Epidemic Result

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Lust Epidemic (v67052)

Big thank-you to Trapezio

Normal Difficulty


Underlined = Choose this option

Crystal Ball hints
Found Kamasutra Pages

Watch Intro

When Intro finishes, you should be in the Library with Simon and Valerie.

Talk to Simon
Tease Simon / Berate Simon
Read Note on table
Read Newsletter on table
Talk to Amber
Backhanded Compliment / Small Talk
Do you need the restroom?
Enter Gent's Restroom
Click on flashing spark on West wall
Look in the hole / Better not spy
Watch Scene
Exit South
No one is in the Woman's Restroom. I wonder what it looks like in there?
Enter Woman's Restroom
Pick up Security Pass
Pick up coin on floor
I wonder if that new unlocked classroom has something else you need in
Exit South
Talk to Valerie
Enter North East Door
Click on North East Cabinet with the flower on it
Pick up Water Bottle
Click on right hand side of the chalkboard
Read the message – Behind the South wall Cabinets
See if Valerie wants your water
Exit South
Talk to Valerie
Choose Bottle of Water
I wonder what is so special about the West Tower
Exit South
Sister Katherine enters and talks to you
Tell the truth / Lie
Click on spark in the flowers by the staircase
You have found a Desk Key
Enter North East Door
Click on flashing spark on North West desk
Use the Desk Key
You have found a Security Card
Exit South
Enter the North West Door
Pick up the Book on the South East Bookcase
Exit South
You should talk to Sister Katherine
Talk to Sister Katherine
Give Book to Katherine
Buddie arrives and moves you East
You should talk to Andy
Talk to Andy
I wonder what's going on in the Library
Talk to Valerie
I wonder what Buddie is doing?
Click on the flashing spark in the fountain
I bet Simon could help you
Talk to Simon
Click on the flashing spark in the fountain again
Buddie leaves
You have found a Desk Key
Pick up the Security Pass by the stairs
Enter North East door
Too dark – Exits South
Watch Scene
There could be something useful in the locked desk in the room next to
the classroom
Enter North West door
Click the flashing spark on the desk
Use the Desk Key
You found a Cheap Digital Camera
Exit South
You should tell Mrs Bancroft What you heard
Talk to Amanda Bancroft
Do you have to pee?
Enter Gent's Washroom
Click on flashing spark on West wall
Watch Scene
Adam enters
Adam leaves
Go find Buddie and then see what Mendel is up to
Exit South
Watch Scene
Talk to Buddie
Get mad at Buddie / Laugh at Buddie's misidentification
Where did Valerie go?
Watch Scene
You follow Valerie West
Watch Scene
Where did Mendel go?
Click on the flashing spark in the North West corner
You have found a Chest Key
Watch Scene
Was Mendel blocking something earlier? Maybe it can help you in the
basement of the East Tower
Click on the box in the South West corner
Read Packing List
Click on the Chest by the stairs
Use the Chest Key
You have found a pair of Wire Cutters
Click on the electrical panel on the North wall
Use the Wire Cutters
I wonder if Andy has anything interesting to say?
Talk to Andy
Is Buddie back yet?
Buddie enters
Watch Scene
The West Tower is open to explore. I wonder is Sister Katherine wants to
talk any more
Try to enter North East Door
Watch Scene
Walk to center of Kitchen until Katherine arrives
Watch Scene
Katherine leaves
Pick up the Coin in the South East corner
Click on the Fridge
Yogurt / Carrots
Ranch Dip / Strawberry Jam
Add some condiments / Nah, those will fuck up the taste
Do it! / No way!
Is Amber still hungry?
Talk to Valerie
Choose Yogurt
Talk to Amber
Choose Yogurt
Watch Scene
Is Buddie still outside?
Watch Scene
If you can find a way to go out in the rain, there is much to explore
Click on raincoat
Yes, go outside / No, stay inside
You go outside
Click on the flashing spark by the main entrance door
You have found some Car Keys
Pick up a Coin by the East wall
Click on the Transformer
Click on the Silver Car
Use the Car Keys
You have found a Serum Flask
Enter Building
Maybe Andy knows what that purple flask is?
Talk to Andy
Where did Mendel go?
Talk to Amber
Watch Scene
If you're going to try out that purple juice you'd better mix it with some
juice to mask the awful flavour
Click on the Fridge
Walk around Kitchen
Valerie enters
Watch Scene
You exit Upstairs
You need to find Andy. Where did he go?
Pick up Raincoat
Enter Ladies Washroom
Watch Scene
Andy leaves
Where did Andy go?
Exit South
Talk to Andy
Buddie enters
Buddie leaves
Andy leaves
I wonder id Valerie is OK?
Talk to Valerie
Amanda enters
Mendel and Amber enter
You receive a Security Card
I wonder what's behind that opened door in the Kitchen?
