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Course Directory for

B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering

(Students admitted from 2018–19)

Offered by the


This scheme was approved in the XXXV Academic Council

Meeting held on 13/12/2018
SASTRA Deemed University B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering

I Semester

No of Contact
Course Code Course Name Hours / Week Credits
ENG101/ Technical Communication 1 0 2
BIT101 Biology for Engineers 2 0 0
MAT101 Engineering Mathematics – I 3 1 0 4
CSE101 Problem Solving & Programming in C 3 0 2 4
PHY101 / Engineering Physics / 3 0 2 4
CHE101 Engineering Chemistry 3 0 2 4
EEE101 / Basic Electrical Engineering / 2 0 2 3
EIE101 Basic Electronics Engineering 2 0 2 3
CIV101/ Basic Civil Engineering / 2 0 2 3
MEC101 Basic Mechanical Engineering 2 0 2 3
CIV102 / Engineering Mechanics / 2 1 0 3
CIV103 Engineering Graphics 1 0 4 3
MEC102 Introduction to Engineering Design 2 0 0 2
Group I(Technical Communication, Physics,
18 2 10 25
Electrical, Civil, Mechanics & Design)
Group II (Biology, Chemistry, Electronics,
15 1 14 23
Mechanical & Graphics)

II Semester

No of Contact
Course Code Course Name Hours / Week Credits
ENG101/ Technical Communication 1 0 2
BIT101 Biology for Engineers 2 0 0
MAT102 Engineering Mathematics – II 3 1 0 4
CSE201 Object Oriented Programming in C++ 3 0 2 4
PHY101 / Engineering Physics / 3 0 2 4
CHE101 Engineering Chemistry 3 0 2 4
EEE101 / Basic Electrical Engineering / 2 0 2 3
EIE101 Basic Electronics Engineering 2 0 2 3
CIV101/ Basic Civil Engineering / 2 0 2 3
MEC101 Basic Mechanical Engineering 2 0 2 3
CIV102 / Engineering Mechanics / 2 1 0 3
CIV103 Engineering Graphics 1 0 4 3
MEC102 Introduction to Engineering Design 2 0 0 2
Group I (Biology, Chemistry,
15 1 14 23
Electronics, Mechanical & Graphics)
Group II (Technical Communication, Physics,
18 2 10 25
Electrical, Civil, Mechanics & Design)

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SASTRA Deemed University B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering

III Semester (21 Credits)

No of Contact
Course Code Course Name Hours / Week Credits

MAT201 Engineering Mathematics – III 3 1 0 4

MEC205 Engineering Thermodynamics 3 1 0 4

MEC203 Fluid Mechanics & Machinery 3 1 0 4

CIV220 Mechanics of Solids 3 1 0 4

MEC201 Materials Science & Metallurgy 3 0 0 3

Solid Mechanics & Fluid Mechanics

CIV221 0 0 2 1

MEC202 Metallurgy Laboratory 0 0 2 1

TOTAL 15 4 4 21

IV Semester (21 Credits)

No of Contact
Course Code Course Name Hours / Week Credits

MAT301 Engineering Mathematics – IV 3 1 0 4

MEC326 Applied Thermodynamics 3 1 0 4

MEC207 Manufacturing Technology – I 3 0 0 3

MEC204 Kinematics of Machinery 3 1 0 4

EEE213 Electrical Machines & Drives 3 0 2 4

MEC327 Thermal Engineering Laboratory – I 0 0 2 1

MEC206 Computer Aided Machine Drawing 0 0 2 1

TOTAL 15 3 6 21

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SASTRA Deemed University B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering

V Semester (25 Credits)

No of Contact
Course Code Course Name Hours / Week Credits

MAT307 Numerical & Statistical Methods 3 1 0 4

MEC217 Manufacturing Technology – II 3 0 0 3

MEC208 Design of Machine Elements 3 1 0 4

MEC301 Dynamics of Machinery 3 1 0 4

MEC329 Heat Transfer 3 1 0 4

MECXXX Departmental Elective – I 3 0 0 3

MEC210 Machine Shop Practice 0 0 2 1

MEC330 Thermal Engineering Laboratory – II 0 0 2 1

TNP101 Soft Skills – I 0 0 2 1

TOTAL 18 4 6 25

VI Semester (23Credits)

No of Contact
Course Code Course Name Hours / Week Credits

MCT201 Mechatronics 3 0 2 4

MEC302 CAD/CAM/CIM 3 0 0 3

MEC303 Metrology & Measurements 3 0 0 3

MEC304 Design of Power Transmission Elements 3 1 0 4

MECXXX Department Elective – II 3 0 0 3

MECXXX Department Elective – III 3 0 0 3

MEC305 Metrology & Dynamics Laboratory 0 0 2 1

MEC308 Manufacturing Practice Laboratory [at SPF] 0 0 2 1

TNP102 Soft Skills – II 0 0 2 1

TOTAL 18 1 8 23

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SASTRA Deemed University B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering

VII Semester (21 Credits)

No of Contact
Course Code Course Name Hours / Week Credits

MEC306 Automobile Engineering 3 0 2 4

MECXXX Department Elective – IV 3 0 0 3

MECXXX Department Elective – V 3 0 0 3

MECXXX Department Elective – VI 3 0 0 3

MECXXX Department Elective – VII 3 0 0 3

MAN105 Professional Ethics 1 0 0 1

MEC307 CAE Lab. 0 0 2 1

MEC300 Mini Project 0 0 6 3

TOTAL 16 0 10 21

VIII Semester (21 Credits)

No of Contact
Hours / Week
Course Code Course Name Credits

OEXXXX Open Elective 3 0 0 3

OEXXXX Open Elective 3 0 0 3

OEXXXX Open Elective 3 0 0 3

MEC400 Project work & Viva Voce 0 0 24 12

TOTAL 9 0 24 21

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SASTRA Deemed University B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering

List of Electives – Proposed – for V Semester (Any one to be selected)

