Design and Implementation of Smart Home Environment System

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Pramana Research Journal ISSN NO: 2249-2976

Design And Implementation Of Smart Home Environment

M.Tech Student, Dept. of ECE, Vikas group of institutions, Nunna, Vijayawada, A.P
Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE, Vikas group of institutions, Nunna, Vijayawada, A.P

ABSTRACT: Automation is the current need of

smart environment. Various numbers of heterogeneity, interoperability, and
technologies are introduced for the purpose of controlling smart devices remotely from a
good automation. Here ARM based industry common platform. For example, in a smart
automation system using GSM communication home, a user may like to control all the
is presented. In this proposed system we use smart appliances with a single remote or
centralized controller, sensors and relays.
interface without using multiple
Centralized module is the main unit which
controlling mechanisms for different
collects the information from sensors and
sends information to the end user using GSM devices.A device registers the device and
communication. The temperature and gas driver service with specific attributes
sensors are also used in this system. The ARM which are used to match services. Context
is used as monitoring and controlling unit for service provides a mechanism in which
different parameters. To control the process in acquiring contexts is distributed to all the
Real- Time, samples are dumped in to ARM smart home nodes which have some
controller. By using Embedded C language context providers and processing context is
ARM is programmed. The output is displayed located on the central smart home node
on the LCD display. which contains the context model and
KEY WORDS: Internet of Things, service rules. Workflow engine service and unit
Composition, smart factory, smart home, web registry service let context applications
of things separate business logic and
I.INTRODUCTION implementation and execute their
Things are physical objects with sensors processes on any smart home nodes.
that are interconnected with each other to
form an extensive global network. In Along with the growth of the smartphone,
framework, things communicate with each a large number of embedded devices have
other with minimal requirements of human been developed to provide various
interaction. The Machine-to-Machine services. Especially, the smart home, smart
interaction enhances human experience city, smart health care and smart car
and acts as a backbone of IoT paradigm. services have been receiving the spotlight
With the advancement in IoT, already throughout the society in recent years. For
several start-ups and corporations have this reason, various sensors, small
realized the potentials of a smart home and embedded devices and home appliances
have been studied and developed
are manufacturing starter kits and smart
continuously through several companies,
appliances. However, most of the available
universities and research institutions. And
products are vendor specific, using then they have been gradually
propriety architectures, operating Systems, intellectualized in order to provide smart
and communication standards. As the services to the users. However, an
demand for smart device increases, it leads increment phenomenon of user privacy
to the introduction of new challenges like

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Pramana Research Journal ISSN NO: 2249-2976