Enter North East door
Amber talks to you
You receive a Key Fob and a kiss from Amber
Pick up a Coin by the East wall
Exit South
Watch dialogue between Buddie and Mendel
Go to Entrance Foyer
Exit building
Click on Amber's car 2nd from left
Choose Key Fob
Enter building with luggage
Go to Kitchen
Amber takes her luggage from you
Simon enters
Simon leaves
It looks like Buddie is headed for the East Tower
Follow Buddie to the East Tower basement
I'd check out the new unlocked bathroom if I were you. Then make your
way to the Storage Room in the East Foyer. You might be able to find
some drinks for Valerie
Enter the North West door
Pick up a Coin from the floor
Read Receipt found on box in South West corner
Exit South
Read Newsletter of floor
Go to West Tower basement bedrooms
Enter Bathroom
Click on Newsletter on sink
Click on the flashing spark on the floor
You found a Chest Key
Go back to the Kitchen
Talk to Valerie
Go to East Foyer (Up, E, E, N, N, E, E, S)
Enter North West door
Click on Chest
Choose the Chest Key
You found a Bottle of Red Wine
Exit South
Go back to the Kitchen
Talk to Valerie
Choose Red Wine
Watch Scene
Amber looked better in them / Mrs Bancroft looks better in them
You leave upstairs
Where did Andy go?
Go to Entrance Foyer
Talk to Andy
Go back to the Kitchen
Enter the North East door
Enter Bathroom
Watch Scene
Amber enters
Watch Scene
Exit South
Click on the Bathroom door
You found a Security Pass
Valerie enters
Exit South
Go to the Entrance Foyer
Talk to Andy
Choose the SD Card
You receive a Serum Flask
You should check out the 'Bonus Area!' on your phone, there might be new
items for you to buy
Click 'Right Mouse Button'
Double click 'Phone'
Click down arrow to access 'Bonus Area!'
Double click 'Bonus Area!'
Click the Goth outfit under Amber
Yes / No
Exit the screen South
Amber is still awake. If you can find her, you should try playing with her
Go to Library
Talk to Amber
Pick up the Coin from below the South West bookcase
Go to the East Tower
Pick up the Photo in the South West corner
Pick up the Kamasutra Book
You can now pick up pages
Go to the Entrance Foyer
Click on the West wall by the staircase
Yes / No
You found a page – Katherine: Facejob
Go to Library
Talk to Amber
You found a page – Amber: Footjob
Choose Hand and Foot Stuff
Choose Footjob
Watch Scene
Exit South
Where did Buddie go? Maybe check the entry?
Go to the Entrance Foyer
Buddie enters
Mendel enters
Simon enters
Amber enters
Buddie, Mendel and Amber leave
Watch dialogue
Pick up a Coin from the floor by the West wall
You found a page – Amanda: Tit Fuck
Pick up the Flashlight off of the Right hand chair
You hear a Shot!
You go Downstairs to the Entrance Foyer
Amanda enters
Amanda, Buddie, Mendel and Simon leave
Where did Amanda go? Reading a book or something?
Go to Library
Talk to Amanda
Go to Kitchen
Click on the Wine Glasses on the South wall
You found a Serum Spiked Wine
Go to Library
Talk to Amanda
Choose the Spiked Wine
Compliment Amanda's ass / Compliment Amanda's tits
Amber enters
Watch Scene
There might be something useful in Amanda's and Valerie's room. Just be
sure you have a keycard. Amanda might have dropped it when she took off
her skirt
Pick up the Security Card
Go to West Tower basement bedrooms
Enter Valerie and Amanda's bedroom
Pick up the Coin from the floor in the South West corner
You found a page – Amber: Finger Pussy
Click on the Clock
You found a Battery for your Flashlight
Exit South
The Flashlight would be useful in the chapel
Exit South
Talk with Buddie in Kitchen
Follow Buddie
Enter the Chapel
You found a Serum Flask
You found a page – Amber: Eat Pussy
Walk North to Alter
Look in Right hand pew
You find Father Parker
Exit South
You bump into Adam
Go to East Foyer
Enter the North East door
You found a page – Amber: Blowjob
Pick up the Coin
Pick up the Security Pass
Exit South
You've got a Serum Flask. How would you get Amber to drink it? Her
Enter the North East door
Pick up the Coin from the South East corner
You have found a Calculator
Exit South
Go to West Tower Basement bathroom
You found a page – Amanda: Tit Play
Click on Mouthwash bottle on sink
Choose Serum
Exit South
You meet Amber
Enter Amber's bedroom
Amber enters
Watch Scene
I bet Amanda and Valerie are sleeping now
Exit South
Enter Valerie and Amanda's bedroom
Click on panties on floor
Yes, can't pass up a sexy woman's juicy panties / No, I better leave them
You found a pair of Valerie's Panties
Click on Amanda
Click on Valerie
Hell Yeah I should look at her pussy / No I better respect her privacy
Whisper something sexy in her ear / Leave her alone. Don't want to wake
her up
Exit South
I wonder what Sister Katherine is doing in the Chapel Foyer?
