Emergency Medicine PDF
Emergency Medicine PDF
Emergency Medicine PDF
New Delhi
The National Board of Examinations was established in 1975 by the Government of India
with the prime objective of improving the quality of the Medical Education by establishing
high and uniform standards of postgraduate examinations in modern medicine on an all India
Emergency Medicine (EM) is a vital specialty which provides an essential service for patients
and communities and fulfils a unique and crucial remit within the national healthcare system.
International Federation for Emergency Medicine defines Emergency Medicine (EM) as a
field of practice based on the knowledge and skills required for the prevention, diagnosis and
management of acute and urgent aspects of illness and injury affecting patients of all age
groups with a full spectrum of undifferentiated physical and behavioral disorders. It further
encompasses an understanding of the development of pre-hospital and in-hospital
emergency medical systems and the skills necessary for this development.
Emergency Medicine has a unique field of action, both within the Emergency Department
and in the community. The practice of Emergency Medicine includes the pre-hospital and in-
hospital reception, resuscitation and management of undifferentiated urgent and emergency
cases until discharge from the Emergency Department or transfer to the care of another
physician. It also includes involvement in the development of pre-hospital and in-hospital
emergency medical systems.
The emergency physician requires a broad field of knowledge and advanced procedural
skills often including surgical procedures, trauma resuscitation, advanced cardiac life support
and advanced airway management. Emergency Physicians are able to look after patients
with a wide range of pathologies from the life-threatening to the self-limiting. They are
experts in identifying the critically ill and injured, providing safe and effective immediate care.
They are also expert in resuscitation and skilled in the practical procedures needed.
Emergency medicine is a relatively new academic discipline in its infancy in India. As the
medical field is an ever growing field, and emergency medicine is rapidly progressing, there
is a need to update the knowledge and practice evidence based approach. A dedicated
Emergency Medicine faculty will be the key factor in developing a national skilled emergency
care workforce.
The DNB program shall be started only after appropriate regulatory approvals from NBE.
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Selection Procedure
Students will be granted admission as per the procedure laid down by the NBE for admission
to various DNB courses in various Institutions/Hospitals accredited for running DNB
Emergency Medicine courses. Currently, this is being done through a CET-Broad Specialty
and DNB Post Diploma CET held as per schedule of examinations laid down by NBE from
time to time followed by merit base centralized counseling conducted by NBE.
Every candidate admitted to the 3 year (2 years for secondary candidates) training
programme shall pursue a regular course of study (on whole time basis) in the concerned
recognized institution under the guidance of recognized post graduate teacher / senior
consultant. Candidates declared successful in the examinations prescribed and fulfilling the
eligibility criteria shall be conferred Diplomate of the National Board (DNB Emergency
The goal of the training program is to produce Emergency Physicians with the necessary
knowledge, skill and attitude to diagnose and manage a wide range of clinical problems in
Emergency Medicine as seen in the community or in secondary/tertiary care setting in an
effective manner.
The qualities to be absolutely necessary:
1. Sound knowledge and skills of the emergency aspects of medical and surgical
speciality, and its application within the golden hour.
2. Competent in life saving emergency interventions and appropriately use various
diagnostic tests, and interpret their results intelligently & promptly.
3. Be familiar with the fundamentals of research methodology.
4. Possess humanistic qualities, attitudes and behaviour necessary for the development
of appropriate patient-doctor relationship.
5. To assist and if necessary train juniors.
6. To keep up-to-date and be familiar with all recent advances in the field of Emergency
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b) Skill and competence to choose and interpret correctly the results of the various
routine investigations necessary for proper management of the patient. While
ordering these investigations, a resident must be able to understand the sensitivity,
specificity and the predictive value of the proposed investigation, as well as its cost-
effectiveness in the management of the patient.
c) Skill and competence in emergency interventions like end tracheal intubations,
needle cricothyrotomy, tracheostomy, needle thoracocentesis, Intercostal drain
placement, pericardiocentesis, defibrillation, mechanical ventilation, hemodialysis,
ultrasonography, Echo so on and so forth.
d) Skills and competence to perform commonly used diagnostic procedures, namely,
lumbar puncture, bone marrow aspiration/biopsy, liver/nerve/muscle/ skin/ kidney/
pleural biopsy, fine needle aspiration cytology of palpable lumps,
pleural/pericardial/abdominal/joint fluid aspiration.