data leakage and security vulnerability mindful technique. In view of the lower re-
should not be overlooked in the IoT usability of these techniques, individuals
(Internet of Things) environment. A built up some tool boxes to make the
number of significant research needs, setting mindful applications all the more
including security and privacy, for future effectively. A work process show for
IoT systems is described and the general business benefits in conventional
definitions for the main security aspects disseminated figuring conditions can be
within the IoT domain was depicted. If the connected as an administration model to
service infrastructure is designed without interface administrations with others
considering predictable security flaws, related in omnipresent registering
user privacy data leakage, social situations and expedited benefit streams.
infrastructure paralysis, and economic Contrasted and customary conveyed
losses as well as a risk of human life as processing conditions, work process
severe cases can be occurred by the attacks benefits in pervasive registering conditions
of outsiders with malicious purpose. To must choose an administration progress as
establish the service infrastructure that indicated by the client's circumstance data
provides security features, it is necessary that is powerfully created from different
to define the appropriate security features sensors in universal situations. Typically
required for each component that make up in the omnipresent figuring situations, the
the service infrastructure. In addition, data progressively happens, and every now
various services require a different security and again changes an underlying condition
issue that is suitable for individual for administration executions. Be that as it
characteristics. For example, data (e.g. may, the current work process frameworks
user’s privacy data) security is essential to can't make a difference the progressively
the intelligent transportation service and happened changes into a continuous
intelligent medical service, while administration work process. Along these
authentication scheme is more important in lines, when changes of a client's
the case of smart city and intelligent farm administration demand or his circumstance
services. Therefore, we should carefully data happen progressively, we require a
scrutinize the security requirements and strategy that can reapply the adjustments in
necessity for a specific IoT services. a situation and supply a setting mindful
administration journalist with the changes.
The essence of pervasive computing With the advent of the information era,
processing depicted by Mark Weiser is to people have increasingly high demand for
improve the earth by installing numerous home environment. Not only fond of
PCs that are nimbly coordinated with comfort, people also require a smart home
human clients. To accomplish the system which is both intelligent and
objective of inescapable figuring, informatization. The appearance of the
applications should be setting mindful. Internet of things accelerates the
The advancement of setting figuring improvement of the smart home system. In
contains three phases, specially appointed the environment of smart home, many
strategy, toolbox technique and framework intelligent objects can communicate with
technique. In the phase of specially each other, which is just the meaning of
appointed strategy, analysts regularly things connected by Internet. In recent
assembled setting mindful frameworks for years, the conception of smart home
every application. Dynamic gave the technology has been rooted among people
telephone redirection benefit dependent on and many melding products have been into
the area of a man in an office. The Cool markets. Because of the lack of unified
town venture of HP is an electronic setting standards, though many products have

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completed all-IP in the whole system, the requested object. Since a target object is a
control part is not good enough: some smart item with an RFID tag, the smart
systems can only work in LAN (Local devices such as a smart table, a smart
Area Network), not in WAN (Wide Area shelf, and a smart bookcase can detect the
Network); and some are equipped with presence of requested items around them.
control function in WAN, but cost a lot Once detected the RIFD code of the smart
resulting from analysing IP address item is transferred to the home server
provided by manufacturers or choosing through wireless networks. If the master
routers with the function of dynamic name issues a command “Fetch me my cup,” the
server. At the same time, the servers robot sends a request for the position of
provided by manufacturers are not stable the cup to the home server. The home
enough, which results in problems in the server searches for the status information
whole system. This paper designs and of the device and then sends the position
implements a control system in the smart data to the robot. After downloading the
home system of transplanting which is data from the home server, the robot
dynamic name server software into the moves to the place where the target object
core controller based on ARM. is laid, grasps, brings it to the master.
(3) Security service scenario: This scenario
III. SERVICES IN SMART HOME deals with intelligent services carried out
ENVIRONMENT by a communication between smart
For implementing the proposed devices. When an intruder is detected by a
framework, we consider a common smart security sensor, this event is
platform that can communicate with immediately reported to the home server.
different home equipment, irrespective of The home server makes the robot move to
underlying communication protocol and a position where the sensor detects the
the operating system. To bring all these intruder. After the robot moves to the
heterogeneous home appliances from sensor it turns on the smart lamp and
various manufacturers under one roof, we video-capture the scene. If the intruder is
need to integrate their embedded. We detected, the recorded clips are transmitted
select three target scenarios for according to the master’s request.
experiments that provide residents with
reliable services in our smart environment IV. EXISTED SYSTEM
considering current technological progress. Building context-aware applications is as
(1) Cleaning up objects scenario: This yet unpredictable and tedious because of
scenario starts with cleaning up an untidy lacking infrastructure support. So a fine
living room in the morning by a service setting mindful framework can effectively
robot after the master goes to work. The diminish the multifaceted nature and time
robot should identify objects to arrange, to create setting mindful applications and
put them in order and traverse the room be effortlessly tweaked to different spaces
with the help of a position recognition by plug gable parts. The highlights of our
sensor installed on the ceiling of the room. home foundation incorporates a cosmology
It navigates within the room and identifies based on ontology based context model, a
the requested objects by using RFID workflow based programming model and a
signals, pick up, carry and put the object middle ware which coordinates setting and
down on the designated position. This work process offices to help assemble
scenario aims to intelligently execute setting mindful applications. We fabricate
given tasks such as putting clothes in a our home setting mindful work process
laundry bag, putting mugs in the sink, etc. demonstrate by utilize the foundation.
(2) Executing errands scenario: This In general, smart home system can be
scenario intends to identify and fetch a configured as shown in Figure 1. As