Go to Chapel Foyer
Talk to Katherine
It's very late, you must be so tired
Go to East Foyer
Enter North West door (Your bedroom)
You found a page – Amber: Hand Job
Yes / No
Watch Dream
Exit South
Talk to Mendel
Follow Mendel Upstairs
You follow Mendel and Denny East
Watch Scene
Pick up Photo by West wall
Pick up Serum Flask
You found a page – Amber: Cow Girl
You found a page – Amber: Missionary
Pick up a Coin in North West corner
You found a page – Amanda: Tit Sucking
Click on flashing spark in plant in South East corner
You found a Desk Key
Enter North East door
Click on flashing spark on desk
Choose Desk Key
You found a Security Pass
Exit South
Enter North West door
Pick up a Coin from under bottom left desk
You found a page – Amanda: Jerk Off Into Mouth
Pick up the Perfume Bottle by the waste bin
Exit South
See if there is something you can use in the classroom that you just
unlocked. You may be able to mix it with the serum
Click 'Right Mouse Button'
Choose Perfume Bottle
Choose Serum
I wonder if Sister Katherine is sleeping yet?
Go to Chapel Foyer
Click on Katherine
Go Outside and check the Electrical Box
Go to East Tower basement
You found a page – Amanda: Eat Ass
Read Note – Passcode 385
Click on panel on North wall
Go back Outside to the Electrical Box
Go to the North East gate
You found a page – Amber: Doggy
Go to South East corner of car park
You found a page – Amber: Watch Masturbate
Enter building
Go to Sister Katherine's bedroom in the West Tower
You found a page – Amanda: Watch Masturbate
Click on the flashing spark on the East wall cupboard
You found a Storage Key
Talk to Katherine
Choose Serum Spray
Watch Scene
Enter Katherine's bedroom again
Talk to Katherine
Exit South
Go to Entrance Foyer
Click on flashing spark on the cabinet on North wall
Choose Storage Key
You found a Serum Flask
Andy enters
Go to East Tower basement
Andy enters
Hit the door
Simon enters
Simon and Andy leave
Where did Andy go? Did he go outside?
Follow Andy to the Entrance Foyer
Talk to Amber
Go to your bedroom
Talk to Amber
Watch Scene
Amanda enters
Amanda and Amber leave
Purchase Amber's Pearly outfit from the Bonus Area on your phone
Make another Serum Spray
Exit South
Talk to Amanda
Choose Serum Spray
Watch Scene
Amanda leaves
Purchase Amanda's Office Slut outfit from Bonus Area on your phone
Watch dialogue
Talk to everyone
Talk to Mendel by the bridge
Enter building
Watch dialogue
I wonder how Sister Katherine is going to take the bad news
Go to West Tower
Click on Katherine
Go to Kitchen
Watch Scene
Pick up the Serum Flask that Andy dropped
Talk to Amanda
Go to Chapel
Search Father Parker
You found a Security Pass
Exit South
Go Upstairs in West Tower
Enter newly opened door
You found a Map in South East corner
You found a page – Amanda: Tit Fuck
Pick up a Coin from desk
Click on clue card on desk – Secret is G Left
Go to Library
Follow clue card instructions and click on bookcase
You found a page – Amanda: Eat Pussy
The map in Father Parker's office can be used with the shovel outside to
find a buried clue
Go Outside and collect Shovel by bridge
You found a Shovel
Dig in exact 3 spots using Map
You found a page – Amanda: Blow Job
You found a Box
Inside, an old key and a piece of paper
You found a Mysterious Paper and a Skeleton Key
You found a Coin
Walk to North East corner
Talk to Denny
Go back inside building
Go to Kitchen
Talk to Amanda
Follow Amanda to Father Parker's office
Talk to Amanda
Choose Serum Spray
Watch Scene
Click on Safe - Enter 3 8 5
You found a page – Amanda: Ass Hotdogging
Where did Valerie go? The Kitchen maybe?
