) from Alaska to Los Angeles when it 3………………………
(hit) a large piece of ice. The ice 4……………………… (make) a hole in the side of the ship and lots of
oil 5……………………… (go) into the sea. Many birds 6……………………… (look for) food in the sea
when the accident 7……………………… (happen). Unfortunately, 250,000 birds 8………………………
(die). It 9……………………… (take) more than two years and thousands of workers to clean up the

Name: ……………………….


1. Where can you find these things? Look at the pictures, then complete the words.

1. …r… g……l…r…

2. …a……

3. o…f…c…

4. r…s…de…tia… n……ghb…ur…oo…

5. …r…i… …t…ti…n

6. …n…v…rs…t…

7. t…n……s c……r…

8. p…a……r……n…

2. Match the places to what people do there.

Places What People Do There
1. power station ..... a. watch plays
2. theatre ..... b. wait for transport
3. basketball court ..... c. provide electricity
4. concert hall ..... d. play ball games
5. bus stop ..... e. work in their offices
6. skyscraper ..... f. listen to music

5 Extra Practice 1


3. Write the words in the correct order to make predictions for the year 2500. Use will or won’t.
1. to school / students / not go
2. be / planet / hot / too / the / live / to / on
3. in space / there / residential neighbourhoods / be
4. in their ears / communicate / people / with telephones
5. doctors / solutions / medical problems / discover / to

4. Look at the diaries of Lisa and Tom. Then write sentences about their plans. Use the words
below and the affirmative or negative form of be going to.

11.00 – meet Tom at tennis court
2.00 – hairdresser’s appointment
7.00 – dinner with friends at new
Chinese restaurant

8.00 – be at bus stop early –
important meeting at office
11.00 – meet Lisa at tennis court
5.00 – shopping for family dinner

1. Lisa and Tom / play tennis

2. Lisa / stay home / in the afternoon
3. Tom / drive / to the office
4. Lisa / have dinner / at home
5. Tom and his family / stay home / to have dinner

Name: ……………………….


1. Complete the sentences with a suitable collocation. Use the words below.

a business • a degree • a difference • a discovery • best • friends • money • research • to

1. People use the Internet to do ………………… .
2. Try and do your ………………… in the exam.
3. She joined a sports club because she wanted to make ………………… .
4. Chris needs to make ………………… because he wants to buy a car.
5. It’s important to go ………………… and get ………………… .
6. One day, someone will make ………………… and there will be a cure for AIDS.
7. It doesn’t make ………………… what we say. He won’t listen to us.
8. She wants to start ………………… and sell her cakes to restaurants.


2. Complete the mini-dialogues. Use the First Conditional.

1. Mum: Is Paul taking his driving test tomorrow?
Dad: No. ………………………………… , he will fail.
2. Pete: Is there going to be a test tomorrow?
Sam: I hope not. ………………………………… , I won’t pass it.
3. Amy: Should we leave the house at 6 o’clock?
Cindy: No. We’ll be late ………………………………… .
4.Brenda: Are you going to go on holiday this year?
Lenny: No. ………………………………… , I won’t have enough money for a new computer.
5. Don: Is Max going to tell his parents what really happened?
Sue: No. ………………………………… , they’ll never believe him.

3. Write the words in the correct order to make questions. Use the First Conditional.
Then answer the questions.
1. if / you / at the weekend / what / it / rain / do
2. to university / be / if / disappointed / you / not go / your parents
3. you / if / your friends / how / your birthday / forget / feel
4. tomorrow / you / what / wear / hot / be / if / it

Name: ……………………….


5 Extra Practice 2

4. Complete the opinions. Use the correct form of will, be going to or the First Conditional.
What is your opinion about the skyscraper cities of the future?

I think skyscraper cities are brilliant. If we 1………………… (live) in skyscraper cities, we
………………… (use) less energy and electricity. We 3………………… (not need) cars for shopping,
work, school or entertainment.
I like the idea. Skyscraper cities 4………………… (be) more efficient than old-fashioned cities because
they 5………………… (recycle) water and use solar power.
In my opinion, these cites will be dangerous. What 6………………… people ………………… (do)
if there’s a fire?
What about the animals? If we 7………………… (put) our cows, pigs and hens into skyscraper farms,
these animals 8………………… never ………………… (see) the sun.

Name: ……………………….


