Kerala Calling July 2019

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2019 JULY 01

Innovative measures by the
Government have immensely
revolutionised the state’s
transport infrastructure.
Kerala Calling

Connectivity Matters

s per Niti Ayog’s health Index report Kerala topped other states in
India with an overall score of 74.01. The Niti Aayog’s report has
made Malayalis across the world proud of their healthy state.

The Government is marching towards its fourth year with much

more confidence by making Kerala more development-friend-
ly in a sustainable manner. The past three years have seen
many a development activity from micro to the macro levels.
And, for any development activity, the major pillar is infra-

Infrastructure is the nerve centre of a state’s over-

all development, and needs intense focus from the
Government for initiating policies that would ensure
time-bound creation of world-class facilities. The
Government has initiated and completed a number
of infrastructural activities so that it would play
a strategic role in faster economic growth and
alleviating poverty.

Transport infrastructure plays a significant

role in the economic development of a
region. A state that lacks sufficient trans-
port infrastructure is in a state of immo-
bility. Movement is a basic sign of
life and progress. For making our
State more investment-friendly, the
Government has focussed on the physical infrastructure development. Roads, highways, bridges, ports,
inland navigation and airports play a strategic role in the development of our State and the past three
years saw a surge in these key areas.

The July issue of Kerala Calling focuses on the transport infrastructure that gained extraordinary boost
under the present Government. Undoubtedly, if it goes like this, Kerala will be the hub of a lot of business
activities in the short run.

08 24
Kerala: The Trailblazer KWIL: The Dream Starts
in India’s Own Sailing
Development Story
Special Correspondent
Dr.Shashi Tharoor M.P.

12 26
Shipping The Future
Roads to Development
Prasanth Nair IAS
G. Sudhakaran
Minister for PWD
16 Be Faster in The Waters
No more bumpy roads to
Shaji V Nair
high ranges

Darlene Camelita D’cruz 32

Up Above The World
20 so High
The Beach is Nearby Special Correspondent
Special Correspondent
22 Charting a New Course in
Bridges to Get a Fresh Development
Lease of Life
Jeeja T V
Mano Mohan
JULY 01, 2019_VOL 39_NO.09

Anchoring a New Era Editor-In-Chief: U V Jose IAS
Co Ordinating Editor: P S Rajasekharan
Deputy Editor In Chief: K P Saritha
Ramachandran Kadannappalli Editor: C Rajesh
Minister for ports Assistant Editor: P K Velayudhan
Assistant Information Officer: Anchitha A

Circulation: Unnikrishnan Kunnath
Design & Layout: Mubeen
Printing: Orange Printers Pvt Ltd.,
Semi-High-Speed Rail Line Thiruvananthapuram
Photo Credits: I&PRD Photography Division,
A.S. Sarath Ernakulam
Special Correspondent

46 Expressed in the articles published in Kerala Calling are not,

necessarily, those of the government. Kerala Calling welcomes
free expression of divergent views and exchange of ideas
My Kochi, My Metro through its pages.

Keziah Maria, Dilin Shaji
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Total number of pages: 52 + Cover
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Bone marrow Transplantation at Malabar Cancer Centre
The successful completion of 100 surgeries in for the children are carried in the cancer center at
bone marrow transplantation in Malabar comparitavely lower cost. The activities done by
Cancer Centre shows that the actions taken by the Malabar cancer centre by starting a compre-
the Government in the cancer treatment field is hensive bone marrow registry will be an asset for
being effective. Along with RCC, another Govern- the health sector. The Government aims to raise
ment institution achieving progress in the treatment Regional Cancer Centre and Malabar Cancer
field will help us to beat cancer efficiently. Hi tech Center to international standards and also aims to
facilities to perform four bone marrow transplanta- realise Cochin Cancer Center to ensure excellent
tion surgeries in a month are equipped at theatres treatment facilities. The Government is also exe-
of Malabar Cancer Center. Surgeries like using cuting actions to control the cancer by equipping
bone marrow from the patient itself, receiving bone the primary hospitals in the health sector by de-
marrow from a donor are successfully performed in tecting cancer in the early stages itself.
the center. Bone marrow transplantation surgeries

Those who were praised as ‘Kerala’s Own Army’

became part of ‘Kerala’s Army’ officially.
The Chief Minister received salute from the coastal The army has given special training including the
police ward of 177 members including 5 women at checking of suspicious boats and sea patrolling.
Kerala Police Academy Ramavarmapuram,Thrisur. Persons from the costal districts of Kerala were se-
This is regarded as a honour to the commendable lected and given appointment as costal police war-
work done by the fishermen community during the den for one year. But the Government has ensured
time of intense deluge. So much so that fishermen that there is nothing to worry about the one year
from the fishermen community were selected and tenure of the posting. The army has given special
appointed as costal police ward. Actions will be training on ball balancing in sea, chest carrying and
taken to replenish lack of 23 members in the team survival shelters in sea by the cost guard. Along
of 200 members of costal wards. Apart from the with that, they were given training sessions by fire,
costal rescue operations, border security will also naval and police forces.
be considered as responsibility of the costal police.


5Ws & 1H

[email protected] KERALA CALLING JUNE 2019 7


Kerala: The Trailblazer

in India’s Own
Development Story
Kerala has topped the Niti Ayog’s Health Index Report once again. The State
is uncompromising in ensuring proper healthcare to its people.

By Dr.Shashi Tharoor M.P.

T he news that Kerala has

topped the Niti Aayog’s
recent Health Index
Report (officially called ‘Healthy
States, Progressive India’) is a
state governments that have
seriously prioritised equitable
social development, has meant
that Kerala has systematically
ensured that its society has pro-
own development story – and
it has also confirmed the lived
experience of Malayalees in their

welcome development, though duced human development With an overall score of 74.01,
not totally surprising. After all, the results comparable to a first Kerala does significantly better
combined influence of our heri- world country. In other words, than its contemporaries includ-
tage of progressive Maharajahs, the Niti Aayog’s report reaffirms ing larger (and richer) states
groundbreaking contributions by a reality that is well known – that such as Andhra Pradesh (65.13)
social reformers and successive Kerala is a trailblazer in India’s and Maharashtra (63.99), which
Kerala has largely been a
lodestar of healthcare in
the country.

occupy the 2nd and 3rd place

respectively on the index. This is
despite actually dropping points
(-2.55) between the Base Year
(2015-16) and the Reference
Year (2017-18) used to formulate
the composite index on health- K. K. Shailaja Teacher
care. Health Minister

It is a matter of pride that the

state has already achieved healthcare), Kerala has largely of acute encephalitis in Bihar
targets set under the 2030 been a lodestar of healthcare in these last few weeks. While in
Sustainable Development Goals the country (where the national the former, thanks to a vigilant
for Neonatal Mortality Rate (12 average is currently well over healthcare infrastructure (includ-
neonatal deaths per 1000 births) double this prescription, and in ing officials who worked under
and Under 5 Mortality Rate (25 many states much worse). And the assumption that the virus
deaths per 1000 live births); it yet, persisting circumstances would resurface in the future) the
also reflects the commendable continue to dictate that the state causalities were minimized. In
performance of the state public must reject complacency that the latter, however, the outbreak
health infrastructure that caters comes from such success and tragically robbed more than 150
to over 40% of the population as continue to build further on the children of their lives. Only a
of today. There are other posi- promising and robust healthcare proper inquiry will reveal what
tives as well, including the 2nd system it has established. parts of the healthcare system
best sex birth ratio (SBR—the failed in the latter case, but it is
number of girls born for every For one, the recurring outbreak clear that by historically prioritis-
1000 boys) of 967, a testament of viruses like swine flu, a sec- ing healthcare in the state, Kerala
to the premium on gender equali- ond outbreak of the zoonotic managed to get on top of its
ty in the state, a perfect record of Nipah virus as well as the almost own crisis before it spread.
full immunisation of infants in the seasonal rain-fed arrivals of items
9-11 month age group, that 90% like chikungunya, encephalitis, So while we rightly take pride
of our deliveries are taking place dengue, malaria and a whole in the success that has been
in a proper healthcare facility and gamut of other infectious and confirmed by the Niti Aayog’s
that we have the least number of non-infectious diseases, make Health Index, rather than sitting
vacancies of specialists in district a striking case for a vigilant, back, let us use this as a source
hospital (less than 20%). prepared and dynamic health- of encouragement to continue
care infrastructure. In fact, a to further refine our healthcare
As one of the handful of states common comparison that is system, so that one day, we are
with a doctor to patient ratio doing the rounds recently is the seen as a role model not just
that is better than the WHO contrast between the impact of for the country, but to the world
prescribed norm of 1:1000 (a the second Nipah outbreak in that is indeed watching Kerala’s
common metric used to judge Kerala earlier this month and that progress with admiration.
[email protected] KERALA CALLING JUNE 2019 9
Structuring a
New Infrastructure
In terms of geographical space, especially in comparison with her
neighbouring states, she may not look very grand at first appear-
ance. But, she more than makes up for it with the sheer scale of
transport infrastructural facilities she has rigged up over the years,
and the consequent advantages she offers the natives, the visitors,
the entrepreneurs and the tourists. Kerala, a sliver of land in the
south-western edge of India, has a well-connected road network, a
rail line connecting all but two districts of the state, four international
airports (at Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi and Kozhikode and Kannur),
National Waterway III consisting of the vast stretches of backwaters,
17 non major ports, Vallarpadam Trans-shipment Container Termi-
nal at Kochi and the upcoming Vizhinjam International Sea Port
Project. It is only a matter of time before Kerala becomes the com-
mercial and travel hub not only of the country but the world at large.