Valerie talks to you
Click on Katherine's door
Valerie enters then leaves
Enter Katherine's bedroom
Talk to Katherine
Go to the restroom area
Click on the blanket on the couch on the North East wall
You found a Dirty Old Blanket
Go to Kitcken
Click on flashing spark on South wall
Watch Scene
Go Outside
Click on Mendel
Watch dialogue
Go back inside
Click on Mendel
Go to Kitchen
Click on Valerie
You found a Clean Blanket
Talk to Katherine
Follow Katherine Outside
Click on Katherine
Watch dialogue
Enter building
Click on Katherine
You talk to Simon
Watch dialogue
Go back Downstairs
Watch Scene
Talk to Mendel
Enter Security office
Click on Waste bin in South West corner
You found a Blank Security Pass
Pick up the Security Pass from the floor
You found a page – Amber: Standing Anal
Read note on East table – about Radiators
Click on the 2 red switches on East and West walls
Click on flashing spark on middle desk
You found a Locker Key
Exit South
Read Newspaper on table
You found a page – Katherine: Cum On Tits
Pick up a Serum Flask from South East table
You found a Coin by the North West plant
Read Note on floor – Read Riddle
You found a page – Katherine: Watch Masturbate
You found a Coin in North West corner
Click on 1st Radiator North East corner
Click on West painting
Choose Wire Cutters
You found a page – Amber: Prone Anal
Go to East Foyer
Enter North East door
Click on 2nd Radiator North wall
Exit South
Enter North West door
Click on 3rd Radiator North East corner
Exit South
Katherine is waiting for a lesson. Maybe the serum will help her get in the
Go to Kitchen
Talk to Valerie
Go to Valerie and Amanda's bedroom
Click on 4th Radiator South East corner
Exit South
Click on 5th Radiator South wall
Go to Men's restroom
You found a page – Amber: Doggy Anal
Exit South
Talk to Amanda
Go to Katherine's bedroom
Talk to Katherine
Choose Serum Spray
Watch Scene
Purchase Katherine's Sexy Nun's outfit in Bonus Area on your phone
Go to Entrance Foyer
Talk to Amanda
Amber enters
Watch dialogue
Amber leaves
Go to Library
Talk to Amber
Go to Kitchen
Click on Fridge
Use butter in the sauce / Use yogurt in the sauce
Add marinara and cinnamon to the sauce / Add heavy crème and cheese
The tube looking noodles / The flat long noodles
Talk to Valerie
You found a Fettuccine Alfredo Dish
Go to Library
Talk to Amber
Choose Fettuccine Alfredo
Amanda enters
Watch dialogue
Watch Scene
Talk to Amanda
Go to East Tower
Click on flashing spark on lockers on South wall
Choose Locker Key
You found a page – Amanda: Reverse Cowgirl Anal
Talk to Andy
Trade your map for a Kamasutra page / Keep the map
You found a page – Amber: Laying Anal
Go to East Tower basement
Enter North West door
Walk towards the two doors
Watch dialogue
Pick up the security pass from floor
You found a AM/FM Radio
You found a page – Amanda: Missionary
Are there any clues as to what Father Parker was up to? Maybe there is a
clue in his bedroom at the top of the West Tower
Go to Father Parker's bedroom
Pick up a Coin under the chair in South East corner
Pick up a Photo in South West corner
Read Note on the bed
Click on 6th Radiator North East corner
You found a page – Amanda: Crucifier
You found the 1st Security Chip
Click on flashing spark on the chest of drawers
You found a Skeleton Key
I wonder what Valerie and Amanda are talking about?
Go to Katherine's bedroom door
Click on old Chest
Choose Skeleton Key
You found the 2nd Security Chip
Go to Library Foyer
Talk to Amanda
I wonder if Simon is mad after seeing you naked with his Mom? I think he
is hanging by the restrooms
Go to restrooms
Talk to Simon
Enter Men's restroom
Click on old Chest
Choose Skeleton Key
You found a page – Amber: Take A Seat
Click on flashing spark on West wall
Watch Scene
Exit South
Go to Entrance Foyer
Follow Valerie Upstairs
Stand under arch
Watch Scene
Pick up a Coin from the floor
You found a page – Amanda: Side By Side
I don't know what to do .. Maybe go back to the basement
Go to East Tower
Talk to Andy
Go to West Tower
Talk to Katherine
Go to Kitchen
Follow Valerie into her bedroom
Talk to Valerie
Go to Entrance Foyer
Talk to Mendel – 9 4 6 0
Go to East Foyer
Talk to Simon
Enter your bedroom
Click on Computer
Choose Blank Security Pass
Enter Code 9 4 6 0
Go to Valerie's bedroom
Talk to Valerie
Choose the Closet Security Pass
Enter Closet
Pick up a Coin from the floor
Talk to Valerie
Watch Scene
I wonder if Mrs Bancroft has anything interesting to say?
Go to Library Foyer
Talk to Amanda
Go Upstairs and talk to Mendel
Hide by North Arch
Click on large painting
Choose Shovel
You found the ESU File
Click 4 times on the wall behind the 2 Cabinets on South wall. You should
hear a click every time.
Go to the West Tower
Click 2 times on the wall behind the Cabinet on the South wall. You should
hear a click every time.
Go to Library Foyer
Talk to Amanda
Choose ESU File
Go to Amber's bedroom
Watch Scene
You should talk to Mrs Bancroft
Go to Kitchen
Talk to Amanda
Go to East Tower
You found a page – Amber: Reverse Cowgirl
Talk to Andy
Watch dialogue
Go Upstairs
Pick up Security Pass by a sleeping Mendel
Enter North West door
Read Note – about a Screwdriver
Click on 7th Radiator North West corner
Exit South
You found a Pair Of Jump Boots
Go to Library Foyer
Click on flashing spark in North West corner
You found a Desk Key
Go to Kitchen
Click on flashing spark on the cabinet North wall
You found a Skeleton Key
Go to Security room
Click on Pick Axe
You found a Pick Axe
2 steps West from stairs, Click on broken South wall
Choose Pick Axe
You found an Anal Beads Sex Toy
Where did Amber Go? I think she went to Katherine's bedroom
Go to Katherine's bedroom
Talk to Amber
Watch Scene
Has Simon Gone into the woods yet?
