118 Anointed With The False Spirit

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Spiritual Building-Stone No.


Anointed With The False Spirit

"For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now
letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that
Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of
his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even
him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and
signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of
unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the
love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God
shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That
they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure
in unrighteousness" (II Thessalonians 2:7-12).

Let us listen what God's Prophet has spoken:

He was asked: I can't give over completely to Jesus. Have I an evil spirit?
You can't surrender to Jesus. Why? What's the matter? If you are a
woman, don't you have to surrender to your husband to be a wife, surrender
all you are? A little lady when you were married, virtuous, fought all your life
to stay virtuous, but one day you found a man that you loved. You were his
completely. The things that you'd fought against all your life and tried to live
clean, and clear, and virtuous, now you surrender every bit of it to one man. Is
that right? You put yourself completely in his hands; you are his. All that you
have stood for in decency, and moral, and everything like that, now you turn
over to a man, because you surrender yourself to the man. Can't you do the
same thing to Jesus Christ? Just surrender yourself that way, "all that I am, all
my mind, all my thoughts." Certainly.
I don't think that you're possessed of an evil spirit; I think that evil spirit
anoints you with them kind of thoughts, trying to make you think that
you cannot surrender yourself to God. Let me show you something. Why
would you want to surrender to Him? Because there's something out there
calling to you to surrender. It's a very good sign that you ought to surrender
Now, all you do, brother or sister (might be a young person or old,
whatever it is)... just can't find themselves so they can completely surrender.
Just give yourself over. "Lord, my thinking, my all that I am, I want to give to
You. My life, I give as a life of service. Take me, Lord, and use me just as
I am." And it's such a simple thing. [1]
Satan is still here. That's the reason all these things happen. He is still
here, and all of his evil forces are still here. Notice, that's why the earth now
is so filthy. That's why the scum and ridiculous things that go on; bloodshed,
war, politics, sin, adultery, all kinds of filthiness goes on, is because that
Satan is the ruler of this earth (Matt. 4:8-10) and this atmosphere (Eph.
Both the heavens and earth now is contaminated with devils that can
accuse us before God (Rev. 12:10). Jesus is There to intercede for us (Heb.
4:14-16). See? While the accusers keep pointing a finger, "they did this, they
did this, they did this," but the Blood still covers. He came to redeem that
Elected that He foresaw. [2]

Now, these evil spirits deceive people (II Cor. 4:3-4). And all of them
spirits, many times are very religious. Now, you say, "You mean,
religious?" Yes, sir. Even teach the Scriptures, the Bible. They sure do.
Now, notice. Jesus came to a bunch of men that were holy priests; and
they kept the laws to the letter; and they were very, very religious. And Jesus
called them, said, "You generation of vipers (That's snakes.), who's warned
you to flee from the wrath to come?" (Matt. 23:23). When Jesus saw them,
He said, "You are of your father the devil." (John 8:38-44). That was God
saying that. Just as religious as they could be.
Remember, the devil takes his man, but never his spirit. God takes
His man but never His Spirit. See? The Holy Spirit comes into your life
and sanctifies your spirit, lives through you, and gives you power to live.
But when your spirit goes on, your spirit is kept with God; but the Holy
Spirit was on you comes on somebody else, and somebody else, and
somebody... [3]

You can see, people today. There is two spirits. And one of them is the
Holy Spirit; the other one is an unholy spirit, and one is governed by
that. And both of them religious. Now, yeah, that's the strange part, they're
both religious. And just like Esau and Jacob was, both religious; like Cain and
Abel was, both religious; like Judas and Jesus was, both religious. And we
see it today, both sides, religious. See, it's the same spirit. The people die,
but the spirit doesn't die. It goes right on, both religious.
One of them is possessed with the Holy Spirit, that lives the kind of life
that they should live, and walk godly and honest. They wouldn't beat you out
of a penny, and they do everything honest that they could, to help you. Just
as nice as they can be.
And the others, we find out, it's just vice versa. And, yet, both of them are
religious spirits, two of them; one, Holy Spirit; and the other, an unholy

spirit. And if you noticed, even though claiming religion, they'll make fun of
you and call you a holy-roller. They do anything they can. [4]

The same spirit lives on among the people. That is true. God took Elijah,
but the Spirit come upon Elisha. God took Elisha; It come on John the
Baptist. Them Spirits do not die. And He took His Son, Jesus, and the Holy
Ghost come on the Church (John 14:16-19,26). Amen.
Those critical spirits of those unbelieving priests still live today among
the people: religious spirits, criticizing, making fun.
But as Jesus was at that day, so is He today, the same yesterday, today,
and forever. He goes on about the Father's business. The Church of the living
God shall prevail. They'll move forward. [5]

