Mcaer PG Cet - 2024 Test Paper No - 01 FULL Length - 200 Mark @saarthimcaer @agri Ranker's Official

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MCAER PG CET – 2024 a)Taq DNA b)Endonuclease c)DNA polymerase d) restriction DNA

TEST PAPER NO – 01 9.Productive male part of maize is known as ?

FULL Length -200 mark a)Silk b)Spike c)Panicle d)Tassel

10.Esiest method of progeny selection is ?
a)Pureline selection b)Mass selection c)Pedegree method d)Back
@Agri ranker’s official cross method
11.Unit of light intensity?
a)Pascal b)Lux c)Watt d)Kelvin
1.Agriculture produce and grading act (1937) replace with the
act of ? 12.Upper limit of available moisture is called as?

a)BIS b)FSSAI c)PFA d) AGMARK a)Field capacity b)PWP c) Hygroscopic water d) Gravitational
2.Duration of short term loan should be less than ?
13.Which part of plant responsible for sexual reproduction in
a)1yr b)2yr c)3 yr d)4yr plant?
3.In1969, First spell how many banks are nationalized? a)Roots b)shoots c)Flower d) leaves
a)6 b)20 c)14 d)22 14.Actual quantity that sales by farmer in the market is called
4.Which is the leading institute for co operative marketing? as?

a)NSE b)FCI c)NAFED d)NABARD a)Marketed surplus b)Marketable surplus c)both d)none

5.Law of diminishing marginal utility is used for ? 15.Rasgulla is basic product of which of the following?

a) Industry b)Market c) Agriculture d) Policy making a)Dahi b)channa c)cream d)chese

6.Packing function create ________utility? 16.Which of the following enzyme is used for decomposition of
the crude fibre?
a) Transport b)Time c)Place d) Protection
a)Pectinase b)Protease c)Lipase d)Cellulase
7.panchayat raj system given by ?
17.Process of hitting food for increasing shelf life period this
a)Mohansing Mehta b)Balwantrai mehata c)KC Mehta d)Ashok
process known as?
a)Pasteurization b)Canning c)Sterilization d)Blanching
8.Which of the following is used for DNAreplication?
18.School education is________ type of education?

a)Informal b)Formal c)Non formal d)none a)Lambing b)Kidding c)Furrowing d)Calling

