Wolfsberg Questionnaire

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The Wolfsberg

Correspondent Banking
Due Diligence Questionnaire (CBDDQ)

Completion Guidance
22 February 2018

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In response to both an increase in regulatory expectations as well as a call for action from the Financial Stability
Board (“FSB”) Correspondent Banking Coordination Group (“CBCG”), the Committee on Payments and Market
infrastructure (“CPMI”) and the Financial Action Task Force (“FATF”), the Wolfsberg Group (“the Group”) has
revised its 2014 Correspondent Banking questionnaire and issued the Correspondent Banking Due Diligence
Questionnaire (“CBDDQ”).

This document has been produced to support the completion of the questionnaire. The objective is to drive
consistency through the correct interpretation of the questions. Ultimately, the Group expects that
Correspondent Banking entities ensure the quality of the data collected is both accurate and consistent.

In the guidance notes below, the Financial Institution (“FI”) completing the questionnaire is referred to as the

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Completion of the CBDDQ

The Questionnaire has been designed with the following completion format:
§ Drop down answers: Provide specific answers e.g. “yes,” “no.” The selection of the response is mandatory, except where, in answering “no,” the subsequent
questions become not applicable.
§ Free text boxes: Entity to provide the mandatory response in a free text format, including the elements described in the Wolfsberg Group CBDDQ Completion
§ Where the Entity may want to provide additional context to responses provided in a specific section, it may utilise the free text box at the end of each section,
highlighting the question number and providing context. Note that all free-text boxes, with the exception of questions 49a and 52a, have a limit of 320
Ensure that when responding to the questionnaire, all responses are provided at the Legal Entity level. This means the Financial Institution must answer the
questionnaire at an ultimate parent / head office level and covering all branches which act as responding entities (unless otherwise specified). If a response differs
for one of its branches, this needs to be highlighted and details explaining the difference captured at the end of each subsection or free text box, where available. In
the event that a branch business activity (products offered, client base, etc.) or FCC control program is significantly different than its head office, the Entity may
also complete a separate questionnaire for that branch.

This questionnaire should not cover more than one Legal Entity. This means the Financial Institution must answer the questionnaire at an ultimate parent / head office
level and separately for applicable subsidiaries.

Note that not all questions have associated guidance notes. Refer to the Glossary for additional clarifications.

Declaration Statement
When the Entity completes the Questionnaire, it must have the Declaration Statement completed and signed off.
This section requires the signature of the Global Head of Correspondent Banking, or equivalent, and the Money Laundering Reporting Officer, or equivalent.
The inclusion of the Business into the Declaration Statement acknowledges the Business Management’ accountability for Correspondent Banking risks.

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CBDDQ Completion Guidance

Entity & Ownership

Question 1 Full Legal Name Also referred to as company name.

Question 2 Append a list of branches which are covered by this Refer to page 3 “Completion of the CBDDQ” for further guidance. Include the Legal Entity branches (both domestic and
questionnaire foreign), unless there is a branch which has different business activities/clients or does not follow the same Financial Crime
Compliance Programme. List all branches acting as responding entities, including full name and country of location.
Question 3 Full Legal (Registered) Address Registered address for Legal Entities is also known as address of incorporation.

Question 4 Full Primary Business Address (if different from Address where the Entity is primarily physically located (similar to principal business address or address of residence).
Question 5 Date of Entity incorporation/ establishment Provide the date of incorporation.
If the full date is not available, provide the year and explain why the full date is not available.
Question 6 Select type of ownership and append an ownership Ownership chart means a visual representation of the ownership structure, including percentage of ownership and the full
chart if available name of all parent entities and ultimate beneficial owners.

Question 6 a Publicly Traded (25% of shares publicly traded) Entity is publicly traded if 25% or more of its ordinary shares or common stock are listed on a stock exchange.

Question 6 a.1 If Y, indicate the exchange traded on and ticker Provide the full names of all the stock exchanges where the ordinary shares/common stock are primary listed along with the
symbol unique ID used by each stock exchange to identify the security.