Course Code Course Name

MEC213 Welding Technology

MEC331 Internal Combustion Engines

MEC328 Compressible Flow

MEC214 Metal Forming Technology

MEC309 Mechanical Behaviour of Materials

List of Electives – Proposed – for VI Semester (Any two to be selected)

Course Code Course Name

MEC333 Gas Turbines

MEC310 Plant Layout & Material Handling

MEC215 Resource Management

MEC216 Metal Casting Technology

EIE109 Control Systems

ASE205 Aerodynamics

List of Electives – Proposed – for VII Semester (Any four to be selected)

Course Code Course Name

MEC334 Refrigeration & Air conditioning

MEC312 JIGS & Fixtures

MEC313 Alternative Fuels for IC engines

MCT301 Industrial Robotics

MEC314 Machine Tool Design

MEC315 Computational Fluid Dynamics & Heat transfer

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MEC316 Turbo Machines

MEC317 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis

MEC318 Electric & Hybrid Vehicles

MEC319 Design for Manufacturing

MCT202 Hydraulics & Pneumatics

MEC320 Automotive Pollution & Control

MEC321 Industrial Tribology

MEC322 CNC Machine Tools

MEC323 Design of Heat Transfer Equipment

MEC324 Tero Technology

MEC325 Mechanical Vibrations

MEC332 Power Plant Engineering

MEC311 Production Planning & Control

MEC608 Additive Manufacturing

List of Mandatory Non-Credited Courses

Course Code Course Name

MAN101 Constitution of India

MAN102 Indian Traditional Knowledge

MAN103 Environmental Science

MAN104 NSS Activities

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SASTRA Deemed University B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering

Course Distribution Credits Percentage

Humanities & Social Sciences 6 3

Basic Sciences (MPC) 28 16

Engineering Sciences 32 18

Professional Subjects – Core 69 39

Professional Subjects – Electives 21 11

Open Electives 9 5

Project Work 12+3 =15 8

TOTAL 180 100

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SASTRA Deemed University B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering

3 1 0 4

Course Code: MAT201

Semester: III


Course Objective:
1. To help the learners in understanding Laplace transforms techniques used in engineering
2. To provide insight into Fourier series techniques and its applications.
3. To impart techniques in Partial differentiation for analytic function theory in engineering
4. To describe the evaluation of complex integration with simple applications.

UNIT – I 15 Hours
Properties of the Laplace transform - Transforms of derivatives and Derivatives of transforms -
Shifting theorems - Initial and final value Theorems – Change of scale property - Convolution
theorem - Periodic function theorem - Inversion Laplace transforms. Solving First order and
second order Ordinary Differential equations and simultaneous Differential equations using
Laplace Transforms
L-C-R Circuit problems, Mechanical vibrating string problems (with damped, without damped
models), simple problems of stability theory in Control systems

UNIT – II 15 Hours
Introduction to Fourier series- Dirichlet’s conditions, Fourier series of odd and even functions,
Half-Range Fourier Series and Parseval’s theorem, Root-mean square value of a function,
Complex form of Fourier series.
Harmonic analysis, Fourier series solution to Transverse vibrations of a stretched vibrating
strings – Problems.

UNIT – III 15 Hours

Analytic functions - Cauchy Riemann Equations and other properties - Harmonic functions –
Milne’s -Thomson Circle theorem (Statement Only) - Standard transformations - Conformal
mapping( sin z, cos z, sinh z, cosh z, ez , z + (1/z) – Mobius transformation.
Construction of an Analytic function by Milne’s – Thomson method - Simple problems related to
Steady State Heat Flow and Electrostatic Potential.

UNIT – IV 15 Hours
Cauchy’s Integral theorem and Integral Formula – Taylor and Laurent’s series - Types of
Singularities – Calculus of residues – Cauchy's residue theorem.
Evaluation of Contour integrals, Evaluation of Real definite integrals, Application of Blasius
theorem to find the Net Force and momentum exerted by the boundary on the fluid when 2 line
sources are located at a given distance from a rigid boundary.

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SASTRA Deemed University B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering


1. T. Veerarajan, Engineering Mathematics (For Semester III), Tata McGraw – Hill

publishers ltd., New Delhi, 2010
2. M.K. Venkataraman, Engineering Mathematics, Part A, National publishing company,
3. Erwin kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics,10th edition, John Wiley & Sons
(Asia) pvt ltd., Reprint 2015.


1. Glyn James, Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics (Third edition), Pearson

Education Limited, England, 2004.
2. H. Dym and H. P. McKean, Fourier series and Integrals, Academic Press, 1972.
3. H.K.Dass, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, S.Chand & Company PVT. LTD,
New Delhi. Reprint, 2014.
4. James W. Brown and Ruel V. Churchill, Complex Variables and Applications, (8th
Edition) Chapters 1-3, McGraw- Hill 2009.



Upon successful completion of each unit, the learner will be able to:

Unit I Find Laplace Transform of standard functions, apply properties in problem

situations, solve differential equations arising in all fields of Engineering.
Unit II Express a given function in terms of Fourier series and apply in solving vibrating
string problems.
Unit III Apply standard techniques of complex variable theory in application areas such
as heat conduction, elasticity, fluid dynamics and flow of electric current.
Unit IV Evaluate complicated integrals using residue calculus.

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SASTRA Deemed University B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering

3 1 0 4

Course Code: MEC205

Semester: III


Course Objectives:
1. To enable the learner understand fundamental laws of classical thermodynamics
2. To help the learner analyse and apply the laws for flow processes involving ideal and pure
3. To familiarize the learner with the concept of entropy and solve problems using steam
tables and compressibility charts.

