Detailed Lesson Plan in English 8

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office No. VIII
Division of Northern Samar
Pambujan, Northern Samar


DATE: July 30, 2019
TIME: 7:15-8:15 AM


A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian literature as mirror
to a shared heritage; coping strategies in processing textual information; strategies in
examining features of a listening and viewing material; structural analysis of words and
propaganda techniques; and grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and
B. Performance Standard
The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a persuasive speech
based on an informative essay featuring use of properly acknowledged information
sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and emphasis, and
appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
Reading Comprehension
EN8RC-Ig-7.1: Use appropriate reading style for one’s purpose.
Viewing Comprehension
EN8VC-Ie-9: Organize information from a material viewed
EN8V-Ie-4: Use appropriate strategies in unlocking the meaning of unfamiliar
words and idiomatic expression.
EN8V-Id-10.2 Determine the meaning of idiomatic expressions by noting context
clues and collocations

Idiomatic expressions
The Two Brothers

Teacher’s Activity Students Activity
A. Reviewing In your previous lesson you have learned
about the story of The Two Brothers
from Egypt.
What moral lesson did you learn from
the story? Do not lie
Do not be jealous
Know your self-worth
Very good!
B. Establishing a The story of the Two Brothers uses
purpose idiomatic expressions so today we will
discuss about it. You will also learn to
use appropriate reading style in looking
for those idioms, to organize
information and to use appropriate
reading strategy in determining the
meaning of idiomatic expressions.
C. Presenting From the story Two Brothers, identify
examples/ the idioms used in the text.
instances (EN8RC-Ig-7.1) While the sun shines
Beaten black and blue
Blue in the face
Blood pours on his face
Way out of the mountains
In good faith
Pain in the neck
Bent her knees
D. Discussing New Do you have a sense of humor? Test
Concepts and yourself. Read each idiom and look for
Practicing New the picture that goes with it.
Skills (EN8VC-Ie-9) Grouped activity:

Sit on the fence

Bring the house down
Heart-to-heart talk
Bag of bones
Hit the nail on the head
Bit my head off
Hold your tongue
Break the ice
Pull a leg
Pick a person’s brain
Did you get the correct answers?
Yes ma’am!
Very good!

We can determine the meaning of these

idioms by using collocation and context
What do you mean by context clues? Context clues are hints that an author
gives to help define a difficult or unusual
Very good! This clue may appear within word.
the same sentence as the word to which
it refers, or it may follow in a preceding
sentence. Context clues are hints in the
writing that help you figure out what a
word means.

How about collocations? It means the relationships between two

That’s right! The term collocation refers
to the relationship between two words
or group of words that always go
together to form a commonly used
expression. When words are commonly
used together, they register as “paired”
in our minds. We can use this to
identify the possible meaning of the
idiomatic expression.

Now, try to determine the meaning of

each idiom by using context clues and
collocations try to determine the possible
meaning of each idiom.
(EN8V-Ie-4; EN8V-Id-10.2) Sit on the fence—make a decision
Hit the nail on the head—guess correctly
Heart-to-heart talk—very frank or
intimate conversation
Bag of bones—very thin
Bit my head off—very angry
Hold your tongue—keep quiet
Break the ice—make the guess feel
comfortable and at ease
Pull a leg—fool someone
Pick a person’s brain—get specific
information through tactful questions
Bring the house down—a successful
performance making the audience
applaud again and again

Idioms are fun because the pictures they

create can be “out-of-this-world”. What
you see in the picture is the literal
meaning of the idiomatic expression.
Isn’t it funny? However, that is not
what it really means. The real meaning
of the expression is different.

What do we mean by Idioms? Idioms are phrases whose meanings are

beyond the literal interpretation of the
individual words put together.

Very good!

The word Idiom is derived from French

‘idiome’ or Latin ‘idioma’ from Greek
‘idioma-matos’ meaning private
property (idos—own or private).

