Papers Search Sources Chemical Literature: Faculty of Math and Science

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Nur Azizah MUSLIMIN 1813440003
MUTIA SALSABILA Syaifuddin 1813442011
ADI SOLAR ABDI 1813440001

Thank God we say the presence of God Almighty for His grace of Allah we
can finish this paper on time.
Hopefully with this paper can help us in understanding how "Chemistry in
In this paper we realized a lot of flaws and mistakes therefore, we apologize
if in writing this paper is still not perfect and we are looking forward to comments
and suggestions from faculty and friends that are build to further perfect this paper.
Finally, we would like to thank all those who have helped in the settlement
papers useful for us semua.Amin ini.Semoga.

Makassar, September 2019


A. Background
Literature is something very decisive in making decisions or kesimpulan.Suatu
decisions or conclusions that are not supported by adequate literature is usually less
accurate and often can not deliver the results memuaskan.Sumber literature
circulating in the community is very much human thinking printed ragamnya.Hasil in
the form of a book in a broad sense includes print or graphic form, shape nonprinting
which includes engineered technology in electronic or digital form.
Chemical literature has a very important role for example to researchers. One
study is not an activity or activities that are dealing only with certainty, but he also
wants to find a variety of alternative answers to a problem or phenomenon is socially
as well as problems in laboratory. In making an accurate research is needed resources
in order to support the theory.
B. Formulation of the problem
1. What is Literature?
2. Identifying media literature search?
3. Figuring out where the literature search media search?
C. Writing purpose
1. Knowing what constitutes literature
2. Knowing the literature search media
3. Knowing where literature search media search
1. Definition of literature?
According to the ALA Glosary of Library and information Science (1983)
Literature is the reading material used in a variety of activities both intellectually and
General reference materials or reference source is also called the reference
collection. In the American Library Assocation Glossary of Library Terms
mentioned mentioned two definitions for reference material, namely: (a) a book
compiled and processed to be used as a source sedemikianrupa find certain
information and not untukdibaca overall; and (b) a limited use of books in the library.
Meanwhile, in Harrod's Librarians Glossary gives the following definitions: (a)
the reference books are books that are collated to provide information such as
dictionaries, encyclopedias, dictionaries earth science, yearbook, user guide,
bibliography and abstract. All of them are prepared to provide specific information
and is intended more as a source of reference than to read in its entirety; (B) a
reference book is a book kept transform and used as a source of information used in
the library only.

2. Type - the type of literature

Literature can be grouped according to several categories, including:
a. According to the placement location of collection can be distinguished:
 General Collection
General collection consists of books for adult readership levels that have been
processed and placed on open shelves. Most common is a collection of
monographs and beamed seri.Terbitan titles in the magazine can not be inserted
here to be a collection that can be borrowed.
 reference collection
A reference collection or a collection of references, to collect information that
can directly answer pertanyaan.Misalnya, dictionaries, directories, encyclopedias,
manuals, handbooks, etc. In addition a reference collection also collect
information that refer to other sources of information or simply indicate the
location where the information sought can be found. For example, catalogs,
bibliographies, etc.
b. According to the sharpness level of analysis can be divided into three groups:
 primary literature
Primary literature is the work of the original writings containing sebuat study
on the new theory, or explanation of an idea in a variety of primary
bidang.Literatur can be a scientific magazine articles, research reports,
dissertations, patents, standards, conference papers and others.
 secondary literature
Secondary literature is literature that contains information about the primary
literature. Secondary literature offers a way summed up the primary literature or
create your index, so sekumder literature contains no new knowledge, but merely
repeated and organize existing knowledge. This literature included in this type of
reference collections such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, thesauri, directories,
magazines abstracts, periodicals index, a bibliography, a literature review,
including databases and others.
 tertiary literature
Tertiary literature is literature containing information of a user to obtain
literature sekunder.Yang including tertiary literature is a bibliography of
bibliographies, directories of directories etc.
c. Sulistyo-Basuki (1996) distinguishes literature (documents) based sifatnyamenjadi:
 textual documents
Full textual documents present the content in the form of a written text is then
read by pemakai.Dokumen textual include books, magazines, statistics
collection, catalog cards, administrative documents, documents law, patents, etc.
 non-textual document
Non-textual document also contains written text, but the main part is
presented in the form rather than in written or other form. Another form is meant
for example the form of images, sounds with the purpose to be seen, heard, or
played by the user. Non-textual document can be divided into:
1. Documents iconic, such as maps, atlases, paintings, photographs, etc.
2. Sound document form sound recordings, radio, cassette, etc.
3. Audio-visual document or documents of view heard, such as
television, film, and video.
4. Documents that are material, that is clear can be held, touched and
seen, for example globes, artistic works, monuments, etc.
 Documents mix
A document that combines textual and non-textual documents together in
discussing a subject, such as English textbooks equipped with a cassette.