e) Skill and competence to choose and interpret correctly the results of specialized
investigations including radiologic, ultra-sonographic, biochemical, hemodynamic,
electro-cardio graphic, electrophysiological, pulmonary functional, hematological,
immunological, nuclear isotope scanning and arterial blood gas analysis results.
f) Skill and competence to provide consultation to other medical and surgical
specialties and sub-specialties, whenever needed.
g) Skill and competence to function effectively in varied clinical settings, namely
emergency/critical care, ambulatory care, out-patient clinic, inpatient wards.
h) Skill and competence to take sound decisions regarding hospitalization, or timely
referral to other consultants of various medical sub specialties recognizing his
limitations in knowledge and skills in these areas.
i) Proficiency in selecting correct drug combinations for different clinical problems with
thorough knowledge of their pharmacological effects, side effects, interactions with
the other drugs, alteration of their metabolism in different clinical situations, including
that in the elderly.
j) Skill and competence to advise on the preventive, restorative and rehabilitative
aspects including those in the elderly, so as to be able to counsel the patient
correctly after recovery from an acute or chronic illness.
k) Skill and competence to understand research methodology in Emergency medicine
and to undertake a critical appraisal of the literature published in various emergency
medical journals and be able to apply the same in the setting in which the resident is
l) Skill and competence to work cohesively in Resuscitation team along with
paramedical personnel, maintain discipline and healthy interaction with the
m) Skill and competence to communicate clearly and consciously, and teach other junior
residents, medical students, nurses and other paramedical staff, the theory as well as
the practical clinical skills required for the practice of Emergency Medicine.
The entire educational program will be conducted in an integrated and co-ordinated
manner in association with various pre-clinical, para-clinical and clinical departments.
The senior staff members of these departments will be requested to give lectures on
various topics in relation with Emergency medicine, and focus on applied aspects.
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The residents will rotate through both the emergency department and other clinical services.
The residents will spend 7 months on the first and second year and in the third year will
spend 8 months in the Emergency Department and of the remainder time rotating through
other services. The rotations in the other departments will provide the residents with
opportunities to develop important knowledge and skills in the core subjects. Expected
rotations will be as follows:
Year I
Emergency Department: 7 months
Orthopedic & wound care: 2wks/2wks
Pediatric EM: 1 month
ICU-1 month
CCU- 1 month
Anaesthesia-1 month
Year II
Emergency Department: 7 months
Ophthalmology/ENT- 2wks/2wks
OBG/Psychiatry – 2 wks/2wks
PICU- 1 month
Trauma- 1 month
Pediatric EM: 1 month
Year III
Emergency Department: 7 months
Trauma- 1 month
Research – 1 month
Radiology & Ultrasound- 2 wks
Administration (EM Services)-2 wks
Elective- 1 month
Apart from the clinical training of emergency cases in the Emergency Departments, practical
hands on training in the various procedures are required:
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13. Pulmonary artery catheter insertion- 1
14. Management of oxygen therapy and ventilators- 10
15. Incision and drainage of abscess, hematoma, furuncle and hemorrhoid-5
16. Wound debridement and laceration repair -10
17. Local field block, hematoma block and peripheral nerve block anesthesia -4
18. Preservation of served extremities- 2
19. Nail trephination -1
20. Tube thoracostomy -4
21. Closed reduction of hernias -1
22. Peritoneal lavage- 1
23. Arthrocentisis -2
24. Culdocentesis- 1
25. Thoracentesis- 2
26. Application and removal of splints and casts -10
27. Closed reduction of dislocated joints -2
28. Use of emergency immobilization and traction techniques- 10
29. Compartment pressure measurement -1
30. Management of epistaxis- 1
31. Removal of foreign bodies -2
32. Drainage of peritonsillar abscesses- 1
33. Stabilization of traumatically avulsed teeth- 1
34. Direct, fiberoptic and indirect laryngoscopy- 10
35. Emergency delivery of babies- 1
36. Removal of intrauterine devices- 1
37. Introduction of urethral catheters- 10
38. Suprapubic catheterization- 2
39. Lumbar puncture- 2
40. Sigmoidoscopy and anoscopy -2
41. Use of the slit lamp- removal of conjunctival and corneal foreign bodies- 4
42. Ocular tonometry -1
43. Insertion of Blakemore tube -1
44. Insertion of nasogastric, orogastric or intestinal tube- 10
45. Peripheral arterial puncture and cannulation- 25
46. Intraosseous infusion and administration of sedation and analgesia- 1
47. ECHO and emergency ultrasound
48. Correct documentation in the electronic medical record (EMR)
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The rounds should include bedside sessions, file rounds, documentation of case history and
examination, progress notes, round discussions, investigations and management
plan),interesting and difficult case unit discussions.