UNIT – I 15 Hours
Fundamental concepts- macroscopic and microscopic approach, continuum, thermodynamic
systems, pure substance, thermodynamic properties and equilibrium state of a system, state
diagram, path and process, path and point functions, quasi-static process, units and
dimensions. Zeroth law of thermodynamics, temperature measurement, concept of ideal gases,
specific heat and latent heat. Work and heat, displacement work, heat transfer. First law of
thermodynamics, application to closed and open systems, internal energy, enthalpy, steady flow
energy equation with applications to Nozzles, diffusers, turbines, compressors, boilers, throttling

UNIT – II 15 Hours
Heat engines and reversed heat engines, efficiency and coefficient of performance, energy
reservoirs. Second law of thermodynamics: Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statements-
equivalence, reversibility and irreversibility, Carnot cycle, reversed Carnot cycle, Carnot
theorem, absolute / thermodynamic temperature scale, Clausius inequality, entropy, T-s plot,
entropy of ideal gas, entropy principle, entropy and disorder. Available energy, maximum work
in a reversible process, reversible work by an open system, useful work, dead state, availability
– closed and open systems, second law efficiency.

UNIT –III 15 Hours

Properties of pure substances: thermodynamic properties of pure substances in solid, liquid and
vapor phases, p-v, p-T, T-s and h-s diagrams, p-v-T surfaces, dryness fraction, steam tables
and Mollier diagram, steam quality measurement. Calculation of properties, work done and heat
transfer during non-flow and flow processes using steam tables and Mollier chart. Real gases –
equations of state – virial expansions, law of corresponding states, vander Waals, Beattie
Bridgeman and Redlich Kwong equations, generalised compressibility chart.

UNIT – IV 15 Hours
Thermodynamic properties of gaseous mixtures - Dalton’s law, Amagat’s law, property
calculations of ideal gas mixtures. Thermodynamic relations – Maxwell relations – Clausius
Claypeyron equations – Coefficients of compressibility and expansion – energy relations –
Joule-Thomson coefficient – Tds relations – enthalpy and entropy relations – Gibbs phase rule -
Introduction to power and refrigeration cycles

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SASTRA Deemed University B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering

1. P. K. Nag, Engineering Thermodynamics, 6th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co.,
New Delhi, 2017.

1. G. J. Van Wylen and R.E. Sontag, Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics, John
Wiley and Sons, 1994.
2. M. J. Moran and H. N. Shapiro, Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, Fourth
Edition, Wiley, New York, 2000.
3. Y.V.C. Rao, Engineering Thermodynamics, Wiley Eastern, 1993.
4. Yunus A. Cengel and Michael Boles, Thermodynamics - an engineering approach, TMH,
5. M. Achuthan, Engineering Thermodynamics, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall of India,
New Delhi, 2009.


Upon successful completion of each unit, the learner will be able to:

Explain the basic concepts of classical thermodynamics and apply First law for
Unit I
steady flow processes

Apply second law for Heat engines and analyse entropy principle and available
Unit II

Unit III Predict PVT behaviours of fluids and Ideal, real gas processes

Interpret properties of ideal gas mixtures, basic thermodynamic relations and will
Unit IV
illustrate power and vapour cycles

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SASTRA Deemed University B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering

3 1 0 4

Course Code: MEC203

Semester: III


Course Objective:
1. To introduce the learner on fundamental behaviour of fluid during static and dynamic
2. To enable the learner to interpret viscid, inviscid flows by applying the corresponding
governing equations
3. To help the learner on implementing dimensional analysis for various flow conditions and
understanding the working principle of hydraulic machines.

UNIT – I 15 Hours
FLUID PROPERTIES: Density, specific weight, specific volume, specific gravity, viscosity,
surface tension, capillarity, compressibility and bulk modulus.
FLUID STATICS: Absolute pressure and Gauge pressure, hydrostatic law, Pascal law, simple
and differential manometers, mechanical pressure gauges, Hydrostatic forces - horizontal,
vertical and inclined surfaces.
BUOYANCY & FLOATATION: Buoyancy, centre of buoyancy, types of equilibrium of floating
bodies, metacentre and metacentric height.
UNIT – II 21 Hours
FLUID KINEMATICS & DYNAMICS: Methods of describing fluid motion, types of fluid flow,
differential equations of continuity and Momentum - Euler equation of motion, Bernoulli’s
theorem, practical applications of Bernoulli’s theorem – venturimeter, orificemeter, Pitot tube,
Velocity potential and stream function, stream line, equipotential line, flow net.
VISCOUS FLOW IN PIPES: Introduction, Navier-Stokes Equations – flow of viscous fluid in
circular pipes – Hagen Poiseuille law, Loss of energy in pipes – major loss (Darcy’s equation),
minor losses, Hydraulic gradient and total energy lines, pipes in series, equivalent pipe, pipes in
parallel, power transmission through pipes.

UNIT – III 12 Hours

BOUNDARY LAYER THEORY: Concept of Laminar boundary layer, turbulent boundary layer,
laminar sub-layer, boundary layer thickness and boundary layer separation and control.
DIMENSIONAL AND MODEL ANALYSIS: Dimensional homogeneity, Buckingham’s π
theorem, Model analysis, similitude, dimensionless numbers, model laws.

UNIT – IV 12 Hours
HYDRAULIC TURBINES: Classification of turbines, Pelton wheel, Francis turbine, Kaplan
turbine – construction, working principle, work done, efficiencies, design, draft tube, specific
speed, unit quantities, performance characteristic curves, governing of turbine.
PUMPS: Classification of pumps – working principle of centrifugal and reciprocating pumps.

1. R.K.Bansal, Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, Tenth edition, Laxmi
Publications, 2018.
2. Mohanty A.K, Fluid Mechanics, second edition, Prentice-Hall of India, 2004.

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1. White, F.M., Fluid Mechanics, fourth edition, McGraw Hill, 1999.
2. Munson, Young, Okiishi, Huebsch, Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, Sixth edition,
John Wiley and sons., 2009.
3. John F. Douglas, Fluid Mechanics, Pearson Educational publications, 2004.


Upon successful completion of each unit, the learner will be able to:

Unit I Interpret the type of fluid and its properties under static condition.
Identify viscid and inviscid flows and will be able to apply governing equations for
Unit II
simplified cases.
Unit III Analyse boundary layer flows and apply dimensional analysis for fluid flows.
Unit IV Demonstrate the working principle and operation of hydraulic machines.

