LABOR by Poquiz PDF
LABOR by Poquiz PDF
LABOR by Poquiz PDF
2. Auxiliary
a. Opinions of the Secretary of Labor [S]ocial justice –– or any justice for that matter
–– is for the deserving, whether he be a
and employment millionaire in his mansion or a pauper in his
b. Opinions of the secretary of Justice hovel. It is true that, in case of reasonable
c. Reports, debates, hearings made doubt, we are called upon to tilt the balance in
and conducted by Congress favor of the poor, to whom the Constitution
fittingly extends its sympathy and
d. Labor law reviews compassion. But never is it justified to prefer
e. Labor law and social legislation the poor simply because they are poor, or to
textbooks reject the rich simply because they are rich, for
f. Opinions of legal luminaries justice must always be served, for poor and
rich alike, according to the mandate of the law.
g. Foreign laws and decisions Gelos v. CA, G.R. No. 86186, May 8, 1992
In all cases, the land owner may retain an area BOOK ONE
of not more than seven (7) hectares if such PRE-EMPLOYMENT
landowner is cultivating such area or will now
cultivate it. Article 12. Statement of objectives.
It is the policy of the State:
Livestock and poultry lands are not (a) To promote and maintain a state of full
covered by R.A. No. 6657 employment through improved
manpower training, allocation and
Article 9. Determination of land value. utilization;
For the purpose of determining the cost of the (b) To protect every citizen desiring to work
land to be transferred to the tenant-farmer, the locally or overseas by securing for him
value of the land shall be equivalent to two and the best possible terms and conditions
one-half (2-1/2) times the average harvest of of employment;
three (3) normal crop years immediately (c) To facilitate a free choice of available
preceding the promulgation of Presidential employment by persons seeking work in
Decree No. 27 on October 21, 1972. conformity with the national interest;
(d) To facilitate and regulate the movement
The total cost of the land, including interest at of workers in conformity with the
the rate of six percent (6%) per annum, shall be national interest;
paid by the tenant in fifteen (15) years of fifteen (e) To regulate the employment of aliens,
(15) equal annual amortizations. including the establishment of a
registration and/or work permit system;
"Recruitment and placement" refers to any act (a) To organize and establish new
of canvassing, enlisting, contracting, employment offices in addition to the
transporting, utilizing, hiring or procuring existing employment offices under the
workers, and includes referrals, contract Department of Labor as the need arises;
services, promising or advertising for
employment, locally or abroad, whether for profit (b) To organize and establish a nationwide
or not: Provided, That any person or entity job clearance and information system to
which, in any manner, offers or promises for a inform applicants registering with a
fee, employment to two or more persons shall particular employment office of job
be deemed engaged in recruitment and opportunities in other parts of the
placement. country as well as job opportunities
"Private fee-charging employment agency"
means any person or entity engaged in (c) To develop and organize a program that
recruitment and placement of workers for a fee will facilitate occupational, industrial and
which is charged, directly or indirectly, from the geographical mobility of labor and
workers or employers or both. provide assistance in the relocation of
workers from one area to another; and
"License" means a document issued by the
Department of Labor authorizing a person or (d) To require any person, establishment,
entity to operate a private employment agency. organization or institution to submit such
employment information as may be
"Private recruitment entity" means any person prescribed by the Secretary of Labor.
or association engaged in the recruitment and
placement of workers, locally or overseas, Functions of Public Employment Offices
without charging, directly or indirectly, any fee a) Provide free placement of workers
from the workers or employers. applying for both domestic and overseas
"Authority" means a document issued by the b) Provide adequate vocational guidance
Department of Labor authorizing a person or and testing services to persons seeking
association to engage in recruitment and help in choosing or changing an
Article 23 has been superseded by Executive Worker’s Deployment
Order No. 797, May 1, 1982. • 120 c.d. from the date of signing of
employment contract, for land based
Article 24. workers
Boards to issue rules and collect fees. • 30 c.d. from date of processing by
POEA of employment contract for
N.B. seafarers
Article 24 has been superseded by Executive
Order No. 797, May 1, 1982. Mandatory benefits
(a) Personal Accident and Life Insurance
(for land based workers)
Chapter II
(b) War-risk Insurance (for land based
(c) War-risk Premium Pay (for seafarers)
Article 25. Private sector participation in the
Serrano v. Gallant Maritime Services inc.
recruitment and placement of workers.
