AML Compliance Program Guide
AML Compliance Program Guide
AML Compliance Program Guide
The 3 Step Approach to Building an
Effective AML program
Creating, implementing, and maintaining and Usually, an AML compliance program is based
effective AML compliance program is key for upon some important factors that determine the
organizations to prevent money laundering and to size and scope of the program. This is important
assure compliance with applicable AML regulation. because, before creating a compliance program to
Now, there is definitely no single approach that fits battle money laundering, an organization has to
all organization just alike, but there are some analyze and draw up its potential risks and legal
general elements to consider. These elements are obligations.
most commonly the foundational building blocks
❶ First of all, the organizations needs to
for an effective AML compliance program.
determine the risks it is exposed to.
But first things first. You might wonder what an ❷ Secondly, it needs to consider the applicable
AML compliance program actually is. Basically, an AML laws in their jurisdiction and fines for
AML compliance program is everything an non-compliance
organisation does related to money laundering ❸ Lastly, it needs to have a rough idea of how
prevention. This can include things such as possible suspicious activities could look like
processing policies, accounts monitoring and that indicate potential money laundering.
detection, and reporting of money laundering
incidents. The aim of an AML compliance program These are at least the very basic considerations for
is to expose and correctly react to the inherent and building an effective AML program.
residual money laundering risk.
3 Step Approach
If this yet sounds a little bit too overwhelming, don’t worry. In the following, we will go through something
which can be called a step-by-step guide to build and implement and effective AML program. It comprises
of three simple steps that will guide you towards the development of an effective AML compliance program.
AML Risk
Tone at the top
Business Strategy or
Risk Strategy
Management Support
Show and tell
Corporate Culture
Firstly, we should always be aware of the fact that What has this to do with corporate culture you
people are at the center of it all. Nearly all cases of might ask? The short answer is that behavior
money laundering scandals and misconduct have determines culture, and behavior can be adjusted
one thing in common: it is usually individuals or a to be in line with the company’s risk appetite.
group of individuals who failed in their function, or
at least did not act as resolutely as they should To build a sound AML compliance culture and
have. In most cases, the likely motivation is the incorporate it into the daily business, the leadership
sales culture of the institute on which targets and of the organization must clearly and transparently
ultimately monetary compensation are based. No communicate corporate culture and expected
one is denying that an organization must make behavior. This is also commonly referred to as the
money in order to remain in the market. What is tone at the top. The leadership needs to deal with
more difficult is the decision whether or not to deal money laundering on a regular basis and significant
with existing or potential clients with a high risk cases of non-compliance in terms of money
profile. The conflict of interests between laundering violations should be brought to its
economical and regulatory aspects is obvious: let’s attention.
call this the organization’s risk appetite.
The second element is to bring AML to paper as The third element to create the right organizational
part of the organization’s business or risk strategy, environment is management support. This is
because everything holds up on paper. The important, because the managers of the
strategy needs to clearly articulate the strategic risk organization need to implement the tone from the
appetite of the organization as well as the top in daily business and to make sure that the tone
corporate culture and behavior that is expected is adhered to. Messages from the management
towards achieving this risk appetite. It is also should be unambiguous and pitched at a level
important to remember that this document must be understood by all – not corporate jargon that
available at a place that is accessible for all people baffles and bemuses the worker bees. Most of all,
that are part of the organization. management needs to practice what they preach.
In terms of visibility, this means attending training
with the troops and be seen to be engaged.
Step 2:
Objective 3: The third objective is establishing the
residual risk that remains for the organization. Now
what’s the residual risk? You have the AML risk,
you have certain measures that mitigate that risk
to some degree, and what remains after applying
the measures is the residual risk.
organizational risk
So how do you perform an AML risk assessment. There are numerous ways of how to do this, which differs
across organizations and across industries. However, there is a conventional logic behind them and we will
look at a general approach that can be used to conduct a money laundering risk assessment. As a general
rule, the money laundering risk assessment should cover the entirety of the organization’s business, but it may
be conducted in parts, or as part of a rolling cycle with a particular focus.
Now the AML risk assessment is performed in 3 phase. Phase 1 is to determine the inherent risk, phase 2 is
assessing the internal measures, and phase 3 is to derive the residual risk.