Question 6 b Member Owned/ Mutual Mutual Societies are organisations owned by their members and managed for their benefit, such as a building society, friendly
society, credit union, registered society (including: co-operative societies, industrial and provident societies, community
benefit societies, which are registered legal entities and hold limited liability).
Question 6 c Government or State Owned over 25% If Entity is owned 25% or more by a government, state owned body or state agency (directly or indirectly) for the purpose of
performing state related activity versus an investment stake.

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Entity & Ownership

Question 6 d Privately Owned Select privately owned if 6a, b or c do not apply.

Question 6 d.1 If Y, provide details of shareholders or ultimate Provide immediate and ultimate shareholders (legal entities and natural persons) full names and percentage held.
beneficial owners with a holding of 10% or more

Question 7 % of the entity's total shares composed of bearer Are share certificates issued in bearer form? Ownership is signified by possession of certificates issued to “bearer”.

Question 8 Does the Entity, or any of its branches, operate under Offshore banking license means a license to conduct banking activities which, as a condition of the license, prohibits the
an offshore banking license (OBL) ? licensed entity from conducting banking activities with the citizens, or in the local currency, of the country which issued the
Question 8-a If Y, provide the name of the relevant branch/es which Include any branches or entities which operate under an offshore banking license and Country of Location/Jurisdiction.
operate under an OBL

Question 9 Name of primary financial regulator / supervisory This is the regulator with primary responsibility for oversight of anti-money laundering, counter terrorist finance and other
authority types of financial crime compliance.

Question 10 Provide Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) if available A Legal Entity Identifier (or LEI), is a 20-character identifier that identifies distinct legal entities that engage in financial
transactions. It is defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 17442.

Question 11 Provide the full legal name of ultimate parent (if Provide the name of the entity that ultimately holds 10% or more ownership interest in the responding party.
different from the Entity completing the DDQ)
Question 12 Jurisdiction of licensing authority and regulator of If applicable, country in which the primary financial regulator/ supervisory authority of the ultimate parent is established.
ultimate parent

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Entity & Ownership

Question 13 Select the business areas applicable to the Entity This section refers to the areas of business offered by the Entity.

Question 13 b Private Banking / Wealth Management Refer to the Glossary for further details. If the Entity does not provide both services, specify which service is applicable in
Question 13 j Other Specify any other services which have not been covered in 13 above or provide any clarifications that may be required.

Question 14 Does the Entity have a significant (10% or more) offshore “Off-shore customer base” means customers primarily resident / incorporated in a different jurisdiction to the location where
customer base, either by number of customers or by bank services are provided.
revenue (where off-shore means not domiciled in the
location where bank services are being provided) ?
Question 14 a If Y, provide details of the country and % List those countries where the offshore customer base is 10% or more of the total number of customers or revenue.

Question 15 Select the closest value:

Question 15 a Number of employees Include the number of full time employees (FTE) of the Entity and any applicable branches. The Entity should aim to include
the most accurate figure although it is understood that there may be a small variance for larger Entities.

Question 15 b Total Assets Provide the Total Assets per the Entity’s latest audited balance sheet, including any applicable branches. The Entity should
aim to include the most accurate figure although the Group understand that there may be a small variance for larger Entities.

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CBDDQ Completion Guidance

Products & Services

Question 17 Does the Entity offer the following products and For each of the products and services mentioned below, respond based on the Entity offering of products and services directly
services: to their customers, versus acting as an Introducer or Intermediary.

Question 17 a Correspondent Banking If the Entity answers “no” the Questionnaire remains relevant as the Entity may be obtaining correspondent banking services
as a Respondent, rather than providing Correspondent Banking services to other Financial Institutions. Go to question 17b
Question 17 a.2 Does the Entity offer correspondent banking services to Provision of correspondent banking services to Financial Institutions based in the same jurisdiction as the Entity.
domestic banks?

Question 17 a.3 Does the Entity allow domestic bank clients to provide Where the Entity’s correspondent banking customers provide correspondent banking to other Financial Institutions and which
downstream relationships? flow through the Entity.
A downstream correspondent (often referred to as “nested”) relationship occurs when a Respondent Bank receives
correspondent banking services from a Correspondent and itself provides correspondent banking services to other financial
institutions in the same currency as the account it maintains with its Correspondent.
Question 17 a.5 Does the Entity offer correspondent banking services to Provision of correspondent banking services to Financial Institutions outside the jurisdiction of the Entity.
Foreign Banks?