G.R. No. 167514. March 24, 2009
Pursuant to national development objectives and
in order to harness and maximize the use of In sum, prior to R.A. No. 8042, OFWs and local workers with
private sector resources and initiative in the fixed-term employment who were illegally discharged were
development and implementation of a treated alike in terms of the computation of their money
claims: they were uniformly entitled to their salaries for the
comprehensive employment program, the entire unexpired portions of their contracts. But with the
private employment sector shall participate in enactment of R.A. No. 8042, specifically the adoption of the
the recruitment and placement of workers, subject clause, illegally dismissed OFWs with an unexpired
locally and overseas, under such guidelines, portion of one year or more in their employment contract
have since been differently treated in that their money claims
rules and regulations as may be issued by the are subject to a 3-month cap, whereas no such limitation is
Secretary of Labor. imposed on local workers with fixed-term employment.
Private employment agency with a license – The Court concludes that the subject clause contains a
suspect classification in that, in the computation of the
refers to any person or entity engaged in the monetary benefits of fixed-term employees who are
recruitment and placement of workers for a fee illegally discharged, it imposes a 3-month cap on the
which is charged, directly or indirectly, from the claim of OFWs with an unexpired portion of one year or
workers or employers or both. more in their contracts, but none on the claims of other
OFWs or local workers with fixed-term employment. The
subject clause singles out one classification of OFWs
Private recruitment entity with authority – and burdens it with a peculiar disadvantage.
refers to any person or association engaged in
the recruitment and placement of workers, xxx
locally or overseas, without charging, directly [T]he Court GRANTS the Petition. The subject clause "or for
or indirectly, any fee from the workers or three months for every year of the unexpired term,
employers. whichever is less" in the 5th paragraph of Section 10 of
Republic Act No. 8042 is DECLARED
Fees/Escrow/Bonds Amount (PhP)
License fee 50,000
Escrow agreement 1,000,000 Article 26. Travel agencies prohibited to
Surety bond 100,000 recruit. Travel agencies and sales agencies of
airline companies are prohibited from engaging
Pre-Employment Tests in the business of recruitment and placement of
Trade tests for workers for overseas workers for overseas employment whether for
employment shall be conducted only after profit or not.
interview and pre-qualification to the position
covered by an approved job order by POEA. REASONS:
• Travel agencies are under the
N.B. supervision of Department of Tourism,
Medical examination shall only be conducted not the DOLE
after trade test or pre-qualified.
• Confusion may arise to the detriment Article 31. Bonds. All applicants for license or
and disadvantage of an overseas authority shall post such cash and surety bonds
applicant-worker as determined by the Secretary of Labor to
• May lead to exploitation of applicant- guarantee compliance with prescribed
worker who will be at mercy of the travel recruitment procedures, rules and regulations,
agency or sales agency of airline and terms and conditions of employment as may
company from the time his papers are be appropriate.
processed to the time he departs
• Illegal recruitment activities are traced
from travel agencies that facilitate JMM Promotions & Management Inc. v. NLRC
G.R. No. 109835. November 22, 1993
papers of job-seeker for overseas;
promising that their tourist visa will be It is true that the cash and surety bonds and the money
converted to working visa in the country placed in escrow are supposed to guarantee the payment of
of employment. all valid and legal claims against the employer, but these
claims are not limited to monetary awards to employees
whose contracts of employment have been violated. The
Article 27. Citizenship requirement. POEA can go against these bonds also for violations by the
Only Filipino citizens or corporations, recruiter of the conditions of its license, the provisions of the
partnerships or entities at least seventy-five Labor Code and its implementing rules, E.O. 247
(reorganizing POEA) and the POEA Rules, as well as the
percent (75%) of the authorized and voting settlement of other liabilities the recruiter may incur.
capital stock of which is owned and controlled by
Filipino citizens shall be permitted to participate As for the escrow agreement, it was presumably intended to
in the recruitment and placement of workers, provide for a standing fund, as it were, to be used only as a
last resort and not to be reduced with the enforcement
locally or overseas. against it of every claim of recruited workers that may be
adjudged against the employer. This amount may not even
Article 28. Capitalization. be enough to cover such claims and, even if it could initially,
All applicants for authority to hire or renewal of may eventually be exhausted after satisfying other
subsequent claims.
