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Technical Data 4016TAG1A
4000 Series 4016TAG2A
Diesel Engine - Electrounit Emission compliant engines

Basic technical data Ratings

Number of cylinders .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 16 Steady state speed stability at constant load . ... ... ... ... ...± 0,25%
Cylinder arrangement ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 60° Vee Electrical ratings are based on average alternator efficiency and
Cycle . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..4 stroke, compression ignition are for guidance only (0,8 power factor being used).
Induction system ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...Turbocharged
Compression ratio . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..13,6:1 nominal Operating point
Bore... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 160 mm Engine speed . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1500 rev/min
Stroke ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 190 mm Static injection timing.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... see below
Cubic capacity... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..61,123 litres Cooling water exit temp.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .<93 °C
Direction of rotation ... ... ... ... ... Anti-clockwise viewed on flywheel
Firing order ... ... 1A,1B,3A,3B,7A,7B,5A,5B,8A,8B,6A,6B,2A,2B,4A,4B
Fuel data
To conform to BS2869 class A1, A2.
Cylinders 1 are furthest from flywheel.
Cylinders designated ‘A’ are on the left side of the engine Performance
when viewed from the front (opposite end to flywheel)
Estimated sound pressure level 1500 rev/min ... ... ... 106/112 dBA
Total weight Electrounit (engine only) ... ... ... ... ... ... (dry) 5570 kg Note: All data based on operation to ISO 3046/1, BS 5514 and
.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (wet) 5847 kg DIN 6271 standard reference conditions.
Overall dimensions ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...Height 2128 mm
.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. Length 3302 mm Test conditions
.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Width 1723 mm Air temperature... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...25 °C
Moment of inertia .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...Engine 11,15 kgm2 Barometric pressure ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...100 kPa
.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..Flywheel 9,57 kgm2 Relative humidity ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .30%
Cyclic irregularity for engine/flywheel (Prime power): Air inlet restriction at maximum power (nominal) ... ... ... ... 2,5 kPa
4016TAG1A ... 1500 rev/min. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,300 Exhaust back pressure (nominal)... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,0 kPa
4016TAG2A ... 1500 rev/min. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,277

General installation 4016TAG1A

Spill timing 12°
50Hz 1500 rev/min 60Hz 1800 rev/min
Designation Units Continuous Prime Standby Continuous Prime Standby
Baseload Power Maximum Baseload Power Maximum
Gross engine power kWb 1270 1588 1741 - - -
Fan power kWm 51 - - -
Net engine power kWm 1219 1537 1690 - - -
BMEP gross bar 16,6 20,8 22,8 - - -
Combustion air flow 3 107 132 140 - - -
m /min
Exhaust gas temperature max (after turbo) °C 400 460 - - -
Exhaust gas flow max (after turbo) 3 252 353 - - -
m /min
Boost pressure ratio max (after turbo) - 3,0 3,30 3,50 - - -
Mechanical efficiency % 88 91 92 - - -
Overall thermal efficiency % 41 41 41 - - -
Friction power and pumping losses kWm 160 - - -
Mean piston speed m/s 9,5 - - -
Engine coolant flow (min) l/s 19 - - -
Typical Genset electrical output kVA 1463 1844 2028 - - -
0,8 pf 25 °C (100 kPa) kWe 1170 1476 1622 - - -
Assumed alternator efficiency % 96 - - -
General installation 4016TAG2A
Spill timing 14°
50Hz 1500 rev/min 60Hz 1800 rev/min
Designation Units Continuous Prime Standby Continuous Prime Standby
Baseload Power Maximum Baseload Power Maximum
Gross engine power kWb 1413 1766 1890 - - -
Fan power kWm 51 - - -
Net engine power kWm 1362 1715 1839 - - -
BMEP gross bar 18,5 23,1 25,4 - - -
Combustion air flow 3 117 137 145 - - -
m /min
Exhaust gas temperature max (after turbo) °C 450 493 - - -
Exhaust gas flow (max) m3/min 275 393 - -
Boost pressure ratio - 3,0 3,49 3,80 - - -
Mechanical efficiency % 88 92 92 - - -
Overall electrical efficiency % 41 40 40 - - -
Friction power and pumping losses kWm 160 - - -
Mean piston speed m/s 9,5 - -
Engine coolant flow (min) l/s 19 - -
Typical Genset electrical output kVA 1634 2058 2206 - - -
0,8 pf 25 °C (100 kPa) kWe 1307 1646 1765 - - -
Assumed alternator efficiency % 96 - - -