Question 17 e Stored Value Instruments Refer to Glossary for further clarification. If the Entity answers “Yes” utilise the free-text box under “Question 18 b” to provide
examples of Stored Value Instrument the Entity provides e.g. prepaid cards, e-wallet, government benefit cards.

Question 17 p Other high risk products and services identified by the The definition of high risk is based on the Entity local regulations and/or the industry standards issued by bodies such as The
Entity Wolfsberg Group, FATF, etc.
If answering “none” or “not applicable”, provide context to your response e.g. the Entity does not provide any additional high
risk products.

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CBDDQ Completion Guidance

AML, CTF & Sanctions Programme

Question 19 Does the Entity have a programme that sets minimum
AML, CTF and Sanctions standards regarding the
following components:
Question 19 a Appointed Officer with sufficient experience/expertise “Sufficient experience/expertise” is based on local regulatory expectations and industry standards in the jurisdiction where the
Entity is based. Consider the type of role previously undertaken and length of time in the Financial Industry Compliance sector.
The Entity may have appointed the same person as both the AML and Sanctions Officer or have a person for each role.
Question 19 b Cash Reporting Only utilise the drop down option “not applicable” if there are regulatory reasons for not reporting (i.e., there is no regulatory
requirement to report cash transactions at any threshold) or operational reasons (e.g. the Entity does not handle cash). Utilise
the free-text box under questions “24 b” to provide further information.
Question 19 h Policies and Procedures “Policies” establishes the principles to be adhered to in order to ensure effective risk management, aligned to the three Lines
of Defence model (refer to the Glossary for further information). “Procedures” support the implementation of the policy by
providing detailed requirements that must be adhered to.
Question 19 i Risk Assessment Assessment of the inherent money laundering, terrorism financing, sanctions and bribery and corruption risks, present within
the Entity (customers, geography, products, channels), as well as the mitigating controls implemented to manage those risks,
resulting in a residual risk rating.
Question 19 n Training and Education Refers to activities delivered either internally or by a third party, designed to educate and develop employees, taking into
account the Entity’s policies and procedures and for which attendance records are maintained.

Question 20 How many full time employees are in the Entity's AML, This question excludes contractors and temporary staff and is only concerned with AML and Sanctions full time employees or
CTF & Sanctions Compliance Department? equivalent in the second line of defence.

Question 21 Is the Entity's AML, CTF & Sanctions policy approved at Policy may be maintained at the Entity or the Entity’s parent level – answer for the policy applied by the Entity completing the
least annually by the Board or equivalent Senior questionnaire.
Management Committee? If the Entity answer is “no” add context in the free text box.

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CBDDQ Completion Guidance

AML, CTF & Sanctions Programme

Question 22 Does the Board or equivalent Senior Management “Reporting” means Management Information (MI) which is reported to Senior Management by way of presentation slides,
committee receive regular reporting on the status of the metrics and/or discussions which can be evidenced via minutes.
AML, CTF & Sanctions programme?
Question 23 Does the Entity use third parties to carry out any “Third party” means a different legal entity. This could be either related or unrelated to the responding Entity (i.e. either
components of its AML, CTF & Sanctions programme? another entity in the same group or a third party).
Provide the response based on the third party performing activities on behalf of the Entity, where the Entity remains
accountable for the activity from a regulatory perspective.
Question 23 a If Y, provide further details Explain what is done by the third party, its responsibilities, details of the location where the third party is based, if it is
regulated and by whom, if it is related to the Entity. Confirm if the third party is subject to the same governance, policies and
procedures as the Entity.

