Item Rate Boq: Validate Print Help

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Validate Print Help Item Rate BoQ

Tender Inviting Authority: Chief Technical services Manager, IndianOil Corporation Limited , Northern Region Pipeline, P.O. Panipat Refinery Baholi, Panipat 132140

Name of Work: Coat & wrap Refurbishment work of Mathura Jalandhar pipeline under Northern Region Pipelines
Group B : Delhi-Ambala Section of MJPL (13.3 Km)

Contract No: PNP18054

1. This preamble is an integral part of the Schedule of Rates and any definition and explanation given herein shall have as much force as though they are incorporated into the description of
the items themselves in the Schedule of Rates.
2. Unless otherwise specifically stated in the Contract, all work under the Contract shall be covered and paid for in accordance with the items and relative rates mentioned in the Schedule of
3. The description given under the items of work in the Schedule of Rates shall be deemed to include, wherever applicable, mobilization, labour, equipment, materials, carriage, cartage,
hoisting, setting, fitting and fixing in position of all materials and equipment, and all other labours and operations necessary whether specifically stated/implied or not, for the full and entire
execution and completion of the relative works in all respects according to the contract.
4. The description given under the items of work in the Schedule of Rates shall be deemed to include the relative provisions in the Specifications, Drawings and other contract documents
for the execution of the works in accordance therewith and the instructions of the Engineer-in-Charge.
5. The rates quoted shall be inclusive of all taxes and duties excluding GST.
6. No overwriting/ cutting/ use of white fluid are allowed in the SOR.
7. Without prejudice to any other right(s) the Owner may have under the contract, the Owner reserves the right to operate any and all items of work appearing in the Schedule of Rates.
CUM = Cubic meter
SQM = SQuare Meter
HR= Hour
M= Meter

Name of
Firm /
(This BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after filling the relevent columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected for this tender.
Bidders are allowed to enter the Bidder Name and Values only )


Sl. Item Description Quantity Units BASIC RATE In TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT
No. Figures To be Without Taxes in In Words
entered by the Rs. P
Rs. P

1 2 4 5 13 53 55
1 services
1.01 Coating (Coating & Wrapping refurbishment of 14 inch outer diameter 13300.0000 M #VALUE! #VALUE!
pipeline with Cold applied tape as per specifications /directions
comprising of following activities/ jobs : - A. 'Excavating in all type of
soil in all the depths including hard murrum and soft rock for
exposing existing pipeline normally buried at 1.5 to 2.5 mt. The
depth may be higher in some stretches and also near road/ rail / river
/ nala/ cart track crossing, including keeping top layer of soil
separately, bailing out of water, shoring strutting etc. B. Removing of
old coat & wrap with scrappers using wooden/ brass hammers etc. C.
Cleaning the pipe by copper slag blasting using suitable abrasive
media as per specifications in contract and instructions of Site
Engineer / Engineer-in- Charge. D. Applying one coat of owner
supplied liquid adhesive fast drying synthetic primer over the cleaned
surface with the help of good approved quality bristle type painting
brush / spray. E. 'Applying first layer of 3ply cold applied tape(Inner)
for corrosion protection on the surface of primed pipe after touch dry
with minimum overlap of 50% as recommended by the manufacturer
followed by another second layer of 2 ply cold applied tape(outer)
coating or as recommended by the manufacturer. F. 'Backfilling of the
trench after holiday detection test to be performed by contractor as
per specifications. The contractor shall properly provide compaction
of the backfilled earth & restore the worksite to original conditions. G.
'Restoration of the ROW to the satisfaction of the Owner as per the
direction of EIC or his representatives.

1.02 Extra excavation for depth beyond 2.5m Excavation in all types of 1000.0000 CUM #VALUE! #VALUE!
ordinary and hard soils including hard murrum including de watering
the excavated pits necessary shoring,strutting including
backfilling,stacking selected excavated material for back filling and /
or disposing outside the premises of IOCL or as directed by EIC , if
the depth of the pipe (from top of pipe) is more than 2.5m depth from
average land surface level. Payment shall be made for quantity in
cum.m to be calculated beyond 2.5 depth (from top of pipe to surface
level) of pipe.
1.03 Fabrication, fitment, and welding for Full encirclement sleeves 15.0000 M #VALUE! #VALUE!
Fabrication, fitment and welding of full encirclement direct welding
type sleeves from owners supplied pipes over pitted sections of the
exposed pipeline including testing/inspection (DP/Tell tale test),
supply of all equipments, consumables, labour etc. required to
complete the work in all respects as per the specifications and
direction of the Site Engineer/EIC. Pipes will be supplied by the
Owner from Owner's Store yards at Chaksu and shall be transported
to site at the Contractor's risk & cost for sleeving of 14 inch dia line.

1.04 Cutting/excavation of roads, Payment for WBM Road / concrete 100.0000 CUM #VALUE! #VALUE!
road / metal road cutting, including shoring, shuttering, providing
bypass etc. Cutting / excavation of roads, in locations where the
trench is cut across roads including shoring, shuttering and providing
temporary bridges / suitable bypass of adequate strength & proper
construction to allow the passage of normal traffic with minimum of
inconvenience and interruptions. The contractor should make good
and restore such roads etc. to its original condition without any extra
cost. This is extra payment for road cutting, providing bypass etc.

1.05 Demolishing Brick Work Demolishing brick work (in cement mortar) 75.0000 CUM #VALUE! #VALUE!
manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of serviceable
material and disposal of unserviceable material as per direction of

1.06 Pumping out of water Pumping of water caused by rain or broken 3000.0000 HR #VALUE! #VALUE!
water mains or otherwise

2 Composite
2.01 Providing brick on edge flooring with 2nd class brick in CM 1:4 (1 300.0000 SQM #VALUE! #VALUE!
cement : 4 sand) including preparation of base including filling the
joints with cement mortar of 1:4, finishing the top surface with plaster
and neat cement punning complete in all respect

2.02 Centering and Shuttering including strutting,propping with

wooden/metallic plank etc. and removal of form work for suspended
floors, roofs, landings and access platform or trench with help of
plank andstrutting to avoid any collapse of trench (when depth is
more than 2.0m) (The item will be operated in case of coating at
Canal/Drain/Pond or water logged area only or As decided by EIC)

2.03 Depth upto 3 M 200.0000 SQM #VALUE! #VALUE!

2.04 Depth beyond 3M 200.0000 SQM #VALUE! #VALUE!
Total in Figures #VALUE! #VALUE!

Quoted Rate in Words #VALUE!

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