T he major transport in-
frastructure of the state
consists of 2.29 lakh kms
of road, 1588 kms of railways (Econ-
nomic review, Govt. of Kerala 2018),
1687 kms of inland waterways and
transportation of bulk commodities
and long hauling traffic along
the coast line, with multi–modal
trans-shipment points established
at strategic spots. Out of the 17 non
major ports in Kerala, four are inter-
17 non major ports and a major port mediate ports viz., Vizhinjam,
at Kochi (Under Cochin Port Trust) Beypore, Azhikkal and Kollam, based
with a 655.6-km km coastal route on the berthing, cargo handling and
and 4 international airports. Roads storage facilities they provide.
play a prominent role in public trans-
portation vis-à-vis other modes All the four civilian airports functioning
of transportation, owing to the geo- in the state are international airports,
graphic peculiarities of Kerala and a feature it shares with a much larger
the limited geographical area of state as Tamil Nadu. While all these
38,863 sq. kms. The state’s a rail infrastructural facilities are magnifi-
network operates under the control cent, there is a need to address the
of Palakkad and Thiruvananthapur- growing needs of a very vibrant pop-
am Railway Divisions. ulation of employees, entrepreneurs
and tourists in the state. This has led
Kerala boasts of many water bodies to the conceptualization of a mass
like rivers, lakes, estuaries, back- transport system that will take care
waters, etc., and has established of the intra-city commuter needs of
an elaborate Inland Water Transport major cities. As the first step in this
(IWT) system. The IWT not only of- direction, the Government of Kerala
fers an efficient, economic and envi- has started the Metro Rail facility at
ronment-friendly means of transpor- Kochi. With the commissioning of
tation, but also boosts the Tourism Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS),
Industry of the state in a substantial major urban corridors are expected
way. Coastal shipping takes care of to be decongested in these cities.

[email protected] KERALA CALLING JUNE 2019 11


“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference”.
Robert Frost

Roads to Development
Without any political bias, the PWD has put in place an agenda for the progress of all 140
constituencies in the state. The Department is eyeing construction activities to the tune of Rs
1 lakh crore which would be a boost to the basic infrastructure development in the state.

By G. Sudhakaran ( Minister for PWD )

T he functioning of the
Public Works Depart-
ment in the past two-
and-a-half years reflects the
bold steps taken by the Pinarayi
Vijayan Government towards
The Department, which is march-
ing forward with the motto
‘Puthiya Kalam Puthiya Nirma-
nam’ (New Times, New Con-
struction), has witnessed some
140 constituencies in the state.
The Department is eyeing con-
struction activities to the tune of
Rs 1 lakh crore which would be
a boost to the basic infrastruc-
path-breaking changes in the ture development in the state.
building Nava Kerala. The past two-and-a-half years.
common man had nothing but The Department in a short span The PWD has given the requisite
scorn for the PWD that was of time made giant strides by in- impetus to the Pinarayi Vijayan
infested with graft in the past, corporating environment-friendly Government that is surging
but now the public has great ex- modern construction techniques ahead with a development out-
pectations from the department and doing away with traditional look that matches the expecta-
which has a clear-cut, procedures. Without any political tions of the people. A feather
transparent and corruption-free bias, the PWD has put in place in PWD’s cap is the timely
development agenda. an agenda for the progress of all completion of road repair works
before the start of Sabarimala
pilgrimage season in the past
two years. The Kerala High Court The ‘Kanthal’ patching mix, developed by the Kerala
also lauded the efforts of the Highway Research Institute to fill potholes during the
PWD for completing the road monsoon season, is a perfect example of the
repair works as the Sabarimala
department’s modernization.
pilgrimage season started after
the August floods last year.

Throwing open the Enathu of the buildings and avoid inordi- Highways Authority of India was
Bridge in Pathanamthitta to traffic nate delay in the construction of dragging its feet over the land
in record time, which was a structures. acquisition process. The total
remarkable achievement, shows outlay was split between the
that the department has changed The Engineers’ Congress, the Central Government and Kerala
for the better in a short time. first such meet in the country, Government and a decision to
The Department took great was organised to augment the this effect was taken in 2013.
strides when it put into practice capability of the PWD engineers
the cold recycling technology, and expose them to the latest The former government com-
which is used only in 3 other trends in construction industry. pleted 30% work and had
states, with the help of German The engineers’ exhibition that disbursed Rs 36.8 crore to the
-made machinery to lay the was held in connection with the contractor. The remaining 70%
Purakadu-Pathirappally road in 3rd Engineers’ Congress intro- work was completed under the
Alappuzha district. Another note- duced the latest technological present Pinarayi Vijayan
worthy accomplishment is the advancements to the engineering government.
construction of the model Am- students, engineers and public.
balapuzha-Thiruvalla road using A magazine, Engineer, was The 7-km Alappuzha bypass will
coir geotextiles and natural launched to feature the function- have 2 lanes, and the major part
rubber mix bitumen. During the ing of the Public Works Depart- of the bypass passes over the
first two-and-a-half years, the ment and spread information Alappuzha beach. As per the
Department tasted success while relating to modern technology. law, the rail overbridge should
experimenting with the use of be constructed by the Railways.
plastic waste in the construction The ‘Kanthal’ patching mix, de- The opening of the bypass is put
of road. The Peringadavila veloped by the Kerala Highway on hold due to the delay in build-
-Marayimuttom-Paliyodu road Research Institute to fill potholes ing the rail overbridge though the
was laid using plastic waste in during the monsoon season, is remaining work is over. The proj-
Thiruvananthapuram district. a perfect example of the depart- ect should have been completed
ment’s modernization. on September 14, 2017. Only
The Department had been 15% work was completed by the
instrumental in redefining the Effectively implementing the previous government and not
construction of buildings in the price software, streamlining the even a single span was put in
state in the past couple of years. e-tender facility and constituting place. The Pinarayi Vijayan gov-
The PWD’s expertise is am- social audit committees, com- ernment took the lead in com-
ply reflected in the new Public prising people’s representatives pleting the remaining 85% work.
Library building, which was built and technical experts, had been The project outlay is Rs 348.43
by keeping intact the essence of helpful in curbing corruption in crore and is shared between the
heritage, in Thiruvananthapuram the Public Works Department. central government and Kerala
and the High Court auditorium, government. The government is
which was constructed using The Government decided to con- hoping to complete the project
cutting edge technology. The struct the Kollam and Alappuzha in 3 months’ time.
Regional Design and Quality bypasses to ease traffic on the
Control labs set up in Ernakulam national highway. The Govern-
and Kozhikode are groundbreak- ment constructed a two-lane
ing initiatives to gauge the quality Kollam bypass as the National
[email protected] KERALA CALLING JUNE 2019 13

The officials who had corruption taint on them were removed from
important positions. The officers who completed 3 years’ service in the
department were transferred.

The officers with integrity and calibre were given positions of authority.

The appointments were made to send out a message that only hard
working officials will be eligible for transfer and further appointments.

The PWD vigilance wing was expanded and strengthened.

The vigilance wing looked into the complaints lodged directly by the
public and grievances aired over phone to the minister.

The officials found at fault had to face punitive measures or were


Apart from making PWD corruption free, the government has given ample
stress to make the department competitive. Now, anyone can call the
minister to air their views.


The government has announced a new public works policy

with the tagline – ‘puthiya kalam –puthiya nirmanam’.

The new policy has envisaged roads and buildings of

international standard and green laws.


The projects which were approved by KIIFB so far:

a e

134 3
PROJECTS under PROJECTS under the
the category: 5755.51 category:
17 f
PROJECTS under 1
the category: 1506.25 PROJECTS under
HILL HIGHWAY Crores the category: 27.59
56 g
PROJECTS under 17
the category: 1566.52 PROJECTS under
BRIDGES Crores the category:
RAILWAY 523.79
the category: 362.85

TOTAL No. of

[email protected] KERALA CALLING JUNE 2019 15

I N F R A S T R U C T U R E - H I L L H I G H W AY

No More Bumpy Roads

To High Ranges
The fascinating project of
Hill Highway
By Darlene Camelita D’cruz ( Chief Engineer Kerala State Transport Project )


“ Twenty-four detailed project
reports (DPRs) for 656 km costing
Rs 2,205.50 crore had been pre-
sented to KIIFB. Out of this, KIIFB
has given the financial nod to the
laying of 460.60 km of roads at 17
reaches at a cost of Rs 1,506.24
crore. Already the work has start-
ed at four reaches one each in
Thiruvananthapuram and Kollam
districts and two in Kasaragod
district, for laying 111 km of road
worth Rs 402 crore. The tender

has been floated for another three
stretches and the work will be
bumpy ride through started within days. The project is
the high range roads going at a rapid pace. The pro-
in the state will soon posed hill highway envisages the
be a past affair. The major roads development of the much needed
that lead to the mountain areas North-South corridor through the
will be as smooth as the National hilly regions by upgrading/improv-
Highway and that too within a few ing the existing network optimally,”
years. Thanks to the state gov- said Chief Engineer, (PWD Roads).
ernment which decided to speed
up the 1251 km long hill highway There has been a long-standing
project with an effort to end the demand for connecting Thiruva-
travel woes of the farmers and the nanthapuram District in the South
residents living in the high ranges and Kasargode District in the
of the state. North through the hilly regions of
the state. Once the project got
In the latest development, the commissioned, roads will help to
Pinarayi Vijayan led government improve existing connectivity to
has completed the tender pro- many tribal settlements.
ceedings for another three reaches
in the districts such as Kasargod, Interestingly, the hill highway was
Thiruvananthapuram and Wayanad initially conceived by farmers them-
district as a part of the project. selves who perceived the lack of
Earlier, the works began at four transportation facility as a root
reaches, one each in Thiruvanan- cause for the underdevelopment
thapuram and Kollam districts and of the region. At present, those
2 in Kasaragod district, for laying who reside in such regions have to
111 km of road worth Rs 402 bear a higher cost for transporting
crore. the goods and services. But with
the development of the proposed
The 1,251-km-long hill highway hill highway, farmers in the hilly
with an outlay of Rs 3,500 crore regions will get a due price for their
will be put in place after laying products. The proposed highway
necessary connectivity roads and not only a boost for the farmers,
developing the existing roads from but also to the tourism sector.
Nandarappadavu in Kasaragod
district to Parassala in Thiruvanan- Hence, the government is planning
thapuram district. to implement the project with the
[email protected] KERALA CALLING JUNE 2019 17
Kasargodu District