Now, remember if Jesus has raised from the dead, He's alive. And He
works through His Church. And He set some in the church what? First
missionaries or apostles (both the same, "one sent"), second prophets,
teachers, evangelists, pastors. He set five church offices. Missionaries,
prophets, teachers, evangelists, pastors for the perfecting of the church (Eph.
4:11-14; I Cor. 12:28-31).
Then there's nine spiritual gifts that operate through the body (I Cor.
12). Now, one of them is the gift of knowledge, gift of wisdom, gift of
tongues, gift of interpretation, and all those things, gift of prophecy.
Now, there's a vast difference between the gift of prophecy and a
prophet. A gift of prophecy goes from one to another. And before the
church can even receive it, it's got to be judged before three spiritual judges.
And if it doesn't come to pass then it's wrong. You got the wrong spirit
among you.
Like speaking of tongues and interpretations... There's where you
Pentecostal people's let down. I'm not your judge, but that's the Word. That's
right. You went haywire on that. You better watch them things that they
absolutely be done decently and in order and when the message goes, hear it.

Today amongst many folks it is taken for granted that all who claim to
receive the Holy Ghost by speaking in tongues speak in a genuine Spiritual
tongue. But this is not so for many people speak in a known tongue but
under the influence of a wrong spirit. Now let's say we are in a meeting and
people are all speaking in tongues. How can you know which tongue is from
the Spirit and which is from the devil? I have been amongst the heathen
where their wizards drank blood out of a skull, spoke in tongues and
interpreted and prophesied. They can even write in tongues.

Now if tongues is the evidence of receiving the Holy Ghost, then every
tongue would have to be of God. But it has been admitted by tongue’s
evidence people that there are false and true tongues for God has the
genuine and Satan has the false. So my question is, "Who knows what is
real? Who understood the language to know what was spoken? Who has the
gift of discernment to know?" Now when we get those answers we will have
something to go on, but until then, we have to wonder about the source of the
tongues. You can see right now that if you back up a tongue’s evidence and
don't know what is being said (I Cor. 14:1-33), you have to finally come to
the place where all tongues have to be of God. That would lead us then to
believe that the devil cannot speak in tongues. That is not so; no, not for a
minute. Any true missionary on a foreign field knows only too well that
devils speak in other tongues, the same as I know it by experience. [7]

Many think, because they speak with tongues, they've got the Holy
Ghost. That doesn't mean that. Though, the Holy Ghost does speak with
tongues. But until that real, genuine Holy Spirit in there will cope with
every Word! If that Holy Spirit in you, that makes you speak with tongues,
looks back there and doesn't agree with the rest of the Word, then it's the
wrong spirit. See?
It's got to come from the inside, which is the Word, from the beginning.
"In the beginning of the creation of God," when God begin to create, bring
you into existence, you see. You started back there as a seed, and worked
down to where you are now. And, then, you were all in Christ. And then
when Christ died, He died to redeem all of you. And you are a part of this
Word, the Bible, all of It! "Precept upon precept, line upon line; here a little,
there a little." (Isaiah 28:10-13). "Not one jot or a tittle shall fail." (Matt.
5:18). How in the world can you, being part of that Word, disagree with the
rest of It, or any part of It? [8]

There is a wisdom of God. A wisdom of God is stay with His Word, but
Satan in his wisdom tried to twist the Word; so that's the wisdom I'm
speaking of.
There's a certain amount of faith that goes with Satan. In order to accept
Satan you've got to believe Satan. So there is a perverted faith to a perverted
thing. And anything that would try to twist the Word of God, to make It say
something that It doesn't, is the wrong spirit, offering wisdom against God's
wisdom. So we're going to refer to it as wisdom and not Satan's faith.
Many of those people, that believe that, are sincere and believe just with
all the faith that they got that they're right. See? You have to watch; the
blanket stretches two ways now. The only way to be sure is come back to the
original Word. There's where everything is based, on the Word.
Now, we find that these two sources are: one, wisdom and the other one
faith. And they've versed one another since creation in the garden of Eden.
Now, there's children on both sides. Now, what is the wisdom we're
talking about? Something that will not agree that all this Word is the Truth.
It's something that will take away from the Truth, expressing itself as a higher
knowledge, more wisdom. And if wisdom of that sort come from Satan, his
children live by that wisdom. And if the faith of God came through God (and
God is Word), God's children live on faith. The Bible said the just live by
wisdom? No, by faith! "The just shall live by faith," not what he can learn,
but what he can believe (Rom. 1:17). All right. [9]