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SASTRA Deemed University B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering

3 1 0 4

Course Code: CIV220

Semester: III


Course Objective:
To enable the learner understand deformable bodies, stress strain, mechanical and thermal
properties, shear force, principal stress, deflection of beams, torsion in beams. Also the learner
will understand thin and thick cylinder and different types of columns & their behaviour under
various loading conditions

UNIT – I 15 Hours
Concept of Stresses and Strains , axial loading, normal stress, shearing stress, Stress – strain
diagram , factor of safety, Hooke’s law, Poisson’s relation, elastic constants and their relation –
Composite section, Mechanical & Thermal stresses in simple& composite members. Strain
energy, stresses due to various loads, Saint –Venant’s Principles.

UNIT – II 15 Hours
Shear force and bending moment diagram for simply supported, cantilever and Overhanging
beams with point load, uniformly distributed load and uniformly varying Loads only. Theory of
simple bending, bending equation, bending stress in simple beam, (Rectangular and I sections
only), Principal stresses and strains, maximum shear stress (problems in plane stress),
construction of Mohr’s circle for plane stress –Description only.

UNIT – III 15 Hours

Slop & deflection of beams by Maculay’s method for determinate beams – cantilever, simply
supported, overhanging beam for various types of load with and without applied moment.
Derivation of torsion equation, torsion of circular shaft, comparison o hollow shaft with solid
Shaft – problems, strain energy in torsion - combined bending and twisting of shafts –
Equivalent bending and twisting moments.

UNIT – IV 15 Hours
Thin cylinder and thin spherical shells – under internal pressure, volumetric strain on capacity -
wire wound thin cylinder, shrink fit, Thick cylinder-concept, Lame’s theory, design of thick
cylindrical shell-problems, compound cylinder-description only- Different types of columns and
struts, long column, different end conditions, equivalent length, Euler’s theory, derivation of
Euler’s equation- limitations of Euler’s formula

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SASTRA Deemed University B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering

1. B.C. Punmia., Strength of materials, Lakshmi Publications, New Delhi.
2. R.K. Bansal., A textbook on Strength of materials, Lakshmi Publications, 2004.
3. K. Rajput., Strength of materials, S.Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi, 1996.

1. Beer & Johnson, Mechanics of Materials SI Metric edition, McGraw Hill, ISE.
2. Edgor. P. Popov, Introduction to Mechanics of Solids, Prentice-Hal Inc, 1999.
3. S.M.A. Kazimi., Solid Mechanics , Tata McGraw Hill,2000.
4. Timoshenko and S.P. Gere., Solid Mechanics , Tata McGraw Hill,2002.
5. Jackson and Wirtz, Statics and strength of Materials, Schaum’s series, 1983.
6. S.S. Bhavikatti, Strength of Material, Vikas Publishing House Pvt, Ltd., New Delhi, 1999.


Upon successful completion of each unit, the learner will be able to:

Unit I Estimate the stress, strain, mechanical and thermal properties of the given
Unit II Determine shear force, bending moment, bending stress and principal stress
for different loading on the beams.
Unit III Evaluate the slope and deflection of beams under various loading conditions,
and torsion in beams.
Unit IV Analyse stress distribution across thick and thin cylindrical cross sections.

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SASTRA Deemed University B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering

3 0 0 3

Course Code: MEC201

Semester: III


Course Objective:
To impart fundamental knowledge on the basic aspects of materials science, various
ferrous/non-ferrous, non-metallic and composite materials & testing of materials.

UNIT–I 12 Hours
FUNDAMENTAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE: Atomic arrangement.Crystal structure of
materials. BCC, FCC, HCP. Point, line, planar and volume defects.
PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS: Basic mechanical properties (Elastic modulus, strength
(tensile/compressive), ductility, toughness, resilience). Tribological properties (friction, types of
wear). Thermal properties (thermal conductivity and co-efficient of thermal expansion).
PHYSICAL METALLURGY: Phase. Phase rule. Solidification of pure m etal & alloys. Hume-
Rothery rules. Introduction to phase diagrams. Isomorphous, eutectic systems. Iron–Iron
carbide equilibrium diagram. Lever rule. Quantification of phases.

UNIT–II 15 Hours
FERROUS MATERIALS: Types of steels – Classifications & Specifications (AISI and UNS).
Effect of alloying elements on properties of steels. Different grades carbon & low alloy steels.
Types, properties and applications of cast irons & stainless steels.TTT and CCT diagrams. Heat
treatment of steels – Annealing, Normalising,hardening & tempering, martempering,
austempering. Overview of case hardening of steels.
NON-FERROUS MATERIALS: Aluminium, Titanium, Copper, Magnesium alloys – Overview of
composition, properties and application. Precipitation hardening of aluminium alloys.

UNIT-III 8 Hours
NON-METALLIC MATERIALS AND COMPOSITES: Classification of non-metallic materials –
Polymers, glasses and ceramic materials. Different types of polymers. Polymerization.
Properties & applications of polymers.Types of Ceramics. Properties & Applications.
COMPOSITE MATERIALS: Particulate and fibre reinforced composites, laminates, sandwich
structures. Metal matrix composites. Polymer matrix composites, Ceramic matrix composites.
Brief overview of at least one production method, properties and applications of composite
SMART MATERIALS: Definition and a brief overview of smart materials.

UNIT-IV 10 Hours
MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF MATERIALS: Stress strain diagram for ductile and
brittlematerials. Engineering stress, strain. Truestress, true strain. Fatigue. Endurance limit.
Creep. Creep curve. Ductile to brittle transition temperature.
MECHANICAL TESTING OF MATERIALS: Hardness. Tensile. Compression. Impact. Fatigue.
Creep and Wear.
INTRODUCTION TO NDT: Overview of various NDT techniques. Visual. Liquid penetrant
testing. Magnetic particle testing. Eddy current. Ultrasonic testing. X-ray testing.