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CBDDQ Completion Guidance

Anti Bribery & Corruption

Question 25 Has the Entity documented policies and procedures “Reasonably” refers to the ability to reduce the exposure to bribery and corruption versus the ability to eradicate all risks.
consistent with applicable ABC regulations and
requirements to [reasonably] prevent, detect and report
bribery and corruption?
Question 26 Does the Entity have an enterprise wide programme that “Enterprise wide” refers to a programme which covers all relevant functions and activities which may be impacted by bribery
sets minimum ABC standards? and corruption risks, including branches and any businesses under the Entity’s responsibility. Refer to the programme which is
currently in place whether imposed by the parent company or designed by the Entity itself.
Question 27 Has the Entity appointed a designated officer or officers Has the entity assigned accountability for the ABC programme to an appropriate individual? “Sufficient experience/expertise”
with sufficient experience/expertise responsible for is based on local regulatory expectations and industry standards in the jurisdiction where the Entity is based. Consider the type
coordinating the ABC programme? of role previously undertaken and length of time in the Financial Industry Compliance sector.
Question 28 Does the Entity have adequate staff with appropriate “Adequate staff” refers to the number of employees to address all the activities required under the ABC programme.
levels of experience/expertise to implement the ABC “Sufficient experience/expertise” is based on the local regulatory expectations and industry standards in the Jurisdiction
programme where the Entity is based.
Question 30 Does the Entity have a global ABC policy that:

Question 30 b Includes enhanced requirements regarding interaction Interactions with public officials can be considered to pose a higher risk of bribery and corruption.
with public officials?

Question 30 c Includes a prohibition against the falsification of books “Books” refers to financial accounts. “Records” refer to any records retained for audit purposes.
and records (this may be within the ABC policy or any
other policy applicable to the Legal Entity) ?
Question 31 Does the Entity have controls in place to monitor the “Monitor the effectiveness” refers to testing and oversight that the Entity has implemented to assess compliance with the ABC
effectiveness of their ABC programme? programme.

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CBDDQ Completion Guidance

Anti Bribery & Corruption

Question 32 Does the Entity's Board or Senior Management “Reporting” means Management Information (MI) which is reported to Senior Management by way of presentation slides,
Committee receive regular Management Information on metrics and/or discussions which can be evidenced via minutes.
ABC matters ?
Question 33 Does the Entity perform an Enterprise Wide ABC risk Means an ongoing risk assessment performed at the Entity level, looking at inherent risk, mitigating controls and residual risks
assessment? and their effectiveness.

Question 37 Does the Entity provide mandatory ABC training to:

Question 37 a Board and Senior Committee Management Respond to this question taking into account the Board responsible for the responding Entity (which may be the Board of the

Question 37 e 3rd parties to which specific compliance activities Means training provided to third parties which currently perform ABC activities on behalf of the Entity.
subject to ABC risk have been outsourced

Question 38 Does the Entity provide ABC training that is targeted to Means training designed for specific roles/jobs/positions to help them understand their responsibilities in relation to ABC in
specific roles, responsibilities and activities ? their day-to-day activities.

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CBDDQ Completion Guidance

Policies & Procedures

Question 42 Are the Entity's policies and procedures gapped
against/compared to:

Question 42 a US Standards Has the Entity performed a gap analysis against US regulations, over and above local regulatory and legal requirements?

Question 42 a 1 If Y, does the Entity retain a record of the results? Has the entity recorded the results of the gap analysis e.g. a record of any additional policy requirements implemented over
and above local regulatory or legal requirements?

Question 42 b EU Standards Has the Entity performed a gap analysis against European, over and above local regulatory and legal requirements?

Question 42 b 1 If Y, does the Entity retain a record of the results? Has the entity recorded the results of the gap analysis e.g. a record of any additional policy requirements implemented over
and above local regulatory or legal requirements?

Question 43 Does the Entity have policies and procedures that:

Question 43 f Prohibit opening and keeping of accounts for Section If the Entity answers “no” provide explanation under question 46b. Refer to the Glossary for further information in relation to
311 designated entities Section 311 (Patriot Act).

Question 43 k Specify how potentially suspicious activity identified by Means a documented process where all employees have a path of escalation and subsequent investigation of potentially
employees is to be escalated and investigated suspicious activities

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CBDDQ Completion Guidance

Policies & Procedures

Question 43 l Outline the processes regarding screening for sanctions, Means a documented process in which screening is performed for all three key areas. If the Entity performs the activities but
PEPs and negative media does not have the process documented, it should answer “no.”
If the Entity has variances between the three processes, utilise the free-text box “Question 46 b” for further clarification.
Question 43 m Outline the processes for maintenance of internal Refer to the Glossary for further information in relation to watchlists. If the Entity performs the activities but does not have
"watchlists" the process documented, it should answer “no.”