license to recruit are required to have such
substantial capitalization as determined by the
Secretary of Labor. Finman General Assurance Corp. v. NLRC
G.R. No. 94588. July 2, 1992
Capitalization Requirement
• Minimum capitalization of P2,000,000 The petition for certiorari is without merit. The POEA
for single proprietorship or partnership; Administrator did not exceed his jurisdiction nor act with
grave abuse of discretion in impleading FINMAN as a co-
• Minimum paid-up capital of P2,000,000 respondent in (L) RRB Case No. 88-03-474 and directing it
for corporations; to pay jointly and severally with Pan Pacific the claims of the
private respondents, Galiza and Bumanglag, on the basis of
the surety bond it issued for Pan Pacific. Said surety bond
Article 29. Non-transferability of license or
guarantees the faithful compliance by Pan Pacific of all laws
authority. relating to the use of its license and its recruitment activities.
No license or authority shall be used directly or The bond is conditioned upon the true and faithful
indirectly by any person other than the one in performance and observance by Pan Pacific of its duties and
obligations as a licensed placement agency (Art. 31, Title I,
whose favor it was issued or at any place other Book One, Labor Code of the Phils.). Accordingly, the nature
than that stated in the license or authority be of FINMAN's obligation under the suretyship agreement
transferred, conveyed or assigned to any other makes it privy to the proceedings against its principal, Pan
person or entity. Any transfer of business Pacific. FINMAN is bound by a judgment against its principal
eventhough it was not a party to the proceedings, for a
address, appointment or designation of any surety is considered in law as being the same party as the
agent or representative including the debtor in relation to whatever is adjudged touching the
establishment of additional offices anywhere obligation of the latter, and their liabilities are interwoven as
shall be subject to the prior approval of the to be inseparable
Department of Labor.
such nationals to the Secretary of Labor within (a) "Apprenticeship" means practical
thirty (30) days after such date indicating their training on the job supplemented by
names, citizenship, foreign and local addresses, related theoretical instruction.
nature of employment and status of stay in the
country. The Secretary of Labor shall then (b) An "apprentice" is a worker who is
determine if they are entitled to an employment covered by a written apprenticeship
permit. agreement with an individual employer
or any of the entities recognized under
Purpose: To monitor the influx of foreign this Chapter.
nationals into the Philippines.
(c) An "apprenticeable occupation"
BOOK TWO means any trade, form of employment
HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT or occupation which requires more than
PROGRAM three (3) months of practical training on
the job supplemented by related
Title II theoretical instruction.
PROGRAM (d) "Apprenticeship agreement" is an
Chapter I employment contract wherein the
NATIONAL POLICIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE employer binds himself to train the
MACHINERY FOR THEIR IMPLEMENTATION apprentice and the apprentice in turn
accepts the terms of training.
Articles 43 to 56
On-the-Job Training – the practical work
Training – is the systematic development of the
experience through actual participation in
attitude/ knowledge/ skill behavior pattern
productive activities given to or acquired by an
required for adequate performance of a given
It may be undertaken:
N.B. (a) In the plant, shop or premises of the
Articles 43 to 56 superseded by Republic Act employer or firm concerned if the
No. 7796 or “The TESDA Act of 1994”. apprenticeship program is organized by
an individual employer or firm;
Title II (b) In the premises of one or several firms
TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT OF SPECIAL designated for the purpose by the
WORKERS organizer of the program if such
organizer is an association of
Chapter I employers, civic group or the like;
APPRENTICES (c) In the DOLE Training Center (TESDA)
or other public training institutions with
Article 57. Statement of objectives. which the TESDA has made appropriate
This Title aims: arrangements.
(a) To help meet the demand of the
economy for trained manpower; Article 59. Qualifications of apprentice.
(b) To establish a national apprenticeship To qualify as an apprentice, a person shall:
program through the participation of
employers, workers and government (a) Be at least fourteen (14) years of age;
and non-government agencies; and
(c) To establish apprenticeship standards (b) Possess Vocational Aptitude and
for the protection of apprentices. Capacity for Appropriate TEsts; and
Article 58. Definition of Terms. (c) Possess the ability to Comprehend and
As used in this Title: follow Oral and Written instructions.