Nandarapadhavu - Puthige - Perla - Badiadukka- Mulleriya -

Aththinadi - Pandi - Padippu - Bhandhadukka - Kannur District
Iranjilamkode - Kolichal - Pathinettam Mile- Vallikkadavu -
Chittarikkal - Cherupuzha Cherupuzha - Manjakkadu - Aalakkode - Karuvanchal-
Thavukunnu - Naduvil - Chemberi - Payyavur - Ulikkal-
Vallithode - Aanappandhi - Karikkottakari - Edoor - Aaralam -
Kappukadavu - Perumbunna - Madappurachal - Manathana -
Kottiyoor - Ambayathode

Wayanad District

Boys Town - Mananthawadi - Naalaam Mile -

Malappuram District
Anjukunnu - Panamaram - Kainaatti- Kalpatta -
Kappamkolli - Meppadi- Chooralmala - Arunappuzha
Arunapuzha - Thamburattikkallu - Paalunda-
Edakara - Karulayi - Moothedam -
Pookottupadam - Kalikavu - Keralam -
Kizhakkethala (Karuvarakundu) Tharishu - Pulvetta -
Karingalthoni - Ponpara
Kozhikkod District

Paaluvay - Vilangadu - Kunnukulam - Kayakodi - Thottilpalam- Mullankunni -

Chembanoda - Peruvannamuzhi - Chakkittapara- Chembra - Koorachundu -
Kallanodu - Thalayadu - Malappuram - Theyyumpara - Thevarmala - Palakkad District
Kodancheri - Meenmutti - Nellipoyil- Pulloorampara - Punnakkal -
Koodaranji - Koombara - Aanakkallumpara - Ponpaara - Edathinattukara - Kappuparambu -
Thazhekakkadu - Kakkadam Poyil Thiruvizhamkunnu - Kottoppadam - Kumaram-
(The alignment of Hill Highway in Kozhikkod District is revised puthoor - Mannarkkadu- ChandraNagar
vide GO (Rt)No.39 /2018/PWD, Thiruvananthapuram dated, (Palakkad Town) - Kallingal- Puthunagaram -
Kollangodu - Nenmara - Wadakkancheri

Thrissur District

Pattikkadu - Vilangannur - Ernakulam District

Mandaramangalam - Pulikkanni - Palippilli -
Nayattukundu - Vellikulangara - Vettilappara Vettilappara - Adivaram - Kadappara - Illithode - Chettinada
- Panamkuzhi - Payyal - Kottappadi - Chelad - Oonjappara -
Nadukani - Neryamangalam - Aaraam Mile - Elaplasseri

Idukki District

Kurathikkudi - Perumbankuthu - Angulam - Kallar - Iruttukaanam

- Kunjithanni - Rajakkadu - Kuthungal - Thingalkadu - Kottayam District
Mailadumpara - Nedumkandam - Puliyammala - Kattappana -
Elappara - Kuttikkanam - Mundakkayam Mundakkayam - Erumeli - Placheri

Kollam District
Pathanamthitta District
Pathanapuram - Punalur - Anchal -
Placheri - Ranni - Kumbazha - Konni - Pathanapuram
Kulathupuzha - Madathara - Kollayil

Thiruvananthapuram District

Kollayil - Palode - Peringamala - Thenoor - Vithura - Thottumukku

- Malayadi - Parandodu - Aaryanadu- Kuttichal - Kallikkadu -
Vazhichal - Amboori- Kudappanamoodu - Aanappara - Vellarada-
Karakkonam - Parassala


support of the public. The re- complete it in 2019-20 fiscal. All environment-friendly modern
quired land for the development PWD roads will be made mo- construction techniques and
of hill Highway has to be made torable by 2020-21 fiscal,” said doing away with traditional
available from the adjacent PWD Minister G Sudhakaran.He procedures. Without any political
landowners free of cost with the said the functioning of the Public bias, the PWD has put in place
assistance of concerned MLAs, Works Department (PWD) in the an agenda for the progress of all
and other people representatives past two-and-a-half years re- 140 constituencies in the state.
of the localities. flects the bold steps being taken The department is eyeing con-
by the Pinarayi Vijayan Govern- struction activities to the tune of
“ Our aim to commence hill ment towards building ‘Nava Rs.1 lakh crore which would be
Highway project in 2018-19 in Kerala’. “ PWD department a boost to the basic infrastruc-
areas where 12 metres has been in a short span of time made ture development in the state,”
obtained as per Right to Way and giant strides by incorporating minister added.
[email protected] KERALA CALLING JUNE 2019 19
I N F R A S T R U C T U R E - C O A S T A L H I G H W AY

The Beach is Nearby

The construction of the world-class coastal highway from
Thiruvananthapuram to Kasaragod, which is bound to change the
contours of road connectivity in Kerala, is progressing at a fast pace.

T he construction of coastal high-

way in international standard from
Thiruvananthapuram to
Kasaragod, will bound to change the con-
tours of road connectivity in Kerala. The
project is progressing at a fast pace. The
The Government of Kerala under the dynamic
leadership of Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan
and Public Works Minister G. Sudhakaran
gave a new lease of life to the coastal high-
way project, conceptualized by National
Transportation Planning and Research Centre
14meter highway, with 2 meter cycle track, (Natpac) in 1993, which was on the back
passes through the coastal belts will ease burner for close to 25 years. The highway
traffic on main roads, including the national is becoming a reality after Finance Minister
highway. The 655.6-km coastal highway Thomas Isaac gave the nod to release requi-
starts from Poovar in Thiruvananthapuram site funds from KIIFB. Now, coastal highway
district and ends at Kunjathoor in Kasaragod. is not a dream but a project that is moving to-
The highway traverses through nine districts wards reality. The KIIFB governing body gave
in the state and the total project outlay is the green signal for the first stretch of the
Rs 6,500 crore. coastal highway, which includes 2 meter cy-
cle track, on October 24, 2018.
It was possible to complete DISTANCE COVERED IN EACH DISTRICT
the tender process in a jiffy and
start the construction work.
The construction of 15 kms of
coastal highway in Malappuram
district has already commenced.
Kasaragod – 85.3km
The coastal highway, which is
expected to be thrown open
shortly , will give a financial
impetus to the coastal regions of
the state.
Kannur – 85.5km
A meeting of the people’s repre-
sentatives had been convened
under the aegis of MLAs of the
coastal constituencies to remove
bottle necks in the construction
of the coastal highway. In the Kozhikode – 73.5km
first phase,15-km stretch from
Padijekara Bridge to Unyal junc-
tion, costing Rs 52.78 crore, is
being built after PWD Minister
G Sudhakaran launched the Malappuram – 69.7km
construction work in February.
The first stretch, which passes
through the coastal belt of
Malappuram district, also con-
nects with the historic Tipu
Sultan Road. Thrissur – 59.3km

The highway is being laid after

splitting the project into 4
phases. In the first phase con-
struction will start in those Ernakulam – 62.6km
regions, where 14m width is
available. The areas where only
8m to 12m width available are
included in the second phase
.Efforts will be initiated to ac- Alappuzha – 82.7km
quire requisite land without any
hassles and start the construc-
tion process. The third phase
consists of areas where there is
difficulty in acquiring land. Under
the fourth phase, construction Kollam – 53km
of elevated roads will be consid-
ered where land acquisition is
impossible. I such cases pres-
ent national highway and state
highways will also become part Thiruvananthapuram – 77.8km
of the coastal highway.

[email protected] KERALA CALLING JUNE 2019 21


Bridges to Get a Fresh

Lease of Life
The design and construction of bridges in Kerala is in a new era under the logo
“Puthiya Kalam Puthiya Nirmanam” implemented by the Government. The Government demanded
for a level of construction that cope up with that of international standards.

By Mano Mohan ( Chief Engineer Roads and Bridges )

he dilapidated and over 3000 bridges which are a hakaran in the wake of Ennathu
dangerous bridges vital part of infrastructure bridge issue directed to conduct
in the state will get a elements of roads and Highway a detailed inspection of existing
fresh lease of life as the network, 430 bridges need to be bridges maintained by PWD.
Public Works Department is all rehabilitated or reconstructed.
set to start a ‘mission’ to repair In this view, the Government
the bridges which are posing The department identified these decided to set up a new wing
threat to the commuters. 430 bridges after Minister for for the up keeping, maintenance
Though the state is blessed with public work Department G Sud- and construction of bridges. A


Ranni valya bridge in Pathanamthitta district Malampuzha ring road bridge in Palakkad district

Perumon bridge in Kollam district Kandashankadavu bridge in Thrissur district

Kootamvathukkal bridge in Alappuzha district Pallathuruthi outpost bridge in Alappuzha district

bridges. Besides this, the De-

The state is blessed with over 3000 bridges which partment had to maintain 2500
are a vital part of infrastructure elements of roads existing bridges aged from one
and Highway network year to more than a hundred
years. The Government also
took steps to strengthen the
new Chief Engineer post was of PWD aids the bridges section design wing by sanctioning a
sanctioned along with various in constructing environmental new chief engineer post. New
technical posts for the smooth friendly innovative structures. regional design offices were set
function of this wing since our One of the major challenges of up at Ernakulam and Kozhikode
state has got numerous water this Government was the which helps the design wing to
bodies aesthetic bridges can play construction of more than 350 complete more than 400 bridge
a vital role in the development of new bridges and reconstruction design within short tenure of
tourism. The new design wing of more than 160 dilapidated three years.
[email protected] KERALA CALLING JUNE 2019 23
I N F R A S T R U C T U R E - W A T E R W AY S

KWIL: The Dream

Starts Sailing
Development of navigable canal from Kovalam to Bekal is one of the dream projects
initiated by the Government. KWIL- Kerala Waterways Infrastructure Limited was formed
in 2017 as a special purpose vehicle for this dream project.

