Educ 114

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Jhomela Marcellana, LPT
EDUC 114
1. Recruitment and Selection
2. Transfer and Promotion
3. Salaries, Monetory Benefits and other
Teacher I
SG11 P27,000

Teacher II SG12 29, 165

Teacher III SG13 31, 320

Master Teacher I SG18 46, 725

Master Teacher II SG19 51, 357

Master Teacher III SG20 57, 347

Master Teacher IV SG21 63, 997

4. Leave Previleges
Vacation Leave
refers to leave of absence granted to officials and
employees for personal reasons, the approval of which is
contingent upon the necessities of the service.
Vacation Leave With Pay  This is granted to employee with
cumulative leave credits. This should be filed at least five (5)
days in advance, whenever possible and should be approved
by the head of unit.
Vacation Leave Without Pay   All absences of an official or
employee in excess of his accumulated vacation or sick leave credits
earned shall be without pay. When an employee had already
exhausted his sick leave credits, he can use his vacation leave credits
but not vice versa 
• Mandatory/Forced Leave
• All officials and employees with ten (10) days or more vacation leave credits shall be required to go
on vacation leave whether continuous or intermittent for a minimum of five (5) working days
annually under the following conditions:
• The head of the University shall, upon prior consultation with the employees, prepare a staggered
schedule of the mandatory five-day vacation leave of officials and employees, provided that they
may, in the exigency of service, cancel any previously scheduled leave.
• The mandatory annual five-day vacation leave shall be forfeited if not taken during the year.
However, in cases where the scheduled leave has been cancelled in the exigency of service by the
head of the University, the scheduled leave not enjoyed shall no longer be deducted from the
accumulated vacation leave.
• Retirement and resignation from the service in a particular year without completing the calendar
year do not warrant forfeiture of the corresponding leave credits if concerned employees opted not
to avail of the required five-day mandatory vacation leave.
• Those with accumulated vacation leave of less than ten (10) days shall have the option to go or not
to go on forced leave. However, officials and employees with accumulated vacation leave of fifteen
(15) days who availed of monetization for ten (10) days, shall still be required to go on forced leave
(amended by CSC MC No.41, s.1998).
• Sick Leave 
• refers to leave of absence granted only on account of sickness or disability on the
part of the employee concerned or any member of his/her immediate family (CSC
Omnibus Rules Implementing of Book V of Executive Order 292, Rule 1.5).
Immediate family refers to the spouse, children, parents, unmarried brothers and
sisters and any relative living under the same roof and dependent upon the
employee for support (CSC Omnibus Rules Implementing Book 22 University of
the Philippines Manila V of Executive Order 292, Rule 1.4). When an employee
has already exhausted his/her sick leave credits, he/she can use his/her vacation
leave credits but not vice versa (CSC MC No. 41, s.1998, Section 56). Sick leave
should be filed immediately upon report for duty. Sick leave may be applied for in
advance in cases where the official or employee will undergo medical
examination or operation or advised to rest in view of ill health, and is duly
supported by a medical certificate.
• Special Leave Privileges (SLP)
• In addition to vacation, sick, maternity and paternity leave, officials and employees with or without existing or approved Collective Negotiation
Agreement (CNA), except teachers and those covered by special leave laws (Section 21 of Omnibus Rule On Leave Rule XVI of the Omnibus Rules
Implementing Book V of EO 292, as Amended by CSC MC Nos. 41, s. 1998; 6 and 14, s. 1999), are granted the following special leave privileges subject
to the conditions hereunder stated:
• An employee can still avail of his/her birthday or wedding anniversary leave if such occasion falls on either a Saturday, Sunday or Holiday, either before
or after the occasion.
• Employees applying for special privilege leaves shall no longer be required to present proof that they are entitled to avail of such leaves.
• Three-day limit for a given year shall be strictly observed: an employee can avail of one special leave privilege (SLP) each day for three (3) days or a
combination of any of the leaves for maximum of three days in a given year. Special leave privileges are non-cumulative and strictly non-convertible to
• The University shall grant its employees, a maximum of three (3) days of noncumulative, non-commutable special leave privileges (SLP) every year, to
be used in any of the following:
• Birthday;
• Emergency, in case of earthquake, typhoon, flood and other natural and/or man
• made disasters or calamities;
• Enrollment;