Go to Entrance Foyer
Talk to Simon
Go to Est Tower basement
Enter North West door
Click on pillar on East wall
Choose Pick Axe
You found a Coin on floor
Purchase Amanda's Mistress Maid outfit from the Bonus Area! on your
There is a Calculator on the 1st floor and a Radio in the basement. Maybe
you can use them to make a Metal Detector
Click 'Right Mouse Button'
Choose Radio
Choose Calculator
Check outside with the Metal Detector. There is a tool hidden in the
grass near the building
Go outside
Click on flashing spark near entrance to building
You found a Screwdriver
Enter building
You can use the key you found to open the lock in the break room next to
where Mendel is sleeping
Enter North West door
Click on flashing spark on cabinet on North wall
Chose Desk Key
You found a Security Pass
Exit South
Click on bookcase North East corner
You Found the 3rd Security Chip
Enter North East door
Read Note – Make a Metal Detector
You found a Coin under the North West table
You found a page – Valerie: Watch Masturbate
Click on the vent in the North wall
Choose Screwdriver
You found a Serum Bottle
Exit South East
Click on old Chest
Choose Skeleton Key
You found a page – Valerie: Thigh Fuck
Go Outside
Walk towards the North East corner Gate
Click on the flashing spark in the grass
You found a Coin
Enter building
Talk to Simon
Click on flashing spark on carpet
You found a Coin
Head towards the Kitchen
You meet Valerie
Watch dialogue
Go to Kitchen
Talk to Valerie
Enter Bathroom
Click on Shampoo on bath
Watch Scene
Click on your clothes
Go to Katherine's bedroom door
Click on flashing spark on carpet
You found a Skeleton Key
Go to Entrance Foyer
Watch dialogue
Go to East side of building
Watch dialogue
Enter woods through gate
Pick up the Security Pass
You found a page – Katherine: Tit Fuck
Read Note – about a Bible in the Chapel
Pick up a Coin in the South bushes
Purchase Valerie's Succubus outfit from the Bonus Area! on your phone
Go back and enter building
Watch dialogue
I wonder what Valerie and Tillman are up to in the Kitchen
Go to Kitchen
Watch dialogue
Where did Buddie run off to? Did you check the basement?
Go to East Tower basement
Click on door
Watch dialogue
Enter North East door
Read Note on table on North wall
Pick up a Coin from floor
You found a page – Katherine: Eat Pussy
Click on the flashing spark in the waste bin in the South West corner
You found a Skeleton Key
Exit South
Go to Entrance Foyer
Watch Scene
Go back to the Woods
Click on old Chest
Choose Skeleton Key
You found the 4th Security Chip
Click on ground south of tree on the West side of building
You found a page – Katherine: Blowjob
Enter building
Buddie will see you and you go East to Library Foyer
Hide in Library between the four bookcases
Go to Chapel
Click on bottom Right Candelabra
You found a page – Katherine: Ass Hotdogging
Go to Katherine's bedroom
Talk to Katherine
Watch dialogue
You exit bedroom
Go to Chapel
You see 11 flashing sparks in 4 columns : 3, 3, 2, 3
Click on the middle spark in 4th column
You will exit the Chapel
You found a Bible
Watch dialogue
Go to Katherine's bedroom
Talk to Katherine
Choose Bible
Watch dialogue
Watch Scene
Buddie enters
You go with Buddie into the Chapel
Watch dialogue
Buddie leaves
Go to the Chamber room in the East Tower basement
Watch dialogue

You might want to SAVE the game here

Choose between Elizabeth or Violet (I chose Elizabeth)

Click on Elizabeth's door
Yes, Insert a Security Chip / No, I do not want to insert a Security Chip
Do this 4 times
Click on door
Watch dialogue
Watch Scene
Exit South
Go back to East Tower
You meet Andy
Watch dialogue
Maybe you should discuss the hike more with Tillman in the Kitchen
Go to the Kitchen
Click on Tillman
Mendel enters
Watch dialogue
Buddie enters
Watch dialogue
Buddie, Mendel and Tillman leaves
You talk to Valerie
Watch dialogue
You should invite Katherine to dinner
Go to Katherine's bedroom
Talk to Katherine
Watch dialogue
Katherine leaves
I wonder if Mendel came up with a plan for tomorrow yet. Didn't everyone
go upstairs?
