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1. Act of mating in sheep known as?

a) Tupping b) Serving c) Covering d) Coupling

2. Act of parturition in cat?
a) Kidding b) Queening c) Kindling d) None of them
3. Which of the following has maximum chromosome number?
a) Pig b) Camel c) Dog d) Horse
4. Group of animals known as clowder?
a) Rabbit b) Cat c) Pig d) Horse
5. Castrated male of horse is known as?
a) Gelding b) Steer c) Bullock d) Wedder
6. Gestation period of horse (in days)?
a) 336 b) 363 c) 444 d) 633
7. Which of the following animal has maximum pulse rate?
a) Horse b) Cattle c) Goat d) Dog
8. Succulent, fermented preserved green fodder?
a) Hay b) Forage c) Silage d) None of them
9. Fore and hind feet of same side touch the ground in?
a) Waking b) Pacing c) Trotting d) Jumping
10. Sweat gland absent in?
a) Horse b) Dog c) Goat d) Cattle
11. Best breed of layer?
a) Leghorn b) Sussex c) Brahma d) None of them
12. Amount of semen produce by cock per ejaculation?
a) 0.6 ml b) 0.75 ml c) 0.45 ml d) 0.20 ml
13. Black Bengal goat famous for?
a) Color b) Milk c) Multiple birth d) Meat production
14. Which river is richest fresh water fish’s source in india?
a) Ganga b) Jamuna c) chambal d) None of them
15. Leguminous fodder are?
a) High fiber b) High protein c) High fat d) None of them
16. Age of castration in cattle (In weeks)?
a) 11-14 b) 16-18 c) 8-10 d) 14-16
17. Age of weaning in goat (In weeks)?
a) 14 b) 16 c) 18 d) 20
18. Age of sexual maturity in cattle (In years)?
a) 1-2 b) 2-3 c) 5-6 d) None of them
19. Which of the following animal have foal heat?
a) Cow b) Mare c) Dog d) Sheep
20. Duration of heat occurs in sow (In hours) postpartum?
a) 12 b) 24 c) 48 d) 60
21. Young male of rabbit is known as?
a) Bunny b) Tom c) Filly d) None of them
22. Meat of buffalo known as?
a) Mutton b) Pork c) Carabeaf d) None of them
23. Which of the following is the non-ruminant animal?
a) Pig b) Cattle c) Goat d) Dear
24. World’s largest donkey fair held at?
a) Udaipur b) Jaipur c) Pushkar d) None of them
25. Which animal has minimum chromosome number?
a) Pig b) Sheep c) Goat d) Horse

1a 2b 3c 4b 5a
6a 7d 8c 9b 10 c
11 a 12 b 13 d 14 a 15 b
16 c 17 a 18 b 19 b 20 c
21 a 22 c 23 a 24 b 25 a

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