Conversation English 7 Last

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Naily : Good morning, everyone.

S : Good morning, maam.

Naily : How are you all today?

S : I’m fine, thank you. And you?

Naily : i’m fine too, thank you. Before we start the class, it’s terryble untidy in here for me
to teach in. Please tidy up, would you?

S : Yes, maam.

Naily : Good. Hikmah, would you open the door and let some air in? Because I think it’s a
bit hot in this room.

Hikmah : Yes, maam.

Naily : Right, thats much better now. Mutiara, could you clean the board?

Mutiara : Yes, maam.

Naily : Good, thank you everyone. Let’s see if everyone’s here. Are you listening?

S : Yes, maam.

(checking attandace)

Naily : Lasera? Does anyone know where Lasera is? Is she absent?

S : I don’t know, maam.

Naily : Leader, do you know anything about Lasera? Maybe she has permission with you.
Hikmah : No, maam. She doesn’t.

Naily : Ok, I think enough. Lets start our lesson.

S : Excuse me, maam.

Naily : Oh, hello Lasera. You’re a bit late today.

Lasera : Yes, maam. I’m sorry.

Naily : Well, where have you been?

Lasera : I’m stuck in traffic jam, thats why I come late.

Naily : Never mind today, but next time try to be on time. You should go earlier so you
don’t stuck in traffic jam again. Got it?

Lasera : Yes, maam. Thank you for the advice.

Naily : You’re welcome. Go to your seat now.

Lasera : Yes, maam

Naily : Lets continue our lesson. Before that, who can remember what we learned last

Mutiara : About global warming, maam.

Naily : Yes, you’re right. Do you all understand about global warming?

S : Yes, maam.

Naily : Right. So, does anyone can revise it?

Hikmah : Yes, maam. Global warming is a process of increasing the average temperature of
the atmosphere, sea, and land of the earth.

Naily : That’s good. What is the cause of the global warming? Can you tell me guys?

Lasera : The cause is greenhouse effect, deforestation, waste of electrical energy, excessive
waste combustion, and uncontrolled use of cfc.
Naily : Right, very good guys. And last question, what is the solution of the global

Mutiara : The solution is save electricity, reforestation, do not use tools that produce cfc, and
do reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Hikmah : You are all very good. Now, lets begin new lesson.

Naily : What we will learn, maam?

Hikmah : We will learn about cell. Does anyone know what is the cell?

S : No, maam.

Hikmah : So Mutiara, could you give these module out please one each?

Mutiara : Yes, maam.

Hikmah : Now, open the module at page 3. Did you find it?

S : Yes, maam.

Hikmah : Lasera, please read the third line.

Lasera : In this earth...

Hikmah : No, not that line. The third line, Lasera.

Lasera : Oh ok maam. Cell is the smallest part of the body of living things both structurally
and functionally.
Hikmah : Good Lasera.
Naily : Maam, what the cell picture looks like?
Hikmah : Good question. Now, would someone bring me the picture of cell in the laboratory?
Lasera : Yes, I’ll go take it maam.

Hikmah : Thank you, Lasera. For the sellotape you can find on my desk. Ok?

Lasera : Ok, maam.

Lasera : Here it is, maam.

Hikmah : Thank you, student. Could you put it up here?

Lasera : Yes, of course Maam. Is this right, Maam?

Hikmah : How about you all? Can you see it?

S : Yes, Maam.

Hikmah : I think that good. Thank you, Lasera.

Lasera : Yes, Maam. You are welcome.

Hikmah : Take a good look at the picture. In this picture, we can see the cell organelles. Now
I want you to repeat what I say, ready?

S : Yes, maam.

Hikmah : This part we call Mitochondria. Repeat me! Mitochondria.

S : Mitochondria.

Hikmah : Oke good. And this part we call Nucleus.

S : Nucleolus.

Hikmah : No, that wasn’t very good. Lets do it again, Nucleus.