Go to Entrance Foyer
Click on Buddie
Watch dialogue
Buddie leaves
I wonder where Buddie went? It looked like he was heading for the
Security room
Enter Security room
Chat with Buddie
Watch dialogue
Andy looks like he 's up to something. Maybe you should talk to him
Go to Entrance Foyer
Talk to Andy
You need some panties. If the girls can't help you, maybe there are some
in their bedrooms
Go to Amber's bedroom
You found Clean Panties
Go to Elizabeth's bedroom
Talk to Elizabeth
Watch dialogue
Watch Scene
You found a pair of Wet Panties
Enter North West door
Pick up a Serum Flask by the West wall
You found a page – Amanda: Doggy Anal
Click on the flashing spark under the 2nd desk
You found a Compass
Click on 8th Radiator North West corner
Click on chalkboard
Choose Shovel
You found a page – Katherine: Anal And Finger
Exit South
You found a Coin North West wall
Read Note on desk – about page buried in woods
Click on old Chest
Choose Skeleton Key
You found the 5th Security Chip
Exit North
Go to Security room
Click on Buddie
Choose Compass
Watch Scene
Buddie leaves
Go to Kitchen
Enter Pantry
You found the 6th Security Chip
Click on the flashing spark on the 2 boxes by the West wall
You found a Locker Key
Click on the flashing spark on the shelves North wall
Moscato / Brochetto / Marsala
You found a Bottle of Marsala
Watch Scene
Amber / Mrs Bancroft
I wonder if Buddie has all the supplies? Tillman had a map . . it sure would
be nice to have a woods map
Go to Entrance Foyer
You found a Machete
Click on Buddie
Watch dialogue
Click on map on chair
Simon is acting funny. What is he up to?
Talk to Simon
Watch dialogue
Go to Kitchen
Talk to Valerie
The Machete left near the guy's hiking supplies could be used to cut down
the thorn bushes in the woods
Go Outside
Click on the bush on the North wall by the gate to the woods
Choose Machete
Click on the wall where the bush was
Choose Pick Axe
You found a page – Katherine: Side Anal
Go to Woods
Click on each of the 4 gravestones in a row. Make a note of the ages, left
to right 38, 68, 78, 88
Click on the bushes to the North
Choose Machete
Click on Note – Bypass Code 1 2 3 4
Click on the flashing spark by the note
You found a Skeleton Key
Maybe it'll put a spark into Katherine to scare her a bit by taking her to
the graveyard
Go to Entrance Foyer
Watch dialogue
Follow Katherine to the Chapel Foyer
Click on Katherine
Watch dialogue
Go to Graveyard
Watch Scene
The note left in the woods will help you with the Security Room Computer,
but the room it unlocks contains a mystery you must find. Perhaps the
Pick Axe in the Security Room will help
Go to Security Room
Click on Computer
Enter Code 1 2 3 4
Go to East Tower basement
Pick up a Photo from floor
Look at the South wall between the two pillars
Choose Pick Axe
Enter South
You found a page – Amanda: Prone Anal
You found the Holy Rod
Click on the Red Circle on the North wall
Enter the ages from the graveyard stones – enter 3 6 7 8
Pick up a Photo
You found a Wheel
Click on the Blue Circle on the North wall
You have activated the Fast-Travel system
Exit North
Now that you have found the Holy Rod, I'm sure Elizabeth or Violet would
like to use it
Go to Elizabeth's bedroom
Click on Elizabeth
Watch dialogue
Watch Scene
You sure did serve a lot of strong wine at dinner. I wonder if Valerie and
Amanda have hit the sack yet?
Exit South
Use Teleport – West Tower
Katherine talks to you
Watch dialogue
Go to Valerie and Amanda's bedroom
Click on Amanda
Watch Scene
Click on Valerie
Go to Kitchen
Simon talks to you
You found a Coin
Watch dialogue
Go to Amber's bedroom
Talk to Katherine
Follow squirrel Outside
Enter building
Go to East Tower 3rd floor
Look at the South wall
Choose Pick Axe
You found a Security Pass
Read Newsletter on desk South wall
Rad Note by waste bin
You found a page – Katherine: The Anal Cross
Pick up Katherine's Hat
Go to Amber's bedroom
Talk to Katherine
Watch Scene
Watch Dream
Was Father Parker really just at the bedroom door? I wonder if it was
real or a dream. His body is in the Chapel, right?
Go to Chapel
Check for Father Parker
Exit South
Buddie talks to you
Follow Buddie to the Security Room
Click on Buddie
Watch Scene
Buddie leaves
You are locked in the Security Room
Watch dialogue
Click on the gauges on the North wall
Click on the South wall left of door
Choose Raincoat
Click on wall again
Choose Pick Axe
Click on exposed cable
Choose Metal Detector
You found a Wire
Click on cable again
Choose Wire Cutters
Mendel is hanging out in the East Tower and will lock you up if he catches
you. You should lock him in the classroom by using the security lock pad.