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1. V. Raghavan, Material Science and Engineering – A first course, Prentice Hall of India
Limited, New Delhi, 6th Edition, 2015.
2. Sydney H. Avner, An Introduction to Physical Metallurgy, Tata McGraw-Hill Publications,
New Delhi, 2010

1. William D. Callister, Materials Science and Engineering- An Introduction, John Wiley &
Sons Inc., Singapore, 9th Edition, 2010.
2. Donald R. Askeland and Pradeep P. Phule, The Science and Engineering of Materials,
Thomson Asia Private Limited, Singapore, 2003.
3. R.A. Higgins, Engineering Metallurgy, Viva publications, Sixth Edition, New Delhi, 2006.
4. George, E. Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy, McGraw-Hill Edition, 2015.
5. Baldev Raj, Non Destructive Testing Techniques, Narosa Publishers, 2002.
6. Kenneth G Budinski, Michael K Budinski, Engineering Materials, Prentice Hall of India
Private Ltd, 8th Edition, 2005.


Upon successful completion of each unit, the learner will be able to:

Appreciate the fundamental aspects of materials engineering, and the

Unit I significance of various engineering properties. Draw and discuss the
significance of phase diagrams.
Describe the physical metallurgy, heat treatments& structure-property
Unit II
correlations in various ferrous &non-ferrous materials.
Describe the properties and applications of non-metallic materials & composites
Unit III
and apply the skill for materials selection.
Discuss the various aspects of mechanical of materials, and appreciate the
Unit IV
importance of mechanical testing and NDT.

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0 0 2 1

Course Code: CIV221

Semester: III


Course Objective:
To demonstrate the basic principles in the area of strength of materials and to help the
learners to understand fundamental principles, concepts, significance of various flow
experiments and fluid machines.


1. Tension test on MS rod.

2. Verification of Maxwell reciprocal theorem by deflection test on MS flat.
3. Determination of impact strength of steel specimen by Charpy and Izod tests.
4. Hardness test on metals by Brinell/Rockwell/Vicker testers.
5. Tests on closed and open coil springs.
6. Torsion test on MS rod and wire.


1. Flow through Orificemeter, Venturimeter and Nozzle meter

2. Determination of Pipe Friction Factor
3. Determination of Minor Loss Co-efficient
4. Determination of velocity by Pitot Tube
5. Verification of Bernoulli’s Theorem
6. Determination of the metacentric height and stability of a floating vessel
7. Performance test on centrifugal and reciprocating pumps
8. Performance test on Turbines



Upon successful completion, the learner will be able to:

Expt.1 Demonstrate the principles of tension test and stress-strain behaviour of mild
steel bar.
Expt.2 Prove the Maxwell reciprocal theorem experimentally.
Expt.3 Assess the impact strength and specific strength of steel specimen.
Expt.4 Evaluate hardness of different materials.
Expt.5 Determine the rigidity modulus of the springs and infer their behaviour.
Expt.6 Determine the rigidity modulus of rods and wires.

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Upon successful completion of each unit, the learner will be able to:

Expt.1 Calibrate the flow measuring device

Expt.2 Evaluate the major loss and determine the friction factor.
Expt.3 Calculate the co-efficient of minor losses during flow in a pipe
Expt.4 Calibrate the Pitot tube
Expt.5 Assess the verification of Bernoulli’s theorem
Expt.6 Assess the stability of a floating vessel.
Expt.7 Assess the performance of the Centrifugal pump and Reciprocating pump
Expt.8 Evaluate the best operating conditions of the Turbines

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0 0 2 1

Course Code: MEC202

Semester: III


Course Objective:
1. To study the metallographic procedures and acquire knowledge on identification of
microstructure for metals and alloys.
2. To study the heat treatment techniques and hardenability measurements for metallic
specimens and acquire knowledge on inspection of materials using Non-Destructive
Testing (NDT) procedures.


1. Study of metallographic procedures

2. Study of metallurgical microscope
3. Study of Iron-Iron carbide diagram and TTT diagrams
4. Identification of microstructure of various steels
5. Identification of microstructure of various cast irons and steel weldments
6. Introduction to heat treatment techniques – Annealing, normalizing and hardening
7. Identification of microstructure of heat treated steel samples – Annealed, normalized and
hardened steels
8. Identification of microstructure of non ferrous metals - Aluminum, copper and brass
9. Measurement of hardenability using Jominy end quench test apparatus
10. Inspection of defects in materials using Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) techniques.
11. Introduction to basic powder metallurgy processing technique.


Upon successful completion, the learner will be able to

 Analyze the microstructures of metal, alloys and heat treated specimens and
identification of phase constituents.
 Examine the depth and distribution of hardness on materials and inspection of materials
without causing damage.

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SASTRA Deemed University B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering

3 1 0 4

Course Code: MAT301

Semester: IV


Course Objective:

1. To help the learners in understanding techniques to solve various Partial Differential

Equations (PDEs) used in engineering disciplines.
2. To provide insight into Fourier transform techniques and its applications.
3. To impart numerical techniques in Boundary value problems in engineering
4. To enable the students to solve problems in Numerical Differentiation and

UNIT – I 15 Hours
Formation of PDEs by elimination of arbitrary constants and functions- Various types of
solutions - Solution of standard forms of PDEs - f(p,q)=0, f (z, p, q) = 0, f(x,p) = g(y,q)-
Clairaut’s form of PDEs – Lagrange’s form - Higher order homogeneous PDEs only.

UNIT – II 12 Hours
Fourier Integral Theorem (Staement only) – Definition of Fourier and Inverse Transforms -
Algebraic properties of the Fourier Transforms : Convolution, Modulation, and Translation.
Analytic properties of the Fourier transform: Riemann-Lebesgue Lemma, Transforms of
derivative and Derivatives of transforms. Inversion Theory( Introduction only), Parseval’s
Formula. Boundary value problems using Sine and Cosine Transforms, Solution to One
dimensional heat conduction problems.