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• Foreign bodies
• Inflammatory and Infectious disorders angio-oedema, epiglottitis,
laryngitis, paratonsillar abscess
• Traumatic problems
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• HIV infection and AIDS
• Common tropical diseases
• Parasitosis
• Rabies
• Sepsis and septic shock
• Sexually transmitted diseases
• Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome
• Tetanus
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• Other disorders: acute lung injury, atelectasis, ARDS, spontaneous
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• Musculo-skeletal causes
Referred pain from thoraco-lumbar spine
• Renal and Genitourinary causes
Pyelonephritis, renal stones
• Respiratory causes
Pneumonia, pleurisy
• Toxicology
• Trauma
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Osteomyelitis, discitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis
• Endocrine and metabolic causes
Paget’s disease
• Gastrointestinal causes
Pancreatitis, cholecystitis
• Dermatological causes
Herpes zoster
• Gynaecological causes
Endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease
• Haematological and Oncological causes
Abdominal or vertebral tumours
• Neurological cause
Subarachnoid haemorrhage
• Renal and Genitourinary causes
Renal abscess, renal calculi
• Trauma
6. Cardiac Arrest
• Cardiac arrest treatable with defibrillation
Ventricular fibrillation, pulseless ventricular tachycardia
• Pulseless electric activity
Acidosis, hypoxia, hypothermia, hypo/hyperkalaemia, hypocalcaemia, hypo/
hyperglycaemia, hypovolaemia, tension pneumothorax, cardiac tamponade,
myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, poisoning
• Asystole
7. Chest Pain
• Cardiac/vascular causes
Acute coronary syndrome, aortic dissection, arrhythmias, pericarditis, pulmonary
• Respiratory causes
• Pneumonia, pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax (especially tension
pneumothorax), pleurisy
• Gastrointestinal causes
Gastro-oesophageal reflux, oesophageal rupture, oesophageal spasm
• Musculo-Skeletal causes
Costosternal injury, costochondritis, intercostal muscle pain, pain referred from
thoracic spine
• Psychiatric causes
Anxiety, panic attack
• Dermatological causes
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Herpes zoster
8. Crying Baby
I – Infections: herpes stomatitis, meningitis, osteomyelitis, urinary tract infection
T – Testicular torsion, trauma, teeth problems,
C – Cardiac: arrhythmias, congestive heart failure
R -Reaction to milk, reaction to medications, reflux
I - Immunisation and allergic reactions, insect bites
E – Eye: corneal abrasions, glaucoma, ocular foreign bodies
S – Some gastrointestinal causes: hernia, intussusception, volvulus
9. Diarrhea
• Infectious causes
AIDS, bacterial enteritis, viral, parasites, food-borne, toxins
• Toxicological causes
Drugs related, poisoning (including heavy metals, mushrooms,
organophosphates, rat poison, and seafood)
• Endocrine and metabolic causes
Carcinoids, diabetic neuropathy
• Gastrointestinal causes
Diverticulitis, dumping syndrome, ischaemic colitis, inflammatory bowel disease,
enteritis due to radiation or chemotherapy
• Haematological and Oncological causes
Toxicity due to cytostatic therapies
• Immunology
Food allergy
• Psychiatric disorders
Diarrhea “factitia”
10. Dyspnoea
• Respiratory Causes
Airway obstruction, broncho-alveolar obstruction, parenchymal diseases,
pulmonary shunt, pleural effusion, atelectasis, pneumothorax
• Cardiac/vascular causes
Cardiac decompensation, cardiac tamponade, pulmonary embolism
• Ear, Nose, Throat causes
Epiglottitis, croup and pseudocroup
• Fluid & Electrolyte disorders
Hypovolaemia, shock, anaemia
• Gastrointestinal causes
Hiatus hernia
• Immunological causes
• Metabolic causes
Metabolic acidosis, uraemia
• Neurological causes
Myasthenia gravis, Guillain Barrè syndrome, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
• Psychiatric disorders
Conversion syndrome
• Toxicology
CO intoxication, cyanide intoxication
• Trauma
Flail chest, lung contusion, traumatic pneumothorax, haemothorax
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Sepsis and septic shock, parasitosis, flu-like syndrome
• Organ-specific infectious causes
Endocarditis, myocarditis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, abscesses, otitis, cholecystitis
and cholangitis, meningitis, encephalitis
• Non-infectious causes