1. Complete the situations with the expressions below.

Never mind • No wonder • Don’t put up with it • I’ve got no idea • I’m feeling down • It’s up to
1. Someone asks you a question but you don’t know the answer. You say: ……………………… .
2. You want your friend to choose a film. You say: ……………………… .
3. Your friend tells you he’s tired because he hasn’t slept for two days. You say: ……………………… .
4. Your friend tells you that her classmates insult her all the time. You say: ……………………… .
5. Your friend apologises for being late. You say: ……………………… .
6. Your friends ask you why you are miserable. You say: ……………………… .


2. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Chris 1………………… (get) ready for a party when he looked in the mirror and saw something new on
his face: a big, ugly red pimple. Suddenly he 2………………… (not want) to go to the party any more.
We all know that Chris isn’t alone. Acne 3………………… (be) a problem for teenagers ever since
people 4………………… (begin) using mirrors. The reason? Hormones are very active at this age, and
hormones 5………………… (cause) acne. It 6………………… (seem) unfair that teenagers are the ones
with the worst acne. After all, they 7………………… (worry) about their appearance more than any other
age group. There is some good news: in the last few years, scientists 8………………… (develop) better
ways to prevent acne. And best of all, most teenagers can be sure that their skin 9…………………
(improve) when they get older.

9 Extra Practice 2

3. Read the interview with a teenager and circle the correct answer.

Q: What’s your worst problem?

A: Tests! Whenever I take a test, I work 1 more slowly than / as slowly as / the most slowly I usually
do because I’m nervous.

Q: How much do you worry about getting good marks?

A: A lot. I 2 mustn’t / have to / could get good marks so I 3 can’t / could / can get into a good school.

Q: How often have you got tests?

A: This year, there are 4 much / a lot of / any tests. I’ve got 5 a / an / the test at least once a week.

Q: Do you worry a lot about your appearance?

A: Yes, I do. All my friends worry about their appearance. Some girls diet all the time because they
want to be 6 less thin than / as thin as / the thinnest models.

Q: What do boys worry about?

A: Boys think that girls won’t like them unless they 7 develop / do develop / will develop big, strong

Q: Have you got any problems with your parents?

A: Sometimes I 8 are not allowed / was not allowed / am not allowed to stay out late at night. I don’t
like that!

Q: What are your plans for the summer?

A: During August, we 9 will spend / have spent / are going to spend a week at the seaside.
I 10 was also given / am also given / were also given lots of summer homework by my English

Name: ……………………….


1. Tick the sentences true (T) or false (F). Pay attention to the words in bold.
1. Carbohydrates give you energy. …… ……
2. Water is a fizzy drink. …… ……
3. Vegetarians eat a lot of beef. …… ……
4. People eat crisps with a fork. …… ……
5. Fruit and vegetables have got a lot of vitamins. …… ……
6. It isn’t healthy to eat food with a lot of fat. …… ……
7. There is a lot of protein in red meat. …… ……
8. A healthy diet has got all the nutrients. …… ……
9. It’s good to eat a lot of junk food. …… ……
10. There are many calories in vegetables. …… ……


2. Choose the correct time expression.

1. What is Janice eating never / at this moment / tomorrow?
2. Do you at the moment / often / every day clean your room?
3. Our grandparents always / right now / today give us gifts at Christmas.
4. The students are making sandwiches for the trip now / every day / often.
5. Steve doesn’t now / usually / tomorrow have breakfast before he goes to school.

3. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present
1. Quiet! We ………………… (try) to concentrate.
2. At the moment, Jane ………………… (study).
3. I ………………… (not have) a party this year.
4. The teacher ………………… (not give) us homework on Fridays.
5. Where ………………… you ………………… (go) every day after school?

1 Extra Practice 1

4. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. Use the Present Simple or Present
1. never / eat / we / junk food / at home / .
2. want / Dan / today / ice cream / to eat / .
3. snacks / eat / she / healthy / always / ?
4. fruit juice / I / sometimes / take / to school / .
5. bake / the children / this afternoon / biscuits / ?

5. Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present
Continuous. Then answer the questions so they are true for you.
1. Where ………………… your best friend ………………… (live)?
2. What ………………… you ………………… (wear) at the moment?
3. When ………………… you ………………… (go) to bed at night?
4. What ………………… you and your friends usually ………………… (do) at weekends?
5. What book ………………… you ………………… (read) right now?

Name: ……………………….