UNIT – III 15 Hours

Taylor’s series, Euler’s method. Runge-Kutta method of Fourth Order, Milne’s Predictor-
corrector method, Numerical solution of Laplace equation by Liebmann’s Iterative method &
Poisson’s equation and Vibrating String equation by Finite Difference Method - Parabolic
PDEs by Bender Schmidth method and Crank Nicolson Schemes.

UNIT – IV 18 Hours
Introduction - Newton - Raphson method, Iteration method – Solving Simultaneous Equations
by Gauss Elimination , Gauss Jordan and Cholesky’s methods – Gauss Seidel iterative
Methods. Lagrange’s Interpolation, Newton’s Forward & Backward difference formulae only,
Numerical Differentiation by Forward & Backward differences, Numerical integration by
Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules.

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1. T. Veerarajan, Engineering Mathematics (For IV semester), McGraw Hill Publications,
2001 (For units I and II)
2. Steven C. Chapra, Raymond. P. Canale, Numerical Methods for Engineers, McGraw Hill
publications, Sixth edition, 2012 (For Units III and IV)

1. C. Ray Wylie, Louis C.Barrett, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 6th edition, McGraw
Hill, 2012
2. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 44th Edition, Khanna Publishers, 2017.
3. P. Anuradha, V. Sudhakar, Transforms and Partial Differential Equations, Second
Edition, Scitech Publications, 2017.


Upon successful completion of each unit, the learner will be able to:

Unit I Form, classify and solve partial differential equations of first and higher
Unit II Formulate and solve one dimensional heat conduction problems using
standard techniques developed using Fourier Transforms.
Unit III Apply standard techniques of numerical methods to solve boundary
value problems.
Unit IV Determine the values of derivatives of single variable functions using
standard numerical techniques and evaluate definite integrals using
Trapezoidal and Simpsons’ rules.

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3 1 0 4

Course Code: MEC326

Semester: IV


Course Objective:

To impart the knowledge of various applications of engineering thermodynamics.

[Steam tables, Mollier chart, psychrometric chart and Refrigeration tables are permitted]

UNIT – I 15 Hours
VAPOUR POWER CYCLES - Characteristics of an ideal working fluid in vapour power cycles,
Rankine cycle, comparison with Carnot cycle, superheat, reheat and regenerative cycles -
analysis. Steam nozzles - types, stagnation properties. Steam turbines - classification,
principles of impulse and reaction turbines, velocity triangles - work done & efficiency.

GAS POWER CYCLES - Brayton cycle - methods to improve cycle efficiency by reheat,
regenerative and inter cooling process and their analysis, optimum pressure ratio.

UNIT – II 15 Hours
AIR STANDARD CYCLES - Air standard cycles and their analyses - Otto, Diesel and Dual
cycles - thermal efficiency, mean effective pressure, performance comparison between cycles.

FOUR STROKE & TWO STROKE ENGINE - Engine performance calculations. Introduction to
solid Liquid & Gaseous fuels - combustion calculations.

UNIT – III 15 Hours

REFRIGERATION – methods of refrigeration, Refrigerants - types, desired properties of
refrigerants, eco-friendly refrigerants, basic cycles - reversed Carnot cycle, vapour compression
refrigeration system, effects of superheating, sub-cooling.

PSYCHROMETRY - basics, psychrometric processes. Air-conditioning - human comfort, design

conditions, types - summer, winter and year-round air conditioning systems.

UNIT – IV 15 Hours
AIR COMPRESSORS - Reciprocating type - single stage compressor, work done, efficiencies,
clearance volume and its effects, multistage compressor, analysis and performance
calculations. Roto-dynamic compressors - Centrifugal compressors, Axial compressors
(qualitative treatment only).

BASICS OF COMPRESSIBLE FLOW - Jet propulsion - types - turbo prop, turbo jet, specific
thrust, propulsive and thermal efficiency. Rocket propulsion - theory, impulse, specific impulse.

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1. P.L. Ballaney, Thermal Engineering : Engineering Thermodynamics and Energy
Conversion Techniques, 5th Edition Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2010.


1. P.K. Nag, Engineering Thermodynamics, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
2. R.K. Rajput , Thermal Engineering (SI Units), 9th Edition, Lakshmi Publishers, 2010.
3. Kadambi and Manohar Prasad, Principles of Energy Conversion, Volumes 1 & 2, Wiley
Eastern, 1999.
4. S.M. Yahya, Fundamentals of Compressible Flow with Aircraft and Rocket Propulsion,
5th edition, New Age International, 2016.
5. J. Selwin Rajadurai, Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering, New Age International,
6. C.P.Arora, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, 3rd edition McGraw Hill Education India
Private Limited, New Delhi, 2008.




Upon successful completion of each unit, the learner will be able to:

Unit-I Describe the basics of Vapour & Gas power cycles, Steam Turbine & Nozzles.

Unit-II Analyze the basics of performance characteristics of Air standard cycles & its
application in Internal combustion engine.

Unit-III Describe & analyze the Refrigeration & Psychrometric processes & its applications.

Unit-IV Explain the performance characteristics of positive & non positive displacement
Compressors & basics of compressible flow.

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Course Code: MEC207

Semester: IV


Course Objective:
To enable students understand clearly different methods of manufacturing processes i.e.,
casting, forming, machining and joining of metals.

UNIT- I 12 Hours
METAL CASTING: Introduction to Foundry; Pattern - types; Core making; Moulding sand -
properties, ingredients; Moulding - Shell moulding,CO2 moulding; Special casting techniques -
Investment casting, Die casting, Continuous casting, Centrifugal casting; Furnaces - Cupola,
Electric arc, Induction; Elements of gating system for pressurized and non- pressurized system;
Casting defects- causes and remedies.

UNIT- II 11 Hours
METAL FORMING: Hot, cold and warm forming; Forging - types, defects; Extrusion - types,
defects; Drawing-tube drawing, defects; Rolling - types, defects; Sheet metal working - cup
drawing, embossing, coining; Types of dies - Simple, Compound, Combination &Progressive;
Punch and Die clearances.