Just lock the classroom once he is inside
Go to East Tower
Lock Mendel in classroom
Go to Kitchen
You found a Glitter Lipstick
Go to Elizabeth's bedroom
Talk to Elizabeth
Choose Glitter Lipstick
Watch dialogue
You found a Security Pass
You found a Tape Recorder
Maybe you can use the Tape Recorder to record Mendel admitting he was
using Amber. The Recorder needs a Cassette Tape though, I think there
might be one in the Woods
Use Teleport – Dame Woods
You found a Mini Cassette
Click on the flowers shaped in a cross in the North East
Choose Shovel
You found a page – Valerie: Tit Fuck
Click on the flashing spark in the South West corner
You found a Skeleton Key
Go back to the East Tower
Watch dialogue
Choose Tape Recorder
Valerie finds you
Go to Kitchen
Talk to Amber
Watch Scene
Follow Amber to Security Lock Pad
Watch Scene
Enter North West door
You found a Photo
Click on Note on floor
You found a Rope in South West corner
Click on the 9th Radiator North West Corner
Click on vent in the North wall
Choose Screwdriver
Read Note – about chamber keys
Click on old Chest
Choose Skeleton Key
You found a page – Valerie: Eat Pussy
Exit South
South West
You found a Rope
You found the 7th Security Chip
Exit North
Valerie is up to something. She is heading for the Kitchen
Go to Kitchen
Watch dialogue
Follow the girls to their bedroom
Watch Scene
Did you talk to Andy? I think ha is looking for Father Parker
Go to West Tower
Andy finds you
Watch dialogue
Go Outside
Walk to West wall
Walk North 4 paces
Choose Pick Axe
You found a grappling Hook
Go to Woods
Choose Grappling Hook
You found a Coin in the South East bushes
Purchase Katherine's Angel outfit in the Bonus Area! On your phone
You found a page – Valerie: Blow Job
Walk North of page location
Choose Machete
Watch dialogue
Pick up Security Pass near body
You found a Water Damaged Security Pass
Simon meets you
Watch dialogue
Use Teleport – West Tower
Go to Kitchen Pantry
Click on Bags of Rice
You found a Security Pass
Go to Entrance Foyer
Enter North West door
Pick up the Coin in the South East corner
You found a Roll Of Tape
Read Note – Anal sex toy
You found a Tube of Lube under the chalkboard
Exit South
Where did Andy go? I bet he is hiding in a cramped room
Go to your bedroom
Watch dialogue
Exit South
Go to Kitchen
Watch dialogue
Go to Entrance Foyer
Watch dialogue
I wonder where Amanda ran off to?
Go to North of Library
Watch dialogue
You found an Empty Serum Flask
Go to Elizabeth's bedroom
Climb on bed
Choose Roll of Tape
Wait 20 seconds
You have a Serum Bottle
Go to North of Library
Talk to Amanda
Choose Serum
Watch Scene
Go to Elizabeth's bedroom
Talk to Elizabeth
Watch Scene
Exit South
Go to East Tower
Click on the flashing spark on the locker on the North wall
Choose Locker Key
You found a page – Katherine: Ass Fingering
Simon is looking for you
Go to Entrance Foyer
Simon finds you
Watch dialogue
Go to Woods
Simon enters
Andy enters
You all go North
Watch dialogue
Buddie enters
You all go back to the Entrance Foyer
Watch dialogue
Buddie locks the front door
Watch dialogue
Click on Andy
Watch dialogue
You found the 1st penny
Watch dialogue
Click on the flashing spark in the bin
You found the 2nd penny
Go to the Men's restroom
Click on bin
You found the 3rd penny
Go to Women's restroom
Click on bin
You found the 4th penny
Go Upstairs
Enter North West door
Click on the flashing spark in the bin
You found the 5th penny
Exit South
Go to Kitchen
Talk to Valerie
You found the 6th penny
Go to Entrance Foyer
Click on Simon
Watch dialogue
Buddie enters
Watch dialogue
Buddie leaves
Amber enters then leaves
Follow Amber East
Talk to Amber
Amber leaves
Watch dialogue
All go downstairs
Watch dialogue
Click on Entrance
Go Outside
Walk towards North East Gate
Watch dialogue
Click on Andy
Watch dialogue
Simon enters
Enter building
Andy is searching on the 2nd floor. Maybe he found something
Andy enters
You found the 8th Security Chip
Go to Violet's bedroom door
Click on Violet's door
Yes, insert a Security Chip / No, I do not want to insert a Security Chip
Do this 4 times
Enter Violet's bedroom
Watch dialogue
Watch Scene
Exit South
I think Simon found something
Go to Entrance Foyer
You found a Serum Bottle
Go to Kitchen
Talk to Amanda
Watch dialogue
Go to Entrance Foyer
Buddie finds you
Watch dialogue
Mendel finds you
Watch dialogue
Click on Buddie
Watch dialogue
Go to the Kitchen and see what everyone is talking about
Go to Kitchen
Watch dialogue
Watch Scene
Go to Entrance Foyer
Watch dialogue
Simon enters
Go Outside
Go to Woods
Click on Simon
You found a Grappling Hook
Click on rock face
Choose Grappling Hook
Up rope
You found a page – Valerie: Creamy Hotdog
Click on old Chest
Choose Skeleton Key
You found a page – Katherine: Legs On Shoulders
You found a wheel
Go to the 3rd floor using Teleport
Enter North West door
Click on Dolly
Choose Wheel
Click on Dolly
Choose Wheel
You found a Dolly
Exit South
Click on East box to move
Click on the flashing spark on the cabinet on South wall
You found a Skeleton Key
You found a Stopwatch
Click on West box to move
Read Note – about roaches locations
Click on south box to move
South into Maze
S, W, S, W, S, W, S, S, E
You found a page – Katherine: Ballerina
W, N, E, N, N, W, N to entrance of maze
S, E, S, E, S, E, S to barrier 10
North to exit maze
Go find Andy, he went toward the river in the Woods
Teleport to Dame Wood
Watch Dialogue
Talk to Andy
Watch dialogue
Andy Leaves
Simon enters
Follow Simon
Click on Simon
Watch dialogue
I wonder what Katherine and Amber are talking about
Go to Chapel Foyer
Watch dialogue
Talk to Katherine
Choose Stopwatch
Simon is still high on mushrooms. What the hell is he doing?