C hief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan

has earmarked the dream
project as one of the path
breaking endeavours which will give fillip to
the state’s tourism and economy. As the
way is expected to be completed by May
2020. KWIL is coordinating the renovation
activities with the help of Irrigation depart-
ment, Kerala State Inland Navigation Cor-
poration, District administrations and Local
Chief Minister noted at a public function,it Self Governments. The first phase aims
was the efficiency of the CIAL in project im- at establishing connectivity from Kovalam
plementation had prompted him to float a to Mahe. 26 km long three artificial cuts
joint venture with the company for the de- from Mahe to Valapattanam is crucial to
velopment of the canal. KWIL- Kerala Wa- establish the connectivity of the waterway
terways Infrastructure Limited was formed from Kovalam to Bekal. The survey activity
in 2017 as a special purpose vehicle. for this stretch is completed and the land
acquisition is in progress.
The first phase of Kovalam-Bakel water-
KWIL started the cleaning of Parvathy work is progressing and is expected to be
Puthanar in Trivandrum in June 2018. The completed by August 2019. The 85 KM
preliminary cleaning of Parvathy Puthanar long Kottappuram-Ponnani stretch which
was completed in October 2018. The comes under Kottappuram-Kozhikode
rejuvenation works in Canoli canal in Kozhi- national waterway-3 is undergoing
kode city was started in May 2019. The rejuvenation.

Varkala Tunnel

The backwaters of Kerala once formed the backbone for an intricate canal system that is
regularly listed as one among the finest transportation systems that pre-date the modern era.
Varkala formed the southernmost edge of this system, where people had to disembark before
continuing to Thiruvananthapuram. This break in transportation led to the construction of the
Varkala Tunnel by the British in the 19th century. It began in 1867, during the reign of
Travancore Diwan Sir T. Mahadeva Rao, and 14 years later, Diwan Sheshaya Sasthri saw it
to completion.

Kerala had not seen such an elaborate architectural endeavour at the time. It had two tunnels,
each being completed 3 years apart. Both are 2370 ft. and 1140 ft. respectively, and made the
dream of a direct passageway between Malabar to Thiruvananthapuram. It facilitated trade
and commerce in a huge way, before the advent of railways, air and road transport. Today it is
a great reminder of an architectural marvel that is an integral part of our history.

[email protected] KERALA CALLING JUNE 2019 25


Shipping The Future

KSINC(Kerala Shipping & Inland Navigation Corporation Ltd) is towards a
cleaner and greener energy and sustainable business model. Apart from its
key role in the marine construction and marine transport services,
it has also adventurously entered the field of water sports.


( M.D Kerala Shipping &
Inland Navigation Corp. Ltd )

K erala Shipping & Inland Navi-

gation Corporation Ltd (KSINC)
deals in transportation of cargo
through inland waterways, docking and
repairs of marine vessels and construction of
boats, conducting tourist cruises in backwa-
KSINC at present has a fleet strength of 3
Bulk Carriers, 4 petroleum tanker barges, one
acid barge and two Jhankars apart from the
passenger vessels.

Kerala has 1687 kilometres of water ways.

ters, providing and maintaining navigational It includes the 590 km of West coast canal
aids in National Waterways and oil bunkering. from Neeleswaram from the north of the state
to Kovalam in the south. The
unique feature of west coast
canal is that it flows parallel to
the Arabian Sea with openings
to the sea at several places. This
ensures connectivity of the canal
to minor ports and hinterlands.
A 240-tonne barge operated
on the 85-km Kottayam-Kochi
inland waterway on March 09th
Friday, signalling the movement
of export-import cargo through
National Waterways IX and III
and provingits capacity and

The vessel, operated by the

Kottayam Port, took about
seven hours to cover the
distance between Kottayam and
the Vallarpadam container
transshipment terminal. There
are plans to transport
domestic containers via the
corridor, for which bigger barg-
es will be required. Apart from
reducing congestion and pollu- the already renovated stretch of KSINC owns deluxe mini-cruise
tion on roads, the waterway will canal. vessel Sagararani and the sea
help save transportation costs going luxury vessel, the Nefertiti,
by approximately 30%. There is The company has a modern registered under Merchant Ship-
also provision for utilising s slipway complex with six tracks ping Act. Nefertiti paved the way
ubsidy from the Inland Water- and all facilities to offer reliable, for KSINC to be the trailblazer of
ways Authority. Presently the speedy and efficient service. Kerala’s cruise tourism initiative.
oil-tanker trucks occupy sub- Construction and repair of With opportunities for canoeing,
stantial road space and time passenger boats, speed boats, kayaking, sailing, waterskiing,
which is also detrimental to house boats, tourist boats, small white water rafting, and wind
safety. KSINC through its barges seagoing vessels, barges and surfing, with a 900km backwater
is capable of taking the load of marine vessels of the company stretch, 44 rivers originating from
transporting petroleum products as well as customers in public the Sahyadri hills and several
through the waterways and thus and private sectors are under- beaches, Kerala is a dream
evacuating the road network taken in this slipway. The com- destination for water sport
of this pressure. KSINC would pany has attained proficiency enthusiasts. While canoeing and
be initiating this once the Inland in the construction and repair kayaking can be enjoyed along
water ways are restored to their of wooden and steel vessels. the serene backwaters- which is
past glory through the time KSINC also has expertise in re- also the venue for the spectacu-
bound mission now being under- pairing (both hull and machinery) lar snake boat races- catamaran
taken by the Coastal Shipping large vessels. sailing is possible at the beach-
and Inland Navigation Depart- es of Alappuzha, Varkala and
ment in partnership with KWIL. Major player in Kovalam. Parasailing is gaining
Two bulk barges are already in Waterway Tourism popularity with the Varkala and
the final stages of construction Alappuzha beaches offering plat-
which would be put to use to The company is a major player forms for beach and winch boat
transport material for KMML in in the waterway tourism sector. parasailing.
[email protected] KERALA CALLING JUNE 2019 27
KSINC has entered into adven-
ture water sport activities in a
big way. The vast and varied
water bodies of Kerala have
a huge potential that has not
been harnessed even minute-
ly. The target market for this
are the domestic and foreign
adventure tourists, specially
the youth. The local/weekend
tourists can also generate sub-
stantial demand. Opportunities
to monetize water sports activ-
ities are now better than ever.
With the phenomenal growth
in the number of internet users
in India, the online space and
social media are becoming key
avenues to promote and mon-
etize water sports. The younger
population provide a significant-
ly large target market for water
sports in Kerala. Promotions
and monetization methods may
include offering water sports as
weekend getaway packages,
partnering with online travel and
coupon portals to offer deals on
water sport activities, striking
corporate tie-ups, as well as
partnering with foreign tourism
boards. based initiatives and tie-ups with also give a connection from in-
R&D linked start-ups are being terior places to the West Coast
There is significant potential explored for cutting-edge interven- Canal System.
to drive growth and cater to tions in water body rejuvenation
the growing demand for water waste management. Procurement The Government of Kerala has
transport, waterway tourism & of latest technology and equip- projected tourism as an engine of
water sports in Kerala. KSINC ments to facilitate time bound economic growth and an in-
has come up with various proj- dredging and cleaning along with strument for eliminating poverty,
ects to encourage all these nature friendly technologies to solving unemployment, opening
activities in partnership with sustain it is the goal of these activ- up new fields of activity and the
the Tourism Department. Water ities. KSINC is essentially position- providing livelihood to of the peo-
scooters, Banana rides, and ing itself as a one-stop solution ple. An optimal mix of road, rail
other floating adventures are for water body rejuvenation with and Inland Water Transport will
being procured, installed, curat- minimum time for mobilisation and provide an efficient transport
ed and hand held for the vari- turn around. infrastructure for tourism to
ous District Tourism Councils. boom. With the Government’s
The Inland Canals play an im- increased focus on development
KSINC is also moving towards portant role in the economy of of waterways, KSINC anticipates
cleaner and greener energy and the state as they interconnect the increased business opportunities
sustainable business models. rivers, on the banks on which are and greater prosperity for the
More solar and electric boats situated places of commercial State at large.
are being built. Technology and industrial importance and

The Nefertiti is known for its sophisticated elegance, unparalleled comfort and exclusive
presence. It offers exquisite amenities like a 200 pax air-conditioned conference hall,
restaurant, bar lounge, 3D theatre and sun deck. It is an ideal venue for hosting events like
conferences, product launches, board meetings, parties, and numerous other business and
social gatherings. Those who initially doubted the viability of Nefertiti are now making a
beeline to book their tickets. A 24/7 call centre handling customers along with a fully
automated online booking facility hosted on the dynamic website (
has shown how efficiently and effectively a new tourism product could be made viable in
the market in the shortest span of time. Focused B2B marketing and GSA engagement has
made this possible.

[email protected] KERALA CALLING JUNE 2019 29


Be Faster in The Waters

State Water Transport Department
On the backdrop of the Government Policy to replace old and wooden vessels in
service with highly technical and modern boats, the Department mulls in building
modern vessels and the built is in progressive stage.