S : Nucleus.

Hikmah : Oh that’s better now. Then, Golgi Apparatus.

S : Golgi Apparatus.

Hikmah : Right, that’s good. Mutiara, now you repeat all of them by yourself. Oke?

Mutiara : Oke, maam. Mitochondria, Nucleus, and Golgi Apparatus. Am I right, Maam?

Hikmah : Yah, that’s right. Thank you Mutiara. Then, it yours turn Naily. Please repeat

Naily : Yes, maam. Mitochondria, Nucleus, and Golgi Apparatus.

Hikmah : Thats a good pronouncation.

S : Yes, maam.

Lasera : Did you understand guys?

S : No. I’m not sure maam.

Lasera : Ok, I will let you to see it again before I ask you some question. Ready?

S : Yes, maam.

Lasera : Did you get it now?

S : Yes, Maam.

Lasera : Now, prepare yourself. I will ask some question to you. First of all, what the
function of lysosome? Does anyone can answer it?

Hikmah : Yes, Maam. The function of lysosome is to digesting foreign matter.

Lasera : Thats right Hikmah, thank you. Next question is what the function of ribosome?
Naily? Mutiara? Can you all answer it? Just try it girls.

Naily : Yes, Maam. The function is to protein synthesis.

Lasera : Yah, thats good. You are very smart. Then, last question is the function of nucleus.
Does anyone know it? Mutiara?

Mutiara : Yes, Maam. The function of nucleus is to DNA’s trancription.

Lasera : Oh no. Its a little bit wrong, Mutiara. Does anyelse want to complete it?

Hikmah : Yes, Maam. The function is to regulate cell work.

Lasera : Thats right, Hikmah. Thank you guys. You are all very good and smart. Don’t be
sad Mutiara. You’ve done it well. Maybe next time you will answer it right.

Mutiara : Yes, Maam. Thank you.

Lasera : Now, we will learn about the different of the animal cells with the plant cells.
Could someone bring the instructional media of the animals cell and the plants
Mutiara : Yes, maam. I will go take it.

Lasera : Right, thank you Mutiara. You can find it in laboratory.

Mutiara : Yes, maam.

Lasera : While we waiting her. Naily, can you take all your exercise book at my desk?

Naily : Yes, maam. I will.

Lasera : Ok, thank you .

Mutiara : Here it is maam.

Lasera : Thank you student. Please put it in here.

Mutiara : Ok maam.

Lasera : Good, you can back to your seat.

Naily : Here it is maam.

Mutiara : Please will you give those out, Naily?

Naily : Yes, maam.

Mutiara : Thanks, Naily.

Hikmah : My book doesn’t exist, maam.

Mutiara : Really? Does anyone know where the Hikmah’s book is?

S : No, maam.

Mutiara : It’s bad, Hikmah. You have to look for it at my desk. Can you?

Hikmah : Yes, maam. I will go.

Lasera : Alright. You can back in here when you found it.

Hikmah : Yes, maam.

Hikmah : Excuse me, maam.

Mutiara : Ohh Hikmah . Did you find your book?

Hikmah : Yes, maam.

Mutiara : Good, you can back to your seat. Now, open the module at page 7. There are some
question and a table of the differences between animal cells and plant cells that you
have to answer it. Can you see guys?

S : Yes, maam

Mutiara : Right, please go ahead and see this instructional media. Then make the answer in
your exercise book. Do you understand?

S : Yes, maam.

Mutiara : Time is over everyone. Give me your book and back to your seat now. Naily, give
me your book now.

Mutiara : Quite now please. Leader, please collect the modules and put in here.

Hikmah : Yes, maam.

Mutiara : Could someone put it back this picture and this instructiona model in the

Lasera : Yes, maam. I will do it after class.

Mutiara : Alright, thank you Lasera. Lets end the lesson in here. I think thats enough today.
Your score will be announced on the next meeting. Thank you class. See you.

S : See you maam.

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