Question to Brother Branham: Can Satan use a gift of tongues or

prophecy in a person who has the Holy Ghost?
That's a good one, isn't it? Yes, sir. It must be watched very, very close.
In I Corinthians 14:26-29 we find out that any gift in the church has got
to be judged first. See? You have to watch, 'cause evil spirits slip in.
Because remember, the rain falls on the just and the unjust (Matt. 5:44-
45). The same rain that was sent to ripen the wheat also ripens the weed: the
same water. How many knows that? Now, that ought to clear the serpent's
seed to you then, how that this son come. I'm trying to pick it out here to get it
before my time runs out, but I can't find it: so, how that son was about the
serpent's seed (I John 3:11-12). See?
God has a law. Now, on this, in this law of the spirit of Life you have to
watch, because Satan slips in (Rom. 8:1-2).
And Paul, when something was revealed to somebody, it had to have at
least two or three judges before it could be told before the church (I Cor.
14:26-33). [10]

(It is possible,) when one of those spirits gets on you, that's got it,
you'll absolutely believe it. I don't care; there's nobody can tell you any
different. See? No matter how much the Word says so, well, you just don't
believe It anyhow; just go on. See, that shows you're anointed with the
wrong spirit. [11]

So many people today are opening their hearts to the wrong thing. You
get a spirit, all right, but many times it contradicts the Word, saying, "The
days of miracles are past. There's no such a thing as this or that." Remember,
that's a devil under the disguisement of Christianity. God help us when we
get down into this after a bit, that you see it, that it's an evil spirit in the
disguisement of Christianity. But it isn't the Spirit of Christ, because the
Spirit of Christ comes to the Word every time. He can't deny His Own
Word. [12]
You could say, "Well, Brother Branham, I got the Holy Ghost. I spoke in
tongues." I believe that too. But if that life doesn't follow that experience,
then there was something wrong. See? You got the wrong thing. See? But
if you got the real Holy Spirit and you spoke in tongues, then the life follows
it. And then, if you claim you've had the Holy Spirit and had the experience,
and then your life doesn't tally up to God's Word, then you got the wrong
spirit, 'cause you can't gather grapes off of a thistle. You know that. See?
And by their fruits they are known (Matt. 7:15-20). [13]

That's what makes the Dove take Its flight. Just let somebody just start a
little something around the church, and the first thing, "Oh, is that so? Oh,
did... You don't mean so?" Right then the Holy Ghost goes, flies away. It just
can't stand that kind of spirit. As long as that lamb nature leaves you,
then the Holy Ghost is gone. That's right. And that's what's the matter today.
That's the reason the people is in the condition they are, is because they let
the wrong spirit come into their heart, into their life.
The Bible said that's the reason there's so many sick and afflicted among
us, is because of such things (I Cor. 11:29-32). We must be gentle. We must
be peaceful. We must be a lamb, so that the Dove can abide with us. [14]

[1] "Questions&Answers" (64-0823M), Q-No. 278, COD pg. 982
[2] "The Future Home" (64-0802), par. 71-72
[3] "Questions&Answers" (59-1223), COD pg. 485
[4] "A Man Running From The Presence Of The Lord" (65-0217), par. 119
[5] "Blind Bartimaeus" (59-1127), par. E-29
[6] "Jehovah Jireh" (56-0429), par. E-60
[7] "Smyrnaean Church Age", CAB pg. 142
[8] "And Knoweth It Not" (65-0815), par. 216-217
[9] "Wisdom Versus Faith" (62-0401), pg. 16
[10] "Questions&Answers" (64-0823E), Q-No. 292, COD pg. 1022
[11] "Revelation Chapter 5 Part 2" (61-0618), par. 232
[12] "Christianity Versus Idolatry" (61-1217), par. 82
[13] "The Unchangeable God Working In An Unexpectable Way" (62-0120), par. E-58
[14] "The Church And Its Condition" (56-0805), par. 92

Spiritual Building-Stone No. 118 (new 2012) from the Revealed Word of this hour,
compiled by: Gerd Rodewald, Friedenstr. 69, D-75328 Schömberg, Germany
www.biblebelievers.de, Fax: (+49) 72 35 33 06
There´s coming one with a Message that´s straight on the Bible, and quick work will circle the earth. The seeds will go in
newspapers, reading material, until every predestinated Seed of God has heard It.
[Bro. Branham in „Conduct-Order-Doctrine“, page 724]

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