19.Family is best example of _____? 28. Feed containing more than 18% crude fibre?
a)Primary group b)Secondary group c) voluntary group d)formal a)Concentrate b)Roughages c)Miniral mixture d)none
29.Who is the last receive massage ?
20.Forward thinking of course of action is called as ?
a)Source b)Channel c) Audience d)Coder
a) Objective b)Aim c)Goal d) Planning
30.Lab to land programme launched in which year?
21.Which of the following is non-projected audio video aid ?
a)1966 b)1969 c)1980 d)1979
a)overhead project b)Poster c)Drama d)Radio
31.who coined a term sociology?
22.Social stratification is totaly based on ?
a)Gurrhey b)Matson c)Auguste comte d)KN singh
a)Caste b)Class c)both a and b d)none
32.The farmer having less than 1ha land are classified as ?
23._________animal used as symbol of species conservation?
a)Large farmer b) medium farmer c)Marginal farmer
a)Camel b)Lion c)Tiger d)Panda
d)Sub medium farmer
24.Which bacteria present in in the milk produce the lactic
33.When prices increase the. demad ______?
acid ?
a)Increase b)Decrease c)Gradual increase d)not affect
a)Lactobacillus b)Psudococus c)strptomyces d)Azospirrulum
34.Rate at which RBI take loan from commercial bank called
25.Funnel shape modification of fallopian tube is called as ?
a)Ovary b)Infundibulum c)embryo sac d)Vulva
a)Bank rate b)Repo ratec) Reverse repo rate d)SLR
35.Method of transferring gene by placing on metal surface ?
Test series by Akshay Mirgude
a)Genetic engineering b) biotechnology c)gene splicing d)Gene
MSC (Genetics & plant breeding)
gun method
Follow Telegram:- Agri Ranker's official
36.Apical bud dominance is caused by _________hormone?
a)Auxin b) Cytokynin c)GA d)CCC
26. Meat of buffalo is known as?
37.Respiration process in plant is also known as?
a)Chevon b)veal c)Buffen d)Mutton
a)Kreb cycle b)TCS cycle c)Citric acid cycle d)all
27.Act of giving birth in cattle is ?
38.Dark reaction occurs in ______? 49.Sphagnum mass absorb water _______'times of their dry
matter weight?
a)Mitochondria b)Thalakoid c)Golgibody d)Stroma
a)10 b)20 c)30 d)40
39.The transfer of photosynthesis food material transfer by
____? 50.Primary Origin of Rubber ?
a)Phloem b)Xylem c)both d)none a)India b) Australia c)Malaysia d)Indonesia
40.Which from the following plants having stomata open during 51. Which is the following is a staple food vegetable?
night time ?
a)Potato b)Tomato c)Citrus d)Okara
a)C2 plants b)C4 plants c)CAM plants d)C3Plants
52. Which is the plant naturally containing colour?
41.When ploidy condition is 2n-1 then called as ?
a)Ginger b)Turmeric c)Raddish d)Garlic
a)Monosomic b)Nullisomic c)Double Monosomic d)Trisomic
53. Which part of the black paper is used as a consumption?
42.Hybrid always _______?
a)Floral bus b)Berry c)Bark d)flower
a) Homozygous b) Heterozygous c)both d)none
54. Which is the wild type of variety of pomegranate?
43.Which of the following value represent Neutral pH value?
a)Daru b)Dolka c)lal sinduri d)Bhagwa
a)4 b)5 c)8 d)7
55. Commercial method of mango propagation is_____?
44.Browning in cauliflower is due to deficiency of ?
a)Vaner grafting b)budding c)Sucker d)Cuttings
a)Bo b)Ca c)Fe d)Mn
56. Rangapur line is the rootsock of citrus which is resistance
45.Detailed study of rock is called ? to____?
a)Geology b)Pedology c)Petrology d)agrostrology a)Citurs canker b) Greening disease c)Little leaf d)tristeza
46.Bone meal is used as reclamation of following soil? 57.What is the ploidy level of bread wheat?
a)Acidic soil b)Saline soil c)Neutral soil d) Alkaline soil a) Haploid b)Diploid c)Allohexaploid d)Autohexaploid
47.Which of the following is highly Hygroscopic nitrogen 58.Range of medium range forcasting?
a)24hr b)3- 10days c)>10days d)1- 3 days
a)Urea b) ammonium sulphate c)CAN d)Sodium nitrate
59.Which is the critical stage of the soybean?
48.Which is the dominant clay minerals in vertisol soil?
a) Seedlings stage b)Flowering c)Bud initiation d)CRI
a) Vermiculite b)Illite c)Calcite d)Montmorilonite

