1st Quarterly Exam

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1st Quarter Examination

Empowerment Technologies
Instructor: Mr. Brian Kenneth T. Fortin

General Instructions: Write your answers on your test booklet. Write legibly. STRICTLY NO
I. Choose the correct answer for the following items from the box of choices.

WordStar .GIF
VisiCalc Form Document
.JPG Name Box
Word Processing Software Spreadsheet
Formula Bar List or Data File
Mail Merge Cell
16,384 1,048,576
Picture Rows
Boolean Value Error Value
Text Clip Art
Number .PNG
Shapes Columns

1. This type of image is capable of displaying transparencies, but it can only support up to 256
2. Displays the contents of the active cell.
3. Software that performs the task of composition, editing, formatting, and printing of
4. This is where the individual information or data that needs to be plugged in to the form
document is placed and maintained.
5. Printable objects or materials that you can integrate in your document to enhance its
appearance or to allow you to have some tools to use for composing and representing ideas
or messages.
6. An electronic work sheet that organizes data into rows and columns.
7. This type of image is built for the purpose of transporting images on the internet at faster
rates and it can display about 16 million colors.
8. These are line art drawings or images used as generic representation for ideas and objects
that you might want to integrate in your document.
9. How many columns are there in a Microsoft Excel worksheet?
10. The rectangular boxes located in the central area of a worksheet.
11. The document that contains the main body of the message we want to convey or send.
12. An Excel data type that returns only either true or false.
13. A feature of Microsoft Word that allows you to create documents and combine or merge
them with another document or data file.
14. Displays the cell reference or the name of the active cell.
15. First version of spreadsheet.
1st Quarter Examination
Empowerment Technologies
Instructor: Mr. Brian Kenneth T. Fortin

II. Identify the screen elements of Microsoft Word.

1. 2. 3. 4.




8. 9.

11. It allows you to zoom in and zoom out your document.

12. It is the blinking vertical bar that indicates where you are in your document.
13. It displays the frequently used command buttons.
14. It displays how many pages and words you have in your document.
15. It displays the name of your document.
1st Quarter Examination
Empowerment Technologies
Instructor: Mr. Brian Kenneth T. Fortin

III. Complete the table. Give the information needed for each formatting tool.

Name of Tool Tool Description Icon Keyboard Shortcut

Bold 1. 2.

Italic 3. 4.

Underline 5. 6.

7. 8. CTRL+X

9. 10. 11.

12. 13. CTRL+V

Align Left 14. 15.

16. 17. 18.

Align Right 19. 20.

Justify Aligns text to both left CTRL+J

and right margins.

Superscript Create small text above 21.

the line of the text
Subscript Create small text below 22.
the text baseline.
1st Quarter Examination
Empowerment Technologies
Instructor: Mr. Brian Kenneth T. Fortin

Grow Font 23. 24.

Shrink Font 25. 26.

Save Saves the current CTRL+S

document in the
Undo 27. 28.

Redo 29. 30.

Print Preview and Allows you to view CTRL+P

Print what a printed version
of the document would
look like before
New Document Creates new document. CTRL+N

IV. Enumeration
A. (4) Excel Data Types
B. (4) Arithmetic Operations and Symbols Used
C. (6) Logical Operations and Symbols Used
D. (6) Order of Operations
E. (7) Image Placements
F. (3) Commonly used Image Types

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