Lyell syndrome, Stephen-Johnson syndrome, thyroid storm, pancreatitis,
inflammatory bowel disease, pelvic inflammatory disease, toxic shock
• Haematological and Oncological causes
Leukaemia and lymphomas, solid tumours
• Immunological causes
Arteritis, arthritis, lupus, sarcoidosis
• Musculo-Skeletal causes
Osteomyelitis, fasciitis and cellulitis
• Neurological causes
Cerebral haemorrhage
• Psychiatric causes
Factitious fever
• Renal and Genitourinary causes
Pyelonephritis, prostatitis
• Toxicology
13. Jaundice
• Gastrointestinal causes
Cholangitis, hepatic failure, pancreatic head tumour, pancreatitis, obstructive
• Cardiac/Vascular causes
Chronic cardiac decompensation
• Haematological and Oncological causes
Haemolytic anaemias, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, haemolytic uraemic
syndrome, disseminated intravascular coagulation
• Infectious causes
Malaria, leptospirosis
• Gynaecological causes
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HELLP syndrome
• Toxicology
Drug induced haemolytic anaemias, snake venom
16. Palpitations
• Cardiac/Vascular causes
Brady-arrythmias (including sinus bradycardia and AV blocks), extrasystoles,
tachyarrythmias (including atrial fibrillation, sinus tachycardia, supraventricular
tachycardia, ventricular tachycardia)
• Endocrine and metabolic causes
• Toxicology
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• Anaphylactic
• Cardiogenic
• Hypovolaemic
• Obstructive
• Septic
• Neurogenic
• Cardiac/Vascular causes
Cardiogenic shock, arrhythmias
• Endocrine and metabolic causes
Addison’s crisis
• Fluid and Electrolyte disorders
Hypovolaemic shock
• Gastrontestinal causes
Vomiting, diarrhoea
• Gynaecological causes
Toxic shock
• Immunological causes
Anaphylactic shock
• Infectious causes
Septic shock
• Neurological causes
Neurogenic shock
• Trauma
Hypovolaemic shock, neurogenic shock.
20. Syncope
• Cardiac/vascular causes
Aortic dissection, cardiac arrhythmias (including brady-tachy syndrome, Brugada
syndrome, drug overdose, long QT syndrome, sick sinus syndrome, torsades de
pointes, ventricular tachycardia), other causes of hypoperfusion (including
ischaemia, valvular, haemorrhage, obstruction: e.g. aortic stenosis, pulmonary
embolism, tamponade), orthostatic hypotension
• Endocrine and metabolic causes
Addison’s disease
• Fluid and Electrolyte disorders
• Gastrointestinal causes
Vomiting, diarrhoea
• Neurological causes
Autonomic nervous system disorder, epilepsy, vasovagal reflex,
• Toxicology
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Alcoholic or drug consumption
23. Vomiting
• Gastrointestinal causes
Appendicitis, cholecystitis, gastroparesis, gastric obstruction and retention,
gastroenteritis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, pyloric stenosis, small bowel obstructions
• Cardiac/Vascular causes
Myocardial ischaemia
• Ear, Nose, Throat causes
Vestibular disorders
• Endocrine and metabolic causes
Diabetic ketoacidosis, hypercalcaemia
• Fluid and Electrolyte disorders
• Gynaecological and Obstetric causes
• Infectious causes
Sepsis, meningitis
• Neurological causes
Cerebral oedema or haemorrhage, hydrocephalus, intracranial space occupying
• Ophthalmological causes
Acute glaucoma
• Psychiatric causes
Eating disorders
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• Renal and Genitourinary causes
Renal calculi, uraemia
• Toxicology
Disaster preparedness
Major incident planning/procedures/practice
Disaster response
Mass gatherings
Specific medical topics (triage, bioterrorism, blast and crush injuries,
chemical agents, radiation injuries)
Debriefing and mitigation
Basics of relevant legislation in the country of practice
Recognise and preserve evidence
Provide appropriate medical documentation (including forensic and clinical
photography, collection of biological samples, ballistics)
Appropriate reporting and referrals (e.g. child abuse or neglect, gunshot
and other forms of penetrating wounds, elder abuse, sexual assault
Medico-legal documentation
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Epidemiology of Accidents and Emergencies
Formulation of recommendations
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Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation procedures in a timely and effective
manner according to the current ILCOR guidelines for adults and children
Advanced CPR skills (e.g. therapeutic hypothermia, open chest