60.Specialised farming has _______risk than diversified a)Delhi b)Karnataka c) Pakistan d)Gujrat
67.SWOT analysis , T stand for?
a)More b)less c)not affect d)none
a)Track b)Trick c)Threat d)Throat
68.Which type of plant having the highest rate of
Test series by Akshay Mirgude photosynthesis?
MSC (Genetics & plant breeding) a)C4 b)C2 c)CAM d)C3
Follow Telegram:- Agri Ranker’s official 69.The process of removing introns and joining the extrons is
called as?
a)DNA replication b)Gene splicing c)Break down of DNA d)None
70.Totipotancy term related to _____?
61. Cultivation and establishment of new forest on an area
where no other a) Growing capacity of plant
vegetation observe? b) Maturation capacity of plant c)tolarance capacity of palnt d)
Resistance of plant
a)Re forestation b)De forestation c)Afforestation d)None
71.Source of carbon in tissue culture media is ?
62. Nipping is a special practices applied in which field crop?
a)glucose b)Fructose c) Sucrose d)Galactose
a)Chikpea b)Pegion pea c)Balck gram d)green gram
72.Which mineral is required for nodule formation?
63.Lighter operation done after the primary tillage is called as?
a)Bo b)N c)P d)Mo
a) conservation tillage b) conventional tillage c) Reduce tillage
d) Secondary 73.Gneiss and slate are the example of ?
tillage a)Volcanic b)Plutonic rock c) Sedimentary rock d) Metamorphic
64. How many percentage of moisture present in green fodder?
74.Toxic substance available in cotton crop?
a)100 b)50 c)80 d)40
a)Gossipol b)Erucic acid c)BOAA d)Dhurin
65. Removing of ship or good tail is called as?
75.C:N ratio of microbs______to____?
a)Docking b)Shearing c)Ringing d)de horning
a)100:1 b)400:1 c)4:1 to 9:1 d)10:1
66. Which is the home track of gir,jafrabadi,surati buffalo
breed? 76.C:N ratio of Indian soil?
a)100:1 b)400:1 c)90:1 d)10:1 a)Param b)Prathama c)Arryabhttya d)chanyakya
77.Toxic substance present in Castor? 87.Vertical face part of plough enters into the soil and run
parallel to side walk is
a)Prusic acid b)Recinolic acid c)Atropine d)Landadene
called as ?
78.pick out from following Salt tolerance crop?
a)Shear b)Frog c)Rod d)Blade
a)Barley b)Wheat c)Rice d)Gram
88.Which is the ratio maintained during preparation of mortar
79.Seed rate of Bengal gram ?
of cement to soil?
a)120-150kg/ha b)10-20kg/ha c)75-100kg/ha d)30-35kg/ha
a)1:2 b)2:1 c)3:1 d)1:3
80.Toxic substance observe in sorghum?
89.The pest population at which control measures should be
a)Limarine b)lantedene c) Alkaloids d)Dhurin taken ?
81.Which process through water moves from upper surface of a)ETL b)EIL c)DTL d)none
soil to downward in
90.Which pest is able to damage the sound grain is known as?
unsaturated condition?
a)Primary storegrain pest b) Secondary store grainpest c)
a) Percolation b) Infiltration c) Gravitational water d)seepage Tertiary store grain pest
82.Striga is partial root parasite of ____? d)none
a)Rice b)Sorghum c)Bajra d) sugarcane 91.Trichograma chilonis is a _____?
83.Line joining points of equal level of altitude called as ? a)Egg parasite b)Egg parasitoid c)egg predator d)none
a)Isobar b)Isoquant c)Countour line d)Isohyte 92.Sesamum phyllody is caused due to?
84.Accelerate erosion caused by due to_____? a)Green leaf hopper b)Brown leaf hopper c)Thrips d)Aphid
a)Wind and water b)Wind and athropogenic factor c)water and 93.Lines joining places of equal pressure level is called as?
a)Isobar b)Isohyte c)Isobath d)counter level
afactor d)none
94.Discharge rate of water through pipe is measured by ?
85.Speed of computer generaly measure in ?
a)Venturi meter b)Cippoletti weir c)Rectangular weir d)
a)KHz b)MHz c)GHz d)Tuz Triangular weir
86.1st super computer in india name as____? 95.Which of the following is known as Alien weed?

a)Congress grass b)Bermuda grass c)sedges grass d) Amaranthus it?

96.2-4D is generally used to control _______? a) Zinc
a)Narrow leaf b)Broad leaf c)Small leaf d)all b) Iron
97.Which is the site protein synthesis? c) Magnesium
a)Grana b) Endoplasmic reticulum c) Ribosomes d) d) Chloride
103.Which of the following elements is not present in a
98.Which is the first step in PCR cycle ? nitrogenous base?
a)Denaturation b)Anneling c)Extension d)Replication a) Hydrogen
99.chickpea is a______? b) Carbon
a)Self pollinated crop b)Cross pollinated crop c)Often cross c) Phosphorus
d) Nitrogen
100.Seed act passed by Government in year?
104.A water-fern, which is used as a green manure in rice
a)1966 b)1983 c)2002 d)1969 fields, is?
a) Salvinia
Test series by Akshay Mirgude b) Mucor
MSC (Genetics & plant breeding)
c) Aspergillus
Follow Telegram:- Agri Ranker's official
d) Azolla
105.Green manure plants used by farmers mainly belong to?
101. Which of the following elements is almost non essential
for plants? a) compositaeb) leguminosae

a) Ca b) Mo c) solanaceae d) poaceae

c) Zn d) Na 106.Major food crops of the world belongs to?