Note: Not to be used for CHP design purposes. (Indicative figures only). Consult Perkins Engines Co. Ltd. Assumes complete combustion.
Continuous Baseload rating Power available for continuous full load operation. Prime Power rating is available for unlimited hours per
year with a variable load of which the average engine load factor is 80% of the published prime power rating. Standby Power rating is
for the supply of emergency power at variable load for the duration of the non-availability of the mains power supply. NO OVERLOAD
capacity is available at this rating. Engines must not be allowed to have facilities for parallel operation with the mains supply. This rating
should be applied only when reliable mains power is available. Should this not be the case then refer to Prime Power rating. A standby
rated engine should be sized for an average load factor of 80% based on published standby rating for 500 operating hours per year.
Standby ratings should never be applied except in true emergency power failure conditions.

On 16 cylinder engines used for baseload operation, the following items must be incorporated:
1. Auto lubricating oil pump (extra price, see options).
2. Centrifugal by-pass filter to be baseframe mounted (extra price, see options).
3. Electrically driven radiators on separate baseframe (customer supply).
4. Start/stop sequence as follows:

START - 4 minutes priming.

2 minutes start and no load 1500 rev/min.
Synchronise and ramp to full load over 3 minutes.

STOP - Ramp down to no load 1500 rev/min.

5 minutes no load and running.
Stop engine and run oil priming pump for 4 minutes.
Energy balance
Note: Not to be used for CHP design purposes. (Indicative figures only). Consult Perkins Engines Co. Ltd. Assumes complete combustion.
Spill timing 12°
1500 rev/min 1800 rev/min
Units Continuous Prime Standby Continuous Prime Standby
Baseload Power Maximum Baseload Power Maximum
Energy in fuel kWt 3200 3903 4347 - - -
Energy in power output (gross) kWb 1270 1588 1741 - - -
Energy to cooling fan kWm 51 51 51 - - -
Energy in power output (net) kWm 1219 1537 1690 - - -
Energy to exhaust kWt 947 1138 1289 - - -
Energy to coolant and oil kWt 520 580 629 - - -
Energy to radiation kWt 58 97 117 - - -
Energy to charge coolers kWt 405 500 571 - - -

Spill timing 14°
1500 rev/min 1800 rev/min
Units Continuous Prime Standby Continuous Prime Standby
Baseload Power Maximum Baseload Power Maximum
Energy in fuel kWt 3535 4514 4853 - - -
Energy in power output (gross) kWb 1413 1766 1890 - - -
Energy to cooling fan kWm 51 51 51 - - -
Energy in power output (net) kWm 1362 1715 1839 - - -
Energy to exhaust kWt 1048 1346 1513 - - -
Energy to coolant and oil kWt 550 677 690 - - -
Energy to radiation kWt 68 130 150 - - -
Energy to charge coolers kWt 456 595 610 - - -
Cooling system Lubrication system
Recommended coolant: 50% inhibited ethylene glycol or 50% Recommended lubricating oil to conform with the specification of
inhibited propylene glycol and 50% clean fresh water. For API CG4.
combined heat and power systems and where there is no likelihood Lubricating oil capacity:
of ambient temperatures below 10 °C then clean ‘soft’ water may Sump maximum . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 214 litres
be used, treated with 1% by volume of Perkins inhibitor in the Sump minimum .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 147 litres
cooling system. The inhibitor is available in bottles under Perkins Lubricating oil temperature maximum to bearings . ... ... ... .105 °C
Part No. 21825 735. Lubricating oil pressure at 80 °C temperature
Maximum jacket water pressure in crankcase .. ... ... ... ... .. 1,7 bar to bearing gallery (minimum) .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0,34 MPa