1. Match each sentence in A to an emotion in B. There may be more than one possible answer.
1. I can’t remember his name. ..... a. delighted
2. I’m so happy you’re safe. ..... b. ashamed
3. It’s dirty and it smells in here. ..... c. frustrated
4. We didn’t win. ..... d. disappointed
5. My parents are buying me a mobile phone. ..... e. relieved
6. I don’t want anyone to know I failed the test. ..... f. furious
7. It’s not fair. My sister always gets everything ..... g. disgusted
she wants.
..... h. jealous
8. My best friend told everyone my secret.
I’ll never speak to her.


2. Complete the sentences. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous form of the verbs below.

wear • go • watch • worry • not

1. My mother always ……………………… about me.
2. Be quiet, please! We ……………………… a film.
3. ……………………… you usually ……………………… make-up at school?
4. Your room is dirty because you ……………………… every week.
5. Where ……………………… you ……………………… tonight?

3. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.
1. David ………………… (play) football when he ………………… (break) his leg.
2. I ………………… (study) when you ………………… (call).
3. While I ………………… (try) to study, everyone ………………… (make) a lot of noise.
4. What ………………… you ………………… (do) at six o’clock? You ………………… (not answer)
my call.

9 Extra Practice 1

4. Write questions with the words below. Use the Present Simple Passive or the Past Simple
Passive. Make the answers true for you.
1. what / language / speak / in your home
2. what / you / give / for your birthday / last year
3. when / dinner / serve / every night
4. when / your school / built

5. Correct the mistakes in bold.

1. Maybe I am going to be famous one day.
2. Next summer, I will go on holiday.
3. I am wanting to leave now.
4. I lived here since I was a child.
5. Who did make this cake?
6. Unless David will start to study, he will fail the test next week.

Name: ……………………….


1. Match the materials in A to a suitable item in B.


1. glass b

2. metal

3. plastic
c d e
4. paper

5. wood

2. Complete the words.

1. r … bb … s h b … n 3. cl…th
2. r … c … c l … n g b … n 4. w…st…

3. Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 2.

1. You need to put the bad food in the ……………………… .
2. Don’t forget to buy some ……………………… for a new dress.
3. Don’t forget to put the newspapers in the ……………………… . Try and recycle.
4. We recycle a lot, so there isn’t a lot of ……………………… .

2 Extra Practice 1


4. Complete the paragraph with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple, affirmative and

Children in Naples 1………………… (stay) home from school in the winter of 2008, because the streets
were full of rubbish. The people of Naples 2………………… (throw out) their rubbish, but the rubbish
workers 3………………… (pick up) anything. This rubbish 4………………… (cause) dangerous pollution.
The landfills – special holes in the ground to throw out rubbish – were full, so the city 5…………………
(close) them. What 6………………… the city (do) with all the rubbish in the streets? It 7…………………
(send) its rubbish to another country – to Germany.

5. Write the words in the correct order to make questions. Use the Past Simple. Then answer the
questions with the information in brackets.
1. Lucy / put / yesterday / what / into the recycling bin (old newspapers)
2. Neil Armstrong / on the moon / when / walk (in 1969)
3. first / appear / recycling bins / where / the (in Britain)
4. his ship / Christopher Columbus / call / what (La Santa María)
5. see / last night / film / you and your friends / what (Avatar)

6. What were John and his family doing at 7.00 yesterday? Complete the sentences with the verbs
below. Use the Past Continuous.

not watch • ride • study • take •

1. John’s brother ………………… old bottles to the recycling bin.
2. John ………………… television. He ………………… for an exam.
3. John’s parents ………………… the dog while his sister ………………… her bike.

Name: ……………………….


1. Match the adjectives to the correct pictures.

.... 1. sweet a b c

.... 2. salty a b c

.... 3. fried a b c

.... 4. sour a b c

.... 5. frozen a b c

.... 6. spicy a b c

.... 7. fattening a b c

.... 8. oily a b c

.... 9. cooked a b c

....10. raw a b c

1 Extra Practice 2
2. Choose TWO suitable adjectives to complete the sentences.
1. Most cakes are sweet / fattening / raw.
2. I drink water with spicy / frozen / salty food.
3. Fried / Oily / Cooked food is not very healthy.


3. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. Use the Present Simple or Present
1. not have / today / Maria / with her father / lunch / .
2. often / send / photos of his family / my cousin / me / .
3. driving / not like / in rainy weather / he / .
4. they / tomorrow / to England / fly / ?
5. she / every day / breakfast / cook / ?
6. to football practice / walk / Bill and Ben / together / always / .

4. Complete the sentences with the words below.

a • an • any • how many • how much •

1. Is there ………………… apple in the bag?
2. ………………… days are there in a year?
3. Darren hasn’t got ………………… friends.
4. ………………… sugar is there in the tea?
5. Jon wants to buy ………………… mobile phone.
6. Peter will bring ………………… fizzy drinks.

