Media Advertisement and Marketing at Flowers TV

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Effectiveness of Media Advertisement and

A study with Flowers TV.
(An Insight Media City company)


- Televisions have become a very important tool to advertise for
companies. Companies can target serials, reality shows, sports events,
live events etc. Which are showcased on TV's and understand the
demographics of the people watching the TV. TV channels are anyways
classified as news, sports, knowledge, entertainment, movies, kids etc.
This helps advertisers to pick and choose the channel. Thus, TV is one of
the most widely used advertising media in the world. Advertising slots
are sold by broadcasting companies and channels based in popularity of
TV shows, TRPs etc.
- Promotion typically run from 15 to 60 seconds, with 30-second
spots being the most common, although some occasionally last run as
little as five seconds or if 90 seconds. Most Promotion show select
video or audio clips of scenes or segments from an upcoming program
(such as a television or radio series, film or special). Some television
Promotion (particularly for an upcoming television series) utilize a
monologue format in which a star or host of the program breaks the
fourth wall, which is often done in a humorous and/or parodical
manner. Most radio Promotion utilize this format as well, with a host of
the program discussing the show itself, though some feature audio clips
from past editions of the radio broadcast. Broadcast television stations
promote upcoming newscasts by featuring teases of select story
packages to be featured in the broadcast, such as an investigative
report or a special-interest feature segment.
- The airdate and time of the program's broadcast as well as the
name and/or logo of the station or network that the program will be
broadcast on are displayed either at the end of or throughout the
promo (in the latter case, the airtime and network/station may be
displayed before it is mentioned verbally by the announcer). Until the
mid-1980s on broadcast television stations, the text showing the date
and time, along with the station logo were displayed on the bottom of
the screen (unlike with broadcast and cable television, airtime
information is not pre-displayed on Promotion for syndicated programs
as syndicated programs are typically aired at different times depending
on the market, and are instead inserted by the station itself); however,
stations now posturize graphics over the tail end of a syndicated
program Promotion where the program's logo is shown (many stations
use this treatment on Promotion for programs airing on networks that
the station maintains an affiliation, such as Flowers or show the latter
portion of the promo within a box surrounded by the graphic.


Advertising on television allows you to show and tell a wide audience
your business, product, or service. It allows you to demonstrate the
benefits of ownership. You can show how your product or service
works and how it’s packaged so prospective customers will know what
to look for at the point of sale. In advertising, it often takes multiple
touch points to effectively influence consumers’ purchasing behavior.
Television advertising has been a popular medium for large retailers
ever since the TV first began to appear in living rooms. With the arrival

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