Bale Breaker Report 1

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Lab Report#1

Yarn Preparatory Processes (TEX-202L)
Submitted by:
Hafiz Muhammad Talha 2018-TXE-08
Ahmad Jawad Gondal 2018-TXE-27
Muhammad Abuzar 2018-TXE-29
Rehman Ali 2018-TXE-37
Submitted to: Engr. Dr.Aamer Khan

Submission Date: 16\09\2019


Table of Contents:
Title: ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
 Introduction: ......................................................................................................................................... 4
 Background and key concepts: ............................................................................................................. 4
 Experimental Material: ......................................................................................................................... 4
 Methodology:........................................................................................................................................ 4
 Results and Discussions: ....................................................................................................................... 5
 Inclined lattice:...................................................................................................................................... 6
 Beater:................................................................................................................................................... 6
 Stripping rollers: .................................................................................................................................... 7
 Grid Bar: ................................................................................................................................................ 7
 Table of setting point: ........................................................................................................................... 7
 Conclusion: ............................................................................................................................................ 7
 References ............................................................................................................................................ 8

Table of Figures:
Figure 1 ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2 ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 3 ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 4 ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 5 ......................................................................................................................................................... 7

To Outline the flow of material through bale breaker and
draw its gearing diagram

 Introduction:
A machine for opening and loosening the hard packed layers of cotton is called bale breaker.
Its main parts are given below
 Feed lattice
 Bottom lattice
 Spiked lattice
 Evener roller
 Breaker roller
 Grid bar
It opens the tuft of cotton, mix and blend the fiber, remove considerable amount of trash from fiber and
reserves for next machine. If electricity goes off it will continue to work for an hour.[1]

 Background and key concepts:

Bale breaker was extensively used in England. A bale of cotton is opened without damage to its staple. It
was difficult to open cotton bales by hand.
 It makes distributing system more advantageous and satisfactory.
 It has a of production of 1,50,000 to 2,00,000 lbs per week of 60 hours.
 Bale is placed on slow moving horizontal moving apron.
 The machine is strongly built. The spiked elevating lattice is made on a new patented system.

 Experimental Material:
 Bales of cotton.

 Methodology:
 We opened and observed each and every part of bale breaker and saw its functioning. We saw
different parts of the machine.
 First we observe the function of feed lattice. The bale of cotton is placed on it.
 Second we observed bottom lattice. It stores the bale.
 Third we observed grid bars. They are used to control the production of cotton(in kgs).
 Then we observed wiper roller. It effectively removes any cotton’s which are adhering to the
evener roller.
 After this, in the beating operation the flocks are subjected to a sudden strong blow. Two fed
roller gives forwarding motion.
 Fine particles are removed and it is sent o the next section.
 After this we also saw the gearing system of bale breaker and came to know about their working.
 We draw a gearing diagram of bale breaker.

 Results and Discussions:

After observing and knowing the working of different parts of bale breaker and working of gears.
We attach some pictures and the result is given below

Figure 1

A machine for opening and loosening the hard packed layers of cotton is called bale breaker. Its main
parts are given below, Feed lattice, Bottom lattice , Spiked lattice, Evener roller, Striper roller, Breaker
roller and Grid bar. [2][1]

Figure 2

 Inclined lattice:

Figure 3

This is spiked lattice and it carries the cotton upwards because its spikes are in inclined form.The hard
pressed layers of cotton are well combed by the inclined spikes. The rapidly revolving spikes of evener
roller beats and opens the cotton. [1] Beater is given below

 Beater:

Figure 4

The beater beats the cotton and open it and due to close spacing between evener roller and inclined lattice
and evener roller moves in opposite direction.[2][1]

 Stripping rollers:

Figure 5

The stripper rollers strips the cotton from inclined lattice and projects it over grid bar system where sand
and heavy thrashes are exerted. [1]

 Grid Bar:
This is used to manage the production of cotton. By using grid bars we can control the production of
cotton in kgs.[1]

 Table of setting point:

Main setting point Inches

Grid bar to grid bar o.75’’
Beater grid to grid bar 2.0’’
Spike to spike 2.5’’

 Conclusion:

After observing each part and gearing system of bale breaker we came to know of its working and
processing cotton by separating bales of cotton, combing them, cleaning and sending the cotton to next
section for further processing.

 References:

[1] "Textile Learners," [Online]. Available: 

opener-machine-function_8869.html. [Accessed Monday September 2918].

[2] "Bale Breaker and Openers," pp. 13-29.

[3] "Textile Learners," [Online]. Available: 

opener-machine-function_8869.html. [Accessed Monday September 2019].

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