102.Although a deficiency of any one of the elements listed a) leguminosae

may result in b) gramineae
chlorosis, only one of these elements is an element found in c) solanaceae
chlorophyll. Which is
d) cruciferae c) Parthenium
107.The principal cereal crop of India is? d) Ageratum
a) wheat 111.Water logging of soil makes it physiologically dry because?
b) rice a) this condition does not allow the capillary force to work
c) barley b) this condition does not allow oxygen to enter the soil
d) sorghum c) both (a) and (b)
108.Which one among the following chemicals is used for d) none of these
causing defoliation of
112.Which one of the following is natural insecticide?
forest trees?
a) pyrethrum
a) Posphon D
b) nicotine
b) Malic hydrazide
c) both (a) and (b)
c) 2, 4-D
d) none of these
d) Amo 1618
113.The process by which nutrient chemicals or contaminants
109.Bioherbicides have been recommended? are
a) to prevent ecodegradation dissolved and carried away by water, or are moved into a lower
layer of soil?
b) because of their ready availability
a) mulching
c) because of their cheap rates
b) desertification
d) because of their abundance
c) incineration
110.The most important weed against which eradication
measures would be taken d) leaching
on war 114.Which of the following is an example of a weed of rabi
season that infest
footings is?
wheat crop?
a) Eichhornia
a) Chenopodium
b) Dactylis
b) Motha

c) Jangali jowar called?

d) None of the above a) mixed cropping
115.First bioinsecticide developed commercial scale was? b) mixed farming
a) quinine c) intercropping
b) DDT d) fanning
c) organophosphate 120.The Mexican dwarf wheat variety was developed by?
d) sporeine a) Swaminathan
116.Composted manure is produced from? b) Borlaugh
a) farmyard manure and green manure c) Watson
b) farm refuse and household refuse d) Khush
c) organic remains of biogas plants 121.The desired varieties of
d) rotten vegetables and animal refuse economically useful crops are raised by
117.Norin-l0 gene from Japan is a? a) vemalisation
a) dwarf gene of wheat b) mutation
b) dwarf gene of rice c) natural selection
c) dwarf gene of maize d) hybridisation
d) disease resistant gene of rice 122.High-yielding varieties of wheat were primarily developed
by Indian scientist
118.Aims of plant breeding are to produce?
by crossing- breeding traditional varieties with?
a) disease-free varieties
a) American varieties
b) high-yielding varieties
b) Mexican varieties
c) early-maturing varieties
c) European varieties
d) all of the above
d) African varieties
119.Growing of two or more crops simultaneously on the same
piece of land is
123.A plant breeder: waists to develop a disease resistant 131.Purine replace by purine is called as?
variety. What should he
a)Transition b)Translocation c)Transversion d)Transcription
do first?
132.Central institutions involved in seed production?
a) Hybridisation
b) Mutation
133.Purity percentage of nucleus seed?
c) Selection
a)97 b)98 c)99 d)100
d) Production of crop
134.Smoking in citrus orchad helps to control ?
124.Selection of homozygous plant is?
a)Fruit sucking moth b)Fruit fly c)Aphids d)Whitefly
a) pure line selection
135.Clavate antenne found in ?
b) mass selection
a) Butterfly b)Moth c)Dung roller d)metalic beetle
c) mixed selection
136.In remote sensing _______rays used for detecting?
d) introduction
a)UV rays b)IR rays c) electromagnetic rays d)Gamma rays
125.Fat percentage in honey ?
137.Reproduction in bacteria is by?
a)0 b)5 c)10 d)15
a)Conjugation b)Plasmogamy c)both a and b d)Budding
126.Highest calcium %found in manure of ?
138.Study of algae called as ?
a)Cow b) Buffaloes c)Goat d)Poultry
a)Mycology b)Phycology c) Bacteriology d)Virology
127.Which state has highest salt affected area in india?
139.White rust of crucifer is ________parasite?
a)GJ b)WB c)KN d)Kerala
a)Obligate b)Absolute c)both d)none
128.Which of the following is salt tolarance crop?
140.Solar heat treatment is given by ?
a) Groundnut b)Urd c)Moong d)Rice
a)Jensen b)J.C luthra c)Batson d) Johansen
129.Totapuri mango variety mostly grown in which state ?
141. If diseases occur in restricted area then this disease called
a)Bihar b)Up c)Ap d)KN as?
130.Area required for pregnant cow for covered area? a) Epidemic b) Endemic c)Pandemic d)Sporadic
a)3.5 M2 b)4m2 c)8m2 d)12m2 142. Study of disease in population is called as?