By Shaji V Nair

S tate Water Transport Depart-

ment (SWTD) was organized
in1968 with an ultimate ob-
jective of providing meritorious service to
the commuters especially in water logged
areas by ferrying passenger vessels
On the backdrop of the Government
Policy to replace old and wooden
vessesls in service with highly technical
and modern boats, the Department
mulls in building modern vessels and
the built is in progressive stage. Pres-
in Inland Water routes comprising in 6 ently, there has been operating 748
districts namely Alappuzha, Ernakulam , trips daily through 52 schedules and
Kannur , Kasaragod, Kollam and Kotta- handling around 80,000 commuters on
yam extending in the jurisdictions of 14 a daily basis.
Station Offices.
1 2 3 4

A super fast A/C 5 Rescue cum Ambulance The Department intro- Administrative sanction
tourist–cum-passenger boats were introduced by duced a Solar powered was accorded for building
boat of 120 seat capacity the department in 5 main ferry boat named ADITYA 2 Water Taxies costing Rs.
boat was inaugurated on Stations capable of using for the first time in India 154 lakhs, 2 Passenger –
4-11-18 a Vaikom and for rescue services and Inland Water Transport cum-Tourist boats costing
Ernakulam route facili- Ambulance services and Sector on Vaikom - 300 lakhs for the purpose
tating the ferry of both they were inaugurated by Thavanakadavu ferry of using as See Astamudy
and foreign tourist and Hon’ble C.M on 19-4-18. which is still operating Services and one cruise
commuters smoothly and successfully. vessel costing Rs. 315
abstaining from and road lakhs and the built of
traffic congestions. these vessels is fastly

Primary steps of
introducing water bus
are in progress.


ADITYA, India’s first solar ferry has

been in operation for the past one
and half year from 13th January
2017. The last one year operation has
came up with very positive result.
The boat is a great savings for the


Kerala State Water Transport Department has

launched Vega 120, Kerala’s first partly
airconditioned fastest ferry (speed of 14 kilo
meters) connecting Kochi and Vaikom on
November 4, 2018. It is aimed at both tourists
and daily commuters. The journey time between
Ernakulam and Vaikom through, Vega 120 is
estimated to be 90 minutes, as compared to 2
hours taken by buses. Presently, the services
are scheduled according to the normal office
timing. This is a two cabin boat, with toilet and
cafeteria. AC cabin can accommodate 40
passengers and ordinary cabin can accommo-
date 80 passengers.

[email protected] KERALA CALLING JUNE 2019 31


Up Above The World

So High
CIAL, the world’s first airport fully powered with solar power is on the runway of
much bigger developments.

C IAL, India’s first air-

port built under PPP
mode is celebrating
its two decades of operation
this year with verve. With the
increase of traffic, revenue and
free. The company which was in-
corporated in 1994 is in its silver
jubilee year always tries to intro-
duce new ideas in all verticals.

CIAL is fortunate to get relentless

terminal (T3) has begun in April
2017 with a grandiose ceremony
which was inaugurated by the
Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan.
The company lost no time to
commence the renovation works
profit, CIAL, the company that support from the State Govern- of the domestic terminal build-
owns and operates the airport ment. Last three year have been ing; T1. The inauguration of the
is adding new developmental witnessed a major developmental renovated terminal was done
projects for ensuring the airport’s dynamism. The aircraft operation by the Chief Minister in Decem-
future operational crusade hassle at the new swanky international ber 2018. The terminal features


operated fully on green energy won
CIAL ‘The Champions of the Earth
Award ‘ in 2018. This is the highest
environmental honour instituted by the
United Nations. CIAL’s founder man-
aging director V.J.Kurian has received
the award at a gala function held on
the side line of UN general assembly
meeting in New York. V.J.Kurian ded-
icated the award to the Chief Minister
Pinarayi Vijayan for his efficient lead-
ership during the time of flood. CIAL’s
solar plants swank many innovative
firsts including a 5.2 MWp carport
which is the biggest in the world,
housing 2600 vehicles and charging

I was really surprised after

entering the Cochin International
Airport. I expected that it was a
small airport without any facili-
ties. But, when I entered the air-
port I understood that I had gone
wrong. The premises was very
beautiful and excellent service
was rendered to me. The facilities
are amazing. I got my luggage
6 lakhs square feet of built up area,
56 check-in counters, 11 gates and 7 super quickly.
aerobridges with a peak hour handling
capacity of 4000 passengers. The
renovation work was completed in just
18 months.

CIAL became world’s first airport fully

powered with solar energy in 2015 with
the commissioning of its 12 MWp plant
constructed at the premises of the cargo
complex. The Government has given
a green signal for the enhancement of Tatiana Kondruchina
installed capacity of solar plants and at Russia
present CIAL stands at one of the largest
green energy producers of the state. The
total installed capacity has increased
from 14 MWp to 40 MWp over the last
three years and at present CIAL’s solar
plants generate 1.62 lakhs of units of
power a day whereas the daily average
consumption stands at 1.52 lakhs units.
The innovative idea of making a big
energy consumer like an airport to be
[email protected] KERALA CALLING JUNE 2019 33
points for 80 electric cars at a 2003-04 and during 2017-18, the
time. CIAL’s solar initiative has This is my first journey to total dividend pay-out touched
been receiving global accolades India. Cochin International 228 %. The Government of Kerala
and many countries have already Airport is an excellent air- which has a share of 32.41 %
requested CIAL’s participation in port with state -of -the -art in the company has been given
setting up solar plants in their air- Rs.31 Cr. as dividend during the
facilities. I got my baggage
ports. During May 2018, envoys last fiscal. For the 2018-19 FY, the
very quickly. The staff are
of 40 countries paid visit to CIAL board has proposed a dividend of
and many of them expressed their polite and professional. 27%.
interests in getting consultancy I feel happy and satisfied
services from CIAL. with the service rendered
to me.
The traffic and revenue of the
airport have been witnessing a
steady growth over the years.
The annual passenger volume
has touched the magical figure
of 10 million during 2017-18
which was repeated in 2018-19
too. The turnover has increased
from Rs.487.27 Cr. in 2016-17 to
Rs.553.41 Cr in 2017-18 and to
Rs.650.03 Cr. in 2018-19. CIAL,
which pioneered the idea of PPP
model in airport infrastructure de-
velopment enjoys a base of more
than 18,000 investors from 30 Veronica Smirnova
countries. The company has been
paying dividend consistently from

I have travelled in international

flights for last three years
from Cochin Airport. Customer
service has improved a lot.
Parking slots and waiting area
are excellent. In my opinion,
CIAL is much better than any
other airport in India. The ad-
ministration and the develop-
mental activities including the
solar panel installation make it

Mishran E V


Facilities and services in
the airport have improved
much better for the last three

Ali Ebrahim

The company is generous in corporate

social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. It
donated RS.4 crores to Swichitwa mis-
sion in 2016, Rs. 5 crores to CM’s Okhi
relief fund in 2017 and Rs. 10 crore
in CM’s flood relief fund in 2018. The
company has received many awards
and recognitions from various national
as well as international forums. The
airport was adjudged as the third best
airport in 5-15 million passenger cate-
gories by Airport Council International in
2017 and 2018.

The years ahead will also be eventful

for CIAL. A number of decisive projects
are in the pipeline. The major activity of
runway resurfacing will begin in
November 2019.

Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan I didn’t expect Cochin Airport

with CIAL Managing Director was also as good as Delhi and
V J Kurian Mumbai airports. But, I went
wrong. The service is good. I
got my luggage very fast and
got my currency changed
instantaneously. I am very
much satisfied with Cochin
International Airport. Vladim Pavlov

[email protected] KERALA CALLING JUNE 2019 35


Charting a New Course

in Development
Nearly seven months after the inauguration of Kerala’s fourth international airport,
KIAL, the development of the North Malabar region is on track.

By Jeeja T V ( Information Assistant, District Information Office,Kannur )


He has been to many airports in India. But for Shivang Yamdagni from Noida, stepping into
Kannur International Airport has been an unforgettable one. The well- maintained and serene
ambience of the airport rewrote all his concepts about other airports. For him, it was a love at
first sight. The first thing he did when he landed there was calling his mother and eagerly
explaining everything about the airport in detail.

“ The Airport is well maintained and very

clean. It is so beautiful being here. I have
been to many airports but Kannur is an
awesome experience. The airport is so
clean, so silent just lovely and everything
is on time. ” Mr Yamdagni went on.

Shivang Yamdagni

N early seven months

after the inaugu-
ration of Kerala’s
fourth international airport, the
development of the North Mal-
abar region is on track. Built on
an expansive land area of 2300
acres, Kannur International
Airport is designed to handle
large volumes of passenger
traffic. Starting with a total pax
of 31,269 and 227 flight move-
ments in the inaugural month,
the numbers surged to 51,191
pax and 401 movements in just
the next month. The month of
April saw 1,41,426 pax and
1250 flight movements. On an
average, 1.5 lakh flyers are now
using the services of the airport
every month.

Going by these impressive num-

bers, Kannur International Airport
looks well positioned to surpass
[email protected] KERALA CALLING JUNE 2019 37
I usually travel from Bengaluru to
Kozhikkode. But, this time I took
ticket to Kannur and that was a
beautiful experience. The airport is
very spacious when compared to
other airports in India.

Research scholar
from Bangalore

the target of 1.8 million travel-

lers in the first year. The large
catchment area covers parts of
Kozhikode, the whole of Kannur,
Kasaragod, Wayanad, Mahe,
Kodagu and Mysuru.

Being a tourism hub that is well

connected to major hotspots in
the region, Kannur International
Airport is beginning to see much
traction on inbound tourist arriv-
als. There are domestic flights to
Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad,
Mumbai, Delhi, Thiruvanantha-
puram, Kochi, Kozhikode, Goa
and Hubli. Flights to Ahmedabad
and Kolkata will also be intro-
duced in the coming days. The
recent trend shows a steep rise
in domestic traffic from Kannur,
with the airport becoming one of
the major hubs of GoAir, apart
from the metro cities.