Question 44 Has the Entity defined a risk tolerance statement or Risk tolerance/risk appetite statement documents the level of the exposure beyond which the Entity is not prepared to accept
similar document which defines a risk boundary around additional risks.
their business?
Question 45 Does the Entity have a record retention procedures that Means documented procedures outlining the minimum period for which records must be kept, e.g. including customer due
comply with applicable laws? diligence information, outcome of screening controls, escalation and decisions made by Senior Management and others.

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CBDDQ Completion Guidance

AML, CTF & Sanctions Risk Assessment

Question 47 Does the Entity's AML & CTF EWRA cover the inherent
risk components detailed below:

Question 47 a Client Refers to the Entity's book and all its clients/customers.

Question 47 b Product All products provided by the Entity, directly or via third parties.

Question 47 c Channel Means the ways which the services are provided, e.g. face to face, electronically.

Question 47 d Geography Means the jurisdictions to which the Entity has exposure via its clients, physical presence and services provided.

Question 48 Does the Entity's AML & CTF EWRA cover the controls Control effectiveness is an assessment to determine how well controls are operating.
effectiveness components detailed below:

Question 48 g Governance Means AML & CTF governance controls effectiveness, e.g. paths of escalation, the collection and dissemination of
Management Information, effectiveness of actions taken to enhance its governance, among other aspects.

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Question 54 Does the Entity verify the identity of the customer? “Verification of identity” refers to the requirement to evidence the information provided by/on behalf of the customer during
CDD, as required.

Question 56 Which of the following does the Entity gather and retain
when conducting CDD? Select all that apply:

Question 56 c Expected Activity This may include volumes, types of transactions, jurisdictions, frequency, products, values. Refer to Glossary for further

Question 56d Nature of business/employment All types of revenue generating activity provided/performed by the customer.

Question 56 e Product usage Type and level (e.g. value/volume) of utilisation of products.

Question 56 f Purpose and nature of relationship The reason for the establishment of the relationship and the type of relationship such as investment banking or private

Question 57 Are each of the following identified:

Question 57 a 1 Are ultimate beneficial owners verified? This question is asking if the Entity verifies ultimate beneficial owners within the ownership/control threshold set by the
Entity, e.g. 25% or more, 10% or more, etc.

Question 57 d Other relevant parties Any other entity or individual which otherwise holds a significant ownership or controlling interest in the customer, e.g.
authority to act on behalf of the customer.

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Question 58 What is the Entity’s minimum (lowest) threshold applied Indicate the Entity’s lowest ownership/control threshold obtained from its customers, based on the Entity’s risk appetite.
to beneficial ownership identification ? Note that if “Other (Specify the percentage)” answer is selected, the Entity is able to type the percentage figure in the same
text box as the drop down.
“Lowest” refers to the ownership threshold applied to the highest risk customer rating the Entity implements.
Question 59 Does the due diligence process result in customers “Risk classification” refers to the customer receiving a risk score or rating when assessing potential financial crime risk
receiving a risk classification? exposure.
Question 61 Does the Entity have a risk based approach to screening “Risk based approach” refers to an adverse media/negative news screening methodology which varies according to customer
customers for adverse media/negative news? risk, instead of one rule applicable to all customers.

Question 63 What is the method used by the Entity to screen for

adverse media / negative news?
Question 63 a Automated Where screening is performed without manual intervention until output has to be evaluated.

Question 63 b Manual Where screening is performed by individuals e.g. searching lists or inputting information into databases.

Question 67 Does the Entity have policies, procedures and processes Means a documented process in the Entity’s policies and procedures setting out how an employee can escalate screening hits
to review and escalate potential matches from screening related to PEPs and PEP exposure.
customers and connected parties to determine whether
they are PEPs, or controlled by PEPs?
Question 68 Does the Entity have a process to review and update
customer information based on:
Question 68 a KYC renewal Periodic, ongoing KYC/CDD review of existing customers/clients.