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• Emergency Ultrasound and Echocardiology
• Gastrointestinal Procedures: Shangstaken tube insertion, endoscopic
banding, scelerotherapy in UGI bleed
• Insertion of nasogastric tube
• Gastric lavage
• Peritoneal lavage
• Abdominal hernia reduction
• Abdominal paracentesis
• Measurement of abdominal pressure
• Proctoscopy
• Insertion of indwelling urethral catheter
• Suprapubic cystostomy
• Testicular torsion reduction
• Evaluation of patency of urethral catheter
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• Slit lamp use
• Lateral canthotomy
• Measuring and monitoring of body temperature
• Cooling techniques (evaporative cooling, ice water or slush immersion)
• Internal cooling methods
• Warming techniques
• Monitoring heat stroke patients
• Treatment and prevention of hyper- and hypothermia
• Telecommunication and telemedicine procedures
• Preparation of the EMS vehicle
• Specific aspects of monitoring and treatment during transportation
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e. Demonstrate a level-appropriate understanding of the core curriculum
By the end of their second year, residents will, in addition to the objectives achieved
during the first year:
1. Demonstrate the ability to provide appropriate care to patients with emergent and life
threatening conditions:
a. Obtain an appropriately focused history and perform an appropriately focused
physical examination
b. Develop comprehensive differential diagnoses
c. Develop an investigative and therapeutic plan
d. Develop and, after review, implement an appropriate written and verbal
discharge plan
e. Demonstrate competency (including an understanding of the indications,
contraindications, and techniques) in the core procedures used on patients
with emergent and life-threatening conditions (eg, endotracheal intubation,
tube thoracostomy, defibrillation/cardioversion, etc.)
2. Demonstrate a level-appropriate knowledge of the biochemical, clinical,
epidemiologic, and social-behavioural basis of diseases seen in the emergency
a. Apply the principles of evidence-based medicine
b. Demonstrate mastery of the emergent and life-threatening conditions that
present to the emergency department
c. Demonstrate a level-appropriate understanding of the core
3. Demonstrate the ability to appraise and assimilate scientific evidence and analyze
and improve their own practice:
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a. Demonstrate the ability to critically assess their competency in managing the
emergent and life-threatening conditions that present to the emergency
b. Use published studies to improve their own practice
c. Use available information technology appropriate to the care of their patients
4. Demonstrate a level-appropriate understanding of the role of the emergency
department in the larger context of health care delivery:
a. Demonstrate the ability to divide his or her time and energies appropriately to
provide optimal care for several patients concurrently
b. Develop plans for evaluation and treatment that, without compromising
patient care, acknowledge the patient’s particular health care system
By the end of their third year, residents will, in addition to the objectives achieved
during the first 2 years:
A. Guidelines
a. The dissertation may be normally restricted to the size of 100 pages, to achieve this,
following item may be kept in view :-
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i. Only contemporary and relevant literature may be reviewed.
ii. The techniques may not be described in detail unless any modification
/ innovations of the standard techniques are used and reference may
be given.
iii. Illustrative material may be restricted
iv. Since most of the difficulties faced by the residents related to the work
in clinical subject or clinically oriented laboratory subjects the following
steps are suggested :
− The number of clinical cases to be included in the dissertation may be limited. No
number is therefore, prescribed and it will vary from topic to topic.
− For prospective study, as far as possible the number of cases should be such that
adequate material, judged from the hospital attendance, will be available and the
candidate will be able to collect the case material within a period of 6-12 months so
that he / she is in a position to complete the work within the stipulated time.
− The objective of the study should be limited and well defined.