3. Media Search Literature

a. By utilizing education and public facilities such as the library.
Sources of information can be obtained in the form of a collection of text books,
a collection of scientific articles and journals, which were recorded and diterbikan, a
collection of students' final assignment in the form of scientific papers, thesis or even
dissertation and a variety of reading materials in the form of a book.
Other literature sources that we can meet in the library is in the form of a digital
library. With IT facilities management and support both hardware and software
sufficient to make the library has a digital library in the form of the availability of
free access journals, e-books with a variety of lecture material and hosting online
journals service providers.
The biggest benefit of this digital library is unrestricted access to an article
ilmiah.Artikel that are in electronic format never been out of print, while the article
published in the print version, it is often limited to the number of publications.
Digital library that can be accessed online makes access to scientific articles
becomes easier. With capitalize PC connected to the Internet, a recent article
published in the journal of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE) in the United States, for example, can be obtained in Indonesia in seconds. In
other words, online information will eliminate geographical constraints, which has
been a major problem in finding scientific sources.
b. By utilizing internet access to search for literature sources
Utilizing internet access to search for the source of literature is very important
given the Indonesian community in the virtual world is besar.Menurut research Onno
Purbo portion scientific discussion on the internet in the range of 19 per cent of the
posts in this internet.Angka including a significant amount, and was ranked second
after posts that are social media (21.9 percent) .Pornografi many have feared turned
out to be at a smaller percentage, namely 12.9 percent. Onno study gives fresh hope
that turns public attention to the development of science and technology is quite
As students and academics, internet access is becoming an important part and
the fastest in solving problems to look for literature. But there are things that need to
be considered in a literature search on the internet:
1. Source libraries should be clear
Literature or literature that will be used on a task or treatise must really known
literature sources. Should not use the blog entry or the source library blog
anonym.Sebagai reading material can also be used but is not copied to 100% without
sources of information jelas.Begitu also the site Wikipedia.Pencantuman knowledge
library resources and access to the site is very important in a literature reference list.
Journals are looking for one of the sources of information frequently and widely
used by all akademisi.Jurnal are scientific articles, research reports and scientific
papers published by the official website of the publication in accordance with
keilmuannya.Sehingga expected to use the latest reference source journals, the latest
information available in the field scientific occupied.
2. Keywords in the search for literature sources
In a matter or topic that we find we usually use and enter a keyword in a
search engine, for example on google search site with a topic that we were looking
for. But often we forget to include additional types of files we were looking for.
Usually journals and scientific articles are found in the form of a pdf file. So as we
enter the keyword, for example:
bioinformatics.pdf file type
Other examples include the title of the article with a scientific or scholarly
journals that are already known, for example, we enter a keyword into a search
engine, can be added to the file type as above or directly we enter the course title:
3. Diabetes secondary to genetic disorders
And keep in mind the purpose of writing material searches search keywords
must be modified so that the source of posts on search engines generate a lot of
resources that we can find a link.
3. Use the online journal as a reference list to get into a more specific field. On
the internet many journals are accessible all over the world to find the source
of the scientific literature.

4. Literature Search application

The use of search engines and the use of hosting the journal, here are some
examples below:
As in general, GOOGLE become the top choice of internet users to access all the
information in various fields. But especially for students, university students and
academics GOOGLE SCHOLAR GOOGLE has features that are specific to the
scientific literature search.

Hosting scientific journals are often used in the field of science and medicine:
Hosting this journal access previously registered username. Either using the
hosting of institutional and commercial register by email.
This site is the official website of the US government that is used to access all the
scientific articles and journals as well as serve DATA Bank or databases, to access
various GEN profiles of all living beings.


One hosting are often used by researchers in the world both for mensubmite their
work or even download various scientific journals and have a high impact factor.


A. Search for articles and scientific literature on GOOGLE
1. Go to the search engine GOOGLE
2. Enter keywords to search (to modify keywords, and file extension) Example:
Genetic Diseases
3. Then look at the results of GOOGLE
B. Search for articles and scientific literature of CLINICAL KEY
1. Go to the search engine GOOGLE
2. Enter keywords CLINICAL KEY
4. If not then the registration first registration
5. Then enter your user name and password
6. After that go to the site CLINICAL KEY
7. Choose what features you want to search, and enter a keyword.

The following list of International Medical Journals that can be used as

1. New England Journal of 2. JAMA: Journal of the American
Medicine Medical Association
3. Pubmed
c/ 14. Journal of Clinical Oncology
4. BMJ (British Medical Journal) 15. Journal of Clinical
5. Clinical Infectious Diseases Endocrinology and Metabolism
ournals.html 16. Diabetes
6. Circulation c/journals/582/
(There are about cardiovascular 17. CA: A Cancer Journal for
too) Clinicians
7. Pediatrics
http://pediatrics.aappublications. urnal/10.3322/%28ISSN%29154
org/ 2-4863
8. Obstetrics and Gynecology 18. Blood http://bloodjournal.hematologyli
9. Annals of Internal Medicine 19. Emerging Infectious Diseases
10. Science c/journals/782/
11. Brain: a Journal of Neurology 20. Canadian Medical Association Journal: Journal de l'Association
12. Journal of the American College Medicale Canadienne
of Cardiology
ience/journal/07351097 c/journals/77/ 21. Human Reproduction
13. Journal of Infectious Diseases

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