Question 68 b Trigger Event A trigger event is some new event or piece of information that alters the information in the CDD record and would cause it to
be reviewed e.g. significant negative media, or disclosure of a regulatory order.

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Question 69 Does the Entity maintain and report metrics on current This question focuses on the governance of periodic and trigger event KYC/CDD reviews of the Entity’s customers base, so that
and past periodic or trigger event due diligence reviews? Senior Management are made aware of control issues e.g. delays, back logs.

Question 70 From the list below, which categories of customers or The Entity is to exclude illegal activities when answering this question, as it is expected that the Entity would not hold
industries are subject to EDD and/or are restricted, or relationships with such customers.
prohibited by the Entity's FCC programme? This question is connected to Question 44 and is looking to understand whether the Entity requires that certain customer
types are subject to mandatory EDD, subject to limitations on activity that the Entity will support (“restrictions”), or whether
business relationships with these customer types are prohibited due to FCC concerns.
If the selected answer is “none of the above” provide further details at the free text box.

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CBDDQ Completion Guidance

Payment Transparency
Question 80 Does the Entity adhere to the Wolfsberg Group Refer to the Wolfsberg Payment Transparency Message Standards publication on the Wolfsberg Group’s website.
Payment Transparency Standards?

Question 81 Does the Entity have policies, procedures and processes

to [reasonably] comply with and have controls in place
to ensure compliance with:
Question 81 a FATF Recommendation 16 Refer to the Glossary for further information on FATF Recommendation 16.

Question 87 Does the Entity have policies, procedures, or other The controls the Entity has in place to ensure that where activities which are directed through accounts maintained by other
controls reasonably designed to prevent the use of Financial Institutions, do not breach the third party’s sanctions regulations and requirements.
another entity’s accounts or services in a manner
causing the other entity to violate sanctions
prohibitions applicable to the other entity (including
prohibitions within the other entity's local jurisdiction)?
Question 94 When new entities and natural persons are added to How quickly does the Entity implement updated sanction lists (including updated entities and natural persons) in their
sanctions lists, how many business days before the screening solutions?
Entity updates its lists?
Question 96 Does the Entity have a physical presence, e.g., Comprehensive Sanctions Programmes – Known as Sensitive Sanctioned Countries (“SSCs”). This is where almost all (barring
branches, subsidiaries, or representative offices licenced) activity is prohibited with the country.
located in countries/regions against which UN, OFAC, Answer “yes” if the Entity has a physical presence in any country which is included in any of the Sanctions Lists.
OFSI, EU and G7 member countries have enacted
comprehensive jurisdiction-based Sanctions?

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Training & Education

Question 98 Does the Entity provide mandatory training, which
includes :

Question 98 a Identification and reporting of transactions to This question focuses on both systematic regulatory transactional reporting obligations and suspicious activity reporting.
government authorities

Question 98 e Conduct and Culture Conduct and Culture in this context refers to regulatory requirements around behaviour from a financial crime risk
management perspective.

Question 99 Is the above mandatory training provided to :

Question 99 e 3rd parties to which specific FCC activities have been Answer “Yes” if the Entity provides training to the 3rd party performing financial crime compliance activities on their behalf.
outsourced Or Also answer “Yes” if the Entity has oversight of the 3rd party’s training programme for financial crime compliance and is
comfortable that if complies with the Entity’s requirements?
Question 101 Does the Entity provide customised training for AML, AML and Sanctions staff includes all full time employees, as well as contractors and temporary staff, from both 1st and 2nd
CTF and Sanctions staff? line of defence (refer to Glossary for further information).
“Customised” refers to a training programme tailored to the role and responsibilities that the employee undertakes.

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Question 107 How often is the Entity audited on its AML, CTF &
Sanctions programme by the following:

Question 107 a Internal Audit Department From the drop down answers available, “Via component based reviews” refers to Audit reviews focusing on a theme (also
known as thematic reviews), instead of a whole function for example.

Question 107 b External Third Party From the drop down answers available, “Via component based reviews” refers to Audit reviews focusing on a theme (also
known as thematic reviews), instead of a whole function for example.

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