Idioms are used figuratively or when

emphasizing points or dramatizing the
message we want to put across. The
meaning of an idiom may be derived by
understanding the context where it is
used. It is commonly found in the daily
speech of people rather than in formal
composition. It is an expression peculiar
to a language. It usually has one or
more associated meanings that are not
gained from the meaning of its separate
E. Developing Read each sentence carefully. Then
Mastery write the appropriate idiomatic
expression to complete it. Choose your
answer from the one posted on the
1. After his long illness, Louise
was just a _____________.
We were afraid that a gust of
wind would blow him away.
2. Mrs. Perez had a _________
with her daughter, Chona. It
was about time they told each
other how they felt.
3. Sarah is a musical genius. Her
performances always ______.
4. Don’t ______________. It
was not my fault that the
glass tabletop was broken.
5. You__________. That was
exactly what I meant.
6. You must choose which
candidate to support. Don’t
7. ____________. You have no
right to speak like that. You
are not even concerned.
8. Kit: I won the one-hundred-
million-peso lotto!
Mel: Don’t ________. How
can you win when you don’t
even buy lotto tickets?
9. Teddy: Do you have an answer
to this problem?
Tony: A-ha! Trying to _____!
Why don’t you try solving it
10. Zeny: The guests are very
quiet. I wonder why.
Noli: Why don’t you ______
with your magic? That will
start them talking. 1. Bag of bones
2. Heart-to-heart talk
3. Bring the house down
4. Bit my head off
5. Hit the nail on the head (nailed
6. Sit on the fence
7. Hold your tongue
8. Pull a leg (pull my leg)
9. Pick a person’s brain (pick my
10. Break the ice
F. Finding Practical Use the given idioms in a sentence.
Applications of Wilbert is a bag of bones.
concepts My classmate is always picking my brain.
I had a heart-to-heart talk with my
classmate last week.
Very good!

Now, give some idioms that we

commonly use in our everyday lives. Burning the midnight candle
Butterflies in my stomach
Blessing in disguise
Better late than never
Well said.

Why do we need to understand idioms

and learn how to use it properly? Because, if idioms are not properly used,
it could give a different meaning and may
cause miscommunication or
misinterpretation of the message you are
trying to convey.
That is correct!
G. Making Based on what you have learned, what
Generalizations is again an idiom? Idioms are phrases whose meanings are
beyond literal interpretation of the
individual words put together.
Idioms are fun because the pictures they
create can be “out-of-this-world”
How do you determine the meaning of
an unknown idiomatic expression, since
its literal meaning is different from
what it really means? By nothing context clues and
Very good!
H. Evaluating Quiz
Learning Get your activity notebook and answer
each question correctly.
I. Additional Grouped activity:
Activities for Group 1—Look for a song that uses
Application or idiomatic expressions and perform it in
Remediation the class tomorrow.
Group 2—Look for a poem that contains
idiomatic expression and recite it before
the class tomorrow.
Group 3—Choose 2 commonly used
idioms in our dialect “Ninorte Samarnon”
and draw its literal meaning.
Group 4—Compose any literary form
using idiomatic expressions
Group 5—Make a dramatization of how
idiomatic expression can cause different
meaning from what it tries to portray or