Trade and industry associations may graduation or for taking government board
recommend to the Secretary of Labor examination.
appropriate educational requirements for
different occupations. Apprenticeship Agreements
• Parents or guardians should sign in
MNEMONICS: behalf of minors
14-VACATE-COW • Copy of agreement should be submitted
to DOLE-TESDA within 5 working days
Aptitude test – shall be provided by employers from execution thereof
to apprenticeship-applicants. If the employer • Doctrine of exhaustion of administrative
does not have adequate facilities, the DOLE remedies applies
may provide for the service free of charge.
Valid Causes of Termination (by employer)
Article 60. Employment of apprentices. (a) Habitual absenteeism
Only employers in the highly technical industries (b) Willful disobedience of company rules or
may employ apprentices and only in insubordination to lawful order of a
apprenticeable occupations approved by the superior
Secretary of Labor and Employment. (As (c) Poor physical condition, physical
amended by Section 1, Executive Order No. disability or prolonged illness which
111, December 24, 1986) incapacitates the apprentice from
Highly technical Industry – refers to a trade, (d) Theft or malicious destruction of
business, enterprise, industry or other activity company property and/or equipment
which utilizes the application of advanced (e) Poor efficiency despite warnings given
technology. to the apprentice, and
(f) Engaging in violence and other forms of
N.B. gross misconduct inside the employers
Only employers in highly-technical industries premises.
may enter into apprenticeship agreements
Valid Causes of Termination (by apprentice)
Article 61. Contents of apprenticeship (a) Substandard or deleterious working
agreements. conditions within the employer’s
Apprenticeship agreements, including the wage premises
rates of apprentices, shall conform to the rules (b) Repeated violations by the employer of
issued by the Secretary of Labor and the terms of apprenticeship agreement
Employment. The period of apprenticeship shall (c) Cruel or inhuman treatment by the
not exceed six months. Apprenticeship employer or his subordinates
agreements providing for wage rates below the (d) Personal problems which in the opinion
legal minimum wage, which in no case shall of the apprentice shall prevent him from
start below 75 percent of the applicable a satisfactory performance of his job,
minimum wage, may be entered into only in and
accordance with apprenticeship programs duly (e) Bad health or continuing illness
approved by the Secretary of Labor and
Employment. The Department shall develop Article 62. Signing of apprenticeship
standard model programs of apprenticeship. (As agreement.
amended by Section 1, Executive Order No. Every apprenticeship agreement shall be signed
111, December 24, 1986) by the employer or his agent, or by an
authorized representative of any of the
GENERAL RULE: Wage rate of apprentice shall recognized organizations, associations or
start at 75% of statutory minimum wage for the groups and by the apprentice.
first 6-months.
An apprenticeship agreement with a minor shall
EXCEPTION: May not receive compensation be signed in his behalf by his parent or guardian,
when the on-the-job training is required by the if the latter is not available, by an authorized
school curriculum as a pre-requisite for representative of the Department of Labor, and
the same shall be binding during its lifetime.
Every apprenticeship agreement entered into (b) In the premises of one or several
under this Title shall be ratified by the designated firms in the case of
appropriate apprenticeship committees, if any, programs sponsored by a group or
and a copy thereof shall be furnished both the association of employers or by a civic
employer and the apprentice. organization; or
The doctrine requires that where an (c) Where services of foreign technicians
administrative remedy is provided by law, relief are utilized by private companies in
must first be sought by exhausting such apprenticeable trades, said companies
remedies before the courts will act. (Black’s Law are required to set up appropriate
Dictionary) apprenticeship programs.
(b) The rate to be paid the handicapped service of another, and workers who are paid by
workers which shall not be less than results as determined by the Secretary of Labor
seventy five (75%) percent of the in appropriate regulations.
applicable legal minimum wage;
As used herein, "managerial employees" refer
(c) The duration of employment period; and to those whose primary duty consists of the
management of the establishment in which they
(d) The work to be performed by are employed or of a department or subdivision
handicapped workers. thereof, and to other officers or members of the
managerial staff.
