Tea Write Up Manuf Final

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Group 1 – Gumamela Rose Mint Tea


Gumamela (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

It is an erect, much-branched, glabrous shrub, 1 to 4
meters high. Leaves are glossy green, ovate,
acuminate, pointed, coarsely-toothed, 7 to 12
centimeters long, alternate, stipulate. Flowers are
solitary, axillary, very large, about 10 centimeters long,
and 12 centimeters in diameter.

Plant Part Used Function

Flowers Flavanoids and proanthocyanidins which are
• Helps lower cholesterol antioxidant, antipyretic,analgesic and
level spasmolytic.
• Constipation Roots Expectorant
Leaves Laxative, leaves extract can treat skin
• Anti-inflammatory Effects
conditions like boils, sunburn, acne and other
• Anti-pyretic skin disease.
Seeds Stimulant
• Antioxidant Properties
Bark Emmenagogue (stimulates or increases
• Antimicrobial Effect menstrual flow.)
• Promotes weight loss
• Anti-Cancer
Dry Process:
1. For the dried gumamela, first collect the flower. Wash, then cut into small pieces
and sun dry. To use as decoction, boil the parts of gumamela that was dried (1/4
cup dried gumamela in 1 glass of water).

Collection of the Plant Sun Drying Process Dried Plant

Rose (Rosa gallica)

Roses are erect, climbing, or trailing shrubs, the stems of which

are usually copiously armed with prickles of various shapes and
sizes, commonly called thorns. The leaves are alternate and
pinnately compound (i.e., feather-formed), usually with oval
leaflets that are sharply toothed. The flowers of wild roses usually
have five petals, whereas the flowers of cultivated roses are often
double (i.e., with multiple sets of petals). Rose flowers’ size
ranges from tiny miniatures 1.25 cm (0.5 inch) in diameter
to hybrid flowers measuring more than 17.5 cm (7 inches) across.
The rose plant’s fleshy, sometimes edible, berrylike “fruit”
(actually the floral cup) is known as a hip and usually ranges from
red to orange in colour.

Benefits/Uses: Part Used Function

●Soothes skin irritation Natural Skin Cleanser, Natural Wound
●Soothes sore throats Flower Recovery, Soothe A Sore Throat, mildly mildly
●Reduces skin redness sedative, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-
●Helps prevent and treats parasitic. They're also mild laxatives, a good
infections supportive tonic for the heart, and great for
●Contains antioxidants lowering cholesterol
●Heals cuts, scars, and burns High vitamin C content, rose hips contain vitamins A,
●Enhances mood Hips B3, D, and E. source of bioflavonoids, flavonoids,
●Relieves headaches fructose, citric acid, and zinc.
●Has anti-aging properties Rosewater is made from pure rose oil and water, and
●Soothes digestion problems Oil is used for skin treatments to smooth and moisturize
the skin, and to relieve skin irritations.

Dry Process:
1. Choose roses with the best blooms for drying.
2. Trim the rose stems.
3. Tie rose stems together with a rubber band.
4. String a clothesline in a cool, dark place.
5. Attach your roses to a hanger.
6. Hang the roses on the line for 2-3 weeks.
7. Preserve the roses with hairspray.

Collection of the Plant Air Drying Process Dried Plant


Mint – (Mentha)
Perennial, erect, branching stem to 2 feet tall.
Opposite leaves finely toothed. Leaves and leaf
margins smoother than spearmint leaves.
Leaves have short stems. Purple to pink tubular
flowers in terminal spikes, interrupted whorls.
Distinct minty smell. It is found near houses,
garden escapes.

Benefits/Uses: Part Used: Function:

Leaves Mouth freshener, Treat asthma, Allergy and hay
 For allergy fever, prevent respiratory disorder, aid in
 Antioxidant digestion and skin care
 Colds Oil Scent in perfumery
 Indigestion & gas
 Gastric ulcer
 Flavorant
 Pain relief
 Irritable bowel

Dry Process:
1. Dry the mint well using paper towels or other absorbent towels.
2. Carefully remove the leaves from the stems when the mint is dry.
3. Place the leaves on a cookie sheet in a single layer.
4. Warm them in the oven at 180 F or 80 C for two hours
5. check them to see if they've dried out completey.
Collection of Plants Oven Drying Process Dried Plant

Grinding Process After Drying Samples:

1. Herbal Plants Were Placed into a Grinder for 1-2 minutes
2. Pulverized
3. Then stored for weighing and packaging.
o Desiccants were used in the containers for storage

Equipment used: Grinder Herbal Plant After

Herbal Plant Before


Gumamela Rose Mint Tea

Packaging Process:

1. Herbal Plants were measured by parts and mixed into a container

2. Weighed for 5g for each
3. Packed into tea bag and sealed & Placed into a second teabag
4. Closed the tea bag,
5. Finally, Added String and Label
Group 1 – Gumamela Rose Mint Tea
Net Weight: 5g per Teabag
Total Amount: 5 Teabags
Formulation: Weighing
2 parts - Gumamela #1 – 5.1078g
2 part – Rose #2 – 5.0734g
1 part - Mint #3 – 5.0578g
5 Parts = 5 Grams #4 – 5.0221g
1 Parts = 1 Gram #5 – 5.0689g
Total Weight: 25.33g (Ave Wt.: 5.066g)



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