UNIT - III 11 Hours

METAL CUTTING: Lathe -types, apron and tumbler gear mechanism, operations (eccentric
turning, taper turning and thread cutting); Introduction to Capstan & Turret lathes and Automatic
lathe; Drilling machine - types, automatic feed mechanism; Shaping and Planning machines -
types, quick return mechanisms and automatic feed mechanism; Milling machines- types,

UNIT- IV 11 Hours
METAL JOINING: Introduction to welding; Arc welding - TIG&MIG welding processes;
Electrodes and filler materials; Resistance welding - spot, projection and seam welding; Electron
beam welding; LASER beam welding; Brazing and Soldering; Welding defects - causes and

1. P.N. Rao, Manufacturing Technology, Vols I &II,Tata Mc Graw Hill, 4th Edition, 2013.
2. S.K. Hajra Choudhury, Nirjhar Roy, A. K. Hajra Choudhury, Elements of Workshop
Technology, Vols I & II, Media Promoters, 2009.

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1. W.A.J. Chapman, Workshop Technology, Vols I, II & III, 5th Edition, Viva Books Pvt. Ltd.
- New Delhi, 2005.
2. Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid, Manufacturing Engineering and Technology,
7thEdition, Pearson Education - New Delhi, 2013.
3. H.M.T., Production Technology, Tata McGraw Hill- New Delhi, 2001.
4. R.A. Lindberg, Materials and Processes of Manufacture, Prentice Hall of India, 4th
Edition, 1998.
5. Richard W.Heine, Carn R.Loper and Philip C.Rosenthal, Principles of Metal Casting,
Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2001.
6. B.S. Nagendra Parashar, R.K.Mittal, Elements of Manufacturing Processes, PHI learning
Private Limited - New Delhi, 2012.



Upon successful completion of each unit, the learner will be able to:

Unit-I Identify the effectiveness of various casting processes.

Unit-II Acquire basic knowledge of various forming processes and their respective

Unit-III Compare and contrast various conventional machines, mechanisms involved and the
possible operations.

Unit-IV Identify the importance of different metal joining processes.

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Course Code: MEC204

Semester: IV


Course Objectives:
1. To facilitate the learners to understand the core concepts for designing the mechanisms
in order to accomplish desired motions or tasks.
2. To enable the students to synthesize various mechanical drives as well as to get the
basic knowledge required for design

UNIT: I 15 Hours
MECHANISMS - Links- pairs- chains- mechanisms- Degrees of freedom- Machines -structures -
inversions of four bars & single slider crank chain - Velocity and Acceleration of simple
mechanism by Relative Velocity Method- Coriolis component of acceleration - Instantaneous
centre approach - Analytical solutions for slider crank mechanism.
UNIT: II 15 Hours
FRICTION - Types – Rolling friction, sliding friction -Laws of friction-limiting angle of friction-
Bearings –Types. Friction in thrust bearings and collar bearings- calculation of frictional power
FRICTION CLUTCHES - Single plate-multiple plate and cone clutches- Calculation of Power
BRAKES –types - Radial brakes – Shoe, band, band & block and internal expanding brakes-
Calculation of braking torque.

UNIT: III 15 Hours

BELT DRIVES - Flat belt drive – Types, law of belting, Velocity ratio, Tension ratio, Power
transmission - Length of belt- centrifugal tension- initial tension- V-belt drive – Rope belt drive.
CAM DRIVE - Cam and followers – Types – Types of motions– Cam profile for follower motion
(Constant velocity, Uniform acceleration & retardation and Simple Harmonic motion)

UNIT: IV 15 Hours
GEAR DRIVE - Types of gears- law of gearing - Involute and cycloidal gears – Pressure angle -
length of path of contact and arc of contact - Contact ratio- interference-minimum number of
GEAR TRAINS – Simple, compound, Reverted and Epicyclic gear trains. Velocity ratio
calculations in epicycle gear trains (Tabulation method) -Applications
GYROSCOPIC - Gyroscopic effect & couple (Active and Reactive) –Applications - Analysis of
Reactive gyroscopic effect on aircrafts, ships, four Wheeled and two wheeled vehicles.

1. Rattan, S.S, Theory of Machines, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2014

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1. J.J. Uicker, Pennock G.R and Shigley, J.E., Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, 4th
Edition, Oxford University Press, 2014
2. Thomas Bevan, Theory of Machines, CBS Publication, 2010.
3. P L Ballaney, Theory of Machines, Khanna Publishers, 2005.
4. R. S. Khurmi & J.K Gupta, Theory of Machines, Eurasia Publishing House, 2012.



Upon successful completion of each unit, the learner will be able to:

Unit I Analyze various mechanisms with the help of velocity and acceleration diagrams.
Explain theories involved in finding the Power lost and power transmitted due to
Unit II friction.
Distinguish different types of brakes and also compute the braking torque.

Unit III Synthesis belt and cam drive for the required output such as specific amount of
power to be transmitted or specific kind of follower motion.
Unit IV Analyze gyroscopic effect in all sort of Vehicles including ships and aircrafts.
Acquire the knowledge of gear drives on kinematic aspect.

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Course Code: EEE213

Semester: IV


Course Objective:
This course enables the learners to

1. Acquire learners an insight on working principle and operational aspects of DC, AC

machines, and single phase transformers
2. Gain an introductory knowledge on electric drives

UNIT – I 10 Hours
DC Machines
DC Generators: EMF equation –OCC & load characteristics.
DC Motors: Concept of back e.m.f – Torque – Performance characteristics – Three point and
four point starters.

UNIT – II 10 Hours
Transformers &Three Phase Induction Motors
Transformer: Phasor diagram under no load –R and RL load condition for single phase
transformer – Regulation – Efficiency.
Three Phase Induction Motors: Constructional details – Types – Principle of operation – Torque
versus slip characteristics –DOL and auto transformer starters.