5. Choose the correct answer.

Ellen: Hi Sue. What 1 are you eating / do you eat / you are eating?
Sue: A strawberry doughnut. It’s delicious!
Ellen: Delicious, but not very healthy. Doughnuts are fried and have got 2 many / some / a calories.
Sue: So what! I 3 don’t eat / am not eating / doesn’t eat them all the time and there are
any / some / much vitamins in my doughnut.
Ellen: Vitamins! Are you sure?

1 Extra Practice 2
Sue: Yes, it’s a strawberry doughnut and people 5 say / says / are saying that strawberries are
healthy because they’ve got vitamins.



1. Match A to B.
1. hockey ..... a. guard
2. baseball ..... b. stick
3. skate ..... c. skates
4. ice- ..... d. bat
5. tennis ..... e. club
6. golf ..... f. racket
7. tread ..... g. board
8. elbow ..... h. mill

2. Label the pictures with the words from Exercise 1.

1 2 3 4

……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ………………………

5 6 7 8

……………………… ……………………… ……………………… ………………………

8 Extra Practice 2


3. Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then answer the questions.
1. who / dinner / made / last night
2. wear / usually / you / what / for school / do
3. who / the funniest jokes / tells / in your class
4. TV programme / watch / you / in the evenings / do / what

4. Complete two questions for each statement.

1. Leonardo da Vinci invented the scissors.
a. Who .......................................................................................................................... ?
b. What ......................................................................................................................... ?

2. Geologists study rocks and minerals.

a. Who .......................................................................................................................... ?
b. What ......................................................................................................................... ?

3. Michael Phelps won eight gold medals in 2008.

a. Who .......................................................................................................................... ?
b. What ......................................................................................................................... ?

Name: ……………………….


1. Label the diagram using the words below.

bone • brain • elbow • finger • heart • knee • lung • mouth • muscle •


1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

2. Complete the sentences with the words below.

balance • barefoot • blood • speed •

1. She is driving very fast. She is driving at a high ………………… .
2. When he was hurt in the accident, he lost a lot of ………………… .
3. He has lost his ………………… . He is going to fall.
4. This table is very heavy. You will need a lot of ………………… to lift it.
5. He isn’t wearing shoes. He is ………………… .


3. Write the adverb form of the adjectives below.

1. fast …………………
2. hard …………………
3. quiet …………………
4. slow …………………

Name: ……………………….

5. loud …………………
6. good …………………

8 Extra Practice 1

4. Complete the sentences below using a suitable adverb from Exercise 3.

1. Please talk ………………… . The baby is sleeping.
2. I’m sorry, I can’t hear you. The band is playing very ………………… .
3. I ran ………………… and managed to catch the bus.
4. I don’t understand French very ………………… . Please speak ………………… .
5. She studied ………………… for the test and got an excellent mark.

5. Complete the sentences with the correct adverb form of the adjectives in brackets.
1. John runs ……………………… (fast) everyone in our class. He has broken the school record.
2. The children usually behave ……………………… (good) they did today.
3. She’s very fashionable. She dresses ……………………… (beautiful) every day.
4. My friends exercise ……………………… (frequent) me because they don’t enjoy sport.

6. Look at the chart of the results of an athletics competition. Complete the sentences with the comparative
form of the adverbs in brackets.

Time in High Jump Long Jump

Tom 16 seconds 1 metre 72 2 metres
Sam 13 seconds 1 metre 60 3 metres
John 19 seconds 1 metre 60 3 metres

1. Sam ran ……………………… (fast) Tom.

2. John jumped ……………………… (far) Sam.
3. Tom jumped ……………………… (high) Sam.
4. John jumped ……………………… (high) Sam.
5. Sam did ……………………… (bad) Tom in the high jump, but ……………………… (well)
Tom in the long jump.

Name: ……………………….


1. Complete the puzzle according to the clues below.

1 2
1. Cross the … to go over the river.
3. New York City is on the Atlantic … of the USA.

4 5. Paris is the … of France.

5 6 7. You can walk along the … of the River Thames.
2. The sun rises in the … .
3. Europe is a … .
4. Farmers plant vegetables in … .
5. Bears live in … .
7 6. The Eiffel Tower is a famous … .