Go to Entrance Foyer
Watch dialogue
Click on Simon
Violet enters
Watch dialogue
Enter Elizabeth's bedroom
Talk to Elizabeth
Choose any
Exit South
There are odd noises coming from Katherine's bedroom
Go to West Tower
Click on Katherine's bedroom door
Watch Scene
Enter Katherine's bedroom
Talk to Katherine
I wonder where Valerie was heading?
Go to Kitchen
Talk to Valerie
You found a Gallon Jug
Go to Graveyard
Click on East Pond
Choose Gallon Jug
You found a Jug of Pond Water
Go to Kitchen
Talk to Valerie
Choose Jug of Pond Water
Go to Katherine's bedroom
Talk to Katherine
Go to Chapel Foyer
Talk to Amber
You found a Key Fob
Go Outside
Click on Ambers Car
Choose Key Fob
You found a Condom
Go to Katherine's bedroom
Talk to Katherine
Follow Katherine into Chapel
Watch Scene
Exit South
Well that didn't go as planned. You better go see if Katherine is okay
Go to Katherine's bedroom
Talk to Katherine
Watch dialogue
You found a Mysterious Note
Go to 3rd floor
Click on Red Circle on the North wall
Enter the Code 4 3 1 2
Move the 1st small box west 1 place
Then move it North
Next move the left most small box North
Then move the 3rd small box East
You now have access to the key
You found a Chamber Key B
Teleport to basement
Click on gauges on North wall
Choose Chamber Key B
Go to Elizabeth's bedroom
Click on Elizabeth
Watch dialogue
Watch Scene
Watch dialogue
Exit South
Where did Simon go? Is he laying down somewhere?
Go to restroom area
Click on Amanda
Watch dialogue
Go to Kitchen Larder
Click on the flashing spark on the shelves on the North wall
You found a Bottle of Wine
Go Outside
There are several Pine trees in the Woods, but only 1 has a pine cone on it
Go to Woods
Click on the tree in the center of the screen
Choose Roll of Tape
Choose Tape Recorder
You found a Vedra Pine Cone
Transport to 3rd floor
Talk to Katherine
Watch dialogue
Watch Scene
Watch dialogue
Simon ran to the Kitchen. He's supposed to be helping you find the lost
Go to Kitchen
Click on Simon
You found a Red Box Cutter
Transport to 3rd floor
Click on red box by North wall
You found a Climbing Shoe
Click on second red box
You release roaches
Use the Red Box Cutter to open some boxes. You need to find 2 climbing
shoes if you want to scale the wall in the woods
Kill 1 of 8 roaches
Open red box
Click on the flashing spark on the floor
You found a Locker Key
Enter North West door
Kill 2 of 8 roaches
Click on old Chest
Choose Skeleton Key
You found a page – Valerie: Hand Job
Exit South
Go to East Tower
Click on the flashing spark on the locker on the South wall
Choose Locker Key
You found a Climbing Shoe
Enter North East door
Kill 3 of 8 roaches
Go to Gent's restroom
Kill 4 of 8 roaches
Go to Women's restroom
Kill 5 of 8 roaches
Exit South
Go to Chapel
Kill 6 of 8 roaches
Go to Kitchen
Kill 7 of 8 roaches
Go to bathroom
Kill 8 of 8 roaches
Teleport to Dame Woods
Father Parker meets you
Watch dialogue
You found a page – Katherine: From Behind
Click in South West corner
You found a page – Katherine: Laying Anal
Go to Valerie and Amanda's bedroom
Enter North East door
Click on pillar
Choose Pick Axe
You found a page – Valerie: Tit Play
Go to Woods
Click in South West corner to find soft ground
Choose Shovel
You found a page – Amanda: Spoony Anal

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