UNIT – III 10 Hours

Synchronous Machines & Single Phase Induction Motors
Synchronous Generators: Constructional details– Types – Principle of operation –EMF
Synchronous Motors: Principle of operation –Methods of starting.
Single Phase Induction Motors: Capacitor start induction run motor, capacitor start and run

UNIT – IV 15 Hours
Speed Control of DC & AC Drives
Introduction to Drives: Basic elements – Types of electric drives – Factors influencing the choice
of electrical drives – Heating and cooling curves – Loading conditions and classes of duty –
Selection of power rating for drive motors with regard to thermal overloading and load variation
DC Drives: Speed control of DC series and shunt motors – Armature and field control – Ward-
Leonard control system – Speed control through controlled rectifier and DC chopper (Block
diagram approach only).
AC Drives: Speed control of three phase induction motor – Voltage control – Voltage / frequency
control through inverter – Slip power recovery scheme (Block diagram approach only).

1. Edward Huges, Electrical Technology, 12th Edition, Pearson Education Limited, UK.
2. D. P. Kothari and I. J. Nagrath, Electric Machines, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill. 2010.
3. G.K.Dubey, Fundamentals of Electrical Drives, Narosa Publishers, 2010

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1. R. K. Rajput, A Text book of Electrical Machines, 6th Edition, Lakshmi Publishers. 2016.
2. B. L. Theraja and A. K. Theraja, A Text book of Electrical Technology. Vol. II – AC & DC
Machines,24th Edition,S. Chand &Co Ltd. 2008.
3. H. Partab,Art and Science and Utilization of Electrical Energy, DhanpatRai and Sons,
4. S. K. Pillai, AFirst Course on Electric Drives, Wiley Eastern Limited, 2012




1. OCC and load characteristics of separately excited DC generator.

2. OCC and load characteristics of DC shunt generator.
3. Study of DC and AC motor starters.
4. Load test on DC shunt motor.
5. Speed control of DC shunt motor-Armature control method.
6. Speed control of DC shunt motor-Field control method.
7. Load test on single phase transformer.
8. Load test on single phase capacitor start induction run induction motor.
9. Load test on single phase capacitor start capacitor run induction motor.
10. Load test on three phase Squirrel cage induction motor.
11. Load test on three phase slip ring induction motor.
12. Study of converter fed DC drive.
13. Study of chopper fed DC drive.
14. Study of inverter fed AC drive


Upon successful completion of each unit, the learners will be able to:

Unit – I Analyze the characteristics of various types of DC machines

Unit – II Analyse the working of transformers and three phase induction motors
Unit – III Compare the performance of Synchronous machines with Induction motors
Unit –IV Examine the operational features of various types of machines and choose drives
for desired applications


Upon successful completion of this course, the learners will be able to:

 Analyze the performance characteristics of DC, AC machines and transformers

 Analyze and compare operation of AC and DC drives

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Course Code: MEC327

Semester: V


Course Objective:
1. To Study and acquire knowledge on various engine operations and its performance
characteristics, emission characteristics in the laboratory.
2. To study and acquire knowledge on various compressors and its performance in real life.


1. Performance test on single/two stage reciprocating air compressor.

2. Valve and port timing diagrams of I.C. Engines.
3. Load test on constant speed petrol/Diesel engine.
4. Morse test on multi-cylinder engine.
5. Heat balance of a diesel engine.
6. Determination of economic speed of an I.C. Engine.
7. Retardation test to determine friction power of a diesel engine.
8. Analysis of exhaust gases of engines using exhaust gas analyser.
9. Performance test on centrifugal air compressor.
10. Verification of fan laws using a centrifugal compressor.
11. Determination of calorific value of a solid / gaseous fuel.
12. Determination of viscosity of lubricating oils.
13. Determination of flash and fire points of a lubricating oil.


Upon successful completion, the learner will be able to:

 Analyze the performance parameters of various air compressors and IC Engines

 Analyze various fuel and oil characteristics used in IC engines

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Course Code: MEC206

Semester: IV


Course Objectives:
To enable the students gain knowledge of dimensioning, conventions, fundamental deviations,
system of fits, screwed fasteners, preparing part drawings, assembly drawings and production
drawings of various machine components as per BIS.


1. Dimensioning (Elements of Dimensioning, Theory of Dimensioning and system of

Dimensioning, Conventions, Abbreviations and symbols)
2. Limits, Fits and Tolerances (computation of fundamental deviations, Fits – shaft and
hole, classification of fits, system of fits – Hole basis & shaft basis system, selection of
3. Geometry characteristics of symbols and surface textures
4. Screwed fasteners (Screw thread terminology, Forms of screw threads, Bolts and Nuts,
Special types of bolts and nuts, Studs, Set screws, Grub screws and Foundation bolts)



1. Flanged coupling (Protected type)

2. Universal Coupling
3. Plummer block


1. Knuckle Joint
2. Screw jack


Any Two Industrial components from Shanmugha Precision Forging, a model production
centre of SASTRA

1. Mathur, M.L. and Vaishwanar, R.S., Engineering Drawing and Graphics, Jain Brothers,
New Delhi, 1993.
2. Bhatt, N.D., Machine Drawing, Charotar Publishing House, 2003.
3. Siddheswar, N. P.Kanniah, and V.V.S. Satry, Machine Drawing, Tata McGraw Hill,
4. Gopalakrishna, K.R., Machine Drawing, Subhas publishing House, Bangalore, 2002

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Upon completion of each topic, the students will be able to

Apply standards of dimensioning, conventions, symbols used in

machine drawing.
Theoretical Compute fundamental deviations and represent the appropriate fits &
Knowledge tolerances for machine components from the hole and shaft basis
Use appropriate screwed fasteners for various machine components

Prepare drawing of a given machine part with required dimensions,

Part drawings
views and cross-sections.

Assembly drawings Visualize and prepare Assembly drawing from part drawings.

Production drawings Read and prepare the real production drawing used in the industry.

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