2. Write sentences with the words below. Use the Present Simple Passive, affirmative or negative.
1. English / speak / in Australia
2. trees / use / to make glass
3. landmarks / visited / by tourists
4. cars / make of / metal

7 Extra Practice 1

3. A friend from another city is interested in hearing about your school. Write his / her questions
with the words below. Use the Present Simple Passive. Then answer the questions in full
1. the school / situate / in the city centre
2. mobile phones / permit / in the school
3. homework / give / every day
4. school uniforms / wear
5. students / allow / to eat in lessons
6. students / expect / to stand up / when the teacher comes in

4. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple Passive. Then
add the correct person.

Sir Alexander Fleming • Leonardo da Vinci • Stephenie Meyer • Thomas Edison • Levi

1. The light bulb ……………………………… (invent) by ……………………………… .

2. The Twilight books ……………………………… (write) by ……………………………… .
3. Penicillin ……………………………… (discover) by ……………………………… .
4. Levi jeans ……………………………… (make) by ……………………………… .
5. The Mona Lisa ……………………………… (paint) by ……………………………… .

Name: ……………………….


1. Complete the sentences with the verbs and phrases below.

call back • get back • hang up • hold on • interrupt

leave a message • repeat • take a call • turn off •
turn on
1. I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you. Please ……………………… that.
2. I’m very busy. I can’t ……………………… right now.
3. I have to think about that, but I will ……………………… to you soon.
4. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ……………………… you.
5. I didn’t know you called. You didn’t ……………………… .
6. Don’t ……………………… . I want to continue the conversation.
7. Please ……………………… your mobile phones. The show is about to begin.
8. ……………………… a moment. I’ll see if Mr Adams can speak with you.
9. Don’t forget to ……………………… your phone. I’m going to call you later.
10. Please ……………………… tomorrow. I haven’t time to speak with you today.


2. Match the sentences in A to sentences in B that have got similar meanings.

1. I advise you not to stay here. ..... a. You must stay here.
2. You have got no choice but to stay here. ..... b. You mustn’t stay here.
3. It’s isn’t necessary to stay here. ..... c. You don’t have to stay here.
4. It‘s possible to stay here. ..... d. You shouldn’t stay here.
5. You haven’t got permission to stay here. ..... e. You can stay here.

3. Complete the mini-dialogues. Use suitable modals. There may be more than one possible
1. Ann: ………………… I borrow the car, Mum?

Mum: Yes, but you 2………………… add petrol. There’s not much left.

2. Ryan: Help! I 3………………… do this maths problem!

Sandra: Why not? You 4………………… do all the others correctly. I think you 5………………… try
to do this one again.

3. Lori: All my friends are going out on Saturday night. 6………………… I ………………… go to the
family dinner?

Name: ……………………….

Dad: Yes, you do. It’s your grandmother’s birthday. You 7………………… miss it.

6 Extra Practice 2

4. Write how you would answer your friend in each situation. Use modals.
1. “I want to improve my marks.”
2. “Tell me which languages you know how to speak.”
3. “My parents don’t allow me to go out in the evenings during the week.”
4. “I can’t find my mobile phone. I know I left it on my desk.”
5. “I shouted at my best friend and I feel terrible.”

Name: ……………………….


1. Find eight words in the puzzle. Then write the words under the puzzle.

j b f u y d x c m b s h t
h d s z q j l w t a v r u
r i n g t o n e v t g v o
v g e g k m w a o t x o j
a i x n v n x l s e f i q
b t d r y u l a p r w c a
c a l e n d a r x y e e e
e l c f o z a m m c n m k
m c s x t p n c h h f a b
x a q v b n h l l a l i m
t m b p p s z o l r o l y
l e c x s h g c n g d z c
v r t w f k w k y e d p a
c a l l e r i d z r g c b

1. ……………………… 5. ………………………
2. ……………………… 6 ………………………
3. ……………………… 7. ………………………
4. ……………………… 8. ………………………

2. Complete the sentences with the words from Exercise 1.

1. I’m going to set my ……………………… for 7.00 tomorrow morning.
2. You can leave me a message on my ……………………… .
3. A ……………………… makes it possible to see the person you’re speaking to.
4. A ……………………… allows me to see who has called me.
5. Which song have you chosen for your ……………………… ?
6. If you don’t put your phone in the ……………………… , it won’t work.
7. I use my ……………………… to take photographs of my friends.
8. I’ll check my ……………………… to see if I’m busy on Monday.