On the international front, there

are flight services to Abu Dhabi,
Sharjah, Muscat, Doha, Riyadh,
Kuwait, and Bahrain, with flights
to Dubai, Dammam and Jeddah After the inception of KIAL, I have been to Kuwait
commencing soon. Kannur is thrice and from Bengaluru to Kannur many times.
being extensively used as a As a frequent traveller,who has travelled through
corridor for connection to Gulf almost all airports in
countries due to attractive Kerala, I dare to say that
timings and fare. Airlines in I am being rendered
South East Asian countries have much better facilities at
evinced interest to begin opera- KIAL. The Staff are very
tions from Kannur, and these are
professional and
expected to commence soon.
Connecting flights are also
popular, with bookings done via
Bengaluru to China, Thailand,
Kashmir, Sikkim and Darjeeling,
and via Chennai to Andaman
and Puducherry. Group book-
ings are seen by Kudumbashree, Naser MR
clubs and public libraries. Kuwait
a modular basis to enable easy
Future developments at Kannur
scale-up as per requirement.
Airport have been planned on
Expansion plans are already
underway, with the runway being
We usually travel through
extended to 4000m, making
Thiruvananthapuran Interna-
it comparable to runways in
tional Airport. It was because
Delhi, Bengaluru and Hyderabad
of the difference in fare that
airports. There are also plans
forced us to board from Kannur. to expand the apron, taking the
And, it was a beautiful experi- number of aircraft that can be
ence. It prompted us to take the accommodated from 20 to 42
ticket again to Kannur when we and eventually 80. The expan-
returned. The Airport has a very sion of the passenger terminal
friendly ambience. building is also on the cards.

A host of upcoming facilities are

in the works, including an airport
village, star hotels, Day Hotel
within the terminal, convention
centre, park, Ayurvedic wellness
centre, movie theatre, and an
international air cargo complex.
Within this short period of time
since its opening, Kannur In-
ternational Airport has created
significant brand equity, hav-
Unnikrishna Pillai and Jayaprakash ing received accolades such
as “Brand of the Year” Award
Kollam to Muscat instituted by Future Kerala. The
airport has set in motion devel-
opmental initiatives that will take
Kerala to never-before heights.

[email protected] KERALA CALLING JUNE 2019 39


Anchoring a New Era

Maritime transport has an important role to play in the Industrial
development of the country. It supports manufacture growth, brings
together consumers and intermediates and capital goods industries.

( Minister for Ports )

M aritime transport
supports manu-
facture growth,
brings together consumers and
intermediates and capital goods
industries. It promotes regional
12 major Ports and 200 Non Ma-
jor ports. Kerala, our state has
a coastal length of 585km and
also have 60km width.

In our State, there are 17 non

Azheekal and Kollam Ports
(Thankassery). 13 minor Ports
are Neendakara, Alappuzha,
Valiyathura, Kayamkulam,
Manakkodam, Munambam/
Kodungallur, Ponnani, Vadakara,
economical trade integration. A major ports. Out of these four Thalassery, Manjeswaram, Nee-
long term maritime trade strategy are considered as intermediate leswaram, Kannur and Kasara-
is aimed behind the development ports based on berthing, cargo god. Govt of Kerala has decided
of Ports. Our country has a long handling, and storage facilities. to develop five Non Major parts
coastline of 7,500 kms. We have They are Vizhinjam, Beypore through P.P.P mode. Azheekal,
Beypore Ponnani, Alappuzha and

The Kerala Maritime Board Act.

(Act No 16 of 2017 ) was passed
by the Legislative Assembly on
16th September 2017, aiming
at all sided development of Non
Major Ports in Kerala. Senior Adv:
V.J. Mathew is the Chairman of
the Board and the Board came in
to existence by Gazette Notifica-
tion on 02/02/2018.

The Vizhinjam Project

Vizhinjam International Sea Port

Project is a prestigious project in
Kerala. It is located at Vizhinjam
in Thiruvananthapuram District.
Govt. of Kerala signed a Con-
cession Agreement with Adani
Vizhinjam Port Pvt. Ltd. (AVVPL)
on 17th of August 2015 for the
development and operation of
Vizhinjam International Sea Port
on Design Build, Finance, Oper-
ate, Transfer basis (DBFOT). The A fishing harbour for livelihood Azheekal Port office
first Phase of the Port is Planned enhancement of local commu- inauguration
nity. by Minister for Ports
for a container handling capaci-
Ramachandran Kadannappalli
ty of 1 million TEU (Twenty Foot
Equivalent Units) consisting of Subsequent phases of the port
800m long berth with future ex- will be developed depending on
pansion up to 3 million TEU/2000 the growth of the traffic. Rs. 81
m berth length, in successive Crores compensation spent
phases. The Port is primarily towards 2600 beneficiaries of
designed to cater to the trans- fisherman community affected by
shipment and gateway container the project.
business of the region. Phase 1 of
the Port will be developed in a pe- Development of Azheekal study with in a period of one
riod of 4 years with the following. year. Chief Executive Officer is
A special purpose vehicle namely co-ordinating the work. Coastal
Break water of 3,100 meters Azheekal Port Limited consti- shipping began to operate from
2960 meters Main break water tuted on 16/03/2018, for the all 24/02/2019. During 2016-17
and 140 meter extension for fish sided development of Azheekal to 2018-19 about 1650 con-
landing harbour. 800 meters Port, as Chief Minister Pinarayi tainers handled at Beypore and
length container berth capable of Vijayan as Chairman and Min- Azheekal Port.
handling up to the currently larg- ister for Ports Ramachandran
est 20,000 TEU container vessels. Kadannappalli as Vice Chair- Vadakara Port
Container yard of 500 m width. man. SPV started functioning
Container Handling/Berth and M/S HOWE Engineering An office building constructed
capacity of 1 million TEU per Ltd is entrusted to submit En- at Vadakara Port and inaugu-
annum. vironment impact assessment rated on November 5th 2018.
[email protected] KERALA CALLING JUNE 2019 41
Port Directorate Kollam Port Kodungallur Port

Guest House/Staff quarters con- 13.7512 Hectars of land of Sea Second phase of Mechanical
structed near Port Directorate at puramboku handed over to Dept. Dredging started at Kodungallur
Valiyathura inaugurated. of Ports entrusting the ownership from 04/12/2018 and the work
in Revenue Dept. Action is being is in progress. Modernization
Alappuzha Port taken to install customs clear- work completed at Kozhikkode
ance measures such as EDI Guest House (Marine Bunga-
In Alappuzha Port a Guest (Electronic Data Interchange), low) and started functioning
House/Staff Quarters inaugurated Plant quarantine Lab, Emigration under port Department.
by Hon’ble Minister for Finance Check Post proper and Security
Dr. T.M. Thomas Isaac. Modified measures. Water Sports
signal station and office complex
are also inaugurated at Alappuzha The passenger Terminal con- Initiated the projects to start
Port. struction of Kollam Port is almost water sports in Alappuzha,
nearing its completion. Kozhikkode & Vizhinjam Ports.
Channel marking Boya
For connecting Kollam Port with Beypore Port
The Work of Channel marking National Highway a 1.12Km road
Boya for inland boats in Muham- from Kollam Port to Kochupla- Completed the work of Gate
ma - Kumarakam Route is in the moodu built at a cost of Rs 7 House and Rest rooms & Facia
final stage with an expenditure of Crores. The same was inaugu- Wall at Beypore Port.
Rs. 15,43,578/- Measures have rated on 19/02/2017. Cargo Land acquisition of Kovilakam
been taken to promote coastal movements through Roads made Land for the development of
shipping. easier and local public are Beypore Port is in progress.
benefited through this facility. Govt. fixed the land value of

“We are tied to the ocean. And when we go

back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch
- we are going back from when we came”.
- John F Kennedy


129.47 Acres of Kovilakam. Land - started functioning at
and sanction accorded Alappuzha from 2016 October Boat inaugration Kollam
for issuing the compensation 22. Headquarters office of Hydrographic Department
amount. Hydrographic Survey Wing is by Minister for Ports
Ramachandran Kadannappalli
constructed at Kamaleshwarm in
Ponnani Port Thiruvananthapuram and
Dredging work is in progress at
Ponnani Harbour basin. By Completed the construction of Two Batch of basic Hydrograph-
spending an amount of Rs. Assistant Marine Survey office ic course completed in Kerala
82,55,000 through KSMDCL. at Kodungallur and inaugurated. Institute of Hydrographic and
Modification work of Kollam Ma- advanced studies. Modernised
Hydrographic Survey Wing rine Surveyor Office completed. Survey vessels spending
Rs. 31.06 Lakhs.
Hydrographic Survey Wing is Modern Survey equipment worth
engaged in the Survey work re- Rs. 45.82 Lakhs issued to newly As per the request of the coastal
lated to non major ports, fishing function to Assistant Marine development co operation
harbours and inland navigation. Survey Office Alappuzha. survey work carried out
Chief Hydrographic Survey Office Assistant Marine Survey Office covering the area from Vizhinjam
at Thiruvananthapuram, Marine at Azheekkal in Kannur started to Muthalapozhi. Modern
surveyor office at Kollam and functioning from 2017 November Survey Software installed in
Beypore Assistant Marine 4. 36 Survey work completed the department.
Surveyor office at Neendakara, including the Survey for starting
Alappuzha, North Paravoor 18 routes of Kochi water metro,
(Kodungallur) and Kannur are Paravoor Fishing Harbour,
engaged in the survey and Neendakara Harbour & Ap-
connected work. proach Survey, Kayamkulam Port
& Approach Survey & NATPAC
An Assistant Marine Survey office Survey.
[email protected] KERALA CALLING JUNE 2019 43

Semi-High-Speed Rail Line

A paradigm shift in transportation sector
One of the ambitious mega projects of Government of Kerala which is expected to
change the face of Kerala by meeting growing demand of Rail passenger traffic.
The work on the proposed semihigh-speed rail corridor will commence by 2020.