− As far as possible, only clinical or laboratory data of investigations of patients or such
other material easily accessible in the existing facilities should be used for the study
− The laboratory work required to be performed by the residents of clinical departments
should be minimal. For this purpose technical assistance, wherever necessary, may
be provided by the department concerned. The resident of one specialty taking up
some problem related to some other specialty should have some basic knowledge
about the subject and he/she should be able to perform the investigations
independently. Wherever some specialized laboratory investigations are required, a
co-guide may be
− co-opted from the concerned investigative department. The quantum of laboratory
work to be carried out by the candidate should be decided by the guide and co-guide
by mutual consultation.
− The clinical residents may not ordinarily be expected to undertake experimental work
or clinical work involving new techniques not hitherto perfected or the use of
chemicals or radio isotopes not readily available. They should however, be free to
enlarge the scope of their studies or undertake experimental work on their own
initiative but all such studies may be feasible within the existing facilities.
− The residents should be able to use freely the surgical pathology / autopsy data if it is
restricted to diagnosis only. If however, detailed histological data are required the
resident will have to study the case himself with the help of guide / co-guide. The
same will apply in case of clinical data.
b. Statistical methods used for analyses will be described in detail.
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ii. Thesis submission form duly completed.
iii. NBE copy of challan in original.
iv. Soft copy of thesis in a CD duly labeled.
v. Copy of letter of registration with NBE.
6. A declaration of thesis work being bonafide in nature and done by the candidate
himself at the institute of DNB training need to be submitted bound with thesis.
7. It must be signed by the candidate himself/herself, the thesis guide and head of the
institution, failing which thesis shall not be considered.
8. If thesis is rejected or needs to be modified for acceptance, NBE will return it to the
candidate with suggestion of assessors in writing for modification.
9. If any unethical practice is detected in work of the Thesis, the same is liable to be
rejected. Such candidates are also liable to face disciplinary action as may be
decided by NBE.
10. The thesis is to be submitted 6 MONTHS before the commencement of the DNB
examination along with the prescribed thesis evaluation fees drawn in favor of
NATIONAL BOARD OF EXAMINATIONS - payable at New Delhi, for evaluation.
Title - Should be brief, clear and focus on the relevance of the topic.
Introduction – Should state the purpose of study, mention lacunae in current knowledge
and enunciate the Hypothesis, if any.
Review of Literature – Should be relevant, complete and current to date.
Material and Methods- Should include the type of study (prospective, retrospective,
controlled double blind) details of material & experimental design procedure used for data
collection & statistical methods employed; statement of limitations ethical issues involved.
Observations– Should be organized in readily identifiable sections having correct analysis
of data be presented in appropriate charts, tables, graphs & diagram etc. These should be
statistically interpreted.
Discussion- Observations of the study should be discussed and compared with other
research studies. The discussion should highlight original findings and should also include
suggestion for future.
Bibliography - Should be correctly arranged in Vancouver pattern.
Appendix— All tools used for data collection such as questionnaire, interview schedules,
observation check lists etc should be put in the annexure.
The logbook should show evidence that the previously mentioned subjects were covered
(with dates and the name of the teachers). The candidate will maintain the record of all
academic activities undertaken by him/her in logbook.
1. Personal profile of candidate
2. Educational qualifications/ professional data
3. Record of case histories(15 cases) studied by him/her. (Model should be given in the
book) Three case histories pertaining to predominantly 4 Medical problems, 3
predominantly Surgical, 2 pediatrics, 3 trauma while the rest 4 may pertain to other
disciplines like Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ophthalmology, ENT,Dermatology,
Psychiatry etc.
4. Procedures learnt- the candidates are expected to learn Medical and Surgical
procedures during their training in Emergency Medicine. The record should depict
medical and surgical
5. procedures observed, assisted and performed during the period of training
6. Record of case Demonstration/ Presentations
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Record of Participation in CME activities- Direct contact activities (Lectures,
seminars, workshops, c conferences); indirect contact activities (Correspondence
journals, books, audio-video tapes)
7. The log book should also bear record of the training in the following:
a. Emergency Life Support (ELS)- 2 DAY COURSE
b. Advanced life Support- 2 day Course
c. Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) – 2 DAY COURSE
d. Advanced Pediatric Life Support (APLS)- 3 DAY COURSE
e. Emergency radiology for Emergency Physicians- 2 day course
f. Neonatal Life Support- 1 day course
Formative assessment includes various formal and informal assessment procedures by
which evaluation of student’s learning, comprehension, and academic progress is done by
the teachers/ faculty to improve student attainment. Formative assessment test (FAT) is
called as “Formative “as it informs the in process teaching and learning modifications. FAT is
an integral part of the effective teaching .The goal of the FAT is to collect information which
can be used to improve the student learning process.
