Major Advantages and Disadvantages of Television Advertising

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Major Advantages And Disadvantages Of Television Advertising

Television advertising is a quick and effective way to broadcast your brand’s message. It can
reach up to 85% of adults in all age groups. Television advertising has a very powerful influence!
With over 1,500 television stations in the United States and countless others broadcasting around
the globe, a TV advertising agency will ensure your message is heard.

The first paid television advert was shown on July 1, 1941, on WNBT (now WNBC). Since then,
television advertising formats have undergone numerous changes. For instance, in the early 50s,
tv advertising companies used single-sponsor television programs to promote their brand. In the
1960s, commercial breaks became a regular part of the TV watching experience. During that
period, 9 minutes per hour were allotted for TV commercials. Today, this has increased to 19
minutes per hour. Even with several television viewing options such as on-demand and streaming,
the structure of commercials is the same.

What’s the difference? Some television stations and streaming services have included timers to
inform consumers when their program will resume. This feature increases the amount of brand
exposure during the advertisement break.

If you are considering running a television advertising campaign for your business, we
recommend carefully evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of this marketing channel
before you decide.

Pros of television advertising

1. This medium offers instant trust to customers.
Results from surveys conducted by Nielsen found that in the United States, 60% of consumers
consider television adverts trustworthy. The highest amount of trust was evident among the
Millennials. In this group, 2 out of 3 individuals said they trusted television ads. In contrast, only
48% of people aged 65 and over stated they trusted television ads.

2. Television commercials have more substantial penetration into targeted

Currently, most homes have two television sets. 3 of 5 homes purchase cable tv packages, while
the rest use a secondary method to watch television such as satellite, streaming services, etc. In
addition, many restaurants, stores, hospital waiting rooms, and bars have TVs. With so much
exposure, the potential for penetration and exposure is massive.

3. More people are watching television today than ever before.

Approximately 90 percent of American adults watch television. The average person watches 25
hours a week; however, people in the 35 to 49 age category watch around 29 hours. Baby boomers
spend fifty hours or more watching television every week. This demographic controls around 70
percent of the discretionary spending. Local television advertising puts your brand’s message
and product in front of the age demographic who would like your product or service.

4. It is a chance to approach a captivated audience.

Television advertising is more expensive during the Super Bowl because the audience is already
engaged. Consumers might be multi-tasking; however, they won’t hesitate to stop and listen to a
commercial that appeals to them. This is what makes television a powerful medium. Even if the
data may suggest that viewers are not watching, they’re still within earshot of their television sets.
Viewers will focus their attention if the commercial is appealing. This is why it is important to
hire a great television advertising company in Denver to ensure your message is unique and cuts
through the noise.

5. TV commercials are simpler to analyze.

What do you recall better, a print ad or a television commercial? Probably the latter. Instead of
reading and retaining the ad’s information, watching the advertisement play out in front of your
eyes improves retention and recall. Television ads can trigger laughter, shock, and even tell a
story. These experiences create quick memories and help absorb the message.

6. There are two ways to simulcast your brand’s message.

Unlike other television advertising mediums, you may broadcast your message using options-
sound and visual influences. Television is the only medium that encourages consumers to hear
and see your message. Other mediums like newspapers and radio rely on either sight or sound.
Using both senses helps consumers remember and recall your message later on. This is what
helps increase the chances of your advertisement conversion.

Cons of television advertising

1. There is no surety the audience will view it.
Even though more people are watching television today, they have several options during the
break. For instance, people in the 55+ age demographic state that they switch to a different
channel during commercial breaks. Although a low percentage of Millennials change the channel
during breaks, 38% of them resort to their smartphones until the show returns. There are some
streaming and on-demand services that enable viewers to skip commercials entirely.

2. People sometimes become numb to repetitive brand messages.

For viewers who linearly watch TV, time affects the exposure of the brand’s message. When
viewers see multiple television commercials, then the impact of the ad is significantly reduced.
For example, there was a 7% decrease in linear television in the 18 to 24 age category within a
year. Young adults are watching less and less television.

3. You have to consider community influences.

Local television advertising is most acceptable when it’s aired during local programming or news
broadcasting. You may end up paying more for these commercial spots since it is the best time
to advertise your brand. However, there’s no guarantee that viewers in your target demographic
will see your ad. That also indicates nearly 30% of the local community might not be watching
television at that particular time. Due to this risk, many brands think twice before considering
television advertising as a marketing channel.

4. Television advertising costs a lot.

In 2016, the average cost of a thirty-second spot on a local tv network during an assigned spot or
prime time varied between $200 to $1,600. The price is not for the entire ad campaign but one
advert viewing.

Are you planning to advertise during the Super Bowl? Be ready to pay more than $4 million! If you
plan to broadcast your ad on a national channel, then you can expect to pay around $120,000 for
a thirty-second spot.

5. The costs extend beyond the on-air time.

To ensure the advertisement is effective, the digital marketing agency must pay for the
production areas of the content. This involves hiring a scriptwriter, actors, film editors,
spokesperson, editors, etc. You will need to work closely with the advertising agency to seek this
talent. The local television station you choose may have production capabilities, but it may cost
additional money to get started.

6. The advertisement needs to be repetitive to have an impact.

Even though a few television ads are immediately effective with viewers, most advertisements
need repetition. So if you’re paying $1,500 for a spot, ten spots will cost up to $15,000. There’s
no guaranteed return, though! This means your thirty-second spots may become a recurring cost.

Are you thinking about running a television ad campaign? Our television advertising agency in
Colorado can help. We can assist you with your local television advertising needs.

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