1. Applies knowledge of Lesson plan developed The MOV presented In my lesson plan I
content within and highlighting integration was a lesson plan in incorporated History by
across curriculum of content of English 8 that showed giving background
teaching areas knowledge within and integration of knowledge about the
across subject areas knowledge and content etymology and
in History, Arts and derivation of the word
Values Education. idiom.
Arts were presented at
the discussion of the
lesson where I let
students organize ideas
based on the pictures
Values Education was
also incorporated by
asking about the Moral
Lesson they have
learned from the story
the Two Brothers as part
of the review.
2. Uses a range of Lesson Plan Lesson Plan In Review, students used
teaching strategies that III. Procedure their skill in speaking.
enhance learner A. Review In Presenting
achievement in literacy B. Presenting Examples/Instances,
and numeracy skills. Examples/Insta students used
nces appropriate reading
D. Discussing New styles (skimming,
Concepts and scanning, etc) in looking
Practicing New Skills for information needed.
E. Developing Mastery In Discussing New
I. Additional Activities Concepts and Practicing
for Application or New Skills, students
Remediation used their skill in
organizing and
analyzing ideas based
on pictures.
In Developing Mastery,
students share their own
ideas by using the
appropriate idiomatic
expression to complete
In Additional Activities
for Application or
Remediation, students
were able to use their
skill in grammar writing.
3. Applies a range of Lesson Plan Lesson Plan In my lesson plan, under
teaching strategies to III. Procedure Finding practical
develop critical and F. Finding practical Applications of Concepts
creative thinking as well Applications of and Skill and Making
as other higher-order Concepts and Skill Generalization, I have
thinking skills. G. Making included questions on
Generalizations Higher Order Thinking
Skills for an active
discussion. Questions
include evaluative and
interpretative whys
4. Manages classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom chairs were
structure to engage Chair Arrangements arranged in group of five
learners, individually or in preparation for the
in groups, in students’ group activity.
meaningful exploration,
discovery and hands-on
activities within a range
of physical learning
5. Manages learner Class Rules I never forget praising
behavior constructively the learners and giving
by applying positive positive feedback. I also
and non-violent give comments to
discipline to ensure students who are
learning-focused naughty in a
environment. constructive and non-
violent way.
6. Uses differentiated, Lesson Plan Lesson Plan I have included a group
developmentally III. Procedure activity during the
appropriately learning D. Discussing New lesson that allows
experiences to address Concepts and students to help them
learners’ gender needs, Practicing New Skills mingle and cooperate
strengths, interests, I. Additional Activities with other learners
and experiences. for Application or regardless of age,
Remediation gender and intelligence.
I have also included a
group activity at the end
of the lesson that allows
students to choose an
activity within their
7. Plans, manages and Lesson Plan Lesson Plan prepared I have sequenced the
implements based on the current activities in my plan
developmentally Department of from the very easy
sequenced teaching Education DLL/DLP activities to difficult
and learning processes Template ones. This is to ensure
to meet curriculum that students will be
requirements and ready as they progress
varied teaching into the difficult
contexts. activities slowly.
I have started my lesson
with a review on the
learners’ prior
knowledge about
idioms. Then I explained
to the students the
objectives of the lesson
and the activities they
will be doing throughout
the teaching-learning
process. Next, I
presented a copy of the
text The Two Brothers
and let them identify the
idioms used in the text.
After that, I let the
students analyze the
pictures posted on the
board and identify the
phrase that matches
each picture. I also
asked questions that
lead to the discussion
about idioms. Then, in
developing mastery,
students will use the
idioms we discussed in
completing the
sentences I provided.
Students then shared to
the class the importance
of learning and using
appropriate idiomatic
expressions and give
their generalization
about the topic. The
class ended with a quiz
and an assignment
which will reinforce their
8. Selects, develops, Televison/Overhead Television/Overhead I used technology as my
organizes and uses Projector; Projectors used to instructional materials
appropriate teaching Pictures present lessons in to expose students to
and learning resources, PowerPoint the use of technology
including ICT, to presentation; and also to lessen the
address learning goals. Pictures use of posters on the
9. Designs, selects, Lesson Plan Lesson Plan I have prepared
organize, and use III. Procedure diagnostic activities
diagnostic, formative A. Review which are presented in
and summative E. Developing Mastery the Review.
assessment strategies H. Evaluating Learning Formative assessment is
consistent with in Developing Mastery.
curriculum Summative Assessment
requirements. is in Evaluating Learning

Prepared by:

English Teacher

Submitted to:


English Department Head

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