Step 1: Identifying the inherent risk assigned a risk category. For example, low money
laundering risk, moderate money laundering risk, or
Let’s explore about determining the inherent risk. high money laundering risk. This data can then be
utilized to determine what percentage of each
The inherent Risk represents the exposure to money product type are rated according to the risk
laundering risk in the absence of any control classification. You might for example see that 25% of
environment being applied. your products have a moderate money laundering
In order to identify the inherent risk, assessments
across numerous risk categories are commonly Delivery Channels
undertaken, depending on the organization. Then we have channels: Some delivery channels can
Common categories include Clients, Products and increase money laundering risk because they increase
services offered, Distribution channels, Geographies the risk that the identity and activities of the clients can
of doing business in, and something that is usually be disguised. Consequently, it should be assessed
called other qualitative risk factors whether, and to what extent, the method of account
origination or account servicing could increase the
Let’s spend a word or two on these exemplary risk inherent money laundering risk.
factors that might be assessed.
Next up are geographies: Identifying geographic
Let’s start with Clients: For the purposes of assessing locations that may pose a higher risk is a core
the inherent money laundering risk of a business component of any inherent risk assessment. Doing
division, unit or business line, the client base and business in certain geographic locations can be
business relationship should be assessed. A number associated with a higher risk of money laundering. For
of Client types, industries, activities, professions and the geographic risk evaluation, you can use lists from
businesses, alongside other factors can increase or the FATF or other organizations.
decrease money laundering risks. The following
categories can be used to stratify the client base and Additional Risk Factors
to identify aspects of client risk: client type,
ownership, industry, activity, profession and business. Last but not least, additional risk factors can have an
impact on operational risks and contribute to an
Products and Services increasing or decreasing likelihood of breakdowns in
key AML controls. Qualitative risk factors directly or
Next up are Products and services: The volume of indirectly affect inherent risk factors. For example,
product types offered by the business and significant strategy and operational changes, or
associated KPIs should be determined or estimated. opening in a new location may affect the inherent risk.
The product types should then be
2 measures
AML Risk
1 Assessment
Now the third and last step to build an effective AML compliance program is to implement organizational
measures. And hereby, we make use of the results of step 2. We use the results of the money laundering risk
assessment to identify gaps or opportunities for building and improving organizational measures.
Let’s start with internal policies, procedures, and controls. The establishment and development of an
organization’s policies, procedures and controls are really the foundation to a successful AML program.
Together, these three parts define and support the entire AML program, and at the same time, act as a
blueprint that outlines how an organization is fulfilling its regulatory requirements.
All three parts should be designed to mitigate the identified AML risks and should take into account the
applicable AML laws and regulations that the organization must comply with.
First of all, an overall AML policy should be formalized in a written document and validated by the
organization’s leadership. The policy should contain a chapter dedicated to money laundering risk
management. This chapter should outline three points: The maximum money laundering risk tolerance; the
guidelines to be followed when defining the money laundering risk management procedures; and the internal
counter measures and controls.
Secondly, the internal procedures should be in line with the AML policy.
It is recommendable that the procedures cover basically all the
essential money laundering procedures.
The top 5 areas that you will see covered in the organizations’
procedures are
❺ Internal whistleblowing
Lastly, organizations should implement an internal control system to monitor compliance with AML
procedures. This internal control system should be proportionate to the nature and extent of the organization’s
activities. This system, which may take multiple forms, should also be adapted to the risk classification
established by the organization. The internal control system should cover all activities that could potentially
expose the organization to money laundering risks and should apply to the entire AML system. It should
contain at least the following three elements:
This actually brings us right to the second pillar of an effective AML program, which is the compliance or AML
AML programs should appoint a designated principal compliance function including a mainly responsible
compliance officer. This compliance officer must be responsible for overseeing the general implementation of
AML policy within their organization.
AML Compliance Officers should have sufficient experience and authority within their organization to ensure
they can perform their duties effectively. Those duties include communicating with authorities and auditors,
briefing senior management, and making AML policy recommendations based on audits and reports. It goes
without saying that AML compliance officers should be experts in the legislative requirements of their local
The fourth pillar to consider for an effective AML compliance program is employee training. While every
employee within an organization should have a working knowledge of AML procedure, specific employees
will bear greater responsibility for the implementation of its AML compliance program. It may be appropriate
for an organization to implement a base level of training for all employees, and add further, targeted training to
those with more AML-specific responsibilities. Therefore, in a manner similar to creating an audit and testing
schedule, an AML compliance program should ensure that those employees receive regular training, and
know how to perform assigned duties.
Establish regulatory change management program to track new regulations (coordinate with
industry groups such as DATA and Bitcoin Foundation)
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