Formative assessment is essentially positive in intent, directed towards promoting learning; it
is therefore part of teaching. Validity and usefulness are paramount in formative assessment
and should take precedence over concerns for reliability.
The assessment scheme consists of Three Parts which has to be essentially completed by
the candidates. The scheme includes:-
Part I:- Conduction of theory examination
Part-II :- Feedback session on the theory performance
Part-III :- Work place based clinical assessment
Scheme of FAT
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The summative assessment of competence will be done in the form of DNB Final
Examination leading to the award of the degree of Diplomate of National Board in
Emergency Medicine. The DNB final is a two-stage examination comprising the theory and
practical part. An eligible candidate who has qualified the theory exam is permitted to appear
in the practical examination.
A. Theory Exam:
a. The theory exam comprise of four papers (Applied basic sciences related to
Emergency Medicine; Trauma and surgical emergencies; Medical
emergencies; and recent advances in Emergency Medicine, Paediatric
Emergency Medicine)
b. There are 10 short notes of 10 marks each, in each of the papers.
c. Maximum time permitted is 3 hours for each paper.
d. Candidate must score at least 50% in the aggregate of 4 papers to qualify the
theory exam.
e. Candidate who have qualified the theory exam are permitted to take up the
practical exam.
B. Practical Exam:
a. Maximum Marks: 300.
b. Comprises of Clinical Examination and Viva.
c. Candidate must obtain a minimum of 50% marks in the Clinical Examination
(including Viva) to qualify for the Practical exam.
d. There are a maximum of three attempts that can be availed by a candidate for
Practical Exam.
e. First attempt is the practical exam following immediately after the declaration
of theory results.
f. Second and third attempt in practical examination shall be permitted out of
the next three sessions of practical examinations placed alongwith the next
three successive theory examination sessions; after payment of full
examination fees as may be prescribed by Board.
g. Absentation from Practical Exam is counted as an attempt.
h. Appearance in first practical exam is compulsory;
i. Requests for change in centre of exam are not entertained, as the same is
not permissible.
j. Candidates are required not to canvass with NBE for above.
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• Harwood-Nuss’ Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine, Wolfson, A (Editor),
New York: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
• Textbook of Emergency Medicine, David, S (Editor), New York: Lippincott,
Williams & Wilkins.
• Goldfrank’s Toxilogic Emergencies, Nelson, L et al., New York: McGraw-Hill.
• Modern Medical Toxicology, Pillay, V.V.
• Textbook of Critical Care, Fink, M (Editor): Philadelphia, Elsevier Saunders.
• ECG For Emergency Physician, Mattu and Brady (Editors), London: BMJ
• An Introduction to Clinical Emergency Medicine, Mahadevan, S.V. (Editor), New
York: Cambridge University Press.
• American Heart Association Basic Life Support, Advanced Cardiovascular Life
Support and Pediatric Life Support manuals
• Advanced Trauma Life Support manual published by the American College of
• The journal of Emergency Medicine- Elsevier ( the official journal of the America
Academy of Emergency Medicine)
• American Journal of Emergency Medicine
• European Journal of Emergency Medicine (the official journal of the European
Society for Emergency Medicine)
• Annals of Emergency Medicine ( the official journal of the American College of
Emergency Medicine)
• Emergency Medicine Australasia
• Academy Emergency Medicine
• Emergency Medicine Journal
• Emergency Medicine Australasia
• National Journal of Emergency Medicine published by SEMI
• American Heart Association journal, Circulation
Online Resources
• American Academy Of Emergency Medicine- Position Statements
• American College Of Emergency Physicians- Practice Resources
• Association Of Emergency Physicians- Policy And Position Statements
• Australasian College For Emergency Medicine – Policies And Guidelines
• Australian And New Zealand Intensive Care Society- Policy Statements
• Council Of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors- Position Statements
• Emergency Management Australia- Publications
• European Resuscitation Council- Guidelines
• Intensive Care Society (UK)- Standards And Guidelines
• National Electronic Library For Health (UK) Emergency Care
• Resuscitation Council (UK)
• Society For Academic Emergency Medicine – Position Statements
• Society Of Critical Care Medicine- Guidelines
• Triage – Injury, Treatment And Recovery, Shoestring Graphics
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