Title 9 Liberty and Security
Title 9 Liberty and Security
Title 9 Liberty and Security
HELD: The elements of the crime of kidnapping Unlawful arrests by public officers
and serious illegal detention are the following: (a) the should be punished under Article 124, if the
accused is a private individual; (b) the accused kidnaps or
detains another, or in any manner deprives the latter of his public officer has the legal authority to arrest and
liberty; (c) the act of detention or kidnapping is illegal; and detain a person, but the arrest is without legal
(d) in the commission of the offense, any of the four ground. If the public officer has no authority to
circumstances mentioned in Article 267 of the Revised arrest and detain a person, or if he did not act in
Penal Code are present. The imposition of the death his official capacity, he should be punished for
penalty is mandatory if the kidnapping was committed for unlawful arrest under this article. Compare with
the purpose of extorting ransom. In the instant case,
appellants cannot escape the penalty of death, inasmuch as art. 267
it was sufficiently alleged and indubitably proven that the The motive of the person arresting
kidnapping had been committed for the purpose of is controlling. If his purpose is to deliver to
extorting ransom. proper authorities, this article applies.
Absence of this motive may be shown by the
Article 268. Slight illegal detention length of time the victim is detained.
If the purpose of delivering to
Elements: proper authorities is not shown, the person may
be liable for other illegal detention (under 267 or
1. Offender is a private individual; 268, depending on the circumstances of the
2. He kidnaps or detains another, or in any case)
other manner deprives him of his liberty.
3. The act of kidnapping or detention is Unlawful arrest Delay of delivery of
illegal; detained persons
4. The crime is committed without the The detention is not The detention is for some
attendance of any of the circumstances authorized by law legal ground
enumerated in Article 267. Crime is committed by Crime is committed by failing
making an arrest not to deliver such persons to
authorized by law the proper judicial authority
The same penalty for slight illegal within a certain period of
detention shall be incurred by anyone who shall time
furnish the place for the perpetration of the
crime. (normally, this is an accomplice but under Bar Questions
this article he is treated as co-principal) Arbitrary Detention; Elements; Grounds (2006)
What is child trafficking? 4. Any person, owner, manager or one entrusted with the
operation of any public or private place of accommodation,
Child trafficking is committed by a person trading and whether for occupancy, food, drink or otherwise, including
dealing with children including, but not limited to, the act of residential places, who allows any person to take along
buying and selling of a child for money, or for any other with him to such place or places any minor herein described;
consideration, or barter.
5. Any person who shall use, coerce, force or intimidate
When is there attempt to commit child trafficking? a street child or any other child to;
- Beg or use begging as a means of living;
(An attempt is punishable by a penalty two degrees lower - Act as conduit or middlemen in drug trafficking or
than the penalty for the consummated offense) pushing;
- Conduct any illegal activities
There is an attempt to commit child trafficking:
1. When a child travels alone to a foreign country without
valid reason therefor and without clearance issued by the Who are punishable?
Department of Social Welfare and Development or written
permit or justification from the child's parents or legal Any person who shall violate any of the provision of the Act
guardian; with respect to working children (conditions for the
employment of children under 15, prohibitions on the
2. When a person, agency, establishment or child-caring employment of children for certain advertisements etc.)
institution recruits women or couples to bear a children for
the purpose of child trafficking; F. CHILDREN OF INDIGENOUS CULTURAL
3. When doctor, hospital or clinic official or employee, nurse,
midwife, local civil registrar or any other person simulates Who are punishable?
birth for the purpose of child trafficking;
Any person who discriminates against children of indigenous
4. When a person engages in the act of finding children cultural communities
among low-income families, hospitals, clinics, nurseries, day-
care centers, or other child-during institutions who can be COMMON PENAL PROVISIONS
offered for the purpose of child trafficking.
1. The penalty provided under this Act shall be imposed in
Acts punishable:
Reyes vs. People
1. Threatening another with a weapon, or by
A disgruntled employee staged a demonstration in front of
the house of the guy who dismissed him from work. drawing such weapon in a quarrel, unless it be in
Phrases of this nature were spoken out loud: “Agustin, lawful self-defense;
putang ina mo. Agustin, mawawala ka. Agustin, lumabas 2. Orally threatening another, in the heat of
ka, papatayin kita!” anger, with some harm constituting a crime,
without persisting in the idea involved in his
HELD: All the elements of the crime of grave threats as
defined in Article 282 paragraph 2 are present: (1) the
offender threatened another person with the infliction 3. Orally threatening to do another any harm
upon his person of a wrong; (2) the wrong amounted to a not constituting a felony.
crime and (3) the threat was not subject to a condition.
Under the first type, the
subsequent acts of the offender must show that
Article 283. Light threats he did not persist in the idea involved in his
Elements: Threats which are ordinarily grave
threats, if made in the heat of anger, may be
1. Offender makes a threat to commit a other light threats.
wrong; If the threats are directed to a
2. The wrong does not constitute a crime; person who is absent and uttered in a temporary
3. There is a demand for money or that fit of anger, the offense is only other light
other condition is imposed, even though not threats.
4. Offender has attained his purpose or, Other light threats Grave threats
that he has not attained his purpose. (second type) (third type)
Harm threatened to be committed is a crime
Light threats are committed in the Threat is not deliberate Threat is deliberate
same manner as grave threats, except that the (made in the heat of anger)
act threatened to be committed should not be a
crime. Other light threats Light threats
(third type)
Blackmailing may be punished
Harm threatened to be committed is not a crime
under this article.
There is NO demand for There is demand for money,
money, or other condition or other condition imposed
Article 284. Bond for good behavior
In what cases may a person be required to give bail Article 286. Grave coercions
not to molest another?
Acts punishable:
1. When he threatens another under Article
282. 1. Preventing another, by means of violence,
2. When he threatens another under Article threats or intimidation, from doing something not
283. prohibited by law;
2. Compelling another, by means of violence,
Bond for good behavior Bond to keep the peace threats or intimidation, to do something against
Applicable only to grave Not made applicable to any his will, whether it be right or wrong.
threats and light threats particular case