By Anil Kumar G ( Joint General Manager & Company Secretary,

Kerala Rail Development Corporation Ltd )

emi High-Speed Rail Corridor Railway Development Corporation Ltd

between Kasaragod and (KRDCL), a joint venture company under the
Thiruvananthapuram is one of the State Government and the Ministry of
ambitious mega projects of Government of Railways for augmenting the railway
Kerala which is expected to change the face infrastructure within the State. The financial
of Kerala by meeting the growing demand resources for the project which is expected to
for rail passenger traffic. The work on the be completed in five years, would be mobil-
proposed semi high-speed rail corridor will ised through foreign loans and from within
commence by 2020. The 532-km corridor the country.
is estimated for the cost of Rs 66,000 crore
on completion. This is envisaged as a 100% The Paris-based engineering and consulting
green project and will use the latest railway group M/s Systra has been appointed a gen-
technologies available in the developed eral consultant for carrying out the feasibility
world. study and detailed project report. The feasi-
bility report found that the semi-high-speed
The project will be executed by the Kerala railway line traversing through 11 districts is

100% Green Project Drives mode shift from polluting Buses & Private vehicles. By
2028, SHSR will divert road vehicles and trucks from the road,
A strategy was adopted to recycle steel and concrete during causing a reduction of approximately 2,37,663 tons of carbon
the construction. Along with that the recycling and reuse dioxide equivalent and 3,81,899 tons by 2051.
of construction waste, use of new low emission construc-
tion equipment, replacement of inefficient truck engines
and irrigation pumps, urban forestry program etc are other
proposed strategies. The Station buildings, depot, adminis-
trative building and other service buildings will be designed Transit-oriented development to maximize the non-fare box
based on the platinum rating standard of Indian Green revenue.
Building Council.

Last mile connectivity with system driven e-vehicle public

Adoption of the latest state-of-the-art technology in Rail transport system, multi-model integration, charging and parking
Systems. SHSR will be provided with the proven rail system facilities for the electric vehicles etc. will be included in the SHSR
technology like Signalling system- ERTMS level-2 with terminal design. Connectivity with 2 major airports of Kochi and
Automatic Train Control System, Communication system – Trivandrum and existing railway stations being planned.
GSM-R/LTE, Ticketing System- Automatic Computerized
system with AFC gate, Rolling Stock-Fully Air-conditioned
with modern passenger amenities & max regeneration
capability and Power supply system with the latest electric
traction system (2X25 kV), modern railway stations. Ten stations are planned at Thiruvanathapuram, Kollam,
Chengannur, Kottayam, Eranakulam, Trichur, Tirur, Kozhikode,
Kannur & Kasargod.

100% green energy from renewable energy sources will be

used during the operation phase. Innovation in solar The travel time between Thiruvananthapuram and Kasargod will
generation across the corridor in trains, viaducts, walls & be reduced to just 4 hours from the existing travel time of 12 to
energy efficient stations & depots. 14 hours by rail/road.

feasible and financially viable for this project. nanthapuram and 90% parallel from Thirunavaya to
Kasaragod with railway bypasses at Vadakara and
Kerala Railway Development Corporation Limited Thalassery.The curves in the initial 300-km corridor
(KRDCL) has commenced steps to go forward will have to be straightened to lay the high speed
with the project. Discussions are going on with railway line.
multinational funding agencies.First trains on this
track will have 9 fully air-conditioned aluminum The line will reduce pollution on the roads and con-
coaches. They could be extended to 12 or 15 gestion, improve safety and reduce dependence
later. The trains will run primarily on solar energy. on imported oil. Planned urban development of
This will reduce 1.8 lakh metric tonnes of carbon the cities along the corridor, and development of
emissions by slashing road transport on the route new cities along the SHSR line can be used to drive
by 21%. benefits for the socio-economic development in the
The alignment proposed will be 80% parallel to regions served by the line.
the existing tracks up to Thrissur from Thiruva-

[email protected] KERALA CALLING JUNE 2019 45


My Kochi, My Metro
Since its inception, Kochi Metro has garnered attention for its many
innovative and inclusive measures

By Keziah Maria, Dilin Shaji ( Information Assistants,

District Information Office, Ernakulam )

On 17 June 2017, crossed Rs 20 lakhs. Prime the recruitment of 23 members

marking the end Minister Narendra Modi unveiled from the transgender commu-
of a four-year long the plaque in the presence of nity, Kochi Metro has turned
haul, Kochi City witnessed a new Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan at heads for all the right reasons.
dawn. One which would take its Kaloor Stadium, following a ride The rail authority became India’s
transportation system to a new from Palarivattom to Pathadipal- first metro service to create a
height and lay out tracks to fast- am station. Kochi Metro’s official gender-neutral workspace and
er, easier journeys. app, ‘Kochi1’ was also inaugu- to bring about other disruptive
rated at the event. changes, like the installation of
The inaugural day, the city saw a feeding pods and plastic bottle
heavy rush of curious commuters Since its inception, Kochi Metro recyclers in select stations. And
queuing up at stations to experi- has garnered attention for its with e-auto feeders, installation
ence what was going to be “the many innovative and inclusive of solar power plants, horticul-
ride of their lives.” Over 62,000 measures. Starting from being ture and rainwater harvesting
travellers were recorded on the the first metro in India to be projects, the metro introduced
first day, collecting revenue that constructed in record time to Kochi to more sustainable alter-


I am a usual commuter from Aluva
to Maharajas and vice versa.
Metro provides a safe journey with-
out traffic. It paves the way to have
cool and relaxed journey. It provides
best service than Indian Railways.
natives. Apart from these firsts,
Kochi Metro opened its first Metro Station is well managed and
police station at Kalamassery, clean. It is only taking less time
which was inaugurated by Chief than other medium of transportation
Minister Pinarayi Vijayan. Fol- in Kochi.
lowing discussions, the Council
of Ministers on 12th June 2019,
announced the decision to
extend Kochi Metro Phase 1from Saramma George
SN Junction to Tripunithura rail- Housing Board Employee
way station.

The council also allocated

Rs 356 crores towards the We used to travel from Edapally to Maharajas and
project. KMRL is waiting for the
vice versa everyday from the last 2 years. Metro
is a women friendly means of transportation. It
makes the way to spend more time with the family
as we arrive home earlier. So we could concentrate
more in our children’s studies. And also it helps as
to get relaxed after completing hurry burry works
in the morning and busy works in the evening.
Moreover that it helps to make new friends too and
while journey we used to chit chat and makes fun.
Really we are enjoying the journey.

Deepa Sara Thomas & Sherly . S. D

LlC Employees

[email protected] KERALA CALLING JUNE 2019 47

For us the ride in Metro is just a better smooth
experience. Traffic free metro journey make us
so happy travel to college and back to home.
It’s time consuming. The irregular old road days
are just a past memory for us. Metro makes our
journey easier as well as reduce the tiredness
and journey time than the bus travel. They say
that they can concentrate more in the studies
as they could reach home earlier.

Muhammed Safar & Sahil

Students of Rajagiri college
of Social Science

Central Government nod for the

second phase from JLN Stadium
to Kakkanad. The preparatory
work for the second phase of
Kochi Metro, from JLN Stadium
to Info Park, Kakkanad has
begun. The Social Impact Study
has been completed and survey
work for preparing sketches for
land acquisition is underway.
KMRL plans to acquire 2.8630
hectares of land along the JLN-
Info Park stretch, of which 72
hectare is government land. As

part of its green initiatives, Kochi

Metro has planted nearly 7,427
trees through the years, across
the city.

Last month, KMRL proudly com-

pleted two years of successful
operation, with over 2.8 million
happy commuters and many
new initiatives under its belt.
Indeed, none of it would have
been possible without the
support and cooperation of the
public. Together, let us continue
to strive for a greener, safer


Kochi Metro rail provides an
awesome journey. Its time
consuming and could travel
safely. Metro train expense
is less than that of petrol. So
we prefer metro more than
bike and car.

Anees K & Abdul Rashid

Ifthar Restaurant

Water Metro Project

The contract for the construction of

terminals the first phase of the ambi-
tious Water Metro project has been
awarded. The project was conceived
with multi-modal integration in mind,
with state-of-the-art boats and
amenities at piers. The project is set
to cover 16 routes across 10 islands
and the terminals, once established
will aid tourism and other prospects
of the area.

[email protected] KERALA CALLING JUNE 2019 49


Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman about to

present the Union Budget 2019-20

Detrimental to the Core

It is rather unfortunate that the Union Budget, presented by Nirmala Sitharaman fails
to take the interests of the states into consideration. Over centralisation, weakening of
states, erosion of whatever financial autonomy was left with the states etc. are the
hallmarks of the budget 2019-20.

By JYOTSNA P ( Assistant Professor in Economics,
Zamorin’s Guruvayurappan College Kozhikode )