• Graduation;
• Hospitalization for immediate members of the family;
• Wedding and honeymoon; wedding anniversary;
• Relocation subject to the submission of a certification from the barangay;
• Burial and bereavement period, in case of death of the spouse or any of the children, parents, brothers or sisters
• Government transactions; and
• Domestic emergencies.
• Paternity Leave 
• Married male employee is entitled to paternity leave of seven
(7) working days for the first four (4) deliveries of his legitimate
spouse with whom he is cohabiting (CSC Omnibus Rules
Implementing Book V of Executive Order 292, Rule XVI, Section
• Paternity leave of seven (7) days shall be non-cumulative and
strictly non-convertible to cash. The same may be enjoyed either
in a continuous or in an intermittent manner by the employee
on the days immediately before, during or after the childbirth or
miscarriage of his legitimate spouse (CSC MC No. 14, s. 1999,
Section 20).
• Rehabilitation Leave for Job-related Injuries
• Application of officials and employees for leave of absence on account of
wounds or injuries incurred in the performance of duty must be made on
the prescribed form, supported by proper medical certificate as evidence
showing that the wounds or injuries were incurred in the performance of
• The head of department/agency concerned shall direct that the absence of
an employee during his/her period of disability thus occasioned shall be on
full pay, but not to exceed six (6) months. The head may also authorize
payment of medical attendance, necessary transportation, subsistence and
hospital fees of the injured person. Absence in the case contemplated shall
not be charged against sick or vacation leave, if there are any (Section 55,
Rule XVI, CSC MC No. 41, s.1998).
• Ten (10) Days Leave Under RA 9262 (Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of
• Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004 is the series of acts committed by any
person against a woman or with whom he has a sexual or dating relationship, his wife or former
wife, or with whom he has a common child, or against her child whether legitimate or
• Conditions for the availment of 10 Days Leave under RA 9262:
• May apply for leave continuously or in an intermittent manner;
• Non commutative and non-cumulative and will be forfeited if not used within a year;
• May apply for extension of leave, but it will be charged to his/her leave credits.
• The following employees are qualified to avail of such leave:
• Any woman in the government service regardless of employment status who is a victim of
violence as defined under Section 3 of the Act, or;
• Any woman employee whose child is a victim of violence as defined under whose age is below 18
or above 18 but unable to take care of himself/herself (Section 3 of the Act. CSC MC No.25 dated
1 December 2010)
• Special Leave Benefits for Women under RA 9710
(An Act Providing for the Magna Carta of Women)
• Any female employee regardless of age and civil
status, shall be entitled to a special leave for a
maximum of two months with full pay provided
she has rendered at least six (6) months aggregate
service in any or various government agencies for
the last twelve (12) months prior to undergoing
surgery for gynecological disorders.
• Parental Leave of Seven (7) Working Days Under RA 8972 (The Solo Parent Welfare Act of 2000)
• A woman who gives birth as a result of rape.
• Death of spouse -Detained spouse
• Physical and mental incapacity of the spouse certified by the medical practitioner
• Legal separation from spouse for at least one (1) year
• Annulment of marriage
• Unmarried status and has preferred to keep and rear his/her child instead of giving her/him up to an
• Any other person who solely provides parental care and support to a child or children.
• Any family member who assumes the responsibility of head of family as a result of the death,
abandonment, disappearance or prolonged absence of the parents or solo parents.

• Conditions for the grant of Solo Parent Leave:

• At least one year government service whether continuous or broken at the time of effectivity or RA
8972, September 22, 2002
• Regardless of employment status -Maybe availed every year
• Must be filed five (5) days in advance
• May be availed 7 days continuous or on staggered basis
• It will be forfeited if not availed within a year
• Non-convertible to cash and non-cumulative
• Leave Benefits Granted Under the Collective
Negotiation Agreement (CNA)
• Five (5) days additional sick leave for job-related
injuries or sickness (Ratified 27 April 2015 by All
UP Workers Union);
• Three (3) days additional Special Leave Privilege
• Two (2) days Nursing Leave for nursing mothers
• Two (2) days leave in case of
hospitalization/confinement of immediate
members of family
4.1 Special Leave Previleges of School
5. Employment Status of Teacher

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