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Pramana Research Journal ISSN NO: 2249-2976

shown in Figure 1, smart home system below. Firstly oscillator will oppose the
consists of largely three components, home error signals and transmits the pure signals
server, home gateway, and smart home into the system. Power supply gives
devices. First, the home server provides sufficient power to operate the system. As
storage, integration and distribution we know that ARM processor is one of the
function of the information collected from family of CPU. ARM processor can
various media in the home as a kind of operate at a higher speed, performing more
computer device. millions of instructions per second. From
LCD display we can observe the output.
Temperature sensor is one of the important
parameter which will describes how hot or
cold a body is. Gas sensor is a device
which detects the presence of gas in an
area. These two devices plays important
role in entire operation. GSM (Global
System for Mobile communication) is an
open, advanced cell innovation utilized for
transmitting voice and information
Fig.1: Existed system services. GSM (Global System for Mobile
Next, the home gateway performs a relay communication) is a computerized cell that
function connect function between the is generally utilized in Europe and
subscriber access network and a different parts of the world. GSM utilizes a
wired/wireless home network. Finally, variety of Time Division Multiple Access
smart home devices can intelligently (TDMA) and is utilized of the three
provide the information exchange function advanced remote phone innovations
between the devices, and external internet (TDMA, GSM, and CDMA).
access function.
Here firstly, a power supply is given and
V. PROPOSED SYSTEM then system gets operated. Now the gas
sensor will oppose the dangerous gases
present in the air and temperature sensor
will cool the process if it gets overheated
as discussed earlier. The GSM module will
detects the location and send it to ARM
processor. After this entire process the
operation is performed according to the
given system and output is displayed in
LCD. Now, Security functions for the
smart home system components in
proposed system are given below:
In case of data communication between
devices as well as sending data to the
Fig. 2: Proposed system
outside, the transferring data should be
From above figure (2) we can observe the converted into cipher text form. That is,
block diagram of proposed system. The the data confidentiality should be
devices used in proposed system are GAS provided. And, we recommend to use
sensor, temperature sensor, oscillator, hardware security module to enhance
ARM processor, LCD display and GSM. security of device which has a
The descriptions of these devices are given specification capable of providing a

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Pramana Research Journal ISSN NO: 2249-2976

security feature by mounting a hardware

security module.

Low capacity smart home devices (e.g.,
tiny sensors and actuators, etc.) and a
home server can use the access control
function and mutual authentication
function provided by the home gateway. In
consideration of the device specification,
the critical data (user's privacy data, key
information, and access control
Authentication data, etc.) Should be stored Fig. 4: OUTPUT-2
securely using a hardware security module.
To defend cyber-attacks including hacking In this paper, we specifically proposed the
from the outside, the firmware integrity smart home system security requirements
verification feature should be provided. reflecting the environmental
Also, we recommend the integrity characteristics. Basically, a formal method
verification function having fast execution can provide the theoretical foundation for
speed and ease of implementation for a achieving high reliability in system
low capacity smart device. In case a secure property. Our framework is scalable, and
software update, verification of the new smart devices can easily integrate into
software update file and software update the smart home Environment. The
server should be provided. At last it can evaluation results show that the
say that compared to existed system, performance of the proposed framework is
proposed system gives effective results. better when compared to existed system.

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B.Tech in Nimra women’s college
of Engineering and M.Tech in
vikas group of institutions. Her
specialization is Digital
Electronics and Communications.

working as associate professor in
vikas group of institutions.

Volume 8, Issue 12, 2018 513

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