a)Etiology b) Epidemiology c) endemic d) pandemic d) 5:2:1

143. Probability of event certain to happen is? 148.This state is a leader in production and export of the
Gherkins (Hybrid
a)1 b)0 c)Infinity d)-1
Cucumber) under the
144.Rabi Sorghum is an important crop suitable for ‘Rainfed
Ecosystem’ of this State— Contract Farming—
a) Maharashtra a) Tamil Nadu
b) Karnataka b) Andhra Pradesh
c) Gujarat c) MH
d)UP d) TN
145.Design having one way direction of control called as? 149.What should be the optimum spacing (in meters) for
planting ‘Pusa Nanha’
variety of Papaya
146.This ‘Biofertilizer’ is a nitrogen fixing micro-organism,
beneficial for non- under the High Density Planting ?
leguminous as well a) 1·25 m × 1·25 m
as for vegetable crops— b) 1·50 m × 1·50 m
a) Rhizobium (RHZ) c) 1·75 m × 1·75 m
b) Azotobacter (AZT) d) 2·00 m × 2·00 m
c) Azospirillum (AZS) 150. ‘Sweta Seedless’ grape variety recently released by
IIHRBangalore, is suitable for growing in—
d) Blue Green Algae (BGA)
a) North India
147.The recommended ratio of use of NPK, the chemical
fertilizer by farmers in b) South India
India is— c) Western India
a) 2:2:2 d) Eastern India
b) 3:2:1
c) 4:2:1
Test series by Akshay Mirgude b) Kharif season 1998–1999
MSC (Genetics & plant breeding)
c) Rabi season 2000–2001
Follow Telegram:- Agri Ranker's official
d) Kharif season 2000–2001
155. To accommodate 277 plants of ‘Acid Lime’ in one hectare
151.What is botanical (Scientific) name of Safed Musli–a
area, what should be the spacing between two plants ?
medicinal plant grown almost all over India ?
a) 5·5 m × 5·5 m
a) Chlorophytum borivilianum
b) 6·0 m × 6·0 m
b) Curculigo orchioides
c) 6·5 m × 6·5 m
c) Piper longum
d) 7·0 m × 7·0 m
d) Solanum surattense
156.In which one of the following years, the NABARD was
152.Central Institute of Post-Harvest Engineering and
established in India as an Apex Financial Institution for Rural
Technology is located at—
and Agricultural Development ?
a) Abohar (Punjab)
a) 1980 b) 1981
b) Ludhiana (Punjab)
c) 1982 d) 1983
c) Bangalore (Karnataka)
157. Power tiller is used or introduced in India from which
d) Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) year?
153.The Central Frozen Semen Production and Training a)1943 b)1953 c)1963 d)1973
Institute is one of the premier Institute of Animal Husbandry,
158.Capacity of high volume sprayer is ______lit/ha?
is located at (HQ)?
a)>400 b)5 TO 400 c)<5 d)>500
a) Hessarghatta (Karnataka)
159.Highest SNF contain in which of the following ?
b) Sunabada (Orissa)
a)Sheep b)Goat c)Cow d)pig
c) Dhamrod (Gujarat)
160.Number of batches of boiler can be reared per year ?
d) Suratgarh (Rajasthan)
a)8 to 10 batch b)3 to 5batch c)5 to 6 batch d)7 -8 batch
154.National Agricultural Insurance Scheme’ (NAIS) was in
operation in India since— 161. How much rice used in fish meal?