The employment agreement shall be subject to
inspection by the Secretary of Labor or his duly "Field personnel" shall refer to non-agricultural
authorized representative. employees who regularly perform their duties
away from the principal place of business or
N.B. branch office of the employer and whose actual
Sec.5 Chapter I, Title II of Republic Act No. hours of work in the field cannot be determined
7277 or the “Magna Carta for Disabled Persons” with reasonable certainty.
provides that persons with disability (PWD) are
entitled to equal opportunity for employment (full Exceptions in Applying Book Three Title I
wage and benefits). a) Government employee
b) Managerial employees
Article 81. Eligibility for apprenticeship. c) Officers and members of the managerial
Subject to the appropriate provisions of this staff
Code, handicapped workers may be hired as d) Field personnel
apprentices or learners if their handicap is not e) Members of the family of the employer
such as to effectively impede the performance of who are dependent on him for support
job operations in the particular occupations for f) Domestic helpers
which they are hired. g) Persons in the personal service of
another, and
N.B. h) Workers paid by results
Handicapped workers are eligible for
employment as apprentices or learners if their MNEMONICS:
handicap is such that it does not impede the GMO-FM-DPW
performance of job operations in the particular
trade or occupation which is the subject of GENERAL RULE: Government employees are
apprenticeship or learnership contract. governed by Civil Service rules and not by the
Labor Code.
under the Corporation Code. (Also see Article 6)
Title I Managerial positions are by virtue of their
WORKING CONDITIONS AND REST special training or expertise, experience and
PERIODS knowledge and for positions which require the
exercise of independent judgment and
Chapter I discretion. They are not subject to rigid
HOURS OF WORK observance of office hours.
similarly situated with persons paid by results Hours worked shall include (a) all time during
in as far as exclusion to Labor Code is which an employee is required to be on duty or
concerned. to be at a prescribed workplace; and (b) all time
during which an employee is suffered or
N.B. permitted to work.
Enumerated above are NOT entitled to
overtime pay, premium pay for rest days and Rest periods of short duration during working
holidays, night shift differential pay, holiday pay hours shall be counted as hours worked.
service incentive leave and service charges.
Instances of working time
• Serving coffee to visitors
Article 83. Normal hours of work. • Messenger playing chess while not yet
The normal hours of work of any employee shall summoned by superior
not exceed eight (8) hours a day. • Travel time in connection with work
• Idle-time pay
Health personnel in cities and municipalities with • Waiting time if integral part of work
a population of at least one million (1,000,000) • Sleeping time, when it is not prejudicial
or in hospitals and clinics with a bed capacity of to performance of work
at least one hundred (100) shall hold regular • Time spent by Union in collective
office hours for eight (8) hours a day, for five (5) bargaining if provided in the CBA
days a week, exclusive of time for meals, except • Attendance in lectures, meetings and
where the exigencies of the service require that trainings when required by employer
such personnel work for six (6) days or forty- • Preliminary and postliminary activities
eight (48) hours, in which case, they shall be for benefit of the employer
entitled to an additional compensation of at least • Rest periods, including coffee breaks,
thirty percent (30%) of their regular wage for from 5-20 minutes
work on the sixth day. For purposes of this • Semestral break of those in the
Article, "health personnel" shall include resident academe (teachers)
physicians, nurses, nutritionists, dietitians,
pharmacists, social workers, laboratory Article 85. Meal periods.
technicians, paramedical technicians, Subject to such regulations as the Secretary of
psychologists, midwives, attendants and all Labor may prescribe, it shall be the duty of every
other hospital or clinic personnel. employer to give his employees not less than
sixty (60) minutes time-off for their regular
Article 83 of the Labor Code provides that the meals.
normal working hours of work shall not exceed
eight (8) hours a day: GENERAL RULE: Not less than 60 minutes
• If by nature of employment, an time-off for regular meals.
employee is required to on the job for
only six (6) hours daily, then such period EXCEPTION: At least 20 minutes time-off for
shall be regarded as full working day meals in the following instances:
• It is a management prerogative (a) Where the work is non-manual in nature
whenever the exigencies of the service or does not involve strenuous physical
require, to change the working hours of exertion;
its employees as long as such (b) Where the establishment regularly
prerogative is exercised in good faith operates not less than 16 hours a day;
(Union Carbide Labor Union v. Union Carbide
Phils. Inc., 215 SCRA 554)
(c) In cases of actual or impending
• Compressed Work Week (CWW) may emergencies or there is urgent work to
be adopted by the employer so that less be performed on machineries,
than 6 days a week may be attained equipment or installation to avoid
without reducing the 48 hours per work serious loss which the employer would
week. otherwise suffer, and
(d) Where the work is necessary to prevent
Article 84. Hours worked. serious loss of perishable goods.