The following is a guide based on ambient air conditions of 52 °C 1500 1500

on a Perkins supplied radiator. Oil consumption Units rev/min rev/min
Total coolant capacity: 4016TAG1A 4016TAG2A
Electrounit (engine only) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .95 litres
After running-in* g/kWhr 0,50 0,52
ElectropaK (engine/radiator) . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...316 litres
Pressure cap setting . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0,69 bar Oil flow rate from pump I/s 6,70 6,70
Fan ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Incorporated in radiator *Typical after 250 hours
Diameter ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1905 mm (pusher) Sump drain plug tapping size . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... G1
Ambient cooling clearance (open ElectropaK Prime power) based Oil pump speed and
on air temperature at fan 3 °C above ambient. method of drive... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,4 x e rev/min, gear driven
Oil pump flow 1500 rev/min ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..6,70 litres/sec
4016TAG1A Shutdown switch setting. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,93 bar falling
Maximum additional restriction (duct allowance) to cooling Normal operating angles
airflow (Prime power) and resultant minimum airflow Fore and aft ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5°
Ambient clearance Duct allowance Min airflow Side tilt ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 10°
50% glycol mm H20 m3/min Fuel system
rev/min rev/min rev/min Recommended fuel ... . To conform to BS2869 1998 Class A1, A2
Type of injection system . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Direct injection
1500 1800 1500 1800 1500 1800
Fuel injection pump ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Combined unit injector
52 °C - 17 - 2394 - Fuel injector ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Combined unit injector
Fuel injector opening pressure ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 234 bar
4016TAG2A Fuel lift pump.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Tuthill TCH 5
Maximum additional restriction (duct allowance) to cooling Delivery/hour at 1500 rev/min ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1380 litres
airflow (Prime power) and resultant minimum airflow Delivery/hour at 1800 rev/min ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. N/A
Heat retained in fuel to tank ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...12,0 kW
Ambient clearance Duct allowance Min airflow
Temperature of fuel at lift pump to be less than . ... ... ... ... .. 58 °C
50% glycol mm H20 m3/min
Fuel lift pump pressure ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .3,0 bar
rev/min rev/min rev/min Fuel lift pump maximum suction head ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2,5 m
1500 1800 1500 1800 1500 1800 Fuel lift pump maximum pressure head (see Installation Manual)
Fuel filter spacing ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 18 microns
52 °C - 15 - 2430 -
Governor type. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Electronic
Torque at the governor output shaft ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,631 kgm
Coolant pump speed and
Static injection timing . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... See engine number plate
method of drive . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..1,4 x e rev/min, gear driven
Tolerance on fuel consumption .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .+5%
Maximum static pressure head on pump
above engine crank centre line . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 m 4016TAG1A
Maximum external permissible restriction Fuel consumption (gross)
to coolant pump flow . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 20 kPa Designation g/kWh Litres/hr
Thermostat operating range.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 71-85 °C
Shutdown switch setting ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...96 °C rising rev/min 1500 1800 1500 1800
Coolant immersion heater capacity... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 kW x 2 At Standby Max power rating 210 - 430 -
At Prime Power rating 208 - 389 -
1500 1800
Jacket cooling water data Units At Continuous Baseload rating 206 - 308
rev/min rev/min
Coolant flow l/s 19 - At 75% of Prime Power rating 205 - 287 -
Coolant exit temperature (max) °C 93 - At 50% of Prime Power rating 205 - 191 -
Coolant entry temperature (min) °C 70 - At 25% of Prime Power rating 222 - 104 -
Coolant entry temperature (max) °C 80 -
Fuel consumption (gross)
Designation g/kWh Litres/hr
rev/min 1500 1800 1500 1800
At Standby Max power rating 216 - 488 -
At Prime Power rating 213 - 447 -
At Continuous Baseload rating 210 - 349 -
At 75% of Prime Power rating 209 - 326 -
At 50% of Prime Power rating 204 - 212 -
At 25% of Prime Power rating 216 - 112 -
Induction system Starting requirements
Maximum air intake restriction of engine:
Clean filter.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 127 mm H20 Temperature
Dirty filter ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 380 mm H20 range
Air filter type ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... MF&T 5000-00-00 Oil: SAE 30
Starter: 2 x 24V
Exhaust system Battery: 4 x 12 volts x 286 Ah
Maximum back pressure for total system at standby max power Range
Max breakaway current: 2000 amps
Down to 0 °C
Cranking current: 957 amps
1500 1800 (32 °F)
Designation Units Aids: Not necessary
rev/min rev/min
Starter cable size: 120 mm
4016TAG1A mm H20 949 - Maximum length: 6m
4016TAG2A mm H20 673 -

Exhaust outlet flange size .. ... ... ... ... ... ... . 2 x 254 mm (table ‘D’) Notes:
For recommended pipe sizes refer to Installation Manual. l Battery capacity is defined by the 20 hour rate at 0 °C.