6 Extra Practice 1


3. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use can, can’t, could or couldn’t.

bake • go • play • speak •

1. My mum is a good cook. She ……………………… delicious biscuits.
2. I ……………………… to the party yesterday because I was ill.
3. My father knows French and Spanish. He ……………………… two languages.
4. My sister is afraid of the sea because she ……………………… .
5. My brother is very musical. He ……………………… the piano when he was three years old.

4. Look at the signs and circle the correct answer.

1. You can / must / should park here.

2. You have to / should / could stop.

3. You should / can’t / couldn’t cross here.

4. You can / have to / mustn’t use a mobile phone here.

5. You don’t have to / mustn’t / can’t take an umbrella today.

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of must, should or have to. There may be more
than one correct answer.
1. You ………………… pay. The tickets are free.
2. That’s really pretty! You ………………… buy it.
3. Hurry! We ………………… go now!
4. You ………………… talk while you’re eating. It’s not polite.
5. You ………………… say anything to her. It’s a surprise.

Name: ……………………….


1. Choose the correct answer.

1. Who discovered / invented / produced America?
2. If you study more, your English will improve / create / plan.
3. It’s a good idea to design / plan / prepare a holiday before you travel.
4. A lot of coffee is constructed / produced / planned in Brazil.
5. Who is going to prepare / develop / invent dinner tonight?


2. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple Passive or
Past Simple Passive.

1. Many aeroplanes ……………………… (fly) every day. The first aeroplane ………………………
(invent) in 1903.

2. The Tower of Pisa ……………………… (make) of white marble. It ……………………… (visit) by

many tourists every year.

3. Jeans ……………………… (wear) all over the world. They ……………………… (create) by Levi
Strauss in 1873.

4. Tea ……………………… (discover) in China in 2737 BC. It ……………………… (drink) in many

countries around the world.

3. How much do you know about the USA? Write questions with the words below. Use the
Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive.
1. Which / president / kill / in 1963
2. When / Independence Day / celebrate
3. What / clothes / wear / on Halloween
4. What / food / consider / traditional American food

7 Extra Practice 2

4. Use the information below to write answers for the questions in Exercise 3. Use the
Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive.

costumes • 4th July • hot dogs and apple pie • John F

1. ...........................................................................................................................................
2. ...........................................................................................................................................
3. ...........................................................................................................................................
4. ...........................................................................................................................................

5. Complete the passage with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple Passive or
Past Simple Passive.


No one can really say when the game of football actually began. Some people believe football
……………………… (play) more than 3,000 years ago in Japan and in Rome. In England, in the 14th
century, it 2……………………… (forbid) to play football because it 3……………………… (believe) to
cause wild behaviour. At this time, football players 4……………………… (put) in jail. However, these
laws didn’t stop people from playing the game and it eventually became very popular in England. Later,
football 5……………………… (export) to many different countries and today, it 6………………………
(enjoy) by millions of people around the world.

6. Write a question for each answer below. Use the Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive
and the verbs in brackets.
1. .............................................................................................................................. (speak)
2. .............................................................................................................................. (invent)
In the 20th century.
3. ................................................................................................................................ (write)
Romeo and Juliet.
4. ......................................................................................................................... (throw out)
In recycling bins.

Name: ……………………….


1. Complete the puzzle and find out what Angela wants to be.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7

1. … … … … … ……
2. … … … …… …… ……
3. …… … … … … …… …… …
4. …… … … …
5. … … … … … ……
6. … … … … … … … … … …… …
7. … … … … …… … … … … …

Angela wants to be a ………………… .

2. Match the jobs in A to the places of work in B.

1. cook ..... a. swimming pool
2. lifeguard ..... b. hospital
3. pilot ..... c. theatre
4. surgeon ..... d. aeroplane
5. actor ..... e. restaurant

3 Extra Practice 1


3. Choose the correct answer.

1. We haven’t finished our game already / just / yet.
2. Has the childminder fed the baby yet / already / ever?
3. We have ever / just / never swum in the sea before.
4. The cleaner has already / yet / ever washed all the windows upstairs.
5. Daniel Radcliffe has been an actor for / since / already he was five years old.
6. My hairdresser has ever / just / yet opened a new shop.
7. Have you ever / yet / just got lost?

4. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. Use the Present Perfect Simple.
1. eat / never / food / I / raw / .
2. see / this / we / already / film / .
3. for / librarian / Jill / be / years / a / three / ?
4. not / the / we / yet / leave / house / .
5. Rick / a / yet / decision / make / ?
6. throw out / rubbish / I / just / the / .
7. ever / they / be / abroad / ?
8. see / her / not / Lucy / Christmas / grandmother / since / .

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