a) Rabi season 1999–2000 a)20 b)30 c)40 d)50

162.Which fish contain highest protein? c) gynodiecious d) andromonecious

a)Tuna b)Salmon c)Tilapia d)Rohu 170.which of the following fruit highest fibre content
163.Semi intensive fish farming involved size? a)fig b)jamun c)loquat d)anola
a)0.5 ha b)1.5 ha c)1 ha d)2 ha 171.In pomegranate more incidence of fruit cracking takes
place in which bahar season
164. First age of Calving for murrah buffalo?
a) ambe bahar
a)30 to 40 month b)40 to 50 month c)50 to 55 month d)55 to
60 month b) mrig bahar
165.The fruit drop is due to moisture stress and environmental c) haste bahar
d) none
a).early fruit drop
172.swaran Roopa is the commercial variety of
b).june drop
a) Litchi b) Loquat c) Ber d) Apple
173.which of the following variety is the ruling grape variety
d)post harvest which occupies 55 %
166.Stripping is special practices done in? of the area with its the clone
a)oil palm b)cocoa c)coconut d)arecannut a)Thompson seedless b)Anab e sahi
167.goma keerti is improved variety of c)Delight d)Perlette
a) fig 174.which of the following acid is commercially extracted from
b) jamun
a) Citric acid b) Malic acid
c) loquat
c) Oxalic acid d) Tartaric acid
d) ber
175.The element deficiency is universal in grape is
168.which of the following fruit is known as fruit of new world?
a) mg b) ca c) k d)b
a)avacado b)datepalm c)persimmon d)fig
176.Custard apple contain sugar of_____?
169.fig is a naturally ______?
a)10 % b)20%
a) monecious b) diecious
c)30% d)40%
177.Bending in guava is special practice done in which state? 183.In banana tetrazolium test is done for detection of which
a)MH b)Up c)Ap d)Kn
a) Panama wilt
178.Guava wilt is most serious problem seen in ?
b) Sigatoka
a)Alkali soils
c) Leaf rust
b)Saline soils
d) Bunchy top disease
c)Scidic soils
184.Diploid banana variety
d)Neutral soils
a) Monthan
179.Which variety of mango having highest tss?
b) Dwarf Cavendish
c) Nendran
d) Lady finger
185.Which variety of papaya has the highest papain yielder?
a)Pusa delicious b) Pusa majesty
180.Mongo cross between the Sindhu is _____?
c)Pusa gaint d)Pusa dwarf
a)Neelum x alphanso
186.Which country having highest area under organic
b)Ratna x alphanso
c)Dasehari x Neelum
a)Australia b)USA c)UK d)Africa
d)Rumani x neelum
187.World forest day celebrate on ____?
181.Ripe banana contain percentage of sugar?
a)21march b)22march c)23march d)24 March
a) 22 b) 25 c) 26 d) 27
188.Annual rainfall generaly occurred in MH state?
182.Desuckering once in ____ days is common practice in
a)1200 mm b)750mm c)550mm d)800mm
banana cultivation ?
189. National remote sensing agency (NRSA) located at?
a) 25 days b) 35 days
a) Jharkhand b)Hydrabad c)Mumbai d)Delhi
c) 45 days d) 55 days
190.Indian Zpace Research Organisation located at ?

a)Kolkata b) Bangalore c)Gujrat d) Pondicherry year?

191.World nature conservation day celebrate on ? a) 2015 & 2016 b) 2016 & 2019 c) 2015 & 2019 d) 2020 & 2007
a)26 July b)28july c)29 July d)1Aug
192.Family of chenopodium album? Test series by Akshay Mirgude
a)Convolvulaceae b)Amaranthaceae c)Poaceae d)Cypraceae MSC (Genetics & plant breeding)
193.Nut grass, Coco grass is other name of which weed? Follow Telegram:- Agri Ranker’s official
a)Cynadon dectylon b) Chenopodium album c)Cuscuta d) Cyprus
194.Wolf apple ,love of apple,Poor man's orange is other name
a)Potato b)Tomato c)Guava d)Pomato
195.Indian institute of natural resins and gum (IINRG)located
a)Bhopal b)Kurnool c)Kochi d)Ranchi
196.A man can develop ______horse power?
a)0.1 b)1.0 c)1.5 d)0.75
197.The extra high speed engine used in knapsack sprayers are
powered by?
a) Kerosene b) Petrol c) Diesel d) Solar power
198.Bench terracing is also called as ?
a) Hill farming b) Staircase farming c) Erosion control farming
d) none
199. Khaira, whiptailed and BER is caused by deficiency of?
a) ZN,MO,CA b) MN,MG,CU c) N,P,K, d) BO,CU,MN
200.PM-SAMPADA and PM-MATSYA SAMPADA yojna launced in

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