Electrical system
l The oil specification should be for the minimum ambient
temperature as the oil will not be warmed by the immersion
Type ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Insulated return
Alternator ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 volts with integral regulator
Alternator output ... ... ... 40 amps at a stabilised output 28 volts at l Breakaway current is dependent on battery capacity available.
20 °C ambient Cables should be capable of handling the transient current
Starter motor .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 volts which may be up to double the steady cranking current.
Starter motor power ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 16,4 kW
Number of teeth on flywheel .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 156
Number of teeth on starter motor... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12
Minimum cranking speed at 0 °C ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 120 rev/min
Pull-in current of each starter
motor solenoid ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 30 amps at 24 volts
Hold-in current of each starter
motor solenoid ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 amps at 24 volts
Engine stop solenoid.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 volts
Pull-in current of stop solenoid... ... ... ... ... ... . 60 amps at 24 volts
Hold-in current of stop solenoid . ... ... ... ... ... 1,1 amps at 24 volts

Engine mounting
Position of centre of gravity (wet engine)
forward from rear face of crankcase .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 1117 mm
Engine vertical centre line above crankshaft centre line ... . 50 mm
Maximum additional load applied to flywheel
due to all rotating components... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 850 kg
GA Drawing
Load acceptance (cold)

1500 rev/min

Initial load application Second load application

when engine reaches rated speed immediately after engine has recovered to rated speed
(15 seconds max after engine starts to crank) (5 seconds after initial load application)
Load Transient Frequency Load Transient Frequency
Prime power Prime power
kWm/kWe frequency recovery kWm/kWe frequency recovery
deviation time deviation time
% %
% seconds % seconds
67 1030/989 < -10 5 33 307/487 < -10 5

1500 rev/min

Initial load application Second load application

when engine reaches rated speed immediately after engine has recovered to rated speed
(15 seconds max after engine starts to crank) (5 seconds after initial load application)
Load Transient Frequency Load Transient Frequency
Prime power Prime power
kWm/kWe frequency recovery kWm/kWe frequency recovery
deviation time deviation time
% %
% seconds % seconds
57 978/938 < -10 5 43 737/708 < -10 5

Above complies with requirements of Classifications 3 & 4 of ISO 8528-12 and G2 operating limits stated in ISO 8528-5.
The above figures were obtained under test conditions as follows:
Engine block temperature .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...45 °C
Alternator efficiency ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 96%
Minimum ambient temperature .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...10 °C
Isochronous governing.
Under Frequency Roll Off (UFRO) set to 1 Hz below rated frequency.
Typical alternator inertia. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 50 kgm2

All tests were conducted using an engine which was installed and serviced to Perkins Engines Company Limited recommendations.

Emissions chart
Spill timing 12°
@ 50 Hz conform to
German German German French Limits French Limits
Rating TA-Luft ½ TA-Luft TA-Luft 2000 @ <500 1500 @ >500
1 to 3 MW Limit @ >3 MW Limit @ >3 MW hours/year hours/year
Baseload N/A No Yes Yes No
Prime power N/A N/A Yes Yes No
Standby N/A N/A Yes Yes No

Spill timing 14°
@ 50 Hz conform to
German German German French Limits French Limits
Rating TA-Luft ½ TA-Luft TA-Luft 2000 @ <500 1500 @ >500
1 to 3 MW Limit @ >3 MW Limit >@ 3 MW hours/year hours/year
Baseload N/A No Yes Yes No
Prime power N/A N/A Yes Yes No
Standby (107%) N/A N/A Yes Yes No
4000 Series Emission compliant engines

Noise level
The figures for total noise levels are typical for an engine running at Prime Power rating in a semi-reverberant environment and measured
at a distance of one metre from the periphery of the engine.

Octave analysis
The following histograms show an octave band analysis at the position of the maximum noise level.

Total noise level

Sound pressure level re: -20 x 10-6 pa.
Speed 1500 r/min......Ambient noise level 75 dBA.
Octave analysis performed at the position of maximum noise.

TAG1A - 106 dBA
TAG2A - 107 dBA
TAG1A - 111 dBA F TAG1A - 112 dBA
TAG2A - 112 dBA TAG2A - 111 dBA

TAG1A - 111 dBA TAG1A - 111 dBA
TAG2A - 111 dBA TAG2A - 111 dBA


TAG1A - 111 dBA TAG1A - 110 dBA

TAG2A - 111 dBA R TAG2A - 111 dBA

4016TAG1A 4016TAG2A

The information given on technical data sheets is for standard ratings only. For ratings other than shown contact Perkins
Engines Company Limited, Stafford.

Publication No. TSL4258, Issue 1, August 2002. Printed in England. © Perkins Engines Company Limited.

-;HA?DI Distributed by

Perkins Engines Company Limited

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Telephone +44 (0)1785 223141
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All information in the document is substantially correct at the time

of printing but may be subsequently altered by the company.

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