he budget is detrimental identity of their own, culturally, constitution stressed in the fed-
to the interests of the linguistically and even historically. eral features, not withstanding
states in general and This identity is in no way sep- whatever unitary features it has.
Kerala in particular. The minister arate from the identity of the
and the Union Government are nation. Union Government is When the planning commission
yet to realise that strong states supposed to assume the role was done away with, and the
are in no way inconsistent with of a facilitator or coordinator to planning policy was given a
the concept of a strong centre. ensure equitable distribution of go bye, what states lost was a
Strong states are imperative for a resources and balanced devel- forum, where they could raise
powerful union, as states are the opment that reassures that no their demands and express their
factors that constitute union. The region is lagging behind. The genuine grievances. When, the
budget too should not forget the centre should not act as an over- centre started to finalise the
fact that states too have genuine lord. That is why framers of the terms of reference of the suc-
cessive Finance Commissions,
states lost yet another field,
where they could play a role in
highlighting the genuine de-
mands. Both the dissolution of
planning commission and the
unilateral intervention of the
centre in the finalisation of the
terms of reference of the finance
commissions went a long way
in accelerating the process of
discriminatory treatment of states
on political considerations. The
economic policy, which was
rejected at hustings by the peo-
ple of states were thrust upon
the state governments, by linking
the policy of liberalisation
- privatation - globalisation to
the further allocation of funds
from the centre. This negates the
very concept of democracy; it
goes without saying. Many of the
items, which figured in the state
Without sufficient help from the centre, the state
list were unilaterally taken away will not be in a position to meet the heavy
and included in the union list, expenditure, involved both in the compensation
resulting in heavy revenue loss and in the rebuilding.
on the part of states and heavy
mobilisation of resources in the The unprecedented floods last so that the state will be at liberty
union exchequer. At the same year had a devastating effect to go in for further grants and
time, a series of responsibilities, both on land and on the econo- loans from various sources and
involving heavy financial expendi- my of Kerala. Even the reputed mobilise the fund required for
ture were passed on by the cen- international agencies such as the times to come. The budget
tre to the states and it resulted in UN team, World Bank team etc. conveniently slips this point too.
heavy pauperisation of the latter. estimated that the loss will go
One has to go through the Union beyond 31,000 crores, which is When statutory rationing was in-
Budget 2019-20, against the more than the annual plan size troduced in Kerala, an assurance
backdrop of what had happened that we have. Without sufficient was given on the floor of the
on these lines in the financial help from the centre, the state parliament by the Centre, that
relations between Union will not be in a position to meet the food deficiency will be
Government and states. A perus- the heavy expenditure, involved bridged from the central pool,
al of it enables us to realise that both in the compensation and as the deficiency is a sequel to
the Union Budget 2019-20 is yet in the rebuilding. But, the centre the centers insistance that the
another blow to the states which chose to ignore the dire needs state should shift its focus from
stand already weakened. One of the state in this regard and traditional crops to cash crops,
can notice a considerable reduc- refused to allocate even a penny specially spices, as it would
tion; to be precise, a fall of in the budget. fetch foreign exchange in a big
Rs. 91,000 Cr in the gross reve- way to the foreign exchange
nue from the central taxes and it Government of Kerala has been reserve of the centre. The state
is calculated that 40% of this will consistently requesting the did as per Centre’s dictates and
have to be borne by the states, centre to raise the debt limit from landed in a predicament, where
which are already relegated to the present 3% to 4.5% at least, it had to go out with a begging
the backdrop of Indian economy.
[email protected] KERALA CALLING JUNE 2019 51
state which will have to suffer the
most due to the hike in the cess
of petrol-diesel prices, as this
is the state which has to import
even food grains from far off
states. The hike effected on pet-
rol-diesel will have a cascading
effect on essential commodities
as it would lead to correspond-
ing hike in freight charge rate
too. The state of Kerala will have
to suffer the brunt of it.

The scant regard the Union

Government pays to the down-
trodden and the dispossessed
get reflected in the way in which
they cut short the allocation
meant for MNREGP. The amount
has been reduced by 1,084 Cr
The scant regard the Union Government pays from last year’s 61,084 Cr to this
to the downtrodden and the dispossessed get year’s 60,000 Cr. The allocation
reflected in the way in which they cut short the to coir board has come down
allocation meant for MNREGP. from last year’s Rs. 3 Cr to 1 Cr,
this year. Rubber Board, Bam-
bowl for food grains. The centre prived of the assistance was boo Mission etc. are the other
never addressed this question. Kerala, despite Kerala being a organisations that suffer heavy
deficit state. It was because of loss due to the reduction policy
In 1970’s more than five items that refusal to allocate special of the Centre.
from the state list were unilateral- amount that the accumulation of
ly shifted by the centre, to the list deficit in Kerala’s economy rose Though the state has been
of additional excise duty, by ef- to alarming levels. Yet another seeking special assistance for
fecting an amendment in central factor to be borne in mind is that the setting up of an Ayurveda
fiscal acts, and the state of ours is the state which contrib- Research Institute, the budget
Kerala has been suffering a lot utes greatly to foreign exchange does not have even a mention of
since then, as it took away its reserve, by way of immense it. Despite the fact that the state
rights to tax on those items and contribution of migrant labour chose to acquire and hand over
accrue revenue. In this case also, ranging from Gulf countries to 200 acres of land in Kozhikode
an assurance was given by the the United States. for the setting up of a medical
then Prime Minister on the floor institute at par with AIIMS, even
of the Lok Sabha that the centre All these go to prove beyond token allocation is not ear-
would make up the loss. But the doubt that Kerala deserves a marked in the budget. Doubling
Centre did never keep its word. rightful treatment, if not a special of railway lines, further electrifi-
On an average, state loses Rs. treatment. However, it is rather cation of railway lines, extension
5000 crore a year, since then. unfortunate that the budgets of lines, survey, extension of
never pay heed to what we Chennai - Bangalore industrial
In 1990’s the union government demand. The main demands of corridor to Cochin are the other
as per the recommendations of a Kerala such as AIIMS, Railway prominent demands which have
finance commission, extended Zone, full fledged coach factory, been ignored. No rescue pack-
special assistance to deficit increased allocation to public age is planned for Kerala in the
states to bridge the gap and sector institution etc. do not aftermath of the devastating
make the economy ‘0’ deficit. figure anywhere in the budget. It floods. Taking into consideration,
The only state which was de- is to be noted that Kerala is the the aspect of high rate of infla-
tion, one can notice that what-
ever is allocated is too meagre,
The scant regard with which the present dispensation
even to keep the projects afloat.
There is no justification for the
treats the weaker section gets proved in the lowered
cut down of allocation to Cochin figures or the stagnant figures allocated for them. Though
Port Trust and Shipyard from women were quite hopeful, when Nirmala Sitharaman
Rs. 660 Cr to 495 Cr, and Rs. assumed office as the first woman finance minister, they
67 Cr to 46 Cr respectively. The were shocked as she brought down the expenditure on
non inclusion of Malabar Cancer women from 5.1% to 4.9% of the total budget.
Centre in the ‘Rashtriya Arogya
Nidhi’ also is unfortunate. The budget serves the pur- state which allocated more than
pose of the corporates and the what they should get as per the
The Union Budget is inflationary multinational institutions which percentage share of their
and detrimental to the economy eat into the vitals of the nation population.
of this country and people as and leaves no stone unturned in
a whole. The crony capitalism the process of financial invasion It is unfortunate that there has
driven fiscal policy gets reflected on the lines of late capitalism. been a decline in central allo-
in the reduction of corporate The pro-corporate reforms an- cation for umbrella schemes for
tax and the annual writing off of nounced by the Finance Minister, Scheduled Castes by Rs. 2,000
NPA, which the corporates owe the never ending spree of disin- Cr. There has been no increase
to the exchequer. The budget vestment, the opening up of the in the allocation for minorities,
is a mere statement of receipts flood gates of core markets for and it speaks volumes of their
and expenditure, rather than a FDI, and the silence maintained attitude towards the minority
statement of fiscal policy which on the problems of the common sections. Nirbhaya Fund too
would defend India from the in- people including the farmers and does not get any increases in
vasion of the trends of recession, the unemployed unequivocally this budget. At a time when sub-
and help to hide over the crisis in betray the fact that the govern- sidies should go up, the budget
which India has landed. ment sides with the finance forc- ensures its stagation at last
es, particularly the corporates, year’s level.
It seems, the Union Finance who brought the NDA dispensa-
Minister is on a disinvestment tion back to power. The main feature of this year’s
spree, as she has put its target budget is that the FM chose
on Rs. 1,05,000 Cr for the year The scant regard with which the to conceal the real figures and
2019-20. In 2018-19 the dis- present dispensation treats the actuals, between the lines and
investment was to the tune of weaker section gets proved in leave even the economists in the
Rs. 80,000 Cr only. One cannot the lowered figures or the stag- dark, by maintaining some sort
but say that the hallmark of this nant figures allocated for them. of a secrecy, so as to hide the
year’s budget is disinvestment Though women were quite ways in which she is going to
which scales further heights. hopeful, when Nirmala Sithara- mobilise the funds for the
man assumed office as the first implementation of the budget. In
Only a nominal increase is effect- woman finance minister, they a democracy this goes against
ed on capital expenditure and were shocked as she brought the very concept of ethics,
it means that the development down the expenditure on women transparency and accountability,
along with growth will come to a from 5.1% to 4.9% of the total as even the members of
grinding halt. The capital expen- budget. parliament are not aware of
diture registers only a marginal the real accounts. The sum
increase from Rs. 3,16,623 Cr The same mental makeup is all total of the budget, against this
in 2018-19 to Rs. 3,38,569 Cr the more evident in the allocation background is sheer scheming,
in 2019-20, which denotes no to SC-ST, Nirbhaya Scheme etc. coupled with pro-corporate
increase, if considered against too. The allocation for SC-ST manipulation of figures.
the background of the rocketing continues to be less than their
rates of inflation. share in the population. It is to
be noted that Kerala is the only
[email protected] KERALA CALLING JUNE 2019 53
Beaming with happiness
IAS topper Sreedhanya is getting congratulated by
Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan
Credit: Kerala State Civil Service Academy


Kerala About To Revolutionise
Its Roads With E-Vehicles
The Evolve - e mobility Expo held at Kochi showcased manifold e-vehicles rang-
ing from scooters to buses. Thus, Kerala becomes a paragon of excellence for
other states in India by introducing e- mobility on its roads on a larger scale in
the short run. Many activities are being conducted across the State for creating a
favourable ambience in implementing the Government’s e- vehicle policy.

The Government organisation, Kerala Automobiles Ltd (K.A.L), made electric auto
rickshaws for the first time in the country. It will also make electric buses for
KSRTC in collaboration with the Swiss firm HESS. The MoU for this was ex-
changed between K.A.L and HESS.
Kerala Calling RNI 35991/1980 Postal Registraton: KL/TV(N)/104/2018-20 Date of Publication : 01. 07. 2019
Price: ` 12 WPP No. : KL/TV(N)/WPP/148/2018-20

Printed and Published by U.V JOSE I A S, Director, Information & Public Relations Department on behalf of Government of Kerala and
Printed at Orange Printers Pvt.Ltd., Thiruvananthapuram and published at Publication Wing, Information & Public Relations Department,
Government Secretariat Annexe, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. Editor-in-Chief : U.V JOSE I A S

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